AP Human Geography – Coach Clendenin Name_____________________________________________ Unit Three: Language Chapter 5: Language (page 146) 1. Compare language and literary tradition?_language is a system of communication through speech__ and a literary tradition is system of written communication_____________________________________ 2. Define official language_The language used for government for laws, reports, and public objects such as road signs, money, and stamps__________________________________________________________ 3. What three topics are covered in this chapter? 3.a. _Where different languages are used___________________________________________________ 3.b._How languages can logically be grouped in space________________________________________ 3.c._Why languages have distinctive distributions____________________________________________ 4. Why are some languages (e.g. English) distributed throughout the world?_Interaction through_____ migration and isolation of Germans and Normans 1000 to 1500 years ago, and colonization and_______ globalization more recently_______________________________________________________________ Key Issue 1: Where Are English-Language Speakers Distributed? (page 147) 5. Contrast the distribution of Mandarin with the distribution of English.:_Mandarin is spoken by more people than any other language in the world, but English is spoken in more countries than any other in_ the world_____________________________________________________________________________ 6. List three regions of the world where English is an official language or is widely spoken (see map on page 138): 6.a._United Kingdom_____________________ 6.b._United States______________________________ 6.c._Canada____________________________ Australia 7. How did English become the language of England?_Invasion of Angles, Jutes, and Saxons (German),_ and later invasion of the Normans (France) The mingling of the two languages and relative isolation of__ England led to a new language called English_________________________________________________ 8. Define the following: 8.a._ dialect_Regional variation of a language distinguished by distinctive vocabulary, spelling, and_____ pronunciation_________________________________________________________________________ 8.b._ standard language_A dialect that is well-established and widely recognized as the most acceptable for government, business, education, and mass communication_________________________________ 8.c._ British Received Pronunciation_Dialect of English spoken by upper-class Londoners, and British politicians, broadcasters, and actors. Recognized as the standard form of British speech by most of the world________________________________________________________________________________ 9. What are the three main differences, according to your text, between British and American English? Give an example for each one: 9.a._Vocabulary:_words borrowed from Native-Americans such as moose, raccoon, chipmunk, canoe,__ moccasin, and squash___________________________________________________________________ 9.b._Spelling: Noah Webster created a uniquely American dictionary of words spelled differently than__ British words to help establish a national language different than Englands (ex; elimination of the “U”__ from words like honour and colour and substitution of “S” for “C” in words like defence)_____________ 9.c._Pronunciation: of letters like “a” and “r”. Words like fast, path, and half are pronounced like the___ /ah/ in father rathe than the /a/ in man_____________________________________________________ 10. Define isogloss and give an example:_A boundary that separates regions in which different_______ language usages predominate (ex; Northern, Midlands, and Southern United States)________________ 11. What is an example of a pronunciation difference in the U.S.?_In the South half and mine is divided into two syllables (“mi-yen” and “ha-af”)____________________________________________________ Key Issue 2: Why is English Related to Other Languages? (page 153) 12. Define each of the following and use English as an example for each one: 12.a._ Language Family_Collection of languages related through a common ancestor that existed long__ before recorded history (ex; Indo-European)_________________________________________________ 12.b._ Language Branch_A collection of languages related through a common ancestor that existed____ several thousand years ago (ex; English is part of the Germanic Branch)___________________________ 12.c._ Language Group_a collection of languages within a Branch that share a common origin in the____ relatively recent past (ex: West Germanic is the group within the Germanic Branch of the Indo-European language that English belongs to)__________________________________________________________ 13. What are the two most widely spoken languages of the Indo-Iranian Branch of the Indo-European Language Family? Where are they spoken? 13.a._Hindi: India_______________________________________________________________________ 13.b._Urdu: Pakistan____________________________________________________________________ 14. What are three other widely spoken languages of the Indo-Iranian language branch and where are they spoken? 14.a._Persian (Farsi): Iran________________________________________________________________ 14.b._Pathan: eastern Afghanistsn and western Pakistan_______________________________________ 14.c._Kurdish: western Iran, northern Iraq, and eastern Turkey__________________________________ 15. What is the most widely spoken language of the Balto-Slavic Branch? Where is it spoken? _Russian: Russia_______________________________________________________________________ 16. What are three languages of the East Slavic language branch and where are they spoken? 16.a. _Russian: Russia (second language in many countries of eastern Europe)______________________ 16.b. _Ukranian: Ukraine________________________________________________________________ 16.c. _Belorusian: Belorus_______________________________________________________________ 17. What are three languages of the West Slavic language branch and where are they spoken? 17.a. _Polish: Poland____________________________________________________________________ 17.b. _Czech: Czech Republic_____________________________________________________________ 17.c. _Slovak: Slovakia__________________________________________________________________ 18. What are two languages of the South Slavic language branch and where are they spoken? 18.a. _Serbo-Croatian: Serbia and Croatia__________________________________________________ 18.b. _Bulgarian: Bulgaria________________________________________________________________ 19. What are the four most widely used languages of the Romance Branch of the Indo-European Language Family? 19.a._Spanish__________________________________________________________________________ 19.b._French__________________________________________________________________________ 19.c._Italian___________________________________________________________________________ 19.d._Portugeuse______________________________________________________________________ 20. From where did the Romance languages originate?_From the Latin language spoken by the Romans over 2000 years ago_____________________________________________________________________ 21. How and to where did these languages diffuse?_With the rise of Rome and spread of the Roman__ empire_______________________________________________________________________________ 22. Define creole (creolized language):_Results from the mixing of a colonizers language with an______ indigenous language (ex; French Creole in Haiti)______________________________________________ 23. Where did the Indo-European language family originate?_The existence of a single ancestor called_ Proto-Indo-European which cannot be provenbecause it would have existed before recorded history,___ but seems evident from similarities in the physical attributes of words (common root meanings) among_ the various Indo-European languages_______________________________________________________ 24. Explain the two theories on how the Indo-European language diffused: 24.a. _Kurgan theory:_Military conquest from the Kurgan hearth north of the Caspian Sea___________ 24.b. _Anatolian theory:_Diffused with Agricultural innovations from the Anatolian Hearth in present__ day Turkey____________________________________________________________________________ Key Issue 3: Where Are Other Language Families Distributed ? (page 161) *Note: The entire reading is about the language tree on pages 164 & 165. 25. Below is a list of the six major language Families. What percentage of the world speaks a language of this family and where are these speakers primarily located? 25.a._ Indo European Family_50%_North and South America, Europe, Russia, Australia, and parts of the Middle East___________________________________________________________________________ 25.b.__ Sino-Tibetan Family_20%_East Asia (mostly China)_____________________________________ 25.c._ Afro Asiatic_5%_Middle East________________________________________________________ 25.d.__ Austonesian_5%_Southeast Asia___________________________________________________ 25.e._ Niger-Congo_5%_Africa____________________________________________________________ 25.f.__ Dravidian_5%_India______________________________________________________________ 26. Give an example language and where it is spoken for each of the following branches of the SinoTibetan Family. 26.a. _Sinitic_Mandarin: China___________________________________________________________ 26.b. _Austro-Thai_Thai and Lao: Thailand, Laos, and parts of Vietnam____________________________ 26.c. _Tibeto Burman_Burmese: Myanmar (Burma)__________________________________________ 27. Define ideogram and point out two languages that use them:_characters that represent sounds,__ ideas, and concepts_____________________________________________________________________ 27.a. _China___________________________________________________________________________ 27.b. _Japan___________________________________________________________________________ 28. Give an example language and where it is spoken for the following branch of the Afro-Siatic Family: 28.a._ Semetic_Arabic: Southwestern Asia and North Africa____________________________________ 29. Give an example language and where it is spoken for each of the following branches of the Uralic Family: 29.a._ Finnic_Finnish: Finland_____________________________________________________________ 29.b._ Ugric_Magyar: Hungary____________________________________________________________ 30. Give an example language and where it is spoken for the following branch of the Niger Congo Family: 30.a._ Benue-Congo_Swahili: Tanzania and eastern Africa_____________________________________ 31. Give an example language and where it is spoken for the Austronesian language family:_Malay_Indonesian: Indonesia (World’s fourth most populous country)_________________________________ 32. Explain how language has served as a divisive force in Nigeria:_None of its 200+ languages has____ widespread use leading to problems understanding each other, fighting, and calls from some cultural__ groups to secede. English is the official language of government and business for the convenience of___ conducting foreign affairs and trade________________________________________________________ Key Issue 4: Why Do People Preserve Local Languages? (page 167) 33. Give two examples of extinct languages: 33.a._Gothic__________________________________________________________________________ 33.b._Hebrew (being revived)_____________________________________________________________ 34. Give two reasons why languages decline: 34.a._political dominance________________________________________________________________ 34.b._cultural preference________________________________________________________________ 35. Explain two ways the problems faced by Belgium and Switzerland, two multilanguage states, are similar: 35.a._multiple languages are spoken in the countries_________________________________________ 35.b._Both have a very decentralized government and local authorities hold most power_____________ 36. Define isolated languages. A language unrelated to any other and therefore not attached to any___ language family________________________________________________________________________ Give one examples of an isolated language and where it is spoken: 36.a._Basque_Pyrenees Mountains between Spain and France__________________________________ 37. Define the following: 37.a. _lingua franca_A language of International communication like English. Mixing the elements of___ two languages into a common simple language to facilitate trade________________________________ 37.b. _pidgin languages_mixing a few words of their language with a lingua franca . It has no native____ speakers and is always spoken in addition to one’s own language. A simplified lingua franca__________ 37.c. _franglais_A combination of French and English or the introduction of English words like cowboy,_ hamburger, jeans, and T-shirt into the French language________________________________________ 38. Why are some people in France upset by the widespread use of English?_See it as a threat to the__ French language, pride, and identity________________________________________________________ 39. Define spanglish__The diffusion of English into the Spanish language_(ex; "Parquear" for "to park"), not just borrowing English words like is normally the case in franglais