AP Human Geography – Mr

AP Human Geography – Coach Clendenin
Unit Three: Language
Chapter 5: Language (page 146)
1. Compare language and literary tradition?_language is a system of communication through speech__
and a literary tradition is system of written communication_____________________________________
2. Define official language_The language used for government for laws, reports, and public objects such
as road signs, money, and stamps__________________________________________________________
3. What three topics are covered in this chapter?
3.a. _Where different languages are used___________________________________________________
3.b._How languages can logically be grouped in space________________________________________
3.c._Why languages have distinctive distributions____________________________________________
4. Why are some languages (e.g. English) distributed throughout the world?_Interaction through_____
migration and isolation of Germans and Normans 1000 to 1500 years ago, and colonization and_______
globalization more recently_______________________________________________________________
Key Issue 1: Where Are English-Language Speakers
Distributed? (page 147)
5. Contrast the distribution of Mandarin with the distribution of English.:_Mandarin is spoken by more
people than any other language in the world, but English is spoken in more countries than any other in_
the world_____________________________________________________________________________
6. List three regions of the world where English is an official language or is widely spoken (see map on
page 138):
6.a._United Kingdom_____________________ 6.b._United States______________________________
7. How did English become the language of England?_Invasion of Angles, Jutes, and Saxons (German),_
and later invasion of the Normans (France) The mingling of the two languages and relative isolation of__
England led to a new language called English_________________________________________________
8. Define the following:
8.a._ dialect_Regional variation of a language distinguished by distinctive vocabulary, spelling, and_____
8.b._ standard language_A dialect that is well-established and widely recognized as the most acceptable
for government, business, education, and mass communication_________________________________
8.c._ British Received Pronunciation_Dialect of English spoken by upper-class Londoners, and British
politicians, broadcasters, and actors. Recognized as the standard form of British speech by most of the
9. What are the three main differences, according to your text, between British and American English?
Give an example for each one:
9.a._Vocabulary:_words borrowed from Native-Americans such as moose, raccoon, chipmunk, canoe,__
moccasin, and squash___________________________________________________________________
9.b._Spelling: Noah Webster created a uniquely American dictionary of words spelled differently than__
British words to help establish a national language different than Englands (ex; elimination of the “U”__
from words like honour and colour and substitution of “S” for “C” in words like defence)_____________
9.c._Pronunciation: of letters like “a” and “r”. Words like fast, path, and half are pronounced like the___
/ah/ in father rathe than the /a/ in man_____________________________________________________
10. Define isogloss and give an example:_A boundary that separates regions in which different_______
language usages predominate (ex; Northern, Midlands, and Southern United States)________________
11. What is an example of a pronunciation difference in the U.S.?_In the South half and mine is divided
into two syllables (“mi-yen” and “ha-af”)____________________________________________________
Key Issue 2: Why is English Related to Other Languages?
(page 153)
12. Define each of the following and use English as an example for each one:
12.a._ Language Family_Collection of languages related through a common ancestor that existed long__
before recorded history (ex; Indo-European)_________________________________________________
12.b._ Language Branch_A collection of languages related through a common ancestor that existed____
several thousand years ago (ex; English is part of the Germanic Branch)___________________________
12.c._ Language Group_a collection of languages within a Branch that share a common origin in the____
relatively recent past (ex: West Germanic is the group within the Germanic Branch of the Indo-European
language that English belongs to)__________________________________________________________
13. What are the two most widely spoken languages of the Indo-Iranian Branch of the Indo-European
Language Family? Where are they spoken?
13.a._Hindi: India_______________________________________________________________________
13.b._Urdu: Pakistan____________________________________________________________________
14. What are three other widely spoken languages of the Indo-Iranian language branch and where are
they spoken?
14.a._Persian (Farsi): Iran________________________________________________________________
14.b._Pathan: eastern Afghanistsn and western Pakistan_______________________________________
14.c._Kurdish: western Iran, northern Iraq, and eastern Turkey__________________________________
15. What is the most widely spoken language of the Balto-Slavic Branch? Where is it spoken?
_Russian: Russia_______________________________________________________________________
16. What are three languages of the East Slavic language branch and where are they spoken?
16.a. _Russian: Russia (second language in many countries of eastern Europe)______________________
16.b. _Ukranian: Ukraine________________________________________________________________
16.c. _Belorusian: Belorus_______________________________________________________________
17. What are three languages of the West Slavic language branch and where are they spoken?
17.a. _Polish: Poland____________________________________________________________________
17.b. _Czech: Czech Republic_____________________________________________________________
17.c. _Slovak: Slovakia__________________________________________________________________
18. What are two languages of the South Slavic language branch and where are they spoken?
18.a. _Serbo-Croatian: Serbia and Croatia__________________________________________________
18.b. _Bulgarian: Bulgaria________________________________________________________________
19. What are the four most widely used languages of the Romance Branch of the Indo-European
Language Family?
20. From where did the Romance languages originate?_From the Latin language spoken by the Romans
over 2000 years ago_____________________________________________________________________
21. How and to where did these languages diffuse?_With the rise of Rome and spread of the Roman__
22. Define creole (creolized language):_Results from the mixing of a colonizers language with an______
indigenous language (ex; French Creole in Haiti)______________________________________________
23. Where did the Indo-European language family originate?_The existence of a single ancestor called_
Proto-Indo-European which cannot be provenbecause it would have existed before recorded history,___
but seems evident from similarities in the physical attributes of words (common root meanings) among_
the various Indo-European languages_______________________________________________________
24. Explain the two theories on how the Indo-European language diffused:
24.a. _Kurgan theory:_Military conquest from the Kurgan hearth north of the Caspian Sea___________
24.b. _Anatolian theory:_Diffused with Agricultural innovations from the Anatolian Hearth in present__
day Turkey____________________________________________________________________________
Key Issue 3: Where Are Other Language Families Distributed ?
(page 161) *Note: The entire reading is about the language tree on
pages 164 & 165.
25. Below is a list of the six major language Families. What percentage of the world speaks a language
of this family and where are these speakers primarily located?
25.a._ Indo European Family_50%_North and South America, Europe, Russia, Australia, and parts of the
Middle East___________________________________________________________________________
25.b.__ Sino-Tibetan Family_20%_East Asia (mostly China)_____________________________________
25.c._ Afro Asiatic_5%_Middle East________________________________________________________
25.d.__ Austonesian_5%_Southeast Asia___________________________________________________
25.e._ Niger-Congo_5%_Africa____________________________________________________________
25.f.__ Dravidian_5%_India______________________________________________________________
26. Give an example language and where it is spoken for each of the following branches of the SinoTibetan Family.
26.a. _Sinitic_Mandarin: China___________________________________________________________
26.b. _Austro-Thai_Thai and Lao: Thailand, Laos, and parts of Vietnam____________________________
26.c. _Tibeto Burman_Burmese: Myanmar (Burma)__________________________________________
27. Define ideogram and point out two languages that use them:_characters that represent sounds,__
ideas, and concepts_____________________________________________________________________
27.a. _China___________________________________________________________________________
27.b. _Japan___________________________________________________________________________
28. Give an example language and where it is spoken for the following branch of the Afro-Siatic
28.a._ Semetic_Arabic: Southwestern Asia and North Africa____________________________________
29. Give an example language and where it is spoken for each of the following branches of the Uralic
29.a._ Finnic_Finnish: Finland_____________________________________________________________
29.b._ Ugric_Magyar: Hungary____________________________________________________________
30. Give an example language and where it is spoken for the following branch of the Niger Congo
30.a._ Benue-Congo_Swahili: Tanzania and eastern Africa_____________________________________
31. Give an example language and where it is spoken for the Austronesian language family:_Malay_Indonesian: Indonesia (World’s fourth most populous country)_________________________________
32. Explain how language has served as a divisive force in Nigeria:_None of its 200+ languages has____
widespread use leading to problems understanding each other, fighting, and calls from some cultural__
groups to secede. English is the official language of government and business for the convenience of___
conducting foreign affairs and trade________________________________________________________
Key Issue 4: Why Do People Preserve Local Languages? (page
33. Give two examples of extinct languages:
33.b._Hebrew (being revived)_____________________________________________________________
34. Give two reasons why languages decline:
34.a._political dominance________________________________________________________________
34.b._cultural preference________________________________________________________________
35. Explain two ways the problems faced by Belgium and Switzerland, two multilanguage states, are
35.a._multiple languages are spoken in the countries_________________________________________
35.b._Both have a very decentralized government and local authorities hold most power_____________
36. Define isolated languages. A language unrelated to any other and therefore not attached to any___
language family________________________________________________________________________
Give one examples of an isolated language and where it is spoken:
36.a._Basque_Pyrenees Mountains between Spain and France__________________________________
37. Define the following:
37.a. _lingua franca_A language of International communication like English. Mixing the elements of___
two languages into a common simple language to facilitate trade________________________________
37.b. _pidgin languages_mixing a few words of their language with a lingua franca . It has no native____
speakers and is always spoken in addition to one’s own language. A simplified lingua franca__________
37.c. _franglais_A combination of French and English or the introduction of English words like cowboy,_
hamburger, jeans, and T-shirt into the French language________________________________________
38. Why are some people in France upset by the widespread use of English?_See it as a threat to the__
French language, pride, and identity________________________________________________________
39. Define spanglish__The diffusion of English into the Spanish language_(ex; "Parquear" for "to park"),
not just borrowing English words like is normally the case in franglais