Primary Modern Foreign Languages In North Tyneside Unit 12: Un País Hispánico Scheme of Work At the end of this unit : most children will: obtain and understand information about a Hispanic country; produce a piece of work for display to celebrate experience of Spanish in primary school, linking to work in secondary school; write sentences describing a location some children will not have made so much progress and will: copy single words or short phrases some children will have progressed further and will: work independently for some of the time to retrieve original material; produce displays and reports using language taken from an original source; show confident recall of known language and structures; speak and write Spanish with some awareness of grammatical accuracy, eg adjectival agreement, verb endings Aim Core Vocab/ Structures Lesson 1: To learn about travel to a Hispanic location To learn the Spanish names of the continents To locate Peru on a world map ¿Dónde está …¿ Me gustaría ir a ... No me gustaría ir a … África Europa Asia Australia América El Antártico Lesson Content Resources ICT Assessment Map of Europe uk/schools/pri maryspanish De vacaciones AT2, L1 : listening to the names of places Show a map of Europe and ask children to identify Spain, Portugal, France, etc as well as Madrid, the UK and their home town. IU ¿Dónde está (+ town)? Revise compass points by pointing to towns on map of Spain. Eg Barcelona es en el noreste de España. O 4.4 Ask children to identify distant locations on a globe/ world map eg Aquí está Italia. Encourage them to name the continents in English then teach the children the Spanish names. IU Explain that we are going to be learning about a country called Peru in South America. Find South America on the world map. Identify location of Peru. IU Ask questions about location. Go through information needed to complete sentences on worksheet 12.02. IU Use me gustaría and extend to me gustaría ir a… plus names of countries to practise saying where they would like to go. O 5.2 Use flashcards of smiley face or unhappy face to encourage children to say me gustaría ir a … or no me gustaría ir a … Encourage children to link these with pero to produce a longer sentence. Me gustaría ir a Francia, pero no me gustaría ir a Grecia. O 5.2 Introduce the idea of an imaginary visit, eg Vamos a visitar Perú. IU ¿Es una buena idea? ¿Quién tiene un pasaporte? Show children a real passport. IU Show sample passport on OHT or whiteboard and practise language needed to give information required on passport (worksheet 12.01). Reinforce the idea of a visit with a discussion in English, asking the children to imagine what it might be like, what they would like to find out, where to get information, how they might travel, etc. IU Independent Work Make individual 'passports' in which children write their name, date of birth, address, nationality and Hablo español. Add a photo or picture and a school stamp for 'authenticity'. Worksheet 12.01. L 4.4 Extension Task Children write sentences about where they would like to go using the model Me gustaría ir a España, pero no me gustaría ir a Grecia. Worksheet 12.02. L 6.4 Map of Spain (from Unit 1) Globe Map of South America Worksheet 12.01 Mi pasaporte Worksheet 12.02 Me gustaría ir a ... Slide show of Peru : pictures to be found in Whiteboard activities section of Teacher Support me gustaría ir a .., pero no me gustaría ir a … AT2, Level 2 Worksheet 12.02 : AT4, L2 Aim Lesson 2: Core Vocab/ Structures norte sur To learn about travel to a Hispanic location. cerca de lejos de entre en To use prepositions to describe the names of places Brasil Ecuador Chile Lesson Content Resources ICT Assessment Passports produced in previous lesson; sp AT1, L2: listening to where you want to go Use world map to revise names of continents taught in previous lesson. IU Use map of world or globe to revise the question ¿Adónde te gustaría ir? plus answer Me gustaría ir a … and ¿Te gustaría ir a …? plus either Sí me gustaría/ no, no me gustaría ir a … O 5.2 Use passports produced in previous lesson to create role plays to practise appropriate dialogue, eg El pasaporte por favor Señor/ Señora. ¿Como te llamas? ¿Cuántos años tienes? ¿Dónde vives? ¿Hablas español? and responses. O 5.1 Children act out role –plays. O 5.1 Use world map to revise location of Peru. IU Use text flashcards stuck on wall in correct order in relation to Peru to introduce cerca de, lejos de. Give true or false statements eg Brasil está lejos de Perú for children to respond verdad or mentira. O 5.3 Use same method to practise entre eg Perú está entre Chile y Ecuador. (¡verdad!) O 5.3 Teacher to ask questions about different locations to practise using prepositions (as used in worksheet 12.04). Children to answer using prepositions eg ¿Dónde está Brasil? Brasil está cerca de Perú. O 5.3 Children to complete maps. (See independent work.) Independent Work Children to colour in map of Peru 12.03 following instructions on 12.04. IU Children to complete some sentences and a true or false exercise about the location of Peru: Worksheet 12.04. L 5.3 Extension Task Children to make up some sentences of their own about the location of Peru based on the map. L 6.4 World map ; Speaking practise: AT2, L2 (role plays) Worksheet 12.03: Perú; Worksheet 12.04: AT3, L2 Worksheet 12.04: ¿Dónde está Perú? Extension task: AT4, L3 Lesson 3 To pack a holiday suitcase for a tropical destination To plan the travel itinerary norte sur cerca de lejos de entre en una falda, una camiseta, una sudadera, unos vaqueros unos calcetines, unos pantalones, un jersey, una gorra, un sombrero, unos pantalones cortos, una camisa unos zapatos unas zapatillas de deporte unas medias,, una chaqueta, unos guantes, una bufanda, un traje de baño llevo Revise location of Peru using prepositions. O 4.4 Discuss how you would get from Newcastle to Peru. IU Use pictures (from Unit 10) or bags of clothes to revise articles of clothing. O 3.3 Divide the clothes into clothes for hot weather and clothes for cold weather. IU O 3.3 Discuss the weather in Peru. IU Choose suitable clothes to take to Peru. IU Play games to reinforce the vocabulary eg guessing what’s in the suitcase, miming game. O 3.3 Use text flashcards (from Unit 10) to practise reading the words. L 4.3 Divide children into 2 teams. Give them each a bag of clothes. Each team to choose a model. Teacher shouts out an item of clothing. The first model to reach the teacher gets a point. Teams to choose a second model. Repeat. (Teacher to choose only clothes suitable for Peru). O 4.2 At the end of the game organise a catwalk. Invite all the models to parade the clothes. Teacher to give a commentary full of deliberate mistakes. The children in the class to correct him/her. O 6.1 Independent Work Using Worksheet 12.05 as support, children to write a list of clothes they want to take on their holiday to Peru. L 5.3 Children to draw a suitcase and draw the items of clothing they have chosen. L 5.3 Extension Task Children to complete a travel itinerary for their journey on worksheet 12.06: el viaje. L 5.3 Children to go on website for an airline and find information to make up their own itinerary. L 6.2 Cross curricular link Art - Children to use scraps of materials to dress a cardboard figure in holiday clothes. IU Alternatively, children could be encouraged to write some complex sentences eg Llevo unas gafas de sol, porque hace buen tiempo. llevo un traje de baño, porque me gusta nadar. L 6.4 Powerpoint presentation or picture flashcards of clothes from Unit 10; or bags of clothes; Text flashcards from Unit 10; Worksheet 12.05: Prepara una maleta; Worksheet 12.06: el viaje www.british Worksheet 12.05: AT4, Level 1 Extension task: AT4, L3 Text flashcards: AT3, L1 Lesson 4 To identify location of key places in Perú. To revise directions Lima el pueblo el mar el río el país la ciudad Unpack the suitcase to revise the items of clothing taught in previous lesson. O 3.3 If you have an electronic whiteboard, show the slide show on Peru from the Teacher Support. IU Look closely at map of Peru. (Worksheet 12.03) IU Identify key places and features. Introduce the children to the Spanish words eg río, pueblo, ciudad, país, mar. Use worksheet 12.08 as a prompt. Busca los ríos. Busca las ciudades. Busca los países, Busca el mar. Go through the list. IU Ask questions on the location of different places using prepositions eg ¿Cómo se llama la ciudad entre Talara y Piura? (Paita) O 5.3 Revise directions using an OHT drawing of compass points. O 3.3 Ask questions about the direction of different places from Lima. O 5.1 Independent Work Children to look at map of Peru (12.03) to complete sentences about Peru on worksheet 12.08. L 5.3 Teacher support: slide show of Peru; Worksheet 12.03: map of Peru; Worksheet 12.03: el mapa de Peru; www.peru.inf o Reading questions about the country: AT3, L2 Listening to questions: AT1, L2 Lesson 5: To learn some key facts about Perú. To use websites to research own information (Geography link) . . el dinero cuadrado el tamaño el clima el símbolo la sierra el pájaro una destinación cada año el Gallito de las Rocas el cultivo exportar la bandera Use map of Peru (12.03) and questions from worksheet 12.08 to revise work covered in previous lesson. O 5.3 Look at Peru fact file sheet (12.10) and discuss information provided in English. IU Read book about Peru, such as A Mountain Child, KS2 Greenlight Publications, Look at photographs from Geography packs in school and discuss. IU Independent Work Children to complete Sumario de información about Peru (Worksheet 12.11) using a combination of drawings and writing. IU L 6.1 Extension Task Children to use library books and internet to find additional information about Peru. Give them list of headings (worksheet 12.12) from comparison of Tyneside and Peru sheet. L 6.2 Worksheet 12.03: map of Peru; Worksheet 12.08: el mapa de Perú; Worksheet 12.10: fact file; A Mountain Child, KS2, Greenlight Publications www.peru.inf o Worksheet 12.10: AT3, L3; AT4, L2 Lesson 6: To learn about Rainforests and their people. To read and understand short nonfiction texts about Rainforests. gran parte la tierra consistir de La Selva tropical las comunidades las personas nativas construir muchas veces las hojas de las palmas los árboles la arcilla la mayoría en zancos proteger la lluvia el lodo separado las afueras el pueblo funcionar la cocina desde hace miles hoy millones depender sobrevivir hay propia lengua tradición anciana Ashaninka cazar pescar utilizar un arpón el pájaro el pescado cultivar los plátanos Ask questions in Spanish about the weather in Peru: ¿Qué tiempo hace en Perú? Hace sol, Hace calor, Llueve mucho, hace frío. 5.3 Explain Es un clima tropical. Show the children some pictures and flashcards of Rainforests eg wildlife, fruits and talk about the good things about a tropical climate or if you have access to an electronic whiteboard, show the slides in teacher support or use the Peru Tourist Information website. Show the children a picture/ photograph of a house on stilts (12.13) and discuss reason for the stilts. IU Read a description of Rainforests from KS2 Geography resource (such as IU Teacher to read paragraph about rainforests (12.14) in Spanish and children to listen for word La Selva tropical and put their hand up every time they hear it. O 6.3 Teacher to read it through a second time in short phrases and children to echo. O 3.4 Teacher to ask questions to elicit meaning. O 6.3 Show text on OHT or whiteboard (worksheet 12.14) and translate parts. L 6.1 Independent Work Children to draw a house on stilts and label features which protect it from the Rainforest (using worksheet 12.13 as support). IU Extension Task Children to answer questions about living in the rainforest (12.15) or to fill in the missing Spanish words (worksheet 12.16). NB Worksheet 12.17 contains an English translation for teacher use. L 6.2 Flashcards: Worksheet 12.13 : The Rainforests (English and Spanish versions) Worksheet 12.14: las Selvas Tropicales master for OHT www.peru.inf o. www.rainfore stfoundationu Listening activity: AT1, L3 Reading 12.13 AT3, L3 Reading 12.14 OHT: AT3, L3 Worksheet 12.15: AT3, L3 Worksheet 12.16: AT3, L3; AT4, L1 Worksheet 12.15 Las Selvas Tropicales plus comprehensi on Worksheet 12.16: Las Selvas Tropicales plus gapfill Worksheet 12.17 English translation for reference ; Lesson 7: To learn about bananas and how they grow. To read and understand a short nonfiction text about growing bananas. To produce a story board explaining how bananas are grown (Literacy link: explanatory text). el plátano desarrollarse el clima necesitar la cosa para cultivarse la tierra el agua un año una flor cuando un pétalo caerse comenzar en primer lugar apuntar hacia abajo más tarde transformarse hacia arriba cortar cuándo todavía Show the children pictures of bananas growing upwards. Explain that bananas grow prolifically in rainforests because of the tropical climate and they are one of their chief exports. IU Use pictures to explain how they grow. IU Teacher to read explanation of how they grow in Spanish: worksheet 12.18. O6.3 Children to jump up every time they hear the word plátanos. O 6.1 Teacher to read it through a second time in short phrases and children to echo. O 3.4 Show OHT or whiteboard version of worksheet 12.18 and pick out key phrases of vocabulary and elicit meaning. (Worksheet 12.19 is an English version of this text.) L 6.1 Independent Work Children to complete a gapfill exercise on growing bananas (Worksheet 12.20 Spanish or 12.21 English). 12.20 = L 6.1; 12.21 = IU Extension Task Children to complete a story board with pictures and a simple sentence in Spanish underneath each one on La Historia del Plátano: worksheet 12.22. Worksheet 12.22A is a blank storyboard. L 6.4. Worksheet 12.22B contains sentences for pupils to read and draw pictures. L 6.1 Children to use story board to explain how bananas are grown. O 6.4 Pictures of bananas (from Geography materials); www.peru.inf o Worksheet 12.18 AT3, L3 Worksheet 12.20 : AT3, L3 Worksheet 12.18: los plátanos; Worksheet 12.22A : AT4, L3/ L4 Worksheet 12.19: bananas; Worksheet 12.22B : AT3, L3 Worksheet 12.20: gapfill exercise in Spanish; Extension task 2: AT2, L3 Worksheet 12.21: gapfill exercise in English; Worksheet 12.22A: blank storyboard; Worksheet 12.22B: storyboard with sentences Lesson 8: To learn about other tropical fruit and spices and sample some of them. To understand and express opinions about taste of tropical fruit. el espárrago las judías la fruta de la pasión el pomelo el higo los pimientos el limón dulce demasiado dulce amargo sabor ¿cuántas estrellas? Teacher to bring in a selection of fruit and vegetables particular to Peru to show the children. IU Teacher to use real objects to teach the children the names in Spanish. IU O 3.3 Use ‘Presentation, Practice, Production’ method to teach the new vocabulary. O 3.3 Ask questions about the colour of each fruit eg ¿El limón es rojo? etc ¿El limón es de que color? O 5.3 Play team games to reinforce eg fruit salad, Kim’s game or song: ¿Qué hay en el bolso? to tune of ‘Polly put the Kettle on’. O 3.1 Explain that the children are going to taste the different fruits and vegetables and fill in worksheet 12.23 with colour - color, taste sabor and star rating – ¿cuántas estrellas? O 5.2 Explain the different criteria for awarding stars. Practise by holding up cards with different numbers of stars on. Children to shout out appropriate comment with appropriate amount of expression. O 5.2 Explain the different criteria for taste: sweet- dulce, too sweet demasiado dulce, sour – amargo, tangy - picante. O 5.2 Independent Work Children to taste the fruit and complete the worksheet, 12.23. L 5.3 Extension Task Cross – curricular link with Art: Children to sketch the fruit and vegetables (observational drawing) or do some pastel drawings which they cut out and arrange in a fruit bowl cut out of paper (collage). Alternatively, read the children a story such as La Sorpresa de Handa by Eileen Browne, Mantra ISBN 1 85269 515 3. IU Selection of fruits and vegetables ; www.peru.inf o Listening to questions : AT1, L1, L2 A4 flashcard of different tropical fruits El limón es amarillo etc : AT2, L2 Worksheet 12.23 : Mira la fruta y las verduras pruébalos ; Worksheet 12.23 : AT3, L1 ; AT4, L2 Star cards ; Star rating cards Lesson 9: Extended lesson To design and make a tropical cocktail (link with Technology). To express opinions in sentences. To write a cocktail recipe including features of an instruction text. (Link with Literacy Strategy: instruction text) las especias el azúcar la nuez moscada el jengibre el zumo de limón el zumo de lima la canela el cóctel la receta corta salpica añade mezcla echa prueba delicioso bien asqueroso demasiado dulce demasiado amargo mejorar me gusta no me gusta me encanta detesto Play games to revise names of tropical fruits and vegetables taught in previous lesson. O 3.3 Explain that the children are going to work in groups to design and make a Tropical cocktail. IU Teacher to read out the names of some cocktails. IU Children to think about a name for their cocktail. IU Teacher to announce name of his/her cocktail. IU Teacher to go through the criteria using Worksheet 12.25. Explain the children are allowed to choose 2 fruits or vegetables, 1 fruit juice, 1 spice and some flavouring. IU Revise key features of an instruction text. (Refer to Literacy Strategy.) LLS Teacher to model the method using oranges and grapefruit. IU Teacher to taste his/her cocktail and use star rating words to evaluate it. Teacher to select a few children to taste his/her cocktail and allow them to give it a star rating and encourage them to use star rating vocabulary. O 5.2 Teacher to ask children if they like the cocktail using ¿Te gusta mi cóctel? to elicit response Sí me gusta tu cóctel/ no, no me gusta tu cóctel and then ¿Te encanta mi cóctel? to elicit response Sí, me encanta tu cóctel/ no, detesto tu cóctel. Children can be encouraged to give a longer response eg No, no me gusta tu cóctel. Es asqueroso. Etc O 6.3 Teacher to model how to fill in the evaluation sheet 12.27 and suggest ways of improving the cocktail. L 5.3 Teacher to divide the children into groups of 3 or 4. Independent Work Children to choose a name for their cocktail. IU Children to choose their ingredients and write out a recipe using worksheet 12.26. Glossary 12.24 and worksheet 12.25 provide support. L 6.4 Children to design their glass and make a poster advertising their cocktail. IU Groups of children to come out and make their cocktail. IU Children to taste their cocktail and fill out evaluation form 12.27.L 5.3 Children to put some of their cocktail into their designer glass with their poster put up to advertise it. IU A judge to be invited to sample the cocktails and award a prize for the best one. Worksheet 12.24 : glossary ; Worksheet 12.25 : Nuestro cóctel tropical ; Worksheet 12.26 : Nuestro cóctel tropical blank ; Worksheet 12.27 : Prueba la fruta evaluation sheet www.peru.inf o Worksheet 12.26: AT4, L2/3 (depending on level of support) Worksheet 12.27 : AT3, L2 ; AT4, L1 Lesson 10 : To do a comparison of Tyneside with Perú (Links with Geography comparing a local area with a distant locality}. To read and write short sentences under different headings comparing two localities. normalmente hace frío diverso húmedo a veces se construyen de ladrillo o de piedra con tejados la mayoría le calefacción central las ventanas dobles la arcilla las hojas de las palmas en zancos viajan al trabajo las calles principales los carriles atestados por carretera los camiones las ciudades una red ferrocarril oficinas industria empresas enfermeras dependientes profesores médicos agricultura la pesca la minería el transporte las piscinas climatizadas ir en bicicleta la galería de arte el castillo las tiendas. Explain that you are going to compare Tyneside with Peru under different headings. Use acetates of Worksheets 12.28a and 12.28b or display on electronic whiteboard to discuss the similarities and differences of the two localities under the headings given: weather, homes, transport, language, work, games, landscape, food. Teacher support is given on worksheets 12.29a and b. O 6.3 Independent Work Children to sort statements on worksheet 12.30a/b into the ones that apply to Peru and the ones that apply to Tyneside. IU Children to use answers to previous task to help them to sort statements on worksheet 12.30c/d into the ones that apply to Peru and the ones that apply to Tyneside. L 6.1 Children to use the sorted statements as support to help them fill in worksheet 12.28. L 6.4 More able children to miss out the sorting activity and do worksheets 12.28 without support. L 6.4 Children could also do the sorting activity with statements cut up. They can stick the statements onto worksheet 12.28. L 6.1 Extension Task Wordsearch: worksheet 12.31 (clues in Spanish) or worksheet 12.32 (harder – clues in English to find answers in Spanish). L 3.1 OHT of worksheet 12.28a/b: comparison of Tyneside and Peru; Worksheet 12.29a/b: teacher reference sheet (Spanish and English versions); Worksheet 12.30a/b: comparison of Tyneside and Peru sorting exercise (Spanish and English versions); Worksheet 12.31: wordsearch; Busca las palabras or Worksheet 12.32: Busca las palabras (harder) www.peru.inf o Worksheet 12.30c and 12.30d : AT3, L3 Worksheet 12.28 : Sorting text from 12.30: AT3, L3; filling in 12.28: AT4, L2 Lesson 11: To revise work covered in this unit by designing a tshirt or producing a booklet for display. Aim Bienvenido Venid a Perú Venid a ver Perú hay se puede … Core Vocab/ Structures Explain to the children that they are going to design a t-shirt and produce a booklet about Peru. IU Revise work covered in previous lesson. Revise all that they know about Peru that may be useful to include Country, palm trees, beaches, tourists, Andean mountains, beautiful flowers, colourful birds, fruits - bananas, grapefruit, coconuts, etc, cocktails, weather – sunshine + rain, Rainforests, houses on stilts, flag. IU Independent Work Children to design their t-shirt advertising Peru. IU Extension Task Children to make their work from this unit into a booklet about Peru which they can take to their secondary school. L 6.4 Lesson Content Lesson 12: To review and assess learning A selection of children to share work done in previous lessons i.e. presentations of stories and some good examples of poems. Teacher to help the children remember all the things they can now do in each of the 4 skills. Independent Work Children to reflect on their learning for this unit and complete self assessment sheet and/or update European Languages Portfolio Extension Task Children to work on a display on Peru... t-shirt template map cards photographs from CD of palm trees, beaches, tourists, Andean mountains, beautiful flowers, colourful birds, fruits bananas, veg – asparagus, peppers ,beans etc, cocktails, weather – sunshine + rain, rainforests, houses on stilts, flag; books Resources Unit 12 self assessment sheet European Languages Portfolio www.peru.inf o ICT Assessment Self assessment