Metodický list pro 1. – 3. soustředění kombinovaného následného magisterského studia předmětu N FK Aj II 1. SOUSTŘEDĚNÍ V tomto soustředění budou probrána následující témata: 1) Getting the audience’s attention, opening the presentation, formal and informal presentation 2) Topics for small talks, listening, attitudes to personal space, ending politely, writing short factual reports - introduction, comment on figures, presenting an argument, structuring the argument, showing feelings 3) Negotiation, making proposals, negotiation strategies, importance of relationships Literatura (doporučená): Intelligent Business (Upper Intermediate) – Skills Book + interactive CDROM (audio and video material for self-study), Christine Johnson, Pearson/Longman, 2005, ISBN 0582846889 Intelligent Business – Upper Intermediate Video (illustrates the key business skills) and Video Resource Book International Express Upper-Intermediate – Workbook (with Student’s CD), Interactive edition, Adrian Wallwork, OUP, 2007, ISBN-978 0 19 4555043 2. SOUSTŘEDĚNÍ V tomto soustředění budou probrána následující témata: 1) Responding to proposals, negotiate a win–win solution (preparation, negotiate an agreement - role play) 2) Participation in meetings, putting your point of view, making meetings more effective, responding and turn taking, listening, attitudes to silence during discussions, role play 3) Writing - formal correspondence, replying to enquiry, apologies and giving reasons, Leading a meeting, summarizing main points, listening, encouraging people to speak, attitudes to interruptions Literatura (doporučená): Intelligent Business (Upper Intermediate) – Skills Book + interactive CDROM (audio and video material for self-study), Christine Johnson, Pearson/Longman, 2005, ISBN 0582846889 Intelligent Business - Upper Intermediate Video (illustrates the key business skills) and Video Resource Book International Express Upper-Intermediate – Workbook (with Student’s CD), Interactive edition, Adrian Wallwork, OUP, 2007, ISBN-978 0 19 4555043 3. SOUSTŘEDĚNÍ V tomto soustředění budou probrána následující témata: 1) Controlling a meeting, analysis of given situations, writing informal emails getting things done politely, sequencing the points in your message 2) Concluding a presentation, ending a presentation, making a strong conclusion, listening, role play, dealing with questions 3) Attitudes to critical questions (criticism is acceptable, criticism is insulting), writing minutes - start and end minutes, record decisions and action points, abbreviations, celebrating success, concluding a deal, review achievement, giving praise (culture at work) Literatura (doporučená): Intelligent Business (Upper Intermediate) – Skills Book + interactive CDROM (audio and video material for self-study), Christine Johnson, Pearson/Longman, 2005, ISBN 0582846889 Intelligent Business – Upper Intermediate Video (illustrates the key business skills) and Video Resource Book International Express Upper-Intermediate – Workbook (with Student’s CD), Interactive edition, Adrian Wallwork, OUP, 2007, ISBN-978 0 19 4555043