
Quality System Procedure
8.4 Final Inspection for Marketers
rev-00 / 08-13-07 - Approved by: David C. Hagen
Customization Notes: delete this section on completion
a) add references as Work Instructions & Forms created
1.0 Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this procedure is to provide instructions, and to assign responsibility for
performing and recording verification of final product and storage tanks. This procedure applies
to all finished biodiesel and biodiesel blend products prior to shipping (and in some cases during
shipping). This procedure applies to BQ-9000 Certified Marketers.
1.1 Definitions
1.1.1 Biodiesel: a fuel comprised of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from
vegetable oils or animal fats and meets ASTM D 6751, designated B100.
1.1.2 Blend: a blend of Biodiesel with petroleum-based diesel fuel in a specified ratio, designated
Bxx, where xx is the volume percent biodiesel.
1.1.3 Production Lot: A biodiesel production lot is a homogeneous production volume of finished
biodiesel from one or more sources that is held in a single container where representative samples are
taken and analyzed to provide an authentic certificate of analysis (COA) for the specific volume.
1.1.4 Verification: confirmation by examination and provision of objective evidence that specified
requirements have been fulfilled.
1.2 Discussion
All finished products are subjected to final inspection before they are shipped. The Quality
Assurance department is responsible for final inspections and for the release of product for
shipping. This includes controls of final product lots within distribution tanks, and the
verification of product at time of shipping.
Storage tanks with inactivity are verified for continued quality of tank and product.
The primary focus is on defect prevention, rather than detection. Normally, by the time
products are completed they have been completely verified through the program of receiving
and in-process inspections. The purpose of final inspection is not to re-inspect the products,
but to ascertain that all verification activities have indeed been carried out with satisfactory
results. However, should there be suspect product nonconformance, the product is isolated
and will not be shipped until corrective actions have been successfully completed.
2.0 Procedure
Method of Sampling
ASTM D 4057, provides standard sampling methods.
Nonconforming Product
Procedures for Non-conforming product (QSP 9.1), define the actions required if product lot
fails to pass required inspections or test.
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Quality System Procedure
8.4 Final Inspection for Marketers
rev-00 / 08-13-07 - Approved by: David C. Hagen
2.3 Inspection Records
QA Inspection Sheets log the inspection results, which includes product tested, appropriate
traceability-ids, properties to test, property specification(acceptance limits), actual results,
approval sign-off / date, test method specification, and test method revision.
B100 Storage
2.4.1 B100 Storage & Distribution Tanks
All B100 storage and distribution tanks should be dedicated to biodiesel service. If a tank is
changed from some other service to biodiesel storage, the tank should be drained dry,
cleaned, and then inspected. Inspection shall be documented.
2.4.2 B100 Storage Tank Sampling & Testing Storage Tank Homogeneity
Upper, middle and lower samples shall be taken every 30 days based on ASTM D 4057
sampling guidelines. All three samples must conform to tank homogeneity requirements
ASTM D 1298 or ASTM D 4052. If requirements are met, then a composite sample is
created by combining the three upper, middle and lower samples for testing purposes in
section Tank Testing. If relate gravities of samples fall outside the homogeneity
requirements, then each sample must be tested individually. Tank Testing
Samples retrieved in Storage Tank Homogeneity shall be tested using the
Test Method
o Flash Point
ASTM D 6751
ASTM D 6751
o Acid Number
ASTM D 6751
ASTM D 6751
o Free Glycerin
ASTM D 6751
ASTM D 6751
o Total Glycerin
ASTM D 6751
ASTM D 6751
o Visual appearance ASTM D 4176(procedure 2)
2 max (outlet sample)
If out-of-specification, appropriate procedures are invoked:
a) nonconforming product (QSP 9.1)
b) corrective actions (QSP 10.1)
2.4.3 Product Distribution Samples ( B100 Biodiesel)
If biodiesel is sold or distributed as B100 directly from a storage tank, a representative
sample of product being loaded shall be retained for a minimum of 60 days.
Fuel Blending and Distribution
2.5.1 Fuel Blending
Fuel blending is a controlled process, which shall be performed and documented to ensure
biodiesel blends are of correct product proportions and have been adequate mixed. This
includes the measuring and recording the volumes and blend levels as verified through bills
of lading, meter printouts, or other auditable records of both the biodiesel and diesel fuel
which comprises the blend. These records shall be retained for a minimum of two years.
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Quality System Procedure
8.4 Final Inspection for Marketers
rev-00 / 08-13-07 - Approved by: David C. Hagen
2.5.2 Trucks or Tanks containing Blended Biodiesel
All blend tanks should be dedicated to biodiesel blend service. If a tank is changed from
some other service to biodiesel blend storage or distribution, the tank should be drained and
cleaned prior to use.
If a truck or truck compartment is changed from some other service to biodiesel blend
storage or distribution, the truck or truck compartments should be drained and cleaned prior
to use, unless it last hauled diesel fuel.
2.5.3 Blend Tank & Truck Homogeneity
The process for blending biodiesel and petroleum diesel is validated for tank homogeneity
after 5 consecutive blended lots meeting Tank Homogeneity requirements. To validate, the
upper, middle and lower samples shall be taken based on ASTM D 4057 sampling
guidelines. All three samples must conform to tank homogeneity requirements (ASTM D
1298 or ASTM D 4052) and are within a .006 kg/L relative gravity range.
If operational parameters fall outside of the Tank Homogeneity requirements, appropriate
corrective and preventive actions (QSP 10.1) shall be taken.
2.5.4 Monthly Blend Tank Testing
Blend tanks with no activity over a 30 day period shall be validated prior to use. An outlet
sample shall be tested for moisture and sediment per ASTM D 4176 (procedure 2). Results
shall be documented and retained.
o Water and Sediment per ASTM D 4176 (procedure 2)
2.5.5 Product Distribution Samples ( Biodiesel Blends)
A representative of sample product being loaded shall be obtained and retained for a
minimum of 60 days.
3.0 Responsibilities
Quality Assurance performs all the required inspections. Additionally, Quality Assurance
establishes and maintains all appropriate inspection records and files.
4.0 References
4.1 Normative References - The following reference contains provisions which through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of the procedure. References which are subject
to revision shall always be used in the most recent form.
BQ-9000 Quality Management System - Certified
Marketer Requirements
ASTM D 6751 Standard Specification for Biodiesel Fuel (B100) Blend Stock for Distillate Fuels
ASTM D 4057 Standard Practices for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum Products
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Quality System Procedure
8.4 Final Inspection for Marketers
rev-00 / 08-13-07 - Approved by: David C. Hagen
ASTM D 1298 Standard Test Method for density, relative density (Specific Gravity), or API Gravity
Crude Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products by Hydrometer Method
ASTM D 4052 Standard Test Method for Density and relative density of Liquids by Digital Density
ASTM D 4176 Standard Test Method for Free Water and Particulate Contamination in Distillate Fuels
(Visual Inspection Procedure)
QM 8.0 - Inspection & Testing
QM 5.0 - Control of Quality Records
QSP 9.1 - Control of Nonconforming Product
QSP 10.0 – Corrective and Preventive Actions
4.2 Informative References - The following references are included as bibliographic
information, which may contain material useful in the execution of this procedure.
References, which are subject to revision, shall always be used in the most recent form.
[Add Work Instruction References Here – remove this line on release]
WI 10-10-0001 QCS - Access to Online Quality Control System
WI 10-10-0901 QCS - Nonconforming Product
WI 10-10-1001 QCS - Corrective & Preventive Action Process
Figure – 20-88-0001 Selection Table for Inspections
Figure – 30-88-0001 Biodiesel Process Overview (graphic)
4.3 Documentation/Records – The implementation of this procedure may require the use of
the below listed forms and/or systems.
[Add Forms or Systems References Here – remove this line on release]
QCS – Quality Control Solution (online system)
Form_xx-xx-xxxx - Product Specification Sheets
Form_xx-xx-xxxx - Certification of Analysis (COA) and other inspections
Form_xx-xx-xxxx - QA Inspection Sheets
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