Position in UKCHNM

Position in UKCHNM
Coordinator of the online ‘Dictionary of Nursing Biography’
Lecturer, School of Health and Population Sciences, College of Medical and
Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham
Contact details:
+44 (0)121 4142667
Wildman S (1999) The development of nursing at the General Hospital,
Birmingham 1779-1919 International History of Nursing Journal 4, 3, 20-28
Wildman S (2002) Sudden death and the role of the coroner in eighteenthcentury Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham Historian 22, 11-18
Wildman S (2003) The development of nurse training in the Birmingham
Teaching Hospitals 1869-1957 International History of Nursing Journal, 7, 3, 5665
Wildman S. 2007. Changes in hospital nursing in the West Midlands, 1841 - 1901
In Reinarz, J., (Ed.) Medicine and Society in the Midlands, 1750-1950. Midland
History Occasional Publications, Birmingham, 98-114
Hewison A, Wildman S. 2008. Looking back, looking forward: enduring issues in
nursing management; Journal of Nursing Management; 16, 1, 1-3
Wildman, S (2009) Nursing and the issue of “party” in the Church of England: the
case of the Lichfield Diocesan Nursing Association. Nursing Inquiry, 16 (2), 94102
Wildman, S (2009) “Nurses for all classes”: home nursing in England 1860 -1900
In Medizin, Gesellschaft und Geschichte 32 (Medicine, Society and History,
Yearbook of the Institute for the History of Medicine at the Robert Bosch
Institution, Stuttgart),
Wildman S. & Hewison A. (Forthcoming), Re-discovering a history of nursing
management: from Nightingale to the Modern Matron. International Journal of
Nursing Studies