
RMIT VET Program Approvals: Industry support and engagement Template
Approved by VET Committee for implementation in 2013
Industry support and engagement statement for {insert national qualification code and title}
The statement of industry support and engagement is one of four documents required by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) to change the
RMIT Scope of Registration1. To comply with the ASQA registration process the industry support statement(s) must be named as follows [National
Qualification Code] Industry Support
The statement should record all forms of industry engagement in the design, delivery and review of this qualification including:
 consultation with industry/professional associations and/or individual enterprises during development of the training and assessment strategy
 forms of ongoing consultation and advice – e.g. through program advisory committees
 ways in which industry feedback is sought on program relevance and quality
 involvement of industry representatives in validation of assessment.
School and program team details
School and Dean/Head of
Contact phone and email
Program Manager
Contact phone and email
National qualification details
Training package code and title
National qualification code and title
Qualification AQF level
RMIT program code
The other documents required by ASQA are: Staff Matrix; Resources and Equipment list; Training and Assessment Strategy
[insert strategy version number and date and file name]
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RMIT VET Program Approvals: Industry support and engagement Template
Approved by VET Committee for implementation in 2013
1. Addressing industry consultation requirements of Standards for National Registration (SNR)
Complete the table below to explain how industry/professional associations and enterprises are consulted as required by the SNR
SNR 15
Relevant standard
Summary of industry engagement strategies for [insert national
qualification code and title]
The NVR registered training
organisation provides
quality training and
assessment across all of its
operations, as follows
15.2 Strategies for training and assessment meet the
requirements of the relevant training package or VET
accredited course and have been developed through
effective consultation with industry.
15.3 Staff, facilities, equipment and training and
assessment materials used by the NVR registered training
organisation are consistent with the requirements of the
training package or VET accredited course and the NVR
registered training organisation’s own training and
assessment strategies and are developed through
effective consultation with industry.
2. Mandatory industry consultation requirements
Complete the table below to provide details of the approach taken in the program to comply with any mandatory industry consultation requirements as specified in
the training package documentation. If there are no applicable requirements leave the table blank.
Unit of competency code
Unit of competency name
Mandated industry consultation requirements
[insert strategy version number and date and file name]
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Confirmation that appropriate
procedures are in place
RMIT VET Program Approvals: Industry support and engagement Template
Approved by VET Committee for implementation in 2013
3. Program specific strategies for seeking industry support and input
In the space below record the strategies used to seek industry feedback on the quality and relevance of this qualification, for example: teacher involvement with
industry associations; engagement of industry specialists in relevant components of program delivery; site visits; use of specialist industry resources in training and
4. Industry representation on Program Advisory Committees
All RMIT programs are required to appoint a program advisory committee (PAC) which provides for input from relevant employers, professional associations and
other industry agencies. The minimum membership of the PAC is nine, of which at least two-thirds should be external. The PAC meets at least once each semester.
Details of the RMIT PAC policy and procedure can be found at;ID=85d86nhohnk01
Complete the table to confirm that the RMIT PAC policy has been followed
1. A PAC has been established for {insert program name}
2. The PAC includes members with relevant industry/occupational knowledge and
3. The PAC meets each semester
5. Other evidence of industry support for and engagement in the program
Evidence such as letters of support may be scanned into this template. If such evidence is included, please list in the space below
[insert strategy version number and date and file name]
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