Children and Families in Common Imprest Fund Protocol Page 1 of 3 Purpose It is the value of Children & Families in Common to partner with families and youth at every level of the service delivery system, including direct services, trainings, program planning, administrative and evaluation activities. It is also a Comprehensive Community Mental Health Services for Children and Their Families grant requirement to involve families and youth in the system of care activities. Professionals who are involved in the service delivery system are typically funded through a salary structure and Children & Families in Common strives to compensate families and youth for their needed input in the system of care. The Imprest Fund is designed to enhance youth and family involvement in the system of care through the use of a stipend mechanism that compensates the family and youth participants for their involvement. The Imprest Fund is utilized for the sole purpose of supporting youth and family voice in the development of a System of Care in King County. Rationale It is the intention of the Children and Families in Common (CFIC) grant to clearly delineate guidelines in the use of Imprest funds so that the System of Care Community understands the purpose of the fund and the appropriate use of Imprest dollars. General Guidelines Compensation from the Imprest Fund should be within the following areas: Stipends are given to an individual as an acknowledgment of respect and appreciation for some formal or informal action in furthering the values of system of care. Stipends are paid on a half day and full day basis for attending meetings within the System of Care. Youth and families contribute technical assistance, information, training, and overall participation in the development of system of care in the county. Supplies and Services (including refreshments) that support participation in system of care activities can be reimbursed as approved by Principal Investigator or Project Director of the Children and Families in Common Grant. Transportation is paid in the form of mileage reimbursement for travel to and from meetings for youth and families. Children and Families in Common Imprest Fund Protocol Page 2 of 3 Reporting Requirements 1. All compensation to youth and family members are given in return for a signed receipt stating the purpose of the meeting or training attended, the name of the person receiving compensation , and their affiliation to the system of care. 2. Stipends for participation in the system of care is provided for youth and families in the form of school credit, bus tokens, credit for community service hours, gift certificates, and cash. A stipend is not “owed” to a family member or youth participant, it is given as a token of appreciation for participation in the system of care. Stipends will be given as funding and policy allows. 3. All signers of the Imprest Fund must be registered with Key Bank. 4. On occasion, signers may reimburse individuals, or purchase supplies or services out of their own funds. When reimbursement is necessary, the person receiving the reimbursement must have another signer review and verify expenditure and write the reimbursement check. 5. The Imprest Fund must be reconciled ten days after the end of the month and turned in to the BFO I for reimbursement to the grant. The BFO I will reconcile the fund to bank statements and authorized limits. 6. Receipts and replacement receipts must be signed by the original person who received the stipend. If a receipt is lost or not obtained for any reason, a phone confirmation will be accepted if an “in person signature” will cause a hardship. A phone confirmation must be acknowledged on the signature line of the receipt with the signature of the custodian of the Imprest Fund or the designated signee along with the phone number of the person who received the lost funds. 7. A line item receipt from the business or person where items or services were purchased must accompany any request for reimbursement. The receipt must state the date, place, time and items or services that were purchased. Line item receipts that support reimbursement must be taped or stapled to an 8 1/2 by 11 piece of paper and stapled to a formal King County approved receipt If more than one person was served by the purchase of goods or services that also must be made clear. Example: If five people went to McDonalds the receipt must state that five people ate, when they ate where they ate and how much each individual meal cost. The total of the meals and tax and tip (if appropriate) must also be easy to identify on the receipt given by the place of business or person providing services. Charge slips are not an acceptable receipt. Children and Families in Common Imprest Fund Protocol Page 3 of 3 8. Tips are appropriate and reimbursable. Up to a 20% tip can be calculated and reimbursed. 9. King County Employees can not get reimbursed through the Imprest fund for meals eaten with youth and families. One must deduct any items from a receipt submitted for reimbursement including any tip and tax associated with said items. 10. All purchases must be within the guidelines of these protocols and Federal Expenditure guidelines, meeting the requirements as set forth above. Any purchase over $200.00 must be approved by the Project Director or Principal Investigator of Children and Families In Common Initiative.