from the panther's lair - Vintage Motorcycle Club

A monthly publication of The Vintage Motorcycle Club
Johannesburg, South Africa.
Volume 24. No 7
July, 2011.
We were saddened to learn that past VMC member Robin Hollis had
passed away on 10th June. A memorial service held for Robin at St
Patrick’s Church, Benoni, was well attended by family and friends including
many past and present DJ riders. A younger brother of Gerald Hollis, Robin
rode in twelve consecutive DJs, 1987 to 1999, with two excellent finishes –
ninth in 1993 and sixth in 1995.
Robin joins the list of DJ personalities to be honoured in next year’s DJ
Remembrance Run.
This year’s Remembrance event was run on 12th June and there were 26
participants each riding for past DJ riders and whose names have now
been added to the DJ Wall of Remembrance. It was gratifying that the
families of several past riders were present and who brought floral tributes
to place on the Wall. It was altogether a warm and pleasant gathering.
Yours, in good riding,
May Club Night
There was a good turnout for our monthly Club Night and Mike started the
proceedings in the usual way with an update on recent happenings. The
Fragram Natal Classic Rally was the most recent and once again our
members put in fine performances. The event was won by Kevin Robertson
on his Honda Black Bomber with Ric Lewis second on his DJ Sunbeam
and then Gavin’s: Walton and Lumley. Of the first ten positions eight were
VMC Members.
Richard Sawkins, organizer of the Fragram Natal Classic, Barbara Sink, who
presented the prizes and the Winner, Kevin Robertson, holding the historic Eric
Stanton Trophy.
The Chairman also reported on a good turnout of motorcycles at the Piston
Ring Meeting on the 15th May, and reminded the meeting that motorcycles
had also been invited to the VVC for Sunday 30th May. He further advised
that sponsorship for two motorcycles to the Concours at Nairobi had been
Kevin Robertson was again awarded the Motorcyclist of the Month Trophy
for his win in the Natal event. The Personality Quiz in the last issue of
Kickstart was won by Jens Brehm. Mike reminded the meeting of the DJ
Remembrance Ride on the 12th June at the James Hall Museum and has a
list of names for would be riders to choose from. Pierre Cronje reminded
the meeting of the CMC 1000 Bike Show on 2nd/3rd July.
Steffan Stander informed the meeting of the Magnum Rally in August and
told us about the new locality for this near Hazyview in Mpumalanga.
Dave Pitchford then showed us a new type of fire extinguisher which had
become available and was very suitable for motorcycles because of its size
and lightness. Details are available on the website
Martin and Edna Davis had recently returned from a trip to Ireland and
Martin gave us a fascinating account of their experiences in that
economically depressed but very beautiful part of the world. This was
followed by Mike Davidson who told us about his recent visit to the Triumph
factory at Hinckley as well as one to the new Norton works where modern
machines are again being painstakingly built. Mike was extremely fortunate
in meeting the founder of the modern Triumphs and his son who is the MD
of the business.
Triumphs are now being made in vast numbers while the Norton operation
is still on a much smaller scale. He also recommended a visit to the
Imperial War Museum at Duxford where some amazing aircraft displays are
to be seen.
Winners in the raffle were Gavin Walton, Erhard Langanke, Peter Posniak,
Kevin Robertson, Warwick Manning, Steve Trehair, Brandon Madgwick,
Henry Watermeyer, Pierre Cronje and newcomer Richard Hulbos.
The headcount was 57.
The new Club Subscriptions:
Subscriptions for the new club year are due on 1st July and they have been
set by the Committee at R200 for Full Membership and R140 for Country
If you renew by direct payment, you MUST put your name in the reference
column of the deposit otherwise you will not be marked of as having paid
your dues. We still have three unidentified payments from last year and the
members concerned are now on the point of being struck off.
Club Bank Acc No. 1970259841 at Nedbank. Sandton Branch 197-005.
This year’s Remembrance Ride took place on Sunday, 12th June, at the
James Hall Museum of Transport, and was again organised by Peter and
Pam Hall. The purpose of the event is to honour and always remember
past riders and officials who had been involved in the original DurbanJohannesburg race series as well as the current Commemorative DJ
The riders had the options of a 15km and a 30km ride, after which a short
memorial service was conducted by Pastor Russell Cruickshanks of the
Salvation Army. He then invited the participants , in turn, to place the name
plaques of their respective DJ personalities on the DJ Memorial Wall.
These were the participants:
Trevallyn Hall
Alan Hogg
Brian Wright
Riding for IAN BRODIE
Trevor Jones
Riding for “WAG” GWILLAM
Des Burton
1935 Motosacoche
1964 Triumph
1953 Excelsior Roadmaster
1933 AJS Model 9
Riding for ROBBIE HALL
Kevin Robertson
1935 Excelsior Manxman
Riding for JACK LANE
Colin Anderton
1962 BMW R60
Riding for REG LONEY
Peter & Pam Hall 1922 Matchless Comb.
Riding for ROLY LONG
Lofty Pretorius
1958 Velocette
Johnny Van Rooyen 1936 Ariel
Ric Lewis
1929 Sunbeam Model 5
Riding for RON OTT
Henry Watermeyer
1926 Sunbeam Model 6
Riding for ALAN REEVE
Bevan Beckmann
1933 BSA
Riding for FRANK RILEY
Trevor Ou Tim
1948 BSA B33
Steven Helm
1941 Harley-Davidson
Riding for BERT SALMON
Mike Milner-Smyth
1935 Excelsior Manxman
Neville Smith
1936 Ariel
Hamish Morrison
1931 BSA Sloper
Riding for RON SCOTT
Gavin Walton
1933 BSA
Riding for NEIL SMITH
Les Sim
1936 Triumph
John Allison
1933 BSA
Riding for JIMMY STEAD
Kevin Walton
1931 BSA Sloper
Philip Gordon
1932 Sunbeam Lion
Ian Thompson
1929 Scott Flyer
Ian Storer
1980 Moto Guzzi
Riding for HENRY YOUNG
Grant Shearer
2004 Yamaha
Gloria Anderson joined us on our Remembrance day and brought along
this picture of her father, Jack Lane, for whom Colin Anderton was riding.
Jack Lane was unplaced on an Ariel in the 1929 DJ then switched to this
1929 492cc s/v Sunbeam. On this machine he came 17th in 1930 and 10th
in 1931. The four trophies shown may be from races other than the DJ but
we are unable to recognise them. We would be very glad to hear from any
reader who can identify any of the trophies and the motorcycle shop in the
Happily, we were able to contact Ian Thompson shortly before the Ride
and he was able to join in and ride for his father, Dick Thompson, on
Dick’s well-known 1929 Scott Flyer. Other members of Dick’s family were
also there.
Gloria Broady and her two daughters came to attend the ceremony and
saw the plaque for her late husband, Barry Broady placed on the Wall of
Remembrance by Brian Wright, who rode for Barry.
We were also pleased to be joined by family members of past DJ riders
whose names were honoured in previous years. These included Diane
Taschner and her son, Warren. We also welcomed Alan Sarkis, a
grandson of the famous Joe Sarkis, whose name had been added to the
Remembrance Wall in 2008.
The 2012 Club Calendar:
Les Sim is worried that we might not be able to produce the Club’s pictorial
calendar for next year. The reason is that, at this stage of the planning, we
should have all the advertisers and sponsors signed up for next year.
So we are again appealing to past advertisers and any willing participants
to contact Les (Cell 082 552 4072) and arrange for the support that he
needs. All the calendars we have previously produced are absolute gems
as well as becoming collector’s items and it would be a shame if we all
miss out next year.
My Century Run
By Henry Watermeyer
I greatly enjoyed the Andy Stead story about the Century Run but since it
fails tell us about the run itself, I thought a brief follow up was needed.
Since the venue moved from the Lion Park I have trailed my machine to the
start. An extra quarter hour plus the need to refuel on the way makes
riding unattractive and I persuade my wife she doesn't need the tow car for
the day.
Anyway I arrived in the rain to find quite a large group milling around as is
usual. Not as many bikes down at the circle and a lot of muttering going
I registered with Rob Patterson-Emms and elected to ride the long route.
Rob's comment "There are only two of you, Ric Lewis and yourself, are you
sure?". Both Sunbeams!! Was there any choice? Of course I was sure.
Eventually got the route schedule into my rallybox without getting it too wet
to read. Normally I don't bother on the Century.
As I was preparing to leave a posse of individuals, led by Philip Gordon,
asked if they could follow me as they had decided to do the long route after
all but couldn't manage the route schedules.
Off we went. Still raining, which makes the bike go better. Remember how
water injection to improve engine performance back in the '50s.
Got 5 km only to be stopped by incredulous traffic police at a bicycle race.
Now those riders were wet and muddy and the cops were bemused by both
motor cycles and cyclists.
Followed the route just fine but got very confused until I realised that the
kilometres given were not distances from the start but distance between
clues. Eventually saw Ric and Kevin Robertson, who had changed his
mind after telling his wife that in the interest of safety and he would only do
the short run, on his "first outing" Manxman, coming towards me otherwise
no-one. My tail were apparently somewhere behind me, although I
understand they were having trouble keeping up.
A lonely ride - but what fun. I haven't had a really fast ride in the wet for a
long time. Nice road surfaces. Must have even hit the speed limit once or
twice! Great.
Only one real, very small, criticism. Would it not be possible to have a real
Start instead of the rather loose arrangement of go when you are ready and
then have a proper Finish point. Most of us return and ride straight onto
our trailers, if we came that way, before walking down to the pub. Kind of
feels unfinished somehow. Be nice to have a "foot down" stop somewhere.
The buffet meal afterwards has to be one of the best in Jo'burg. Lots of
options all well prepared and at a price that just makes no sense. Thank
you Rob and Mike. Great run. See you all there next time.
Henry Watermeyer
('26 Sunbeam 500 l/s)
PS One of the disadvantages of using a trailer was the puncture I got on the
way home.
If you have a Left Hand Drive Car or Motorcycle
combination which is NOT registered/licenced,
read this now and take urgent action:
Chairman: - Peter Hal
P. O. Box 80, Rosettenville, Jhb. 2130
Tel: 011434-1068
Cell: 083 384-8796 or 082 464-9629
Report back Ndot meeting held on 10th June 2011 re Left Hand Drive Legislation
Gary Ronald (AA & SAVVA), Ian Huntley (SAMCA) and myself (SAVVA) attended a meeting on 10 th June with the
Director NDoT, Chairperson of VTC committee and an official of ENATIS regarding our LHD report and proposal that
was put forward. It was an interesting and constructive meeting but unfortunately no definite conclusion to all our
concerns. It has however given us a little more insight into the position from their perspective and a partial
The Chairperson has made it quite clear that there was no intent to prevent anyone from registering their vehicles
- provided the vehicle was registered in S.A. prior to the 24th July 2004. However the Act was introduced for the
express purpose of STOPPING the import of any further LHD vehicles into S.A. and they have no intention of revisiting this point therefore it seems that any vehicle not registered in SA prior to this date will not be able to
registered and roadworthy.
The committee has agreed to scrutinize the Act and confer with the legal department to ascertain the exact
interpretation to order to clarify the point as to whether vehicles previously registered and then canceled or deregistered for any reason may or may not be re-registered and roadworthy. Some appear to interpret the act to
include these vehicles while others may exclude them. However if a vehicle was previously registered the owner
must have the following: Engine number
Chassis number
Previous registration number
Cancelations / de-registration papers
In order for this committee to assist us it is vitally important that we co-operate with them.
If you have any or all of the above it is imperative that you send these to me so as to establish if your vehicle is
on the ENATIS system. It was demonstrated to us that all these old numbers are in fact captured on the system
and can be found if the vehicles were registered. If your vehicle is on the system there is a good chance that you
will be able to continue with the process. This applies to all those who registered their vehicles through the SAVVA
web-site between January and April.
Please submit your information without delay as I will be sending a spread sheet of all this information by the end
of July. This only applies to LHD vehicles NOT registered!
Kind regards, Peter Hall.
Peter also informs us on Periodic Testing and
the “S” licence as follows:
Also on the agenda and discussed was the original proposal regarding the PERIODIC TESTING - as you may
remember that on behalf of SAVVA I proposed that Vintage vehicles be tested every five years. This has not yet
been finalized however it appears that there is serious consideration to exclude Vintage vehicles from the periodic
testing all together. Once the decision and finalization of this point is reached I will pass the information on
The 'S' license also is not finalized at this point and once again you will be kept informed as to the outcome.
I hope that the information allows you all to feel a little more optimistic, as I do – The Director has also requested
that I keep her informed and assured me that we can deal with her directly via e-mail. Gary will attend the next
VTC meeting on SAVVA’s behalf to be held on 22 & 23rd June as the Director will be raising the issue.
It is important to note that the Automobile Association of S.A. have joined SAVVA and agreed to be our
representative for all DOT meetings country wide. This means that they have access to more than just
one of the committees and will be in a position to follow various proposals as they are discussed. The
A.A. will present our proposals as and when necessary and have an interest in assisting our cause. I
would like to take this opportunity of welcoming the AA and Gary Roland who will be representing
SAVVA. As soon as we have any responses I will immediately inform the clubs as well as those on the
LHD register.
Yours in Motoring
Handy Websites
A source of manuals for old bikes
Commemorative DJ Run
Vintage Motorcycle Club
Classic Motorcycle Club
Classic Motorcycle Club of Natal za
Crankhandle Club
Pretoria Old Motor Club
The Piston Ring
Dear Competitor
As we have been rallying on the Badplaas area roads for many years (and know where
every path and pothole is) we have decided to change our venue to the Hazyview
Protea Hotel for the 2011 Magnum.
Our annual Magnum Rally will be staged as follows:
Documentation: Wednesday, 17th August 2011
Time trial:
Thursday, 18th August to Saturday, 20th August 2011
21st August 2011
Our venue will comprise of hotel rooms with two double beds in each room plus en suite
bathrooms (only showers, no baths) in all rooms. Only two persons per room are
allowed. Family rooms (parents and small children), with the same beds plus a sleeper
couch are available.
No self catering facilities are available.
Breakfasts (presented as from 06:30) and Wednesday supper are not included in the
meals organised by the Rally, but are available – for your own account - from the dining
room. Other facilities are available in Hazyview village (which is +- 7 kilometres from the
Coffee and rusks will be provided at the start. As in the past our midday meal will be
fairly early every day.
All room service orders and drinks from the bar are for your own account.
Earlier bookings
Arrangements, (at the same reduced accommodation fees as quoted for the actual
rally), have been made with the hotel for persons who want to possibly book in earlier,
or stay a while later and go touring and sight seeing. The secretary HAS to be informed
timeously re longer bookings.
Other facilities
Well equipped bar. At the end of every day’s run, drinks can be enjoyed on the patio
facing the pool, or the quad next to the bar.
Tennis courts.
Swimming pool.
It was with lots of thought, discussion and great trepidation that we took the plunge to
change the venue, but we do hope that the new routes, other scenery and unknown
potholes will inspire you to come and join us and make the run a pleasant event!
Clerk of the Course.
Edgar Bradley’s Combined Crossword No. 1
“Combined” means it’s not just bikes but includes cars and aircraft. There
will be a prize for the first correct set of answers received. Please send you
entries to Henry Watermeyer by email to or per fax to
011 882 7251.
1.Model name of a Honda car
4. A car has this type of transmission instead of a manual transmission
9. The most senior rank in the navy, also an Opel model name
10. Carroll Shelby’s sportscar (1,1,5)
11. When something is wrong, we can also say "something is -----"
13. A famous Austin model name, describing the RAC horsepower rating of the car
15. English bearing manufacturer, the name being formed from the initials of the three
amalgamated companies viz. Ransome and Marles, Hoffman and Pollard
16. An AC Cars model name, also the name of an American motorcycle company
17. The model name of a Victoria motorcycle that had electric gear change
19. An Italian moped manufacturer
21. Name of a Chinese motor manufacturer
23. Another AC Car model name
24. Model designation of a Velocette motorcycle
25. Motorcycle frames used brazed fittings like this once
26. Old English motorcycle marque, made from 1909 to 1924. Also made cars from 1924 to
1929 - was third largest producer in England after Austin and Morris
28. A Kawasaki motorcycle model name
29. An Italian motorcycle named after an Italian town near Milan
31. Name of the world’s highest mountain. Also model name of a current Australian Ford 4x4
33. A defunct Italian car marque. Dr Porsche designed a radical racing car for them
34. A daily record of one’s doings
An old name for an open bus
Model name of a de Havilland jet fighter
Model designation of the fastest road-going 650cc AJS motorcycle
Model name of a Norton motorcycle. Also a range of mountains in North Africa
Acronym for Howard Hughes’ airline, Trans World Airlines
Name of a US airship. Name of a town in Georgia. Her sister ship was the Akron.
Short sleeveless tunics worn by knights over their armour. Anagram of bastard,
8. Model name for a Jeep-like Austin vehicle
12. Forward and bold (American slang)
14. A Humber and Hillman model name, subsequently taken over by Range Rover
18. The country that produces Ferrari and Ducati
19. What a locomotive pulls, and also the name of a French motorcycle
20. Immediately
22. One first depresses the clutch and then one ------- first gear
24. Spanish motorcycle maker
25. Name of a flower. Also the model name of a Marusho motorcycle
26. A lubrication ----- is often given in maintenance manuals for cars and bikes. Also an old
name for a map.
27. An Opel model name. Also the last letter of the Greek alphabet
30. What goes in car and motorcycle crankcases.
32. Acronym for Electronic Brake Distribution
Events Calendar
July 2-3rd
August 7th
August 18 – 20th
September 3 – 4th
September 17
September 18
October 3 – 6
November 12-13th
1000 Bike Show
Cars in the Park, Zwartkops
FIM Africa Magnum
Wheels at the Vaal
National Swap meet
SAVVA National Tour
Fairest Cape Motorcycle Tour
For the record…
26th Fragram Natal Classic Rally 2011.
The Classic Motorcycle Club of Natal.
20-21 May, 2011.
1 Kevin Robertson*
1965 Honda Black Bomber
(Leader, days 1 & 2)
2 Ric Lewis*
1929 Sunbeam Model 5
3 Gavin Lumley*
1964 AJS Model 18
4 Gavin Walton*
1965 AJS Model 18
5 Gary Brown
1970 BMW R60/5
6 Denis Pullon*
1968 Bridgestone GTR
7 Rikki Maizey*
1972 Honda CB450
(Leading Oriental Machine)
8 Grant Vacy-Lyle
1960 BMW R60
(Leading BMW)
9 Raymond Meyer*
1967 BMW R50/2
10 Hank Raatgever
1981 Moto Guzzi Mk111
11 Fritz Kraehmer*
1960 Moto Guzzi Falcone
12 Gerald Ogilvie
1976 BMW R80/7
(Most Sporting Rider)
13 Mike Matthews
1969 BSA B44 Victor Special
(Leading British Bike)
14 Dick Maizey
1938 Triumph Speed Twin
15 Malcolm Poley*
1957 Triumph Tiger 110
(Leading Younger Rider)
16 Mike Milner-Smyth*
1969 BMW R60/2
(Leading Older Rider)
17 Rob Thompson
1981 Honda CB650C
18 Samantha Anderson
1964 Matchless Comp.
(Leading Lady Rider)
19 Reg Venter & Jean
1984 Moto Guzzi
(Leading Two-Up)
20 Sean Buys*
1965 AJS
(Leading Novice)
21 Eugene Mulder
1975 Suzuki TS 250
(Leading Tiddler – 250cc or under)
22 Beverley Edwards
1967 BSA C15
(Leading BSA)
23 Theo Alberda
1949 Norton ES2
(Leading Norton or AJS)
24 Ivor Carlson*
25 Stuart Anderson
(Oldest Bike Award)
26 Barney Barnes
27 Charles Lorentz
(Leading Pre-1940)
28 Des Burton*
29 Dave Stone
30 Ginty Melvill (Zambia)
(Hard Luck Trophy)
31John Lefevre
32 Rick Hoekstra
(Stone Last Trophy)
1964 AJS Model 18
1929 AJS
1983 BME R80 GS
1936 Triumph 5/1
1959 Velocette Venom Special
1956 BSA C12
1960 Triumph Speed Twin
1962 BMW R60/2
1968 BMW R100
The Vintage Motorcycle Club
(Kevin Robertson, Fritz Kraehmer and Gavin Lumley)
“The Push Starters”
(Ric Lewis, Kevin Robertson and Rikki Maizey)
Dave Collins
Clive Stead
Sheila Stead
1981 Suzuki GS 450
1963 BSA Rocket Gold Star
1928 BSA B44
The SAVVA Secretary writes::
I would once again draw the attention of your members to the facility on the SAVVA
Website for buying and selling vehicles. There is no charge for this service.
Advertisements will remain on the site for 3 months or until the advertiser advises us
that the vehicle is no longer available. Kindly route all requests to the Secretary who is
the only person responsible for placings on the website. The webmaster will not accept
any adverts which are not channeled through the Secretary.
Treasurer/Secretary : David Hoff
Tel : 083 461 0593 Fax: 086 669 1620 or email :
AJS 1957/58 AJS 350 for sale (ex late Jimmy Barlow) R 20 000 neg.
Please contact DARRYL BARLOW on 011 425 0901.
AJS 1962 650cc Sports Twin “CSR”. A really handsome bike. SAVVA dated R 50 000.
Contact MIKE LANG on 011 849 5859 or 082 821 1826.
AJS 1963 AJS 350 Licenced. Please call MANFRED on 083 631 5440
AJS FREE: Front part of AJS FRAME 1935; AJS OILTANKS Mid 1930s – 1950;
Call COLIN ANDERTON on 076 914 3694.
ALFA ROMEO. 1983 2l Spider (Squareback) LHD. Very original and in exceptional
condition. Licenced. R 55 000.
Contact ANDREW ROBERTSON on 082 461 3413.
ARIEL 1958 1000cc Square Four Mk II (four piper). A stunning example. SAVVA dated.
R 110 000. Contact MIKE LANG on 011 849 5859 or 082 821 1826.
BSA 1965 BSA 650 Thunderbolt. Engine and clutch completely rebuild by Vic Sawyer
head redone for unleaded fuel, 12volt electronic ignition / charging system. Bike is in
Somerset West with Brian Wallace. Call BOB ORCHARD on or tel
082 780 7799.
BSA BSA GEARS & SHAFTS Mid 30s, R20 ea, bring a sample or drawing. Plus two
BSA GEARBOX CASINGS (350?) Call COLIN ANDERTON on 076 914 3694.
DJ DVDs. The two-disc set of the full 2011 DJ is available at R250/set.
Please contact RENÉ or CLIFFORD on 011 452 2528 or 082 470 5224.
EXIDE REPLICA BATTERY BOXES - will take 12v gel battery that is used in burglar
alarms. Dimensions are 90 X 115 X 170 high. The same as the original Exide battery
with the only difference being that the thickness of the lid has been increased by
+- 10mm to accommodate the 12v gel battery so, if one wants to fit a 6v gel battery,
the height of the lid can be reduced. R150 each.
Call JILL ALBERDA of CMC Natal on 031-2629953.
Engine and cycle parts. R 9 500 onco. To view, call CHRIS on 011 465 1347.
HELMETS: Two new OPEN FACE HELMETS, Small and Large, both have peaks,
black. R250 each, Contact GAVIN 079 556 7615.
HONDA GOLDWING 1200cc COMBINATION, red, as new, 75 000 km. Being sold in
aid of a charity. With two helmets, R 50 000 o.n.c.o. Jim Williamson on 033 239 2169
has more details. Offers to ROZ on 033 330 3036 or 083 326 9947.
MATCHLESS 1958 G11 600 TWIN (ex late Jimmy Barlow) R30 000.
Please contact DARRYL BARLOW on 011 425 0901.
MOTO GUZZI 1982 Moto Guzzi Le Mans 111, colour red, R30 000.
Please phone KEVIN on 082 304 2240.
NORTON. A Norton PRIMARY CHAINCASE (complete) R100.
Please call COLIN ANDERTON on 076 914 3694.
ROYAL ENFIELD PARTS For 350 ohv models 1939-1943. Complete crankcase,
buffed. Two cylinderheads, one powdercoated. Two barrels. Crank, conrod and piston
complete. Spare piston. Offers on R600 to HARRY SHUTLER on 011 678 2162.
TYRE: New Metzeler ME22, 3.25 X 18 Classic tread pattern. Applicable for front or rear.
R400 Contact GAVIN 079 556 7615
TYRES: SPECIAL OFFER: Dunlop 19” X 350 K70 Rear Tyres @ R495 ea. Less 10%
for buying two and 19” X 325 Rib Front Tyres @ R395 ea.
Call MIKE LANG on 011 849 5859 or 082 821 1826.
VELOCETTE 1952 MAC 350cc. This is a nearly finished project with very little left to
complete the rebuild. R25 000.00 or nearest offer. For more information and to view the
bike please call GUS GREGORY on 072 184 2189 or KEVIN SOLOMON 082 463 4183.
AJS FRONT MUDGUARD STAY wanted for 1965 Model 18 AJS.
Please contact RIKKI MAIZEY on 082 653 9946.
AJS BATTERY/TOOLBOX COVER (LHS) wanted for 1964 AJS Model 18.
Please call GAVIN LUMLEY on 079 556 7615 or (B) 012 666 3614.
ARIEL TOP YOKE wanted for Ariel Girder Forks.
Please call PIERRE CRONJE on 072 513 9432.
BMW. BING CARBURETOR, LHS, to suit BMW R50/2. The larger type, 24mm, from
the 190s.
Please call ROLY TILMAN on 011 803 1462 or 082 377 4303.
BMW Can anyone help me with the following parts for a BMW R50/2: Toolbox lid,
Set of usable carb bodies, Rear mudguard, Toolbox lid to fit a BMW R26 or 27 tank.
Please call CRAIG PATTERSON on 076 760 3090.
BSA VALVE ROCKER CARRIER BOX wanted for 1928 Sloper 500 ohv.
Please call GAVIN LUMLEY on 079 556 7615 or (B) 012 666 3614.
BSA A65 Licenced Runner, If you have one sitting and would like to move it on to a
deserving Home, please contact JOHN BOOTH in Durban, on home: 031 762 2229 or
cell: 073 341 8211
DJ BIKE Late model DJ Bike wanted.
Please call RIKKI MAIZEY on 082 653 9946.
DJ BIKE A DJ Bike wanted, 500cc or more. Need not be DJ-ready.
Please call GERHARD VERMAAK on 082 552 7602.
HARLEY-DAVIDSON Wanted: GEARBOX or gearbox parts for 1916-1920 Harley and
GEARBOX or gearbox parts for 1941-1942 5/7 Harley-Davidson.
Please contact Eugene van Dalen on 082 681 0859.
HONDA Wanted: 1968-1973 CB 350 twin.
Please contact MALCOLM POLEY on 072 732 2378.
KAWASAKI twins wanted: a 1976-1978 Z400 and an LTD440.
Please contact SEAN BUYS on 083 470 3440.
SUNBEAM Wanted for my 1935 Sunbeam model 9 - bits lost on 2011 DJ:
Removable section of rear mudguard; Number plate holder and tail light; Mudguard
support stays; Catch for bike stand. A bike stand would also be welcome as mine has
been worn down about 10mm and needs to be reshaped which will shorten it further.
Please phone/ e-mail IVOR CARLSON on 033 239 44577 or
TRAILER MOTORCYCLE TRAILER urgently needed. (One- or two-bike), must be
licenced. Please call TONY BESWICK on 083 271 4337.
TRIUMPH PRIMARY CHAIN COVER wanted for Triumph Model P.
Please call LES SIM on 082 552 4072.
TRIUMPH FRONT MUDGUARD for Triumph T120 or T140 wanted.
Please call ANDY STEAD on 082 553 4492.
VELOCETTE Pre-1936 Velo wanted. Must be complete and ready to ride.
Please phone DES on 083 229 8050.
VESPA Spares wanted for 1979 Vespa 3-wheeler P401: Beadings, badges, etc.
Please call TOKKIE on 084 700 1013.
LLOYD DU BOIS makes ornate period BRASS SPARK-PLUG NUTS and
CONNECTORS for the high tension leads for veteran and vintage bikes.(Non
suppressed). They have fine attention to detail, for any concours restoration. He also
hand makes stainless steel/aluminium LICENCE DISC HOLDERS, CORKS for the
“Enots” push-pull type fuel taps, and light alloy TYRE VALVE CAPS. Call LLOYD on
033 396 6471.
Bill Speight
We recommend you email Bill for a Price List of the big range of rubber components he
has available.
P O Box 782835 SANDTON 2146 South Africa
Michael Milner-Smyth Chairman, SAVVA/FIM Delegate,
Magazine Editor. (H&B) 011 802 7452. .
Brandon Madgwick Vice Chairman
H 011 793 5706 C 083 400 4955
Ian Storer
H 011 888 4680 C 072 727 7382
Adrian Hollis
B 011 258 5301
C 082 497 3420
Ian Holmes
Committee Member
B 011 244 0351
H 011 793 7304 C 083 646 3089
Rob Pattison-Emms Committee Member avonrod@mweb/
B 011 460 1901
H 011 460 1901 C 082 891 8399
Les Sim
Committee Member
B 011 827 8954
H 011 673 1865 C 082 552 4072
Roly Tilman
Committee Member
H 011 803 1462 C 082 377 4303
Steve Trehair
Committee Member
B 011 886 0494
H 011 469 5900 C 083 461 2751
Mike Lester
Club Dating Officer
H 011 453 4216
Elizabeth Addison
Magazine Distribution
C 082 746 2816
Club Bank Acc No. 1970259841 at Nedbank. Sandton Branch 197-005.
Club Meetings are held every fourth Monday of the month (except
December) at Morningside Country Club, De La Rey Rd, Rivonia, at
The opinions expressed in KICKSTART are not necessarily those of the
Committee or the Editor.