CURRICULUM VITAE John J. Weber III, PhD 1. PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: John J. Weber III, PhD Address: 555 North Indian Creek Drive Clarkston, Georgia 30030 Phone: 678.891.3693 (office) Email: (school) Website: 2. ACADEMIC HISTORY Present rank: Instructor Proportion time assignments: 2003-05; 2009-10: 1.00 Employed Full Time (EFT) Instruction 2010-11: 0.80 EFT Instruction; 0.20 EFT Peach State Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (PSLSAMP) Advising Tenure status: Tenure Track Highest degree: PhD, The University of Georgia, December 2009 Educational background: The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, PhD in Mathematics Education, December 2009 DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois, MA in Mathematics Education, June 1996 Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, MEd in Sociological Foundations of Education, May 1993 LaSalle University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, BA in Chemistry and Mathematics (dual degree), May 1987 Academic positions: Instructor, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering, Georgia Perimeter College (GPC), Fall 2003 – Summer 2005*, Fall 2009 – present *Worked full-time on dissertation from Fall 2005 to Summer 2009. Adjunct Instructor, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering, GPC, Spring 2003, Summer 2003, Fall 2006 – Fall 2007 Adjunct Instructor, Department of Mathematics, Athens Technical College (ATC), Fall 2001 – Spring 2003 Graduate Assistant, Department of Mathematics Education, The University of Georgia (UGA), 1997 – 2001 Adjunct Instructor, Evening Division, Robert Morris College (RMC), 1994-95 Other professional employment: Taught a Number Theory course as part of the Teacher Quality Enhancement Plan in Rockdale County, Georgia, Summer 2000 This project, funded by the Board of Regents, provided four mathematics courses for certified teachers at the middle grade level who could benefit from additional course work in mathematics. The aim of the project was to upgrade the content backgrounds and pedagogical knowledge of middle grade mathematics teachers. High School classroom teacher, Notre Dame High School for Girls, Chicago, Illinois, Spring 1990 – Spring 1998 Taught chemistry, honors chemistry, AP chemistry, pre-algebra, algebra I, calculus. Coached track and cross-country. Moderator of photography club and junior class. High School classroom teacher, Luther North High School, Chicago, Illinois, Summer 1994 3. RESIDENT INSTRUCTION AND CONTINUING EDUCATION a. Courses taught: Georgia Perimeter College Math 1431 – Introduction to Statistics Spring 2003, Section 530, 26 students Summer 2003, 14 students Spring 2004, Section 405, 30 students Spring 2004, Section 406, 29 students Spring 2004, Section 448, 30 students Fall 2004, Section 406, 28 students Fall 2005, Section 546, 13 students Spring 2006, Section 546, 16 students Fall 2009, Section 100, 29 students Fall 2009, Section 105, 30 students Fall 2009, Section 160, 25 students Summer 2010, Section 100, 23 students Summer 2010, Section 101, 24 students Fall 2010, Section 120, 26 students Math 1111 – College Algebra Fall 2005, Section 548, 27 students Fall 2009, Section 101, 32 students Fall 2009, Section 105, 32 students Fall 2009, Section 109, 32 students Math 1113 – Pre-Calculus Fall 2003, Section 401, 23 students Fall 2003, Section 404, 23 students Fall 2003, Section 405, 28 students Summer 2004, Section 402, 27 students Fall 2004, Section 402, 27 students Fall 2004, Section 405, 31 students Fall 2004, Section 449, 31 students Spring 2005, Section 409, 30 students Spring 2005, Section 446, 27 students Spring 2005, Section 447, 27 students Spring 2005, Section 449, 28 students Fall 2010, Section 102, 24 students Fall 2010, Section 104, 27 students Math 2431 – Calculus I Summer 2003, 20 students Summer 2005, Section 400, 30 students Summer 2005, Section 402, 32 students Summer 2006, Section 546, 24 students Spring 2010, Section 100, 25 students Spring 2010, Section 101, 25 students Spring 2011, Section 101, 25 students Spring 2011, Section 102, 25 students Math 2008 – Principles of Numbers and Operations (formerly Math 2030) A three-credit semester course focusing on problem solving, number systems, properties of numbers and operations for early elementary education majors. Spring 2004, Section 400, 25 students Fall 2004, Section 401, 23 students Spring 2007, Section 546, 9 students Fall 2010, Section 115, 19 students Spring 2010, Section 120, 14 students Math 2432 – Calculus II Spring 2006, Section 546, 6 students Fall 2007, Section 101, 25 students Fall 2007, Section 160, 20 students Math 2633 – Calculus III Summer 2004, Section 400, 17 students Math 2641 – Linear Algebra Spring 2004, Section 401, 14 students Math 1101 – Mathematical Modeling A three-credit semester course focusing on using elementary functions to explore and investigate applied problems. Fall 2003, Section 402, 22 students Fall 2003, Section 406, 24 students Math 1431H – Honors Introduction to Statistics Spring 2010, Section 170, 17 students Spring 2011, Section 170, 12 students Math 0098 – Intermediate Algebra A four-credit semester course designed to prepare students for college-level mathematics. Spring 2007, Section 550, 9 students Athens Technical College MAT 191 – College Algebra Spring Quarter 2002, 30 students Fall Quarter 2002, 12 students Summer Quarter 2002 Winter Quarter 2002 Winter Quarter 2002 MAT 195 – Calculus I Spring Quarter 2002, 30 students Fall Quarter 2002, 33 students MAT 254 – Calculus II Fall Quarter 2002, 7 students Winter Quarter 2003, 12 students The University of Georgia EMAT 5310 – Teaching Mathematics in the Middle School A three-credit quarter course focusing on methods and materials for middle school education majors, including observations of students’ field experiences. Winter 1998 Robert Morris College MAT 101 – College Mathematics Spring Quarter, 1994 Winter Quarter, 1994 MAT 103 – Business Mathematics Spring Quarter, 1994 b. Advising responsibilities: Served or currently serving as Peach State Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (PSLSAMP) advisor for approximately 40 students. PSLSAMP, funded through an NSF grant, has the goal to increase the number of underrepresented minority students who complete undergraduate degrees in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. Served or currently serving as faulty liaison for Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA). MESA is part of a nationwide program to encourage educationally disadvantaged students to attain degrees in STEM fields. A faculty liaison assists one MESA student who tutors other MESA students in a particular subject. Fall 2009 – calculus I Spring 2010 – statistics Spring 2011 – calculus I 4. SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES a. Unpublished dissertation: Weber, John J. III. (2009). Post-secondary students’ conceptions of randomness and entropy. [On-line]. Available: b. Recognitions and outstanding achievements: Who’s Who Among Teachers in American Universities and Colleges, 2005 Nominated: Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society, 2000 American Educational Research Association, 1998 Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 1996 Alpha Epsilon Alumni Honor Society, 1987 Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges, 1987 c. Research interests: Post-secondary students’ understanding of randomness Statistics education Post-secondary students’ transition from algebra and precalculus to calculus I & II Effective use of technology in education d. Presentations: Using R for Exploratory Data Analysis (workshop proposal), 24th Annual Georgia Perimeter Mathematics Conference, 2011 Presenting Accessible Mathematics on the Web, 18th Annual Georgia Perimeter Mathematics Conference, 2005 Using Web Technology to Aid the Visual Learner, 17th Annual Georgia Perimeter Mathematics Conference, 2004 e. Journal reviewer: The Mathematics Educator, 1998-2000 f. Professional development: Teaching Introductory Statistics following GAISE [Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education] and the Common Core workshop, MAA Ancillary Workshop in conjunction with Joint Mathematics Meetings, New Orleans, Louisiana, Jan 2011. PRISM [Partnership for Reform in Science and Mathematics] Institute, Atlanta, Georgia, April 2004 PRISM is an initiative to improve k-12 student achievement in mathematics and science. Advanced Placement Institute, St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana, Summer 1996 Participated in the Calculus AB course. Institute for Chemical Education (ICE), University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, Summer 1992 ICE is a national center for secondary chemistry teachers to improve science education. g. Professional Memberships Mathematical Association of America, Member from 1999 National Council for Teachers of Mathematics, Member, 1997-2003 and from 2004 American Mathematical Society, Member from Jan 2010 American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, Member from Feb 2010 Georgia Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, Member from Feb 2010 5. PUBLIC SERVICE Profession: Judge, student poster session at the Fifth Annual Fall National Symposium and Research Conference of PSLSAMP, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA, Fall 2010 Member, Calculus Professional Learning Community, 2010-11 STEM grant to devise a plan to improve student learning in calculus I. Participant, PRISM (Partnership for Reform in Science and Mathematics), 2004-05 PRISM is an initiative to improve k-12 student achievement in mathematics and science. 6. SERVICE TO THE COLLEGE Georgia Perimeter College, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Engineering: Tenure and Promotion Committee, 2004-05 Statistics (Math 1431) Committee, 2003-2005, 2009-2010 Chair, 2004-05 Course Assessment Committee, Summer 2010 This committee produced a timeline for course assessments conducted each semester. Teaching Strategies Committee, Summer 2010 This committee proposed a system through which the faculty can share their teaching strategies. Mathematics Education (Math 2008) Committee, 2003-04, 2010-11 In 2003-04, the committee developed the curriculum for the newly proposed course. Assessment Coordinator, 2010-11 Student of the Semester Committee Every semester, the committee organizes a reception for students recognized for outstanding academic achievement. Chair, 2009-10 Co-advisor, Math Club, Clarkston Campus, 2010-11 TI89 Calculator Workshops for students and faculty Spring 2010 Fall 2010