Appendix H LTT Project Plan 07

Project Plan
Learning Technologies Team
Capability Development
The Learning Technologies Team Capability Development Project is a sub project of
the e-learning Kit project - an approved North Coast Institute (NCI) Research and
Development Project for 2007.
The concept of the e-Learning Kit is to provide an innovative, seamless and
humanistic approach to e-Learning pedagogy at NCI, and to create a dynamic
support framework. The e-Learning Kit aims to provide support and guidance to NCI
staff in accessing available course resources and with the use of new technologies.
The newly formed Learning Technologies Support team will perform a
buddy/coach/mentor role and will introduce the e-Learning Kit, keeping NCI staff up
to date with various e-Learning initiatives, updated resources, new technologies, elearning pedagogy practices and general support in the workplace.
Capability development for the Learning Technologies Team is necessary to ensure
all members of the team are confident in the use of existing and emerging
technologies, e-learning pedagogy options, and the coaching and mentoring roles
used to support colleagues.
To create a network of staff with comprehensive knowledge and experience in the
use of technology and e-learning pedagogy, who are accessible and can provide
advice, guidance and support to their colleagues.
To create a developmental program that will be sustainable beyond the initial group
of participants.
Scope Statement
This project will develop and implement a developmental program for the Learning
Technologies Team. The program will focus on the use of technologies in teaching
and learning practices, e-learning methods and ways of supporting the participants’
colleagues. The developmental activities will include formal, informal and workbased learning activities, using technology for delivery where practical and best
practice. Some of these activities will be designed and initiated by the Project
Leaders and others may be designed and initiated by the participants. The
developmental program will be considered complete by November 2007 regardless
of the extent of knowledge and experienced gained, and will complement the
introduction of the E-Learning Kit in second semester, 2007.
This project does not include:
Capability development for staff not identified in the initial Learning
Technologies Team
The purchase of hardware or software associated with the project
Interfaces (Related Projects)
NCI Research and Development Project – e-Learning Kit
NCI Research and Development Project – Moodle Capability
TOL2 Project – Access to New Technologies (Web Conferencing, PDA’s,
iPods, Video Conferencing, Wireless Networks, Multimedia Packs)
E-Learning Leadership and Management Network
Project Overview
This project aims to
provide a Capability
Development program
that will build the skills
of participants and in
addition, create a
support network for NCI
teachers relating to elearning technologies
and pedagogy practices
throughout NCI.
The role of the Learning
Technologies Team will
be to act as a
buddy/coach/mentor and
provide advice, guidance
and support for their
colleagues with the aim
of extending the breadth
and depth of technology
related knowledge and
experience across the
Project Leaders:
Arabella Hay
The Hub
p: 02 66482438
Joanne Stavely
Organisational Improvement
p: 02 65862258
Budget from Institute R & D, plus Institute Wide Investment Funding, also budget from Learnscope
Compliance with Learnscope Project Management guidelines
Must be started by April and completed by November/December
All participants have full time work commitments
Participants hold different levels of technological knowledge
Ability to access technology
e-Learning will continue to be high priority for NCI
The project will start embedding e-learning within NCI
All participants are highly motivated
The Faculty Managers and Institute Management Team fully support the initiative
Time will be made available for participants to attend developmental activities when needed
Participants have ready access to computers and other technologies such as webcams and headsets
The Organisational Improvement budget will continue to support the initiative
Work Stages
There are three main stages to this project:
Stage 1: Initial Residential
All participants attend two day residential program
Complete pre-planned formal learning
Develop individual and team learning plans
Stage 2: Work-based learning
April – Jun 2007
Establish campus or faculty network
Complete team learning activities
Complete individual learning activities
Develop material for use in Learnscope showcase
Stage 3: Summary meeting
April 2007
July – November 2007
Summarise and evaluate individual learning
Summarise and evaluate team learning
Develop post-project plan for campus/faculty network
Evaluate LTT Capability project
Attendance at Learnscope showcase for a limited number of LTT
Quality Management
Roles and Responsibility
Project Leaders/Managers – Arabella Hay, Joanne Stavely
Project Facilitator – Alex Miller (e-Learning Support Officer)
Co-facilitators, Des Osborn, Viv Dale
Core team –Members of the Learning Technologies Team
Reporting Structure
Project Manager to submit a highlight report to ESG at the end of each stage outlining project progress
Project Manager to submit an exception report to ESG upon identifying issues or risks to the project
ESG to notify Project Manager of any identified external risks
Project Manager and core team to develop an effective communication strategy
Project Manager to comply with Learnscope reporting and invoicing requirements
as indicated in below table:
Learnscope Details
Create Expenditure and Income Record
May 2007
1st Invoice forwarded – 60% - $12,000 plus $1,200 GST
Separate Line item of $1,320 for travel
2nd Invoice forwarded - %40 - $8,000 plus $800 GST.
Separate line item of $880 for travel
30 days after contract signed – approx late
June/early July
As negotiated with Learnscope – approx
late July/early August
After postcard submitted – late July/early
Showcase materials prepared
Attendance at showcase
1st and 2nd November
Online Exit Survey (URL to be provided)
1st December
Final Report as per Capability Building Program
1st December
Mid project progress report - postcard
All invoices must contain the following information and be addressed to:
Robyn Jay, NSW Learnscope Manager
Locked Bag 53
Darlinghurst NSW 2010
Learning Technologies Team – Capability development – Team #48
ABN: 70158535753
Agreement Number or date of Execution
Fees and Expenses to be invoiced (including description of relative deliverables or milestones)
Bank Account Details for payment of the invoice
Risk Management
Limited budget may affect
the amount of time
participants can be
released from other duties
Competing priorities may
see some participants
withdraw or reduce level
of participation
Limited funding may not
allow for the continuation
of the e-Learning Support
Officer past project end
Mitigation strategy
Ensure Technolog-e Sessions are flexible
with times and days, also recorded and of 1
hour only.
Ensure “just in time” follow up support
Ensure “just in time” support is kept at
optimum level and Technolog-e Sessions
remain flexible with both times and days.
Asynchronous sessions recorded to allow
further flexibility & clarity/refresh.
Regular communication with Line Managers
e-Learning Support Officer to keep daily
journal, recording contacts with LTT, issues,
successes, challenges and future needs.
Communication with NCI ESG and
Management Team via monthly report.
Effective measures to be put into place with
“Measure What Matters” team.
Alex Miller (operational) &
Arabella Hay (support)
Alex Millar (op)
Alex Miller (op) / Arabella
Hay (support)
Alex Miller/Des Osborn
Arabella Hay (op)
Alex Miller (op) & Arabella
Hay (support)
Arabella Hay (op)
Alex Miller/Arabella Hay