Cigré Session Papers 1998 – 2010 Session 2010 SC A1 ROTATING ELECTRICAL MACHINES 2010 Biennial Session PS1: Developments in electrical machine design and experience in service A1-101 Application of magnetic wedges for stator slots of hydrogenerators Z. MILOJKOVIĆ, J. POLAK, J. ŠTUDIR, M. PETRINIĆ, Z. MALJKOVIĆ A1-102 Development and production of the world’s largest capacity 2p-60 Hz-670 MVA and 4p-60 Hz-370 MVA hydrogen-cooled turbo-generators for a 60Hz-900 MW crosscompound thermal power plant H. KATAYAMA, M. KAKIUCHI, D. MURATA, S. NAKAYAMA, H. NAKAMURA, H. ITO A1-103 Field verification of excitation control system with multi-input PSS via reactive power input for damping low-frequency power swing oscillations Y. KITAUCHI, H. MORITA, T. FUSE, E. TSUKADA A1-104 Voltage control in wind farms: real experience and results E. FERNÁNDEZ-ANTÓN, J.C. PÉREZ-CAMPIÓN, C. COMBARROS-HERNÁNDEZ A1-105 Formaldehyde emissions in large rotating electrical machines root cause analysis, background and prevention I. BERGMANN, R. DRAPER, F. RAMSAUER, G. LEMESCH A1-106 Improvement of the voltage ride through capability of synchronous generators by excitation control L. ROUCO, C. GINET, K. CHAN, K. MAYOR, L. DÍEZ-MAROTO, R. CHERKAOUI A1-107 Integration of a novel permanent magnet synchronous generator to utility grids using voltage sourced converter technology A. EDRIS, F. MCELVAIN, N. DANILOVIC, J. HELL, J. PINTER A1-108 Experience in development and operation of new types of turbogenerators with vector type excitation system for wide-range reactive power control YU.G. SHAKARYAN, I.A. LABUNETS, P.V. SOKUR, T.V. PLOTNIKOVA, N.G. SHULGINOV, V.A. DIYACHKOV, YE.V. TUZLUKOVA, N.D. PINCHUK, I.A. KADI-OGLI, V.YE ZINAKOV A1-109 Asynchronous generators as power systems’ natural dampers K.R. ALLAYEV, G.M. FEDORENKO, V.I. POSTNIKOV, L.B. OSTAPCHUK PS2: Lifetime management A1-201 Optical system for hydrogenerator monitoring J.B. ROSOLEM, C. FLORIDA, J. SANZ A1-202 Turbine generator 760 MVA supervisory system M.R. SINISCALCHI, C.L.M. PRATES A1-203 Komati 9 AEG turbo-generator filtration run filter inspections K. NAIDOO A1-204 Experience with continuous monitoring partial discharge testing in a predictive maintenance application of three similar hydro machines A. TABERNERO, B. BATLLE, O. MARTÍNEZ, A. VILLARRUBIA, S. RODRÍGUEZ, E. NAHARRO A1-205 Field experiences monitoring partial discharges in rotating equipment J.C. CANO A1-206 Detection of rotor winding shorted hydrogenerators S.R. CAMPBELL, M. SASIC, G.C. STONE turns in turbine generators and A1-207 Improvement and uprating of turbo generator of high DAM hydro power plant in Egypt M. AWAD, A. ZEIT, D. FADL A1-208 Challenges for the factory tests of an EPR range generator P. COULON, M. LICHTENBERGER, V. FERNAGUT, H. DEBRUYNE, L. DAVID, O. NICOLAS, M. BERLAMONT A1-209 Investigation of nonlinear and non-stationary motor current signature analysis methods for fault diagnosis in electrical drives I.P. TSOUMAS, A.N. SAFACAS A1-210 An in depth analysis of the generators of a critical hydroelectric power plant E. ROBLES, R. CAMPUZANO, O. DE LA TORRE, J. RAMIREZ A1-211 Voltage endurance test over two different models of hydrogenerator stator bars due to different overhang configuration S. RODRÍGUEZ, A. VILLARRUBIA, O. MARTÍNEZ A1-212 Experience with PD-monitoring system for hydro generators J. FUHR, F. JOLLIET, M. SCHULZ, M. WESTRICK A1-213 Inspection, repair and rewind experience on large, air-cooled, high voltage generators W.G. MOORE, A. KHAZANOV Session 2008 SC A1 ROTATING ELECTRICAL MACHINES PS1: Developments in electrical machine design and experience in service A1-101 Rich operation experiences and new technologies on adjustable speed pumped storage systems in Japan M. KATO, M. KOBAYASHI, T. MACHINO, K. MUKAI, O. NAGURA, S. SEKIGUCHI, T. SHIOZAKI, K. AGURO A1-102 On the electromagnetic torque pulsations, torsional oscillations, fault detection and diagnosis in the subsynchronous cascade drive I. P. TSOUMAS,A.N. SAFACAS A1-103 Experimental study of the latest design of the powerful air-cooled turbogenerator stator A1-104 At site test and service experience verification of the principally new turbogenerator type - asynchronized air cooled one E.I. GUREVICH, N.D. PINCHUK I.Y. DOVGANJUK, I.A. LABUNETS, L.G. MAMIKONYANTS, V.E. ZINAKOV, E.V. CHERNISHOV, I.A. KADI-OGLY, N.D. PINCHUK A1-105 Possibilities to increase power and efficiency of hydro generating unit D. PETROVIĆ, V. VIDAKOVIĆ, D. ARNAUTOVIĆ, S. BOGDANOVIĆ, Z. ĆIRIĆ, M. BENIŠEK, I. BOŽIĆ A1-106 Improving efficiency of induction motors using die-cast copper squirrel cages J.L. KIRTLEY JR. A1-107 EDA test to perform predictive maintenance in relevant rotating machines B. BATLLE, LM. LÓPEZ, A. TABERNERO, A. VILLARRUBIA, S. RODRÍGUEZ, O. MARTINEZ A1-108 Thorough on and off-line inspection of a hydroelectric plant generator after ten years of being rehabilitated E. ROBLES, A. GONZÁLEZ, O. REYES, J. GARCÍA A1-109 Applications of electromagnetic numerical analyses for large hydrogen cooled turbine generators H. KOMETANI, S. MAEDA, K. SUZUKI A1-110 A new definition for total harmonic distortion in inverter-fed induction motors including loss considerations H. GHAFOORI FARD, S. KABOLI, H. ORAEE A1-111 Experiences of air cooled generator stator flexible failures D.K. SOOD, P.K. ANIL KUMAR A1-112 A new method for online thyristor monitoring in static excitation system S. KARMAKAR A1-113 Rotating diodes exciter having competitive performance for nuclear plant M. BERLAMONT, L. DIESTEL-FEDDERSEN, N. PICHOT, L. DAVID A1-114 An extended modelling of synchronous generators for internal fault evaluation and protection assessment G.B. DENEGRI, M. INVERNIZZI, G. MACCIÒ, R. PROCOPIO, U. REGGIO A1-115 High temperature conductive tape for high voltage machines J.C. DUART, T. HILLMER A1-116 A1-116 A1-117 Competitive air cooled generator tested at 400 MVA K. MAYOR, C. GINET, L. BERCA, A. WRIGHT Hydrogen/water-cooled turbogenerators: a mature technology on the move R. JOHO, Y. SABATER, H. FERRETTO, D. ABRAHAM, W. FERENS PS2: Machines for dispersed generation and renewable energy, including wind power machines A1-201 Improved operation of DFIG based wind generation systems under network unbalance L. XU, L. YAO, N. MACLEOD A1-202 Reactive power control in wind farms: real experience and results E. FERNÁNDEZ, F. SANTAMARÍA-MOSQUERA A1-203 Impact of wind power generators on the frequency stability of synchronous generators L. ROUCO, I. EGIDO Session 2006 SC A1 ROTATING ELECTRICAL MACHINES PS1: Developments in electrical machine design and experience in service A1-101 Improvement in requirements for stress grading systems of stator windings at Hydro-Quebec TREMBLAY REMI, HUDON CLAUDE, GODIN THIERRY, BELEC MARIO, BANVILLE JEAN-PIERRE, NGUYEN DUC NGOC (CANADA) A1-102 Experimental And Cfd Analysis Of Hydrogenerator Ventilation Components N.GUNABUSHANAM, J.VENKATA SURESH (INDIA) A1-103 Tests on 500 configuration mva hydrogen cooled turbogenerator in single-shaft VINCENZO TARTAGLIONE (ITALY) A1-104 Air cooled generators having competitive performances to conventional h2cooled MACHINES KENICHI HATTORI, AKITOMI SEMBA, TADAAKI WATANABE, KAZUHIKO TAKAHASHI (JAPAN) A1-105 KAKIMOTO, TAKASHI Deterioration mechanisms found in electrical generators of a hydro plant and its rehabilitation EDGAR ROBLES, OSCAR REYES, ARTURO GARCÍA (MEXICO) A1-106 Large air-cooled turbogenerators - extending the boundaries R. JOHO, C. PICECH, K. MAYOR (SWITZERLAND) A1-107 Hydrogenerator poles damage by electrical erosion – pattern, cause, diagnostics and failure prevention V.V. KUZMIN, A.N. VAKULENKO (UKRAINE) A1-108 Operating experience compensator of a superconductor dynamic synchronous SWARN S. KALSI , DAVID MADURA, MICHAEL ROSS, MICHAEL INGRAM (USA), REGINE BELHOMME, PIERRE BOUSSEAU,JEAN-YVES ROGER (FRANCE) PS2: Life Cycle and Failure Risk Assessment and Management tools A1-201 Hydrogenerators with stator winding water cooled type: difficulties and solutions on doing dielectric tests GERALDO CARVALHO BRITO JUNIOR, MARCELO FABIANO LATINI (BRAZIL) A1-202 Application of simplified statistical models in hydro generating units condition monitoring GERALDO CARVALHO BRITO JUNIOR (BRAZIL) A1-203 Experience with continuous on-line partial hydrogeneratorstator winding insulation discharge monitoring of G.C. STONE, M. SUSNIK, R. HUBER, B. LLOYD, S. ZELINGHER (CANADA) A1-204 Determination of operating limits of underexcited synchronous generator by measurements Z. MALJKOVIC, I. ILIC, I. GAŠPARAC, M. PAVLICA, A. VISKOVIC, I. ANDROCEC (CROATIA) A1-205 Failiure analysis of generator rotors - causes and preventions N. N. MISRA, D.K. SOOD (INDIA) A1-206 A successful retrofit of old turbo-generators having various technical problems H.KATAYAMA, S.TAKAHASHI, H.NAKAMURA, H.SHIMADA, H.ITO (JAPAN), GERT J COETZEE, FRED A CLAASENS (SOUTH AFRICA) A1-207 Electrical properties of large turbines generator stator insulations HEE-DONG KIM, YOUNG-HO JU, DON-HA HWANG, YONG-JOO KIM (KOREA) A1-208 Maintenance experience for small hydro generator Y. J. KIM, D. S. KANG, B. K. OH, K. H. LEE, K. J. LIM (KOREA) A1-209 Benefits from the use of on line turbo generator monitoring systems. EDGAR ROBLES, OSCAR REYES, OCTAVIO DE LA TORRE, JOSÉ RAMÍREZNIÑO (MEXICO) A1-210 Efficiency measurement by applying two different methods at modernized hydrogenerators in iron gates 1 hydroelectric power plant the DAN ZLATANOVICI, RODICA ZLATANOVICI, DRAGO NOVAC (ROMANIA), MARCUS REGLI (SWITZERLAND), SLOBODAN BOGDANOVICI, (SERBIA & MUNTENEGRO) A1-211 Service life prolongation and reliability increase of long operating turbogenerators L.G. MAMIKONYANTS, V.A. PIKULSKY, F.A. POLYAKOV (RUSSIA) A1-212 Experience of long operated hydrogenerator refurbishment and reconstruction Y. DEGUSAROV, V. SHKOLNIK (RUSSIA) A1-213 Automatic pd pattern evaluation as part of condition based maintenance strategy C.-E. STEPHAN, C. WENDEL, R. STEIN, R. JOHO, M. PETERS (SUISSE) Session 2004 A1-101 Influence of special short circuit on electrical generator design D.Z. MENG (China) A1-102 Modelling and dynamic simulation of induction machine under mixed eccentricity conditions using winding function E. SHARIFI-GHAZVINI, J. FAIZ, I. TABATABAEIARDEKANI, A. SHIRANI (Iran) A1-103 Two-axis excited turbo-generator development in Russia to meet some modern electric power industry requirements I.A. KADI-OGLI, G. MAMIKONYANTS, Yu.G. SHAKARYAN, Yu.D. VINITZKY (Russia) A1-104 Design and test features of generators with middle outputs Z. MILOJKOVIC, D. GRUBIC (Croatia) A1-105 New development in the design of generators for nuclear plants with reliability P. CHAY, G. MARTINET, M. THIERY, E. VEITH, M. VERRIER (France) A1-106 The world's largest capacity turbine generators with indirect hydrogencooling T. KITAJIMA, H. ITO, S. NAGANO, Y. KAZAO (Japan) A1-107 Performance evaluation and measurement of the 250-MVA class air-cooled turbo generator K. HATTORI, H. OKABE, K. IDE, K. KOBASHI, T. WATANABE (Japan) A1-108 Conversion of a commutator exciter into a brushless exciter: benefits, design and achievements J.F. BRUDNY (France), Th. GODIN (Canada) A1-201 Experiences of stator conductor oxidation build up for 500 MW generators B.N. OJHA, D.K. SOOD (India) A1-202 Asset management practices for Australian turbo-generators J. LINTON, H. ROOKE (Australia) A1-203 Determination of the actual PQ diagram of the hydro generators, being in service, in order to establish their maximum operating domains and their capacity to provide system services D. ZLATANOVICI, P. BUDULAN, R. ZLATANOVICI (Romania) A1-204 Thermal evaluation of air cooled generators to investigate the generator rotor overheating - a pre-rewind evaluation case study A. SHARMA, J. AL A'ALI (Bahrain), N-I. LANDGREN (Sweden) A1-205 Failure analysis of a 360 MW power unit generator M. PAPADOPOULOS, N. BOULAXIS, D. TSANAKAS, A. SAFAKAS (Greece) A1-206 Eletronorte Tucurui hydro plant expansion and modernization F.R. NETO, G.N. RAMOS (Brazil), C. GONCALVES, C.A. HORTA, W.G. DO NASCIMENTO, W. DE OLIVEIRA FERREIRA (Brazil) M. BISSONNETTE (Canada) D. GOMES DE LIMA (Brazil) A1-207 Study and development of on-line monitoring system for a KEPCO pumped storage generator/motor H.D. KIM, Y.H. JU, Y.J. KIM, K.B. CHO (Korea) A1-208 Stator deformation of large hydro generators and its effects on the machines C. AZUAJE, A. MILLAN (Venezuela) A1-209 Experiences in identification of partial discharge patterns in large hydro generators C. AZUAJE, W. TORRES (Venezuela) Session 2002 11-101 Investigations of partial discharges in generator coil bars by means of acoustic emission method: acoustic images and location. F. WITOS - Z. GACEK (Poland) 11-102 Trends in insulation systems for generator HV-windings. A. BOCK - R. JOHO - T. BAUMANN -C-E. STEPHAN (Switzerland) 11-103 Design summary for Xiao Lang Di hydro generator LIU GONGZHI (China) 11-104 Air-cooled large turbine generator with inner cooler ventilation system K. HATTORI - K. IDE - K. KOBASHI T. WATANABE (Japan) 11-105 Impacts on turbine generator design by the application of increased thermal conducting stator insulation. M. TARI - K. YOSHIDA - S. SEKITO H. HATANO (Japan) - R. BRÜTSCH A. LUTZ (Switzerland) 11-106 Influence of customers specifications upon design features of EPR turbo generator. L.W. MONTGOMERY - R CHIANESE - P.H.SAM - R. WARD (USA) K. SEDLAZECK - W. ADELMANN H. BAILLY - I. GAHBLER H. HARDERS - W. WEISS B. SCHOLZ - S. HENSCHEL U. KAINKA - U. SCHUBERT H. SPEISS (Germany) 11-107 Air-cooled turbo generator series for a changing market. M. ISELI - B. ZIMMERLI (Switzerland) K. MAYOR (United Kingdom) - M. VERRIER - Y. SABATER (France) 11-201 Hydro generator EL CID results referred to high flux ring test results G.K. RIDLEY on behalf of Study Committee 11 11-202 Advances in interpreting partial discharge test results from motor and generator stator windings G.S. STONE - V. WAREN - H.G. SEDDING W. McDERMID (Canada) 11-203 PD identification and fault localization in power plants by means of remote controlled pulse propagation measurements R. KOZIEL - R. AUMANN R. MEISSNER - S. PIEL - (Germany) 11-204 Development of a method for the assessment of the stator windings insulation systems of hydrogenerators J. PLANCON - A. PETIT M. MAZZOCCO (France) 11-205 Deformation of the rotor and stator forms of the hydrogenerator at hydroelectric power station D. PETROVIC - R. ALBIJANIC V. MILOSAVLJEVIC - S. STOJKOVIC (Yugoslavia) 11-206 Design and experience feedback of turbogenerator retrofit packages to the United States H. HARRISON - H. HOLLAUF (USA) J-L. LAPOINTE (France) 11-207 The application of ESKOM's generator care philosophy to increase generator reliability S.A. HIGGINS - G.J. COETZEE A. SURENDRA - D. TARRANT W. PIENAAR - A. MITCHELL (South Africa) - P. MACHARD - M. THIERY (Europe) 11-208 Experience based on the analysis of insulation condition on large high voltage rotating machines in Korean utilities. H.D. KIM - Y.H. JU - K.J. LIM K.B. CHO - D.H. PARK (Korea) 11-301 Performance of pump motors during a system fault for the Great Man Made River project. H. H. SHERWALI - I. S. FALAH M. MOKHTAR (Libya) QUE BUI-VAN - J. LEMAY - (Canada) 11-302 Turbine Generator specific maintenance during their long time standby duty to prevent their failure condition. V.L. KARAPAZYUK - F.L. KOGAN (Russia) 11-303 Solutions for mechanical and electromagnetic problems in bulb type hydropower unit Z. MALJKOVIC - S. TESNJAK M. PAVLICA - V. JARIC I. BACINGER - D. MAGIC D. DVEKAR (Croatia) 11-304 500 MW generator noise and vibration problem B.N. OJHA - S.R. YADAV - D.K. SOOD (India) Session 2000 11-101 Type-tested air-cooled turbo-generators in the 500 MVA range – JOHO R., BAUMGARTNER J., HINKEL T., STEPHAN C.-E., JUNG M. (Switzerland) 11-102 The development of the 400 MW evaporation-cooling hydro-generator of Lijiaxia power station – GU GUOBIAO, XIONG NAN, YUAN JIAYI, TIAN XINGDONG, CHEN XIFANG, ZHU YUANCHAO, ZHENG XIAOKANG, ZHAO CHANGZHONG (China) 11-103 The physical field computation of hydrogenerators - MIAO LIJIE, LIU TONGYAN, CHI SU (China) 11-104 Investigations into a 6000 tons thrust bearing with Teflon or Babbitt layer for the Three Gorges units – SCHAFER D., FUERST A. (Switzerland), SHEN LIANGWEI, QU DAZHUANG (China) 11-105 High rated generator-motors for pumped storage stations – HEMERY G., FERMAUT J.M., MAZZOCCO (France) 11-106 Design and experience feed back for 3000 rpm 1000 MW nuclear power station in China – SHEN RU GANG (China), BOOTHR.M. (United Kingdom), GUIGUES B., VERRIER M. (France) 11-107 Recent development progress of 70 MW class superconducting generator World's highest output, longest continuous operation of 1500 hours & first connection to 77kV power grid – AGETA T., SHIBUYA M., TANIGUCHI H., SHIOBARA R., SUZUKI K., MIYAIKE K. (Japan) 11-201 Guide to evaluate the need to rebuild hydroelectric generators YELLE R.G., MENARD P. (Canada) 11-202 Voltage increase in hydro generator circuit due to failures and disturbances MALJKOVIC Z., UGLESIC I., KUTEROVAC L.J., VRKIC I., VUCAK S. (Croatia) 11-203 The advanced method of rotor failure detection in large induction motors LAZAREVIC Z., PETROVIC D., JANDA Z., STOJKOVIC S. (Yugoslavia) 11-204 On-line PD testing on lower voltage rotating machines using high sensitivity capacitors – ZHU H., GREEN V., SASIC M. (Canada), HALLIBURTON S. (United States) 11-301 Developments and verification tests of diagnostic methods for hydrogenerators - KAFER R., EGGER H., HUMMER A., FUCHS H.R., KOGLEK H., MÜLLER F., BINDER E., DRAXLER A. (Austria), DRPIC M., HOOF M., LANZ S. (Switzerland) 11-302 Measurement procedures and interpretation algorithms to state the residual life time of the stator winding insulation ENGSTER F., POP O., BULEZIUC (Romania) 11-303 Information diagnostic system for hydropower units - ALEKSANDROV A.E., IRTEGOV J.N., NADTOCHY V.M., RODIONOV V.G. (Russia) 11-304 On the interpretation of partial discharge patterns detected at motor terminals RABACH G., VISENTIN M., RAZZA F. (Italy) 11-305 On-line condition monitoring of winding insulation in turbine generators KIMURA K., KANEDA Y., ITOH K., KOGI T., MOROOKA K., TAKASHIMA M. (Japan) 11-306 Système de mesure en continu du niveau d’étincellement de machines électriques (MC2Me) – ALONSO RODRIGUEZ Á.M., BLAZQUEZ GARCÍA F., PÉREZ ALONSO M. (Espagne) Session 1998 New approach to the problem of superconductive turbogenerator development and operation in the network – GLEBOV I.A., DYAKOV A.F., CHUBRAEVA L.I. (Russia) 11-102 Designing central station turbine generators for the year 2000 and beyond BERRONG D.B., McCOWN W.R., WINNIE P.D., MONTGOMERY L.W. (United States) 11-103 Development and design of the world's largest tandem, two-pole, 60Hz 1,000MW turbine generator - YAMAMOTO Y., SATO T., TARI M, ITO H. (Japan) 11-104 Intelligent motion control of electric motors with evaluative feedback – LUCAS C., ALI JAZBI S. (Iran) 11-105 Development of an intelligent control concept for the adjustable speed drives - A new design consideration on the practical and economic aspect - CHO K.B., RHEW H.W., LEE K.C. (Korea) 11-201 Rewinding of 900 MW and 1300 MW generators at EDF – DESNEUX J.C., PERRIN S., RICHARD N. (France) 11-202 Analysis of the effect of adjustable speed drive surges on motor stator winding insulation STONE G.C., SEDDING H.G., CAMPBELL S.R. (Canada) 11-203 Life time management and the impact on its extension at hydrogenerators from Portile de Fier and Djerdap Hydropower Substations – ZLATANOVICI D., CRETU D., BLEIER I., NOVAC D., GHEORGHIESCU P., NEGOMIREANU G. (Romania), MILOSLAVLJEVICI V., VIDAKOVICI V. (Yugoslavia) 11-204 A new parameter for condition assessment of generator stator insulation – KIM Y.J., KIM J.B., HWANG D.H., JEON J.W. (Korea) 11-205 Voltage stress of the rotor winding in turbine-generator furnished by thyristor exciter NAGY I., KORONDI P., SÜTÕ Z., RUZSANYI T., MORICZ J. (Hungary) 11-206 Electromechanical oscillations and torsional stresses of generating units located near arc furnaces – ROBERT A., JANSSENS N., COUVREUR M., LEDOUX P., BOON G., DEMARET H., Zur NEDDEN L., DEUSE J., DUBOIS J. (Belgium) 11-207 On-line partial discharge measurements on turbine generators : experience with stator slot and bus coupler measurements - SEDDING H.G., STONE G.C. (Canada). BECKERDITE G., JOHNSEN R. (United States), PENAZIEV A. (Australia), LAM D.M. (Hong Kong) Joint Session : Generation development and impact of power systems 11/37-01 Adjustable speed asynchronous machine in hydro power plants and its advantages for the electric grid stability – SCHAFER D., SIMOND J.J. (Switzerland) 11/37-02 Taking technical-economic performances of dispersed generation units into account in network development – ADAM P., MEYER B., BELLOT C., DAVRIU A., MEYER J.L., SCHNEIDER M., VITET S. (France) 11/37-03 Breaking conventions in electrical power plants – LEIJON M., GERTMAR L., FRANK H., MARTINSSON J., KARLSSON T., JOHANSSON B., ISAKSSON K., WOLLSTRÖM U. (Sweden) 11/37-04 Role of two-axis excitation turbo generators in power systems SHAKARYAN YU., MAMIKONYANTS L., VINITSKY YU., LOCHMATOV A., HVOSCHINSKAYA Z. (Russia), KAUFFMANN J.M., MANGEL H. (France), DEUSE J., KAROUI K., DUBOIS J. (Belgium)