Curriculum Mapping – Case Study Course: HFN 2O (Gr. 10 Foods and Nutrition) School Board: The Victoria District School Board is located north of the large city of Epping. The growing suburb of Churchill Meadows is located within the Victoria District School Board. Description of the School: Churchill Meadows Secondary School is a fairly large school with 1,800 students from grades 9 – 12. It has an ethically diverse population with a number of students who are ELL. About 200 of the students are recent immigrants and come from low to middle SES families. The majority of the remaining school population comes from middle SES families. Churchill Meadows S.S. is a semestered school. Family Studies Department: The Family Studies department at Churchill Meadows S.S. is a relatively small department with three full-time teachers specializing in Family Studies and another teacher who has Family Studies qualifications but usually only teaches 1-2 sections a semester. All three full-time teachers have over 5 years experience. They are hoping to run more courses that students can take for Family Studies and are trying to work on building student interest. Some of the courses that they offer at Churchill Meadows S.S. include: Gr. 10 & 12 Food and Nutrition, Gr. 12 Individuals and Families in Diverse Society, Grade 11 Parenting, Gr. 11 & 12 Fashion and Gr. 9 Individuals and Family Living. With new policies that are being implemented by the Ministry of Education in terms of the Healthy Food Act and no longer charging fees for courses, the Family Studies teachers at Churchill Meadows are working towards creating healthy, cost-effective recipes that work within each of the units. Learning Goals/Plans with Students: The Family Studies Department hopes to help students develop fundamental skills related to food and nutrition including making wise food choices, meal planning and preparation as well as research skills to investigate topics related to global food issues, body image, food influences, etc. In addition to building research skills the department hopes to work on students’ literacy skills by having students read about food issues from different sources, write journal reflections about what they have learned, write adjusted recipes and create a written critique of the food that they prepare. Students will work collaboratively with their classmates in food labs and in group activities.. This will also be extremely beneficial for ELL students as other students in the class can mentor them. Course Overview and Unit Breakdown Course Name: Food and Nutrition Course Code and Destination: HFN 2O Grade: 10 Course Description: This course explores the factors that affect attitudes and decisions about food, examines cur- rent issues of body image and food marketing, and is grounded in the scientific study of nutrition. Students will learn how to make informed food choices and how to prepare foods, and will investigate our Canadian food heritage and food industries, as well as global food issues. The course also introduces students to research skills related to food and nutrition. Course Overview: Key Learnings Practical Skills (i.e. food labs, fashion lab, child care placement, housing design, budgeting, research skills such as surveys and interviews) Students will understand what factors influence an individual’s food choices. making a realistically healthy breakfast dish Students will know how to be an informed shopper. comparing organic products to non organic products in terms of price (looking at flyers), benefits/challenges, taste (making different recipes in food labs) food lab on food safety, i.e. how to use knives in Students will demonstrate safe food preparation the kitchen (salad bar), different ways to cook eggs and cooking skills. Students will understand and identify healthy food choices. adjusting a recipe to make it healthier, i.e. low in fat, low in sodium, sugar-free, gluten-free Students will be able to conduct research and effectively communicate their findings. culminating activity (researching current food issues and using relevant information to create own case study Unit Overview Unit Title Unit 1: Food Choices and Influences Enduring Understandings Students will be able to summarize the practical factors and demonstrate the skills involved in producing appetizing and healthy foods for themselves and others. Unit 2: Health and Well-Being Unit 3: Production and Consumerism in Canada Unit 4: Canadian Heritage and Global Connections Unit 5: Course Culminating Activity Students will also be able to describe the relationship among family customs, traditions, and food, using current scientific research methods. Students will understand what a healthy body image is, how it can be achieved and maintained, and the relationship it shares with eating disorders and body altering substance abuse. Students will be able to identify the role played by consumers when looking at food issues such as obesity, organic vs. nonorganic, etc. Students will also be to understand how food supply and production works in Canada. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of our Canadian food heritage and complete an investigation of current global issues related to food, using current social science research methods. Students will use the prior knowledge they have gained from the course to choose a relevant food issue to research, explore, expand upon, analyze, and connect with the previous course material presented in a variety of ways Expectation Breakdown Unit Title/Description Unit 1: Food Choices and Influences Time (hours) 23 Overall Expectations Specific Expectations (use codes from course profile) SOV.01X, SOV.02X, SO1.01X, SO1.02X,SO1.03X PRV.01X, PRV.02X, PRV.O3X ...PR1.01X, PR1.02X, PR1.03X, PR1.04X, PR1.05X, PR1.06X PR3.01X, PR3.02X, PR3.03X, PR3.O4X, PR3.04X,PR3.05X, PR3.O6X, PR3.O7X, PR3.08X,PR3.O9X, PR3.10X, PR3.11X SCV.01X, SCV.02X SC1.O4X, SC2.02X Unit 2: Health and Wellbeing 19 Unit 3: Consumerism and Production in Canada 19 SSV.01, SSV.02 SS1.01, SS1.02, SS1.03, SS1.04, SS1.05, SS1.08, SS2.03 PRV.01: PR1.01, PR1.04 PRV.03: PR3.01, PR3.02, PR3.05, PR3.11 SCV.01: SC1.01, SC1.02, SC1.03, SC1.04, SC1.05, SC1.06. SCV.02: SC2.01, SC2.02, SC2.03 SSV.01: SS1.09 SSV.02: SS2.02 SSV.03: SS3.01, SS3.02, SS3.03 PRV.02 => PR2.01, PR2.02, PR2.03, PR2.04, PR2.05, PR2.06, PR2.09, PR2.10, PR2.11 DIV.03 => DI3.01, DI3.02, DI3.03 SSV.01 => SS1.01, SS1.04, SS1.06, SS1.09 SSV.02 => SS2.01, SS2.02 Unit 4: Canadian Heritage and Global Connections 19 SSV.03 => SS3.01, SS3.02, SS3.04 DIV.02X, DIV.04X, SSV.01X, SSV.02X, SSV.03X DIV.02X => DI2.01X, DI2.02X, DI2.04X DIV.04X => DI4.01X, DI4.02X, DI4.03X, DI4.04X SSV.01X =>SS1.05X, SS1.06X, SS1.07X SSV.02X=> SS2.01X SSV.03X=>SS3.01X, SS3.02X, SS3.03X PR3.02X, PR3.03X, PR3.04X, PR3.05X Unit 5: Course Culminating Activity 30 Assessment & Evaluation Term Evaluation (70%) Category Weighting Knowledge and Understanding Knowledge and understanding of facts, terms, concepts, theories and the 16% relationships among these. e.g. tests & quizzes, research projects, reports & presentations Thinking & Inquiry Use of critical and creative thinking skills (e.g. decision making, problem solving), 16% inquiry and research skills. e.g. tests & quizzes, food lab, research projects and reports, presentations, co-operative learning. Communication Using appropriate language, symbols, and visuals, and a variety of forms of communication for different audiences. e.g. 16% food lab reports, research projects and reports, presentations, co-operative learning posters, power point presentations, pamphlets, etc. Application Application of ideas and skills in familiar contexts, transfer to new contexts, SOV.01, SOV.02, SOV.03, PSV.01, PSV.02, PSV.03, SCV.01, SCV.02, SSV.01, SSV.02 application of procedures, equipment and technology and making connections within school and with the world beyond school. e.g. tests & quizzes, food labs, research projects, team work and co-operative learning. 22% Final Evaluation (30%) Course Culminating Activity Description: Students will create a case study by conducting their own research on a current food issue that is occurring amongst adolescents in Canada (obesity, anorexia, bulimia, tooth decay/cavities, etc). Using their case study they will create a report detailing the nutrition issues faced by the adolescent described in their case study and what actions can be taken to help this adolescent (i.e. change in diet, outlook, exercise). They will then produce a healthy recipe that can be made by the adolescent or a member of the adolescent’s family in their food lab. Lastly, students will present their case study, a summary of their report and the recipe they chose to the class in their presentations. Course Culminating Activity: “Healthy Living” Research Report Food Lab Presentation Weighting 5% 10% 5% 10% Unit Culminating Activities UNIT 1 2 Unit Title Unit Culminating Activity (include both performance tasks and unit tests as applicable) Food Choices and Influences Individual presentation- to create pamphlet to inform/promote healthy foods and eating habits among specific groups (diabetics, Hypertension, Allergy). Health and Well-Being Media/print comparison collage of healthy vs unhealthy body image and food items with supporting 2 page rationale that explains the choices and connects big ideas and practical learning from healthy food labs. 3 4 Consumerism and Production Using a RAFT board students will be marketing a “Produced in Canada in Canada” food item based on techniques and information they have learned during the unit. Canadian Heritage and Global Part 1: Group assignment to Connections select a most popular recipe in a give region with consideration of demographic, history, food production and culture. Complete a written reflection sheet to explain how the selected recipe connects to the Canadian food heritage and regional food development. Part 2: Read the newspaper article about the “Watermelons exploded in the Chinese Farms” Online research and write a 2 pages report about the thoughts of global food issues and suggestions. 5 Course Culminating Activity Culminating Activity “Healthy Living” Legend: (please add any additional terms to this list) GW- Group Work Think/Pair/Share D-Diagnostic OE- Overall Expectations CA- Class Activity ISP- Independent Study Project FL-Food Lab SB-Smart Board placement SSR – Social Science Research FD – Food Demonstration HW- Homework TPS- F- Formative SE- Specific Expectations CD-Class Discussion C-Computer SL- Sewing Lab M- Mind Map S- Summative JE- Journal Entry RP- Role Play J-Jigsaw L-Lecture CC – Childcare IW – Independent Work GS – Guest Speaker AC – Academic Controversy Unit 1: Food Choices and Influences (Sandra Holness) September 2011 - 2012 1 2 5 Labour Day 12 - :Safety Quiz -Lesson : How to research successfully: (Pg 12, ,50,85, 140,177,,290,312,321 in text) V: The Way we eat: What food means. -Activity sheet Handout Activity -Write 4 main reasons/importance of nutrients base on the video SSR: Identify and 6 - First Day of School -Introductions: -Personal: Game; getting to know each other; -students made name tags. - Course Outline: HFN 201 -Course Expectations/handouts discussed; -Students/teacher made class rules - Interest inventory -Activity sheet survey for student –What I Know; What I want to know; What I have learnt (this column to be completed mid way into the unit) -OE: SOV.02X, PRV.01X, 02X, 03X, SSV.01X,02X -SE: SO2.01X, 02X, 03X, PR2.03X, SS1.02X,03X,04X,05X, SS2.01X, 02X, 03X, SS3.o1X, 02X 13 V: Healthy Eating (26Mins) -Lesson: Early Childhood Eating Patterns (Chap 3) -ISP: Identify positive and negative food influences from 3 Food cartoons; SSR Find lunch recipes for children age 3 – 7 years and identify the nutritious value of each. Activity - Bingo game; Healthy foods from the video. 7 - Unit 1 Begin - The Food groups Brainstorm Healthy Living: CA- Introduce and develop Word wall. Lesson: Importance of each food group to growth and development; - Students given Words to define using glossary in textbook Activity TPS: Charts given for students to Match Healthy foods with their nutrients. PR1.01X; SS1.01X PA Day 8 - Healthy eating habits CD: 4 cornersopinions: What influences your food choices? -Lesson: Getting to know the kitchen. (no oven/stove) Teacher led activity -TPS: Find yourself a recipe for a healthy after school snack -Activity: Find Match and Pair utensils in the kitchen eg. Knives & forks SE: PR1.05X PR1.03X 14 -D: Safety Quiz – All must pass before allowed in kitchen. Kitchen safety review - V: Grown In Ontario- (17 mins) Lesson: Food choices, trends through time. -CD: similarities and differences in our food choices student/parent/grand Parents to complete 15 - Introduce Unit Culminating Task -Research project on Intergenerational food habits. -Using social science research skills students will conduct a research on the similarities and differences of eating habits, food choices, food preparation and influences on 9 – Health and Safety Tips -D: Safety quiz – testing prior knowledge; -L: Safety hazards in the kitchen (Chap. 6) V: clip of Kitchen safety HW – Make a mini poster to depict 2 accident preventing pointers -Activity -Thumbs up, Thumbs Down on Kitchen Safety questions SE: SS3.03X, PR3.02X. 16 -Food Lab: -Prepare 2 simple dishes using 5 ingredients or more to prepare a healthy breakfast and lunch for a diabetic. GW: Lab write up JE: How will taking this course help me explain the status of nutrients in teenagers diet SE PR1.01X, 06X: S02.01X, S02.03X SE: SS1.02X, SS1.03X, SO2.03X 19 - Food Lab: Prepare 2 simple dishes using 5 ingredients or more to prepare a healthy breakfast and lunch for a diabetic. Activity GW: write Lab report SE: SS2.03X, PR3.07X, PR3.03X 20 CA: Computer search on careers in the Food and Nutrition Fields - Create a poster depicting the different Family Studies related careers. Activity Write a poem - 10 lines about the career you choose and why SS1.02X questionnaire - Activity -Create 3 web questions from lesson. SE: SS1.03X , SS1.04, PR3.03X teenagers. -final research project due at the end of the unit (chap 4 & 13) Computer Lab: Students start working on culminating Activity SSV.01X,SS1.02X SOV.02X, DIV.01X, PR2.03X, in the future 21 Guest Speakers: Career Choices: -Students choose 2 25 minutes careers talks; -Foods: Nutritionist, Hotel worker; -Clothing: Fashion consultant, Hair stylist; - Parenting: Family Lawyer, Nanny; -Housing: Interior decorator, Architect; - Resource Manager: Event planner, Mediator; Activity -Exit Card Game Student pick a question and answer orally. 22 23 V: Chocolate PA Day CD: Food choices Versus Body image CD: The effects of food habits on personal, social and psychological well being - Activity -Students write 1 thing on Smart Board they want to share. SE; SS2.03X, PR3.07X, PR3.03X PRV.10X PR1.04X, PR1.05X R3.01X, SCI.04X, Sc2.02X SCI.04X, SC2.02X 26 Food Safety/Health hazard - RP: Health hazards set up in classroom -Stations: Experiment: 27 - JE: How this course has impacted my life and future decisions regarding my health. - Computer Lab Students working on 28 - V: To Your Good Health -Lesson: Food, Body and mind: -CW : Mind Map How food influence 29 -CD: Menu Planning, Multicultural interpretation of food choices and 30 -Demo Food lab - Class was split in 2 and each group did Examples of food that may or may not be safe to eat. CD: Reasons for/against decision. Activity -GW: Each group will add 3 more safety hazards to teachers list and explain how to prevent them. . PR3.03X,04X SS2.03X culminating Activity SSV.01X,SS1.02X SOV.02X, DIV.01X, PR2.03X, social & personal choices, (Chap 2 Text) Activity Look before You Leap Activity - Collect intergenerational questionnaire SOV.02X, SO2.02X, .03X, PR1.01X, 04X how it relates to healthy eating habits - Student share questionnaires with class. Activity – Each student will create a poster depicting a healthy breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert in your culture SE: SS1.05X, SSI.01X 3 - JE: How this course has impacted my life and future decisions regarding my health. - Computer Lab Students working on culminating Activity SSV.01X,SS1.02X SOV.02X, DIV.01X, PR2.03X, 4 -Students share poems and posters from previous classes in groups; -peer assessment, best poems and poster displayed in class. -Activity SA: Teacher gave students terminologyfrom graphic organizer to complete and handed in at the end of class. SE: PR3.09X, 5 Food Lab Multi cultural Food Show. Students were placed in groups according to their culture and traditional differences. - Students will be preparing food based on the diets and characteristics of food production and nutrients for their culture. 6 Food Lab Multi cultural Food Show. Students were placed in groups according to their culture and traditional differences. - Students will be preparing food based on the diets and characteristics of food production and nutrients for their culture. a trial run of the cultural dish they will prepare. - D: Teacher read recipes and assisted students with interpretation and application. -Students were encouraged to manage their time and observe the safety practices. Activity: At the end of class students were asked to: State what they liked best about the activity; what they disliked and list 2 things they can do to be better prepared for the upcoming food lab. 7 Unit Review for summative assessment. – Test Jeopardy/Game -Crossword puzzle - Issuing of remaining - Student questions and answer - safety terminologies PR3.07X - Their cultural cuisine will be displayed and graded as their summative assessment SOV..01X, .02X, .04X, SO2.02X, SO1.01X, SO1.02X, SO1.03X, PRV.03X, PR1.01X, PR1.06X, PR3.01X, PR3.02X, PR3.04X, PR3.08X 10 Thanks Giving 11 Culminating Activity Due Unit 1 Test – 12 START UNIT 2 - Their cultural cuisine will be displayed and graded as their summative assessment. SOV..01X, .02X, .04X, SO2.02X, SO1.01X, SO1.02X, SO1.03X, PRV.03X, PR1.01X, PR1.06X, PR3.01X, PR3.02X, PR3.04X, PR3.08X 13 Formant of Test : -5 multiple Choice – - 5 Short answer - 5 completion -3 Written questions to test knowledge and understanding of the topics covered in unit 1. Textbook(s): 1) Witte, J., et al. (2004). Food for today, 1st Cdn. Ed. Toronto McGraw-Hill. 1. Meriorg, Eva, Holloway, Maureen; Individual and Family Living in Canada. Irwin Publishing, Toronto/Vancouver/Canada.(Chapter 6) Videos: 1) Why we eat what we eat/Learning ZoneXpress – UWO Library (Cat# GT2850.W59, 2005) – 14mins 1. To Your Good health – Resources for Educators; Frameline Productions, 2006; i) Healthy Eating –26mins ii) Healthy Living – 16mins iii) Food Safety – 22 mins Websites: Food Lab Safety; Canada’s Food Guide 14 ailment/index www. Unit #2: Health and Well-Being Mackenzie Russell Legend: GW- Group Work Think/Pair/Share D-Diagnostic OE- Overall Expectations CA- Class Activity ISP- Independent Study Project FL-Food Lab SB-Smart Board SSR – Social Science Research FD – Food Demonstration HW- Homework TPS- F- Formative S- Summative SE- Specific Expectations JE- Journal Entry CD-Class Discussion RP- Role Play C-Computer J-Jigsaw SL- Sewing Lab L-Lecture M- Mind Map IW – Independent Work GS – Guest Speaker AC – Academic Controversy October 10 October 11 October 12 October 13 October 14 Thanksgiving Unit 1 Hook: D-Anonymous survey of students’ body image Lesson: PowerPointWhat is Body Image? What affects body image? Activity: TPS “what celebrities you have seen or heard about with body image issues?” GW brainstorm influences Consolidation: Share survey results Assessment: Create K W L chart -AforL Hook: CA-Describe two meals and vote on which one is healthier. Lesson: Overhead-What does healthy eating look like? Activity: Give instructions for unit summative Have students brainstorm Consolidation: Discussion individually with each student. Assessment: Teacher ObservationsAforL Hook: Article on Anorexia/Bulimia Lesson: Note-What are eating disorders? Activity: Movie: Killing us Softly-Gean Kilborn Question sheet Consolidation: CD-Take up Questions Assessment: Question sheetAofL OE: SE PRV.01: PR1.04 OE: SE PRV.01: PR1.01 OE: SE SCV.01: SC1.04, SC1.02 October 17 October 18 October 19 October 20 October 21 Hook: Photos of people on steroids Lesson: PowerPointBody altering substance abuse Activity: Case study of different situations Consolidation: Write a letter with advise on how to help Assessment: Advice letter feedback and discussion AforL Hook: Foods look like the body parts they are good for -website Lesson: NoteImportance of Well-Being Activity: PW- cut out and organize food into categories of what they do for your body ex: energy, strong bones etc. Consolidation: Share and discuss with another pair Assessment: Teacher Feedback -AforL OE: SE SCV.02:SC2.01 Hook: Article/Story on male body image Lesson: Discuss male body image Activity: Movie: Tough Guies- Jackson Caks Journal Entry Consolidation: TPS- something you learned from the movie Assessment: Reflective Journal Entry – AasL Hook: Safety Review game Lesson: Model food lab instructions. Half class summative. Activity: Food Lab – Low Fat Taste Tests Assessment: Observe learning skills Lab Report AofL Hook: Utensil review game Lesson: Review instructions Activity: Food Lab- Low Fat Taste Tests Assessment: Observe learning skills Lab Report -AofL OE: SE SCV.01: SC1.02 OE: SE SSV.03: SS3.02, SS3.03, PRV.03:PR3.05 OE: SE SSV.03:SS3.02, SS3.03, PRV.03:PR3.02, PR3.05 October 25 October 26 October 27 October 28 Hook: Healthy Recipe of the day Hook: Healthy Recipe of the day Activity: Work Period for Course Culminating Activity: Work Period for Course Culminating Assessment: Observation of learning skills Assessment: Observation of learning skills Hook: Model lab Lesson: Healthy adjustment lab Instructions Activity: ½ class Food Lab ½ class summative Consolidation: Hook: YouTube Cooking Video Lesson: Instructions Reviewed Activity: ½ class Food Lab ½ class summative Consolidation: Clean up and OE: SE SCV.01:SC1.02 October 24 PA DAY Exit Card -AasL Exit Card -AasL Clean up and Discussion Assessment: Observation Checklist AofL Discussion Assessment: Observation Checklist AofL OE: SE: SSV.01: SS1.08, SS1.05, SS1.09 SSV.02: SS2.02, OE: SE: SSV.01:SS1.08, SS1.05, SS1.09 SSV.02: SS2.02 OE: SE SCV.01: SC1.06, SC1.03, PRV.03:PR3.11 OE: SE: SCV.01: SC1.06, SC1.03, PRV.03: PR3.11 October 31 November 1 November 2 November 3 November 4 Hook: Watch Clips of Supersize Me Lesson: Brainstorm-How to manage eating during stress Activity: Name times when people are most likely to eat unhealthy. Why? Consolidation: Examine personal comfort foods and how they can be made healthy Halloween Party!! Assessment: Eating Selfassessment AasL OE: SE SCV.01:SC1.02, SCV.02:SC2.02, SC2.03 Hook: Extreme Diet Ideas Lesson: PowerPointDiets Activity: Analyze diets and research to see what ones are most effective and why. Consolidation: Discuss fad diets; do they work or not work? Assessment: Diet analysis AofL Hook: Healthy Recipe of the day Hook: Clip of Xweighted or Biggest Loser Lesson: Discuss-Ways to reduce unhealthy eating patterns Activity: Plan one day’s meals for someone trying to lose weight. Consolidation: Takes planning to create healthy diet Assessment: Meal Plan AofL Hook: Show media image of beauty Lesson: Model and Review expectations Activity: Work on summative Consolidation: Exit card Assessment: Exit Card -AasL OE: SE PRV.01: PR3.01 OE: SE SCV.01: SC1.01, SSV.01: SS1.09, SSV.02: SS2.02 November 7 Hook: Show media image of food Activity: Work on Unit Summative OE: SE SCV.01:SC1.05 Activity: Work Period for Course Culminating Assessment: Observation of learning skills Exit Card -AasL OE: SE SSV.02: SS2.02, SSV.01:SS1.08, SS1.05, SS1.09 Activity Due Today*** Consolidation: Present in small groups Assessment: Summative AofL OE: SE SSV.01: SS1.09, SSV.02: SS2.02, SSV.03: SS3.01 SCV.01: SC1.01 Resources Greene, Amanda. (2010). Health and Fitness: Nutrition: Foods That Look Like Body Parts They're Good For: Learn how you can stay healthy by noshing on 10 anatomically shaped eats. Retrieved July 18, 2011, from Women’s Day: Live well everyday Web site: Jhally, Sut. (Director). (1999). Tough Guise: Violence, Media & the Crisis in Masculinity [Motion picture]. USA: Media Education Foundation. Lazarus, M. & Wunderlich, R. (Directors). (1979). Killing Us Softly [Motion picture]. USA:Cambridge Documentary Films. Spurlock, Morgan. (Writer and Director). (2004). Super Size Me [Motion picture]. USA: Kathbur Pictures. UNIT 3: Production and Consumerism in Canada Amanda Scott Legend: (please add any additional terms to this list) GW- Group Work HW- Homework TPSThink/Pair/Share D-Diagnostic F- Formative S- Summative OE- Overall Expectations SE- Specific Expectations JE- Journal Entry CA- Class Activity CD-Class Discussion RP- Role Play ISP- Independent Study Project C-Computer J-Jigsaw FL-Food Lab SL- Sewing Lab L-Lecture SB-Smart Board M- Mind Map CC – Childcare placement SSR – Social Science Research IW – Independent Work GS – Guest Speaker FD – Food Demonstration AC – Academic Controversy CO - Consolidate NOVEMBER MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 31 _______ 1_________ 2 UNIT 2 3 _________ 4________ 7 8 9 10 11 Last Day of Unit 2 H: From the farm to your table (kinesthetic activity about the making of ketchup) CA: Read “Distinctly Canadian” from All About food: AgriFood Facts C: Computer lab period H: Graffiti – what type of agriculture is produced in the different Canadian provinces CA: Make flow chart of how ketchup is produced CA: Virtual Farm Tours (view a variety of farms on CD as a class) CD: What students have learned about farming in Ontario F: In partners, write an article for school or local newspaper about farming in Ontario using info discussed (AforL) GW & SSR: In small groups students will research differences between Canadian agriculture and other countries’ agriculture. S: Students are working on Course Culminating Activity CD: Read about Specialty Crops in Canada L: Geography and agriculture in Canada (General overview) F: Students will create a 30 second radio ad in groups of 3 to inform the public of the differences. They will present their ads to another group of 3. (AforL). Students will do a peer assessment on the group presenting. (AasL) IW: Students fill out graphic organizer on geographic characteristics & agricultural production on a selected province (AforL) CO: T/F Questions CO: 3-2-1 Response OE: DIV.03, SSV.03 SE: DI3.01, DI3.02, SS1.06, SS2.02 OE: DIV.03, SSV.03 SE: DI3.01, SS3.01 OE:SSV.01, SSV.02 SE: SS1.05, SS1.08, SS1.09 SS2.02 14 15 16 17 Introduce Unit 18 Food H: Video on Neechi Foods, a Aboriginal Co-operative in Canada H & D: Matching terms activity (suggested serving, fat free, cholesterol free, source of dietary fibre) M: Food Brands which students are familiar with. C.A. Using a RAFT board students will be marketing a “Produced in Canada” food item based on techniques and information they have learned in J: Students complete Jigsaw where they are learning about Producer Co- GW: Students examine the labels of CD: Why did students provide these brands in particular? Do they find them reliable, OE: DIV.03 SE: DI3.02, DI3.03 Demonstration H: Video clip on Extreme Couponing M: General foodshopping guidelines FD: Begin preparing a operatives, Ontario Apple Growers (Negotiating Board), Ontario Potato Board (Boards with authority to establish prices), Dairy Farmers of Ontario (Boards that regulate production and/or marketing through quotas), Native cooperatives. CO: Jigsaw Feedback - students return to home groups to share findings (AforL) food products brought in by them or teacher L: Food-grading practices and regulations put forth by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency CD: Comparing white bread and whole-grain/wholewheat bread using established criteria IW: Create an information flyer explaining different components of a food label (AforL) CO: Label a food label diagram on board/OH HW: Complete flyer for homework if not finished in class. familiar etc. CA: Read handouts on The importance of branding and how advertising reinforces branding. F: Provide students with samples of food advertising that targets different audiences. Students will choose one of the samples and evaluate it using provided criteria. (AforL) during the unit. H: Have half the class sample an organic apple slice while the other half sample a nonorganic one. Do they taste/see/smell a difference? CA: Read article on “The Benefits of Organic” IW: Fill out graphic organizer related to article. CO: Exit Cards HW: Students will pick a brand and interview 3-4 people from different age groups asking questions about what would motivate a person to purchase this product. CO: Take a minute to compose 2 statements in your head to explain what we have learnt and how we have learn it, share with class (AforL) shopping list of ingredients to make recipe containing organic products (go through flyers with class). Students will be creating their own shopping list. Show students what to look for on the label to ensure that it is organic. Demonstrate for students how to prepare healthy, organic pasta. (i.e. Pasta Primavera) H: Students will look through flyers and online for ingredients/products needed for the recipe they are creating in their food lab next week. (AforL). OE: DIV.03 SE: DI3.03 OE: PRV.02, SSV.01 SE: PR2.01, SS1.01 OE: PRV.03, SSV.01 SE: PR3.03, SS1.04 OE:PRV.02 SE: PR2.11 OE: PRV.02 SE: PR2.01, PR2.11 21 22 23 Food Lab 24 Food Lab 25 IW: Students will analyze the interviews they conducted last week and summarize their findings in a report. (AforL) C: Computer lab period FL: One group of students creates a healthy organic pasta dish while the other group creates a healthy non-organic pasta dish. They will do a taste test comparison afterwards. FL: One group of students creates a healthy organic pasta dish while the other group creates a healthy non-organic pasta dish. They will do a taste test comparison afterwards. S: Students will S: Students will CD: Discuss some of the students’ findings. What influence does branding as well as S: Students are working on Course Culminating Activity PA DAY other forms of advertising have on personal food choices? CO: Answer teacher’s question without saying “yes” or “no” OE: PRV.02 SE: PR2.05, PR2.09 OE: SSV.01, SSV.02 SE: SS1.05, SS1.08, SS1.09 SS2.02 28 29 TPS: Provide students with an excerpt from a magazine article. Have them detect any bias. C: Computer lab period S: Students are working on Unit Culminating Activity conduct a food evaluation comparing their group’s pasta to the other group’s pasta.(AofL) conduct a food evaluation comparing their group’s pasta to the other group’s pasta.(AofL) S: Half of class is working on Unit Culminating Activity.(AofL) S: Half of class is working on Unit Culminating Activity.(AofL) OE: PRV.02, PRV.03, SSV.03 SE: PR2.11, PR3.03, PR3.11 SS3.02, SS3.03 OR OE: SSV.01, SSV.02 SE: SS1.01, SS1.06, SS1.08, SS1.09, SS2.02 OE: PRV.02, PRV.03, SSV.03 SE: PR2.11, PR3.03, PR3.11 SS3.02, SS3.03 OR OE: SSV.01, SSV.02 SE: SS1.01, SS1.06, SS1.08, SS1.09, SS2.02 30 GS: A food scientist who will explain what food additives are and in what foods they can be found AC: Be it resolved that producers should eliminate their use of food additives in their products. L: Explain the definition of bias and provide students with handout about identifying bias JE: Students write a reflection on what they learned about food additives. (AforL) IW: Students will evaluate two sources of food information (two different types of media) and write a paragraph detailing any of the bias they detect. (AforL) 1 December C: Using the information and skills they have acquired throughout the unit, in partners students will create a nutrition information index. Afterwards their indexes will be compiled into one large index that will be made available on the school’s website. (AforL) 2 Unit C.A. Due C: Computer lab period S: Students are working on Course Culminating Activity CO: List 3 things your neighbour had learnt today CO: Exit Cards OE: PRV.02, SSV.01 SE: PR2.04, SS1.09 OE: SSV.01, SSV.02 SE: SS1.01, SS1.06, SS1.08, SS1.09, SS2.02 OE: PRV.02 SE: PR2.10 OE: PRV.02, SSV.02 OE: SSV.01, SSV.02 SE: PR2.06, SS2.01 SE: SS1.05, SS1.08, SS1.09 SS2.02 Resources Textbook(s): Witte, J., Miller H. & O’Leary-Reesor, L (2004). Food for Today: First Canadian Edition. McGraw-Hill Ryerson. Videos: Bahadoosingh, M. & Shaw T.V. 2010. Neechi Foods Grows [video file]. Websites: Canadian Food Inspection Agency. Canadian Co-operative Association. Food Safety Network. University of Guelph. Organic Council of Ontario. . Planet Organic Market. Print Publications: AGCare and Ontario Farm Animal Council (2010). Virtual Farm Tours, Teacher’s Guide. Ontario Agri-Food Education Inc. (2008). All About Food. Teacher’s Guide & Agri-Food Facts. Ontario Agri-Food Education Inc. (2007). Labelling Literacy. Ontario Agri-Food Education Inc. (n.d). Nutritious and Delicious. Vegetables and Fruit. Teacher Guide. Ontario Apple Marketing Commission. (n.d) Ontario Apples: Anything Else Would be Fruitless. Ontario Farm Animal Council. (n.d).The Real Dirt on Farming II. Others: Co-operatives Secretariat: Government of Canada, (2003, Dec.) Co-operatives in Canada (2001 Data). Grade 9 Unit 4 Topics (n.d). Teacher Information Sheet #5: Cooperative Basics FAQs. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. (2008, Winter). Your Guide to Food Processing in Ontario. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (n.d) Agricultural Marketing Boards in Ontario. Social Science Department, The Woodlands School. (2010). Identifying Bias. The Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada (n.d). The Benefits of Organic. Unit 4: Canadian Heritage and Global Connections (Grace Wu) Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 5 Start Unit 4 Warm up Activity: Where did the teacher eat? (show pictures of diverse food all from GTA) Share Unit Learning Expectation PPT Presentation: The overview of Canada’s food history and development. 6 Class Share Talk: What was the best food I ate in Canada? 7 Final Culminating Activity Work Period Place Mat Activity: Factors that affect regional Canadian’s food choices December 1 2 8 Handout Group Assignment and success criteria: Select one popular Canadian Cuisine recipe from a given region based on the history, demographic, regional food production and culture influence. 9 Research Skill: Instructions of internet research and resource recommendation. Video Clip: Native Traditional Food PPT Presentation: The regional food development based on culture and demographic Class discussion about Aboriginal food and today’s Canadian food. CBC Interactive Learning : Regional Cuisine Assessment: Oral Questioning Assessment : Place Mat Form the groups and give each group a selected region. DIV.02X, Group discussion time DIV.02X, DI2.01X, SS1.06X SE: SS1.01, SS1.06, SS1.08, SS1.09, SS2.02 Instructions of Assignment Success Criteria Computer Lab Research: group research for given region’s demographic and food heritage. Think and Share: Groups discuss and analyze the given region’s food heritage, history and development. Assessment : Think Pair Share DIV.02X, DI2.02X, DI2.04X, SSI.06X, DI2.02X and answer questions. SS1.05X,SS3.01X SSV.01X Assessment : Oral Questioning for Assignment Understanding DIV.02X, DI2.04X, SS3.01X SSV.03X 12 Group Work Time Decision of recipe selection should be made today. DI2.04X, SS3.01X, SS3.02X, SS3.03X,SSV.03X 13 Food Lab Safety Review: Group work Safety need to be mentioned 14 Food Lab Group Work (use the recipe they created) Group Appointment Teacher to meet each group individually to talk about their ingredients, recipe and procedures and give feedback Class discussion and peer feedbacks for things to improve. PR3.02X, PR3.03X, PR3.04X, PR3.05X, SS3.03X PRV.03X Assessment Safety review questionnaire Draft Copy of the Recipe Due 19 Case Study: “What rules and policies cause the hunger?” ● Issues ● Economic Policies ● International PR3.02X, SSV.03X ,PR3.03X, PR3.04X, PR3.05X 20 Latest News Sharing: Too Expensive to Eat? Food Inflation PPT Presentation: 15 Final Copy of the Recipe due. One page written reflection sheet need to be complete in class and submit individually: Answer questions about how the group recipe connects to the Canadian food heritage, explain the regional Canadian Cuisine Development. 16 Warm Up Talk: What’s the worst story I heard about food? PPT Presentation: An overview of global food concerns. Newspaper Reading: “G20 talk about global food issues for the first time” Assessment: Write one paragraph journal about your thoughts. SS1.06X, DI4.01X, DIV.04X 21 News Sharing: Who drank the poisoned infant formula? PPT Presentation: Food Security and 22 Guest Speaker Presentation: “The global food needs and how could we help” Representative 23 Warm Up: Simple Physical Stretch PPT Presentation: Food Production ● ● Trade Market Power Possible solutions Assessment: PMI reflection: Summarize the thoughts and submit the PMI. DI4.02X, SSI.06X, DIV.04X Global and local programs to support food needs. Inside and Outside Circle Activity: Discuss how high inflation rate affect food choices and global food needs. Assessment: Oral Questioning 26 January 2 9 Written Report Assignment Handout: Based on the newspaper article about watermelon exploded in the farms to research and write a two pages report about the global food issue of overusing chemicals in human food with personal thoughts and suggestions. Requirements and resource recommendation. DI4.02X,SSI.06X, SS2.02X, DIV.04X 27 3 10 Welcome back activity Clean Up questions about written report Global food Issues Round Robin Discussion: What could we do to protect ourselves? Assessment: write one paragraph about your thoughts from local food bank. Open Question and Discussion: How to help through service learning? Thank Guest Speaker DI404X, DI401X, SS3.01X, SSV.02X, DIV.04X DI4.02X, DIV.04X 28 4 11 Final Culminating Activity Work Period 29 5 12 Final Culminating Activity Period Unit Written Report Due Computer Lab Working Time to finalize the report. SS1.07X, SS1.07X, SS2.01X SS1.07X,SSV.02X, SSV.01X Resource List Textbook Food for Today: First Canadian Edition Video Clips Traditional Native Food: CBC Archives SE: SS1.01, SS1.06, SS1.08, SS1.09, SS2.02 SE: SS1.01, SS1.06, SS1.08, SS1.09, SS2.02 Methods in developed and developing countries. Newspaper Reading: “Exploding Watermelons?” DI4.04X, SS2.02X, ,DIV.04X 30 6 13 Start Unit 5 Websites CBC Achieves: Interactive Learning “Regional Cuisine”: Print/Electronic Publications “Exploding Watermelons?” Globe and Mail, 2011 “China wrestles with food safety problems”, LA Times, 2011 “Raising Food Prices: It’s no small potatoes”, globe and mail, 2011