QUARTERLY MONITORING REPORT DIRECTORATE: Social Care, Housing and Health SERVICE: Children's Services PERIOD: Year End to 31 March 2004 1.0 INTRODUCTION This monitoring report covers the 4th quarter of 2003/04 to year end. It describes developments and progress against key and other Milestones and Indicators Within this year end report traffic light symbols have been used to reflect achievement of objectives and performance against targets. The symbols have therefore been used as follows: Green Green Objective has been achieved. Performance Indicator Target for 2003/04 has been achieved or exceeded. Red / Amber Objective has been partially achieved or has not been achieved as a direct result of circumstances or influences outside of the Council’s control. Performance Indicator has only marginally failed to achieve target and performance has shown improvement on previous year. Red Objective has not been achieved Performance Indicator Target has not been met. Please note that these symbols will not be applied to LPSA Targets as the target date has not yet been achieved. 2.0 KEY DEVELOPMENTS The SSI Inspection of Children's Services took place between 2nd and 13th February with NCSC Inspectors of Residential, Fostering and Adoption Services also undertaken during February and March. Reports on the outcomes of these Inspections are awaited. 3.0 EMERGING ISSUES Implications of the implementation of the Children's Bill 'Every Child Matters', including :Common Assessment Framework Director of Children's Services Lead Council member for children Development of Children's Trusts Development of Local Safeguarding Boards 4.0 PROGRESS AGAINST KEY OBJECTIVES / MILESTONES 11 Total 10 1 0 Progress against Key Objectives and Milestones is set out in Appendix 1. Good progress has been made during the year against Key Milestones with only 1 target not yet met, but work is in progress. 4.1 PROGRESS AGAINST OTHER OBJECTIVES / MILESTONES 0 Total 0 0 0 There are no other Objectives and Milestones to report on for this service. 5.0 SERVICE REVIEW The Best Value Review of Children's Services has concluded and work commenced on the implementation of the Improvement Plan in January 2004. Service Redesign - A review of Children's Services structure and redesign undertaken in June 2003 has commenced to ensure that the most robust structure for effective service delivery is in place. This review will conclude in May 2004. 6.0 PROGRESS AGAINST KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 12 Total 6 0 6 Two of the key Indicators – BVPI 51/PAF B8 and BVPI 61/PAF E44 are expenditure based and it is not possible to report accurately until finalisation of the year’s accounts (July 04). Of the remaining indicators, 6 have met or exceeded their targets. A further 6 have fallen short of their target, however, this still represents a general improvement in these performance areas in comparison with 2002/03. It is important to note that the nature of many of these indicators relate to small numbers of children with well defined activity so leading to a high degree of volatility. Each indicator is covered in more detail in Appendix 2 with a commentary updating the current position. 6.1 PROGRESS AGAINST OTHER PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 19 Total 11 0 8 Two indicators – PAF B9 and PAF B10 - are expenditure based and it is not possible to report accurately until finalisation of the year’s accounts (July 04). Of the remainder, 11 have reached or exceeded their targets whilst 9 have fallen short. Of those falling short, only 1 failed to support an improvement in performance in comparison with that for 2002/03. Each indicator is covered in more detail in Appendix 3 with a commentary updating the current position. 7.0 LPSA TARGETS There are 2 LPSA Targets within Children’s Services covering adoption and respite services to children with disabilities, progress of which is reported in Appendix 4. There are 6 indicators linked to the 2 LPSA targets, 2 for adoption and 4 for children with disabilities. Performance for 3 of these 6 indicators is on course to meet or exceed the LPSA target. The main area of concern is the number of Looked After Children adopted, with 7 adoptions completed last year and a target of 10 for 2003/04 and 15 for 2004/05. Performance for 2003/04 resulted in 9 children adopted. Given the numbers of children in the system it will still be extremely difficult to meet the LPSA Target of 15 children adopted during the year 2004/05. Timescales within the adoption system are very good and it is estimated that 90% of children will have been placed for adoption within a year of their best interests decision. Performance relating to 3 of the 4 indicators for children with disabilities is good and it is expected that their LPSA targets will be met or exceeded during 2004/05. The methodology for the 4 th indicator - user satisfaction - is currently being agreed with the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister. This will be implemented as soon as possible and there is already evidence of increasing satisfaction rates. 8.0 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Progress against Key Objectives/Milestones Appendix 2 Progress against key Performance Indicators Appendix 3 Progress against other Performance Indicators Appendix 4 Progress against LPSA Targets Appendix 5 Financial Statement Appendix 1 Progress against Key Objectives/Milestones Identified within Service Plan Service Plan Reference Objective/Project Key Milestone 1 Produce multi-agency Family Support Strategy 2 Produce Recruitment and Retention Strategy 3 Redesign/Modernise Children’s Services Strategy produced by April 2003 and begun to be implemented by Sept 2003 Strategy produced by April 2003 and fully implemented by March 2004. Proposals for service redesign launched in February 2003. Implementation by April 2003. Bedded in structure by March 2004 leading to improved performance and improve staff retention rates. Strategy produced by April 2003 and fully implemented by March 2004. Strategy produced by April 2003 and fully implemented by March 2004. 4 Produce Placement Strategy 5 Produce Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services Strategy Progress Year End Commentary Strategy in place and implementation in progress. Strategy produced and implemented. Vacancies significantly reduced. Retention improved. Re-design implemented. Review in progress. Strategy in place. Implementation ongoing. CAMHS Strategy in place. Implementation ongoing. Service Plan Reference Objective/Project Key Milestone 6 Produce Commissioning Strategy 7 Produce Corporate Parenting Strategy 8 Produce Multi-Agency Disability Strategy 9 Produce Young Persons Accommodation Strategy 10 Joint Social Services/Health team with pooled budget for children with disabilities 11 Performance Management and Quality Assurance Strategy produced by September 2003 and fully implemented by March 2004. Strategy produced by April 2003 and fully implemented by March 2004. Strategy produced by July 2003 and fully implemented by March 2004. Strategy produced by September 2003 and implementation on course for by March 2004. Proposals produced by September 2003 and implemented by March 2004. Systems, processes and programme developed and implemented by September 2003 leading to improvements in both practice and performance by March 2004. Progress Year End Commentary Commissioning Strategy in place. Implementation ongoing. Strategy produced, agreed by Executive and PPB. Strategy Implementation agreed for PPB scrutiny and ongoing. Strategy produced and agreed. Implementation commenced. Strategy produced and agreed. Implementation ongoing. Pooled Budget in place. Joint team being explored with a view to decision making in Spring 2005. Quarterly Assurance systems developed and in place. Best Value Review completed in respect of Quality Assurance systems. Appendix 2 Progress against Key Performance Indicators Identified within Service Plan BVPI 49 PAF A1 Stability of Placements of Children Looked After 20% 18% 16% Target 14% 12% Median 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 2002/03 Indication of Comparison and Trend Outturn 2003/04 Commentary There has been an increase during the final quarter to 14.8%. Whilst this is a decline in performance from the actual for 2002-03 of 13.9% the number of children with 3 or more placements has remained the same and the increase is due to the fall in the number of LAC. At the end of the 3rd quarter it was expected to achieve the target of 13% however the unexpected breakdown of a placement of siblings led to the slight increase. 2 Halton Quartile Position Q4 Worse than this time last year Did not hit target for the year This is a Key Performance Indicator for Children’s Services and performance is still within the parameters of Band 5. BVPI 161 PAF A4 Employment, education and training for care leavers 100% 90% 80% Target 70% 60% Median 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 2002/03 Indication of Comparison and Trend Outturn 2003/04 Commentary Performance has improved over the year and position at end of the quarter is 50%. Although this is below the target for the year it reflect a significant amount of work that has been done with a particularly challenging group of young people. There were only 8 young people in the sample group making the indicator extremely volatile with each accounting for 12.5%. The banding for the indicator is based on a comparison of this figure with the rate of employment, education and training of 19 year olds in the general population. 4 Halton Quartile Position Q4 Worse than this time last year Did not hit target for the year BVPI 162 PAF C20 % childre n on the Re giste r w hose ca se s should ha ve be e n re vie w e d tha t w e re re vie w e d Tar ge t 100% 98% M e dian 96% 94% 92% 90% 88% 86% 84% 82% 80% Q1 Q2 Q3 2002/03 Indication of Comparison and Trend 4 Halton Quartile Position Worse than this time last year Did not hit target for the year Q4 Outturn 2003/04 Commentary There was a change in definition for this indicator at the start of the year to capture the requirement to hold the first review within 3 months, rather than 6. This led to some conferences that had already been planned outside the 3 month timescale early in the year, now been classified as not within timescales. Consequently overall performance for the year has slipped from 100% to 95.7%, although in reality this is only 1 review of 2 children. Every initial conference during the year has been held within timescales and every review since May has been held on time. Halton will be placed in Band 3 for this indicator. Through the use of grant funding we are increasing the staffing capacity within the Reviewing unit which will ensure improved performance for 2004/5. PAF A3 % of Children registered during the year on the CPR w ho ha d previously be en registered 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% Tar ge t 15% 10% 5% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 2002/03 Indication of Comparison and Trend Outturn 2003/04 Commentary A further improvement during the year has seen the level of Re-Registrations continue to decline to 12.5%. The implementation of the performance action plan for this indicator has had a major impact and from a position of having the highest re-referral rate in England in 02, we are now 2001in Band 5 and showing a sustained high level of performance. No national data available Halton Quartile Position Q4 Better than this time last year Hit target for the year PAF C21 % of children on the CPR continuously for 2 years 10% 9% 8% 7% 6% Target 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 2002/03 Indication of Comparison and Trend No national data available Halton Quartile Position Worse than this time last year Did not hit target for the year Q4 Outturn 2003/04 Commentary There has been a significant increase during the quarter and actual performance for the year is 5.4%, above the target of 4.5%. It had been expected that the number for children on the register for more than 2 years would increase due to the implementation of the re-registration action plan. The numbers involved are very low making it a volatile indicator and in real terms 6 children form the numerator of which 3 were deregistered in March. Despite the increase we are still well within the parameters to remain in Band 4 which is the highest banding available for this indicator. PAF D35 Children Looked After continuously for at least 4 years, who had been in their foster placement for at least 2 years 70% 65% Target 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% Q1 Q2 Q3 2002/03 Indication of Comparison and Trend Outturn 2003/04 Commentary Actual performance for the year was 61.1% and, despite a slight decline during the final quarter, still exceeds the target for the year of 60%. The number of children looked after for more than 4 years has increased considerably over the last year and the age profile of these children is rising making it more challenging to maintain a high level of stability. Despite this the improvement in performance over the year means we will move from Band 3 to Band 4 for the indicator. No national data available Halton Quartile Position Q4 Better than this time last year Hit target for the year PAF B7 % of Childre n Looke d Afte r in fa mily pla ce me nts 100% 98% 96% 94% 92% Tar ge t 90% 88% 86% 84% 82% 80% Q1 Q2 Q3 2002/03 Q4 Outturn 2003/04 Indication of Comparison and Trend Commentary No national data available Performance has remained stable during the quarter at 86.5% compared to a target for the year of 90%. However performance is still very good and is within the parameters for PAF Band 5. The banding for this indicator set by the Department of Health includes a ‘cliff edge’ for Band 5 at 90% so high is not necessarily good. Halton Quartile Position Same as this time last year Did not hit target for the year PAF C22 % of Children Looked After under 10 in family placements 100% Target 98% 96% 94% 92% 90% 88% 86% 84% 82% 80% Q1 Q2 Q3 2002/03 Indication of Comparison and Trend Q4 Outturn 2003/04 Commentary Performance has been maintained at 100% over the year placing us in Band 5. No national data available Halton Quartile Position Same as this time last year Hit target for the year QPii % of children on the Child Protection Register allocated to a named Social Worker 100% Target 98% 96% 94% 92% 90% 88% 86% 84% 82% 80% Q1 Q2 Q3 2002/03 Indication of Comparison and Trend Q4 Outturn 2003/04 Commentary Performance has been maintained at 100% over the year placing us in Band 5. No national data available Halton Quartile Position Same as this time last year Hit target for the year QP4.1 % of Children Looked After whose cases were reviewed within timescales 100% Target 98% 96% 94% 92% 90% 88% 86% 84% 82% 80% Q1 Q2 Q3 2002/03 Indication of Comparison and Trend Q4 Outturn 2003/04 Commentary Performance has been maintained at 100% over the year placing us in Band 5. No national data available Halton Quartile Position Same as this time last year Hit target for the year BVPI 50 PAF A2 Educa tiona l qua lifica tions of Children Looke d Afte r 100% 90% 80% Tar ge t 70% 60% 50% M e dian 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 2002/03 Indication of Comparison and Trend Outturn 2003/04 Commentary This is a highly volatile indicator and the group of young people in the denominator is not known until the end of the year. The performance of 55.6% for the year is slightly down on last year’s performance of 57.1% and relates to 5 out of 9 young people leaving care with at least 1 GCSE, the other 4 did not sit exams. This is still regarded as good performance and is in Band 4. 1 Halton Quartile Position Q4 Worse than this time last year Did not hit target for the year BVPI 163 PAF C23 Adoptions of Children Looke d Afte r 10% 9% 8% 7% Tar ge t 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% Q1 Q2 Q3 2002/03 Indication of Comparison and Trend 4 Halton Quartile Position Better than this time last year Hit target for the year Q4 Outturn 2003/04 Commentary This indicator has previously been highlighted as an area for concern, however there has been a significant improvement in performance over the year. Actual performance for the year has improved from 4.5% to 6% which will move us up from Band 2 to Band 3 and is based on 9 adoptions being completed during the year. The LPSA target for next year is 15 children adopted so there will need to a major improvement to achieve this. However with close tracking of permanence plans and the ongoing recruitment of potential adopters it is possible to meet the target. Appendix 3 Progress against other Indicators Identified within Service Plan Ref None None None None None QPi Indicator Local: Monitor the number of Complaints received by service and at what stage they were resolved The number of children placed with parents on Care Orders The percentage of children over 10 participating in Child Protection Conferences and reviews by attending or providing written consultations The percentage of parents and family attending Child Protection Conferences and Reviews Actual 02 / 03 24 Stage 1: 25 Stage 2: 0 18 Estimate 03 / 04 Stage 1:50 Stage 2:3 13 Not Known 25% 27% 66.8% 80% 72% The percentage of LAC with Pathway Plans at 16 years National: Percentage of children looked after with a named social worker Target 03 / 04 100% 90% 90% 100% 100% Progress Year End Commentary 1 completed but could yet go to Stage 3 (complainant has time to consider) 2 investigations still ongoing Actual performance showing a large fall in the number of children on orders exceeding the target for the year Estimate Significant improvement achieved although not meeting target and further work is being done to provide a more family friendly environment and encourage parents to attend This is an estimate, work ongoing and will be available by end of April Maintained at 100% Ref Indicator QP4 The number of children permanently excluded from school QP5 The proportion of schooling lost through unauthorised absence PAF C18 The proportion of looked after children over 10 years who are cautioned or convicted divided by the proportion of all children cautioned or convicted Of children looked after for at least 12 months the average of (i) % with dental checks in previous 12 months; (ii) % with health assessment in previous 12 months PAF C19 Actual 02 / 03 38 Target 03 / 04 30 Estimate 03 / 04 25 1.4 1.1 1.3 2.8% 2.6 2.4 89.1% 100% 94.% PAF C24 The proportion of children looked after for at least 12 months who have missed at least 25 days schooling for any reason during the previous year 10.5% 8% 9.5% QP11 The proportion of young people looked after on 1 April aged 16 in regular contact with Social Services until 19th birthday 86.7% 95% 87.5% Progress Year End Commentary Education indicator relating to all children not just those in contact with Social Services Education indicator relating to all children not just those in contact with Social Services. Improvement made but target not achieved. Further improvement in performance over the year exceeding the target Although not reaching the target of 100% there has been an improvement and performance is classed as very good. Work is being carried out with those young people refusing to engage in health services. A further improvement during the year and work in conjunction with BSST to ensure all looked after children access education provision. Although performance is below target it does present an improvement on last year. Very small sample group of just 8 young people and only 1 is not in contact with the department and has chosen not to engage with services Actual 02 / 03 60% Target 03 / 04 95% Proportion of referrals that are repeat referrals within 12 months 25.8% 15% 20% QP7.2 Proportion of initial assessments completed within 7 days 74% 75% 78% QP7.3 Proportion of core assessments completed within 35 days 53.9% 60% 68% This is an estimate. Work is in progress to determine actual figures QP7.4 Proportion of core assessments setting out objectives and service responses within child’s timescales Percentage of residential child care workers who have achieved Level 3 in the NVQ ‘Caring for Children and Young People’ 100% 100% 100% 6.7% 100% 31.3% Maintained performance at 100%, although this indicator has now been removed from the DIS This is an estimate but reflects an increase in staffing and also a significant improvement on last years performance Ref Indicator QP12 The proportion of young people looked after on 1 April aged 16 who were known to have suitable accommodation QP7.1 QP14 Estimate 03 / 04 87.5% Progress Year End Commentary Improvement in performance although target not achieved. Very small sample group of just 8 young people and only 1 is not in contact with the department and has chosen not to engage with services This is an estimate which although below target does present a demonstrable improvement from last year This is an estimate. Work is in progress to determine actual figures Ref Indicator QP15 Percentage of social workers and residential managers working with children who need to obtain the new Child Care PQ, who have achieved the PQ1 award in child care Average gross weekly expenditure per looked after child in a children’s home Average gross weekly expenditure per looked after child in foster care PAF B9 PAF B10 Actual 02 / 03 55.5% Target 03 / 04 60% Estimate 03 / 04 45.5% Progress Year End Commentary This is an estimate and reflects recruitment and retention issues which are being addressed £ 2428 £ 2942 NA NA Financial information not currently available £277 £ 283 NA NA Financial information not currently available Appendix 4 Progress against LPSA Indicators within Service Plan Description LPSA 5 Maximising the contribution adoption can make to providing permanent families for children in care within a year Target 31.3.05 15 Adopted Position at the end of 2002/03 8 Progress at Year End 9 14 Placed 8 8 LPSA 6 Providing children with disabilities with more short term breaks 15 short break schemes 13 90 children receiving 12 short breaks/yr 80 20 carers supported once a month 17 15 85 17 Commentary This has been an area of concern however considerable progress has been made during the year. 9 adoptions were completed during the year rising from 7 last year and achieving the target for PAF C23. However given the numbers of children in the system it will still be extremely challenging to meet the LPSA target of 15 adoptions in the year 2004/05. Performance on this indicator is dependent on the number of children adopted during the year. 8 of the 9 children (88.9%) adopted during the year were placed within 12 months of their best interests decision. However the LPSA target can only be met if the target for number of children adopted in the year is achieved. A further 2 schemes were developed during the quarter and the LPSA target has now been met. There has been a further improvement during the quarter and it s expected that the LPSA requirement for 2004-05 will be met. There has been no change during the quarter but performance over the year has been promising and it is expected to meet the LPSA requirement for 200405. Description Target 31.3.05 75% satisfaction rate Position at the end of 2002/03 N/A Progress at Year End N/A Commentary Methodology has not yet been developed, however there is evidence of increasing satisfaction rates. Appendix 5 Financial Statement to follow