Evaluation of Videos of Some Physics Concepts

SSME 518 – Instructional Technology and Material Development
Assignment 5- Video Evaluation
Prepared by: Sezin YÜCE
PHED 1381631
Instructors: Ass. Prof. Dr. Kürşat ERBAŞ
Submitted to: Sevim SEVGİ
“I hold a photocopy of this assignment which I can produce if the original is lost or damaged. To the
best of my knowledge and belief, no part of this assignment has been copied from any other student’s
work or from any other source except where due acknowledgment is made in this text. No part of this
assignment has been written for me by any other person except where collaboration has been
authorized by the lecturer concerned.”
Title: Electromagnetism – Coulomb’s Law and Electric Force
Series title (if applicable): 8.02 Electricity and Magnetism
Source: http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Physics/8-02Electricity-andMagnetismSpring2002/VideoLectures/
Date: 06.02.2002
Length: 47.49
Subject Area: Physics
Intended Audience: MIT Undergraduate Students
Brief Description: In this video the lecturer first gave brief information about the history of the
electricity and its importance in our daily lives. He used only one formula when teaching the
coulomb’s law and he used demonstrations mainly. He is using the blackboard and other visual tools
like OHP very efficiently and he keeps the attention of his students alive during the lesson. He doesn’t
let his students to get bored and he provides this perfectly with the various things he does.
Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to;
Give examples of the usage of the electricity from the daily life.
Comment on the charges of the objects by the help of polarization.
Identify the properties of insulators and conductors.
Comprehend the charging by friction and its effects.
Give examples from daily life related to polarization.
Define the electric force.
State the Coulomb’s law with their words.
Entry Capabilities Required (e.g., prior knowledge, reading ability, vocabulary level, math ability) :
The students should have reading ability.
The students should know the force concept.
St ID#:
Last Name: YÜCE
First Name: Sezin
Use the following criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the video for teaching and learning.
Place an X mark to the box that best reflects the video with reference to the evaluation
dimension. Use the indicators provided on the next page to formulate your responses. Sum the
scores and enter the value to the Total field below.
Above Average
Below Average
Match with curriculum
Accurate and current
Clear and concise language
Motivation / Interest
Learner participation
Technical quality
Bias free
User guide /documentation
Appropriate pacing
Cognitive learning aids
Total (Sum of the scores, 50 max) = 44
Title: Electromagnetism – Coulomb’s Law and Electric Force
Series title (if applicable): 8.02 Electricity and Magnetism
Source: http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Physics/8-02Electricity-andMagnetismSpring2002/VideoLectures/
Date: 06.02.2002
Length: 47.49
Subject Area: Physics
Intended Audience: MIT Undergraduate Students
Brief Description: In this video the lecturer first gave brief information about the history of the
electricity and its importance in our daily lives. He used only one formula when teaching the
coulomb’s law and he used demonstrations mainly. He is using the blackboard and other visual tools
like OHP very efficiently and he keeps the attention of his students alive during the lesson. He doesn’t
let his students to get bored and he provides this perfectly with the various things he does.
Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to;
Give examples of the usage of the electricity from the daily life.
Comment on the charges of the objects by the help of polarization.
Identify the properties of insulators and conductors.
Comprehend the charging by friction and its effects.
Give examples from daily life related to polarization.
Define the electric force.
State the Coulomb’s law with their words.
Entry Capabilities Required (e.g., prior knowledge, reading ability, vocabulary level, math ability) :
The students should have reading ability.
The students should know the force concept.
St ID#: 1381631
Last Name: Yüce
First Name: Sezin
Use the following criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the video for teaching and learning.
Place an X mark to the box that best reflects the video with reference to the evaluation
dimension. Sum the scores and enter the value to the Total field below. Give comments to
justify your responses using the blank table on the next page. Use the indicators provided at
the end of this document to formulate your responses.
Above Average
Below Average
Stated the Objectives
Content Presentation
Learner Application
Learner Reflection
Met the Objectives
Learner Interaction
General Design
Focused on Intended
Visual Quality
Audio Quality
Audio-Visual Relationship
Provided Introductory
Clarifies and Summarizes
Total (Sum of the scores, 85 max) =
Physics is always up to date. I mean the physics is always the same.
The topic is in the physics curriculum, and the materials used can be
considered up-to-date.
The content of the video is very useful. Moreover, the instructor
teaches the concepts by giving daily life examples; he does very
interesting demonstrations so he takes the attention of the students
and motivates them towards the lesson. Since the demonstrations and
the explanations of the concepts are from the daily life, the students
can incorporate them with their daily lives.
There are no bias behaviors.
Stated the Objectives
In this lecture, the lecturer started by stating the objectives of the
semester since this lecture was the first lecture of the semester.
However, he did not stated that lesson’s objectives.
Content Presentation
The teacher Walter Lewin does not list long sentences to explain
concepts, instead he uses demonstrations effectively. The content
detail is enough to promote students’ learning. The details, moreover
covers only the details that are useful for the students.
Learner Application
order to understand the electric flows and sparks, the instructor
invited a student to the board and made a demonstration with him.
Moreover, he suggested his students to put off their shirts in a dark
room in front of a mirror and see the sparks.
Learner Reflection
Actually no question is asked by the teacher, the students only give
their reflections by laughing or saying “aa” The instructor did not
provide feedback from his students about the statements.
Met the Objectives
The video I think meets the learning objectives. Sine there is no
conclusion or summary, the key elements did not have emphasized.
Learner Interaction
The video doesn’t very open to learner interaction since no questions
were asked to the students. However, the demonstrations are very
attractive that keeps the students’ attention alive.
Integration into the
Learning Environment
This video provides demonstrations that can be hard to do in our
schools, and thus this video can be efficiently used as a support of our
General Video Design
The video is well design since it is a lecture in a university, the
purpose of the lecturer is to give his lectures. However, since the
lecturer gives his lecture in an efficient way, this video can be used
while we are lecturing. And since the demonstrations done in this
video can not be applicable in our schools, this video is a good way to
introduce these kinds of demonstrations to our students and support
our lectures without loosing time.
Focused on Intended
There was not any irrelevant information that is not mentioned in the
introduction. The lecturer focused on the concepts he will teach, did
not live that concepts.
Visual Quality
The camera sometimes catches the learner’s point of view, and
sometimes not. I mean the camera sometimes records from the
opposite side of the side that lecturer is looking at. There are no
additional special effects, but sometimes for example when the ohp is
used, and sometimes to create an attractive environment, the lights are
turned off. And camera shoots are not used.
Audio Quality
The vocabulary and the speed of narration are very appropriate and
clear. However, there are no audio effects added. I have to say that,
since this is an original lesson, there is no need to add audio elements.
There weren’t audio additions; however the voice of the lecturer is
very clear and hearable. Sine the pace of the lecturer’s speech is
appropriate, I did not have difficulties in understanding what teacher
taught. Moreover, since this is an original lecture in a university, there
is no need to add audio elements.
Provided Introductory
This video is greatly includes the supplementary material to obtain the
Clarifies and
Summarizes Content
The instructor first explains what is going to be happening as a result
of the demonstrations and then shows it. He explains the materials he
uses and for example he explained the van der graff. He did not give
extra sources for further investigations but he suggested doing a
simple experiment that taking off the shirt in a dark room in front of a
mirror to see the sparks for further information.
2. The video’s being accurate, bias-free is asked in both instruments. Learner participation and
technical quality of the video is also asked in the two instruments; however in the second instrument
these are divided into its branches. That is in the first instrument it is asked like only leaner
participation, whereas in the second instrument learner participation is asked with three branches
namely learner application, learner reflection, and learner interaction. The technical quality is divided
into three branches in the second instrument; these are visual quality, audio quality and the audiovisual relationship. Moreover, in the first instrument it is looked up to general qualities of the video,
whereas in the second one more detailed properties are looked. And in the second one, the criteria
looked are more related to the content of the lesson that it looks to the objectives (whether they are met
or not), content of the presentation, the focus on the content. And it is also important to mention that,
by filling the second evaluation form, you could easily understand if the video is suitable for your
lesson; however in the first one you could not get any information about whether the video is suitable
for your lesson or not.
I think the second instrument is better so I would use it to evaluate the videos I have previewed since
the second instrument is much more detailed than the first one. And I would use the second instrument
since it gives me more clues about whether the video is suitable for my lesson or not. I mean, with the
first instrument I could not go further from the general view about the video; however with the second
instrument I would have deep information about the quality of the video as well as the fact that
whether the video is useful for my lesson or not.
 Title: Julius Sumner Miller - Physics - Bernoulli pt. 1
Series Title (if applicable): Prof. Julius Sumner Miller with some dramatic
Demonstrations in Physics
Source/Publisher: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCcZyW-6-5o
Date of Production: June 4, 2007 (it is the published on internet.
Cost: Length in minutes: 8.24 min
A brief description of content: The Professor is doing a TV program, in which he
teaches some physics concepts only with demonstrations and a little description. In
this episode, he teaches Bernoulli principle. He does 5 different demonstrations.
The rationale for the inclusion of the video in the list: This video can be used at the
end of the lesson that Bernoulli principle is taught in order to make a summary of the
concept and to show the demonstrations that are hard to do in our schools. Moreover,
when we looked up to the evaluation instrument 2, this video gets higher scores, since
it provides most of the qualities of the videos. Especially, the content and the way of
the presentation of the concept is very good.
Reference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCcZyW-6-5o
 Title: Electrostatic 1
Series Title: Physics 2
Source/Publisher: MEB
Date of Production: Cost: Length in minutes: 20min 57seconds
A brief description of content:
At the beginning of the lesson definition of the physics is given and then an
introduction to static electric is done. While teaching this concept, the instructor gives
examples from daily life. In this video static electric and charge behaviors are taught.
A brief summary is given by the instructor at the end.
The rationale for the inclusion of the video in the list:
This video explains the static electric concept well with the daily life examples which
engages students to the lesson more. And, the topic is explained very clearly and
easily, thus I can use it in my lessons.
 Title: Physics 10 - Lecture 01: Atoms and Heat
Series Title (if applicable): Physics for future presidents, Prof. Richard A. Muller
Source/Publisher: Berkley University
Date of Production: January 24, 2006
Length in minutes: 73.59
A brief description of content: In this video, the professor teaches the atoms and heat
concept by the help of various demonstrations.
The rationale for the inclusion of the video in the list: This video is very good for
explaining the heat concept with the demonstrations that are hard to do with our
facilities in our schools. Moreover, this video is very appropriate according to the
instrument that we have.
Reference: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1501075917425424851&q=physics&total=27229&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=sea
 Title: Measurements of Space and Time
Series Title: Physics I: Classical Mechanics
Source: MIT video lectures
Date of Production: September 8, 1999
Cost: Length in minutes: 38.13 minutes
A brief description of content: In this lecture, the professor teaches units, dimensions,
measurements and associated uncertainties, dimensional analysis, and scaling
The rationale for the inclusion of the video: This video can be used to support the
lesson that we start units, dimension and scaling since we generally do not focus on
these concepts very long.
Reference: http://ocw.mit.edu/OcwWeb/Physics/8-01PhysicsIFall1999/VideoLectures
Title: Equations of Motion in One Dimension
Series Title: The Ultimate Physics Tutor
Date of Production: 2006
Source: http://www.totalvid.com/Physics-Videos/Ultimate-Physics-Tutor-EquationsMotion/
Cost: 0
Length in minutes: 22 minutes
A brief description of content: This video, like the following series of it, considers
students have not ever seen a physics equation. Thus, it is very clear for everyone. By
this video, new topics can be taught very easily.
The rationale for the inclusion of the video in the list: This video is useful for a
supportive of the lesson that is motion in one dimension is taught.
Reference to the source: http://www.totalvid.com/Physics-Videos/Ultimate-PhysicsTutor-Equations-Motion/