Cooking Guidelines - Trak- Air the greaseless, hoodless, ventless

The Träk-Air cooking systems are the most unique “Hot-Air” Fryers on the market today. The sealed cooking chamber
consistently circulates moisture-saturated forced air around the food. The sealed cavity, turbo fan speed, and high
temperature range enables the food to be browned and crisped without the need for oil. It also eliminates moisture and
flavor loss during the cooking process. Your food is greatly enhanced during this heat-searing process, and nearly all
shrinkage in meat is eliminated. This gives you great tasting and good-looking food in a matter of minutes.
The Träk-Air Cooking Theory
The Träk-Air ovens cook by constantly circulating super-heated moisture-saturated forced air around the foods. The aircirculating blower forces air across an electric element and directly into the oven cavity. The specially designed chamber
circulates the super-heated air into the cooking cylinder and onto the food. The air is then drawn through the back of the
cylinder and is recirculated through the blower motor and across the heating element. Using this process, along with the
proper foods and cooking trays, generally eliminates the need for exhaust systems.
Operating & Cooking
The Träk-Air ovens are revolutionary systems that require techniques that are a combination of elevated fan speed, sealed
cavity, and high temperature range. This allows the oven to react with the food you put in and will either brown, crisp,
bake, broil, steam, or grill the items you are using.
When cooking with the Träk-Air remember that thickness can be a variable in your cooking times. Any product used
should be evenly distributed in the food baskets or trays. Avoid heaping food in the trays to assure a more even airflow.
You are better off doing fewer servings per tray, than overfilling the food trays.
Cooking Procedures:
Cooking with the Träk-Air ovens is easy and very user friendly. It is also safer than using deep fat fryers.
Simply place your food items on the appropriate basket or pan, open the door, and place inside the cooking chamber. Set
your timer for the correct time and matching shelf level (top or bottom). When the timer/buzzer sounds hit the cancel
button and remove your products using the Träk-Air oven-mitt.
Cooking Pans:
It is extremely important to use the appropriate cooking pan, basket, or tray when loading your food. Using the wrong
holder may cause smoking, burning, or mixed results on your cooked food items.
NOTE: It is important to season or prime your clean pans and trays with a non-stick spray once each morning before use to minimize
Solid Pan w/Liner: Use the solid pan/liner with food products that have oil, or fat, such as meats, sausages, hot
dogs, burgers, some potato products, etc. This pan prevents oil or grease from dripping into the oven cylinder area and
creating smoking or odors.
Perforated Basket: The perforated tray should be used for foods that typically will not drip fat or oil and need
maximum air hitting the foods, such as pizza, pretzels, most French fries, breads, buns, etc.
Basket/Pan Combo: This accessory is great for items like seasoned fries, cheese sticks, poppers, etc. It allows good
airflow and catches items like the cheese that might drip or run from the product before they fall into the oven.
Top & Bottom Levels:
This allows the operator to prepare two different items on different trays and cooked at different times. It allows for more
volume to be prepared in your Träk-Air, and combination cooking helps with your food orders, ie; hot dogs & fries,
nuggets & fries, steak & potatoes, burgers & buns, etc.
NOTE: You may have to increase some cook times slightly when using both levels.
The temperature of the food product being cooked in the Träk-Air ovens is very important. The lower the starting
temperature of the food (i.e.: frozen), the longer it will take to reach the desired temperature. If you are using lots of
frozen foods, you may want to reduce the temperature, and increase your cooking time.
Uncoated products cook quicker in the Träk-Air ovens than products that have been breaded or battered. Coatings on food
products slightly insulate them, requiring more time to cook.
Food Products:
For best results, it is important that the correct food products are used in these ovens. The Träk-Air ovens are targeted for
food service outlets that wish to capitalize on a variety of food and appetizer markets, ie; French fries, pizzas, nuggets,
wings, cheese sticks, etc., without the expense and problems of oil, grease, hoods, and vents. This menu-guide suggests
many products that will give you successful results. The Träk-Air ovens can virtually do any type of cooking. If you
experiment with different food products you will need to do some testing with the time and temperature until the desired
results are obtained.
The Träk-Air ovens typically cook foods in one-half the time of a normal convection oven and approximately one-fourth
the time required by a conventional oven. If you are preparing an untried product, it is easy to make an educated guess as
to the cooking time by looking at the products cooking instructions. For example, if the instructions call for an item to be
cooked for 20 minutes in a conventional oven, then you would cook it for approximately 5-8 minutes in your Träk-Air
Fewer Calories:
Because you are frying foods without grease or oil, Träk-Air fried products are crisp, moist, and flavorful, with
significantly less caloric and cholesterol content. Test indicate that typically fried items in a deep fat fryer contain
approximately 17-25% more calories than portions cooked in your Träk-Air oven.
NOTE: Health conscious consumers appreciate products prepared in your Träk-Air.
Less Waste:
One of the many cooking advantages of the Träk-Air ovens is the ability to reconstitute, or reheat foods without any
sacrifice of texture, moisture, flavor, or appearance. Because the product was not cooked in grease originally, and
because the Träk-Air ovens prevent the moisture loss that usually occurs with re-heating fries, steaks, baked items, etc.,
products can be reconstituted in seconds without product deterioration. This eliminates products being thrown out
because they have cooled off.
No Taste Transference:
Since there is no taste transference in your Träk-Air oven, it is safe to cook several different foods at the same time, in the
same or in different trays or baskets. Just keep track of the different cooking times.
Less Shrinkage:
The Träk-Air ovens cook by constantly re-circulating superheated, moisture-saturated air around the foods within the
sealed chamber. As a result very little moisture escapes. Fried products retain their own aroma, taste, texture, moisture,
and nutrients with very little shrinkage. Meat also holds its appearance and does not shrink.
The versatility of these ovens is extensive and exciting! Various cooking procedures are explained briefly below.
Your Träk-Air ovens will fry most products without the aid of hot oil or grease, as with a conventional deep-fat fryer or
skillet. As a general rule, these ovens will fry any product that is blanched in oil, has enough oil in its surface, or contains
some browning agent such as dextrose, paprika, etc. Because frying oil is not used in these ovens, your fried products will
retain their own aroma, taste, texture, moisture, and nutrients. Your fried products will have a substantially smaller
quantity of calories and cholesterol. Air-Frying, as in most forms of cooking in the Träk-Air ovens seals in the products
natural juices almost instantly, so there is minimal loss of moisture and texture, as there is in other forms of frying. If the
product you are using has a pure white breading, it may not be oven-able, or you may have to introduce some spray oil or
browning agents to the product.
Check the cooking instructions for oven-ready, bakeable, pre-cooked, fully cooked terms. This will assure you that
cooking the products in your Träk-Air will be successful.
Most products can be reconstituted in seconds without any sacrifice of texture, moisture, flavor, nutrients, or appearance.
For example you may cook you fries ahead of time, and reconstitute them in your Träk-Air oven in less than a minute.
You can even broil your steaks ahead of time and finish them to order in about 1-2 minutes. Baked goods, such as bread,
rolls, cakes, pastries, etc. become like fresh baked when re-heated or toasted in the Träk-Air.
Always elevate the humidity when reconstituting! Elevating the humidity is simple, just introduce a little water into the
drum before closing the door. Use a plastic spray bottle to gently spray water into the back of the drum, or you may add a
couple of ice cubes. This will elevate the moisture level inside the oven.
High-Temperature Steaming:
Many of your food products require steaming in the preparation technique. Steaming in the Träk-Air is an easy and
popular way to prepare foods for customers with health and nutrition in mind. Set the oven thermostat to 480˚. Steaming
is achieved by gently pouring a small amount of water into the bottom of the cooking drum. The water quickly turns into
stream, saturating the internal air with moisture. With the Träk-Air you have several choices as to the degree of doneness,
texture, and flavor you wish to achieve. You may also brush foods with butter or seasoning before or after steaming.
Avoid opening the oven during the steaming process, as the steam will be dissipated through the open door.
Low-Temperature Steaming:
Set the oven thermostat at 300˚. Add ½ ounce of water to the drum. Place your food product on the solid pan and insert
into the oven. Allow to cook the appropriate time depending on the cut and size of the products.
Cleaning While Cooking
Due to the rapid movement of air within the Träk-Air ovens, oils and food products may be blown off and onto the
cylinder. This is especially true with foods that inherently contain oil, ie; chicken with skin-on, beef, sausage, wings, etc.
The cylinder is often hot enough to cause the oil to smoke. Between cooking cycles you may want to take a moist towel
and wipe the inside of the cylinder. Be sure to wear the hot mitt to protect your hand. For mild smoking, spray a little
water into the cylinder between cooking cycles.
Persistent smoking may be symptomatic of an inherent cooking procedure. Evaluate your process to make certain you are
not using a basket when a pan is required to control the dripping of fats and oils. Reducing the cooking temperature can
solve some smoking issues.
NOTE: Do not leave empty pans and trays inside the oven when not in use. This will cause smoking as the oil and grease from them
is cooked off.
Cleaning When Oven is Cooled Down:
Lower temperature to a cool-to-touch range. Removes all components and immerse in your cleaning pail. Soak
overnight, remove, rinse, and reinsert back in oven. Check your service manual for further details.
Träk-Air Operating Components
► Power Switch:
Turns oven off and on. The lower position is for cooling down the oven at night before cleaning.
► Digital Control Panel:
Timer – Sets cooking times and lets you chose what level to time down. Pre-Programmed stations can be quickly set to
match your cooking needs. See you service manual for programming instructions.
Temperature Control – Adjusts internal operation temperatures. When the oven is turned it will default to the previous
setting. See the service manual to change your settings.
► Door Handle:
Self-latching to assure a sealed fit when cooking. Provides easy access to the cooking chamber.
► Door Seal Gasket:
Forms a tight seal around the door to eliminate moisture and flavor loss during the cooking cycle.
► Removable Cylinder & Drip Trays:
Directs the flow of superheated air throughout the cooking chamber. The drip trays catch fallen particles. They removes
easily at the end of the day for cleaning using the T525A solution.
► Food Baskets/Trays:
A variety of cooking pans and trays enable you to cook the foods of your choice. Using the correct accessory will help assure
great results and minimize odors and smoking.
► Cooling Fan (Rear):
The cooling fan located in the back of the oven operates on a separate temperature switch. It will cycle on/off as needed to
help keep the components and exterior cool. This must be kept clean by allowing a minimum 2” of air space behind it and wiped
down on a weekly basis.
NOTE: This should still be running after the oven has been turned off. It is important to verify this at the end of each day.
► Power Cord:
The unit comes with a 20 AMP power cord, available in either 115v or 220v. A dedicated circuit is required.
Getting Started
√ Always start the day with a clean oven and accessories. Remember the door can easily be removed for cleaning
by lifting up off the hinges.
√ Have a spray bottle handy to elevate the humidity when needed.
√ Make sure the oven is securely plugged in.
√ Check to see that the cooling fan in the back is clean.
√ Replace the clean drip pans first. Reinsert the cooking cylinder next, making sure it is thoroughly
pushed to the rear of the oven.
√ Make sure door gasket is clean and in good condition.
√ Have your clean baskets and pans ready. Prime them with a non-stick spray before using.
√ Turn the oven on and let operate for a few minutes. Before cooking check to see that the correct
temperature has been reached inside the cavity.
√ Always use the Träk-Air hot mitt when handling the baskets or pans.
Always Use Träk-Air Hot Mitt when handling oven components!
Cooking Guidelines
Red Meat
Cooking: The Träk-Air/Air ovens treat red meats very gently, finishing them beautifully in minutes. Most red meat can be precooked
to about ¾ the desired doneness in advance, refrigerated, then finished to order in seconds. A small ventilation hood may be required
for cooking raw red meat.
Use solid Pan with Insert. Use non-stick spray on all cooking surfaces.
Reconstituting: Reconstituting red meat is a mini-application of the original cooking process. Remember, you are not fast cooking but
simply bringing the product up to an internal temperature of 140 degrees, or fast warming. Always elevate humidity when
reconstituting red meat.
Bacon (Raw)
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Reconstitute Time:
Use Solid Pan with Insert.
475-500 Degrees
2 to 6 Minutes
15 to 30 Seconds
Product may be thick or thin sliced. Cook at 475-500 degrees for 2 to 6 minutes depending on thickness and desired crispness. Use
standard cooking basket on top of bacon to keep bacon in place. Check occasionally during your first cooking cycle to determine
optimum cooking time. Empty excess fat/grease after each cooking cycle.
Bacon (Precooked)
Cooking Temperature:
Reconstitute Time:
Use Solid Pan with Insert
475- 500 Degrees
15 to 30 Seconds
Product should be precooked and at room temperature if possible. Cook at 475-500 degrees for 15 to 30 seconds. Do not elevate
humidity. Empty excess fat/grease after each cooking cycle.
Beef Kabob
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Reconstitute Time:
Use solid Pan.
475-500 Degrees
4 to 6 Minutes
1 to 1 ½ Minutes
Beef cut into 1” cubes
Bell Pepper
Cherry Tomatoes
Cut the pepper and onion into 1-inch sections. Alternate ingredients on wooden skewers. Place in a solid pan, mono-layered or
stacked slightly staggered for better airflow. Cook for 4 to 6 minutes, depending on the thickness, temperature and desired degree of
doneness. Remove from the oven and brush with seasoned oil*. If product is frozen, elevate humidity and increase cooking time by
approximately 3 minutes.
*Seasoned oil: oil with garlic, onion, tarragon, thyme, salt and pepper to taste.
Beef Steak
Cooking Temperature:
475-500 Degrees
Cooking Time
9 Minutes (rare)
Reconstitute Time:
2 ½ Minutes
Use solid Pan with Insert. Elevate humidity
Trim steak well and score the bottom side. Marinate the meat before cooking if you wish. Mono-layer stead on solid pan with insert
and cook at 475-500 degrees. A steak, 1 to 1 ½ inches thick with 40 degrees starting internal temperature, should cook in
approximately 9 minutes for rare. You may season before or after cooking. Be sure to elevate humidity while cooking.
Hamburger (Raw)
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Reconstitute Time:
Use Solid Pan with Insert
475-500 Degrees
2 ½ to 4 Minutes
2 to 2 ½ Minutes
Because of the uniqueness of the Hot Air Fryer, we do not need the excess fat content normal in other cooking systems. A fat content
of 10 to 17% is more than adequate to get the moisture and flavor desired. Anything more than 17% will result in shrinkage and
smoke. Use a good grade lean ground beef, form into 4-ounce patties and cook at 475-500 degrees. For a starting internal
temperature of 40 degrees, cooking time should be 2 ½ to 4 minutes, depending on thickness. Do not elevate humidity. A single layer
will turn out a better product.
Be sure to drain the excess liquid from the pan and insert after each cooking cycle. It is a good idea to wipe
the inside of the drum with a moist terry cloth towel at intervals, just as you would regularly clean a grill.
Hamburger (Frozen Precooked)
Cooking Temperature:
475-500 Degrees
Reconstitute Time:
2 to 2 ½ Minutes
Use Solid Pan with Insert.
Cook at 475-500 degrees for 2 to 2 ½ minutes. Single layer or use patty rack. Toast buns for 30 to 60 seconds.
Meatballs (Precooked)
Cooking Temperature:
500 Degrees
Cooking Time:
4 to 6 Minutes
Reconstitute Time:
1 to 1 ½ Minutes
Use Solid Pan with Insert. Elevate Humidity.
Begin with precooked, one-ounce meatballs at 10 degrees starting temperature, cook 4 to 6 minutes at 500 degrees. Elevate humidity.
For a large quantity you may double layer the pan and add 2 to 3 minutes to cooking time. If you add sauce before you cook, add
another 1 to 2 minutes. If sauce is added after cooking, return to oven for 30 seconds.
Pork Chops
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Reconstitute Time
Use Solid Pan with Insert.
475-500 Degrees
6 to 7 Minutes
1 to 2 Minutes
For chops ¾ inch thick at 40 degrees starting temperature, cook at 475 to 500 degrees for 6 to 7 minutes. Do not elevate humidity.
Trim chops well! Cooking time 6 to 7 minutes. Internal temperature should be 165 when done. Check with a meat thermometer.
Empty excess fat after each cooking cycle.
Pork Patties and Link Sausages (Precooked)
Cooking Temperature:
500 Degrees
Reconstitute Time:
2 ½ Minutes
For a product with a starting temperature of 10 degrees, cook at 500 degrees for 2 ½ minutes. Do not elevate humidity. Single layer
patties. Cooking time 2 ½ minutes. Links piled on top of each other will take 6 to 7 minutes. Check after 5 minutes and shake to
reposition links for more complete browning.
Prime Rib (Precooked)
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Reconstitute Time:
475-500 Degrees
3 to 6 Minutes
1 to 2 Minutes
Use Solid Pan with Insert. Elevate Humidity
Meat may be precooked and sliced, refrigerated or frozen. For cooking or reconstituting slices ½ to 1 inch at 40 degrees starting
temperature, set oven temperature at 475-500 degrees. Elevate humidity. Precook the meat to 1/3 to ½ the desired doneness of
finished product depending on thickness of the slice. For ¾ inch thick slice, 6 minutes will produce medium to well done; 4 minutes
will produce medium rare to medium. For rare, place a moist strip of terry cloth between the bottom of the pan and the meat and cook
for 4 minutes. If frozen, add 3 to 4 minutes. To serve turn pan side of meat up on plate.
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Reconstitute Time:
Use Solid Pan with Insert.
475-500 Degrees
4 to 6 Minutes
2 to 2 ½ Minutes
Pre-boil ribs for one hour and refrigerate. Starting temperature should be 40 degrees. Cook at 475-500 degrees mono-layered.
Cooking time will be about 4 to 6 minutes, depending on thickness. Remove from oven and apply sauce. Return to oven for about 30
seconds and serve. (For Raw ribs at 10 degrees, same as above except cooking time will be about 8 to 12 minutes.)
Roast Beef, Pork or Lamb
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Reconstitute Time:
Use Solid Pan with Insert.
375 Degrees
8 to 10 Minutes per pound
5 to 7 Minutes
Any cut of roast that does not exceed 5 ½ inches in diameter and 9 to 9 ½ inches in length is suitable for cooking in the ovens. Size of
slice should be appropriate for the size of pan. Cook in a solid pan with insert. Season to taste before or after cooking. Start with a
cooking time of 12 to 18 minutes per pound (adjust to type of cut). Check progress with meat thermometer, removing excess fat with
a turkey baster at time of checking. Once you have experimented with various cuts, sizes and weights you will know what time and
temperature settings suit you best.
Taco Meat/Taco Shells
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Reconstituting Time:
Use Solid Pan with Insert.
475-500 Degrees
1 ½ to 4 Minutes
1 Minute
For meat at 40 degrees, cook at 475 to 500 degrees for 2 ½ to 4 minutes. Taco shells should be heated for 45 to 60 seconds.
Cooking Tray:
Pierre Frozen Foods (all products are fully cooked)
(800) 543-1604
Solid Pan with Liner
Country Fried Pork Chop (Breaded)
Country Fried Pork Chop (Nugget)
Breaded Veal
Flame Broiled Burgers
Flame Broiled Hamburger Steaks
Mesquite Steaks and Patties
Deluxe Beef Patties
Deluxe Beef Patties
Country Fried Steak
Country Fried Steak
Country Fried Beef Patties
Country Fried Beef Nuggets
Breaded Cured Pork Patty w/Cheese
Italian Sausage Hoagie
Deluxe Beef Hoagie
9030 (2 oz)
9040 (3 oz)
9150 (3 oz)
9110 (2 oz)
1810 (2 oz) 1965 (3 oz)
1610 (3.80 oz)
1840 (3.80 oz)
1910 (0.5 oz)
Beef Hoagie w/Sauce
Lean Magic Beef Patties, 91% fat free
Gourmet Beef Meatballs
Gourmet Beef Meatballs
Beef Meatloaf
Beef Meatloaf w/Sauce
Bar B-Q Pork Ribs
Bar B-Q Beef Ribs
Bar B-Q Wonder-Bites (Nuggets)
Salisbury Steak
Pork Sausage (Round)
0160 (1 oz)
1090 (0.5 oz)
9590 (3 oz)
9851 (0.75 oz)
Fresh Meat: Use low fat or extra lean meat. Steaks come out great, cook for 5-8 minutes at 485 degrees. Turn over the steak once
during cooking. Chicken, pork chops, fajita strips, etc., can also be prepared successfully.
Fish & Seafood
Cooking: No matter what a machine is designed to do, there is always one item that surpasses the rest. In the case of the Träk-Air/Air
ovens, it is fish! All seafood prepared in these ovens should be cooked in solid stainless steel pans with inserts primed with non-stick
spray. The same basic considerations apply to seafood as to the other products cooked in the Träk-Air/Air ovens. Attention must be
paid to the thickness, internal beginning temperature, coating and to the degree of doneness desired. NOTE: Do not cook fish with the
skin side up. It will dehydrate much more rapidly and burn. Lightly brush all fish with oil before cooking. Seasoning may be added
to the oil to taste.
Reconstituting: Place fish on solid pan with insert. Be sure to substantially elevate humidity. Cook long enough at 500 degrees to
bring to serving temperature of 120 to 140 degrees. Estimate the time by considering the thickness, temperature and coating. Most
fish at 40 degrees starting temperature and ½ inch thick will reach serving temperature in about 2 to 3 minutes.
Cooking Temperature:
475-500 Degrees
Cooking Time:
2 to 3 Minutes
Use solid pan. Elevate humidity (see instructions below).
Place clams or mussels in a solid pan (no more than one pound per cooking cycle) along with 2 parts of butter and a sprinkle of
seafood seasoning. (Seafood Seasoning: ½ tsp of dry parsley, ¼ tsp dill weed, ¼ tsp celery salt and 1/8 tsp whit pepper or to taste.)
Pour ¼ cup of water over the mussels. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes at 450 to 500 degrees or until the mussels open 1/8 to ¼ inch. Remove
from oven and place the mussels in a serving bowl. Pour ¼ cup of whit wine in to the mussel nectar and pour mixture over the
mussels. Serve with parsley, lemon wedge and garlic butter.
Live Dungeness Crab
Cooking temperature:
450 - 500 Degrees
Cooking Time:
4 to 5 Minutes
Reconstitution Time:
3 to 4 Minutes
Use solid pan.
Cook for 4 to 5 minutes (depending on size of crab) at 450 to 500 degrees. Remove, cool and clean. Serve with seafood cocktail
sauce and lemon wedge.
Precooked Crab
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Use solid pan. Elevate humidity.
450 – 500 Degrees
3 to 4 Minutes
Clean crab and cook/heat for 3 to 4 minutes at 450 to 500 degrees. Elevate humidity.
Crab Legs
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Use solid pan. Elevate humidity.
450 – 500 Degrees
3 to 4 Minutes
For Dungeness or Alaskan King Crab Legs, follow the same heating technique as above.
Fresh Fish: Fillets, Steaks, Roasts
Cooking Temperature:
500 Degrees
Cooking Time:
See below
Reconstitute Time:
2 to 4 Minutes
Use solid pan with insert.
Cook at 500 degrees
¼ to 3/8”
½ to ¾”
1 to 1 ¼”
Cook at 400 degrees
1 ½ to 3”
Fillet of Sole
Fish Steaks
Large Fish Steaks
2 to 3 minutes
4 to 5 minutes
5 to 6 minutes
Fish Roast
6 to 12 minutes
NOTE: DO NOT COOK FISH WITH THE SKIN SIDE UP. It will dehydrate much more rapidly and burn. Lightly brush all fish
with oil before cooking. You may season the oil to taste. For poaching, elevate humidity.
Frozen Fish: Breaded or Battered, Blanched
Cooking Temperature:
450 – 500 Degrees
Cooking Time:
5 to 8 Minutes
Reconstitute Time:
1 to 3 Minutes
Use solid pan with inserts.
With these products you need to pay a little more attention to thickness and starting temperature in relation to cooking time than with
most other products. The coating, whether wet or dry, plays a significant part in the cooking time. Fish patties 3/8 to ½ will take from
5 to 8 minutes to cook. Once you have cooked one you will know how long it takes for a particular product. Thicker products will
obviously take longer. On thick patties, the intense heat on the outside of the fish may brown it too much. If this occurs reduced the
temperature and cook slightly longer. Cooking temperature is usually 450 to 500 degrees.
Frozen Fish Kabob
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Use solid pan with insert.
450 – 500 Degrees
3 to 4 Minutes
Place skewered fish in solid pan with insert and season to taste. Place in oven and cook for 3 to 4 minutes at 450 to 500 degrees. If
refrigerated, cook slightly longer.
Live Lobster
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Use solid pan with insert.
450 – 500 Degrees
5 to 6 Minutes
Live lobster 1 ½ to 2 pounds. Cook for about 3 minutes at 450 to 500 degrees. If the tail wraps around and under the pan, remove the
lobster from oven and straighten tail. Replace in oven and cook until done. Average time for a 2 pound lobster is about 5 to 6
minutes. The larger the lobster the longer it will take to cook.
Lobster Tails
Cooking Temperature:
450 – 500 Degrees
Cooking Time:
5 ½ to 6 Minutes
Use solid pan with lubricated insert.
For 6 to 8 ounce tails at 40 degrees starting temperature cook for about 5 ½ to 6 minutes at 450 – 500 degrees. To broil, split the tip of
the shell and pull the meat through the incision, leaving meat still attached t the tail fin. Push the shell back together and lay the meat
on top of incision. Brush with heavy garlic butter; sprinkle with whit pepper and paprika. Cooking time will depend on the thickness
of the meat.
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Use solid pan with insert.
500 Degrees
3 ½ Minutes
- 10 -
Shuck oysters and brush lightly with garlic butter. Place in a solid pan with insert or on a serving plate atop large rock salt. Cook for
3 ½ minutes at 500 degrees. Serve with seafood cocktail sauce.
Sauté Scallops
Cooking Temperature:
400 – 500 Degrees
Cooking Time:
3 to 5 Minutes
Reconstitute Time:
1 to 1 ½ Minutes
Use 25 to 30 count scallops. Preheat solid pan with insert. Add 2 tablespoons of butter, 1½ tablespoons of lemon juice and seafood
seasoning to taste. Place 6 to 10 ounces of scallop I n solid pan and cook for 2 minutes at 400 to 500 degrees. Remove from oven,
turn and replace. Cook until done and liquid is browning on scallops. Remove and pour entire contents of pan, including liquid, into
serving dish. Serve with lemon wedge and parsley.
Steamed Scallops
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Use solid pan. Elevate humidity.
450 – 500 Degrees
4 to 5 Minutes
Brush lightly with garlic oil and sprinkle with seafood seasoning to taste. Place in oven, elevate humidity and cook for 4 to 5 minutes
(or until all transparency is gone) at 450 to 500 degrees. Serve with lemon and parsley.
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Use solid pan. Elevate humidity.
450 – 500 Degrees
2 ½ to 3 ½ Minutes
For peel and eat shrimp, start with the shrimp at 40 degrees. Put ½ ounce of pickling spice in two cups of water and bring to a boil.
Allow boiling for about 2 minutes. Place about one pound of shrimp (35-40 count) in solid pan. Pour ¾ cup of the pickling spice
broth evenly over the shrimp. Place pan of shrimp in the oven, ELEVATE HUMIDITY, and cook for 2 ½ to 3 ½ minutes at 450 to
500 degrees. Remove from the oven and place in a colander to drain. Immediately cool by placing about 2 ½ pounds of crushed ice
over the shrimp. Pour about ½ gallon of water over the ice. Serve or chill until served.
Butterfly Shrimp
Cooking Temperature:
450 to 500 Degrees
Cooking Time:
1 to 1 ½ Minutes
Use solid pan. Elevate humidity.
For 21 to 30 count shrimp at 40 degrees starting temperature, place in a solid pan primed with non-stick spray. Brush shrimp lightly
with butter. Elevate humidity and cook for about 1 to 1 ½ minutes at 450 to 500 degrees. Remember that the thickness has been
reduced to about half by butterflying.
Peeled and Deveined Shrimp Sauté
Cooking Temperature:
450 to 500 Degrees
Cooking Time:
3 Minutes
Use solid pan.
Use 15 to 20 count shrimp. Brush shrimp with garlic oil or butter. Drizzle a little white wine over the shrimp and cook for about 3
minutes at 450 – 500 degrees. Consider that the thickness of the shrimp is greater than in the above recipes, so they will take a slightly
longer cooking time. The shrimp’s skin membrane should be bright orange or red and the meat should be white. If the meat is
translucent, it needs more cooking time.
Frozen Breaded Shrimp
Cooking Temperature:
450 – 500 Degrees
Cooking Time:
4 to 5 Minutes
Reconstitute Time:
1 Minute
Use 20 to 25 count frozen preset (blanched) breaded shrimp at 10 degrees. Place in a solid pan and cook for 4 to 5 minutes at 450 to
500 degrees. Serve with seafood cocktail sauce.
- 11 -
Fresh Breaded Shrimp
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Reconstitute Time:
Use solid pan. Elevate humidity.
450 – 500 Degrees
4 to 5 Minutes
1 Minute
Use 15 to 20 count shrimp. Bread with brown baked cracker crumbs. Place in a lubricated solid pan, elevate humidity and cook for 3
½ to 4 ½ minutes at 450 to 500 degrees.
Product should be placed in the oven from a refrigerated state. Depending upon size, it will take from 3 to 5 minutes to cook.
Mrs. Friday/Fish King Processors
Web Site: Showcase Fish King
(800) 877-0166
485 Degrees/3 to 5 Minutes
Cooking Tray:
Solid Pan
All products are oven ready and breaded.
Stuffed Shrimp
Seafood Croquet
Ocean Perch Fillets
New Zealand Whiting
Pollack Mini Fillets
Cod Mini Fillets
Cod Nuggets
Mahi Mahi
Mini Krabbycakes
Cooking Tray:
75915/75910 (1.7 oz)
75313 (2-3 oz)
75613 (2-3 oz) 75614 (3-4 oz)
75413 (2-3 oz) 75414 (3-4oz)
75140 (1 oz)
75513 (2-3 oz) 75514 (3-4 oz)
75150 (1 oz)
73550 (3 oz)
National Sea Products/Booth Food Products
(800) 678-6771
460-490 Degrees
Solid Pan
Cod Stick
Whiting Sticks
Cod Rectangle
Whiting Rectangle
Cod Square
Whiting Square
Natural – Cod
Natural – Cod
Cod Nugget
Whiting Nugget
8180 (1 oz)
8181 (1 oz)
8183 (1 oz)
8182 (2 oz)
8184 (2 oz)
8187 (4 oz)
8338 (3.25 oz)
8319 (5 oz)
8327 (.875 oz)
8328 (.875 oz)
Viking Seafood
- 12 -
50 Crystal St., Malden, MA 02148
Please see web site for items.
Frozen Potato Skins:
A very popular item these days as an imaginative appetizer and is so easy to make in you Träk-Air/Air oven. Cook frozen, empty
skins for 1½ minutes at 450 to 500 degrees. Fill with any of the following fillings or any leftover you may have. Refrigerate or freeze.
Finish in 1 minute at 500 degrees when needed. Serve piping hot.
Typical Fillings:
 Horseradish, mayonnaise, creamy sauce, topped with cheddar.
 Seasoned course bread crumbs mixed with bacon bits and chopped onion.
 Seasoned seafood filling.
 Nacho sauce and bacon bits.
 Pizza sauce (spicy) topped with mozzarella cheese.
 Diet: cottage cheese, mixed with diced carrots, radish, green pepper, cucumber, green onion, dill.
Beer Batter or Tempura Style Fried Fish Fillets
4 to 6 ounce cod, yellow tail or flounder boneless fillets.
Seasoned flour (see recipe)
Batter: 1 pound seasoned flour
½ cup vegetable oil
4 eggs
¼ tsp baking powder
½ cup water
In mixing bowl add baking powder to seasoned flour. Make a well with in the flour and incorporate the eggs. Mix well. Add liquids
and mix well again. Consistency must be thick but loose. Wash fish but do not dry! Dust fish with flour and coat with batter,
allowing excess coating to drain. Place on a primed pan with insert and cook for 4 to 5 minutes (depending on size of fish) at 450 to
500 degrees. VARIATION: Substitute shrimp or sea scallops for fish. Add your favorite spices to the seasoned flour.
Whiting or Smelts (skin on) Southern Style
Fish 6-7” long
Vegetable oil
Seasoned Flour
Your favorite crumbs or flour coating
Wash fish but do not dry. Dust with flour, dip in vegetable oil and roll in coating. Place on a primed solid pan and cook 6 to 7
minutes, depending on thickness of the fish.
Cooking Tray:
Cold Water Icelandic/Icelandic USA
(203) 852-1600
460-490 degrees
Solid Pan
Crispy Style
Cod Rectangle
Cod Rectangle
Cod Square
Bake ‘n’ Light (less than 200 calories per 4 oz serving)
Cod Ultra-Light Fillets
Cod Fillets
Pollock Fillets
Tater Fry
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2297 (2.75 oz)
2948 (3 oz)
2949 (4 oz)
Natural Cut
Cod Square
Cod Rectangle
2318 (2.25 oz)
2946 (4 oz)
2945 (3 oz)
Fresh Fish
Fresh fish comes out great in the Hot air Fryer. Fresh fish should be cooked in the solid pan with liner and primed with a non-stick
spray. The same basic considerations apply to seafood as to other products cooked in the ovens. Attention must be paid to the initial
beginning temperature, coatings and thickness.
Cooking: The Träk-Air/Air ovens cook all types of poultry delightfully well. Because the skin contains a high percentage of fat, it
should be removed whenever possible. Turkey, because of its size, should be sliced before cooking for best results. Always use a
solid pan with insert when cooking poultry. A small ventilation hood may be required for cooking raw poultry. Use non-stick spray
on all cooking surfaces.
Reconstituting: Set the thermostat at 450 to 500 degrees. Always elevate humidity. Keep in mind that you need to bring the internal
temperature of the product up to a serving temperature of 140 degrees. Merely apply the basic times for thickness, beginning
temperature and coating of the product.
Chicken (Raw/Plain)
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Reconstitute Time:
Use solid pan with insert.
475-500 Degrees
8 to 12 Minutes
2 to 2 ½ Minutes
Internal starting temperature should be 40 degrees. Cook at 475-500 degrees until internal temperature is 165-180 degrees. Check
with meat thermometer. Cooking time for 1 ¼ to 2 ½ pounds of fryer chicken parts is 12 – 40 minutes. Add several minutes for
frozen products. Coat pan and insert with non-stick spray. Stack loosely. Do not extend chick over the side of the pan. Cook plain or
dust with flour, salt and white pepper. Add additional seasoning to taste. Check product after 10 minutes. You may want to rearrange
the parts with tongs to insure even browning.
For whole chickens, use the same procedure as above. You can cook up to a 4-½ pound chicken in about 26 to 29 minutes.
Precooked Frozen Chicken Nuggets, Strips or Tenderloins
Cooking Temperature:
500 Degrees
Cooking Time:
5 to 7 Minutes
Reconstitute Time:
1 Minute
Use solid pan with insert.
Single layer or stack loosely. Do not a allow product to extend over side of pan. Shake or turn if necessary for complete browning.
Chicken Cutlets, Hoagies or Patties
Cooking Temperature:
500 Degrees
Cooking Time:
5 to 7 Minutes
Reconstitute Time:
1 Minute
Use solid pan with insert.
Use same procedure as above but do not stack.
Large Frozen Chicken Products
Cooking Temperature:
400-450 Degrees
Cooking Time:
9 to 13 Minutes
Reconstitute Time:
1 minute
Use solid pan with insert. Elevate humidity.
Cook large frozen chicken products like products like Chicken Kiev at 500 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes, depending on thickness.
Elevate humidity. Internal temperature should reach 180 degrees.
Cornish Game Hens
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Reconstitute time
375-425 Degrees
15 to 18 Minutes
2 ½ to 4 Minutes
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Use solid pan with insert. Elevate humidity.
For hens 1 to 1 1/8 pounds with beginning temperature of 40 degrees cook at 374 to 425 degrees for 15 to 18 minutes. Spray pan and
insert with non-stick spray. Place a slice of lemon and a pat of butter under breast skin. Elevate humidity. Check at 10 minutes for
browning. You may have to increase or reduce heat, depending on fat content of skin.
Partridge, Quail, Dove, Small Game Birds
Cooking Temperature:
375-425 Degrees
Cooking Time:
9 to 15 Minutes
Reconstitution Time:
2 ½ to 4 Minutes
Use solid pan with insert. Elevate humidity.
For birds 6 to 8 ounces at 40 degrees, cook with breast up in solid pan with insert for 4 to 8 minutes, depending on the thickness of the
meat and the beginning temperature. Lubricate pan and insert. Elevate humidity. Remember to drain pan and insert after each
cooking cycle or as needed.
Chicken casseroles, deep dish or pan recipes for the oven can be cooked in the Hot Air Fryer. Size of oven trays must be taken into
consideration when planning your casseroles.
Cooking information: Product should be placed in the oven from a refrigerated state. Precooked chicken takes from 2 to 4 minutes,
depending upon thickness. Virtually any precooked chicken can b e used, i.e.: wings, nuggets and breasts.
Web Site:
Cooking Tray:
PIERRE FROZEN FOODS (all products are precooked)
(800) 969-2747
460-490 Degrees
Solid pan with liner
Flame-broiled Chicken Fillet
Mesquite Chicken Breast Patty
Flame-broiled Chicken Fillet w/Sauce
Chicken Breast Fajita Strips
Lean Magic Chicken Breast 91% Fat Free
Lean Magic Chicken Fillet 01% Fat Free
Chicken Breast Strip Wonderbites
Fried Breaded Breast Finger
Fried Breaded Fillet
Fried Oat-Bran-Breaded Breast Fillet
Non-breaded products will cook faster than breaded. Cut time 1 to 2 minutes.
Cooking Tray:
(800) 933-2121
460-490 Degrees
Solid pan with liner
4 Piece Dinners
Buttermilk and Honey Sweet
Hot Buffalo Wings
Original Breaded Tenderloins
Natural Breast (Breaded)
Gold ‘n’ Spice Jumbo Tenderloins
Gold ‘n’ Spice Marinated Tenders
Easy Gourmet Classic Breast
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Patties, All Breast
Chicken Cordon Bleu
Chicken Kiev
Broccoli and Cheese Chicken
Shrimp Scampi Chicken
Cooking Tray:
(800) 933-2121
460-490 Degrees
Solid pan with liner
Breast of Chicken Florentine
Breast of Chicken w/Asparagus and Cheese Stuffing
Breast of Chicken w/Scallop and Lobster Stuffing
Breast of Chicken w/Apple, Raisin and Almond Stuffing
Wingette Blazers
Sweet Chili
Chicken Nuggets
All Breast Nugget-Original Breading
Breast Nugget-Buttermilk Breading
White/Dark Nugget-Original Breading
30519CN (7 oz)
60518 (5 oz)
30512 (5 oz)
Chicken Pattie
Round Homestyle
10970 (3 oz)
Light Blend Pattie
Crowned-Original Breading
Round-Original Breading
10702 (2.5 oz)
10712 (3 oz)
Breast Tenderloins
Buttermilk Breading
Country Fried
Crispy Breading
(800) 336-9876
Offers a wide selection of fully cooked chicken products. Please contact the manufacturer for more information.
(800) 258-9766
Offers a wide variety of chicken products that are compatible with the Träk-Air/Air ovens. Please contact Tyson for more
Fresh Chicken: Marinated fresh chicken comes out great in the Träk-Air/Air ovens. For example: skewers will take 4 t0 7 minutes to
cook at 485 degrees.
Eggs and Breakfast Foods
Cooking: There are several factors to keep in mind when cooking eggs: thickness, temperature (beginning) and blowing liquid. The
cooking temperature is extremely important and more critical with eggs than with most other products. Generally, the thermostat
should be set between 350 and 375 degrees. If the eggs get hard, tough or brown on the sides or bottom, the temperature is too high.
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Care should be taken when cooking omelets and other liquid products because of the rapid circulation of air in the Hot Air Fryer. The
rapid movement of air creates waves, which may break over the sides of the pan resulting in splattering egg on the inside of the drum.
To avoid this situation, pay care full attention to the pan size, pan depth and the mixture in the pan at one time.
Fried Eggs
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
350-375 Degrees
1 ½ to 2 Minutes
Use a small metal pie pan 3 to 4 inches in diameter coated, bottom and sides, with oil or non-stick spray. Place a small amount of
butter or cooking fat in the bottom of the pan. For sunny side up, use the same procedure as for shirred eggs below. For over-easy
cook for 1 ½ to 2 minutes. Remove pan from oven, turn and return to the oven. Cook until desired result is obtained. Allow more
cooking time for over medium or hard. Egg rings and your solid pan may be used.
Eggs Benedict
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
350-375 Degrees
1 ½ to 2 Minutes
Use the same steps as for fried eggs over medium, but do not use additional cooking fat. Use only one egg per pan. Prepare
Hollandaise sauce, parsley and paprika.
Scrambled Eggs
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
350-375 Degrees
3 to 4 Minutes
Break eggs into bow. Beat slightly with fork or whip. Add a small amount of cold water, cream or milk if desired (about one
tablespoon of 2 eggs). Refer to above for the problem of wave action. Pour egg mixture into prepared pan and place in the oven.
Check at 2 to 3 minutes, when eggs begin to set. Stir with a wooden spoon or palette knife. Place back in the oven and continue
cooking. Keep in mind that the eggs continue to cook after removing them from the oven, so it is best to under-cook them slightly.
Garnish and serve.
Shirred Eggs
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
350-375 Degrees
see below
Spray small metal pie pan or shirred eggs dish (3-4 inches in diameter) with non-stick spray or coat with butter. Break 2 to 3 eggs into
the pan and place in oven. Eggs should not be cooked hard. Cooking time depends on the quantity of eggs, diameter of pan and
degree of doneness desired. Serve the eggs in pan. Cooked chicken livers, sausage or bacon slices are often placed around the edge of
the shirred egg dish or pan before serving. Eggs served in this manner make an excellent luncheon or supper item.
Cigar Roll Omelet
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
350-375 Degrees
2 Minutes
This type of omelet is for fruits and cheeses. Pour a small amount of omelet mixture into a large coated pan. Cook until mixture is
firmly set but still wet on top, roll with a palette knife.
Pancake Style Omelet
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
350-375 Degrees
2 ½ to 3 Minutes
Double omelet mixture in pan and cook until firmly set, but still wet on top. Carefully fold in half.
Cheese Soufflé
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
350-375 Degrees
6 to 10 Minutes
Coat six 5-ounce or three 10-ounce soufflé dishes with butter then dust with flour. A large soufflé dish or the solid pan may be used if
you wish. Bring 12 ounces of milk to boil. In a separate pan, prepare a light roux with 3 ounces of butter, 2 ounces of flour and ½
ounce of cornstarch. Gradually add the hot milk whipping until smooth and thick. Allow mixture to cool a little. Blend in six egg
yolks, one at a time, mixing well. Add 4 ounces of grated Swiss cheese, salt and white or cayenne pepper to taste. Blend well. Beat
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six egg whites to medium peak. Fold half the egg whites into the mixture. Carefully fold in the balance of the whites. Divide the
mixture into dishes. Approximate cooking time is 6 to 10 minutes, depending on depth of liquid and pan combinations used. Yields
30 ounces.
Fresh Omelets
In a stainless steel or copper bowl beat 2 to 3 eggs plus one tablespoon of water.
Pour into Bakers Secret Pan or Ekco 10 ¾ X 7 X 1 ½
Place in lower level of oven, making sure pan is level for even cooking. Cook one minute.
Remove from oven and add one or two ounces of ham, cover with shredded cheddar cheese and place in oven for one more
Remove pan from oven, use a wide plastic spatula, fold one end and fold again. For a more attractive omelet, sprinkle cheese on
omelet and return to oven to melt.
Important: Do not use this pan for any other items, otherwise your omelet will stick to pan. Do not use spray lubricant or oil.
Ham and cheese omelets are the most popular, but any variation of ingredients may be used.
Vegetarian: green peppers, tomato, mushroom, olive and onions
Meat: Sausage, bacon or ham and all types of quick melting cheeses.
Let your imagination run wild!
We suggest you call the food manufacturer for product brochures and code numbers that you do not see listed below. You will need
to do some experimenting to determine the best menu for your restaurant. Products should be placed in the oven from a refrigerated
state. Cooking times will depend on product thickness and temperature. Most items will need only 2 to 4 minutes. Breakfast items
can be cooked together by using both racks. This allows all the food to be served at once.
Web Site:
Cooking Tray:
485 Degrees / 2 to 3 Minutes
Perforated basket or solid pan
Apple Crescents
Apple Sticks
French Toast Sticks
Cooking Tray:
(800) 766-7783 or (208) 938-1047
485 Degrees / 2 to 3 Minutes
Perforated basket or solid pan
Apple Turnovers
Cheery Turnovers
Cooking: Because of the many variations in processed potatoes, cooking times will vary depending on the type of product, moisture
content, beginning temperature and thickness. The more the potato is processed the less time it will take to cook. Double blanched
French Fries give excellent results when cooked in the Hot Air Fryer. This additional processing removes most of the moisture
content and adds a little more oil so that the look, taste and feel of the fry is superior. Almost all frozen processed potato strips will
cook in the oven in 2 to 7 minutes at 450-500 degrees. Baking potatoes may be cooked in foil or without foil according to the
recommendations below.
Reconstituting French Fries that have been cooked in the oven can be reconstituted as many as three times resulting in a product that is
indistinguishable from its cooked-to-order counterpart. Reconstitution is possible because the Träk-Air/Air oven takes out only one to
- 18 -
three percent of the moisture during the original cooking process. And because the ovens use no grease or oil, fries are not coated
with congealing fats. Most potato products can be reconstituted in 2 to 3 minutes at 450-500 degrees. Be sure to elevate humidity.
French Fries
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Reconstitute Time:
Use basket
450-500 Degrees
2 to 7 Minutes
1 ½ to 3 Minutes
Keep product frozen until time to cook if possible. Fill basket and replace remainder of fries in freezer. Cooking times vary with size
and moisture content. Most shoestrings will cook in 4 to 4 ½ minutes at 450-500 degrees (double blanched in 1 ½ minutes), 5/16s
inch fries will cook in 5 to 5 ½ minutes and wedge cuts in about 6 to 7 minutes. Double blanched wedge cuts will cook in about 2
minutes. When cooking fries with a high moisture content, it is advisable to open the door fully for a few seconds before the last
minute of cooking to “breathe” the oven and allow the moisture to dissipate so that the fries will crisp. This is not necessary with
double blanched products.
Baked Potatoes
Cooking Temperature:
450-500 Degrees
Cooking Time:
30 to 40 Minutes
Reconstitute Time:
5 to 7 Minutes
Use basket or solid pan with insert.
Foil Wrapped: Steam potatoes in foil with out holes for 15 to 20 minutes, depending on size, and set aside. Finish potatoes for 15
minutes more when needed. Before finishing, piece several holes with a fork in both the foil and the potato to allow steam to escape.
Without Foil: Wash potatoes in water. Do not dry. Cook 20 minutes, protecting the top with an aluminum foil tent. Remove and set
aside. Finish for an additional 10 minutes when needed. Before finishing pierce as above.
Web Site:
Cooking Tray:
460-490 Degrees
Perforated basket or basket/pan combo
¼” Fries Crispy Bakes
½” Crinkle Cut
Tater Tots
Golden Patties-Oval
Golden Patties-Square
Spud Bites
Triangle Hash Browns
Seasoned Plus:
3/8” Regular Fries
5/16” Thin Fries
Potato Skin Shells
Irish Potatoes
Oven Roast
(Eastern #1 1241)
#1 for mid-west, east and south USA; Ore-Ida is labeled under the name Premium House
(800) 635-0408
460-490 Degrees
- 19 -
Cooking Tray:
Perforated basket
Quick ‘n’ Crispy
¼” Shoestring Fries
5/16th” Thin Cut Fries
Crinkle Cut Fries
Skin-On Wedge
Traditional Hash Browns
Tater Sticks
Tater Gems
Tater Bucks
Cooking Tray:
(800) 317-5262 or (208) 938-1047
460-490 Degrees
For seasoned fries use solid pan with liner
Canola Quick:
¼” Shoestring
5/16” Thin Regular Cut
3/8” Thin Concertinas
Original Recipe:
Crisscut Fries
Twister Fries
5/16” Thin Regular Cuts
3/8” Regular Cuts
Wave Length Fries
Wedge Cut Fries
Jr. JoJo’s
Mini Bakers
Crispy Cubes
Spicy Mild Recipe:
Crisscut Fries
Twister Fries
5/16” Thin Cuts
3/8” Regular Cuts
Wedge Cut Fries
Mild Recipe:
Twister Fries
5/16” Thin Cuts
3/8” Regular Cuts
Tempura Recipe:
Crisscut Fries
Twister Fries
Wedge Cut Fries
Cheddar Recipe:
Crisscut Fries
Mama Mia Italian Recipe:
Crisscut Fries
- 20 -
Garlic ‘N Onion
Crisscut Fries
Lamb’s Natural (skin on line):
Crisscut Fries
Thick Crisscut Fries
Natural Cuts
Lamb’s Supreme Formed Products:
Tater Roundabouts
Tater Puffs
Tater Wedges
Side ‘O Browns
Bakers Plus (baked potatoes stuffed with bacon, cheese, sour cream and chives):
Cheese and Bacon
Sour Cream and Chives
Web Site:
Cooking Tray:
(800) 854-8935
460-490 Degrees
Perforated Tray
Menu Quick:
¼” Shoestring
5/16” Straight Cut
3/8” Crinkle Cut
Hash Brown Patties
Southern Style Hash Browns
Potato Rounds
Tiny Triangles
Web Site:
McCain USA
(800) 952-4432
X-treme Fries
Dino Tots
Kid Cruisers
Brew City
Onion Rings
Moore’s 800-767-7377
And many more please see their web site.
Cooking: Vegetables may be sautéed or steamed in the Träk-Air/Air oven with excellent results. Unlike meat products, thin
vegetables will dehydrate very rapidly when directly exposed to rapidly moving hot air. For this reason, care should be taken not to
overcook. Vegetables are done when slightly cooked and heated completely, while still retaining their crispness or crunch.
Sautéed Vegetables
Cooking Temperature:
Cooking Time:
Use solid pan. Elevate humidity.
400 Degrees
2 Minutes
Select small vegetables. If large vegetables are used they must first be cut into pieces to ensure rapid heat penetration.
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Green Beans
Flower tops/cut spears small
3/8” Spears
No cutting necessary
1/3” wheels
½” lengthwise
3/8” cut
1” quarters or sixths
Place vegetables in solid pan and elevate humidity. Cook at 400 degrees. Cooking time depends on the beginning temperature of the
product, consistency and thickness. After 2 minutes, remove from the oven, shake to turn and note cooking progress. Return to the
oven until done.
Frozen Pre-Breaded and Blanched Vegetables
Cooking Temperature:
300 Degrees
Cooking Time:
5 to 7 Minutes
Use solid pan with perforated insert. Add water as described below.
Set the thermostat at 300 degrees. Pour a small amount of water ( ½ oz) into the bottom of the drum. Place product on solid pan and
cook for 3 to 4 minutes according to the cut size of the product. Remove and check for doneness.
For high temperature steaming set the thermostat at 450-500 degrees. Add water as above. Place product in solid pan and allow
cooking for approximately 1 ½ to 2 minutes. Remember that in high temperature steaming, the steam dissipates rapidly resulting in a
finished cooking process of heat with less moisture.
Web Site:
Cooking Tray:
480-485 Degrees
Perforated basket
Natural Onion Rings
Classic Onion Rings
Onion Ringers
Onion Chipsters
Beer Battered Onion Rings
Vegetable Sticks
Corn Nuggets
Breaded Cauliflower
Zucchini Slices
Zucchini Sticks
Whole Mushrooms
Cheese Sticks
Mozzarella Cheese Sticks
Mini Mozzarella Cheese Sticks
Steamed Vegetables
Frozen: Place in solid pan for 3/5 minutes at 480 degrees
Thawed: Wrap in foil with a few drops of water, place in basket and cook for 3/5 minutes at 485 degrees.
Bread and Pastry
Cooking: The Träk-Air/Air ovens bring fresh baked pastry and breads into every restaurant, no matter how large or small. As a rule of
thumb, most bakery products should be cooked at the manufacturers recommended temperature for approximately one-forth the
recommended time. Pastries and breads are generally baked between 350-450 degrees. If your oven has been operating at 500
degrees and you now wish to bake, open the door and readjust the thermostat to the desired temperature. when the thermostat light
comes on the oven is at the desired temperature and you should shut the door to prevent further heat loss.
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All bread products should be proofed and brushed with oil or butter before baking. Pastry products with sugar incorporated into the
recipe as part of the chemical equation or as a raw sugar rolled into the product, such as cinnamon rolls, will brown very nicely.
When baking or reheating pastries, keep an eye on the product by opening the door and peeking in from time to time. Once the
product starts to brown it browns very quickly. All sugar glaze and icing must be applied after baking.
Reconstituting: When you reconstitute baked products, always elevate the humidity substantially. Experiment with temperature to
achieve the best possible quality with each product. Use a non-stick spray on all cooking surfaces. Listed below are several baked
products, each of which can be baked in 1 ½ to 7 minutes. try your specific recipe or product to arrive at the optimum time. You may
also experiment with elevating humidity to achieve the desired surface texture.
Examples of Bread and Pastry Products:
Breads-Demi Loaves
375 Degrees
Powder Biscuits
450 Degrees
350 Degrees
Danish Pastry
450 Degrees
450 Degrees
New York Pretzels
450 Degrees
Dinner Rolls
375 Degrees
Cinnamon Rolls
375 Degrees
Corn Meal Muffins
400 Degrees
375 Degrees
375 Degrees
Cooking Time
6-7 Minutes
3 Minutes
1 ½ Minutes
5 Minutes
7 Minutes
Reconstitute Time
1 Minute
1 Minute
1 Minute
1 Minute
30-45 Seconds
½ Minute
1 Minute
1 Minute
1 Minute
2 to 2 ½ Minutes
2 to 2 ½ Minutes
Cook at 485 degrees for 2 to 4 minutes depending on thickness. Thin pizza can be cooked from frozen state. Thick pizza should be
cooked from a refrigerated state. If pizza is being cooked from a frozen state the temperature should be lowered increasing the
cooking time 1 to 2 minutes. Reheating by the slice is very popular.
Cooking Tray:
Little Charlie’s/Schwan’s
(800) 533-5290 or (507) 537-8900
475-500 Degrees
Pizza Pan/Cookie Sheet or Perforated Basket
Bulk Wrap:
5” Supreme
5” Pepperoni
5” Sausage
5” Cheese
Individual Wrap:
5” Supreme
5” Pepperoni
5” Sausage
5” Cheese
5” Mexican Style Pizza
Slice-Pak Pizza:
5” Supreme
5” Pepperoni
5” Sausage
5” Cheese
Additional Recipes
Submarine Sandwiches with Yesterday’s Rolls:
- 23 -
Have the rolls cut lengthwise but do not separate halves. On bottom half place lettuce leaf and tomato slices (prepare ahead and
refrigerate). Top with sliced ham and /or Genoa salami and your favorite cheese slices. Secure cheese with a toothpick, place in
basket, cook for one minute. The old bread is new, crisp and toasted. The meat is hot, moist and tender. The cheese is melted and the
lettuce and tomato are cold and crisp.
Chicks on Buns:
Fry 2 chicken tenderloin strips (or nuggets) in the oven. Split a roll or hamburger bun but do not separate halves. On bottom half
place lettuce, top with chicken tenders and cheese. Top with tomato slices and a generous coating of your favorite sauce. Broil in the
oven for 1 ½ minutes and serve.
Substitute fried fish or steak tidbits for the chicken and English Muffins for the buns.
Pizza on A Pita:
Spread cold pizza sauce on a pita and top with cheese (hold with a toothpick) and bake in the oven for 2 minutes. Try with bagel
halves instead of pitas. Incorporate broccoli, mushrooms, anchovies, etc., with the pizza sauce.
Pocket Sandwiches:
Cut an opening in the pita and carefully spread the pocket open. Fill with salad makings and chicken. Top with cheese, toothpick and
bake in oven for 1½ minutes.
Puff Pastry Items:
For croissants, turnovers, vol-au-vent, etc., lower the thermostat to 300-350 degrees and elevate humidity. Cook for 1 to 1 ½ minutes.
for sugar coated and creamy cakes, protect the top with an aluminum foil tent.
Web Site:
Cooking Tray:
480-485 Degrees
Solid pan with liner or basket/pan combo
Golden Crisp Corn Dig Bits
Cooking Tray:
State Fair/Sara Lee
(800) 641-6412
450-490 Degrees
Solid pan with liner or basket/pan combo
Classic Size Corn Dog
Mini Corn Dog
Beef and Bean Burrito
Beef and Cheese Burrito
Pre-Fried Beef and Bean Burrito
Pre-Fried Cheese, Beef and Bean Burrito
Egg Rolls
Cooking Tray:
Little Charlie’s/Schwan’s
(800) 533-5290 or (507) 537-8900
460-500 Degrees
Solid pan
Pork Egg Rolls
Pork and Shrimp Egg Rolls
Shrimp Egg Rolls
Seafood Egg Rolls
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