
APRIL 9, 2003
The regular meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron Shores was
held on Wednesday, April 9, 2003 and called to order by Reeve Ted Linley at 7:00 p.m.
PRESENT WERE: Reeve Ted Linley, Councillors Gord Campbell, Norma Cochrane, John
Fullerton, Dennis Kirby, Gil Reeves, Archie Roach, Kent Weber and Dale
Wedgwood; and Clerk Deborah Tonelli.
Emile Malvaso, Gib Medve, Donna Orlando, Sue Mercer, Terry Seabrook,
Brent Rankin, Treasurer Sandra Leach; CBO Dale Swan, and Assistant
Clerk Beverly Eagleson.
J. Fullerton
D. Kirby
THAT we adopt the minutes of the Regular Meetings of Council held
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 as circulated.
K. Weber
D. Wedgwood
THAT By-law #03-14, being a By-law of the Corporation of the
Municipality of Huron Shores to Adopt the Minutes of the Council
Meeting held on March 26, 2003 and authorizing the taking of any action
authorized therein and thereby, was read a first, second and third time and
passed in open Council this 9th day of April, 2003.
N. Cochrane
G. Reeves
THAT we approve payment of the General Accounts for the period from
March 27, 2003 to April 9, 2003 in the amount of $67,215.37.
Reeve Linley – Items dealing with Village General Store.
Dale Wedgwood – Items dealing with janitorial services.
Emile Malvaso, of AD~net attended to make a presentation and update Council on the LID
Project, the Municipal Software Package and 2003 AD~net Membership.
For our membership last year, Phase I of the project was completed which produced a 50 page
Business Plan for providing broadband high speed internet to this area. Phase II of the project
is deployment of that business plan and actually building the network to reach the community.
High speed will be provided either through current telephone system or cable system, depending
on what company is successful in their Request For Proposal submission. While wireless would
be the ideal delivery capable of accessing the greatest geographic area, it may be cost
prohibitive. The Request for Proposal will be released May 27th of this year. It doesn’t cost
anything more than the $500.00 for 2003 membership to be part of Phase II. Our community is
in a very favourable position to be considered very soon. We will be a part of the study whether
we take out membership or not. Although the access point for the Iron Bridge area is in the
Huron Shores office, other areas of this municipality may obtain access through other entry
points in adjacent communities. Huron Shores taxpayers do not necessarily have to be serviced
by the portal from our office.
Municipal Software Package
AD~net is in the process of having a municipal software package available for purchase that is
specific to municipal operations for accounting, taxes, cemetery records, etc. The router required
for high-speed internet as well as to run this software is not part of the software package. A
CISCO 1721 is necessary to use run the municipal software package. It was suggested that we
could rent a router until such time as we decide whether we will entertain purchasing the
software package.
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Gib Medve – Brent Rankin, Donna Orlando, Terry Seabrook, Sue Mercer, members of the
Upper Deck Committee attended to make a presentation on the mandate of the committee and
their progress to date.
The Committee comprised of Thessalon and Huron Shores
representatives, was struck in 2001 and an objective to restore the upper deck lounge in the
Thessalon Memorial Community Arena which was destroyed by fire many years ago. The
Committee has raised $125,000 through fund-raising, soliciting, donations and pledges.
Estimates for the restoration are from $540,000 to $640,000 depending on the option selected.
They hope to commence construction by the spring of 2004. Statistics, showing users for this
year and last year, from both Thessalon and Huron Shores, was provided. Mr. Medve stated that
Huron Shores residents are significant users of the facility. There was discussion on the
dimensions in relation to the original facility (may be expanded from original to include area
over new dressing rooms), expected seating capacity (approximately 150 to 200) and if a cost
analysis for maintenance has been conducted ( xxx ). Brent Rankin advised that the committee
has gone back to the original intent of restoring the lounge to provide an ice surface viewing
area. It will not have a liquor licence but will be licenced to allow rentals to include “Special
Occasion” Liquor Permits.
The Committee is reviewing all avenues of federal and provincial grant programs available for
the project which will subsidize the funds raised. The Town of Thessalon endorses the work of
the Committee and the office is doing all accounting of funds for the project. While the
Committee had hoped that a contribution of $10,000 might be considered from Huron Shores,
they will be happy with any monetary commitment that Council feels they can contribute.
Treasurer attended the April 3 attended Municipal Drainage Course on April 3, 2003. It was
very beneficial training. The manual provided will be an excellent reference for future drainage
An agreement has been completed and submitted to Scotia Bank to set up Internet Banking that
will allow payment of taxes via internet. ScotiaBank has advised the system should be ready
for use by April 22nd.
Treasury Department has finalized the rollover for year-end and report a surplus of $326,695.00.
This figures has yet to be confirmed by the Municipal Auditor. The substantial surplus is
attributed to unexpected significant revenue from the CRF Allocation and Supplementary and
Omitted Assessments. It also includes the $114,000 surplus from 2001.
The final tax sale notice for eleven properties will be mailed very shortly. We cannot seem to
obtain current mailing addresses for these therefore anticipate the notices will in all likelihood be
returned and therefore will be sold in tax sale.
The second round of tax sale letters process has been started. Two of these property owners
have contacted us and made arrangements for bringing accounts current.
Treasury activity priorities are 2003 budget, tax arrears, assessments and OHRP accounts.
It was recently brought to our attention that the Village Inn phone bill was still in the
Municipality’s name. This has since been addressed and corrected.
Clerk advised that Emile Malvaso of Ad~net left correspondence requesting that we take out
membership for another year to support their efforts of implementing broadband highspeed
internet. Support is requested by April 11, 2003.
N. Cochrane
G, Reeves
THAT we pay $500 to AD~net (Algoma District Community Network)
being our membership for the year 2003.
In order to connect to the highspeed internet we need to install a router. There are two types of
routers available through O.N.Telcom, the more expensive is required should we want to
purchase the municipal software package from Ad~net. O.N.Telcom has offered to rent either
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router on a monthly basis. This could be upgraded should we wish to do so at a cost of $150.00
for a technician to attend to it. Clerk recommended the rental until we are in a better position to
decide whether we might be interested in the software package.
CISCO 1721
Purchase Price $
Purchase Price $ 2,250
Rental $30.00/month
Rental $75.00/month
G. Campbell
G. Reeves
THAT we rent one Cisco 827 Series Router, including serial cable and
configuration from O.N. Telcom, in the amount of $30.00 per month.
CBO Report:
CBO Swan reported Gilbertson Enterprises have contacted him to establish a rock quarry on
property they own on Red Rock Road adjacent to the Municipal Waste Site. The planning
document indicates that Council may require a site plan and he has asked Gilbertson’s to do just
that in order that the quarry operations are established in a manner that will be acceptable to
adjacent land owners. He has met on site and in the office with a representative of the Company
and is in the process of reviewing their requirements. The site plan will be brought to Council at
a later date for approval as a site specific zoning by-law with a schedule attached setting quarry
Colin Trivers had contacted the office to inquire as to whether Council would be able to
accommodate a zoning amendment to property on Antoine Delorme’s property in order to
comply with Condition #6 on the Provisional Consent granted May 27, 2002. In order to
complete the severance, this zoning amendment will have to be completed prior to May 27,
2003. In order to meet the deadline and accommodate the notice requirements, a special meeting
will have to be held after the next regular meeting and prior to the first meeting in May.
N. Cochrane
D. Kirby
THAT we proceed with processing a Zoning Amendment application
submitted by Heather Whitfield as Agent for Antoine Delorme to increase
the setback requirement for a dwelling unit to 100 metres from the railway
right-of-way. The amendment is required under Condition #6 of
Provisional Consent for Severance for File No. 57-C-010010 dated May
27, 2002;
AND THAT we hold the Public Meeting required under the Zoning
Amendment Process at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 30, 2003 to receive
comments, support for and objections to the said proposal;
AND THAT we hold a Special Meeting of Council at 7:15 p.m.,
Wednesday, April 30, 2003 to consider passing a by-law for the subject
Steve Errington who owns the old rabbitry building and property, intends to build a new home
with a showroom attached for his business and intends on commencing construction this spring.
He submitted a request to set up a trailer for a temporary residence while constructing the home.
Dale read By-law #81-12 of Iron Bridge with regard to trailers. Council concurred that this bylaw did not apply. While Council was hesitant that a trailer be set up on the property for fear that
it might not be removed, they agreed that it could be allowed with the condition that a building
permit for the new home must be issued first and that the trailer could not be used for a residence
upon the expiration of 1 year and 21 days from the day the trailer arrives on the property.
An Application for Consent from Fred Eldner to sever his property has been denied. Three
homes exist on one parcel of land and the application was denied due to concern that there is
sufficient land on the proposed parcels to accommodate water and sewage system requirements.
Approval for this had been received for this severance some years ago but the owners did not
proceed and the expiration period lapsed.
Gerald Clark had contacted this office to inquire if a consent for severance on his property to
allow for a lot addition to an adjacent property might be considered. Planning personnel at
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MMAH in Sudbury advise that they will not entertain the application because the property has
already received past severances and the proposal would cut up a large parcel that might have
potential for more suitable development and/or use in the future.
Public Works Report:
Correspondence from the Ministry of Transportation advised that property acquisition for the
proposed new industrial access and highway 17 entrance could be complete in six months. A
subsequent fax advised that it may happen in approximately one month.
Ross McAneely of MTO had contacted Clerk Tonelli to advise that Hydro One had indicated
that if a survey is being conducted in the area, that perhaps a survey should be completed to
establish their pole right-of-way at the same time. He asked if she could foresee any problems
with the same surveyors conducting this work at the same time as we were having our survey
done. Clerk advised him that she could not foresee any problem provided that Hydro One would
be paying for any survey work on their right-of-way. Mr. MacAneeley said he would advise
Hydro One of this information and would leave it up to them to contact us should they want to
arrange any joint venture.
J. Fullerton
D. Kirby
WHEREAS the Municipality of Huron Shores has submitted an
application for a new entrance permit for a municipal road to replace
Munroe Lane and the easterly entrance of Green Lane off of Highway #17
in conjunction with undertaking a project for a New Industrial Access
AND WHEREAS Tulloch Engineering and Surveying provided
preliminary work required to complete the said application to the Ministry
of Transportation and is very familiar with the project;
AND WHEREAS this project is being funded through the Northern
Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation which does not require third party
contracts to be tendered if the amount does not exceed $25,000;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT we waive the purchasing
policy and accept the quote from Tulloch Engineering and Surveying in
the amount of $24,900.00 including G.S.T., to provide engineering and
surveying services as outlined in said quote for the New Industrial Road
Access which includes a new entrance to Highway #17 to replace the
existing Munroe Lane and easterly entrance of Green Lane. CARRIED.
Crimestoppers submitted correspondence asking if our community would be interested in
purchasing signs to promoting their service. The purchase price is to cover the costs of the signs.
Erection of same would be at our expense. They had intended to display these signs on the
highway but it may be some time before MTO approvals for the signs along the corridor are
J. Fullerton
G. Reeves
THAT we purchase 5 Crime Stoppers signs for $50.00
Councillor Wedgwood tabled a request for the Road Department to purchase a Combination
Sanding /Dump Box Unit for the 1991 International. He advised that Public Works Foreman and
the two Road Commissioners had met to discuss various road issues of which this was one.
They had come to a concensus that such a purchase made good sense to utilize the tandem for
both plowing and sanding in the winter season. He also requested that Council give
consideration to waive the purchasing policy in order to purchase a unit complementing the ones
on the other municipal trucks for convenience.
D. Wedgwood
D. Kirby
WHEREAS the Municipality presently owns a 1991 International Tandem
Dump Truck with a gravel box;
AND WHEREAS the purchase of a combination sanding/gravel box for
this unit to replace the dump box, will greatly improve the winter
maintenance program by increasing the sanding units owned by and
immediately available to the municipality to three units;
AND WHEREAS we presently have tow Viking Combination sanding
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03-06-09 (Cont.)
units for single axle trucks which have proven to be very satisfactory and
dependable and by purchasing another Viking unit our equipment will be
more standardized for service and repairs;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT we waive the purchasing
policy to purchase a Tandem Viking combination sanding/gravel unit for
th3 1991 International Tandem for a purchase price not to exceed $42,000
including all taxes;
AND THAT said purchase be financed form Reserves for Roads.
Councillor Fullerton reported that he had had a long time resident of Dayton state that the roads
in Dayton had been taken care of the best this winter that he has ever seen.
D. Kirby
G. Reeves
THAT we request 1500 Tonnes of treated sand from MTO for the
2003/2004 Winter Season.
Councillor Reports:
Reeve Linley and Councillor Fullerton attended and reported on the hospital meeting in Echo
Bay on March 24, 2003. The hospitals are looking for $5 million from the District to build the
new hospital facility. The Town of Thessalon has committed $10,000 for the hospital in the past
and intend to do so again this year. Council felt that while we are dependent on the Sault
Hospital for health care, we are also dependent on the Thessalon and Blind River facilities and
there are only so many dollars. Serious consideration will be given to this in conjunction with
budget deliberations before we can commit to dollars for the Sault Ste. Marie facility. Health
Care is a number one priority for our community. Every one of our residents use the Health Care
facilities in our area.
Reeve Ted Linley attended Smart Growth focus-group discussion in Sault Ste. Marie on
April 8, 2003.
Recommendations are to be put forth to the Provincial government for
development of Northeastern Ontario. We were invited to comment on the information provided
and highlighted projects being considered in our area. They would like to see the Minister of
Northern Development and Mines have a single portfolio for Northern Ontario alone and not
combined with any other mandates.
Clerk advised that Paul and Tania Hazlett, taxpayers of this municipality had requested
information on the Garlon 4 herbicide product being used by Hydro One in their brush control
operations. They had researched the product and sent their research information via email for
Council to consider whether there were other products or means that would be better approaches.
Grass Maintenance – defer.
Purchasing Policy and Tendering Process.
Councillor Reeves had studied, researched and compared our present purchasing policy and
submitted a comparison for Council’s consideration and proposed changes to allow reasonable
flexibility in making purchases. Council was asked to give the proposed changes some
consideration to possibly amend the limits at the next meeting of Council.
Clerk Tonelli asked that Council also consider dissolving the invitational tendering and consider
newspaper advertising. When we first amalgamated it was thought it that it would be quite
costly for advertising all tenders but Clerk advised that she felt the costs wouldn’t be as
exorbitant was originally thought. The time spent on coordinating invitational tendering
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probably far exceeds the cost of advertising. The frequency of tendering perhaps doesn’t warrant
the invitational process and perhaps we should consider advertising for simplicity and fairness to
all. This will be considered in conjunction with amending the purchasing policy.
City of Sault Ste. Marie / Provincial Offences Transfer Intermunicipal Agreement.
Clerk reported that the only difference in the agreement is the apportionment calculation.
K. Weber
D. Kirby
THAT By-law # 03-15 being a by-law of the Corporation of the
Municipality of Huron Shores to Enter into an Agreement with the City
of Sault Ste. Marie for Intermunicipal Provincial Offences Transfer,
was read a first, second and third time and passed in open Council this 9th
day of April, 2003.
Day & Bright Hall SCTP Agreement
A. Roach
G. Campbell
THAT By-law # 03-16 being a by-law of the Corporation of the
Municipality of Huron Shores to Enter into an Agreement with Her
Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario as represented by the Minister of
Tourism and Recreation for SCTP funding for renovations to Day and
Bright Recreation and Community Centre, was read a first, second and
third time and passed in open Council this 9th day of April, 2003.
Clerk Tonelli advised that this agreement requires a certificate signed by the Municipal Solicitor
that the subject property has been searched and that we have title to the property where this work
will be done. The fee for this legal service will be $200.00.
Township of Smith-Ennismore-Lakefield / request for support of resolution re: Safe
Drinking Water Act and Sustainable Water and Sewage System Act.
Municipality of Brockton / request for support of resolution re: Nutrient Management
Act. (see 10-4 for further information re: Nutrient Management Act)
A. Roach
G. Campbell
THAT Reeve Linley and Councillor Fullerton attend the Board of
Management for Algoma District Homes for the Aged Meeting to be held
on November 14, 2002, Sault Ste. Marie, re: presentation of business case
for redevelopment of Algoma Manor;
AND THAT we pay all associated expenses.
City of Woodstock / request for support of resolution re: Property Taxation Issues.
G. Campbell
A. Roach
THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron
Shores supports the resolution of the City of Woodstock in requesting that
the Province of Ontario immediately review its capping program with an
aim to eliminate it completely in order to uphold the purpose of
implementing the new property taxation regime in providing a tax system
that is fair, understandable and comparable across the province;
AND THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Premier Ernie Eves,
David Young, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Ernie
Hardemen, Associate Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Janet
Ecker Minister of Finance, Mike Brown, M.P.P. Algoma Manitoulin.
9-4. Federal Electoral Boundaries Commmission for Ontario / Report of the Federal Electoral
Boundaries Commission for Ontario.
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D. Kirby
N. Cochrane
THAT Councillor Reeves attend the West Working Group quarterly
meeting to be held November 28, 2002, Bruce Mines;
AND THAT we pay all associated expenses.
City of Brampton / request support for resolution re: Emerald Ash Borer Control.
G. Campbell
G. Reeves
THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron
Shores support the Resolution of the City of Brampton in petitioning the
Provincial and Federal Governments to take action to develop a strategy to
control and remedy the effects of the Emerald Ash Borer and to provide
funding for this purpose;
AND THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Health Canada,
Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Natural Resources Canada,
Environment Canada, Public Works and Government Services Canada,
Premier of Ontario, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and the
Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Brent St. Denis M.P. AlgomaManitoulin and Mike Brown M.P.P. Algoma-Manitoulin. CARRIED.
D. Wedgwood
G. Reeves
THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron
Shores support the request of the Township of Shedden for $145,500.
from the Patten Post Regional fund for the Stage Two Application to
NOHFC for the Dock Extension and Expansion, as presented by letter
dated November 4, 2002, from Clerk-Administrator Mary Bray.
Health Canada / Healthy Lawns Strategy.
Haldimand County / request for support of resolution re: Municipal Septage Strategy.
Township of Johnson / request for support of resolution re:
K. Weber
G. Reeves
exits off Hwy. 17 at
THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Huron
Shores support the resolution of the Township of Johnson in requesting
that the Ministry of Transportation review and develop a program,
considering turning lanes, reduced speed limits, flashing lights and turn
signs, to address vehicular dangers at intersections into the Hamlet of
Desbarats and into Central Algoma Secondary School;
AND THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Minister of
Transportation, Mike Brown M.P.P. Algoma-Manitoulin, A.D.M.A. and
Township of Johnson.
AD~net / invitation to presentation of Annual Report for 2002.
Ministry of Finance / Education Tax Rates and Tax Ratios.
Assessment Review Board / review of rules and procedures.
Iron Bridge Lioness Club / Thank-you card.
AMO - Alert / Province Amends Nutrient Management Regulations.
Ministry of Public Safety and Security / National Emergency Preparedness Week - May
Brent St. Denis / Federal Electoral Boundaries Report Returned to Parliament.
AMO - Alert / Ontario Budget Gives Municipalities “Something to Work With…”.
Andy Mitchell, Secretary of State / copy of letter to Janet Ecker re: Federal Government
commitment to Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program.
Sagamok Anishnawbek / Support for Patten Post Regional Fund Project - Station Road
Ministry of Transportation / response to support of the Town of Thessalon Resolution for
safety-sign program from Sault Ste. Marie to Sudbury.
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10-11. Lake Huron North Shore Elk Restoration Committee / update from Chair D.W. Prodan
dated April 1, 2003.
G. Reeves
A. Roach
THAT we proceed in Camera at 10:09 p.m. in order to address a matter
pertaining to:
The receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor/client privilege,
including communications necessary for that purpose;
AND THAT Assistant Clerk Beverly Eagleson remain in attendance.
D. Wedgwood
G. Campbell
THAT we return to open session at 10:34 p.m.
J. Fullerton
K. Weber
THAT we do adjourn at 10:36 p.m.
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