Training Programs for Summer 2005 Program Title/ Dates/Fees

The Philippine Normal University
Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines
Training Programs for Summer 2005
Program Title/
Training Director / Contact
Program Description
College of Arts and Social Science - CASS
Pedagogy and
Assessment in Tertiary
16 – 18 May 2005;
A three-day seminar-workshop designed to provide content updates,
demonstration of pedagogy on college courses and practicum on
alternative assessment in the Arts and Social Sciences
Faculty teaching colleges
courses in the arts social
Rethinking Integrative
Music and Art Education
Across Disciplines
20 – 23 April 2005;
& Human Rights Education, CPHRE
Tel. No. 527-0373
This is a four-day seminar for music and art education focusing on
contents, innovative and creative strategies and techniques of teaching
in the elementary and secondary levels through lecture demonstrations.
It highlights the integration of music and arts with other subjects to make
learning and teaching more meaningful and functional.
Music and Art educators in
the elementary and
secondary levels.
Rethinking the Teaching
of Physical Education in
Philippine Schools
25 – 26 April 2005;
Seminar-Workshop in
Team Management for
Effective Coaching
27 – 28 April 2005;
Tel. No. 528-0563
(0915) 4061566
The two-day training program offers new avenues towards providing
quality Physical Education (PE) activities for worldwide research finding
in alternative teaching styles, materials development, performancebased assessment tools and personality enhancement programs.
Highlights of the training would be workshop and hands-on experiences
in practical learning activities.
Physical Educators
(Elementary, Secondary,
and Tertiary levels)
Interventions for
12 – 14 May 2005;
Venue: Maceda Hall,
Maceda Bldg.
Program Director:
Prof. Rosanna A. Diana
Head, Department of Physical Education
Program Coordinator:
Prof. Salve A. Favila
Faculty, Department of Physical Education
Tel. No. 400-1197
(0918) 9259069; (0917) 2004542
A two-day seminar-workshop intended to provide the coaches
heightened awareness of their emerging and multifarious roles as
coach, teacher and leader of the team. Its special feature is a scientific
management program to cover simulated and experiential activities on
values formation, interpersonal, leadership and team building skills for a
more responsible and effective coaching.
Physical Educators
(Elementary, Secondary,
tertiary levels and coaches
in all sports events
Program Director:
Prof. Marshal A. Defensor
Director, Center for Sports and Development
Program Coordinator:
Prof. Lordinio A. Vergara
Faculty, Department of Physical Education
Venue: AV Theater,
Edilberto P. Dagot Hall
Head, Department of Humanities
Faculty, Department of Humanities
Venue: AV Theater,
Edilberto P. Dagot Hall
Program Director:
Dr. Rocelle N. Jimenez
Program Coordinator:
Prof. Catherine Q. De Leon
Venue: Maceda Hall,
Maceda Bldg.
Dean, College of Arts and Social Sciences, CASS
Program Coordinator:
Dr. Zenaida Q. Reyes, Head, Center for Peace
Venue: Conference Room,
Edilberto P. Dagot Hall
Program Director:
Dr. Adelaida C. Gines
Tel. No. 400-1197
(0917) 8943921; (0916) 2382280
This is a 3-day seminar-workshop designed to provide guidance
counselors, teachers and other professionals, some updates on school
guidance program development and implementation. It will also explore
interventions for multipotentiality, thus, enhancing the capabilities in
collaborating and creating responsive guidance programs for varied
Guidance Counselors and
Teachers of Public and
Private Schools in all levels.
Program Director:
Prof. Aurelia T. Estrada
Faculty, Department of Behavioral Sciences
Program Coordinator:
Prof. Nonette C. Marte
Faculty, Department of Behavioral Sciences
Tel. No. 527-0373 / 527-0382
College of Education - CED
Teaching and
Assessment in Today’s
4 – 6 April 2005;
The seminar is for teachers in the elementary and high school levels.
The seminar aims to showcase the best practices in teaching and
assessment in today’s classrooms. Topics like problem-based learning,
multi-grade teaching, technology driven instruction and performancebased assessment will be highlighted.
Elementary and High School
Head, Curriculum and Instruction
Program Coordinator:
Prof. Marilyn U. Balagtas
Faculty, CED
Venue: AV Theater,
Edilberto P. Dagot Hall
Changing Times,
Changing Needs: A
Demonstration Festival
for Pre-school and
Elementary School
15 – 16 April 2005;
Program Director:
Prof. Victorina S. Pabalan
Tel no. 302-7557/
(0920) 9211578
This is a two-day seminar demonstration festival to strengthen teachers’
competence in teaching the core elementary school subjects.
Participants will get a chance to listen to lectures and observe
demonstration lessons.
Pre-school and Elementary
School Teachers, School
Administrators, Professors
of Education courses
Program Director
Dr. Angelita D. Romero
Dean, CED
Program Coordinator:
Prof. Shirley T. Equipado
Faculty, CED
Tel no. 527-0380/
(0917) 6027814
Venue: AV Theater,
Edilberto P. Dagot Hall
Bridging Boundaries:
Effective Teaching for
Special and Non-Special
Education/ Learners
This training program is intended for both the regular education and
special education teachers, on the assumption that those who teach in
the regular classrooms are special educators, too. The realities
obtaining in almost all regular education classes point only too well to
this; hence the program aims to help the participants become aware of
Regular and Special
Education teachers;
Beginning and Special
Education teachers;
Preschool teachers; School
Program Director:
Dr Lydia L. Hilberio
Head, Department of Student Teaching
Program Coordinator:
Dr. Helen F. Delos Santos
22 – 23 April 2005;
Venue: AV Theater,
Edilberto P. Dagot Hall
Teaching and Learning:
Bridging Gaps in Theory
and Practice
6 – 7 May 2005;
and recognize this by providing them with the basic knowledge, skills
and strategies in dealing with children with varying abilities, needs and
interests, all the purpose of effective teaching-learning process.
administrators, and
guidance counselors
Faculty, Department of Student Teaching
This is a 2-day in-service training workshop anchored on the
philosophical perspectives educational implications and the
psychological contributions of Piaget and Vygotsky’s cognitive and
social constructivist theories in teaching and learning. The seminar
likewise aims to enhance teachers’ classroom behavioral management
and Problem Based Learning approach.
Principals, Administrators,
Teacher, Educational
Foundation Professors
Across levels
Program Director:
Dr. Carmelina E. Barrera
National Conference
Towards the
Standardization of
Student Teaching
Practices in Laboratory
and Partner Schools
13 – 14 May 2005;
Head, Department of Educational Foundation
Program Coordinator:
Prof. Lydia B. Calapardo
Faculty, Department of Educational Foundation
Venue: Maceda Hall,
Maceda Bldg.
Tel. No. 400-1186
(0917) 4718853; (0917) 6968784
Tel no: 400-1186; 527-0380
(0916) 7519251
An initial gathering of administrators and supervising
instructors/professors of teacher education institutions with laboratory
schools and/or cooperating schools with an attempt to recognize and
clarify the roles of partner schools and, more importantly, to standardize
student teaching practices in the Philippines.
TEI Administrators,
Supervising Instructors/
Program Director:
Dr. Ciriaco L. Tismo
Principal, Center for Teaching and Learning
Tel no: 527-0997
(0917) 8941682; (0917) 9009978;
Venue: AV Theater,
Edilberto P. Dagot Hall
College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature - CLLL
In-Service Training on
Library Technical Service
5 – 7 April 2005;
Venue: Conference Room,
Edilberto P. Dagot Hall
This 3 - day training will define the following topics: Managing Library
Technical Services; Building Library Collection/ Collection Development;
Cataloging and Classification of Library Resources both print and nonprint materials/ Indexing and abstracting of documents; Processing and
Assessing of Library materials and Digitizing Library Intellectual
Librarians, Record Officers
and other Interested
Program Director:
Dr. Linda M. Tayona
Head, Department of Library and Information
Program Coordinator:
Prof. Miguel M. Cobaria
Faculty, Department of Library and Information
Tel. No. 302-7717
(0920) 2661028
A three-day Seminar on
Organizing a Remedial
Reading Program
17 – 19 May 2005;
Venue: HRD Auditorium,
HRD Building
It is a known fact that most of the problems of school learners are
reading-related problems which, if not addressed, may lead to failure in
most subjects as reading plays a vital role in learning. Widespread
interest in students’ reading abilities is the rallying cry of the day.
Therefore, there is a need to look into current reading theories and their
implications for reading diagnosis and remediation in all levels. Through
lecture-demonstrations, brainstorming activities, and workshop this
seminar aims to update the participants’ knowledge of and hone their
skills in organizing and managing a remedial reading program.
Teacher educators, school
administrators, teacher in all
levels and in all subject
Program Director:
Dr. Melchor A. Tatlonghari
Head, Department of
Reading and Literacy
Tel. No. 527-0365
College of Science - COS
Seminar-Workshop on
Investigatory ProjectMaking
16 – 18 May 2005;
Venue: Maceda Hall,
Maceda Bldg.
Project / Problem Based
Learning Using ICT
18 – 20 May 2005;
Venue: Maceda Hall,
Maceda Bldg.
The three-day seminar-workshop tackles the emerging role of research
in academic advancement. Focusing on the processes involved in the
conduct of investigatory projects, it discusses a wide and in-depth range
of topics ranging from appropriate and practical research methods,
potential areas of research, to guidelines in preparing the project’s
technical write-up. Unique to this workshop is the integration of useful
and winning tips by outstanding professionals in the field. As an output,
participants are expected to present a research proposal on some preidentified fields of physical sciences.
Elementary and High School
teachers nationwide
The seminar will focus on integrating ICT skills into teaching and
learning with emphasis on Project –Based Learning and Problem –
Based Learning across levels and across disciplines. Project-based /
Problem-based Learning (PBL) is a model for instruction that breaks
from the traditional classroom practices of short, isolated, teachercentered lessons, to carefully designed learning activities that are longterm, interdisciplinary, student-centered, and integrated with real-world
issues and practices. Thus, teachers will be introduced to their new role
in PBL classroom as a facilitator, a coach, an advisor, and a co-learner.
Participants are expected to come up with an output which might be
multimedia presentation, a web page or any ICT-based project.
Elementary and High School
Program Director:
Dr. Lolita M. Salmorin
Head, Department of Physical Science
Program Coordinators:
Prof. Noel S. Sablay
Prof. Marie Paz E. Morales
Tel no. 404-2325 / 302-7771
Program Director:
Dr. Alice D. Dioquino
Director, MIS
Program Coordinators:
Prof. Rosalie V. Muñoz
Faculty, Department of Information Technology
Prof. Marie Paz E. Morales
Faculty, Department of Physical Science
Tel no. 536-6635
College of Graduate Studies - CGS
Seminar-Workshop on
Teaching EPP/TLE/NFE
(ALS) with Technology
13 – 15 April 2005;
This course focuses on the varied Computer/Multimedia capabilities
which can be applied in teaching Edukasyong Pantahanan at
Panlipunan (EPP), Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) and
Non-Formal Education (NFE). The outputs are instructional materials
using technology which can be utilized by the participants to facilitate/
motivate/ enrich learning among the learners/ students.
Graduate Students, public
and private school teachers,
principals and supervisors
This course is designed for graduate students, public and private school
teachers and school managers who would like to conduct research
without (using) the numbers. It exposes the participants to the WHAT’s,
WHY’s, WHEN’s, and HOW’s of conducting qualitative research, use of
primary sources, the processes involved, and data analysis and
interpretation. The course also gives focus on some issues that
researchers must address in defining their role in conducting a
qualitative research.
Masteral and Doctoral
Students, public and private
school teachers, principals
and supervisors
Dr. Epifania V. Tabbada
OIC, College of Graduate Studies, CGS
Tel no. 527-6664/338-7081
Venue: HRD Auditorium,
HRD Building
A Short-term Course on
Qualitative Research
2 – 6 May 2005;
Venue: AV Theater,
Edilberto P. Dagot Hall
Prof. Antonio G. Dacanay
Head, Department of Educational Foundations
Tel no. 527-6664 / 302-7770
Enhancing Leadership
Qualities of School
5 – 6 May 2005;
The program defines the steps in building a corporate climate and
leadership toward quality education. It identifies innovative leadership
skills, attributes, models of supervisions, strategies for more effective
and efficient managerial functions and decision making.
School Heads, Principals,
Coordinators, Administrators
Dr. Norma J. Manaloto
Head, Department of Educational Management,
Measurement and Evaluation
Tel no. 400-1203
Venue: Conference Room,
Edilberto P. Dagot Hall
Center for Continuing Education and Educational Leadership - CCEEL
English Language
Proficiency for
Professionals (Level 1)
12 – 15 April 2005
P3,000 (4-Days);
P800 (Single-Day)
Venue: AV Theater,
Edilberto P. Dagot Hall
The program aims to re-equip non-English teachers, English teachers
and other professionals with fluency skills in English. This program
offers a wide range of opportunities to course participants to get
engaged in conversations, small group discussions and class
presentations in the target language. It also focuses on listening and
speaking capped with grammar exercises through communication
situations and fluency activities. This is the first level in the series of a 3
– level continuing education program for English Language Proficiency
for Professionals.
All teachers and
professionals who need to
enhance their proficiency
skills in English
Teaching Beginning
Reading – Filipino
(“Make Every Learner a
Batanes: 4 – 6 April 2005
Manila: 18 – 20 April 2005
Director, CCEEL
Program Coordinator:
Prof. Wilma S. Reyes
Deputy Director, CCEEL
Team Leader:
Dr. Nilda R. Sunga
Faculty, English Dept.
Tel no. 302-7769
(0916) 3226062; (0920) 2544810
DepEd Memo no. 41 Series
2005, dated 10 February 2005
Program Director:
Dr. Twila G. Punsalan
Layunin ng pagsasanay na malinang ang kaalaman at kasanayan ng
mga guro (antas Kindergarten- Baitang III) sa pagtuturo ng panimulang
literasi upang maitaas ang kasanayan ng bawat mag-aaral sa
inaasahang angkop na antas. Titiyakin ng pagsasanay ang pagkaroon
ng mga guro ng malinaw na pag-unawa sa mga batayang
teorya/pananaw sa pagtuturo ng literasi, at mga kasanayan sa mga
estratehiya sa pagtuturo ng panimulang pagbasa, pagbasang matatas,
paglinang ng talasalitaan, kasanayang pang-unawa sa mga tekstong
pampanitikan at palahad (ekspositori).
All teachers teaching
kindergarten, Grade 1, 2, 3
Reading Supervisors/
Coordinators and School
Heads/ Principals
Program Director:
Dr. Twila G. Punsalan
Director, CCEEL
Program Coordinator:
Dr. Lydia P. Lalunio
Dean, CLLL
Team Leader:
Dr. Lydia B. Liwanag
Faculty, CLLL
Venue: AV Theater,
Edilberto P. Dagot Hall
Tel no. 302-7769
(0916) 3226062; (0920) 2544810
DepEd Memo no. 41 Series
2005, dated 10 February 2005
Traditional and NonTraditional Assessment
Strategies for Authentic
The program addresses the need to enhance teachers competencies in
the assessment of student learning through traditional and nontraditional strategies. Participants are exposed to new and more
appropriate forms of assessment complementing the “old but reliable”
product – oriented assessment strategies.
School leaders, Subject
coordinators and teachers
across levels
Deputy Director, CCEEL
Tel no. 302-7769
(0916) 3226062; (0920) 2544810
Venue: AV Theater,
Edilberto P. Dagot Hall
Teaching Strategies for
Authentic Learning
16 – 18 May 2005;
Venue: AV Theater,
Edilberto P. Dagot Hall
Director, CCEEL
Program Coordinator:
Prof. Wilma S. Reyes
11 – 13 May 2005; P2,000
Program Director:
Dr. Twila G. Punsalan
The 3-day program exposes the participants to the pedagogical
demands of the present basic education featured in the new Basic
Education Curriculum (BEC) and in the upcoming program for teacher
education curriculum. Sessions are facilitated through interactive
strategies, lectures, teaching demonstration and lesson planning.
School leaders, Subject
coordinators, teachers
across levels and faculty of
teachers education
Program Director:
Dr. Twila G. Punsalan
Director, CCEEL
Program Coordinator:
Prof. Wilma S. Reyes
Deputy Director, CCEEL
Tel no. 302-7769
(0916) 3226062; (0920) 2544810