MISSION NEED STATEMENT Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) SYSTEM POTENTIAL: Major System SUBMITTED: December 2003 ORIGINATOR: Dennis Kovar Associate Director of the Office of Science for Nuclear Physics 301-903-3613 CONCURRENCES: Date: James C Hawkins Program Manager Office of Nuclear Physics Office of Science Date: Dennis Kovar Associate Director of the Office Science for Nuclear Physics Date: Daniel R. Lehman Director, Construction Management Support Division Office of Science APPROVED: Date: Raymond L. Orbach Director, Office of Science RIA Mission Need Statement Submitted: December 2003 MISSION NEED STATEMENT for the Rare Isotope Accelerator Office of Nuclear Physics Office of Science SYSTEM POTENTIAL: Major System A. Statement of Mission Need The mission of the Nuclear Physics program is to foster fundamental research in nuclear physics that will provide new insights; advance our knowledge on the nature of matter and energy; and develop the scientific knowledge, technologies, and trained manpower that are needed to underpin the Department of Energy’s missions for nuclear-related national security, energy, and environmental quality. To accomplish its mission, the Nuclear Physics program proposes to construct the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) facility that will provide intense beams of rare isotopes (i.e., short-lived radioactive nuclei not normally found on earth) for a wide variety of studies in nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, and fundamental interactions. RIA will allow the Nuclear Physics program to achieve its goals in major scientific thrusts of fundamental nuclear physics research. These major scientific thrusts are identified in five scientific questions articulated in the Department of Energy/National Science Foundation (DOE/NSF) Nuclear Science Advisory Committee’s (NSAC) 2002 Long-Range Plan for Nuclear Science. RIA directly responds to three of the five questions, namely: “What is the structure of nucleonic matter,” “What is the nuclear microphysics of the universe,” and “Is there new physics beyond the Standard Model?” RIA also supports the Department of Energy’s Science Strategic Goal within the Department’s Strategic Plan dated September 30, 2003: To protect our National and economic security by providing world-class scientific research capacity and advancing scientific knowledge. Specifically, RIA supports the two Science strategies: 1. Advance the fields of high-energy and nuclear physics, including the understanding of … the structure of nuclear matter in its most extreme conditions… and 7. Provide the Nation’s science community access to world-class research facilities…. In addition, RIA will support other mission priorities outlined in the Secretary of Energy’s document, “The Mission and Priorities of the Department” issued October 24, 2001. In particular, the National Nuclear Security Administration within the Department of Energy has stated it will use RIA for research focused on ensuring the reliability of our stockpile. Also, it is possible that technology advancements achieved through the research and development of RIA could, for example, improve the sensitivity of the equipment used to detect the presence of nuclear materials. If so, this would address mission priorities such as addressing proliferation of nuclear weapons and technology, and enhancing homeland defense against new terrorist threats. RIA Mission Need Statement Page 1 of 11 B. Analysis to Support Mission Need A major goal of modern nuclear physics is to achieve a comprehensive, unified theory of nuclear structure across the entire landscape of ordinary and exotic nuclei, leading to a detailed understanding of the processes by which the elements of the periodic table were generated and dispersed in the cosmos. Present understanding does not yet allow reliable prediction of the properties of nuclei in the unexplored regimes of nuclei with unusual ratios of protons to neutrons. Beams of rare isotopes provide the opportunity to study the properties of individual nuclei in these unknown regimes to answer these basic scientific questions: (1) How does the atomic nucleus, which is a complex system of protons and neutrons, derive its properties from the interactions of the individual constituents and why do such inherently complex systems exhibit many simple features? (2) How are the heavy elements created in the cosmos and how do nuclear properties influence the properties of stars? (3) What are the fundamental symmetries of nature as manifested in these rare isotopes? and (4) What new uses of radioactive isotopes can be developed to serve society and the nation? The scientific opportunities afforded by rare isotope beams were realized at least a decade ago and identified in a number of reports1,2and planning documents3,4 . In the United States the need for a next generation Isotope-Separation-On-Line (ISOL) facility was discussed as early as 1991; such a facility was recommended as a priority for construction in the 1996 NSAC Long Range Plan, and in 1999 a NSAC Taskforce identified the technical configuration for the proposed RIA. The National Research Council (NRC), as part of its decadal survey series Physics in a New Era, examined the entire field of nuclear physics in a year-long study. In the resulting 1999 NRC report entitled “Nuclear Physics—The Core of Matter, The Fuel of Stars” the Committee on Nuclear Physics recommended “… the construction of a dedicated, high-intensity accelerator facility to produce beams of short-lived nuclei. Such a facility will open up a new frontier in nuclear structure near the limits of nuclear binding and will strengthen our understanding of nuclear properties relevant to explosive nucleosynthesis and other aspects of the physics governing the cosmos.” The DOE/NSF NSAC in its 2002 Long Range Plan: Opportunities in Nuclear Science, A Long-Range Plan for the Next Decade identified RIA as the United States nuclear science community’s highest priority for major new construction: “RIA will be the world-leading facility for research in nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics. The exciting new opportunities offered by research with rare isotopes are compelling.” The NRC’s 2003 report, entitled “Connecting Quarks with the Cosmos,” explored the deep connections among the fields of astronomy, cosmology, nuclear physics and high 1 Nuclear Physics: The Core of Matter, The Fuel of Stars, a report of the National Research Council (1999). “Final Report of the Working Group on Nuclear Physics,” OECD Megascience Forum (January 11, 1999). 3 “Nuclear Science: A Long Range Plan,” report of the DOE/NSF Nuclear Science Advisory Committee (February 1996). 4 “Opportunities in Nuclear Science: A Long-Range Plan for the Next Decade,” report to The DOE/NSF Science Advisory Committee (April 2002). 2 RIA Mission Need Statement Page 2 of 11 energy physics and posed the question: “How were the elements from iron to uranium made?” The capabilities of a RIA facility are needed to answer this question: “While we have a relatively complete understanding of the origin of elements lighter than iron, important details in the production of elements from iron to uranium remain a puzzle. A sequence of rapid neutron captures by nuclei, known as the r-process, is clearly involved. Almost all the relevant r-process nuclei could be accessible for study in a suitably designed two-stage accelerator facility (such as RIA) that produces isotopes and reaccelerates them.” On November 10, 2003, Secretary Abraham outlined the Department of Energy’s vision for maintaining the global scientific leadership of the United States. Within this vision, documented in the Office of Science’s Facilities for the Future of Science: A Twenty Year Outlook, RIA is identified as a near-term rank 3 priority. This plan was developed with input from all the relevant stakeholders throughout the physical sciences and outlines the Office of Science’s future scientific initiatives and priorities. The study of rare isotopes is a diverse field with world-wide interest. Beams of rare isotopes can be produced by creating short-lived nuclei essentially at rest and then reaccelerating them (ISOL-type) or by collecting the short-lived fragments of a heavy stable nucleus after hitting a target at high velocity (in-flight fragmentation). The beams produced allow for different classes of studies. Several first-generation ISOL-type facilities are currently operating and include the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the Isotope Separator On Line (ISOLDE) at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Switzerland, and the Isotope Separator and Accelerator (ISAC) at the TRI-University Meson Facility (TRIUMF) in Canada. Four facilities of the in-flight fragmentation type are operating and they are the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) at Michigan State University, the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN) in Japan, the Grand Accelerator National Ions Laboratories (GANIL) in France, and the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) in Germany. See Table 1 for a comparison of rare isotope facilities. Upgrades of some of these facilities, in particular at the RIKEN and GSI facilities, are currently in progress or in the planning stage. The proposed RIA facility uses a powerful superconducting linear accelerator to provide both ISOL and in-flight capabilities that advance the state-of-the-art by several orders of magnitude in some cases through a combination of increased intensities and much wider variety of high-quality rare-isotope beams. Each of these facilities takes a different approach to the production of rare nuclei and the resulting physics programs are highly complementary. In its consideration of facilities in this field, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Megascience Forum Working Group on Nuclear Physics wrote in its final 1999 Report of “the importance of radioactive nuclear beam facilities for a broad program of research in fundamental nuclear physics and astrophysics, as well as applications of nuclear science.” The Working Group concluded that “several major [Radioactive Nuclear Beams] RNB facilities are needed,” and that a “new generation of high-intensity RNB facilities of each of the two basic types, ISOL and In-flight, should be built on a regional basis.” RIA Mission Need Statement Page 3 of 11 Facility NSCL/MSU (U.S.A) Operating ISAC (Canada) Operating Upgrade: 2006 RIKEN/RIF (Japan) Under const Phase I: 2006: Phase II: 2009 Driver Beam Power (kW) 4 Driver Beam Energy (MeV/u) 200 Driver Beams (Atomic Number) A ≥ 12 Production Methods# In-Flight Re-accelerated Isotope Recovery Rare Isotope Rare Isotope (medical, stockpile Beams Beams stewardship) Proj. Frag. Yes No No 50 500 A=1 Target Spall., Target Fission No Yes Yes No 50† 350 A ≥12 Proj. Frag., Proj. Fission Yes 150> A* < 6 MeV/u No GSI (Germany) Proposed 60‡ 1500 A ≥12 Proj. Frag., Proj. Fission Yes No No RIA (U.S.A.) Proposed 400 400-900 Yes Yes Yes * † ‡ # 1<A<238 Target Spall., Target Fission, Proj. Frag,, Proj. Fission All A < 10 MeV/u Production technique applies only to a fraction of the required rare isotopes and is optimum for less than 25% of the required isotopes. Assumes ~ x40 above state-of-the-art performance in ion sources & stripper technologies. (RIKEN proposal assumes a factor of x80) Assumes significant improvement in injector performance including ramp rate and vacuum. Production Methods: Proj. Frag.- projectile fragmentation, Proj. Fission- projectile fission, Target Spall.- target spallation, Target Fission - target fission Table 1: Comparison of Rare Isotope Facilities RIA will permit studies of nuclei far from stability that promise to improve radically our understanding of atomic nuclei - the cores of all atoms, and the building blocks of the universe. Many of these nuclei have never before been accessible in the laboratory. Such studies will advance our theoretical models of nuclei, search for new manifestations of nuclear behavior, and probe the limits of nuclear existence. These studies will also have profound impact on nuclear astrophysics, which utilizes descriptions of the processes of nucleosynthesis to test our understanding of the evolution of stars and the origins of the elements in our universe. Selected nuclei have properties that will allow tests of fundamental theories, including the Standard Model of fundamental particles and interactions. RIA may provide applications of technology to other disciplines and to practical realms such as electronics, materials science, medicine, stockpile stewardship of the Nation’s weapons, accelerator-transmutation of waste, and industrial processing. C. Importance of Mission Need and Impact if Not Approved If RIA is not constructed, it is estimated that within the next decade, present United States facilities and capabilities focused on low energy nuclear physics research will be fully exploited. Therefore, without RIA, the United States research community will have limited ability to explore the structure and forces that make up the nucleus of atoms, learn how the elements that make up the world around us originate, learn how energy is generated in stars, test current theories about the fundamental structure of matter, improve the ability to model the explosions of nuclear weapons, play a role in developing RIA Mission Need Statement Page 4 of 11 new nuclear medicines and techniques5 and attract promising students to this area of nuclear science that supports not only basic research, but also supplies the educated workforce that is essential to the Department’s weapons program, the nuclear power industry, and other applications. Should RIA not be approved, pursuit of the articulated scientific goals of the community could continue on a limited basis at foreign facilities producing rare isotope beams, including the facilities at RIKEN and TRIUMF, as well as the planned upgraded facility at GSI. However, taken in combination, these facilities do not have the complete scientific reach of RIA to accomplish the envisioned research to meet the Low Energy Nuclear Physics program mission. For example, beam intensities at these facilities are lower by a factor of ten or more compared to RIA, high quality re-accelerated beams are only available (to a limited extent) at TRIUMF, and the facility resources are shared with other physics thrusts at these Laboratories. In addition, United States researchers would be competing for scarce beam time, and would be unlikely to have the opportunity to have a strong leadership role at other facilities. In summary, there are no existing or planned facilities that can be considered an alternative that match the enormous discovery potential of this facility. RIA can provide beams of an unprecedented range of nuclei at unequaled intensities and with a range of precisely controlled energies. Consequently, beam species, beam energies, and nuclear reactions can be specifically tailored to the particular scientific question at hand. D. Constraints and Assumptions The RIA project includes a highly flexible superconducting linear accelerator capable of producing high-power, 400 MeV/nucleon beams of uranium, ISOL beam production and delivery systems, fast beam fragment production and delivery systems, experimental apparatus, civil construction, and central facilities. 1. Operational Limitations There are no foreseen operational limitations in regards to effectiveness, capacity, technology, or organization. The RIA driver accelerator will be a high-energy, high-intensity linear accelerator providing primary beams of all elements from protons to uranium. The utilization of the light beams for isotope production will result in substantial levels of radioactivity and high radiation fields in certain areas of the facility that will necessitate heavy shielding and robotic handling in those areas. Radiation damage to components such as magnets will necessitate careful design to mitigate adverse effects such as frequent extensive shutdown for repair. The criteria for the operation of high intensity proton accelerators are well established from years of experience in operating laboratories such as the Los Alamos Meson Physics Facility, the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, and TRIUMF, a Canadian nuclear physics accelerator laboratory in 5 One of every three hospitalized patients in the U.S., for example, undergoes a procedure involving nuclear medicine—spin-offs of earlier government investments in nuclear physics. RIA Mission Need Statement Page 5 of 11 Vancouver, B.C. By the time RIA would become operational, the Spallation Neutron Source that uses a high-energy, high-intensity linear accelerator will also have experienced several years of high intensity operation. The high intensity heavy ion beam operation of RIA has no presently existing counterpart. Again, radiation damage to accelerator and collector components is an area that will require careful design to limit damage or provide for rapid and costeffective repair. The exceptional performance of RIA depends on several technical advances, the main two being multi-charge-state acceleration and the fast fragment gas catcher. Preliminary studies have shown the viability of both of these technologies, and research and development are continuing in both areas to demonstrate the performance required for RIA. 2. Geographic, Organizational, and Environmental Limitations Geographic, organizational, and environmental limitations are some of the criteria that will be considered in the final selection of the construction site, contractor, and operator for RIA. The RIA facility will be a world class scientific user facility that should be located and operated at a site and in an environment where its potential for scientific contributions can be optimized. The multi-disciplinary aspects of the envisioned RIA research program, coupled with the opportunity of RIA to train the next generation of nuclear physicists and chemists, will be considered in determining where to locate RIA. It will be a requirement that access to the RIA facility will be broadly available to the most qualified researchers from universities and laboratories as determined by a program advisory committee. 3. Standardization and Standards Requirements The RIA facility will conform to the applicable design, construction, and operational standards of a facility of this type. 4. Environment, Safety and Health Requirements At this preliminary stage, it is thought that most of RIA will operate as a Department of Energy Category 3 facility, though certain areas such as the target, hot cell, and pre-separator areas would need to be Category 2. Category 3 indicates there is the potential for significant localized consequences, while Category 2 indicates there is the potential for significant on-site consequences. Safety, health and environmental requirements associated with this type of facility will be responsibly and economically handled by addressing the engineering requirements from the very start in the facility design. The Department of Energy will comply with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and its implementing regulations (10 CFR 1021 and 40 CFR 1500-1508) prior to taking any action on the proposed project that could have adverse environmental effects or that would limit the choice of reasonable alternatives. An Environmental Impact Statement will be prepared to evaluate the RIA Mission Need Statement Page 6 of 11 potential environmental consequences of the proposed site, construction, and operation of RIA. 5. Safeguards and Security Considerations None of the work performed at RIA will be classified, including the work by the National Nuclear Security Administration, and no safeguard and security issues are foreseen during the design, construction, or operation phases. Access to the accelerator site will be controlled primarily to ensure worker and public safety and for property protection. Appropriate safeguard and security requirements will be implemented. 6. Interfaces with Existing and Planned Acquisitions One of the selection criteria for the site will be to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of interfacing with an existing acquisition or constructing the RIA facility at a new site. No significant issues are anticipated. 7. Affordability Limits on Investments At this preliminary stage, the total project cost is estimated at $900 million to $1.1 billion. Possible contributions from outside of the Department of Energy should be well defined by critical decision two (CD-2 – Approve Performance Baseline), making the determination of the baseline cost, schedule and scope possible. The expected main source of funding is the Office of Science Nuclear Physics program. This project will require funding above the current Office of Science out year ‘target’ funding base. One possible constraint associated with success of the RIA project is achieving the funds to construct and operate this one-of-a-kind facility. As with all large capital projects, RIA will be vulnerable to budget and funding variations from the planned profile. Such multi-year construction projects need to have the planned funding appropriated each year of the construction project in order to ensure that the project can be completed on time and within the agreed upon baseline budget. 8. Goals for Limitations on Recurring or Operating Costs Appropriation of an adequate operational funding level is of great importance to ensure full utilization of this state-of-the-art facility. The estimated annual operational cost will total approximately $100 million. 9. Legal and Regulatory Constraints or Requirements The legal and regulatory requirements to construct this facility will include typical construction permits. No significant hurdles are anticipated. RIA Mission Need Statement Page 7 of 11 10. Stakeholder Considerations No significant stakeholder issues are anticipated. The primary stakeholders in this project are the Low Energy Nuclear Physics scientific user community consisting of over 1,000 scientists. They have been extensively involved in the planning of this project, and it is expected that RIA will attract university, national laboratory, and international users. 11. Limitations Associated with Program Structure, Competition and Contracting, Streamlining, and Use of Development Prototypes or Demonstrations The community of scientists and engineers who are capable of designing and building a facility of this type is relatively modest in size. However, there are believed to be adequate technical resources available at Department of Energy laboratories, universities, and industry to plan and execute this project on a competitive basis. There are no technical limitations to the construction of RIA since RIA can be built based on modest extrapolations of existing technologies. Only a relatively modest amount of research and development must be completed before a comprehensive conceptual design can be prepared. RIA Mission Need Statement Page 8 of 11 E. Applicable Conditions and Interfaces The site selection for RIA will not be considered final until environmental reviews under NEPA are completed. F. Resource Requirements and Schedule This project’s total project cost is approximately $900 million to $1.1 billion, independent of the site. A preliminary funding profile is provided in Table 2. The scope includes experimental apparatus, ISOL beam production and delivery systems, fast beam production and delivery systems, civil construction, central facilities, and necessary research & development costs. Significant contributions from other funding sources will likely result in a reduction to the total project cost. In fiscal year 2004, the 108th Congress provided $2,500,000 over the President’s Nuclear Physics budget request of $3,500,000 specifically for research and development and pre-conceptual design activities in support of the Rare Isotope Accelerator. Provided sufficient funds can be identified, a conceptual design report could be generated for approximately $3 million to $5 million and completed in calendar year 2005. A preliminary milestone schedule to construct RIA is found in Table 3. RIA Mission Need Statement Page 9 of 11 Totals ($ in Millions) FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 Totals Research and Development $6 6 $4 $10 $6 CDR/NEPA $10 $7 $6 $5 $4 $2 $2 $45 PED Construction $6 $14 $57 $66 $40 $60 $22 $8 $17 Pre-Ops $130 $140 $204 $177 $104 $27 $652 $70 $57 $168 $217 $181 $106 $99 $57 $127 $971 Table 2: Preliminary Funding Profile ($ in Millions). The best acquisition strategy to construct this facility and procure equipment will be determined during the definition phase of the project. Oversight responsibilities, decision authority thresholds, and change control processes will be conducted in accordance with all applicable Department of Energy orders to ensure this project is completed within its scope, schedule, and cost. Major Milestone Events CD-0 Approve Mission Need Select Preferred Site CD-1 Approve Alternative Selection and Cost Range Complete NEPA/ Finalize Site/Contractor/Operator CD-2 Approve Performance Baseline CD-3 Approve Start of Construction CD-4 Approve Start of Operations Preliminary Schedule 2nd Qtr, 2004 1st Qtr, 2005 1st Qtr, 2006 3rd Qtr, 2006 1st Qtr, 2007 2nd Qtr, 2008 4th Qtr, 2013 Table 3: Preliminary milestone schedule for the construction of RIA. G. Development Plan The ISOL Task Force, established by NSAC in 1998, identified no known technical “show stoppers” in constructing RIA but did recommended pre-construction research and development on key elements to explore cost reductions and enhanced performance. As a result, pre-construction research and development has been ongoing since fiscal year 2000. In August 2003, a RIA research and development workshop was held. The workshop examined and documented the current pre-conceptual design for RIA, identifying areas 6 The FY2004 dollar amount represents the total funds appropriated by Congress, i.e. $2.5 million over the $3.5 million budget request. RIA Mission Need Statement Page 10 of 11 where decisions on technical options still need to be made. It also documented the status of the current RIA research and development program activities, identifying areas where efforts are needed in light of what has been learned. Both ongoing and planned research and development activities for current operating and planned rare-isotope facilities were presented, enabling the workshop to be a venue to develop coordinated research and development efforts of mutual benefit to United States and international efforts. The Interagency Working Group on the Physics of the Universe, involving DOE, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Science Foundation (NSF) and Office of Science and Technology Policy, has recently developed a strategic plan: “A New Frontier of Discovery: Particle and Astrophysics in the 21th Century.” This plan provides a roadmap to address the “Eleven Questions” identified in the NRC Quarks to Cosmos Report. A draft recommendation in this strategic plan is that “DOE and NSF will generate a scientific roadmap for the proposed RIA in the context of existing and planned nuclear physics facilities worldwide.” DOE and NSF have begun acting upon this recommendation by charging NSAC to compare the scientific opportunities for the United States presented by the RIA facility and the GSI facility. The assessment, along with further development of the specifications for RIA, will allow DOE to further examine whether some aspects of RIA’s capabilities might be available elsewhere and not implemented at RIA. To keep this development process on track, the current integrated project team is addressing all programmatic, environmental, and safety concerns. The team includes representatives from procurement, general counsel, budget, environment, safety and health, NEPA, and the Nuclear Physics program. As work progresses through its various stages, the team membership will evolve to insure this project is completed within scope, cost, and schedule. RIA Mission Need Statement Page 11 of 11