Science, Society, and Sustainable Food Systems (SOILS 150

Science, Society, and Sustainable Food Systems
(SOILS 150)
Resource Web Sites
Food Systems - Related
Adapated from 2001 World Food Day Web Resources
A Seed
A website in German, English, French and Spanish acting as an international lobby to call world attention
to policies promoted by the World Bank which promote bio-engineered food. A Seed takes strong
positions on carbon emissions, global warming, and chemicals released into the environment.
Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration
The Action Group ETC (Erosion, Technology and Concentration) is dedicated to the conservation and
sustainable advancement of cultural and ecological diversity and human rights. ETC supports socially
responsible developments of technologies useful to the poor and marginalized and ETC addresses
international governance issues and corporate power.
Bad Bug Book
This site provides a virtual textbook of basic facts regarding the epidemiology, symptoms and treatment of
foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and natural toxins. There are 45 links to organisms and toxins and
three appendices dealing with infective dose, factors affecting microbial growth in foods, and a summary
table of foodborne illnesses. Site contains information from FDA, CDC, USDA Food Safety Inspective and
Bread for the World
Bread for the World's website keeps activist up-to-date on legislative developments concerning their main
Offering of Letters Campaign and related issue areas. Background papers, newsletters, educational
information, basic hunger data and media resources are all available. In addition visitors can easily email
their members of Congress directly from the site.
Center for Ethics and Toxics
This web site focuses on three global issues: chemical use, bioengineering, and genetic technologies.
The site provides information encouraging users to reevaluate how scientific knowledge is used. CETOS
wants to protect vulnerable populations from harmful toxins and create a toxic-free world for future
Council for Responsible Genetics
The Council for Responsible Genetics believes that the public must have access to clear and
understandable information on technological innovations and be able to participate in public and private
decision making where technological developments and their implementation are concerned, and that
new technologies must meet social needs, and that problems rooted in poverty, racism, and other forms
of inequality cannot be remedied by technology alone.
Interactive Healthy Eating Index
A diet analysis lets you enter the foods you've eaten and then reports a complete nutritional review of
your diet and eating habits.
DNA for Dinner
A webquest assignment that has students visit sites with background information about genetic
engineering of food plants and then has them draft a law to regulate genetically engineered foods. The
site has detailed instructions for completing each step of the assignment.
Food First Institute for Food and Development Policy
Food First is an organization that provides alternative explanations and solutions for population and
development problems. Site contains extensive listing of links to affiliated web sites related to food
security issues.
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
The Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy promotes resilient family farms, rural communities and
ecosystems around the world through research and education, science and technology and advocacy.
Emphasis is placed on activities involving watershed organization, the protection and marketing of
sustainable agriculture, certified forestry, nutrient and pesticide management, and toxins and industrial
International Opportunities Organization
International Opportunities is a resource for short-term international projects in developing countries
around the world. To find student internships, visit the internship page which has program searches and
travel resources. Projects bring advisors and volunteers to developing countries, who then provide
technical assistance, education, health care, community services, or lend a hand on scientific research
Pesticide Action Network
The Pesticide Action Network explores the world's extensive resources in order to find ways to reduce
hazardous pesticides. The site encourages users to learn how crops are grown and to avoid crops
contaminated by pesticides or crops that are genetically engineered. The Pesticide Advisor provides
complete pesticide toxicity and regulatory information.
Research Foundation for Science, Technology, and Ecology
The Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology was founded in India in 1982. The
organization works for biodiversity, conservation, and protecting peoples rights from threats to their
livelihoods and environment by centralized systems of monoculture in forestry, agriculture and fisheries.
Third World News
The Third World Network provides updated information about biotechnology and bio-safety. Emphasis is
given to trade issues and rules enacted by the World Trade Organization. The site offers an extensive list
of publications, services, web links and updates on a variety of global issues.
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program
SARE's strong educational component was created to pass on information about sustainable agriculture
concepts, and help farmers and ranchers adopt practices that are economically viable, environmentally
sound and socially responsible such as rotational grazing, crop rotation, the use of cover crops,
integrated pest management and whole farm planning. SARE administers a competitive grants program
and focuses on research and education projects that integrate agricultural practices with the surrounding
True Food Network
A website providing information to fight against genetically engineered foods both in the United States
and overseas. The site targets specific grocery stores and the foods sold. Consumers are encouraged to
use alternative food sources when available.
Union of Concerned Scientists
The Union of concerned Scientists is a nonprofit partnership of scientists and citizens combining rigorous
scientific analysis, innovative policy development and effective citizen advocacy to achieve practical
environmental solution. The site allows users to directly contact agencies and officials that influence
policy of concern to the site browser.
Agricultural Network Information Center
The Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC) is a voluntary alliance of the National Agricultural
Library (NAL), land grant universities and other agricultural organization, in cooperation with citizen
groups an government agencies. AgNIC focuses on providing agricultural information on basic, applied,
and developmental research, extension, and teaching activities in the food, agricultural, renewable natural
resources, forestry, and physical and social sciences.
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
Provides links to databases relating to Community Supported Agriculture resources for farmers or
producers, general sustainable agriculture information, and grant information and resources for farmers,
nutrition and more.
Census Bureau
The International Data Base offers current and projected information for over 200 countries in a variety of
demographic areas.
Community Supported Agriculture
CSA is a relationship of mutual support and commitment between local farmers and community members
who pay the farmer an annual membership fee to cover the production costs of the farm. In turn,
members receive a weekly share of the harvest during the local growing season. The arrangement helps
to guarantee the farmer financial support and enables many small to moderate scale organic family farms
to remain in business.
Farm Aid
Farm Aid brings together the common interest of family farmers, consumers, and people who care about
the environment. Farm Aid's goal is to keep family farmers on their land and to restore a strong family
farm system of agriculture, as well as to provide assistance to the poor and engage in fund raising
activities for needy families in rural farming.
Hunger Web
This site has catalogued extensive information on hunger research, field work, advocacy and policy, and
education and training. The site is in English, although some of the links go to sites in other languages.
Hunger Notes (World Hunger Education Service)
This is a magazine type site that includes current news articles on hunger. It contains links to specific
regions and to a variety of useful documents.
United States Agency for International development (USAID)
This is an agency that works with many world hunger programs, both those that deal with development of
infrastructure and those that deal with emergency food aid and other humanitarian relief.
Micronutrient Program (MOST)
MOST assists the USAID Bureau for Global Health, USAID missions, governments, donor agencies,
nongovernmental organizations, private voluntary organizations, research entities, and the private sector
to implement expanded, more effective programs and policies to prevent and control micronutrient
deficiencies, especially vitamin A deficiency.
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
The Nutrition country Profiles (NCP) provide concise analytical summaries describing the food and
nutrition situation in individual countries, which background statistics on food related factors such as
agricultural production, and selected economic and demographic indicators. This website is available in
English, French, and Spanish.
This site offers a range of statistical information on food production practices, trade, food balance sheets
and nutrition information for regions and countries. The site is available in English, French, Spanish,
Chinese and Arabic.
GIEWS, the Global Information Early Warning System, offers current information on world food
availability, including accesses to databases and satellite images. The site is available in English, French,
Spanish and Arabic.
FAO Get the Best Out of Your Food
This is the primary food guidance program developed for worldwide use in nutrition education.
FAO Food, Nutrition and Agriculture
Food, Nutrition and Agriculture is a free online journal that reflects the concerns of the Food and Nutrition
Division of FAO, covering topics such as community nutrition, food quality and safety, nutrition
assessment, nutrient requirements, food security and rural development. Full articles are in English,
French and Spanish. Article summaries are published in English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Chinese.
Micronutrient Initiative
The Micronutrient Initiative (MI) is an international center specializing in micronutrient nutrition. MI
supports and promotes food fortification and supplementation programs in developing countries and
provides technical, financial and operational support in those areas where micronutrient malnutrition is
OMNI (Opportunities for Micronutrient Interventions Project)
OMNI was initiated in 1993 to help countries meet the goals set by the World Summit and ICN by
developing comprehensive and integrated micronutrient strategies and programs. The contract was
completed in 1998. This site has information on progress made by individual countries in combating
vitamin A, iron, and iodine deficiencies and links to many participating organizations. It is available in
English, French and Spanish.
Population Reference Bureau
The Population Reference bureau provides a variety of information on population trends and reference
data for topics related to population and health, including information on health and income/poverty. It
includes the World Population Data Sheet, which has timely data on many issues related to hunger. The
site is available in English, French and Spanish.
U.S. Central Intelligence Agency
The CIA publishes the World Factbook, which includes geographic (including maps), demographic,
political, social, and health information on virtually every country in the world.
Virtual Library on International Development (Canadian International Development Agency)
This site has country specific information for development and development aid, geography and
environment, human rights and governance, and social issues (including health). It includes links to many
other sites, including many organizations that work in development and hunger programs. The
information is available in English and French.
UNICEF State of the World's Children
2004 Girls, education and development
2003 Child participation
2002 Leadership
2001 Early Childhood
2000 Social Issues
1999 Literacy and Education
1998 Malnutrition
1997 Child Labor
1996 Armed Conflict
These annual publications include tables with child health indicators. Each report also focuses on an area
of interest, such as micronutrient programs or literacy. Each link is for a specific year. The reports are
available in English, French and Spanish.
UNICEF Progress of Nations
2000 AIDS, Immunizations, and Education
1999 AIDS, Debt, Vitamin A Supplementation
1998 Civil Rights, Health, Women
1997 Water and Sanitation, Health, Nutrition and Education
1996 Women, Nutrition, Health, Education and Child Rights
These annual publications, available through 2000 include articles on issues affecting children worldwide
and statistical tables. Some issues include other media, such as videos or questionnaires.
World Food Program (WFP)
The WFP is the United Nations frontline agency for food relief. It sponsors emergency food relief and food
aid for social and economic development. This site has a hunger map and details current worldwide food
relief programs.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agriculture in the Classroom
In 1981, the USDA established Ag in the Classroom, which has received many endorsements from former
Secretaries of Agriculture, the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture, the National
Conference of State Legislatures, most Governors of the States, major agricultural organizations and
commodity groups. Significant progress in agriculture education has been made through these
partnerships of agriculture, business, education, government and volunteers.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Ag Library
This site features extensive resources searchable by topic.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Security in the United States
General Site
Data and Reports
Food and Nutrition Assistance Programs
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) U.S. Action Plan on Food Security: Solutions to Hunger
America 's Second Harvest
Site contains studies on level of hunger in the U.S. and links to local food banks and programs.
Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas
National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
Community Food Security Coalition
Cornell University Northeast Regional Food Guide
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences
International Food Policy Research Institute
Journal of GeoPolitics
Leopold Center at Iowa State University
National Family Farm Coalition
U.S. Food and Drug Administration Site on Biotechnology Education Resources
Science Controversies On-Line Partnerships in Education (SCOPE)
University of Texas Latin American Network Information Center