LAFAYETTE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD REGULAR BOARD MEETING Wednesday, June 20, 2012 - 5:30 P. M., Board Room Shelton J. Cobb, President, Presiding The School Board of the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana, met in regular session at its meeting place, the Lafayette Parish School Board Administrative Building, Board Room, Lafayette, Louisiana, on Wednesday, June 20, 2012 at 5:30 P.M. pursuant to notice given in writing to every member. MEMBERS PRESENT: Shelton J. Cobb, President; Hunter Beasley, Vice President; Tommy Angelle, Gregory Awbrey, Mark Babineaux, Kermit Bouillion, Tehmi Chassion, Mark Cockerham, and Rae Trahan, Board Members; Dr. Pat Cooper, SecretaryTreasurer/Superintendent MEMBERS ABSENT: I. None MEETING OPENINGS The meeting was called to order by Cobb and opened with a prayer by Babineaux. Cockerham led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. OPENING COMMENTS -SUPERINTENDENT The Superintendent informed the Board that due to the short timeline for scheduling and completing interviews for various positions, several names had to be added to the original approval of personnel changes being presented. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA Motion (Awbrey, Babineaux) that the Board approve the additions to the agenda: New Process for Personnel Changes. Motion carried. Cockerham voted NO. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion (Bouillion, Cockerham) that the Board approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried. II. RECOGNITIONS/PRESENTATIONS The Board congratulated Sloan Larriviere and Dennis Joseph Angelle, II of Acadiana High School as the state female and male winners in the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA) Scholar/Essay Application Contest. The Superintendent and Board President, Shelton Cobb presented Billy Guidry, Chief Financial Officer and Matt Dugas, Director of Finance, with Certificates of 1 Excellence in Financial Reporting Awards for Fiscal Year 2010-2011. The Association of School Business Officials International (ASBO) and the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recently bestowed "excellence in financial Reporting" awards to LPSS for the 2010-2011 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). As described by GFOA, the award "represents a significant achievement and reflects your commitment to the highest standards of school system financial reporting". LPSS is the only governmental entity in the Acadiana region to receive such recognition. III. A. CORRECTIONS AND/OR APPROVAL OF BOARD/COMMITTEE MINUTES CORRECTIONS ON THE MINUTES OF: 1. Regular Board Meeting of 6/6/12 Motion (Babineaux, Bouillion) that the Board approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of June 6, 2012. Motion carried. B. APPROVAL OF THE COMMITTEE MINUTES OF: 1. Joint Meeting of the Board Insurance Committee/Employee Insurance Advisory Committee Meeting of 5/23/12 Motion (Angelle, Cockerham) that the Board receive the minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Board Insurance Committee/Employee Insurance Advisory Committee of May 23, 2012. Motion carried. 2. Joint Meeting of the Board Insurance Committee/Employee Insurance Advisory Committee Meeting of 6/12/12 Motion (Cockerham, Bouillion) that the Board receive the minutes of the Joint Meeting of the Board Insurance Committee/Employee Insurance Advisory Committee of June 12, 2012. Motion carried. IV. A. FINANCIAL INFORMATION/REPORTS APPROVAL OF BILLS 1. Ratification of Bills for April 2012 Motion (Angelle, Babineaux) that the Board approve the Ratification of Bills report for the month of April 2012. Motion carried. B. OTHER FINANCIAL REPORTS 1. Ratification of Purchases for May 2012 Motion (Bouillion, Cockerham) that the Board accept the Ratification of Purchases Report for the month of May 2012. Motion carried. 2. Summary of Grant Funding and Activity Motion (Trahan, Angelle) that the Board receive the Summary of Grant Funding and Activity Report. Motion carried. 3. Budget-to-Actual Status Report Motion (Bouillion, Cockerham) that the Board receive the Budget-to-Actual Status Report. Motion carried. 2 V. A. REPORTS/INFORMATION/INTRODUCTION ITEMS INFORMATION REPORT 1. School Floor Care: Historical Perspective Sheila Armbruster, with Advance Chemical & Janitorial Supply and Russell Ruffin with Hillyard Inc. provided the Board with a power point presentation on the current status of the lack of floor care in the schools. B. INTRODUCTION ITEMS 1. Grant Re-Submission: Jobs for America's Graduates - JAG-LA AIM High Grant. Action to be taken at a subsequent meeting. 2. Grant Re-Submission: Jobs for America's Graduates (JAG-LA)Grant. Action to be taken at a subsequent meeting. 3. Approval of the Revisions to the Director of Human Resources Job Description Action to be taken at a subsequent meeting. 4. Approval of the Revisions to the Resource Coordinator - Early Childhood Job Description. Action to be taken at a subsequent meeting. 5. Request for Special Board Meeting. Action to be taken at a subsequent meeting. 6. New Process for Personnel Changes. Awbrey requested that staff continue providing the Board with personnel changes in the current format, and present to the board as an information item on the agenda. Awbrey said he would be sending information for this item to be placed on the agenda at the next Regular Board Meeting. 7. Move Item(s) to Action Agenda. Motion (Beasley, Angelle) that the Board approve moving the selected items to the Action Agenda: Request for Special Board Meeting. Motion carried. C. Other Reports 1. None VI. APPROVAL OF ACTION ITEMS 1. Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education Local Application Plan That the Board approve the submission of the 2012-2013 local application for the Carl Perkins Career and Technical Education Basic Grant to the State Department of Education. 2. General Liability Claims Handling Contract That the Board amend the length of the General Liability Claims Handling Contract from four years to one year. 3 3. Portable Restroom Buildings Bid Bids received: ModSpace Corp.; Robert’s Portable Buildings That the Board approve the administrative recommendation to award the bid to ModSpace Corp. 4. Surveillance Cameras Bid That the Board authorize staff to advertise and accept bids for surveillance cameras. 5. Library Books Bid Bids received: ABDO Publishing, Bound to Stay Bound Books, Capstone Press Inc., Cengage Learning, Child’s World, Follett Library Resources, Gumdrop Books, Houghton Miffin, Info Base, Mackin Library Media, Perma-Bound, and Scholastic Library Publishing, That the Board accept the administrative recommendation to award the bid as follows: Standard Jobber: Follet Library Resources and Mackin Library Media; Prebound Jobber: PermaBound; Direct-to-Publisher: Capstone Press/Compass Point, Child’s World, Info Base Learning, Scholastic Library Publishing, and Abdo Publishing. 6. Request for Proposals for HVAC Maintenance Contract That the Board approve the Request for Proposals for HVAC Maintenance Contract services and authorize the staff to proceed with advertising and receipt of proposals. 7. Request for Proposals for School Bus Leasing Services Bids received: Ross Bus and Equipment Sales That the Board approve the recommendation of the School Bus Leasing Services Selection Committee and award the contract for school bus leasing services to Ross Bus and Equipment Sales. 8. Resolution 06-12-1758 Order and Call for Special Election to Renew Millage Rate - 16.7 Mills Operational Tax That the Board approves Resolution 06-12-1758, Order and Call Special Election to Renew Millage Rate - 16.7 Mills Operational Tax. RESOLUTION 06-12-1758 ORDER AND CALL SPECIAL ELECTION TO RENEW MILLAGE RATE OF 16.7 MILL OPERATIONAL TAX A resolution ordering and calling a special election to be held in Consolidated School District No. 1 of the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana, to authorize the renewal of a special tax therein; making 4 application to the State Bond Commission in connection therewith; and providing for other matters in connection therewith. BE IT RESOLVED by the Parish School Board of the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana (the "Governing Authority"), acting as the governing authority of Consolidated School District No. 1 of the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana (the "District"), that: SECTION 1. Election Call. Subject to the approval of the State Bond Commission, and under the authority conferred by Article VI, Sections 30 and 32 of the Constitution of the State of Louisiana of 1974, the applicable provisions of Chapter 5 and Chapter 6-A of the Louisiana Election Code, and other constitutional and statutory authority, a special election is hereby called and ordered to be held in the District on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012, between the hours of six o'clock (6:00) a.m., and eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., in accordance with the provisions of La. R.S. 18:541, and at the said election there shall be submitted to all registered voters qualified and entitled to vote at the said election under the Constitution and laws of this State and the Constitution of the United States, the following proposition, to-wit: MAINTENANCE TAX RENEWAL PROPOSITION Summary: Authority to continue to levy a 10 year 16.7 mills property tax for the purpose of giving additional support to public elementary and secondary schools, excluding capital improvements. Shall Consolidated School District No. 1 of the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana, continue to levy a sixteen and seven-tenths (16.7) mills tax on all property subject to taxation in said Consolidated School District for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2015 and ending with the year 2024 (an estimated $27,450,000 reasonably expected at this time to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year) for the purpose of giving additional support to public elementary and secondary schools, excluding capital improvements in said Consolidated School District? 5 SECTION 2. Publication of Notice of Election. A Notice of Special Election shall be published in The Advertiser, a daily newspaper of general circulation within the District, published in Lafayette, Louisiana, and being the official journal of the District, once a week for four consecutive weeks, with the first publication to be made not less than forty-five (45) days nor more than ninety (90) days prior to the date of the election, which Notice shall be substantially in the form attached hereto as "Exhibit A" and incorporated herein by reference the same as if it were set forth herein in full. SECTION 3. Canvass. This Governing Authority shall meet at its regular meeting place, the Parish School Board Office, 113 Chaplin Dr., Lafayette, Louisiana, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2012, at FIVE-THIRTY O'CLOCK (5:30) P.M., and shall then and there in open and public session proceed to examine and canvass the returns and declare the result of the said special election. SECTION 4. Polling Places. The polling places set forth in the aforesaid Notice of Special Election are hereby designated as the polling places at which to hold the said election, and the Commissioners-in-Charge and Commissioners, respectively, will be the same persons as those designated in accordance with law. SECTION 5. Election Commissioners; Voting Machines. The officers designated to serve as Commissioners-in-Charge and Commissioners pursuant to Section 4 hereof, or such substitutes therefor as may be selected and designated in accordance with La. R.S. 18:1287, shall hold the said special election as herein provided, and shall make due returns of said election for the meeting of the Governing Authority to be held on Wednesday, December 5, 2012, as provided in Section 3 hereof. All registered voters in the District will be entitled to vote at the special election, and voting machines shall be used. SECTION 6. Authorization of Officers. The Secretary of the Governing Authority is hereby empowered, authorized and directed to arrange for and to furnish to said election officers in ample time for the holding of said election, the necessary equipment, forms and other paraphernalia essential to the proper holding of said election and the President and/or Secretary of the Governing Authority are further authorized, empowered and directed to take any and all further action required by State and/or Federal law to arrange for the election, including but not limited to, appropriate submission to the Federal Department of Justice under Section 5 of the Federal Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended. SECTION 7. Furnishing Election Call to Election Officials. Certified copies of this resolution shall be forwarded to the Secretary of State, the Clerk of Court and Ex-Officio Parish Custodian of Voting Machines of Lafayette Parish and the Registrar of Voters of Lafayette Parish, as notification of the special election, in order that each may prepare for said election and perform their respective functions as required by law. SECTION 8. Application to State Bond Commission. Application is made to the State Bond Commission for consent and authority to hold the special election as herein provided, and in the event said election carries for further consent and authority to continue to levy and 6 collect the special tax provided for therein. A certified copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the State Bond Commission on behalf of this Governing Authority, together with a letter requesting the prompt consideration and approval of this application. This resolution having been submitted to a vote, the vote thereon was as follows: YEAS: Angelle, Awbrey, Babineaux, Beasley, Bouillion, Cobb, Cockerham, Chassion, and Trahan NAYS: NONE ABSENT: NONE And the resolution was declared adopted on this, the 20th day of June, 2012. /s/ Dr. Pat Cooper Dr. Pat Cooper, Secretary-Treasurer LAFAYETTE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD /s/ Shelton Cobb Shelton Cobb, President LAFAYETTE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD EXHIBIT "A" NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION Pursuant to the provisions of a resolution adopted by the Parish School Board of the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana (the "Governing Authority"), acting as the governing authority of Consolidated School District No. 1 of the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana (the "District"), on June 20, 2012, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special election will be held within the District on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2012, and that at the said election there will be submitted to all registered voters in the District qualified and entitled to vote at the said election under the Constitution and Laws of the State of Louisiana and the Constitution of the United States, the following proposition, to-wit: MAINTENANCE TAX RENEWAL PROPOSITION Summary: Authority to continue to levy a 10 year 16.7 mills property tax for the purpose of giving additional support to public elementary and secondary schools, excluding capital improvements. Shall Consolidated School District No. 1 of the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana, continue to levy a sixteen and seven-tenths (16.7) mills tax on all property subject to taxation in said Consolidated School District for a period of ten (10) years, beginning with the year 2015 and ending with the year 2024 (an estimated $27,450,000 reasonably expected at this time 7 to be collected from the levy of the tax for an entire year) for the purpose of giving additional support to public elementary and secondary schools, excluding capital improvements in said Consolidated School District? The said special election will be held at the following polling places situated within the District, which polls will open at six o'clock (6:00) a.m., and close at eight o'clock (8:00) p.m., in accordance with the provisions of La. R.S. 18:541, to-wit: POLLING PLACES Precinct Location 01 Carencro Middle Gym (East), 4301 N. University Ave, Carencro 02y Carencro Middle Gym (West), 4301 N. University Ave, Carencro 02z Carencro Middle Gym (West), 4301 N. University Ave, Carencro 03 Carencro Middle Gym (East), 4301 N. University Ave, Carencro 04y Carencro Middle Cafeteria, 4301 N. University Ave, Carencro 04z Carencro Middle Cafeteria, 4301 N. University Ave, Carencro 05 Carencro Heights Elem, 601 Tee Ma Road, Carencro 06 Carencro Middle Gym (West), 4301 N. University Ave, Carencro 07 Carencro Heights Elem, 601 Tee Ma Road, Carencro 08 Ossun Elem School, 400 Rue Scholastique, Lafayette 09 Ossun Elem School, 400 Rue Scholastique, Lafayette 10 J. Wallace James School, 1500 W. Willow St., Scott 11 Moss St Fire Station, 4315 Moss St., Lafayette 12 Acadian Middle School, 4201 Moss St., Lafayette 13 Acadian Middle School, 4201 Moss St., Lafayette 8 POLLING PLACES Precinct Location 14 Northside High School, 301 Dunand St., Lafayette 15 Northside High School, 301 Dunand St., Lafayette 16 Northside High School, 301 Dunand St., Lafayette 17 Alice Boucher School, 400 Patterson St., Lafayette 18 Alice Boucher School, 400 Patterson St., Lafayette 19 Cooper Dr. Fire Station, 100 Cooper Dr., Lafayette 20 Northside High School, 301 Dunand St., Lafayette 21 J W Faulk Elem School, 711 E Willow St, Lafayette 22 Sheriff=s Training Facility, 111 S. St. Antoine St., Lafayette 23 Sheriff=s Training Facility, 111 S. St. Antoine St., Lafayette 24 J. Wallace James School, 1500 W. Willow St., Scott 25 Scott City Hall, 125 Lions Club Rd., Scott 26 Scott City Hall, 125 Lions Club Rd., Scott 27 Duson Council Chambers, 300 Second Street, Duson 28a Duson Elem School, 304 Fourth St, Duson 28b Duson Elem School, 304 Fourth St, Duson 29y Scott Middle School, 116 Marie St., Scott 29z Scott Middle School, 116 Marie St., Scott 30a Scott Middle School, 116 Marie St., Scott 9 POLLING PLACES Precinct Location 31 Acadiana High School, 315 Rue De Belier, Lafayette 32 Acadiana High School, 315 Rue De Belier, Lafayette 33 Prairie Elem School, 2910 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy, Lafayette 34 Ridge Elem School, 2901 S. Fieldspan Rd., Duson 35 Judice Middle School Cafeteria, 2645 S. Fieldspan Rd., Duson 36 Ridge Elem School, 2901 S. Fieldspan Rd., Duson 37 Judice Middle School Cafeteria, 2645 S. Fieldspan Rd., Duson 38 S J Montgomery Elem School, 600 Foreman Dr., Lafayette 39 Louisiana Technical College, 1101 Bertrand Dr., Lafayette 40 Louisiana Technical College, 1101 Bertrand Dr., Lafayette 41 S J Montgomery Elem School, 600 Foreman Dr., Lafayette 42 S J Montgomery Elem School, 600 Foreman Dr., Lafayette 43 Prairie Elem School, 2910 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy, Lafayette 44 Prairie Elem School, 2910 Ambassador Caffery Pkwy, Lafayette 45 Laf. High School Cafeteria, 3000 W. Congress St., Lafayette 46 Laf. High School Cafeteria, 3000 W. Congress St., Lafayette 47 Laf. High School/Lobby, 3000 W. Congress St., Lafayette 48 Bourgeois Hall, 225 Cajun Dome Blvd., Lafayette 49 Myrtle Place Elem School, 1100 Myrtle Blvd, Lafayette 10 POLLING PLACES Precinct Location 50 Sheriff=s Training Facility, 111 S. St. Antoine St., Lafayette 51 Sheriff=s Training Facility, 111 S. St. Antoine St., Lafayette 52 N P Moss Annex, 801 Mudd Ave., Lafayette 53 N P Moss Annex, 801 Mudd Ave., Lafayette 54 Domingue Recreation Center, 901 Mudd Ave., Lafayette 55 Teurlings High School Gym Lobby, 139 Teurlings Dr., Lafayette 56 Domingue Recreation Center, 901 Mudd Ave., Lafayette 57 Mudd Ave Fire Station, 1013 Mudd Ave., Lafayette 58 W. A. Lerosen Alternative School, 516 E. Pinhook Rd., Lafayette 59 Lafayette Parish School Bd., 113 Chaplin Dr., Lafayette 60 Lafayette Parish School Bd., 113 Chaplin Dr., Lafayette 61 W. A. Lerosen Alternative School, 516 E. Pinhook Rd., Lafayette 62 W. A. Lerosen Alternative School, 516 E. Pinhook Rd., Lafayette 63 Northside High School, 301 Dunand St., Lafayette 64A Carencro High School, 721 W. Butcher Switch Rd., Carencro 64B Carencro High School, 721 W. Butcher Switch Rd., Carencro 65 War Memorial Building, 2100 Jefferson St., Lafayette 66 Central Fire Station, 300 E. Vermillion St., Lafayette 67 Fire Station #13, 6507 Johnston St., Lafayette 11 POLLING PLACES Precinct Location 68 Laf Consolidated Gov=t Building, 705 W. University Ave., Lafayette 69 Lafayette Middle School - (North), 1301 W. University Ave., Lafayette 70 Lafayette Middle School - (South), 1301 W. University Ave., Lafayette 71 Duson Elem School, 304 Fourth St., Duson 72 University Student Union, 600 McKinley St., Lafayette 73 Girard Park Recreation Center, 500 Girard Park Dr., Lafayette 74 Johnston St Fire Station #5, 2001 Johnston St., Lafayette 75 Laf. Economic Development Authority, 211 E. Devalcourt St., Lafayette 76 Laf. Economic Development Authority, 211 E. Devalcourt St., Lafayette 77 Montrose Ave Fire Station #6, 100 Montrose Ave., Lafayette 78 Woodvale Elem School, 100 Leon Dr., Lafayette 79 L J Alleman Middle School, 600 Roselawn Blvd., Lafayette 80 L J Alleman Middle School, 600 Roselawn Blvd., Lafayette 81 Montrose Ave Fire Station #6, 100 Montrose Ave., Lafayette 82 Thomas Park Recreation Center, 300 Geraldine Dr., Lafayette 83 Broadmoor Elem School, 609 Broadmoor Blvd., Lafayette 84 Broadmoor Fire Station #8, 601 Broadmoor Blvd., Lafayette 85y Edgar Martin Middle School, 401 Broadmoor Blvd., Lafayette 85z Edgar Martin Middle School, 401 Broadmoor Blvd., Lafayette 12 POLLING PLACES Precinct Location 86 Fire Station #13, 6507 Johnston St., Lafayette 87y Plantation Elem School, 1801 Kaliste Saloom Rd., Lafayette 87z Plantation Elem School, 1801 Kaliste Saloom Rd., Lafayette 88 Plantation Elem School, 1801 Kaliste Saloom Rd., Lafayette 89 Plantation Elem School, 1801 Kaliste Saloom Rd., Lafayette 90 Girard Park Recreation Center, 500 Girard Park Dr., Lafayette 91 Firestation #12, 2856 Verot School Rd., Lafayette 92 Lafayette Parish School Board Office, 113 Chaplin Drive, Lafayette 93 Comeaux High School, 100 W. Bluebird Dr., Lafayette 94 Comeaux High School, 100 W. Bluebird Dr., Lafayette 95y Comeaux High School, 100 W. Bluebird Dr., Lafayette 95z Comeaux High School, 100 W. Bluebird Dr., Lafayette 96y Southpark Fire Station #10, 3519 W. Pinhook Rd., Lafayette 96z Southpark Fire Station #10, 3519 W. Pinhook Rd., Lafayette 97a Southpark Fire Station #10, 3519 W. Pinhook Rd., Lafayette 97b Southpark Fire Station #10, 3519 W. Pinhook Rd., Lafayette 98 Broussard Police Department, 416 E. Main Street, Broussard 99 Broussard Police Department, 416 E. Main Street, Broussard 100 Broussard Middle School, 1325 S. Morgan Ave., Broussard 13 POLLING PLACES Precinct Location 101 Broussard Middle School, 1325 S. Morgan Ave., Broussard 102 Youngsville Middle School, 600 Church Street, Youngsville 103 Youngsville Middle School, 600 Church Street, Youngsville 104y Firestation #12, 2856 Verot School Rd., Lafayette 104z Firestation #12, 2856 Verot School Rd., Lafayette 105 Milton Elem School, 222 W. Milton Ave., Milton 106 Milton Elem School, 222 W. Milton Ave., Milton 107 Youngsville Middle School, 600 Church Street, Youngsville 108 Ernest Gallet Elem School, 2901 E. Milton Ave, Youngsville 109 Milton Elementary School, 222 W. Milton Ave., Milton 110 Broussard Middle School, 1325 S. Morgan Ave, Broussard 111 Ernest Gallet Elem School, 2901 E. Milton Ave, Youngsville The polling places set forth above are hereby designated as the polling places at which to hold the said election, and the Commissioners-in-Charge and Commissioners, respectively, shall be those persons designated according to law. The said special election will be held in accordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 5 and Chapter 6-A of Title 18 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of 1950, as amended, and other constitutional and statutory authority, and the officers appointed to hold the said election, as provided in this Notice of Special Election, or such substitutes therefor as may be selected and designated in accordance with La. R.S. 18:1287, will make due returns thereof to said Governing Authority, and NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the Governing Authority will meet at its regular meeting place, the Parish School Board Office, 113 Chaplin Dr., Lafayette, Louisiana, on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2012, at FIVE-THIRTY O'CLOCK (5:30) P.M., and shall then and there in open and public session proceed to examine and canvass the returns and declare the result of the said special election. All registered voters of the District are entitled to vote at said special election and voting machines will be used. 14 THUS DONE AND SIGNED at Lafayette, Louisiana, on this, the 20th day of June, 2012. ATTEST: /s/ Shelton Cobb President /s/ Dr. Pat Cooper Secretary-Treasurer 15 STATE OF LOUISIANA PARISH OF LAFAYETTE I, the undersigned Secretary of the Parish School Board of the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana (the "Governing Authority"), the governing authority of Consolidated School District No. 1 of the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana (the "District"), do hereby certify that the foregoing pages constitute a true and correct copy of the proceedings taken by the Governing Authority on June 20, 2012, ordering and calling a special election to be held in Consolidated School District No. 1 of the Parish of Lafayette, State of Louisiana, to authorize the renewal of a special tax therein; making application to the State Bond Commission in connection therewith; and providing for other matters in connection therewith. IN FAITH WHEREOF, witness my official signature and the impress of the official seal of the District at Lafayette, Louisiana, on this, the 20th day of June, 2012. _____________/s/ Dr. Pat Cooper __________ Secretary-Treasurer (SEAL) GROUPED ACTION ITEMS 1. Approval of All Action Item(s) with the Exception of Items Pulled Motion (Angelle, Trahan) that the Board approve all action items with the exception of items pulled: Purchase of Property Adjacent to Milton Elementary/Middle School; David Thibodaux Career and Technical High School Conversion to a grades 6-12 STEM Magnet School; Approval of the Revisions to the School Social Worker Job Description; Redistricting Members of the Lafayette Parish School Board; Resolution 0612-1759 Opposing Act II of the 2012 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature; Approval of the Personnel Changes for June 20, 2012; and Proposed Change of Dates for the July Regular Board Meeting. Motion carried. ITEMS PULLED FROM ACTION 1. Purchase of Property Adjacent to Milton Elementary/Middle School Motion (Chassion, Trahan) that the Board approve the purchase of approximately 1.4 acres of property situated generally east of the main building of Milton Elementary/Middle School for $83,957 and that the Board not use Jenny Lane as an access road. Motion carried. 2. David Thibodaux Career and Technical High School Conversion to a grades 6-12 STEM Magnet School Motion (Babineaux, Angelle) that the Board remove David Thibodaux Career and Technical High School Conversion to a grades 6-12 STEM Magnet School from the agenda for approval until such time the budget has been adopted. 16 A substitute motion was made by Trahan and second by Awbrey, that the Board approve the David Thibodaux Career and Technical High School/STEM Academy as it currently exists for the 2012-13 school year. After some discussion Bouillion called for the question on the substitute motion. Voting for the substitute motion was: Angelle, Awbrey, Babineaux, and Trahan. Voting against was Beasley, Bouillion, Cockerham, Cobb, and Chassion. Motion failed. Motion (Babineaux, Angelle) that the Board remove David Thibodaux Career and Technical High School Conversion to a grades 6-12 STEM Magnet School from the agenda for approval until such time the budget has been adopted. Voting for was: Angelle, Awbrey, Babineaux, and Trahan. Voting against was: Beasley, Bouillion, Cockerham, Cobb, and Chassion. Motion failed. Motion (Cockerham, Bouillion) that the Board approve the plan to convert the David Thibodaux Career and Technical High School into a world class Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics 6-12 grade comprehensive magnet school. Voting for was: Angelle, Beasley, Bouillion, Cockerham, Cobb, and Chassion. Voting against was: Awbrey, Babineaux, and Trahan. Motion carried. Awbrey exited the meeting. 3. Approval of the Revisions to the School Social Worker Job Description Motion (Chassion, Babineaux) that the Board approve the revisions to the School Social Worker job description and freeze the salary of employees that are above the pay grade as discussed. Motion carried. Awbrey was absent. 4. Redistricting Members of the Lafayette Parish School Board Motion (Angelle, Babineaux) that the Board adopt redistricting plan 5B-1 that was adopted by the Lafayette City-Parish Council in 2011. Motion carried. Trahan voted NO. Awbrey was absent. Angelle exited the meeting. 5. Resolution 06-12-1759 Opposing Act II of the 2012 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature RESOLUTION 06-12-1759 WHEREAS, the Louisiana Legislature has passed and Governor Jindal has signed into law Act 2 of the 2012 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature; and, WHEREAS, Art. 3, Sec.15 of the Louisiana Constitution requires that all bills in the Legislature have a single object or purpose; and, 17 WHEREAS, Act 2 of 2012 is forty-seven (47) pages long and addresses charter schools, school “scholarships”, and other objects or purposes in apparent violation of Art. 3, Sec. 15 of the Louisiana Constitution; and, WHEREAS, Art. 8, Sec. 13 of the Louisiana Constitution provides that state funding for public education shall be equitably allocated to the public school systems of the State for the benefit of public education; and, WHEREAS, Act 2 of 2012 calls for state funds to be used in support of students in private and parochial schools and calls for such allocations of public funds to be made directly to those non-public schools, all in apparent violation of Art. 8, Sec. 13 of the Louisiana Constitution; and, WHEREAS, the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and Art. 1, Sec. 8 of the Louisiana Constitution require the separation of church and state; and, WHEREAS, Act 2 of 2012 authorizes the expenditure of state funds in support of programs of education for students and parochial schools in apparent violation of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and Art. 1, Sec. 8 of the Louisiana Constitution; and, WHEREAS, Act 2 of 2012 contains other provisions that are legally and/or constitutionally suspect; and, WHEREAS, the only way to get definitive interpretations of Act 2 of 2012 and the constitutionality and/or legality of its provisions is through litigation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED, by the Lafayette Parish School Board in regular session duly convened that: Section 1. The Lafayette Parish School Board authorizes the institution of litigation in federal and/or state court, either individually or as a member of a group of other public school systems with similar purpose, challenging the constitutionality and/or legality of Act 2 of the 2012 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature. Section 2. The School Board also authorizes the payment of all reasonable attorney’s fees and other costs incurred if such litigation is filed only by this School Board or on a pro rata basis if such litigation is filed in conjunction with other public school boards of the State. RESOLUTION OFFERED BY: Babineaux RESOLUTION SECONDED BY: Beasley The vote, in open meeting on the within resolution was as follows: YEAS: Beasley, Babineaux, Trahan, Cobb, and Chassion 18 NAYS: Bouillion ABSTAIN: Cockerham ABSENT: Angelle, Awbrey CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the Lafayette Parish School Board in regular session duly convened on June 20, 2012 and that same has not been rescinded or repealed. LAFAYETTE, LOUISIANA, this 20TH day of JUNE , 2012. _______/s/Shelton Cobb__________ Shelton J. Cobb, Board President LAFAYETTE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD _______/s/Dr. Pat Cooper______________ Dr. Pat Cooper, Secretary-Treasurer LAFAYETTE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD Motion (Babineaux, Beasley) that the Board adopt Resolution 06-12-1759 Opposing Act II of the 2012 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature; subject to the removal of Section 3. Voting for was: Beasley, Babineaux, Trahan, Cobb, and Chassion. Voting against was: Bouillion. Cockerham abstain. Awbrey and Angelle were absent. Motion carried. 6. Approval of the Personnel Changes for June 20, 2012 Motion (Chassion, Babineaux) that the Board approve the personnel changes for June 20, 2012 and table the Director of Human Resources position. A substitute motion was made by Trahan to go into executive session to discuss personnel changes; but, James Simon, Board Attorney, advised the Board that a substitute motion was not in order at this time. After some discussion, Chassion and Babineaux withdrew their motion. A motion was made by Chassion that the Board approve the personnel changes for June 20, 2012 and table the Director of Human Resources position and line item #14 on page 6 (nonrenewal of administrative contract) and motion died for lack of a second. Motion (Beasley, Cockerham) that the Board approve the personnel changes for June 20, 2012. Motion carried. Chassion and Trahan voted NO. Awbrey and Angelle were absent. New Employees 19 Name Location Barnes, Deborah Woodvale ES Batiste, Elise Plantation ES Baudoin, Wendy Broussard, Arlene Accountability Finance Dept. Broussard, Tyree Bush, Brittney Milton ES/MS Ossun ES Davis, Shauniki Faulk ES Flores, Gloria Martin MS Francis, Teriyona French, Bill Paul Breaux MS Alice Boucher ES Gay, Jacqueline Evangeline ES Gross, Mallory Myrtle Place ES Guilbeau, Kandy Hebert, Brian Leininger, Bruce Burke ES Curriculum Human Resources Meyers, Jana Youngsville MS Community Collaborations & Partnerships Morrison, Angela Phillips, Dustin Popp, Leah Duson ES Duson ES Porter, Leigha Prince, Katie Carencro MS E. A. Martin MS/Scott MS Robinson, Barry Lafayette HS Stewart, Angela Taylor, Hope L. Leo Judice ES Prairie ES Trahan, Dawn Live Oak ES Williams, Karen Curriculum Williams, Kevin Judice MS Williams, Marie Prairie ES Position In-School Suspension Facilitator In-School Suspension Facilitator Performance Data Specialist Account Clerk I In-School Suspension Facilitator In-School Suspension In-School Suspension Facilitator In-School Suspension Facilitator In-School Suspension Facilitator Librarian In-School Suspension Facilitator In-School Suspension Facilitator In-School Suspension Facilitator Academic Officer Director In-School Suspension Facilitator Director In-School Facilitator Librarian In-School Facilitator Eff. Date Fund Note 08/10/12 01 New Position 08/10/12 07/02/12 – 07/02/14 06/21/12 50 New Position 50 01 New Position Replacing C. Comeaux 08/10/12 08/10/12 01 01 New Position New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 08/10/12 08/06/12 01 01 New Position Replacing L. Cockrell 08/10/12 01 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 08/10/12 07/02/12 06/25/12 01 01 01 New Position New Position Replacing J. Kearley 08/10/12 01 New Position 07/02/12 – 07/02/14 01 New Position 08/10/12 08/06/12 01 01 New Position Replacing M. Aucoin 08/10/12 01 New Position 08/06/12 01 Replacing C. Rose 08/10/12 07/23/12 – 07/23/14 08/06/12 01 New Position 01 01 Replacing R. Landry Replacing D. Lanclos 08/10/12 07/02/12 – 07/02/14 01 New Position 01 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position Suspension Suspension Speech Therapist In-School Suspension Faciliator Principal Speech Therapist In-School Suspension Facilitator Academic Officer In-School Suspension Facilitator In-School Suspension Facilitator Employee Transfers Name From/To Eff. Date 20 Fund Note Allen, Cheryl Arnold, Dwonnda Attwood, Kathy Babineaux, Danielle Barnaba, Tina Barrett, Stephen Bartlett, Amy Baudoin, Mary Bourque, Carmen Broussard, Tyree Charlot, Lacresia Clement, Lisa Comeaux, Danielle Cormier, Christina Cox, Jill Crow, Vanessa Curette-Baker, Jane Dean, Christine Dehm, Pam Delafosse, Robert Delaune, Paula Dendy, Mollie Desormeaux, Teresa Dixon, Lisa Duhon, Lisa Faulk ES (Reading Facilitator) to Faulk ES (Instructional Strategist) Boucher ES (Teacher Asst. – PreK) to Boucher ES (In-School Suspension Facilitator) SEAS (Teacher Asst. – SPED) to Ridge ES (InSchool Suspension Facilitator) Boucher ES (Instructional Coach) to Montgomery ES (Instructional Strategist) Evangeline ES (Assistant Principal) to Curriculum (Academic Officer) Moss Annex (Teacher Asst. – SPED) to Carencro HS (In-School Suspension Facilitator) LL Judice ES (Teacher – 4th) to LL Judice ES (Instructional Strategist) Milton ES/MS (Reading Facilitator) to Milton ES/MS (Instructional Strategist) Judice MS (Teacher – ELA/SS) to Judice MS (Instructional Strategist) Milton ES/MS (Teacher Asst. – SPED) to Milton ES/MS (In-School Suspension Facilitator) Moss Annex (Teacher Asst. – SPED) to Broadmoor ES (In-School Suspension Facilitator) Myrtle Place ES (Teacher – 1st) to Duson ES (Instructional Strategist) SEAS (Teacher Asst. – SPED) to Carencro Hghts (In-School Suspension Facilitator) Children’s Shelter to LeRosen (Hospital/Homebound ) Broadmoor ES (Reading Facilitator) to Broadmoor ES (Instructional Strategist) Martin MS (Teacher – Math) to Martin MS (Instructional Strategist) Thibodaux HS (Teacher – M/M) to Acadian MS (Instructional Strategist) Lafayette MS (Teacher – Outreach) to Lafayette MS (Data Analyst) Curriculum (504/Dyslexia Diagnostician) to Curriculum (504/RTI Specialist) Scott MS (Teacher Asst. – SPED) to Lafayette MS (In-School Suspension Facilitator) Gallet ES (Teacher Asst. – SPED) to Gallet ES (In-School Suspension Facilitator) Broussard MS (Teacher – Alt.) to Broussard MS (Instructional Strategist) Prairie ES (Reading Facilitator) to Prairie ES (Instructional Strategist) Thibodaux Tech (Clerical Assistant) to Northside HS (Clerical Assistant) Drexel ES (Reading Facilitator) to Drexel ES (Instructional Strategist) 07/23/12 50 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 07/23/12 07/02/12 – 07/02/14 50 New Position 01 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 65 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 08/10/12 01 08/06/12 01 New Position Due to the closing of the Children’s Shelter 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/02/12 01 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 08/10/12 01 Replacing J. Scruggs 07/23/12 50 New Position Employee Transfers, continued Name From/To Eff. Date 21 Fund Note Dupuis, Janese Dupuy, Suzanne Fulcher, Catherine Gennuso, Penny Gerard, Lori Gillis, Kerri Girouard, Donna Gonzalez, Kelly Guidry, Brandi Harris, Bernard Hayes, Christine Hebert, Brian Hebert, Denise Heintz, Melanie John-Potier, Margaret Kahn, Susan Kibodeaux, Tracey Kovatch, Doni Laughlin, Susan LeJeune, David Leonard, Jason Lopez, Vonda Lormand, Lisa Machno, Monica Marcel, Rose Melazzo, Rodney Lindon ES (Reading Facilitator) to Lindon ES (Instructional Strategist) Acadiana HS (Curriculum Coord.) to Acadiana HS (Instructional Strategist) Ridge ES (Principal) to Curriculum (Academic Officer) Thibodaux Tech (Assistant Principal) to Math/Science Specialist Carencro HS (Teacher – Math) to Carencro HS (Instructional Strategist) Westside ES (Teacher Asst. – SPED) to Westside (In-School Suspension Facilitator) James ES (Teacher Asst. – SPED) to James ES (In-School Suspension Facilitator) G. T. Lindon ES (Assistant Principal) to ELA Specialist Moss Annex (Teacher Assistant) to Martin MS (Teacher Assistant) Scott MS (Teacher Asst. – SPED) to Scott MS (In-School Suspension Facilitator) Charter HS (Support Teacher) to Woodvale ES (Instructional Strategist) Student Services (Assessment Coordinator) to Curriculum (Academic Officer) Charter HS (Support Teacher) to Youngsville MS (Instructional Strategist) Northside HS (Teacher – Math) to Lafayette HS (Instructional Strategist) Moss Annex (Teacher Asst. – SPED) to Montgomery ES (In-School Suspension Facilitator) Faulk ES (Curriculum Coord.) to Faulk ES (Data Analyst) Scott MS (Teacher – Science) to Carencro MS (Instructional Strategist) James ES (Reading Facilitator) to James ES (Instructional Strategist) Scott MS (Teacher – Discipline Cent.) to Scott MS (Data Analyst) Comeaux HS (Asst. Principal) to Acadiana HS (Principal) Judice MS (Teacher – M/M) to Judice MS (Data Analyst) Lafayette MS (Teacher – M/M) to Lafayette MS (Instructional Strategist) Evangeline ES (Reading Facilitator) to Evangeline ES (Instructional Strategist) Ridge ES (Reading Facilitator) to Ridge ES (Instructional Strategist) Boucher ES (Reading Facilitator) to Boucher ES (Instructional Strategist) Comeaux HS (JROTC Instructor) to Comeaux HS (In-School Suspension Facilitator) Employee Transfers, continued 22 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 07/02/12 – 07/02/14 07/02/12 – 07/02/14 50 New Position 01 New Position 01 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 08/10/12 07/02/12 – 07/02/14 01 New Position 01 New Position 08/10/12 01 Replacing G. Pacetti 08/10/12 01 New Position 07/23/12 07/02/12 – 07/02/14 50 New Position 01 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 65 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 07/06/12 – 07/07/14 50 New Position 01 Replacing M. Broussard 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position Name Moras, Vicki Moses, Krystal Mouton, Amy Olivier, Robin Peters, Gavin Pippin, Barbara Rabalais, Virginia Rees, Laurie Richard, Mark Roberts, Linda Robin, Stephanie Rounsaville, Kim Roy, Mandy Sam, Keriston Sellen, Angela Smith, Amanda Smith, Donna Soileau, Venus Stefan, Peggy Syrie, Kathalyn Taylor, Christy Thibodeaux, Jeanne Tresner, Rebecca Vinson, Catherine Walker, Tara From/To Drexel (Teacher – 4th) to Carencro Hgts (Data Analyst) Boucher ES (Instructional Coach) to Boucher ES (Data Analyst) Burke ES (Reading Facilitator) to Burke ES (Instructional Strategist) ECA (Counselor) to Curriculum (Adult Education Specialist) Acadiana HS (Computer Proctor) to Acadiana HS (In-School Suspension Facilitator) Schools of Choice (Recruiting & Marketing Assistant) to Schools of Choice (Enrollment & Recruitment Specialist) Curriculum(Instructional Supervisor) to Curriculum (Academic Officer) Charter HS (Support Teacher) to Plantation ES (Instructional Strategist) Comeaux HS (Counselor) to Comeaux HS (Instructional Strategist) Thibodaux HS (Teacher Asst. – SPED) to Thibodaux HS (In-School Suspension Facilitator) Live Oak ES (Reading Facilitator) to Live Oak ES (Instructional Strategist) P Breaux MS (Teacher – Gifted Math) to Carencro MS (Data Analyst) Gallet ES (Teacher – M/M) to Montgomery ES (Data Analyst) Broussard MS (Teacher Asst. – SPED) to Broussard MS (In-School Suspension Facilitator) Lindon ES (Teacher Asst. – PreK) to Lindon ES (In-School Suspension Facilitator) Ossun ES (Reading Facilitator) to Ossun ES (Instructional Strategist) Montgomery ES (Teacher – 3rd) to Westside ES (Instructional Strategist) P. Breaux MS (Teacher – ELA) to Acadian MS (Data Analyst) Acadiana HS (Teacher – Math) to Acadiana HS (Data Analyst) Carencro Hgts (Reading Facilitator) to Carencro Hgts (Instructional Strategist) Woodvale ES (Reading Facilitator) to Scott MS (Instructional Strategist) Evangeline ES (Teacher – 4th) to Live Oak ES (Librarian) Drexel ES (Teacher Asst. – SPED) to Drexel ES (In-School Suspension Facilitator) Alleman MS (Teacher – ELA) to Alleman MS (Instructional Strategist) Youngsville MS (Teacher – ELA) to Ossun ES (Data Analyst) 23 Eff. Date Fund Note 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 07/02/12 – 07/02/14 50 New Position 01 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 07/02/12 07/02/12 – 07/02/14 57 New Position 01 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 65 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 08/06/12 01 Replacing M. Watson 08/10/12 01 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position Employee Transfers, continued Name Washington, Jonathon White, Nicole Williams, Shirley Wilson, Rodricka Wimberley, Robyn From/To AIM Academy (Senior Drill Instructor) to Northside HS (In-School Suspension Facilitator) Ossun ES (Curriculum Coord.) to Gallet ES (Instructional Strategist) Youngsville MS (Teacher Asst. – SPED) to Acadian MS (In-School Suspension Facilitator) LL Judice ES (Teacher – 1st) to Westside ES (Data Analyst) Myrtle Place ES (Reading Facilitator) to Myrtle Place ES (Instructional Strategist) Eff. Date Fund Note 08/10/12 01 New Position 07/23/12 65 New Position 08/10/12 01 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position 07/23/12 50 New Position Appointments & Reappointments Name Location Position Angel, Yolanda Northside HS Chiasson, Audrey Northside HS Dugas, Mary Karen Northside HS Gee, Akala Northside HS Clerical Assistant Teacher Assistant – SPED Teacher Assistant SPED Teacher Assistant SPED Contract Term Mitchell, Gertrude Northside HS Taylor, Lucindrous Northside HS Secretary II Teacher Assistant SPED Note 8/10/12 Reappointment 08/10/12 Reappointment 8/10/12 Reappointment 08/10/12 Reappointment 08/10/12 Reappointment 08/10/12 Reappointment Other Action Name Location Position Eff. Date Fund Adams, Laura Allen, Floyd Augustus, Raquel Burdette, Andrea Francis, Tedidus Hebert, Eleanor Northside HS Acadiana HS Lafayette HS Milton ES/MS Evangeline ES Gallet ES Assistant Principal Custodian Teacher – ELA Teacher – 1st Custodian - Night Teacher – 3rd 06/15/12 – 06/16/14 07/02/12 01/10/13 – 05/30/13 08/22/12 – 10/31/12 06/08/12 2012 – 2013 01 01 01 01 01 01 Johnson, Garrick LeBlanc, Christina Ledoux, Bufford Northside HS Prairie ES Support & Repair 06/15/12 – 06/16/14 2012 – 2013 06/08/12 01 01 01 Transportation Dept. L. J. Alleman MS Acadian MS Dean of Students Teacher – Kdgn. Computer Tech. Bus Driver – Board Owned Teacher – ELA Custodian - Night Lewis, Cheryl Mestayer, Colleen Miller, Marlene 08/17/12 2012 – 2013 06/08/12 01 01 01 Nance, Linda Smith, Marcia Northside HS Acadian MS Assistant Principal Teacher – FACS 06/15/12 – 06/16/14 2012 – 2013 01 01 Voorhies, Melinda Northside HS Principal 06/25/12 – 06/25/14 01 24 Note Administrative Contract Renewal Not 06/08/12 Sabbatical Leave Leave Without Pay Not 06/07/12 Sabbatical Leave Administrative Contract Renewal Sabbatical Leave Not 06/07/12 Suspension Without Pay (One Day Only) Sabbatical Leave Not 06/07/12 Administrative Contract Renewal Sabbatical Leave Administrative Contract Renewal Exiting Employees Name Allen, Joshua Alfred, Annette Arabie, Alan Ardoin, Christopher Location Alice Boucher ES Alleman MS/Scott MS Acadiana HS Technology Department Position Custodian Custodian Teacher - Math Computer Technician Eff. Date 05/31/12 06/06/12 06/06/12 06/08/12 Fund 01 01 01 50 Bartlett, Keith Bernard, Geraldine Bourque, Albert Alice Boucher ES Westside ES Transportation Dept. Broussard, Betty Devenport, Donna Epps, Ora Curriculum Dept. Comeaux HS Truman ES Gerdsen, Greer Guidry, Jude Handy, Carlton Hebert, Mary Lynn Johnlouis, Dorothy Kebodeaux, Suzanne Keller, Lydia Lawrence, Sheryl Ledet, Phyllis Lormand, Sylvia Mingo, Virgie Mouton, Ella Newgebaver, Patricia Parrish, Melissa Petersen, Joel Sargent, Jerry Sereal, Jr., Norris St. Julien, Rosa Stelly, Mollie Stoute, Jacqueline 06/29/12 06/19/12 06/06/12 01 70 01 Service Retirement Service Retirement Service Retirement 06/29/12 05/26/12 06/19/12 01 01 70 Resignation Service Retirement Service Retirement Acadiana HS Maintenance Dept. Northside HS Principal I SFS Technician Bus Driver – Contract Administrative Office Coordinator Teacher – APE SFS Tech Teacher Assistant – SPED Plumber II Principal III 05/25/12 07/01/12 06/22/12 01 01 01 Special Education Scott MS Milton ES/MS Northside HS Montgomery ES Gallet ES Marketing & Recruitment NP Moss Annex Acadiana HS Curriculum Dept. Duson ES Acadiana HS Milton ES S. J. Montgomery ES Live Oak ES Live Oak ES Broussard MS Program Supervisor II Custodian Principal II Teacher – English Teacher – M/M Assistant Principal Secretary II Teacher Asst. – SPED SFS Technician Secretary III Teacher – 4th Teacher – Geography Head Custodian II Custodian SFS Technician Teacher – 3rd Teacher - French 06/21/12 06/06/12 06/16/12 07/31/12 06/19/12 06/09/12 06/30/12 08/01/12 06/06/12 07/03/12 05/25/12 05/25/12 06/30/12 06/29/12 06/06/12 05/25/12 06/06/12 40 01 01 01 01 01 01 40 70 01 01 01 01 01 70 01 01 Resignation Service Retirement Service Retirement Non-Renewal of Contract Termination Service Retirement Service Retirement Service Retirement Service Retirement Service Retirement Service Retirement Service Retirement Service Retirement Resignation Resignation Service Retirement Resignation Service Retirement Resignation Service Retirement Librarian NJROTC Instructor 07/07/12 06/30/12 01 01 Service Retirement Resignation Watson, Marilyn Live Oak ES Williams, Clifford Acadiana HS *Retiree Returning To Work Number of Full-Time, Active Employees by Funding Source as of June 19, 2012 General Fund (01) 2002 Sales Tax (15) Special Revenues (20) Other Grants (25) Consolidated Adult Education (30) Consolidated Other Federal Programs (35) Special Education (40) Self-Funded Construction (45) IASA Title I (50) 3666.5 77 18.5 16 8 5 134 2 152 25 Note Termination Termination Resignation Resignation Consolidated Other State (55) GEARUP/Magnet Grant (57) Child Development & Head Start (60) IASA Titles II/III/IV/VI (65) Child Nutrition (70) Group Insurance Fund (85) TOTAL 5 17 58 30 262 2 4,373 Total last month Total year ago 4,362 4,515 7. Proposed Change of Dates for the July Regular Board Meeting Motion (Beasley, Babineaux) that the Board approve moving the Regular Board Meeting of July 4th to July 3rd at 5:30 p.m. A substitute motion was mad by Trahan and second by Babineaux, that the Board approve moving the Regular Board Meeting of July 4th to July 11th at 5:30 p.m. Motion carried. Awbrey and Angelle were absent. VII. A. REPORTS Public Comments Comments were made. No action was taken. B. Board President/Members Comments Babineaux thanked everyone and Board Members for valid, exciting, and crucial discussions held throughout the 2011-12 school year. He also reminded everyone about the Employee Banquet being held on June 21, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at the Cajundome Convention Center. Cockerham congratulated the new employees and thanked staff for putting in the hard work to bring the recommendations to the Board. He also congratulated Billy Guidry and the Finance Department for receiving the Certificates of Excellence in Financial Reporting Awards for Fiscal Year 2010-2011. Bouillion shared information regarding the stats from the LDOE on State rankings for students and schools in Louisiana. He said the changes being made and passed down to this district are difficult but have to be made. He also said that he will continue to support both Governor Jindal and Dr. Cooper because he believes that the children’s education is of the utmost importance. Chassion encouraged staff to have some type of dialog with the teachers at Northside High regarding the recent changes. He also formally expressed his apologies to the employees who were listed on the Approval of Personnel Changes for June 20, 2012 and in particular to the new Director of Human Resources, Bruce Leininger. He wants to assure everyone that it was not done maliciously, but wanted to make sure that everything was done right the first time. 26 Beasley welcomed and congratulated employees new to the district and employees who are changing positions. He said that he was very pleased with the selections made. Cobb thanked everyone for putting up with the conversations and comments made by the Board and said that we are all working for the benefit of the students. He also said that change is inevitable and that we cannot get used to failure and mediocrity. We expect the best from everyone. He also wanted the staff and administrators to know that they have the support of the Board in assisting them in their responsibilities and expects the system to continue moving forward. C. Superintendent Comments None VIII. EXECUTIVE SESSION IX. ADJOURN There being no further business, it was moved by Babineaux, seconded by Cockerham and carried that the meeting adjourn. SIGNED: SIGNED: _______/s/Shelton Cobb_________________ Shelton Cobb, President LAFAYETTE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD _________/s/Pat Cooper________________ Dr. Pat Cooper, Secretary-Treasurer LAFAYETTE PARISH SCHOOL BOARD dbn 27