Geometry mini unit

Understanding By Design Unit Template
(Prepared for EDCP 340)
Title of Unit
Developed By
Grade Level
Time Frame
3x 50 min (1 week) March 31st – April 3rd
Teala Mackowetsky
Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results
IRP Prescribed Learning Outcome(s)
What relevant goal(s) will this unit address?
C1 demonstrate an understanding of angles by:
- identifying examples of angles in the environment
- classifying angles according to their measure
- estimating the measure of angles using 45°, 90°, and 180° as reference angles determining angle measures in degrees
- drawing and labeling angles when the measure is specified
What understandings about the big ideas implied in the PLO(s) are desired?
Essential Questions
What provocative questions will foster inquiry into the content?
Students will understand that...
Where would you find angles in everyday life?
Why are angles important?
Why would we look at triangles before looking at angles?
What knowledge will student acquire as a result of this unit?
What skills will students acquire as a result of this unit?
Students will know...
Students will be able to…
-There are 4 different types of triangles (Equilateral, Scalene, isosceles, and
right angle) where you would find them in the real world
-There are 3 types of angles (Acute, Obtuse and Right Angle, straight, reflex)
where you would find them in the real world
Define: Equilateral, scalene, Isosceles, right angle, acute angle, obtuse
angles, straight, reflex
Describe where these angles are found and can be related to real life
Consider angles and their purpose in the real world
Use angles on a compass when searching for things
Be able to geo-cash on their own
Estimate an angle without a protractor
Give an exact angle using a protractor
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence (excerpt)
Through what evidence – student work samples, observations, quizzes, tests, self-assessment or other means – will students demonstrate achievement of
the desired results?
Add to observation chart throughout lessons (observations)
Participation in group quizzes/ individual quizzes following lesson (quizzes)
Answers from worksheet (work samples)
Journal responses (self assessment)
Learning Plan (Stage 3)
Where are your students headed? Where have
they been? How will you make sure the
students know where they are going?
How will you hook students at the beginning of
the unit?
What events will help students experience and
explore the big idea and questions in the unit?
How will you equip them with needed skills and
How will you cause students to reflect and
rethink? How will you guide them in rehearsing,
revising, and refining their work?
How will you help students to exhibit and selfevaluate their growing skills, knowledge, and
understanding throughout the unit?
Students have finished all other units aside from geometry (2D and 3D shapes, transformations,
and measurement). This is the beginning of the Geometry unit; after these lessons I will
continue with polygons and perimeter. This unit is imperative/ a building block to understanding
future content (angles, perimeter, measurement, volume ect.). I will link my lessons to one
another through reviewing what the students did the following day and will continually relate
the new material to the old material (building on their preexisting knowledge).
I will use different videos and content that are either entertaining or that the students can relate
to that also relates directly to the material. I have also planned many interactive and hands on
activities in order to allow the students to learn through play. Given the research I have done, I
am using the, “play first, concept second” approach which will allow the students to draw their
own conclusions; this will hopefully allow the students to have a better understanding of the
material than they would were I using a strictly stand and deliver approach.
As mentioned above, the students will interact with the material in a hands-on/ interactive way.
I have made my lessons in a way that will allow the students to connect with the material in a
real life way. By experiencing the content rather than reading about it, the students can gain a
better grasp of the material and are more likely to remember what they are learning. Some
examples include; hands on with pipe cleaners, games, interactive songs, interactive
discussions, real life compass navigation and geo cashing).
The journals will allow the students to reflect on what they just learned which will make their
knowledge more concrete through the explanation of what they know words. The quizzes the
following day will also allow the students to refresh what they have already learned. I have
chosen to do this because, through research I have done in my psychology degree, memory is
improved the more the material is presented and repeated in new ways over time (multiple
Through playing, the students will be able to create conclusions on their own and develop a
better understanding. By playing games in the class, the students will be reinforcing their
knowledge and repeatedly using the skills they have acquired in the lesson. This will show me
that they understand the material and it will also allow them to improve and solidify their
understanding. Since they are working with a partner in some activities, they can teach one
another; this will also solidify what they know, or if they are misunderstanding a given concept,
How will you tailor and otherwise personalize
the learning plan to optimize the engagement
and effectiveness of ALL students, without
compromising the goals of the unit?
How will you organize and sequence the
learning activities to optimize the engagement
and achievement of ALL students?
then the other person can help them.
I chose to use different methods of learning such as hands on, auditory and visual work; by
using multiple modes of learning, no matter how the students learn, hopefully at least one of
the activities will reach them and remember. I have also used a combination of group work, and
individual work in order to give the students a variety.
By letting the students play first, they can gain experiential knowledge; this will help them when
I teach the concepts because they will have a knowledge or a foundation to work from. Since
new material is understood best by building on experiences or preexisting knowledge, the
students will have a foundation to work from. My choice to play the video from lesson one in
the second lesson lets the students review/ refresh the material from the day before as they are
walking in and before they have quiz.
How will we get there?
Instructional Plan – activities:
Consider using:
Multiple Intelligences
Rich problems
Math journals
Integration with other subject areas
Teacher’s guide
Activities/Lesson 1 (50 min)
Hook- Introduce triangles and provide pipe cleaners to play with- game (create as many different
combinations as possible)
 Introduce labels for different triangles (scalene/ isosceles/ equilateral/ right angle)
Media- Play song -
Game- In teams of 2 with play dough and pipe cleaners. Show me a… (review different names, play
Math response- In your math journal, draw and write what kinds of triangles there are and write
what you know about the lengths of their sides.
**Key questions:
What is a triangle? / What kinds of triangles are there? / What do we notice about the length of the
Activities/Lesson 2 (50 min)
Media- (as they are walking in)
Quiz/ Entrance Slip- Draw me the 4 kinds of triangles and label them (from last class)
Hook- Name/draw/ do with arms the angles (acute/ obtuse/ right/ straight/ reflex)
Game: Simon Says- act out the angle that I name (acute/ obtuse/ right/ straight/ reflex add in
triangles- with partner)
Estimating Angles (acute= less than 90, obtuse= more than 90)- how do we know for sure
(protractor) – smart board (writing on it)
Worksheet- angles (label the different kinds)
In your math journal write the different kinds of angles and when you might see them in real life
Activities/Lesson 3 (50 min)
Media: Snowboarding video-
Key Question: Why would I show this video?  Angles are everywhere in real life
Introduce a compass and how it works (360= one full spin like video)
Activity/ Game: Geo Cashing (take students outside with the I-pads and geocash for 4 different
planted geo-cashes)
In your math journal tell me how this relates to the angles we have been learning and one thing you
discovered today
Green- Media
Blue- Instruction
Yellow- Game
Dark Blue- Hook
Red- Journal
Orange- Worksheet
Purple- Quiz
From: Wiggins, Grant and J. Mc Tighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (ppk)