Title Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Member Town Bo Party Party dy _ID Ashe of Burlingto Burlingto S n n Ayer of Weybrid Weybrid S ge ge Balint of Brattlebo Brattlebo S ro ro Baruth of Burlingto Burlingto S n n Benning of Lyndon S Lyndon District FirstN M LastNa Email ame I me D/P Chittend Democrat/Pro en Tim gressive District D Democrat D Democrat D Democrat R Republican Addison Claire District Windha m Becca District Chittend en Philip District Caledon ia Joe District R Ashe tashe@leg.state.vt.us D Ayer cayer@leg.state.vt.us A Balint bbalint@leg.state.vt.u s E Baruth pbaruth@leg.state.vt. us C Benning jbenning@leg.state.vt .us Senator Bray of New Haven S D Democrat Addison Christo A Bray District pher Senator Campbel l of Quechee S Quechee D Democrat Windsor Campbel jcampbell@leg.state. John F. F District l vt.us A Campion Senator Senator Senator Senator Campion of Benningt on Collamor e of Rutland Town Cummin gs of Montpeli er Degree of St. Albans City New Haven cbray@leg.state.vt.us Benningt S on D Democrat Benning ton Brian District Rutland S Town R Republican Rutland Brian District P Collamo bcollamore@leg.state re .vt.us E Cummin acummings@leg.state gs .vt.us Montpeli S er D Democrat Washin gton Ann District St. Albans City R Republican Franklin Dustin A Degree District S bcampion@leg.state. vt.us ddegree@leg.state.vt. us Senator Doyle of Montpeli Montpeli S er er R Republican Washin gton Bill District T Doyle wdoyle@leg.state.vt. us Senator Flory of Pittsford S Pittsford R Republican Rutland Peg District K Flory pflory@leg.state.vt.us Senator Kitchel of Danville S Danville D Democrat Senator Lyons of Williston S Williston D Democrat Senator MacDon ald of Williams S Williams town town D Democrat Orange Mark District A. A Senator Mazza of Colchest Colchest S er er D Democrat Grand Isle Dick District T Mazza R Republican Franklin Norm District H McAllist nmcallister@leg.state er .vt.us D Democrat Windsor Dick District J McCorm rmccormack@leg.stat ack e.vt.us R Republican Rutland Kevin District J Mullin D Democrat Windsor Alice District W. W Nitka Middlese S x P/D/ W Washin Progressive/D Anthon gton emocrat y District Glover S D Democrat Benningt S on D Democrat Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator Senator McAllist er of Highgate S Highgate McCorm ack of Bethel S Bethel Mullin of Rutland Rutland S Town Town Nitka of Ludlow Ludlow Pollina of Middlese x Rodgers of Glover Sears of Benningt on S Caledon ia Jane Kitchel District Virgini Chittend a en V Lyons "Ginny District " EssexOrleans John District Benning ton Dick District jkitchel@leg.state.vt. us vlyons@leg.state.vt.u s MacDon mmacdonald@leg.sta ald te.vt.us Pollina anitka@leg.state.vt.us apollina@leg.state.vt. us S Rodgers jrodgers@leg.state.vt. us W Sears rsears@leg.state.vt.us Senator Senator Sirotkin South of South Burlingto S Burlingto n n Snelling of Hinesbur S Hinesbur g g D Democrat Chittend Michae msirotkin@leg.state.v en D Sirotkin l t.us District R Republican Chittend en Diane District B Snelling dsnelling@leg.state.v t.us Senator Starr of Troy S D Democrat EssexOrleans Robert A Starr District Senator Westman of Cambrid S Cambrid ge ge R Republican Lamoill Westma e Richard A n District Senator White of Putney Putney D Democrat Windha Jeanett m K White e K. District Senator Zuckerm an of Hinesbur S Hinesbur g g P/D/ W Chittend Progressive/D en David emocrat District D Democrat Washin Janet gton-6 R Republican Chittend rbancroft@leg.state.v Robert L Bancroft en-8-3 t.us D Democrat Windsor Bartholo jbartholomew@leg.st John L. L -1 mew ate.vt.us H R Republican Addison Fred -4 K Baser H R Republican OrleansLynn 1 D St. Johnsbur H y R Republican Caledon Scott ia-3 L Beck sbeck@leg.state.vt.us Manches H ter D Democrat Benning Steven E Berry ton-4 sberry@leg.state.vt.us Troy Represent Ancel of Calais ative Calais S H Bancroft Represent of Westford H ative Westford Bartholo Represent mew of Hartland H ative Hartland Represent Baser of Bristol ative Bristol Batchelo Represent r of ative Derby Beck of Represent St. ative Johnsbur y Berry of Represent Manches ative ter Derby E rstarr@leg.state.vt.us jwhite@leg.state.vt.us Zuckerm dzuckerman@leg.stat an e.vt.us Ancel fbaser@leg.state.vt.us Batchelo lbatchelor@leg.state. r vt.us Represent Beyor of Highgate H ative Highgate R Republican Franklin Steve -5 Bissonne Represent tte of Winoosk H ative Winoosk i i D Democrat Chittend Clemen Bissonne cbissonnette@leg.stat J en-6-7 t tte e.vt.us Botzow Represent of Pownal ative Pownal D Democrat Benning Willia bbotzow@leg.state.vt G Botzow ton-1 m .us H C Beyor sbeyor@leg.state.vt.u s Branagan Represent of Georgia H ative Georgia R Republican Caroly Franklin n Branaga cbranagan@leg.state. W -1 Whitne n vt.us y Brennan Represent of Colchest H ative Colchest er er R Republican Chittend pbrennan@leg.state.v Patrick M Brennan en-9-2 t.us D Democrat Windsor Timoth C Briglin Orange- y 2 Arlingto H n D Democrat Benning Brownin cbrowning@leg.state. Cynthia M ton-4 g vt.us West H Rutland R Republican Rutland- Thoma B Burditt 2 s tburditt@leg.state.vt. us Brattlebo H ro P Progressive Windha Mollie S Burke m-2-2 S. mburke@leg.state.vt. us sbuxton@leg.state.vt. us Briglin Represent of Thetford H ative Thetford Brownin Represent g of ative Arlingto n Burditt Represent of West ative Rutland Burke of Represent Brattlebo ative ro Buxton Represent of ative Tunbridg e Canfield Represent of Fair ative Haven tbriglin@leg.state.vt. us Tunbridg H e D Democrat Windsor Sarah Orange- E. 1 Fair Haven H R Republican Rutland- Willia wcanfield@leg.state. P Canfield 3 m vt.us Represent Carr of Brandon H ative Brandon D Democrat Rutland- Stephe A Carr 6 n E Buxton scarr@leg.state.vt.us ChesnutTangerm Middleto Represent an of wn H ative Middleto Springs wn Springs Christie Represent of Hartford H ative Hartford Clarkson Represent of Woodsto H ative Woodsto ck ck Cole of Represent Burlingto Burlingto H ative n n Condon Represent of Colchest H ative Colchest er er P Progressive RutlandBenning Robin ton D Democrat Windsor Kevin -4-2 D Democrat Windsor Alison aclarkson@leg.state.v H Clarkson -5 H. t.us D Democrat Chittend Joanna E Cole en-6-1 D Democrat Chittend James en-9-1 D Democrat Franklin dconnor@leg.state.vt. Daniel F Connor -6 us H D Democrat OrangeConques cconquest@leg.state. Caledon Charles W t vt.us ia H D Democrat OrangeSarah 2 H D Democrat Benning Timoth Corcora tcorcoran@leg.state.v R ton-2-1 y R. n t.us H R Republican Rutland- Lawren P Cupoli 5-2 ce lcupoli@leg.state.vt.u s H D Democrat Windsor Leigh -3-1 ldakin@leg.state.vt.us Connor Represent of Fairfield H ative Fairfield Conquest Represent of Newbury ative Newbury Copeland Represent -Hanzas Bradford ative of Bradford Corcoran Represent of Benningt ative Benningt on on Cupoli of Represent Rutland Rutland ative City City Represent Dakin of Chester ative Chester Chesnut- rchesnutJ Tangerm tangerman@leg.state. an vt.us B Christie kchristie@leg.state.vt .us jcole@leg.state.vt.us O Condon Copelan scopelandhanzas@leg L d.state.vt.us Hanzas J Dakin Dakin of Represent Colchest Colchest H ative er er Represent Dame of Essex H ative Essex Davis of Represent Washingt Washingt H ative on on D Democrat Chittend Mauree P Dakin en-9-2 n mdakin@leg.state.vt. us R Republican Chittend Paul en-8-2 R Dame pdame@leg.state.vt.u s P Progressive OrangeSusan 1 H Davis sdavis@leg.state.vt.us D Democrat Windha David m-4 L. L Deen ddeen@leg.state.vt.us R Republican RutlandDennis Devereu ddevereux@leg.state. Windsor J J. x vt.us -2 R Republican Franklin Dickinso edickinson@leg.state. Eileen G -3-2 n vt.us R Republican Washin Anne gton-1 B. D Democrat Chittend Johann jdonovan@leg.state.v L Donovan en-6-5 ah t.us I Independent Addison aeastman@leg.state.v Alyson L Eastman -Rutland t.us D Democrat Windsor Alice -3-2 M. H D Democrat Chittend Debbie G Evans en-8-1 devans@leg.state.vt.u s Fagan of Represent Rutland Rutland H ative City City R Republican RutlandPeter J. J Fagan 5-1 pfagan@leg.state.vt.u s Represent Feltus of Lyndon ative Lyndon R Republican Caledon Martha A Feltus ia-4 Deen of Represent Westmin Westmin H ative ster ster Devereu Represent x of Mount H ative Mount Holly Holly Dickinso St. Represent n of St. Albans H ative Albans Town Town Donahue Represent of Northfiel H ative Northfiel d d Donovan Represent of Burlingto H ative Burlingto n n Eastman Represent of Orwell H ative Orwell Emmons Represent of Springfie H ative Springfie ld ld Represent Evans of Essex ative Essex H B Donahue M Emmons adonahue@leg.state.v t.us aemmons@leg.state.v t.us Fields of Represent Benningt Benningt H ative on on Fiske of Represent Enosburg Enosburg H ative h h Forguites Represent of Springfie H ative Springfie ld ld Represent Frank of Underhill H ative Underhill French Represent of ative Randolp h Gage of Represent Rutland ative City Gamache Represent of ative Swanton Gonzalez Represent of ative Winoosk i Grad of Represent Moretow ative n Graham Represent of ative Williams town D Democrat Benning Rachae D Fields ton-2-1 l rfields@leg.state.vt.u s R Republican Franklin Larry -7 lfiske@leg.state.vt.us D Democrat Windsor Forguite rforguites@leg.state.v Robert J -3-2 s t.us D Democrat Chittend Willia R Frank en-3 m G Fiske Randolp H h D Democrat OrangeWashin Patsy gtonAddison Rutland H City R Republican Rutland- Dougla A Gage 5-4 s Swanton H R Republican Franklin Marian Gamach mgamache@leg.state. R -4 na e vt.us Winoosk H i P Progressive Chittend Diana en-6-7 Moretow H n D Democrat Washin Maxine J Grad gton-7 Williams H town R Republican Orangergraham@leg.state.vt. Rodney P Graham 1 us I Independent Washin Adam gton-7 P Progressive Windsor Sandy J Haas -Rutland D Democrat Chittend Helen en-7-3 Greshin Represent of Warren ative Warren H Haas of Represent Rocheste Rocheste H ative r r South Represent Head of Burlingto H ative South n T French E pfrench@leg.state.vt. us dgage@leg.state.vt.us Gonzale dgonzalez@leg.state. z vt.us M Greshin J Head mgrad@leg.state.vt.u s agreshin@leg.state.vt. us shaas@leg.state.vt.us Burlingto n Represent Hebert of Vernon ative Vernon H R Republican Windha Michae J Hebert m-1 l mhebert@leg.state.vt. us Helm of Represent Fair Fair ative Haven Haven H R Republican RutlandRobert G Helm 3 rhelm@leg.state.vt.us Represent Higley of Lowell ative Lowell H R Republican OrleansLamoill Mark e A Higley mhigley@leg.state.vt. us Hooper Represent of Montpeli H ative Montpeli er er D Democrat Washin Mary gton-4 S. S Hooper mhooper@leg.state.vt .us Represent Hubert Milton ative of Milton H R Republican Chittend Ronald E Hubert en-10 E. rhubert@leg.state.vt.u s Huntley Represent of Cavendis H ative Cavendis h h D Democrat Windsor Mark -2 mhuntley@leg.state.v t.us Represent Jerman Essex ative of Essex H D Democrat Chittend Timoth en-8-2 y Represent Jewett of Ripton ative Ripton H D Democrat Addison Willem W Jewett -2 wjewett@leg.state.vt. us mjohnson@leg.state. vt.us A Huntley Jerman tjerman@leg.state.vt. us H D Democrat Grand IsleMitzi Chittend en Cambrid H ge R Republican Lamoill Bernar Juskiewi bjuskiewicz@leg.stat C e-3 d cz e.vt.us St. Albans City H D Democrat Franklin Kathlee kkeenan@leg.state.vt. C Keenan -3-1 n C. us Represent Kitzmille Montpeli H ative r of er D Democrat Washin Warren Kitzmill wkitzmiller@leg.state F gton-4 F. er .vt.us Johnson Represent South of South ative Hero Hero Juskiewi Represent cz of ative Cambrid ge Keenan Represent of St. ative Albans City Johnson Montpeli er Klein of East Represent East Montpeli H ative Montpeli er er D Democrat Washin Anthon W Klein gton-5 y tklein@leg.state.vt.us Benning pkomline@leg.state.v tonPatricia C Komline t.us Rutland Grand IsleRobert C Krebs rkrebs@leg.state.vt.us Chittend en Represent Komline Dorset ative of Dorset H R Republican Krebs of Represent South South ative Hero Hero H D Democrat Krowins Represent ki of Burlingto H ative Burlingto n n D Democrat Chittend Jill en-6-3 R Republican Washin rlaclair@leg.state.vt.u Robert B LaClair gton-2 s D Democrat Chittend mlalonde@leg.state.v Martin J LaLonde en-7-1 t.us D Democrat Addison Diane -3 R Republican Caledon Lawrenc rlawrence@leg.state. Richard H ia-4 e vt.us LaClair Represent Barre of Barre H ative Town Town LaLonde South Represent of South Burlingto H ative Burlingto n n Lanpher Represent of Vergenn H ative Vergenn es es Lawrenc Represent e of Lyndon H ative Lyndon L Krowins jkrowinski@leg.state. ki vt.us M Lanpher dlanpher@leg.state.vt .us Lefebvre Represent of Newark H ative Newark R Republican EssexCaledon Paul iaOrleans Lenes of Represent Shelburn Shelburn H ative e e D Democrat Chittend Joan G. G Lenes en-5-2 jlenes@leg.state.vt.us Represent Lewis of Berlin ative Berlin R Republican Washin Patti J. J Lewis gton-1 plewis@leg.state.vt.u s H D Lefebvre plefebvre@leg.state.v t.us Lippert Represent of Hinesbur H ative Hinesbur g g D Democrat Chittend Willia J Lippert en-4-2 m J. wlippert@leg.state.vt. us Represent Long of Newfane H ative Newfane D Democrat Windha Emily m-5 elong@leg.state.vt.us Represent Lucke of Hartford H ative Hartford D Democrat Windsor Gabriel M Lucke -4-2 le D Democrat Chittend Terenc tmacaig@leg.state.vt. D Macaig en-2 e us D Democrat Windha Ann m-6 R Republican Orleans- Michae mmarcotte@leg.state. J Marcotte 2 l vt.us R Republican Caledon Marcia R Martel ia-1 mmartel@leg.state.vt. us D Democrat Lamoill Linda e-2 J. J Martin lmartin@leg.state.vt.u s D Democrat Windsor James Orange2 W Masland jmasland@leg.state.vt .us D Democrat Chittend Curt en-6-3 A R Republican Rutlandpmccoy@leg.state.vt. Patricia A McCoy 1 us McCullo Represent ugh of Williston H ative Williston D Democrat Chittend James en-2 McFaun Represent Barre of Barre ative Town Town R Republican Washin fmcfaun@leg.state.vt. Francis M McFaun gton-2 us Macaig Represent of Williston H ative Williston Manwari Represent ng of Wilmingt H ative Wilmingt on on Marcotte Represent of Coventry H ative Coventry Martel of Represent Waterfor Waterfor H ative d d Represent Martin of Wolcott H ative Wolcott Masland Represent of Thetford H ative Thetford McCorm Represent ack of Burlingto H ative Burlingto n n McCoy Represent of Poultney H ative Poultney H J Long P M glucke@leg.state.vt.u s Manwari amanwaring@leg.stat ng e.vt.us McCorm cmccormack@leg.stat ack e.vt.us McCullo ugh Miller of Represent Shaftsbur Shaftsbur H ative y y Morris of Represent Benningt Benningt H ative on on Morrisse Represent y of Benningt H ative Benningt on on Mrowick Represent i of Putney H ative Putney Murphy Represent of Fairfax H ative Fairfax D Democrat Benning Alice ton-3 Miller amiller@leg.state.vt.u s D Democrat Benning Ruqaiy K Morris ton-2-2 ah kmorris@leg.state.vt. us R Republican Benning Mary ton-2-2 A. D Democrat Windha Michae m-4 l I Independent Franklin bmurphy@leg.state.vt Barbara S Murphy -2 .us R Republican Chittend Linda en-8-1 K. K Myers lmyers@leg.state.vt.u s D Democrat Addison Betty -1 A. A Nuovo bnuovo@leg.state.vt. us D Democrat Chittend Anne aobrien@leg.state.vt. T O'Brien en-1 Theresa us D Democrat Chittend Jean en-6-2 I Independent Windha mBenning Oliver K Olsen tonWindsor H R Republican Franklin Corey -3-1 Windha H m D Democrat Windha Caroly cpartridge@leg.state. W Partridge m-3 n W. vt.us Represent Myers of Essex ative Essex H Nuovo of Represent Middleb Middleb H ative ury ury O'Brien Represent of Richmon H ative Richmon d d O'Sulliva Represent n of Burlingto H ative Burlingto n n Olsen of Represent Londond Londond H ative erry erry Parent of Represent St. ative Albans Town Partridge Represent of ative Windha m St. Albans Town A Morrisse mmorrissey@leg.stat y e.vt.us Mrowick mmrowicki@leg.state i .vt.us D O'Sulliv josullivan@leg.state. an vt.us J Parent cparent@leg.state.vt. us Democrat Lamoill eAvram I Patt Washin gton apatt@leg.state.vt.us R Republican Franklin Albert E Pearce -5 apearce@leg.state.vt. us P Progressive Chittend Christo cpearson@leg.state.vt A Pearson en-6-4 pher .us I Independent Washin Paul N. N Poirier gton-3 ppoirier@leg.state.vt. us D Democrat RutlandDavid 2 E Potter dpotter@leg.state.vt.u s D Democrat Chittend Ann en-7-2 D Pugh apugh@leg.state.vt.us R Republican Chittend Joey en-9-1 A Purvis jpurvis@leg.state.vt.u s R Republican EssexConsta cquimby@leg.state.vt Caledon N Quimby nce .us ia D Democrat Chittend Barbara en-6-6 D Democrat Chittend Kesha K Ram en-6-4 K. kram@leg.state.vt.us D Democrat RutlandHerbert A Russell 5-3 hrussell@leg.state.vt. us Democrat OrangeWashin Marjori mryerson@leg.state.v Q Ryerson gtone t.us Addison Patt of Represent Worceste Worceste H ative r r D Represent Pearce of Richford H ative Richford Pearson Represent of Burlingto H ative Burlingto n n Poirier of Represent Barre Barre H ative City City Potter of Represent Clarendo Clarendo H ative n n Pugh of South Represent South Burlingto H ative Burlingto n n Purvis of Represent Colchest Colchest H ative er er Quimby Represent of Concord H ative Concord Rachelso Represent n of Burlingto H ative Burlingto n n Ram of Represent Burlingto Burlingto H ative n n Russell Represent of Rutland H ative Rutland City City Ryerson Represent of Randolp H ative Randolp h h D Rachelso brachelson@leg.state. n vt.us Savage Represent of Swanton H ative Swanton R Republican Franklin Brian -4 K. K Savage Scheuer Represent mann of Stowe ative Stowe H R Republican Lamoill Heidi e-1 E. E Represent Sharpe Bristol ative of Bristol H D Democrat Addison David -4 D Sharpe dsharpe@leg.state.vt. us Represent Shaw of Pittsford H ative Pittsford R Republican RutlandButch 6 H Shaw bshaw@leg.state.vt.u s Represent Shaw of Derby ative Derby H R Republican OrleansLoren 1 T Shaw lshaw@leg.state.vt.us Sheldon Represent of Middleb H ative Middleb ury ury D Democrat Addison Amy -1 D Sheldon asheldon@leg.state.vt .us bsavage@leg.state.vt. us Scheuer hscheuermann@leg.st mann ate.vt.us Represent Sibilia of Dover ative Dover H I Independent Windha mLaura Benning ton H Sibilia lsibilia@leg.state.vt.u s Smith of Represent New New ative Haven Haven H R Republican Addison Harvey T Smith -5 hsmith@leg.state.vt.u s Smith of Represent Morristo Morristo H ative wn wn D Democrat Stevens Represent of Waterbur H ative Waterbur y y D Democrat Represent Strong of Albany ative Albany H R Republican Stuart of Represent Brattlebo Brattlebo H ative ro ro D Democrat Lamoill eWashin gton Washin gtonChittend en OrleansCaledon ia Shaplei gh Smith speaker@leg.state.vt. us Thoma tstevens@leg.state.vt. S Stevens s us M Strong vstrong@leg.state.vt. us Windha Valerie A Stuart m-2-1 A. vstuart@leg.state.vt.u s Vicki Sullivan Represent of Burlingto H ative Burlingto n n Sweaney Represent of Windsor H ative Windsor D Democrat Chittend Mary en-6-5 D Democrat Windsor dsweaney@leg.state. Donna G Sweaney -1 vt.us M Sullivan msullivan@leg.state. vt.us Represent Tate of Mendon H ative Mendon R Republican RutlandWindsor Job -1 Terenzini Represent of Rutland H ative Rutland Town Town R Republican Rutland- Thoma Terenzin tterenzini@leg.state.v P 4 s i t.us Represent Till of ative Jericho H D Democrat Chittend George W Till en-3 W. gtill@leg.state.vt.us Toleno Represent of Brattlebo H ative Brattlebo ro ro D Democrat Windha Tristan D Toleno m-2-3 ttoleno@leg.state.vt.u s D Democrat Caledon iaCatheri B Toll Washin ne gton ktoll@leg.state.vt.us D Democrat Chittend Townsen mtownsend@leg.state Maida F en-7-4 d .vt.us D Democrat Windha Matthe A Trieber m-3 w D Democrat Caledon ctroiano@leg.state.vt. Joseph J Troiano ia-2 us H R Republican Chittend Donald H Turner en-10 dturner@leg.state.vt.u s Van Represent Wyck of Ferrisbur H ative Ferrisbur gh gh R Republican Addison Warren -3 wvanwyck@leg.state. vt.us Jericho Represent Toll of Danville H ative Danville Townsen d of South Represent South Burlingto H ative Burlingto n n Trieber Represent of Rocking H ative Rocking ham ham Troiano Represent of Stannard H ative Stannard Represent Turner of Milton ative Milton B Tate Van Wyck jtate@leg.state.vt.us Viens of Represent Newport ative City Walz of Represent Barre ative City Webb of Represent Shelburn ative e Willhoit Represent of St. ative Johnsbur y Newport H City R Republican OrleansGary 2 G Viens gviens@leg.state.vt.u s Barre City H D Democrat Washin Tommy J Walz gton-3 twalz@leg.state.vt.us Shelburn H e D Democrat Chittend Kathry L Webb en-5-1 n kwebb@leg.state.vt.u s St. Johnsbur H y R Republican Caledon jwillhoit@leg.state.vt. Janssen D Willhoit ia-3 us D Democrat Washin gtonTheresa A Wood Chittend en D Democrat Lamoill Mark e-2 R Republican Chittend Kurt en-6-1 D Democrat Chittend Michae Yantach myantachka@leg.stat I en-4-1 l ka e.vt.us H D Democrat OrleansCaledon Samuel R Young ia syoung@leg.state.vt.u s Represent Zagar of Barnard H ative Barnard D Democrat Windsor Teo -4-1 tzagar@leg.state.vt.us Wood of Represent Waterbur Waterbur H ative y y Woodwa Represent rd of Johnson H ative Johnson Wright Represent of Burlingto H ative Burlingto n n Yantachk Represent a of Charlotte H ative Charlotte Represent Young of Glover ative Glover E twood@leg.state.vt.us Woodwa mwoodward@leg.stat rd e.vt.us Wright E Zagar kwright@leg.state.vt. us