cs141-java with database

Course Code and Description
Prepared by:
Prerequisite/s: CS140
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Professor/s handling this subject: ______________________________________________________________________
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Number of units: 4
Textbook (if any): Java Programming by Joyce Farrel
Java 21 days SAMS
COURSE OUTLINE and REFERENCES: This course, which is specifically designed for students enrolled in the Paralegal
Program, focuses on the most important canons of legal ethics practiced in the legal profession.
No. of
I. Review on Java Fundamentals
 Looping And Arrays
 Object Oriented Approached
II. Java EE (Enterprise Edition) Introduction
 Java EE Overview
 Java EE Technologies
 Java EE Architecture
 Model-View-Controller (MVC) Design
III. Servlets and JavaServerPages (JSP) with the
JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
 Web Application Basics
 How the Web works. Thin
If it is from the textbook, just write the page number/s.
For books, websites, journals, readings, etc., please write
the specific titles, URLs, author and edition
Java Programming by Joyce Farrel
Java 21 days SAMS
Introduction to Java Arrays
Java Introduction
Array Basics
Java Arrays, Objects, Methods
Java for Beginners
Chapter 9 Introduction to Arrays
Java Language Fundamentals
One Dimensional Array
Java Concepts - Ch07 Arrays.ppt
Java Fundamentals tutorial-Object Oriented
Java Enterprise Edition v 5.0 API
Java EE 5
Java Enterprise Edition 6 Overview.htm
Java EE 6 Technologies
Java EE 5 Technologies
Java EE 5- Tutorial
Java EE Architecture
Model-View-Controller Pattern
Faster Development with Java Server Pages
Standard Tag Library JSTL 1.0
JSP Processing
JSP Standard Tag Library Eases Webpage
Clients, TCP/IP
HTTP Overview, Brief HTML
Overview of Java EE, Servlets
And Web Application
Servlet Basic
Quiz no. 1
 HTML Forms
 HTTP: Request-Response, headers, GET,
 Overview: How Servlets Work
- Servlet Lifecycle: init (), service ( ),
destroy ( )
- Request and Responses
Core Servlet API: Generic Servlet,
Servlet Request and Servlet Response
HTTP Servlets: HTTP Servlet Request.
HTTP Servlet Response and Http Servlet
Accessing Parameters
Activity Practice Exercise
Quiz no. 2
 Additional Servlet Capabilities
- HTTP Headers and MIME Types
- Request Dispatcher: Including and
- Sharing Data With the Request
object attributes
- Sharing Data with Servlet Context
- Error Handling
Activity: Practice and Exercise
HandS-on: Graded Exercise #1:
 Java Server Pages
 Basics and Overview
- JSP Architecture
- JSP Tags and JSP Expressions
- Fixed Template Data
- Lifecycle of a JSP
 Model-View-Controller (MVC)
- Model 1/Model 2 Architecture
 Data Sharing among Servlets and JSP
Chapter 9 JSP Standard Tag Library
Java ServerPages as Web Clients
Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library
Java Server Pages Overview
Using Java Persistence in a Java EE 5 Web
Servlet Basics
Basics of Servlet
Servlet Basics 2
Servlet Basics 3
Servlet Basics 4
Lecture 9 Java Servlet and JSP
Java Servlets
Introduction to Forms
The Form Element
HTML Forms
Creating and Processing HTML Forms
An Overview of Request Headers
HTTP Post Basics
HTTP Post Request
Handling Client Request: HTTP Request
Chapter 2 HTTP Servlet Basics
An Overview of Servlet and JSP Technology
Servlets- An Overview
Core Servlets
Servlet API Quick Reference
Editing MIME Types
MIME Headers
Request Dispatcher
Request Dispatcher
Integrating Sevlets and JSP: The Model View
Controller (MVC) Architecture
JSP Implicot Objects
JSP Scope Variable and Data Sharing
JSP Architecture
JSP Architecture
JSP Architecture
JSP Architecture
Simplifying to Java Code: The JSP 2.0
Expression Language
JSP- Expression Language
JSP Tags
Fixed Template Data
The Lifecycle of a JSP Page
Object scopes or “ Buckets”
Request, Application, Session and
Page Scope
Predefined JSP implicit objects
(request, session, application, page)\
Activity: Practice Exercise
Hands-On #2,#3 and #4
Quiz # 3
 Using Custom Tags
- Custom Tags Overview
- Reducing JSP Complexity
- Tag Libraries
 Tag Library Descriptor (TLD)
 Loading a Tag Library in a
web application
 The JSTL
 JSP Expression Language
 Using Custom tags
JSP Life Cycle
The JSP Life Cycle
Understanding JSP Life Cycle
Basic Principles in JSP
Web-Tier Application Framework Design
MVC Architecture (Model 2 Architecture)
Struts Framework and Model-View-Controller
JSP Model 1, Model 2 Architectures and MVC
Integrating Servlets and JSP: Model View
Controller (MVC) Architecture
JSP Architecture, JSP Model 1 Architecture,
JSP Model 2 Architecture
Model View Controller
Study of J2EE Patterns
Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture
Custom Tag Libraries
Development with JSP and XML --Part III:
Developing Custom Tags
Designing and Deploying JSP Applications]
JSP Design Notes
Tag Library Descriptors
The Java EE Tutorial
Tag Libraries