Unit V: Biogeochemical cycles (P, O, N- symbiotic and asymbiotic nitrogen fixation, sulphur and carbon cycles). Symbiotic and asymbiotic associations, Biopesticides, Bioinsecticides. EXPLAIN ABOUT BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLE: (Section C) INTRODUCTION Biogeochemical cycling of essential nutrient elements occurs both within ecosystem and on a global basis. A chemical form of an element represents a reservoir. The turnover of a reservoir depends on both the intensity of cycling and reservoir size. Biogeochemical cycling describes the movement and conversion of materials by biochemical activities throughout the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. This cycling occurs on a global scale, profoundly affecting the geology and present environment of our planet. Biogeochemical cycles includes physical transformation such as dissolution, precipitation, volatilization and fixation; chemical transformation such bio-synthesis, biodegradation and oxido- reductive biotransformation and various combinations of physical and chemical changes. All living organisms participate in the biogeochemical cycling of materials but microorganisms because of their ubiquity, metabolic capabilities and high enzymatic activity rates, play a major role in biogeochemical cycling. Most elements are subject to some degree of biogeochemical cycling. As may be expected, elements that are essential components of living organism, the so-called biogenic elements, are most regularly subject to biogeochemical cycling. The intensity (or) rate of biogeochemical cycling for each element roughly correlates to the amount of the element in the chemical composition of biomass. The major elemental components of living organisms (C, H, O, P, N and S) are cycled most intensely. Soil microorganisms serve as biogeochemical agents for the conversion of complex organic compounds into simple inorganic compounds (or) into their constituent elements. The overall process called Mineralization. This conversion of complex organic compounds into inorganic compounds (or) elements provides for the continuity of elements as nutrients for plants and animals including people. CARBON CYCLE: (Section B) INTRODUCTION: The maintenance of organic compounds on the soil depends on the photosynthetic property of crop plant grown in the soil. The photosynthesis of carbon compounds by green plants and bacteria helps in maintaining the balance. The organic substance synthesize by them serve as source if energy and food material for other bidder and smaller forms of life. CARBON CYCLE: The cycle of carbon in nature comprises the two main processes. 1. Conversion of oxidized form of carbon into reduced organic form by photosynthetic organism: Carbon dioxide is reduced into organic compounds mainly by the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthetic algae (or) the higher plants are the important agents of fixing carbon-di-oxide. In the ocean the major plant forms that fix CO2 are the free floating microscopic algae called phytoplankton. They are estimated to fix annually 1.2X1010 tons of carbon. Nearly 1.6 x1010 tons of carbon is said to be fixed annually by photosynthetic terrestrial plant life. Besides autotrophic are heterotrophic bacteria are also capable of synthesis organic matter from inorganic carbon, in addition to the occurrence of photosynthesis among microorganism, the latter also represent the example of CO2 fixation into organic compound which are as follows: a. The CO2 represent the sole source of carbon for autotrophic bacteria. The latter fix CO2 to carbohydrate by a reduction reaction. 1 CO2 + 2H2 (CH2O)x + H2O b. Heterotrophic bacteria fix CO2 commonly CH3-CO-COOH + HOOC-CH2-CO-COOH 2. Restoration of original oxidized form (CO2) through mineralization of organic form: One can consider three different modes through which the organic matter is mineralized and the co2 is released in the atmosphere. (i) Process of respiration (ii) Accidental (forest fire) and intentional (fuel) burning (iii) Decomposition of organic matter by microorganism The process of respiration in plants and animals and the accidental (or) intentional burning of plants and their parts result in the breakdown of organic carbon compounds releasing co2 in the atmosphere. DECOMPOSITION OF ORGANIC MATTER BY MICROORGANISM: The carbon cycle has 2 components that affect soil microbiology. a. A slow cycle : in which carbon turnover is measured in 100s of 1000s of years and involves rocj weathering and dissolution of carbonated on land and in oceans. b. A fast cycle: in which carbon turnover is measured in years (or) decades and is principally biological in nature. The fast cycle most directly affecting and most affected by soil microorganism. Most organic carbon in soil comes from soil. This carbon represents the residue of plants on the soil surface and organic carbon coming from the decomposition of roots in soil. Plant carbon can be roughly characterized as follows: 1. Carbohydrates: (30% to 75% of dry weight) a. Cellulose - 15% to 60% b. Hemi cellulose - 10% to 30% c. Sugar and starch - 1% to 5% 2. Lignin: 10% to 30% of dry weight 3. Pectin: 1% 4. Waxes and pigments 5. Other 5% to 20% a. Fats, Oils, Organic acids, Hydrocarbon The values varies because as plants age. Cellulose, a hemi cellulose and lignin content increases while the simple sugars, amino acids, proteins, fats and oils decreased. Cellulose Decomposition: Cellulose is the most abundant organic material in plants. It is readily attached by many species of fungi along with bacteria. The process of cellulose decomposition to CO2 can be summarised in the form of following reaction. Cellulose Cellobiose CELLULASE Cellobiose Glucose 2 - GLUCOSIDASE Glucose end products ENZYME SYSTEM OF CO2 + H2 O + and / or other MANY MICROBES The fungi which decompose cellulose in soil are Aspergillus, Penicillum, Fuzarium, Trichoderma, Verticillium etc., The bacteria which decompose cellulose are Bacillus, Achromobacter, Vibrio, Cellulomonas, Clostridium, Streptomyces, Pseudomonas etc. Hemicellulose Decomposition: Hemicellulose is a water soluble polysaccharide and consist of hexose, pentose and uronic acid. Glucose, Galactose, Mannose, Xylose, arabinose, Gluconic acid, Galactoronic acid are commonly found in the hemic-cellulose of plants. The fungi which degrade hemi-cellulose are Aspergillus Trichoderma, Fuzarium, Penicillum, Chetomium etc., The bacteria which degrade hemi-cellulose are Bacillus, Pseudomonas Streptomyces, Cytophaga, Actinomycetes etc., Lignin Decomposition: Microbial decomposition of lignin as attracted many investigations. Lignin is one of the most resident organic substances for the microorganism to degrade. Many basidiomycetes have been found to be possess special capacity in thuis regard. Only rarely have bacteria been found to reduce lignin. The fungi are Polyporus, Agaricus, Fomes, Armillaria etc., PHOSPHORUS CYCLE: (Section B) Phosphorus 2nd only to nitrogen as an inorganic nutrient needed by plants and microorganisms. It is an essential component of RNA, DNA, ATP and phospholipids. Phosphorus is not abundant component of the environment and long term cultivation without fertilization depletes soil phosphorus, whereas in fresh water, lakes and streams phosphorus is probable most nutrient for the plant and microbial growth. Most phosphorus is in rocks and soil and its gets into the sea, consequently, the largest reservoir of phosphorus in ocean is sediment. Phosphorus is present in the terrestrial environment in several forms and in several major pools. That can categorized as 1. Absorbed phosphorus: This form of phosphorus is the anion 3orthophosphates – Po4 , although at the pH of most soils sit is found as mono and di basic phosphorus H2 Po4- and H Po4-. Orthophosphates precipitates with the Ca2+, Mg2+, Fe2+ at neutral and alkaline pH. At high pH it ones more begins to become available because it is associated with Na ions. 2. Organic phosphorus: Much of the organic phosphorus in soil is unidentified forms. The most common identified form is inositol phosphate. Phytin is inositol hexa phosphate, one of the most common forms of plant producing organic phosphorus. Most inositol phosphate is found in forest soils than in grass land soils. Since inositol phosphate is not typically of microbial origin, this probably reflects the different storage forms of organic phosphates that occur in vegetation. 3. Mineral phosphorus: These are over 200 mineral forms of phosphorus in soil. Some of the most common mineral forms are the apatits which have the general formula: M10 (Po4)6X2 Where M = Ca and Mg ; X = Flurides , cl, oH, Co3 2Example: Ca10 (Po4)6F2 3 PHOSPHORUS CYCLE: Microbial cycling of phosphorus involves transforming phosphorus between inorganic and organic pools and insoluble and soluble forms. The amount of dissolved phosphorus in soil at anytime varies between 0.1 to 1 kg / hec. Solubilization: Bacteria that actively solublise phosphorus represent about 10% of the soil microbial population. They are primarily Rhizosphere organisms such as Bacillus, Micrococcus, Mycobacterium, Pseudomonas and some fungi Aspergillus, Penicillium etc., They are 3 basic mechanism of solubilizing mineral phosphorus and making it more available. 1. Chaelation: Organic compounds made by micro organism such as oxalic acid, citric acid, lactic acid Fumaric acid, Succinic acid, Glutamic acid can chaelate Ca2+, Mg2+ and Fe2+ thus destbilizaing the phosphate mineral and making phosphorus soluble. 2. Iron reduction : Ferrous ion is more soluble than ferric ion anaerobically by example H2S + Fe (Po4)2 FeS + 2H Po4 2Available phosphate is greater in air dried soils, compared tp water logger soil. The reason the phosphorus become more available when the soil is water logged is because the Fe becomes reduced and destabilizes the mineral phosphorus. 3. Acidification: Acid production by microorganism dissolves minerals. Thus, organic acids, nitric acids (produced by nitrifiers), sulphuric acid (produced by Thiobacillus) and carbonic acid (H2CO3) all release phosphorus from mineral forms. S0 H2SO4 H2SO4 + Ca3 (Po4 )2 H2 Po4 Immobilization: The concentration of phosphorus in soil solution is typically 0.1 to 1 ppm. Microbial concentration of phosphorus is 10 times higher than in plants. At low phosphorus concentration microorganism accumulate phosphorus from inorganic (or) organic sources at the expense of plants. Phosphorus gets into the cell after conversion to phosphate ester (or) ATP and is stores as polyphosphates. Immobilization depends on the growth demands of the microorganism and the proportion of P in organic compounds. P equal to 0.3% of the weight of an organic compound is required for the microbial community to develop its full extent. Mineralization: The microorganism breakdown the phosphorus containing compounds with the liberation of mineral elements such s Ca, Fe and Na and this process is known as mineralization. Organic phosphorus which makeup 30% to 50% of the total phosphorus in soil, must be mineralized before it is available. Phospholipids and nucleic acid degrade rapidly but inositol phosphate is slowly mineralized. Mineralization is favored by thermophilic temperature, neutral to alkaline pH and organic matter that is rich in phosphorus. SOIL MANAGEMENT Phosphorus concentration and mineralization are affected by soil management. Phosphorus is relatively immobile; it is readily precipitates. Consequently, it will stratify in surface horizons where the soil is not cultivated. Inoculation of organic compost with phosphates solubilizing Bacillus, Polymyxa plus nitrifying Azotobacter chrococcum help in improving the quality of manure by reducing the C:N ration from 15 to 12 and substantially improving the available phosphates. 4 SULPHUR CYCLE: (Section B) INTRODUCTION: The sulphur cycle was 1st discovered by Martineus Beijerink and Serge Winograsky in the late 80s. Sulphur is present in traces in the air and it makes up about 0.1% of the earth crust. In the industrial areas, the atmosphere contains high concentration of sulphur because of the burning of the coal. The Sulphur in the air may reach the soil through rain water. Most well and river water contain traces of sulphur. Sulphur and H2S are abundantly emitted from volcano. Plant utilize sulphur in the dissolved form Sulphate. It requirement varies with plant species. Generally, cruciferous plants require upto 40kg of sulphur / hec, where as cereals take less than 10kg / hec. Sulphur is present as sulphates, parts of aminoacids like methionine, cysteine and in some substances like thiamine, biotin and Glutathione (non-protein aminoacid). Sulphur Volcanoes H2S Bacterial reaction Plant protein Microbial degradation SO2 Animal protein Organics of protein (waste) SULPHUR TRANSFORMATION: 1. Inorganic transformation Anaerobic reductive environment 5 Sulphates Absorption by plant. Building up of protein SO42- S2Anaerobic oxidizing environment 2. Photosynthetic transformation Anaerobic, light environment H2S + CO2 3. Organic transformation S0 + (CH2O) n Aerobic and anaerobic environment SO42R – OS + R-SH 4. Mineralization R – OS H2 S + R R - SH SO42- + R The bacteria capable of oxidizing inorganic sulphur compound could either be aerobic (or) anaerobic. Their morphology varies from filamentous forms(Beggiatoa), (Thiothrix) to nonfilamentous form (Thiobacilllus). Some fungi and Actinomycetes have also been reported to be sulphur oxidize (Aspergillus, Penicillium etc.,) Sulphur reducing bacteri (Desulfovibrio desulfuricans) which reduce inorganic Sulphate into H 2S, have a role in completing the sulphur cycle in nature. Entry of Sulphur into the soil: Sulphur enter into the soil as organic compounds, in plant and animal residues as elemental sulphur, as hydrogen sulphide through rain water (or) as sulphur, Sulphate etc., in the fertilizers. The complex sulphur containing organic compounds reaching the soil are attacked by several soil dwellers. The proteins are decomposed to amino acids and amino acids breakdown to liberate H2S which is oxidized to Sulphate under aerobic condition. Under anaerobic condition some compounds like mercaptons may be evolved. Under aerobic condition the mercaptons are also oxidize to Sulphate. Oxidation: H2S, when washed into soil, is utilized by the characteristic autotraphs known as Sulfobacteria of the genus Thiobacillus and other forms as well T. thioparus ; T. thioxidans and T. denitrificans are strict chemosynthetic autotrophs, utilizing the energy liberated in the oxidation of sulphur. S2 + O2 + 2H2O 2H2SO4 2H2S + O2 S2 + 2H2O Thus, sulphur and H2S are oxidized to yield sulphuric acid which react with calcium phosphate and other substances. Reduction: Sometime Sulphate reduce to sulphite by the Sulphate reducing bacteria like Microspica desulphuricans and Sporovibrio desulphuricans. The reaction process is particularly favored by the alkaline and anaerobic conditions of soil, as the organism use Sulphate as the source of O2. In this process, H2S is released which gives the characteristic oduor. Besides the strict autotrophs of the genus Thiobacillus, there are several other members of facultative autotroph capable of reducing H2S and drive energy from it. Ex: Acromobacteriaceae, Chlorobacteriaceae, Thiobacteriaceae. These organisms utilize H2S as a hydrogen donor for the reduction of CO2. They are found in sulphur springs, sewage, stagnet water etc., They may also present in water pipes and cause serious offensive odor and obstruction to the flow. Sulphate reaction in sewage sysyem leads to the formation of sulphides. That are corrosive, toxin and smelly. One solution to add NO3 2- to the system (nitrate) because nitrate is more readily available electron acceptor than SO42- . The Sulphate and sulphuric acid when dissolved in water are more available for plant growth. The plant utilize the Sulphate to form various amino acids, growth factor etc., They are either taken by the animal (or) returned to the soil as organic waste. When the various complex organic sulfate compounds reach the soil they are attacked by soil micro organism and the cycle continues. 6 Acid Rain: Once the atmosphere, H2S and CH3SH (methyl sulfide) are oxidized to SO2 and precipitated to inorganic sulphur. Perhaps, half of the sulphur in the atmosphere in industrial and this has lead to some serious environmental condition. Burning of coal produces H2SO2 which eventually oxidized to H2SO3 (sulfurous acid). As a result of sulfur in atmosphere and acid amog the building decay will occur. The effect of this is acid rain. Acid rain is important where soils are not buffered but just 1.5 ppm SO2 lower the pH to 4. Lichens are extremely sensitive to SO2 and consequently make good bio-indicator of SO2 pollution. NITROGEN CYCLE: (Section B) Introduction: For agricultural N2, P and K constitute major nutrients from soil. Among them nitrogen is more susceptible to microbial transformation. The transformation of nitrogen involves inorganic, organic and volatile compounds and the direction of transformation depends in microorganism. Small portion of nitrogen in atmosphere is converted to organic compounds by certain free living (or) symbiotic microorganism. Nitrogen in proteins and nucleic acids, in plant tissues is consumed by animals where it is converted to simple and complex compound. When animals and plants, decay microbiologically, the organic nitrogen is released as ammonium which is utilized by vegetation (or) is oxidized to nitrate. Nitrate may also be used by plants (or) may be reduced to ammonium (or) gaseous nitrogen which is escapes to atmosphere. Like this terrestrial nitrogen cycle, a cycle operates in aquatic environment also. Atmospheric nitrogen Nitrogen fixation Denitrification Symbiotic Non-symbiotic (Rhizobium) (Anabaena, Azotobacter) Plant organic Nitrogen Animal Organic N2 Dead organic matter in soil In cells of micro organism Nitrate Nitrification Nitrobacter Denitrification Nitrite Nitrification Ammonia Nitrosomonas 7 Ammonification Amino acids Proteolysis (or) Decomposition of proteins by microorganism: Proteins consist of amino acid units linked together by the peptide linkage. They are invariably of L-optical form and their molecular weight may be as high as 1, 00,000. The structure of amino acid molecule varies from very simple form to highly complicated molecules. They may combine to form small units known as peptide. Many peptide units join to form protein. These are large and vary in different organic tissues. The proteins are broken down by the microorganism with the help of proteolytic enzymes. The broken down of protein accomplished into 2 stages: Proteins PROTEINASE Polypeptide PEPTIDASE Amino acid The production of proteinases by microorganism depends on several factors. It seems possible that when protein is added to the soil, the fungi first attack the molecule and reduce it to polypeptide and then bacteria become active and competitive with fungi in further breaking down of polypeptides to amino acids. This breakdown is accomplished by a number of ways by microorganism but in most cases the product is ammonia. In this respect, bacteria are relatively more active than other organism. Spore forming bacteria, Pseudomonas, Actinomycetes, Fungi seems to readily attack amino acids in soil. Ex: Bacteria: Pseudomonas, Bacillus, Clostridium, Serretia and Micrococcus Ex: Fungi: Alternaria, Aspergillus, Mucor, Penicillium, Rhizopus However, in acid soil, fungi are more important agents of ammonification than bacteria. Amino acids are broken down by oxidative deamination by aerobic microorganism. COOH | CH2 COOH | | CH2 + O2 CH2 + NH3 + CO2 || | CH – NH2 CH2 | | COOH COOH Glutamic acid Succinic acid Succinic acid may be made available for plant growth and CO2 released to the soil atmosphere and finally to the atmosphere above soil. Bacteria breakdown complex and in this process ammonia is released. Amino acids may be broken down by hydrolytic deamination. R.CH.NH2.COOH + H2O RCHOH.COOH + NH3 R.CH.NH2.COOH +H2O RCH2OH + CO2 + NH3 R.CH.NH2.COOH +H2O RCHO + HCOOH + NH3 Thus depending on the enzyme system involved in the hydrolytic process, we may obtain organic acids, alcohols, aldehyde co2 etc., besides NH3. The anaerobic bacteria may also produce ammonia - desaturative deamination CH3.CH2.CHNH2.COOH CH3.CH=CH.COOH 8 + NH3 Several fungi are capable of producing alcohol and ammonia form amino acids. Thus, the amino acids are broken down to gives rise to NH3, CO2 and the variety of substances, lower organic acids, aldehyde, and ketone. Factors influence the Ammonification: Well aerated and drained soil High amount of organic matter, rich in protein Factors affecting the Ammonification: Acid soil - Fungi are more active than bacteria, but the general microbial activity is relatively less and hence there is less of NH3 production. If there is ready supply of energy rich carbohydrates, the microorganisms do not attack the complex N2 compounds. Other steps in Ammonification: 1. Besides proteins, other N2 containing organic substances are also attack by microorganism to yield NH3. Many organisms utilize urea to liberate NH3 by urease enzyme production. NH2-CO-NH2 + H2O + 2H2O UREASE (NH4)2CO3 UREASE CO2 + 2NH3 Microorganis involved: Bacillus, Proteus, Micrococcus, Sarcina, Aerobacter etc., 2. Few bacteria are known to utilize amines as carbon and nitrogen source for their growth. Ex: Mycobacterium, Protoaminobacter, Pseudomonas etc., are known to possess capacity to utilize methylamine, ethylamine, prophylamine etc., these are the byproducts of microbial breakdown of proteins. The enzyme system involved in this process is amino oxidase. NH2.RCH2NH2 NH2.RCH=NH NH2RCH=NH NH2.R.CHO + NH3 NH2.R.COOH CO2 + NH3 NH2.R.CH2OH CH3.CHO + NH3 3. Plants and animal residues contain nucleic acids in small proportion, when they reach soil, they also can attacked by soil microorganism and are broke down into urea, ammonia, CO2 and some organic acids. Nitrification: S. Winograsky (1888 to 1891) brought out a important characteristic of bacteria namely their capacity to oxidize NH3 to obtain energy which is similar to photosynthesis in plants. Based on this principle, here isolated the bacterium which oxidize NH3 to nitrite and called it is Nitrosomonas. Another bacteria convert nitrite to nitrate and named it as Nitrobacter. The nitrification process-taking place in soil through microorganism is indicated by the following chemical reaction. (NH3)2 + O3 NH4NO2 + H2O2 + 4O2 NH4NO2 + H2O2 NH4NO3 +H2O The chemical reaction of the biological oxidation is NH2 + ½ O2 HO-NH2 HYDROXYLAMINE 9 ½ HO-N || N HO-N=O NITRITE OH HO-N=O H2O OH H2- HO - N OH O HO - N O NITRATE Factors affecting nitrification 1. Ammonia is believed to be converted to nitrate in the presence of catalyst at high temperature. 2. Application of nitrate fertilizers reduces their activity but phosphate and other mineral enhance the activity. 3. Well aerated soil, a temperature below 300C, nearly neutral pH, absence of large quantities of organic matter – favors nitrification. DENITRIFICATION: This is the reverse process of nitrification that is nitrate is reduced to nitrite and than to N2 gar and NH3. Denitrification process favored in anaerobic soil and there is considerable decomposition (or) petrifaction of organic matter takes place. Anaerobic bacteria like Clostridium may reduce nitrate to NH3 directly. HNO3 + 4H2 NH3 + 3H2O HCOOH + HNO3 CO2 + HNO2 + H2O 2HNO3 2HNO2 + O2 2HNO2 NH2 + 1 ½ O2 + H2O HNO3 + H2 NH3 + 2O2 Some aerobic organisms such as Pseudomonas denitrificans also seems to reduce nitrate under certain condition. Others include Thiobacillus, Serretia, Corynebacterium. The presence of large quantities of organic matter is known to encourage the liberation of N2 into the atmosphere. Factors influencing Denitrification: 1. Addition of carbonaceous material 2. Temperature 25 C optimum temperature and above up to 600C to 650C 3. Addition of sulphur to soil stimulates the population of Thiobacillus denitrificans. Biological nitrogen fixation: Introduction: The phenomenon of fixation of atmospheric N2 by biological means is known as diazotroph (or) biological nitrogen fixation and these prokaryotes as diazotrophes (or) nitrogen fixers. The diazotrophes may be free living (or) symbiotic forms. Biological nitrogen fixation is a reductive process; the nitrogenase system transfers a total 8(H) to N2 and release 2(H) as molecular H2. Ammonia is the first identifiable product of this enzyme reaction: N=N + 8(H) HN=NH H2N-NH2 2NH3 + H2 DIIMIDE HYDROZINE (INTERMEDIATE PRODUCT) NITROGEN FIXATION BY SYMBIOTIC BACTERIA: (Section B) There are some microorganisms which establish symbiotic relationship with different plants and may develop (or) may not develop special structure as the site of N2 fixation. 10 MICROORGANISM SYMBIOTIC STRUCTURE Bacteria No special structure develops intimately associated with roots. Azotobacter paspali Azospirillum amazonense Rhizobium sp., Beijerinkia sp. Derxia sp., Frankia sp., (Actinomycetes) No special stricture develops Develop root nodule No special structure develops No special structure develops Develop root nodule Cyanobacteria Anabaena, Nostoc Anabaena azollae Lichens No special structure Root nodule formation: Establishment of Rhizobium inside the host root and development of nodules are complex process are follow many events such as recognition and infection of host root, differentiation of nodules, proliferation of bacteria and conversion into bacteriods in nodules. Stages in root nodule formation: 1. The bacteria enter into young root hairs form the soil. Initial contact between the partners is followed by recognition. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Leguminous plants contain lectin. These are glycoprotein that binds specific polysaccharides. Lectins are ubiquitously distributed in nature and probable have general recognition function. The interaction between the lectins on the outer wall of the young root hairs and the polysaccharides on the outer cell wall of Rhizobium have been investigates in the case of R. trifolium infecting white clover. Binding occurs only between compatible partners; not Rhizobium can bind any leguminous plants (or) vice versa. When binding has occurred, the tip of root hairs bends and the bacteria penetrate and from in the form of an infection thread (or) tube which is surrounded by the root cells with a cellulose membrane towards the base that is upwards and infects further cell of the root epidermis. Growth hormones are produced and the root epidermal cells undergo multiplication. The root nodule is the result of this tissue proliferation induced by the Rhizobia via growth promoters probably cytokines. The rapidly dividing bacteria grow in the deformed cells the bacteriods which can have more than 10 times the volume of the Rhizobium. The bacteriods are singly (or) in groups, surrounded by a peri bacteriod membrane, inhabit the cytoplasm of the plant cells. The tissues containing the bacteriods are red because it contains leghaemoglobin. The nodules turned green during aging due to the breakdown of the leg hemoglobin to green bile pigments (biliverdin). When the nodule dies, stationary phase Rhizobia, which are still present in considerable number, are released and can multiply by using the degradation product of nodules as substrate. 11 Function of Bacteriods: The Bacteriods fix nitrogen During the nitrogen fixing phase, they are supplied with C4 – dicarboxylic acid by the plant cell. In contrast to the free living Rhizobia, the bacteriods unable to utilize sugars. The secrete NH3 ions which are apparently incorporate into organic compounds by glutamine synthatase present in the surrounding plant cell. The relationship between the plant and Rhizobium is there mutual symbiosis. Function of Leghaemoglobin: The formation of Leghaemoglobin is the specific effect of the symbiosis. The prosthetic group proto-haeme is synthesized by bacteriods, while the synthesis of protein part involves the plant cell. Leghaemoglobin resembles myoglobin it is present in the nodules predominantly in the FeII oxy form and has a very high affinity for oxygen. 12 The pigment is localized in the cytoplasm of plant cell and not on the peribacteriod space. It is assume that the Leghaemoglobin facilitate the transport of oxygen, through the plant cell to the bacteriod. Therefore that increases the rate of oxygen transport. The presence of Leghaemoglobin seems to provide full protection against oxygen damage for the nitrogen fixing enzymes. Nitrogen Fixers: The bacteria responsible for the formation of root nodules of leguminous plants belong to the Genus Rhizobium. They occur as free-living, strictly aerobic, G-ve rods in soil and grow on organic nutrients. There are some strains (Bradyrhizobium), which are able to grow autotrophically with hydrogen. Three groups can be distinguished according to their host specificity and their growth, which have been given a number of generic names. Sub-groups of leguminous nodule forming bacteria: Genus and Species Rhizobium leguminosarum Rhizobium melitoli Rhizobium trifolii Rhizobium phaseoli Rhizobuim lupine Bradyrhizobium japnicum A. caulinodmas Host Peas Lucerne Colver Beans Lupins Soy beans sesbania Group I – Rhizobium includes the fastest growing nodule bacteria of the indigenous cultivated bacteria. Group II – Bradyrhizobium japonicum is the group of slow growing symbiont of soybeans. Group III – Azorhizobium caulinodens is the bacterium that forms stem nodules. Hydrogenase: Many diazotorphes evolved h2 during N2 fixation which in turn inhibits N2 fixation. To get protection from inhibition by hydrogen many diazotrophs possess an enzyme hydrogenase to recycle H2 produced by nitrogenase. Reuse of H2 by Hydrogenase N2 NITROGENASE NH3 H2 HYDROGENASE Reutilization of hydrogen produces more ATP and improves the efficiency of N2 fixation. The hydrogenase of purple bacteria is membrane bound (or) membrane associated. It is cold liable and very sensitive to O2. The purified enzyme with a molecular weight of about 6500 and most probably consist of single polypeptide chain with 4 iron atoms and 4 acid labile sulfur atoms / molecules. N2 fixation in aerobic respiring cell: All the bacteria possess a membrane bound hydrogenase, indicated that H2 might have a protective function. Therefore that it might be a protective gas for 13 the O2 sensitive nitrogenase (detoxifying). Hydrogenase combines to H2 and reduces into members of a substrate (SH2) to form (or) liberate H2 from the reduced compounds as below: H2 + S SH2 H2 production and N2 fixation has shown a close relationship were both the processes are catalyses by the same enzyme (or) enzyme complex. Ex: Azotobacter venilandii Nitrogenase: Nitrogenase has been isolated from the following genera of free living nitrogen fixing microorganism. Clostridium, Bacillus, Anabaena, Azotobacter. All the diazotrophs possess an enzyme nitrogenase which helps to conversion of N2 to NH3. Structure of Nitrogenase: It consist of 2 brown metalo proteins of which joined action is essential for reduction of N2 to NH3. Component I: Mo-Fe protein which is also known as nitrogenase has a molecular weight of about 2.2x105 Dolton. Nitrogenase contains molybdenum ( 2 atoms / molecule), iron (32 atom / molecule). It is a larger unit than component II and nonsensitive to cold but loose the activity at 00C. Component II: On the other hand, nitrogenase reductase is a smaller unit. It contains Ferro – Protein ( Fe-Protein) and has a molecular weight of about 5 X 10 4 Dolton, It contains iron ( 4 atom / molecule) and Sulfur ( 4 atom / molecule) and is less stable than the component I. Thus, nitrogenase is an equilibrium mixture of Mo – Fe protein and Fe protein in the ratio 1:2 Mo – Fe protein + 2(Fe – Protein) Nitrogenase complex + The specific need of these components for the organisms is probably due to the presence of the elements in 2 protein components of nitrogenase. All diazotrophs contain similar protein and suggesting there by a similar non-identical sequence. This is why the molecular weight of these 2 components in different microbial cells differs. In addition to nitrogenase the N2 reducing system requires Mg-ATP as a source of energy and a reductant, (e- donor) to catalyze the reduction of substrates. Here, ATP function as carrier of energy. N2 fixation by nitrogenase complex: Energy released in metabolic oxidation of carbohydrates is utilized in phosphorylation of ADP in the presence of inorganic phosphate (Pi) to reduce the energy ATP rich. Whenever energy is needed ATP undergoes enzymatic hydrolyses to form ADP + Pi. Mg++ functions as catalyst. N2 + Nitrogenase complex 2NH3 2 (Fe + Protein). Mo.Fe.Protein N2 ATP Mg++ Ferrodoxins 6H 2(Fe + Protein). Mo.Fe.Protein 14 + NH3 Biochemistry of N2 fixation : 1. A characteristic feature of the healthy nodule of leguminous plants is the presence of a special red pigment like Hemoglobin known as Leghaemoglobin (LHb). 2. LHb has character similar to myoglobin (or) varieties of hemoglobin found in animal. 3. It is red in color due to presence of Fe. Fro the first time LHb was isolated and crystallized from soybean root nodule. LHb is found only in healthy nodules. The unhealthy plants (or) white nodules do not develop LHb ; therefore N2 fixation does not takes place in such nodules. LHb is present outside the bacterial membrane (peri bacterial space). But in their close contact LHb regulates O2 concentration as bacteriods are aerobic and consume O2. LHb is found only in root nodule of legumes. It is not found in Actinorrhyzic nodules – nodules formed by Frankia in roots of Nonleguminous plants. Therefore, presence of O2 buffering has not been reported so for, in Actinorrhyzic nodules. LHb facilitates is mediated by an enzyme system, the nitrogenase system, which has two components: Nitrogenase and nitrogen reductase. Both these associated components are located in the cytoplasm and are extremely sensitive to O2. Both the metalo proteins, nitrogenase (Mo.Fe-protein) and nitrogenous reductase ( Fe protein) are essential for nitrogenase activity. Fe protein interacts which ATP and MG2+ and Mo-Fe-protein catalyses the reduction of N2 to NH3, H+ to H2 and Acetylene to ethylene. The reduced ferrodoxin (or) Flavodoxin serves as a source of reduced for e- transfer during N2 fixation. From reduced form of ferrodoxin (Fe-red) E-s flow to Fe protein which reduced to Mo-Fe-protein with subsequent release of inorganic phosphate. This enzyme complex gets energy from Mg-ATP which in turn is produced after bacterial respiration through carbohydrate synthesis. Finally, Mo-Fe-Protein passes on the electron to reducible substrate that N2 (or) other substance like H2 and ethylene. The equation of N2 fixation in nodules of legumes may be written as Mg++ N2 + 16ATP + 8e- + 10H+ 2NH4 + H2+ + 16ATP + 16 Pi It is obvious that NH3 is the first stable product of N2 fixation. But it is not clear whether neutral NH3 (or) cationic NH3 (NH4+) is formed. Son after function it is transferred through 3 layered bacterial membranes (2of bacteria and 3rd of host origin) to host cells, where it is enzymatically converted into many products. Free living nitrogen fixers: Nitrogen fixation in soil by free living microorganism is known for over a century now. In 1855 J.B.Lawer and J.H. Gilbert found that all plants except legumes need ammonia (or) nitrate as addition to the soil. M. Berthelot in 1988 observed that in unsterilized soil there was a definite increase in N2 after some months, but not in sterile soil. In 1894 – 95 S. Winogradsky was the first to isolated into pure cultures and an anaerobic bacterium which could grow in a N2 free medium and he named it is Clostridium pasteurianum. In 1901, Beijerink isolated two aerobic free living N2 fixing bacteria and named them as Azotobacter chrococcum and Azotobacter agills. Inspired by these reports during the next two (or) decades several workers demote their attention to the practical applicability of these results, the prevalence of other such bacterial species and the populations in various soil types. The free living bacterial having the ability to fix molecular N2 can be distinguished into obligate aerobic, facultative aerobic, anaerobic organism. Obligate aerobic bacteria belong to the genus Azotobacter, Beijerinkia, Derxia, Achromobacter, Mycobacterium, Arthrobacter and Bacillus. Among the facultative anaerobic bacteria are the genera Aerobacter, Klebsiella and Pseudomonas. Anaerobic N2 fixing bacteria 15 are represent by the genera Clostridium, Chlorobium, Phromatium, Rhodomicrobium, Rhodopseudomonas, Rhodospirillum, Desulfovibrio and Methanobacterium. In some of these genera N2 fixation takes place in a photo autotrophic manner by virtue of the presence in them of photosynthetic pigments. Ex : Rhodopseudomonas. On the other hand, the genus Desulfovibrio fixes N2 in the presence of reducing sulphates. Detail account on Microbial interactions? (Section C) Introduction: Microrganisms have evolved over billions of years to adopt themselves to the presence of other organisms living in the environment. The association may be with plants, animals or other microbes. The term symbiosis [ Greek : sym – together , bios- life] is used to describe an intimate association between organisms of different species. The German botanist Heinrich, Anton, De Dary first used symbiosis in 1879 in describing the close relationship that he observed between an algae and a fungus. Later, it was observed as mutualism by the other scientists, the term symbiosis also includes, Parasitism: (Section A) A relationship in which one organism, the parasite is benefited and the other organism the host is harmed. Commensalism: (Section A) One organism is benefited and other is unaffected. Categories of symbiosis: Symbiosis may be divided into 2 groups based on the closeness of the association. Endosymbiosis Here, the microorganisms grows within the host cell. Ectosymbiosis The microorganisms may be attached to the host cells but it remains outside. Synergism:[ Protocooperation] (Section A) Introduction: A relationship between 2 microbial populations , where both the population are beneficial, but unlike mutualism [ symbiosis]. It is not an obligatory relationship. On synergism both the population remains in their natural habitat and carryout their microbial activities. Sometimes synergism confuse since it sometimes resembles either Commensalism Neutralism But anyhow speaking 2 microbial population combine together to do a work, which increase the effectiveness than the individual performance. Example: Synthesis of a product that neither population would perform alone. Ex: completion of a metabolic pathway by synergistic effect of both population that otherwise could not be completed. Ex: this term is applied to the interactions of two or more microbial populations that supply each other nutritional needs. Compound A [ by population 1] Compound B 16 [ by population 2] Compound C [ by population 1&2] Energy + End product Population 2 : cannot utilize compound A Population 1: cannot go beyond compound B This both population to combine compounds. The compound C is acted upon by the population 1 and population 2 to produce needed energy and end products. Ex:2 E.coli Arginine Strep.faecalis Agmaline E.coli Ornithine Putrescine Neither organisms,alone convert arginine to putrescine. But if once putrescine is produced both the E.coli and S.faecalis can use it. Thus synergism occurs between these two organism. Ex:3 Syntrophism also exists that based on the ability of one population to supply growth factors for another population. Ex:4 Cyclohexane Nocardia Release the end products Supplied to Biotin plus growth factors Neither population alone can’t degrade cyclohexane. Pseudomonas growth EX:5 In the presence of light + hydrogen sulphide+ carbon di oxide Cholorobium Produces organic matter Utilized Chlorobium Produces hydrogen sulphide and CO2 17 Sulphur & Formate Utilized by spirulina Thus both the population are benefited . single organism alone can’t get their nutrition. EX:6 Light Chlorobium Water and CO2 Organic carbon , sulphur Desulfovibrio Cycling of carbon and sulphur from oxidized to reduced state. Allow both organism to metabolise vigorously in habitats, where as on their own they would be subjected to substrate limitation and product inhibition. Ex:7 Similarly synergisgtic relation ship occurs between bacteria and BGA. Anabaena oscillatoroides [ heterocysts] Secrete organic compounds Attracted by heterotrophic Pseudomonas Forms a dense aggregate around heterocysts A part of Pseudomonas oxidize the excreted organic and also stimulate nitrogenase activity Stimulation is due to lowering of oxygen concentration Ex:8 Synergistic relationship between algae and epipohytic bacteria on cardon and oxygen cycle. When grown individually both the population grows and maintain a constant level. Paramecium caudatum Paramecium aurelia + when grown When both mixed at a particular habitat P. caudatum was overcome by P.Aurelia after 12 –16 days. This competition does not involves the production of toxic substances P.Aurelia grows fastly than p. caudatum and overcome P. caudatum In contrast P. caudatum P. bursaria occupies different regions of culture flask 18 When mixed population are grown in a single habitat, they grows well. Both the population occupy different habitat in a particular niche [ occupy different region of the culture flask]. Thus competition is minimized and prevents the extraction of one of the species. Microbial population with highest intrinsic growth rate overcome the population with the lowest intrinsic growth rate. Intrinsic growth rate of the organism vary under different environmental conditions. For example: in marinehabitats Psychrophiles --- survive and exclude psychrotrophic under low temperature. Psychrotrophic microorganisms – dominate under high temperature Thus according to environmental conditions, microbial population are replaced by another. Continuous light + Chromatium vinosum CV overcome CW Chromatium weissei Chromatium vinosum Chromatium weissei Intermittent Illumination Balanced growth appears During continuous illumination C.vinosum grows well utilizing sulfide, C.weissei during dark period, sulfide accumulates and upon illumination C.weissei oxidizes greater proportion of the accumulated sulfide. Thus the alteration of dark and light period balance the two population, allowing them to co-exist. Similarly seasonal variations in environmental condition of the habitat led to temporal oscillation in the success of displacement of competing population. Studies with algae: Asterionella formosa Under phosphate limiting conditions Cyclotella meneghiniana Asterionella Formosa During silicate limiting conditions Cyclotella meneghiniana Abiotic factors like temperature, pH and oxygen greatly influence the intrinsic growth rate of microbial populations. Ex: Spirulina E.coli 19 Dominate at low Dominate at higher substance concentrations substance concentrations Thus based in nutrient availability one population [ dominant ] replace the sensitive population. When sewage water mixes with fresh water microbial population of sewage was replaced by the indigenous force of river ,since the organic matter is diluted in fresh water. Competitive inhibition need not be rarely based on the ability to utilize a substance more rapid but also tolerance to environmental stress conditions forms an important factor in determining the outcome of competition. For instance, under conditions of drought, population that are tolerant to dessication can displace less tolerant populations. Similarly under environmental stress conditions like high temperature, high salt concentrations, and the population with greatest tolerance to that factor may succeed in the competition. During growth conditions competitions advantage returns to the microbial population with the high growth rate. Ammensalism [Antagonism] : (Section A) Introduction: Microorganisms that produce chemical substances, which suppress or inhibit the growth of other microorganism. This relation is called as Ammensalism or antagonism. Fungistasis Virucidal Bactericidal comes under ammensalism Ammensalism helps one microbial population to colonize at particular habitat. Once it colonize, it prevents other population from surviving and establishing in that habitat. EX: 1 Production of lactic acid and Lactobacillus sp EX:2 Anaerobic heterotrophic microbial population in human Volatile fatty acids Preclude the growth of E.coli EX:3 Fatty acid production by normal microbial flora of the skin Preclude the colonization of akin by other microbial population EX:4 Acids in vaginal tract produced by normal microbial flora Prevent the infection by pathogens such as Candida albicans EX:5 20 Oxidation of sulfur by thiobacillus thioxidans Produces sulfuric acids Inhibits other bacterial population EX:6 Sulfuric acid produced in acid mine drainage pH[1-2] by T.thiooxidans Consumption or production of oxygen may alter the habitat in such a way that it inhibit sensitive population. EX:1 Production of oxygen by legal populations Inhibits obligate anaerobes EX:2 Production of ammonium during protein degradation Inhibit certain bacteria [nitrate oxidizing population of Nitrobacter sp] EX:3 Some microbial population produce alcohol, that is inhibitory to many organisms. EX:4 Production of ethanol by Zymomonas mobilis & Sacchromyces cerevisiae. But certain bacteria can tolerate ethanol to certain environment EXAMPLE: Acetobacter Ethanol Acetic acid [ under aerobic conditions] It is inhibitory to many bacterial populations. Presence of lactic acid, propionic acid in cheese and acetic acid in vinegar Inhibits the growth of spoilage causing microbial populations in such products inhibitory substances produced by certain microorganisms can also act as a preservative agent Production of organic acids by microorganism during cellulose degradation prevents further breakdown of cellulose metabolites in subsurface soil Some microorganisms produces antibiotics, though it is successful in laboratory condition, it is a debate under natural conditions like soil and water. Under invitro conditions 21 antibiotics produced by one population inhibits another population. The action may be either germicidal or germistatic. Antibiotics are secondary metabolites, produced after maturation when excess substrate concentration are available. In natural environmental like soil and water [ aquatic ] habitats, limited substrate are available. Even if produced they not tend to accumulate in soil. In aquatic environment antibiotics get diluted and become ineffective. In soil environment antibiotics binds to clay minerals or other particular and this become inactivated. Inspite of these factor antibiotic resistant strains were also prevailing. EX: Zymogenous population Grows at high concentration of substrate Produces antibiotics Inhibit growth of competitive microbes and colonize in such microhabitats. Other example: Microorganisms& plants Cephalsporium gramineum Survive in dead tissues of wheat Cephalsporium gramineum secretes antifungal popualtion in dead wheat tissues EX:2 Types of strains preventing among cephalosporium gramineum Cephalsporium gramineum Anti fungal + ve Anti fungal –ve Those strains that lack the ability to produce Antifungal substance are less able to prevent colonization of dead wheat tissues by other fungal population. Another interesting example is the interaction between Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Staphylococcus aureus in Newzeland hedgehog. Trichophyton mentogrophytes Produces penicilllin Staphylococcus aureus coexist Penicillinase +ve Penicillinase -ve Commensal relationship Organic compounds During photosynthesis [light] Algae 22 Epiphytic bacteria Utilization by algae Co2 +Vitamins Ex: 9 Some synergism relationship is based the ability of a second population to accelerate the growth rate of the first rate. Pseudomonas Orcinol Extracted organic materials Brevibacterium Curtobacterium Pseudomonas shows higher affinity to orcinol substrate and grows more rapidly in the presence of other bacterial population. Brevibacterium & Cartobacterium can’t utilize intact orcinol. They utilize the organic secretions of Pseudomonas. If excreted organic matter was not remove properly. Otherwise would act through a negative feed back mechanism to represent catabolic activity. Some synergistic relation ship allows microorganisms to produce enzymes that are not produced by either population. Ex:10 Production of lecithinase by population of closely related pseudomonas sp, where as it cannot produce lecithinase alone. Ex:11 Degradation of agricultural pesticides. Two soil fungi are involved in this process namely. Penicillium pisacarium Geotrichum candidum Herbicide[ propanil]] Propionic acid 3,4 dichloroaniline Used by P.pisacarium as carbon & energy source Toxic to P. pisacarium G. candidium unable to attack propanol but can degrade 3,4 dichloroaniline 3,3,4,4 tetra chloroazobenzyl Thus the end [product become less toxic to both fungi such synergistic relationship occurs only in the presence of herbicides. In the absence of herbicide these 2 fungi compete with each other for the available nutrients Ex:12 Arthrobacter & Streptomyces Degrade organophosphorus insecticides Ex: Diazinon [ carbon & energy source]. Either alone can’t degrade or mineralize pyrimidinyl ring of Diazinon. Ex:13 Pseudomonas stutzeri Convert parathion [ organophosphorus insecticide] 23 Pnitrophenol & diethyl phosphate Ps.aeruginosa excretory prdts Can mineralize Para nitrophenyl [ not intact parathion] utilized by Ps.stutzeri Explain Competition? Introduction: It is a negative interaction in contrast to positive interactions. Competition occurs between microbial population for shelter, food etc., sometimes certain microbial population secrte chemical substances and inhibit the growth of other population, which is termed as Ammensalism or Antagonism. Sometimes competition tends to bring about, ecological seperation of 2 closely related populations. This is known as competition exclusion principle. When 2 microbial population occupies the same, one will win the competition and other will be eliminated. Classical example for competition exclusion: Paramecium caudatum [ alone] When grown isolated both the organisms [ population ] grow well Paramecium Aurelia [ alone] Parasitism: Introduction: In the relationship of parasitism 2 microbial populations are involved. Parasite - Benefited Host - Affected Among the 2 microbial populations one is affected and the another is benefited host parasite relationship is a long time or long period of contact, brought about by physical or metabolic means. Parasites are of 2 types Ectoparasite Endoparasite Ectoparasite: Ectoparasite remains outside of host cells. Endoparasite: Endoparasite penetrate the host cells. Usually parasites are smaller than host, certain exceptional; cases may be there. Host parasites relationship is specific, mostly specificity depends on the surface properties of the parasite to the host cells. Ex: viruses. Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites viruses that infect bacteria are called as bacteriophages. They undergo either lytic or lysogenic cycle. EX: are T4 and lambda phages respectively. Viruses can infect bacteria, fungi, algae and also protozoan. In many environments such as viruses are responsible for the decline and disappearance of bacterial populations. Ex: disappearance of faecal organism in sewage that enters aquatic habitats. Interaction between bacteriophages and their host depends on the environmental factors. For instances, if host E.coli cells get adsorbed to the clay particle it can’t be easily parasitized by phage. This condition occurs in higher salinity zones bath E.coli and bacteriophages are desorbed from the particle and lysis of host cells by bacteriophages takes place. Thus protection of host population by adsorption on to suitable particular mineral, provides an important mechanisms for escpe form parasitism. Like bacteriophage, bacterium 24 Bdellovibrio is parasitic on gram bacteria. Bdellovibrio is highly mobile [ speed 100 cell length/second], where as for E.coli is only 10 cells length /ond. No chemotaxis was known for the attraction of Bdellovibrio towards the host. Small percentage of cells contacts results in the permanent attachement. Parasitic Bdellovibrio attaches to the outer cell membrane of the gram negative bacteria Enter the periplasmic space[ but not the cell proper] since it is an ectoparasite Losses its flagella During 1 hr of interaction , it modifies the cell envelope of the host from the original shapes to spherical called as bdelloplast Yet cell contains retained for the parasite. Cell contents of host are particularly degraded by the parasites and then utilized by Bdellovibrio with higher efficiency. When it enter periplasmic space it losses it flagella Grows into thin filaments without cell division When the cell contents exhausted , filaments divide into individual cells, which develop flagella Bdelloplast burst and releases the progeny Burst size: Burst size is the number of progeny released per host cells. Bdellovibrio though obligate intracellular parasite they have catabolic, anabolic and energy yielding enzymes. Interaction between Bdellovibrio a nd E.coli was partially inhibited by the presence of clays. A clay particle appear to form a coat around host cell and inhibits the ability of the parasitic Bdellovibrio to reach the host cells. Other ectoparasite microorganism can lyse host cells without direct contact [ eg: myxobacteria can cause the lysis of host with the aid of exoenzymes and derive the nutrition from the lysed host cells. Soil myxobacteria are gram negative and they lyse other gram negative and gram positive bacterial population. Some Myxobacteria like Cytophaga produce enzymes that lyse susceptible algae. Some bacterial population produces chitinase, celulase or laminarinase that attack fungi and certain algal populations. In all above cause, after the lysis of host cells parasitised utilise lysed host cell contents as nutrients. Some microbial population are more resistance to lysis eg: spores and cyst formers. They are resistance to lytic activities of ectoparasite than vegetative cells. Algae, fungus and bacteria parasitise many protozoans. For eg: Legionella pneumophila parasitising protozoa. Algae too attacked fungi, a special group[ called as Chitrids. Chitrids are of 2 types: CHITRIDS UNIFLAGELLATE CHITRIDS CHITRIDS BIFLAGELLATE 25 ECTOPARASITE ENDOPARASITE Chitrids infects fresh water algae and decrease the population. Some fungal population parasitised by other fungal population. Agaricus Trichoderma Host Parasite This interaction creates difficulties andloss in the cultivation of mushrooms. Microorganisms that is themselves parasites serves as a host for other parasites. This phenomenon is known as hyperparasitism. Parasitic interactions provide a maximum for population control. Parasites Depends on host Depends on nutrients in the environment If environment nutrients get exhausted Host populations decreased Sometimes extinction of parasitic populations occur. Explain about Predation? (Section B) Introduction: In microbial would the distinction between parasitism and predation and susceptible bacteria are considered as parasitism by some people, by other as parasitism. The relation predation consists of two populations namely predator and prey. In predation 2 microbial population are involved. Predator- benefited Prey - affected Predator capturre and engulf the prey completely. Always prey is smaller than the predator. Predator prey interactions occurs for a short time duration. Interaction between prey and predator lead to regular cyclic fluctuations of these populations. Predatory population is directly proportional to the amount of prey population. If prey population increases predator population also increase. If once prey populations decrease, predatory population is also decreased. The prey population increased due to very low predatory population. Then again predator population rises. Then again repetition of the some cycles occurs. A scientist namely lotka – voltera devised certain derivation to calculated prey-predator relationship [ theoretically]. But experimental needs however rarelymodel. Gause[1934], showd that 26 Predator--- Didinium nasutum Prey ---- Paramecium caudatum Didinum nasutum preys on Paramecium populations extinct. A very few members of P.caudatum are also to hide and escape freom predation of Didinum. Such escaped P.caudatum population can recover the following the extinction of predator Gause[ 1984]. P.bursaria—predator Saccharomyces pombe—Prey Same condition occurs as above. The above experiment indicates that intenssse predator – prey relationship may lead to the extinction of both the predator and prey populations. Although predation process destroy individuals prey mortality of prey is compensated by increase in Phytoplankton growth rate due to nitrogen regeneration by predaceaous zooplanktons. If either predator or prey population is completely eliminated, the population of other would be deleteriously affected. But in nature stable relationship occurs between prey and predator. Protozoa—Tetrahymena pyriformis[ predator] Bacterium – Klebsiella pneumoniae [ prey] Stable prey- predator relationship occurs between prey predator. Niche diversification [ i.e] the ability of 2 different populations to occupy separate niches. It may permit persistent population oscillation and coexistences. Similarly physical protection in the environment allows prey to escape from predator populations.eg: clay materials Protozoa--- vexillifera [predator] Bacterium – E.coli E.coli was protected by clay material such protective mechanism in the natural environmental lessens the preserve of predation on prey population, allowing coexistences. Population of ciliates, flagellates and amoeboids feeds on bacterium prey. Feeding of bacterium by protozoans is called as ‘grazing’. Protozoans engulf bacteria by phagocytosis process protozoa has lytic enzymes to digest prey. Grazing activity of protozoan on bacterium retains carbon within the food web. Paramecium Vorticella protozoan feed on Enterobacter aerogenes Stentor These protozoans doesn’t waste their energy by chasing small, low calorie prey. Their carryout filter-feeding mechanism.They stop filter feeding mechanism of bacterial population is highly diluted i.e 10-5 to 10-6 cells/ml. Thus they conserve their energy. Some microbial structures are resistances to predation. EG:1 Soil amoeba Bacillus sp [ predator] [ prey] if Bacillus from spores, it is less susceptible to predator. EG:2 Entodinium caudatum [prey] Entodinium volax [predator] Spined cells spineless cells Spined cells of E.caudatum are resistance to predation. EG:3 Eupoltes octocarinatus [prey]: Lembladion lucens [predator] E.octocarinatus often changes its shapes as to escape predation. In nature this defense would include predator to engulf alternate prey species. 27 Positive Interactions: Commensalism Introduction In this interactions one population is benefited while the other remains unaffected. The terms commensalism is derived from the latin word where “Mensa” means table. It described a relationship in which the organism lives off the “scraps” of another one. It is not an obligatory relationship and is common among microbial populations. Commensalism is a unidirectional relationship, the recipient population is benefited. Number of physical of commensalism. Donar (unaffected population) modifies the habit in such a way that another population get the benefit, at the same time that habitat is more suitable for its growth. For ex: In a habitat faculatative aerobes exists Utilises oxygen Reduces oxygen tension So anaerobes thrive Production of growth factor forms the basis for many commensalisms relationship [[ bell et.al .1974]. some microorganisms extracellular growth factor which utilizes by other microbial population. EX: Flavobacterium pneumophila[ cysteine] Utilized by Legionella pneumophila Production of growth factors and the secretions into environment allows fastidious organsism to develop in natural habitats. Transformation of complex insoluble substance to soluble one and the conversion of soluble substance to gaseous compounds forms a basis for commercial relationship. Ex:1 Desulfovibrio[ during anaerobic respiration & fermentation] Acetate + hydrogen Utilized by Methanobacterium to reduce carbondioxide to methane. EX:2 Production of hydrogen sulfide in buried sediment layers[ decomposers] Utilized by phototrophic sulfur bacteria as sulfur sources. This occurs in both terrestial an aquatic environment. Ex:3 Soil bound ammonia is converted to nitrate by certain microorgansism Nitrosomonas Ammonia-----------Nitrate 28 This simple form of nitrate reached into the soil and utilized by microorganisms in soil. Thus in mutualism relationship activities of one microbial population helps another microbial population to get a compound available in simple form that can be readily uptaken. Ex: For the conversion of complex organic molecules to simple substances. Trichoderma viride Cellulose-----------------simple sugars Cometabolism: Co-metabolism is the another basis for commensalisms. A microbial population growing on one substrate, gratituously oxidise the second substrate that cannot be utilized as a nutrient and energy source for it and it forms a food for other population. Second substrate is not assimilated by the microbial population but the oxidation products available for another population. Propane ------------------ Energy + CO2+ H2O Mycobacterium vaccae Cyclohexanor Pseudomonas Cyclohexanone Pseudomonas Energy +CO2+H2O Cometabolism is an assimilatory metabolism yielding energy. These Pseudomonas cannot metabolise intact cyclohexane. Detoxification or neutralization of toxins also form a commensal relationship. Ex: Oxidation of H2S by Beggiatoa So that H2S sensitive aerobic microbial population get benefited Ex: Precipitation of heavy metals by certain organism Detoxify the environment. So that heavy metals sensitive organisms are benefited Ex: Some microbial population detoxify compounds by immobilization. Leptothrix reduces manganese concentration in certain habitats. If not, increased of manganese is toxic to other microorganisms. Some cases microorganisms themselves provide suitable habitat that benefit a commensal partner. Ex: 29 Bacteria o algal surface. Bacteria on algal surface gets benefited from the metabolic activities of algar. Explain in detain about Mutualism? (Section B) Microbe- Microbe interaction: Introduction: A lichen is an associated of a fungus and algae in which the 2 organism are so intercoined as to form a single thallus. The fungus component of the lichen is called mycobiont and the algal component is called phycobiont. Lichen thallus represents a mutualism symbiosis form both organism benefit. The fungus lives on the algal cells both parasites as well as saprophytically; while the algae survives because of it association with the fungal plectanchyma formed in the lichen thallus. The fungus provides water, and nutrients to algae and also protects it from high light intensity. Lichens are formed by the interaction of fungal spores and free algal cells. Occurrence and importance: Lichens are ubiquitous in distribution occur in a as wide variety of habitats. Lichens can be classified into different types upon their occurrence. A] saxiculous lichens: They grow on rocks. They are important initiating soil formation, either chemically by selecting lichen compounds that weather the rocks on which they live, mechanically by the destruction of the rock directly by physical action of the lichen thallus. B] Cyanophycophillus lichens: They contain blue-green algal phycobionts. They are important in certain ecosystems where they provide majority of the fixed nitrogen. Importance: Cladonia rangifera and similar sps are important in winter food for certain animals like Reindeers. A number of commercial product such as dyes, ;litmus essential oils for furfume manufacture, where obtained for lichens. Uronic acid produced by a number of lichens is an antimicrobial substance. The most important role of lichens is an indicators of air pollution. In centers of heavy industrial pollution no lichens can be found. Anatomy and morphology: There are 2 general types of lichen thalli,based in the distribution of algal cells among the fungal tissue. A] Homomerous:[homios- same & meros-part] The algae are more are less evenly distributed through out the thallus. B]. Heteromerous-[ hetero-diff] The algal cells formed a distinct layer with the thallus. Three layers are present namely, algal layer, the medulla and cortex. The cortex can be further divided into and upper and lower cortex depending on the configuration of the thallus. Growth forms: The 4 major growth forms, that has been recognized in the lichens are, The foliose thallus is leaf like The upper cortex is a gelatinized mycelial layer which is protective in nature. Below this is the algal layer consisting of algal cells enveloped by hyphae. In many sps, they may be penetrated by fungal haustoria. 30 The medulla occupies the major portion of the thallus and is situsted just below the algal layer.it consist of hyphae interwoven into loose parenchyma. The lower cortex.if present,is situated at the bottom of the thallus and resembles the upper cortex in structure. It is often covered with rhizoidal hyphae or hairs. Crutose: These lichens closely adhere to their substrate. Squmulose: This is scale like composed of many small lobe. Fructicose: It is erect, cylindrical or branched with finger like projections. Classification on the basis of occurrence of Phycobionts: Chlorophycophilus: Presence of green algal phycobionts. Cyanophycophillus: Presence of blue green algal phycobionts. Diphycophillus: Presence of both green and blue green algal phycobionts. Physiology: The physiological reaction between the phycobiont and mycobiont in a lichen thallus is not well understood. The phycobiont supplies the carbohydrate. it fixes the nitrogen and release it into the thallus. Water is adsorbed from the environment by the hyphae and is transported to the algal layer. The fungal hyphae is usually in intimate contact with the algal cells by means of appressoria and often through haustoria. The phycobionts of most lichens is the green algae Trebouxia [ name of green algae]. Reproduction: The lichen thallus forms probacules consisting of both symbionts. Reproduction of mycobionts: Lichen fungi produce either ascospores or basidiospores that are discharged from the lichen thallus and germinmate to form mycelium. These will then combined with free algal cells under favourable conditions to synthesize a new lichen thalus. The ascospores may be one celled or septate. They vary in size form 1-500 micrometer. Reproduction of phycobiont: The green algal symbionts multiplied by vegetative cell division and by the formation of aplanospores. BG phycobionta may multiply by cell division haterocyst , akinetes. Lichen probacules: [diasospores] The lichen thallus reproduces itself asexually by various efficient means. Portions of thallus cut off and those that land in favourable environment may grow into thalli. 2 types of more differentiated diasospores [greek- diasore- dispersal ] are also produced. Isidia: They are minute more or less columna structures consisting of both fungal hyphae and algal cells that break off and are distributed by wind, animals, raindrops etc., Soredia: 31 They are micrscopic powdery masses of algal cells enveloped by fungal hyphae produced in soredia[ Pustules of various types on the thallus]. They are also distributed by wind, animals, raindrops etc., In diphycophillus lichens that have 2 phycobionts , a green& BG algae. The BG are segregated in special internal or external swelling called sephalode. Microbe- plant interaction: Leaf nodule bacteria: The occurrence of leaf nodule is confined to 2 families namely, Rubiaceae Myrsinaceae Many genera of the family Rubiacea formed leaf nodule, they are Pavatta, Chomenia, Pschotria The genius Psychotria has received considerable attention form many workers. Leaf nodules & Nitrogen fixation: Role of leaf nodule but in nitrogen fixation was not known for a while. Earlier reports claiming nitrogen fixation have later been disproved by experiments with nodulated leaves form plants grown in media free of combined nitrogen. The tests employed were Acetylene reduction technique for nitrogenase activity estimation Exposure of the leaves to an atmosphere containing 15N labeled nitrogen gas determine the extent of nitrogen fixation. Bacteria present in the leaf nodule: Mycobacterium rubidearum, Mycoplana rubra, Flavobacterium sp, Phyllobacterium rubiacearum & Klebsiella rubiacearum Production of phytohormones: Evidences have shown that cytokines may be produced in leaf nodules. Bioassay for cytokinin activity: Retention of Chlorophyll by leaves is a characteristics feature commonly used in the bioassay for cytokinins. The naturally occurring scencent and yellow leaves of Psychotria retain Chlorophyll around leaf nodules indicating the presence of cytokinins. Drascorea macroura, member of the family ioshoreaceae possess leaf glands at the abscission of leaves which are inhabited by bacteria who’s identity is not known. The nitrogen content of leaf tissue containing the glands is higher than the remaining of the leaves. This indicates the ability of the symbiotic association to fix molecular nitrogen, though test with 15 N have not been carried out yet. Endosymbionts of protozoa: It is an interesting mutualistic relationship exists between population of algae and protozoa. EX: Paramecium Chlorella Algae [ Chlorella] Protozoa [ Paramaceium] Supply protozoa with growth factor organic carbon and oxygen provides algae with protection motility co2 and perhaps other 32 Chlorella cells present Within the ciliates of protozoa Chlorella allows Protozoa to move in anaerobic habitats as long as there is sufficient light Forminifera & Pyrophycophyta or Chrysophycopjhyta: Algae supply protozoa with food and oxygen protozoa protect algae form grazer. This type of mutualistic relationship exists to normal conditions. But during environmental stress conditions i.e prolonged absence of light, protozoa digest the algae population. Many other relationship occurs between algae and protozoa. Algae of fresh water environment that has contact with protozoa algae belonging to chlorophycophyta are called as Zoochlorella [ fresh water algae found with protozoa]. Algae found within marine protozoa are called zooxanthallae [most dinoflagellate of group pyrophycophyta are involved. Endozoic cyanobacteria which occurs both in fresh water and marine protozoa are called cyanellae. Endosymbiotic of protozoan has been established by electron microscopic studies some multiplies with in the nucleus of protozoan and some within cytoplasm. Certain flagellated protozoa Blasocrithidia & Crithidia exhibits mutualistic relationship with bacterial endosymbionts. Bacteria: Caedibacter[ Endosymbiont] Protozoa : Paramecium Aurelia Cardibacter formerly called as kappa particle Paramecium Aurelia Killer strains Contain endosymbionts sensitive strains lack endosymbionts Cardiabacter has plasmid [ contain R body ] that codes for the production of toxin. Cardibacter derive its nutrients Form P. Aurelia and in turn Protozoa escape form enemies by the production of toxin by the endosymbiont. Cardibacter P.Aurelia Has R body codes for toxin production & help protozoa form enemies supply food for the bacterium Certain Methanogens have interesting mutualistic relationship with other organism. Ex: Methanobacterium omelianskii sulfur utilizing organisms [ use e-s to render CO2 –CH4] Methane Reduction utilizes acetate and supplied electrons [ hydrogen thus mutualism occurs between these ions ] 2 microbial partners. In a 3 membered syntrophic association involved in the anaerobic digestion of a whey effluent to methane and Co2. 33 Acetolastic methanogens Ethanol ------oxidation------- acetate ------------------ Methane & Co2 Methanosarcina barkeri Desulfovibrio vulgaris HCO3- bicarbonate---------------- formate---------------methane -------Desulfovibrio vulgaris ------ ethanol –acetate+ bicarbonate to formate Methanosarcina barkari --acetate -----methane + CO2 Methanobacterium formicicium----- formate --------methane. Explain about the interactions among Microbial population? Introduction: Even under natural conditions microorganisms does not exist lonely. For instances in a petriiplate containing agar [ agar plates ] microbes multiply to form a colony [ lone to a single cell]. The environment of microorganisms is called habitat where population is similar group of individuals in a particular habitat. The term community refers to different population inhabit ting a particular locality. Interaction may occur between 2 microorganisms of a population or community. Interactions refers to the relationship between 2 organisms or more. Interactions may be positive or negative in nature. Positive increases the growth rate of the organisms. On the other hand negative interactions decrease the growth rate of the organisms. Alles et al [ 1949 say that both positive and negative interactions may occur within a single microbial population. The total interactions between population maintains the ecological balance of the community [ Bull & Stater 1982] Alles principle , also explains the density dependent interactions Commonly 2 types exists Cooperation Competition Cooperation: It is the positive interaction that occurs to low-density population. Competition: It is the negative interaction that occurs in high-density population. Positive interactions: The positive interactions occurring within the population is called Cooperation. Ex: 1 Long lag phase is needed in the cultivation of fastidious organisms. Generally if population is high log phase is less. Ex:2 Minimal infectious dose: It requires a thousand of microorganisms [ pathogens ] to cause a disease. A single organisms rarely able to overcome host defense mechanism. Ex:3 Semi permeable membrane: In many cases semi permeable cell membrane of microorganisms tend to leak low molecular weight metabolic intermediates that are essential for the biosynthesis of growth. If population is higher this can be overcome by excess amount of extra cellular substances in medium. Sometimes to overcome this difficulty sterile filtrate of spent enrichment culture medium added in new medium. Ex:4 34 Even motile bacteria associate to form colonies for efficient uptake of nutrient sources from the medium [ soil] and to seek new sources of nutrients. Motility & Nutrition: Ex: slime mold –Dicytostelinum Ex:5 Protective mechanisms: Cooperation is a population function as a protective mechanism against host environmental factors. Metabolic inhibitors is effective, only if cells were in low concentration, where as it is not effective if the cells were in higher concentration. Microbial films were sensitive to Antimicrobial agents if the population density is less and vice versa. Genetic interactions: Genetic interaction is another cooperation interaction among the microbial population. Resistance to heavy metals’ Ability to use unusual substances Resistance to antibiotics Negative interactions: Negative interaction occurs within a microbial population is celled s competition. Competition exists among the microbial population for food substrate shelter available in the environment. A place with low nutritive substance inhabited by a high population of microorganism competition occurs. Competition occurs within predatory microbial population for the available prey. Competition occurs within microbial population of parasites for the available host. Nagative interaction also occurs due to the accumulation of toxins and by the production of antibiotics. If a microbial population at a particular site is very high ,metabolic products accumulates at a higher level that may inhibit further growth of the organism. Accumulation of some metabolic products such as hydrogen sulfide and fatty acid constitute a negative back mechanism. Such accumulation inhibits further microbial growth even in the presence of substance. Ex:1 Excessive accumulation of hydrogen sulfide can limit further sulfate redu8ction. Ex:2 Accumulation of more amount of ethanol in the medium, stop further fermentation by Saccharomyces. Ex:4 Accumulation of fatty acids during hydrocarbon degradation blocks further microbial metabolism of hydrocarbon substrates. Ex:5 Accumulation of dichloroaniline form propanil stop further growth of Penicillium piscarium. Neutralism: The concept of neutralism implies the lack of interaction between 2 microbial population. Neutralism cannot occur between populations having the same functional roles within a community. It is more likely to occur between microbial population having extremely different metabolic capabilities than with similar capabilities. Neutralism is likely to occur at low microbial population densities. Where one population does not sense the presence of other. Ex: neutralism certain areas of marine habitat and oligotrophic lake habitats [ low nutrients], where microbial population is extremely low. 35 Neutralism also occur between 2 microbial population when both populations are outside their natural habitats. For ex microorganism in air [ atmosphere], here microbial population is low and all microorganism are allochthonus [ non= indigenous ]. Neutralism can occur when environmental conditions do not permit a active microbial growth. EX: Microorganism in frozen ice matrix. Microorganism in polar sea ice. ,, ,, ,,, Frozen fish , ,,, ,, ,,In frozen fresh water resting stages of microorganisms are more likely to exhibit a relation ship of neutralism with other microbial populations. Some environmental stress like scarce nutrients, excess heat allows microbial population to enter resting stages and performs a relationship of neutralism. Some microbial population produces enzymes that can degrade the resting stage of other microbial populations,. But such instances are rare. In fact endospores have thick coat with high amount of Melanin, DPA and calcium, which gives resistance to such negative interaction. Ruminant symbiosis: Ruminant are a group of herbivorous mammals like cattle, goat, sheep. Camel, giraffes etc., Ruminant gut provides more obvious example of mutualism. They are plant cellulose as the major carbohydrate source of their diet. However their normal gut cannot digest cellulose. Digestive tract of ruminants contain not less than successive stomach. They have developed a special region for cellulose digestion. This region in the human -that is essential – incubation chamber associating with bacteria and protozoa. In cow this resembles a large fermentation vat, about 100 lts , into which masticated plant materials enter for further digestion by a large number of anaerobic bacteria and protozoa. The mutualistic microbes hydrolyze cellulose and other complex plant polysaccharides to their component fatty acids [ acetic , propionic acid & butyric acid] and gases [ methane, carbon dioxide] The fatty acids are absorbed through the wall of human into the blood stream for use as carbon and enrgy source. The gases are passed out of rumen at frequent intervals. The microbial population of the rumen grows rapidly. These microbial cells pass out the rumen along with undigested plant materials into the stomach. These cells are destroyed and digested in the stomach through protease [ the rumen produces no digestive enzyme] in normal way to provide essential aminoacids and vitamins etc required for the growth of animals. The cellulose digesting bacteria of rumen are all strict anaerobes. The species include Bacteroides succinogenes Ruminococcus flavofaciens Ruminococcus albus Botryvibrio fibriosolvens The great bulk of bacterial population however is non- cellulolytic. Many of the rumen bacteria including some in the cellulytic species are capable of digesting starch proteins and lipids. Only lignin of the ingested plant materials escape digestion. The products of digestion of polysaccharides, proteins and lipids are fermented by the rumen of bacteria. During these processes , hydrogen gas combines with carbondioxide to form methane by Methanobacterium ruminantium. 36 BIOPESTICIDES & BIIOINSECTICIDES: (Section C) VIRAL INSECTICIDES Insect virus are classified as Inclusion viruses and non inclusion viruses, certain viruses like Baculoviruses have inclusion bodies in form of polyhedra and capsules. The virus with polyhedra are of 2 kinds. 1. Nuclear Polyhedrosis virus 2. Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus Apart from this, capsules as inclusion bodies in some viruses known as Granulosis virus. Insect viruses are classified under 7 important families. Baculoviridiae Reoviridiae Iridoviridiae Poxviridiae Parvoviridiae Picaviridae Rhabdoviridae Ture of Insect Viruses: The infectious unit is virion, composed of condensed genetic material either DNA/RNA surrounded by a coat or capsid of protenaceds subunit, the capsomer. These virus differ from other mainly, this is occulusion of virus particles, itself inside protein crystals, granules or other envelopes known as inclusion bodies. One of the important characteristic viruses is the production crystal like bodies called polyhedra in cells of tissues infected by viruses. Some cause formation as refrigerent inclusion vary size and shapes and other small granular inclusions. Inclusion bodies are mainly proteinaceous contents with virus particle embedded inside. If virus is enclosed by the inclusion body it is called occuladed and it is not enclosed it is nonocculuded. Nuclear Poly Hedrosis Virus (NPV): (Section A) NPV is a polyhedresis virus. Polyhedrosis are characterized by form of polyhedrose shaped inclusion bodies in infected tissues and, mostly asosciated with Lepidoptera, insects. 37 NPV – Heliothus armigeria – Control Spodoptera Litura in tobacco, Sorghum, Caston, Cotton and Sunflower. PV – Polyhedra Composition: (Section A) Polyhedra is composed of lipids, proteins iron, aminoacids, NH3, N2 etc. Polyhedra does not dissolve in hot or cold water, alcohol, ether, Choloform and acetone, but dissolved in NaoH, KOH, H2SO4, NH3, and acetic acid. They are don’t destroyed by bacterial pathogens. When draied remain unchanged for 20 years under refrigeration. Mode of Infection of Bacluovirus: Food contaminated with occlusion body Ingestion by larvae Disaggrecation of occulusion body in alkaline contents of gut Release of viral Particle Entry by fusion to gut epithelial cell Removal of coat Replication of DNA in 6-10 hrs Haemolysis occur Transmission of Disease to other tissue 38 Death of Larvae Cell death Cell lyses 4-6 days accumulation body in Nucleus Mass production of Occlusion body Hymptomatology: Larvae become sluggish and there is reduction in hepatile. Skin becomes oily and changes colour. Skin becomes fragile and repture liberating liquid body contents consisting polyhedra. Larvae in the last stage hang the head downward. Younger caterpillers are most sensitive. Incubation period is 3-21 days. Histopathology: Muscles, nerve ganglia, nerce sheath, hypodermous fat body, trachial matrix and blood cells and mid gut epithelial cells are infected. Procedure and preparation of NPV: 10 days larvae measuring 25-4 cm are ideal for culturing NPV collect the larvae and starve them over night. Prepare virus suspension (107 IB/ml in 250ml water, and few drops of teepel). Treat the leaves with virus suspension dry in shade for few minutes, (provide treated to sterved larvae) provide viruses inoculated with infected leaf, followed by normal leafs. Due to virus infection, the skin on undersurface turns pinkish white due to polyhedra accumulation. After death, the skin rupture and white liquified body contents ooze out. Grind the dead larvae and filtered through musclin cloth. Allow the virus to settle. After a weak pourout the supernatant the white sediment is mixed with water and teepol at 0.05% and sprayed in the evening. Application of Viral Pathogens: 39 Virus suspension in 250 lt/bec Soya oil – 0.1% as a sticker Soya flour – 1.0% as a sticker Applied as foliar spraying. Cytoplasmic Ployhedrosis Virus: [CPV]: (Section A) [SMITHA VIRUS] The virus is sphericle and multiply in the cytoplasm of the cell of midgut. The polyhedra inclusions are regular dodecahedra or icosahedral. They average 0.5 – 2.5 nm. It contain 1001000 virons composed of RNA. Polyhedra are does not dissolve in water, and dissolve in weak alkalies. Viruses particle consist of a capsid made of 2 concentric cells and an inner core and the capsid has 12 tubular projection. Symptomatology: 1. Infected larvae lack behind in growth 2. Loss of apetite and smaller in size 3. Colour changes occur – ventral abdominal in midgut region may show chalky white patches due to accumulation of inclusion bodies. 4. Blocking of alimentary canal. 5. Skin will not rupture 6. mid gut appear opague, pale yellow, or milky in appearance Histopathology: sections made at the early stage of the disease show formation of polyhedra in midgut epithelia cell. As infection spreads, polyhedra spread through the alimentary canal. CPV is present in every cell of fore, mid, and bind gut. As polyhedra are formed, the cytoplasm may swell extending into lumen. The cell wall breaks and polyhedra are liberated into gut lumen, the cell nucleus remain intact until disintegration occurs. Fungal Biological Control This is the largest group of insect pathogen having more than 700 spp. The pest belonging to insect orders. Lepidoptera, coleoptera, Homoptera, Hymenoptera and Diptera are susceptible to different fungal pathogens. 40 Fungi belonging to Ascomycotina, Phycomyatina, Basidiomyeodina and Deuteromycotina attack different Spp. Of insects. Best Example: TRICHODERMA General characteristic of Trichoderma. Sp Mainly I. Vivide T.Harixanum used as a biocontrol agent. Their character listed below. Character T. Viride T.Harizanum Colony size 4.7 cm 9 cm Optimum temperature 20 – 30 degree C 30 degree C Ph 4.5 3.7 – 4.7 Hypae short, downside long branches same in (T.V) with divergent Philodes 2-4 number more than 4 Conidia freeze edged conidia smooth oval conidia Soil clay loamy soil paddy field Rhizosphera Tabaco, Potato, Sugar Beat, Wheat, and Grasses Roting tuber cassava, pea seeds, grains of sorghum, sewage, composed house hold refuse Active against – Plant Phathogens: Rhizoctina Solani Fusarium oxgsponcum Mucor hiemalls Phythium ultionum Verticillum albo atrum Collectrotrichum lini Hermithosporium sp Alternaria. Sp Candida albicans Aspergillus niger etc 41 Mass preparation of Trichoderma Inoculum Preparation: Trichoderma Sp Isolated from soil Pure Culture A loopful of spore transferred to SDA / PDA plate Inculate room temp for 4-5 day That culture was transferd to 50ml medium in 250 ml flask Incubate 4-5 day Green colour sporosare appeared Poured 300ml pure sterilized cooled water Flask mix well Filtered through sterile muslin cloth Filtered solution is a stock of Inoculum Product preparation Process: 42 Partially milled sorghum/paddy Put in polythene bag 250 gms in 500 gms capacity bag Mouth tightened with rubber bands Autoclaving Allowed to cool Inoculate 5 ml of stock culture into the bag aseptically. Spare load 107 spore / gm of substrate Ready for direct used. Modified form Talc formulated Trichoderma Production: Trichoderma viride Grown in mollasses yeast medium for 10 days 2.5 litres of inoculum, 50 litre sterlie medium in fermantor today, 4-8 hrs aeration 43 From this harvested broth mixed with 100 kg of supper white talk and 500g CMC Mixed well Dried in shade for 72 hrs. Quantity 300 * 106 CFU / gm at the time of use Ready to use Field application 1. Seed coating 2. Foliar spray 3. Soil amenments 4. Liquid suspension treatment 10ml suspension / kg seed. 5. Seed dipping Direct coating 4 gms of biocontrol / Kg of seed. INSECT PARASITOIDES The term “Parasitoids” is used to refer an insect parasite. Insect parasite is an insect much smaller than its best insect. The parasitoid may irritate, weaken or killing the best insects. Based on their time of pathogenic to plant pathogenic insect, the parasitoides classified as Ecto and Endo parasitoids Eg: Ealophidae – External parasitoid of stem borer and leaf mines of Hemptera Bracondiae Endo parasitoids. Larval purpat parasitoids: Eg: Chalcididae – primary / secondary parasites of purparia of Diptera insects. Egg Larval parasitoids: Eg: Trichogramma – Oophagous/ Egg. Parasitoids. Advantages of Biopesticides: The viruses of biocontrol of insect pests with biopesticides lie in not having the dangers involved in using chemical insecticides. 44 1. Bio control is safe, free from environmental pollution, toxic resistance and durable 2. Comparatively cheaper than chemical pesticides 3. Do not need any special equipment’s for application 4. No danger to any one in field. 5. Continuous and sustained control pests 6. Relative high specificity tends to protect beneficial insects. 7. Requirement of low dosage. Disadvantages: 1. Correct timing of application with respect to incubation period of disease. 2. The narrow specificity of pathogens narrow spectrum of effectiveness. 3. Necessity to maintain in a viable condition 4. Difficulty in culturing in large quantities. 5. Require favourable climatic conditions for best efficiency AZOSPIRILLUM INOCULANT Beijerinck in 1925 reported N2 fixing bacteria. Under the name spirillum lipoferum. The ability to fix N2 in pure culture was not determined later, N2 fixation by S. Lipoferum was conformed by several workers by definitive methods as acetyleme reduction technique, and the isotopes enrichment method involving 15N2 . Tarrand et.al., (1978) renamed this bacterium as Azospirillum. Dobereiner and Day (1976) observed that Azospirillum could be isolated from tropical grassess like Digitaria, Panicum, Maize, Sorghum, Wheat and rye. Characterization Azospirillum are gram-negative, mobile, vibroide in shape, and contains PHB granules. On semi solid malate medium white dense and undulating tine pellicles is characteristics of Azospirillum. mIcroscopic examination shows pleomorphic rods, shows lacteral flagella in addition to single polar flagellum. Azospirillum grows well on salts of organic acids like maltose, succinate, pyruvate, or lactate. Azospirillum can be classified into two groups as group I strain of A.brasilienge differing from group II a. lipoferum by their inability to use glucose as sole carbon source, for growth in nitrogen free medium by their requirement for biotin, formation of wider longer. ‘S; shaped or helical cells in semisolid - N2 free malate medium. A. Amazonense – pink colonies appear on potato agar, lacteral, flagella absent, uses sucrose as carbon source. 45 A. Sero pedicae have 1 to 3 flagella at poles, small, moist, green centered colonies on N2 free bromothymol (NFB) medium. Isolation of Azospirillum: Collected root washed with water to remove adhering soil Cut the roots to small bits 1cm size with help of razer. The root bits are surgface sterilized by 1% chloranium ‘T’ solution ofr 2 – 5 times or 0.1%. HgCl2 for 1 minute, follwed by washing with sterile water and po4 buffer (Pt 1.70) The root bits are inocculated into a semisolid malic medium (5ml – sterile medium) Incubates the tubes at room temperature for 3 to 5 days. Observe development of pellicles and colour changed of medium from yellow to blue. Identification Malic acid medium prepared with 1.5% agar and pur into sterile petridishes. Then streak a loopful of culture from tubes over solidified medium. Incubate the plate 3 to 5 days. Azospirillum change the colour of the medium from light yellow to blue, and further confirmation is done by its active special movement when viewed through microscope. Carriers for Azospirillum: Soil and farmyard mannure (FYM) in ratio 1:1 used as carrier. The carrier is sterilized for 3 hrs at 121 degree C consecutively 3 days. It is best carrier for Azospirillum. The bacterium was able to survive upto 6 months and gave about 106 cells/gm of carrier. Mass production of Azospirillum Purified strains of Azospirillum From Agar slant into large flask, ammonia containing medium Incubate 3 – 10 days at 28 degree C Starter culture trnasfer to production fermentor Incubate 3-5 days Obtain 2 * 109 cells/ ml of medium Check purity 46 Mixed with carrier Adjusted moisture content to 40% Packed in polythene bags expelling the air. Application Techniques For murseries Azospirillum is to be mixed with water and seeds should be shown over night. In field further 2 kg of Azospirillum mixed with 25 kg FYM + 25 kg soil and broad caster over field before transplantation. Another method is to prepare slurry of 1 kg. Azospirillum in 4 litrs, water and dip roots of rice stand for 15 to 30 minutes before seedling. Crop Response Sorghum, Pearl millet and finger millet appeared to the responsive to Azospirillum. The seed inoculation with Azospirillum brasilens increase grain yield of sorghum, pearl millet and ragi, respectively 17.9%, 15.4% and 17.7%. Azospirillum culture increase root biomass of rice and wheat. It produce plant growth harmones in pure culture. BIOCONTROL AGENTS Introduction of Biological Control: When man started cultivation, he had a little knowledge about plant disease. Many control measures were adopted, time to time, which include cultural practices, and use of organic and inorganic chemicals. In recent years the increasing information, on hazordous effect of synthetic pesticides on plant and animal health, have alarmed the scientists to seek an alternative method. That is biological control method which involved. Disease control by some biological agents. (living Micro-or Macro – Organisms) other then disease causing organisms. Examples of Biocontrol Agents Bacterial biological control: Bacillus thruringiensis B. Subtilis, B. Popillae Pseudomonas fluorescens Agrobacterium radiobacter Fungal Agents: 47 Trichoderma Viride T. barizanum Viral Agents NPV – Virus – Heliothys armigen Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus. Parasitic Agents Trichoderma-. Egg parasite Insects used as Biocontrol agents Oecophylla Smaragclina group at ant population control certain pest of citrus plant. Senecio Jacobae Weels of watter areas controlled by Tyrea Jacobae DE of Action: Antibiosis: The biocontrol agent produce large quantities of antibiotics lead cost. Plasmalemma retraction, Breakdown of organnelles, Cytoplasmic disintegration due to induce permiability of phospholipids. Eg: B.Subtities Iturin, Pengyein Control Rhizoctina solani – xanthomonas compestris. B.Fluorescense Oomycine, Tropolene Pyconine Trichoderma Viride Trichodermin, Dermin, Trichouiridin. Enzymes: Control agents produce some extracellular enzymes like chitinase, glucanase, that lead out degradation at cell walled pathogens. Antagonistic protein: B.subtilus produce antogonistic protein pertaining to 37KD, 24KD, 10KD and 8KD, they are strongly inhibitory to seed borne fungi and bacteria. Competition: Flueroscent pseudomenads compete with pathogens for iron. During low iron cone, they 48 produce iron-seqnestring compound called siderophores, which decrease iron availability and inhibit growth of pathogens. Eg: Pseudomonas Flueroscense Control cotton with. Siderophose eg: Pseudobacteria, ferribacteria, ferrichrome, pyochelin Ercoinia soft rot disease. Parasitism and predation: Mycoparasitism when one fungus is parasitized by another one the phenomenon is called as mycoparasitism. Hyper parasite & biocontrol On hypo parasite pathagen Form coiling about host fungus. Secreting cellwall lytic enzymes Control the pathogen Nematophagy: This is the phenomenon eating upon nematodes by fungi (Nemata fhagus fungus – NF) Eg: Fungus: Arthrobotrys, Dactylana, Phialosper control Heterodera rastochiensis nematodes. Sycophagy: Feeding of fungi by amoebae Eg: Amoebae: Arachula, Geococcus, Vampyrella Succamaebae Control Fusonium oxgysponum phylophthorasp of – fungus. a. Attachment of parasite Tropozoint of amoebae attached on fungal propagules Fungal propagules engulbed Causes Pertoration 49 Digested the fungal cytoplasm completely Mode of Action: B.T. Strains is contained with a very large structural body called para sporal crystal which is synthesized during sporulation. It is 20-30% of the dry cot of the sporulate culture. It consists mainly. 95% protein and a small amount of carbohydrate 5%. The crystal aggregates of one kind of protein that can be dissociated by mild alkali treatment into two subunits, each with a mio 250 Kda approximately 20 glucose and 10 mannose residues are associated with each unit. The parasperal crystal is not the active form of the insecides, rather, it is a protoxin, a precursor of the active toxin. When the parasporal body is ingested by target insect the protoxin is activated within its gut by the combination of alkaline. Photosynthesis(7.5 to 8.0) and specific digestive protease. Which coverts the protoxin into an active toxin with a mw (08k Da. In its active form, the toxin insert into the membrane of the gut epithelial cells of the insect and creates an ion channel through which there is believed to be an excessive loss of cellular are ATP. About 15 minutes after than ion channel formation cellular metabolism is ceased, the insect stop feeding, becomes dehydrated and eventually dies. BACTERIAL PESTICIDES There are several bacterial pathogens of insects that currently are used as insecticides. They are Rickettsiella popiliae Bacillus popiliae B. Thuringiensis B. Lentimorbus B. Spharecus B. Subtilis Clostridium malacosome Pseudomonas aeruginosa, fhioeveseens. Xenorbabdus nematophilus and Agrobacterium radiobacter. Among them B.thruinigiensis is an important biological control of lepidopteran (target pest) used. Since the late 1960’s. B.thuringiensis or BT as it is commonly known, is an important biological control. Agent, it was first observed as the cause of the Sotto disease in Silkworm 50 [Bombay mori} in 1901. The name B.Thuringiensis comes from the German province Thoringen in Which it was discovered. In 1959 thuricide [a preparation of BT] was commercialized by pacific yeast products as a biological control agent. B.thuringiensis has many subspecies that differ in the number and types of plasmid they contain. The genetic information coding for the insecticidal toxins of these strains is borne on these plasmid. Bacillus thuringensis B.Thuriensis is a gram positive soil bacterium that grow by digestive organic matter derived from dead organisation or by colonization within living insects. Initially isolated form dust inside silk worm rearing house and soil around it. Strains of B.thuringiensis are classified in five pathogenic types on the basis of their insecticidal range. B.thruiensis sub.sp krustaki kills lepidoptron larvae, including moths, butter files, skippers, cabbage worm and spurce budworm. B.thiruensis sub.sp instaeliensis kills muskitoes and black flies. B.thruiensis sub.sp tenobrious agains colepder (bedttles) such potato beetle and the boll weevil. Apart from this B. thiruensis var aizawai and no known toxicity strain. B. thiruensis var dakota are used as biological control. Mass production of Bacillus Thuringiensis: Isolation of B.Thuringiensis strains from lepidepidron insects Mother culture In ordinary media – prepare Incoculum Inoculum introduce into production termentar 72 hrs – Shake culture Harvested (cell load 1011 cells /ml) Finished product 1. Tale Formulation 2. Gypsum formulation 51 3. Pecot formulation packed in polythene bags. Introduction of Bacillus Subtiles: A:13 Prepare nutrient broth Inoculated with mother culture in large scale – 72 hrs for production time. Harvested : mixed with 250 kg stread sterile peat soil amounted with 37kg) CaCo3 for (100litrs molecules) Packed, life time – 6 months. Agrobacterium Radio Bacter – 84 This bacterium has been found to control the effectively Croron gall of stone fruit caused by A.Fumifaciens. Inoculation of seed and root in combination with A.Radiobacter strain 84, 98.8% control of crown gall was achieved. They organ’s produce was coded by conjucative plasmid of the antagonist. Other bacterial pesticides: Pseudomonas Fluorescence: It is antagonistic to ercoinia Caratovora Causing of soft root of potato. Mass production and formulation: Mother culture One loopful culture introduce into 100ml of king’s ‘B’ Broth Room temp. 48 hrs. 1 liter mother culture Inoculate 100 litrs. Of king’s ‘B’ medium 52 72 hrs – 150 rpm – 80 degree C temp Harvested( 9 * 10 degree CFU /Ml) Total formulation / End products 400ml medium with ( 9 * 10 degree CFU /Ml) 1 kg super white talk + carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) (Photosynthesis – 7.0 adjusted) packed the product Life Time : 120 days. 4 gms/kg seed for application. 53