5 November 2009 SEFI Officers 2009-2010 For internal use only President 2009-2011 Prof. Anette Kolmos, Chairholder UNESCO Chair in Problem Based Learning in Engineering Education, Aalborg University, Fibigerstræde 13, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø Phone: +4599408307 Fax : +45 9815 1085 Mobile + 4520204208 Skype : Anette Kolmos Email: ak@plan.aau.dk http://www.plan.aau.dk/~ak Vice-President 2009-2012 Prof. José Carlos Quadrado Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa Rua Conselheiro Emídio Navarro, 1 PT-1959-007 Lisboa Phone : +351 218 317 152 Office : +351 21 8317 271 Direct Line: +351 919 234 222 Fax :+351 218 317 162 Skype: jcquadrado Email : presidente@isel.ipl.pt www.isel.ipl.pt Vice-President 2007-2010 Mrs. Kati Korhonen- Yrjanheikki The Finnish Association of Graduate Engineers TEK Ratavartijankatu 2, 00520 Helsinki, Finland Phone: +358 40 700 3335 Fax: +358 9 2291 2911 Mobile : +358 40 700 3335 Skype : kati_ky E-mail: katiky@tek.fi www.tek.fi Past President 2009-2011 Prof. Jörg Steinbach Technical university Berlin StraBe des 17 Juni 135 10623 Berlin, Germany Phone: + 49 30 31422433 Fax : + 49 30 31426959 1 Skype: Joergstb Mobile : + 49 1723 147806 Email : Joerg.Steinbach@tu-berlin.de www.tu-berlin.de Elected until 30 September 2010 1. Dr. Daiva Dumciuviene Kaunas University of Technology, K.Donelaicio 73 44029 Kaunas, Lithuania Phone: +370 37 300 035 Fax: +370 37 300039 Mobile:+370 687 47066 Skype : none E-mail: daiva.dumciuviene@ktu.lt www.ktu.lt 2. Prof. Bohdan Macukow Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Mathematics and information science Plac Politechniki 1 PL-00-661 Warszawa Phone: +48 22 234 76 87 Fax:+48 22 660 53 63 Mobile : +48 602 389 553 Skype : none E-mail: b.macukow@mini.pw.edu.pl www.pw.edu.pl 3.Prof. Zafer Dursunkaya Middle East Technical University (METU) Inonu Bulvari TR-06531 Ankara Phone : + 90 312 210 2501 Fax : + 90 312 210 7958 Mobile :+90 532 514 6130 Skype :None E-mail : refaz@metu.edu.tr www.metu.edu.tr 4. Prof. Alena Kohoutkova Czech Technical University in Prague Zikova 4, 166 36 Praha 6 Czech Republic Phone: +420 2 2435 3471 or 740 Fax: +420 2 3333 5797 Mobile : +420 724 116 164 Skype : akohout1 E-mail: akohout@fsv.cvut.cz www.cvut.cz 2 5. Prof. Pierre Padilla Ecole Nationale des Ingénieurs de Metz (ENIM) Île du Saulcy F-57045 Metz Cedex 1 Phone : + 33 3 87 34 69 00 Fax : + 33 3 87 34 69 35 Mobile : + 33 4 73475965 Skype : None E-mail : padilla@enim.fr www.enim.fr 6.Mr. Nicolò Wojewoda Via del Tiro a Segno 5 I-06049 Spoleto Phone: + 39 0743 22 07 32 Fax: Mobile: + 39 32 82 95 61 10 Skype: nwojewoda E-mail : nicolo.wojewoda@gmail.com Website ? 7. Assoc. Prof. Alex Stojcevski Swinburne Professional Learning PO Box 218 (H20) Hawthorn VIC 3122 John St, Hawthorn BA Building Level 9, BA905 Hawthorn VIC 3122 Phone: + 61 3 214 5712 Fax: + 61 3 214 4328 Skype: alex_stojcevski_vu Email: astojcevski@swin.edu.au http://www.swinburne.edu.au/ Elected until September 30th 2011 1. Dr. Robert Ruprecht BFH-TI Biel-Bienne Quellgasse 55e 21 Postfach 1180 CH- 2501 Biel/Bienne Phone: +41 32 321 62 54 (Direct) Fax: +41 32 321 65 00 Mobile : Skype : E-mail: robert.ruprecht@bfh.ch www.hta-bi.bfh.ch 2.Prof. Oleg V.Boev Russian AEE/Tomsk Polytechnic University Office 327 -30 Lenin Avenue Tomsk 634050, Russia Phone: +7 38 22 56 33 50 3 Fax: +7 38 22 56 46 51 Mobile : +7 913 820 0690 Skype : Oleg_Boev E-mail: ovb@tpu.ru www.tpu.ru 3.Prof. Branko Jeren University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Unska 3 HR 1000 Zagreb Croatia Phone: + 385 1 612 99 50 Fax: + 385 1 612 96 52 Mobile : + 385 98 33 00 12 Skype: branko.jeren E-mail: branko.jeren@fer.hr www.fer.hr 4.Prof.Dr Ir Wim Van Petegem KU Leuven/ AVNet Kapeldreef 62, 3001, Heverlee Belgium Phone: +32 16 32 78 13 Fax: +32 16 32 82 70 Mobile : 32-(0)477-77.22.86 Skype : wvanpetgem E-mail: wim.vanpetegem@avnet.kuleuven.be www.avnet.kuleuven.be 5.Prof. Jan-Uwe Wolff Dean, Faculty of Technology VIA University College Chr. M. Ostergards Vej 4 DK-Horsens 8700 Phone: + 45 7625 5063/ + 45 2338 2600 Fax: + 45 7625 5041 Mobile : Skype : Email : juw@viauc.dk 6.Dr. Angela Varadi University of Miskolc H-35 15 Miskolc-Egyetemvaros Phone : + 36 (0)6 46 56 50 15 Fax : +36 (0)6 46 31 28 42 Mobile: +36 205 397 690 Skype: angela6207 Email : elkvsza@gold.uni-miskolc.hu http://www.uni-miskolc.hu 7.Prof. Anne-Marie Jolly Dean , Polytech’Orléans – Site Vinci 8, rue Léonard de Vinci F-45072 Orléans dedex 2 Tel. + 33 2 38 41 70 50 4 Fax : + 33 2 38 41 70 63 Mobile :33 6 812 10547 Skype : none Email : anne-marie.jolly@univ-orleans.fr www.polytech-orleans.fr Elected until 30 September 2012 1. Prof. Aris V Avdelas Faculty of Engineering Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GR-54124 Thessaloniki Phone: + 30 231 0 995784 Fax: + 30 231 0 995642 Skype: aris.avdelas Mobile: + 30 69 77 94 71 97 E-mail: avdelas@civil.auth.gr www.civil.auth.gr 2. Prof. Dr. Urbano Dominguez University of Valladolid Escuela Universitaria Politecnica C/Francisco Mendizàbal E-47014 Valladolid Spain Phone: + 34 983 42 35 18 Fax: + 34 983 42 34 90 Skype: Mobile : E-mail: udg@uva.es www.uva.es 3. Prof. Kamel Hawwash School of Engineering – University of Birmingham B31 2QH United Kingdom Tel . + 44 121 414 5068 (office) Home : +44 121 475 3856 Fax: + 44 121 4143675 Skype: kamel.hawwash Mobile: + 44 7765 892702 Email: k.i.m.hawwash@bham.ac.uk http://www.bham.ac.uk/ 4. Prof. Oliver Moravcik Slovak Technical University School of Materials Science and Technology Paulinska 16 SK-917 24 Trnava Tel: + 421 33 551 10 Fax: + 421 33 551 10 28 Skype : Mobile : 5 Email : oliver.moravcik@stuba.sk www.stuba.sk 5. Mr. Xavier Fouger Dassault Systems 10, rue Marcel Dassault F-78140 Vélizy-Villacoublay Tel. + 33 1 61 62 44 03 Fax : + 33 1 70 73 43 63 Skype : none Mobile : + 33 6 89 86 91 59 Email : xavier_fouger@ds-fr.com http://www.3ds.com/fr/ 6. Assoc. Prof. Erik de Graaff Delft University of Technology Faculty Technology Policy and Management PO Box 5015 NL-2600 GA Delft Tel + 31 152 78 62 26 Fax: + 31 152 78 46027 Skype: erik de graaff Mobile: + 31 61 5054756 Email: e.degraaff@tudelft.nl http://tudelft.nl/ 7. Prof. Anne Borg NTNU Vice-Dean of Education Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology Dpt Physics N-Trondheim Tel: +47 7539 3413 Fax: + 47 7539 7710 Skype: borga-ntnu Mobile: + 47 4166 2984 Email: anne.borg@phys.ntnu.no http://www.ntnu.no/english HEADQUARTERS 119, rue de Stassart B-1050 Brussels www.sefi.be Mrs. Françoise Côme Secretary General Phone: +32 2 502 36 09 / 502 53 48 (direct) Fax: +32 2 502 96 11 Mobile : + 32 475 935614 Home : + 32 2 3454952 Skype: franceclaire 6 E-mail: francoise.come@sefi.be www.sefi.be Ms. Aisling Mc Niffe (August 24th 2010 – July 1st 2010) Membership /Information Assistant Phone: +32 2 502 36 09 Fax: +32 2 502 96 11 Skype: aisling.mc.niffe E-mail: aisling.mcniffe@sefi.be www.sefi.be Prof. Francesco Maffioli Treasurer Politecnico di Milano Dip. Di Elettronica & Informazione Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32 I-20133 Milano Phone: +39 0 2 23 99 35 79 Fax: +39 0 2 23 99 34 12 Mobile : + 39 34 76 72 10 14 Skype: E-mail: maffioli@elet.polimi.it http://www.polimi.it/ BUREAU MEMBERS 2009-2010 By statutes: Dr. Kolmos (President), Prof. JC Quadrado (Vice-President), Mrs. Korhonen-Yrjänheikki (Vice-President), Prof. Maffioli (Treasurer), Mrs. Côme (Secretary General) By invitation of the president: Prof. De Graaff, Mr. Fouger, Prof. Steinbach (Past President), Prof. Borri (former President), Mr. Van Petegem Prof. Claudio Borri,, Università degli studi di Firenze, International Relations Office, Viale Morgagni, 85, 50134 Firenze, Phone : Phone: 39 055 4796 543 Mobile : 39 335 69 54 882 Fax: 39 055 4796 544 segr-criaciv@dicea.unifi.it Working Group Chairs: Chair of Curriculum Development WG Prof. Urbano Dominguez (see page 5, no 2 for contact details) udg@uva.es 7 Chair of Continuing Engineering Education WG Mr. Markku Markkula Director TKK Dipoli - Helsinki University of Technology PO Box 8000 FIN-025015 TKK Phone. + 358 9 451 4000 Fax + 358 9 451 4068 Skype: Email:markku.markkula@dipoli.tkk.fi www.dipoli.tkk.fi Chair of Working Group on Gender and Diversity Prof. Dr. Susanne Ihsen Technische Universität München Gender Studies in Ingenieurwissenschaften Theresienstr. 90 80290 Muenchen Phone: +49-89-289 22936 Fax: +49-89-289 22938 Skype : Email :ihsen@tum.de http://portal.mytum.de/welcome Chair of WG on Engineering Education Research Dr. Jonte Bernhard Linköping University ITN, Campus Norrköping SE-60174 Norrköping Phone: +46 11 363318 Fax: +46 11 363270 Skype: jontebernhard Email: jonte.bernhard@liu.se http://www.itn.liu.se/~jonbe Chair of WG on Mathematics and Engineering Education Prof. Dr. Burkhard Alpers University of Applied Science Aalen Dept of Mechanical Engineering Beethovestrasse 1 D-73430 Aalen Phone: + 49 73 615762238 Fax: + 49 73 615762315 Skype: Email: Burkhard.Alpers@fh-aalen.de http://www.fbm.fh-aalen.de 8 Chair of WG on Physics and Engineering Education Prof. Greet Langie Campus De Nayer Jan De Nayerlaan 5 B- 2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver Belgium Phone: +32 (0)15 31 69 44 Fax +32 (0)15 31 74 53 GSM +32 (0)472 399 068 greet.langie@denayer.wenk.be http://www.denayer.wenk.be Chair of WG on Ethics in Engineering Education Dr. Henk Zandvoort Delft University of Technology Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management Jaffalaan 5 2628 BX Delft The Netherlands Phone: +31 15 2781925 Fax: +31 15 2786233 Skype: E-mail: h.zandvoort@tbm.tudelft.nl Email : burkhard.alpers@htw-aalen.de/ Chairs of WG on Information and Communication Technologies Prof. Kateriina Alha University of Oulu Central University Administration PO Box 8000 90014 Oulu Finland Phone: 358 8 8 553 2353 Fax: 358 8 553 2006 Skype : katariina.alha@oulu.fi http://www.oulu.fi/english/ Dr. Ellen Sjoer Delft University of Technology Centre for Education and Technology PO Box 5015 2600 GA Delft Jaffalaan 5 2628 BX Delft The Netherlands Phone: +31 15 27 83037 Fax: +31 15 27 87155 9 E-mail: e.sjoer@tbm.tudelft.nl http://tudelft.nl/ Taskforce Chairs Task Force on Accreditation and the Bologna Declaration Chair: Prof. Steinbach (Technical University Berlin) joerg.steinbach@tu-berlin.de See page 1 Task Force on Relations with the Industry Chair: Mr. Fouger (Dassault Systèmes) xavier.fouger@3ds.com see page 6 Task Force on the cooperation with IGIP Chair: Prof. Borri (University of Florence) cborri@dicea.unifi.it See page 7 European Journal of Engineering Education Editorial Committee Chief Editor: E. de Graaff (e.degraaff@tudelft.nl) See also the See page 6 Leonardo da Vinci Medal Committee Chair: SEFI President Dr. Anette Kolmos (University of Aalborg) ak@plan.aau.dk See page 1 Web Committee Editor: Mrs. Côme (SEFI Secretary General) francoise.come@sefi.be See page 7 10