Laerskool Doringkloof Primary Afbakening Graad 5 X Kwartaal 2 9 – 20 Junie 2014 Dag Maandag Dinsdag Woensdag Donderdag Vrydag Dinsdag Woensdag Donderdag Vrydag Datum 9 Junie 10 Junie 11Junie 12 Junie 13 Junie 17 Junie 18 Junie 19 Junie 20 Junie Vak Afrikaans Wiskunde Engels NW en Tegnologie Sosiale Wetenskap PSW Kuns en Kultuur Hierdie afbakening behoort aan: ____________________________ in Gr. 5 X. Datum afbakening ontvang: 16 Mei 2014 Ouerhandtekening: _______________________________ Datum: _________________________________ Afrikaans Datum Handboek bladsy Dinsdag Platinum Inhoud Ekstra inligting Geel 10 Junie 2014 leerderboek 7,18 7, 27, 88 2, 12,22,32,42,62, 72,82,87 73 - 74 Afkortings en Akronieme Skryf- en Leestekens 33 3-4 Tref met Taal Idiome, Spreekwoorde Kenmerke van ‘n gedig, Gedig 17 Basisvorme, samestellings, voor- en agtervoegsels 35 17 Lidwoorde 8 37 Voornaamwoorde 38 Werkwoorde 23 38 Afleiding en Samestellings 35 Sinsoorte 43 Enkelvoudige – en saamgestelde sinne 43 68 Hulpwerkwoorde 24 77 Selfstandige naamwoorde 8 - 17 28 Byvoeglike naamwoorde 18 -21 Trappe van Vergelyking 19 78 Intensiewe vorme 21 37 Klank- lettergrepe 5 Homonieme 48 Homofone 46 Sinonieme 45 Antonieme 46 Letterlike of figuurlike Taalgebruik 33 18,67 , 47 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90. Deurlopende assessering 26 - 27 ENGLISH FIRST ADDITIONAL LANGUAGE DEMARCATION Wiskunde Woensdag 11 Junie Tel,rangskik,vergelyk en stel heelgetalle voor. Getallesinne. Oef. 2.1-2.2 PG 8 Oef. 2.11-2.12 Ken een optel metode(uitgebrei of kolom metode) en een aftrek metode Oefen hersiening Getalsinne Groepeer getalle op verskillende maniere Oef. 11.1 bl. 58-64 Afronding Oef. 1.3 bl.5 Oef. 10.2 bl. 59 Oef. 1.6 bl. 7 Oef. 10.3 no 3 bl. 59 Oef. 12.4 no 3b bl. 68 Oef. 3.4 and 3.5 bl. 16 Oef.11.5 bl. 63 Oef. 5.1 bl. 22 Vul in >,< or = Omgekeerde bewerking Vermeningvuldiging en deling bl. 63 Oef. 2.6-2.8 Oef. 2.9 Los probleme op Weet hoe om met twee syfer getalle te vermeningvuldig bv. 245 x 12 Weet hoe om met twee syfer getalle te deel bv. 480 40 Oef. 5.5 bl. 25 Oef. 13.3 no 3 – 4 Oef. 14.2 no.2 Tyd Sleutel woorde baie belangrik Oefen Hersiening Weet hoe om dae na weke te verander ens. Bl. 28,29,30,32 Data Hantering Piktogramme bl. 34 Eienskappe van 2D vorms Sleutelwoorde bl. 42 Vorms tabel bl.43 Sleutelwoorde bl. 48 Oef. 9.4 bl. 51 Oef. 9.5 no 1,2,3 bl. 53 Oef. 12.1,12.2,12.4 Sleutelwoorde Oef. 12.6 no.3 bl.70 Oefen Oef. 13.2-13.3 bl. 72 ,74,75 Oefen Hersiening bl. 77 Volume en Inhoud Gewone breuke Lengte GRADE 5X DATE TEXTBOOK PAGE CONTENT Learner Book 2 Additional exercise 1 Verbs and the Indefinite tense. Additional exercise 2 Nouns and 100 Abstract Nouns Additional exercise 3 Pronouns. Additional exercise 4 Adjectives and Degrees of Comparisons Additional exercise 6 Nouns Additional exercise 7 Gender/ Diminutive/ Animal sounds/ Animal homes. Additional exercise 8 Prepositions. Additional exercise 9 Tenses: Indefinite and Continuous Tenses Language and Spelling notes: Blue Booklet Thursday Page 1, 2 12 June Page 4 - 7 2014 Page 9 – 17 Sentences. Read through all the punctuation rules. Punctuation will be tested throughout the exam paper. Parts of speech: Nouns, Pronouns, Articles, Adjectives and Degrees of Comparisons, Verbs. Page 15 Parts of speech: Verbs – Finite and Auxiliary. Page 18, 19 Parts of speech: Adverbs. Page 20 Parts of speech: Conjunctions, Prepositions. Page 24, 25 Similes English for Success Page 10 Countable nouns ad articles (purple block). Page 12 Personal pronouns (purple block). Page 14, 15 Irregular verbs (purple block) and page 16 (blue booklet). Page 16, 26 Adverbs of time and frequency (purple block). Page 19 Can/ May/ Must Page 26, 27 Writing a descriptive paragraph. Page 35, 51 Using adjectives to compare (purple block). Page 37 You need to study how to write a set of instructions. Page 38 Possession (purple block). Page 42, 59, 63, 64, 71 Present and future tense (purple block). Page 61 Prepositions and Proper Nouns (purple blocks). Page 62 Summarise information using a mind map. Page 68 Similes Page 78 Adverbs of place and degree. Personal dictionary Read through all the words and their meanings. Dear parents, please take note of the English demarcation and help your child to prepare for the examination!! Thank you!! Parent signature: _________________________ Date: _____________________ NW en Tegnologie Datum: Handboek Inhoud Ekstra inligting bladsy Vrydag 13 Junie Termyn 1 6-7 Interafhanklikheid 10-12 Soorte diere 15-23 Skelet en Beweging 28-31 Raam en Dopstrukture 37-39 Voedselkettings (voedsel en voeding) 42-43 Voedselkettings 47-51 Lewensiklusse (groei, bestuiwing en bevrugting) Termyn 2 61-66 Metale 68-72 Nie-Metale 73-76 Gebruike van nie-metale 80-81 Gebruike van metale 85-91 Verwerking van metale 92-93 Vloeidiagramme 96-100 Verwerkte materiale Gaan deur jou werkboek vir hersiening Sosiale Wetenskappe Datum: Handboek Inhoud: bladsy Hulpbronne of ekstra werk: nommer: Toets 2: Aardrykskunde Junie 2014 02 – 23 Reeds Onderwerp 1: Vaardigheid met kaartwerk Memorandums Eenheid 1: Die wêreldkaart en kompasrigting. geskryf op 19 Mei Eenheid 2: Afrika as vasteland. Eenheid 3: ‘n Fisiese kaart van Afrika. Eenheid 4: Beelde van Afrika. 45 – 63 Onderwerp 3: Fisiese kenmerke van Suid- Memorandums Afrika. Eenheid 1: Suid-Afrika van bo. Eenheid 2: Fisiese kenmerke. Eenheid 3: Riviere. Eenheid 4: Fisiese kenmerke en menslike aktiwiteite. Sosiale Wetenskappe Datum: Handboek Inhoud: bladsy Hulpbronne of ekstra werk: nommer: 18 Junie Toets 2: Geskiedenis 2014 25 - 42 Onderwerp 2: Jagter-versamelaars en herders in Suidelike Afrika. Eenheid 1: Hoe ons meer kan leer oor Memorandums jagter-versamelaars en herders. Eenheid 2: San-jagter-versamelaars en herders in die laat Steentydperk. Eenheid 3: Khoi-khoi-herders in die laat Steentydperk. 65 - 85 Onderwerp 4: Die eerste boere in suidelike Memorandums Afrika. Eenheid 1: Die eerste boere in suidelike Afrika. Eenheid 2: Hoe vroeg het Afrika boere in gevestigde koninkryke geleef. PSW Datum 19 Junie Handboek bladsy Lêer: 1, 7 Inhoud Selfkonsep Lêer: 9, 14 Terugvoering Lêer: 17,21 Emosies Lêer: 26, 30 Verhoudings Werkboek: Opsomming Kinderregte Werkboek: Opsomming Kindermishandeling Werkskaart 6 Lêer: Sandy se storie Werkboek: Opsomming Geweldadige situasies Ekstra inligting Kwartaal 1 Kwartaal 2 Skeppende Kunste Datum Handboek Inhoud Ekstra inligting 20 Junie 74 – 75 77 - 78 5 Kenmerke van beweging 81 C Majeur toonleer 83 Verskillende musiekgenres 84 Laerskool Doringkloof Primary Demarcation Grade 5 V, W, Y,Z. Term 2 9 – 20 June 2014 Day Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Date 9 June 10 June 11June 12 June 13 June 17 June 18 June 19 June 20 June Subject Afrikaans Mathematics English NS and Technology Social Science PSW Creative Arts This demarcations belongs to: ____________________________ in Gr. 5 V W Y Z Date demarcation was handed out: 16 May 2014 Parent signature: _______________________________ Date: _________________________________ Afrikaans EAT Datum: Dinsdag 10 Junie Handboek bladsy: 5,87 5 5 7 7, 51, 102, 48 13 15 22,27 24 27 33 33, 39, 87 34 38 49,51 49, 51, 87 59, 63 60 60, 63, 71 71, 75 75 81, 87 81 82, 87 85 94 102 102 Inhoud: Voegwoorde Lettergrepe Idiome Verlede tyd Lydende vorm Afkortings Korrekte spelling Manlik & vroulik Voorsetsels Diere geluide Indirekte rede Verwarrende woorde Sintuie Verkleining Meervoude Voornaamwoorde Trappe van vergelyking Vergelykings Toekomende Tyd Teenoorgesteldes Werkwoorde Leestekens Homonieme en homofone Intensiewe vorme Beskrywende woorde Hulpwerkwoorde Byvoeglike naamwoorde Bevelsinne Ekstra Inligting: Maths Wednesday 11 June 2014 Count, order and represent whole numbers. Adding and Subtracting EX 2.1-2.2 PG 8 Ex 2.11-2.12 Know one addition method (expanded/add on or column) and one subtraction method( expanded/breakdown) Order number sentences Ex 11.1 pg. 60-64 Practice Revision pg. 63. Group numbers in different ways Ex 2.9 Round off Ex 1.3 pg.5 Ex 10.2 pg. 57 Ex 1.6 pg. 7 Ex 10.3 no 3 pg. 59 Ex 12.4 no 3b pg. 68 Ex 3.4 and 3.5 pg. 16 Ex 11.5 pg. 61 Fill in >,< or = Inverse operation Ex 2.6-2.8 Factors and multiples Ex 5.1 pg. 22 Problem solving Know how to times with two digits example 245x12 Know how to divide two digits example 480 40 Ex 5.5 pg. 25 Ex 13.3 no 3 – 4 Ex 14.2 no.2 Time Pg. 28,29,30,32 Keyword very important Practice revision Know how to change days to weeks etc. Tally graph pg. 34 Data Handling Properties of 2d objects Volume Fractions Length Keywords pg. 42 Table of shapes pg.43 Keywords pg. 48 Ex 9.4 pg. 51 Ex 9.5 no 1,2,3 pg. 53 Ex 12.1,12.2,12.4 Keywords Ex 12.6 no.3 pg.70 Practice ex 13.2-13.3 pg. 72 Practice Revision pg. 77 ENGLISH HOME LANGUAGE DEMARCATION GRADE 5 DATE TEXTBOOK PAGE Learner Book 2 Additional exercise 1 Additional exercise 2 Additional exercise 5 Additional exercise 6 Additional exercise 7 Additional exercise 9 Additional exercise 10 Additional exercise 11 Additional exercise 12 Additional exercise 14 CONTENT Verbs and the Indefinite tense (pg. 9,34,84,85,99,112,113) Nouns and 100 Abstract Nouns Poetry. Subject and Predicate (pg. 50,116,191) Parts of Speech. Adverbs (pg. 75) Pronouns (pg. 133) Adverbs (pg. 75) Subordinate clauses (pg. 79,229) Indefinite and Continuous Tenses, Questions & Negatives (pg. 9,34,84,85,99,112,113) Language and Spelling notes June exam 2014 Page 1, 2 Page 3, 4 Page 4 - 7 Page 8 – 14 Page 15 – 17 Page 18 Page 20, 21 Page 23 - 25 Sentences (pg. 65) Clauses (pg. 79,80) Read through all the punctuation rules. Punctuation will be tested throughout the exam paper (pg. 10,91,127,226) Parts of speech: Nouns, Collective Nouns, Pronouns, Articles and Adjectives (pg. 11,37,78,189) Parts of speech: Verbs – Finite and Auxiliary (pg. 27,29,79) Parts of speech: Adverbs (pg. 75) Direct & Indirect Speech (pg. 86,114,117,129) Figures of speech: Similes, Metaphor, Personification, Onomatopoeia, Assonance, Alliteration (pg. 26,54,57,63,100) English for Success Page 38, 39 Page 73 Page 79 Know all the important parts of a Newspaper article and how it is organised. You need to study how to write a set of instructions. Finite verbs, clauses, complex sentences. NB. The page numbers in the brackets are in the Textbook. Natural Sciences and Technology Date: Textbook Friday Textbook Content Term 1 13 June Pg 6-7 Interdependence Pg 10-12 Animal types Pg 15 - 23 Skeletons and Movement Pg 28-31 Shell and Frame structures Pg 37-39 Food chains (food and feeding) Pg 42-43 Food chain Pg 47-51 Life cycles (growth and development, pollination, reproduction) Term 2 Pg 61-66 Metals Pg 68-72 Properties of metals Pg 73-76 Uses of metals Pg 80-81 Uses of metal Pg 85-91 Processing materials Pg 92-93 Flow diagram Pg 96-100 Processed materials Extra Information Social Science Date: Textbook page Content Extra Information Test 2: Geography The 02 - 23 Topic 1: Map skills Memorandums geography test was written on the 19th May. Unit 1: The world map and compass directions Unit 2: Africa our continent Unit 3: A physical map of Africa Unit 4: Images of Africa 45 - 63 Topic 3: Physical features of South Africa Unit 1: South Africa from above Unit 2: Physical features Unit 3: Rivers Unit 4: Physical features and human activities Memorandums Date: Textbook page Content Extra Information Test 2: History 18 June 25 – 42 Topic 2: Hunter-gathers and herders in Southern Memorandums Africa. 2014 Unit 1: How we find out about hunter-gatherers and herders. Unit 2: San hunter-gatherers in the Later Stone age. Unit 3: Khoikhoi herders in the Later Stone age. 65 - 85 Topic 4: The first farmers in southern Africa. Unit 1: The first farmers in southern Africa. Unit 2: How early African farmers lived in settled chiefdoms. Memorandums PSW Date 19 June Textbook page File: 1, 4 Content Self-Concept File: 10, 13 Feedback File: 19, 22 Emotions File: 26, 28 Relationships Workbook: Summary Children Rights Workbook: Summary Child Abuse Extra Info Term 1 Term 2 Worksheet 6 File: Sandy’s story Workbook: Summary Violent situations Creative and Visual Arts Date: Textbook page Content Extra Information 20 June 74 – 75 77 - 78 5 Features of movement 81 C Major scale 83 Different music genres 84