Technicol SA College (Pty) Ltd Tel: (012) 654 1316 Fax: (086) 685 3456 61 Cardiff Avenue, Clubview, 0157 Po Box 8699, Centurion, 0046 Website: E-mail: ECHNICOL SA OLLEGE (Pty) Ltd N3 ENG/AFR ENROLLMENT FORM ID Number: _______________________________________________ Surname: _______________________________________________ Full Names: _______________________________________________ Postal Address: _______________________________________________ ATTACH COPY OF ID _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Postal Code: ___________________ Tel no (W): ___________________ Tel no (H):___________________ Cell: ___________________ NB!!!!!! 1 2 Business English 1st Language Sake Afrikaans de 2 Taal Fax:___________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________ R250 (Rewrite) or R1,550 (New) ADD R150 EXAM FEE IF IN PTA TOTAL AMOUNT N3 R 1,550.00 R 150.00 R 1,700.00 N3 R 1,550.00 R 150.00 R 1,700.00 N3 R 1,550.00 R 150.00 R 1,700.00 N3 R 1,550.00 R 150.00 R 1,700.00 OR 1ste Taal 1 Sake Afrikaans 2 Business English 2nd Language Total Amount Payable NB! EXAM CENTRE NR. WHERE YOU ARE GOING TO ENROLL FOR EXAM?.................................................................... NB! ONLY November 2015 Do you want us to post or will you collect your parcel. (Mark with X) If it is for collection we will notify you when it is ready. Post Collect 1. ATTACH A COPY OF YOUR DEPOSIT SLIP HERE OR FAX A LETTER FROM YOUR COMPANY SIGNED BY THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT 2. THE DEPOSIT SLIP AND/OR LETTER WILL BE VERIFIED BEFORE FUTHER CORRESPONDENCE. 3. THE REFERENCE ON THE DEPOSIT SLIP IS THE STUDENTS ID NUMBER / DATE OF BIRTH. SIGNATURE OF STUDENT DATE CHECKED BY PRINCIPAL …......................................... …........................... …......................................... DATE …............................. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Captured by:.......................................................... Date:...................................... Parcel made by:............................................................... Date:.................................. Technicol SA College (Pty) Ltd Tel: (012) 654 1316 Fax: (086) 685 3456 61 Cardiff Avenue, Clubview, 0157 Po Box 8699, Centurion, 0046 Website: E-mail: ECHNICOL SA OLLEGE (Pty) Ltd CONTRACT BETWEEN TECHNICOL SA COLLEGE AND ________________________ ID no: ________________________ (Full name of student) CORRESPONDENCE STUDENT 1. OBLIGATIONS OF THE LEARNER: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2. To confirm the subjects enrolled for, with the College/Registrar before examination entries close. To enroll for “exam only” with Technicol SA (if writing in Pta) or any other nearest registered FET College. To write tests and/or submit assignments on or before the dates set by the College. To pay all fees before examinations commence. Any changes to subjects and / or examination enrollments must be communicated with the College/Registrar. To contact the College for results. OBLIGATIONS OF TECHNICOL SA COLLEGE: 1. 2. 3. 4. To capture all student data on a data base To enroll students for examinations with the Department of Education, when applicable. To send year marks to the Department. To make arrangements for the taking of examinations in terms of venues, exam papers and invigilators if writing in Pta. 5. To provide students with academic results when available and asked for. 3. CONDITIONS OF ENROLMENT: 1. Only a student with a valid ID document / passport may enroll for courses with Technical SA. 2. Students must go the nearest FET College to register for “Exam only” after he/she has been enrolled with Technicol SA College. 3. The student must ensure that the examination College uses the Technicol centre number on their registration form(8). This will link the year mark and the exam mark at DHET. 4. This is a correspondence college and we are not responsible for any classes or lectures on your enrollment (Excluding the INSTALLATION RULES or SPECIALIZED INSTALLATION RULES) 4. REFUNDS: 1. Administrative (R300 per subject) and examination fees are not refundable 2. Cancellation of subjects must be done in writing within 10 (TEN) working days after registration days after commencing of classes. The college council will decide each case on merit to determine if a student is eligible for a refund of class / registration fees. 5. GUARANTEE: Technicol SA College undertakes to provide each student with the appropriate learning material and/or tuition for which the student has enrolled and to correct administrative procedures. …........................................ …................................................. Chief Executive Officer Learner or Parent/Guardian (If learner is under 21) Date: ….............................