Diploma in Holistic Living Counselling Peer Development & Evaluation Sheet Name of Xperience: VAX: Sky Like Mind & Sunshine Solar Plexus (Good bye Stress) Your Name Video Version Choose a video of a student conducting the Peaceful Place Xperience and record the number above next to ‘video version’: Submit with two other peer evaluations to your tutor by the 23rd of each month. . Key Steps to be carried out . HLC will have practiced crocodile breathing in their daily emotional support to increase the strength of their diaphragm and their ability to breath diaphragmatically. Start before you take your client through this process with some diaphragmatic breaths and continue to breath this way into you abdomen throughout the Xperience. You voice will automatically become calm and low and slow. Allow the pauses. SCRIPT – See below comments box Allow 30 seconds minimum of silence when finished. Avoid eye contact when they first open their eyes by looking down to your lap and demonstrating a peaceful quiet persona. If need be discourage them from talking too soon by saying quietly and without emotion as you are looking down with your eyes closed as a nonverbal gesture of inner focus “lets take a moment to breath and enjoy the effects of that Xperience” When you do speak start first with non verbal communication looking up and looking into their eyes and giving a soft gentle smile of acknowledgement. Continue to breath diagrammatically. When you do speak make sure it is slowly and softly and gently maintaining the aura of peace and quiet for a while longer. Key Steps that were carried out correctly – list by number corresponding to above Key Steps that were missed - list by number corresponding to above © Holistic Living Training Institute Diploma in Holistic Living Counselling Clear instructions given to the client at each step. Yes or No Comment Demonstrates compassion and empathy towards client. Yes or No Comment Uses clients’ words and allows client to express themselves freely. Yes or No Comment Able to deal with difficulties effectively and creatively Yes or No Comment Holistic Living Counsellor appears relaxed, Yes or No No referral to notes Yes or No Demonstrates comfort with client’s expression of feelings. Yes or No Comment 1 Strength Comment 1 Recommendation for Further Development : Further Individual Student Comment Additional Comments – students and/or trainers © Holistic Living Training Institute Diploma in Holistic Living Counselling Close your eyes Be aware of your breath ……….. Be aware of breathing in the gift of oxygen that energizes and enlivens your body……….. and on the out breath set your intention that you are breathing out anything you no longer need………….. Breathing in the gift of oxygen……….. breathing out anything you no longer need………….. Worries… tension.. ………..breathing out… and as you continue to breath evenly observe your thoughts ……….. you might name the theme of your thoughts that is running through you mind ……….. single thoughts naming and moving on………….. Now name physical sensations your body………….. In your mind name two or three of these sensations Ease maybe …………..pain maybe…………..flow…………..or tension …………..or something else. …………..Notice where these sensations are right now …………..allow your awareness to take you to that part of you body right now.. Observe now your feelings.. …………..your emotions …………..see if you can name two or three feelings right now ………..Remember that even seemingly contradictory feelings can happily co-exist within you…………..You can feel happy and sad at the same time………….. and this is part of your natural state of being human …………..so name three feelings and trust what ever feeling words present to you …………..even if it does not make sense And now become aware of a beautiful gold star of light above your head …………..This light is shining down into the top of your head and it is being drawn into your body with every in breath ………….. It is travelling into your body through your heart and down through your solar plexus ………….. With each breath you breath in the golden sun drawing it down through your head through your heart and in to you your solar plexus and it joins to meet a spark of light in your solar plexus a gold light …………..and with every breath in it joins with the spark of light in your solar plexus and that spark of light is becoming bigger and bigger with each breath………….. bringing with it all the qualities of confidence …………..peace………….. joy ………….. As you breathe that golden light through your head through your heart into your solar plexus that light in your solar plexus becomes bigger and bigger …………..its as if you have your own sun in your solar plexus and any feelings of nervousness………….. insecurity …………..emotional pain or any other feelings you are not wanting to be their are being transformed by this powerful golden light …………..and with it confidence………….. peace………….. and support is building and strengthening in your solar plexus as this golden sun grows bigger and bigger with every in breath. Feel yourself growing stronger …………..feel that quiet contentment………….. that inner confidence. ………….. © Holistic Living Training Institute Diploma in Holistic Living Counselling Continue to allow this golden sun to shine brightly in your awareness………….. as you take your awareness to a beautiful sky blue light above your head. …………..………….. This light is sending peace …………..clear………….. calm blue………….. into the top of your head …………..filling your mind with sky like blue sky…………..sky like blue with every in breath………….. any clutter or congestion …………..any confusion …………..is now being supported by this peaceful …………..rolling …………..soft sky like blue………….. that is being drawn into your mind …………..sky like blue is filling up your mind transforming everything there into a peaceful sky like mind. Sit with that awareness for a bit…………..if there seems any more clutter emerging breathing into your mind a concentration of that sky like blue breathing in sky like blue………….. Now take your awareness simultaneously to the gold light in your solar plexus and your sky like mind …………..keep your awareness there on both sky like mind sunshine solar plexus………….. sky like mind sunshine solar plexus …………..sky like mind sunshine solar plexus………….. And when you are ready take this awareness with you as you being to you’re your fingers and toes …………..as you begin to open your eyes …………..acknowledging the calm and the peace………….. and the confidence and the ease of sky like mind …. And …. Sunshine solar plexus…………….. © Holistic Living Training Institute