ONE TO ONE ASSIGNMENT – Alana Conover Student level Course location Intermediate At home Topic Progress expectation English for social situations The student should be able to communicate with people in social environments. Vocabulary will be words relating to communicating in a social environment and grammar will be related to concepts that allow the students to speak in the correct verb tenses. Sultan is a student that travels all over the world. She feels that English is one of the common languages she can use to communicate in her travels. Therefore, Sultan wants to improve her English for the different social settings she may encounter. She is only interested in topics that will allow to “fit in” with locals and will allow her to communicate effectively. Sultan would like to learn some new vocabulary words relating to a night out at the bar but also grabbing a coffee with a friend. For grammar, she wants to be able to ask appropriate questions relating to directions, places to see, and order meals. She has welcomed any other topics as well relating to socializing. Lesson 1: Introducing Yourself (1.5 hours) -Words that describe yourself - Review of present tense of “to be” and “to like” Lesson 2: Places to Travel (1hour) -Popular landmarks and countries - Review of Future simple Lesson 3: Means of traveling (1 hour) -Different types of transportation -Prepositions Lesson 4: Asking for directions (1 hour) -Words describing direction -Expressions for giving and asking for directions Lesson 5: Going to a bar (1.5 hour) -Types of food and drinks served at a bar -Ordering food/drink orders using some and any Lesson 6: Going for coffee (1.5 hour) -Types of food and drinks you can receive at a coffee shop -Modal verbs (can and could) Lesson 7: Favorite places (1.5 hour) -Comparing previous activities -Comparatives and superlatives Lesson 8: Friendly discussions (1.5 hour) -Giving advice and factual statements -1st Conditional for facts, rules, advice and caution Lesson 9: Planning ahead (1.5 hour) -Future plans -Future continuous Handouts, notepad, IPad, video clips, and music Each vocabulary activity will access if Sultan has grasped the meaning and definitions of the new words presented. The grammar practice activities will check if Sultan understands and if she grasped the concepts and can apply them to real life situations. There will be a produce activity for each lesson so she can practice the news skills more freely. There be a review halfway through and a test at the end of the final lesson. Subject Aim Objective Material & equipment Learning assessment Course lessons Course duration 9 lessons 12 hours Course structure and content Lesson 1 Phase Duration 1 10 min Topic Introduction Teacher activity Student activity Resources Give an overview She will tell me None of the course and her expectations 2 5 min 3 5 min 4 5 min 5 10 min 6 5 min 7 5 min 8 10 min 9 10 min what she should expect. Warm up Have the student list out some of their favorites hobbies. Pre reading Give Sultan a handout with two different pictures of people and she must write as many adjectives describing them. Reading Have her read a letter a girl wrote describing herself and the activities she likes to pen pal from another country. Vocabulary Within the letter presentation were bolded words that I will teach by definition and use synonyms. Vocabulary Give the student Activity a handout that has a list of sentences and she has to fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary word to complete the sentence. Post reading Have student make a column of the writer of the letter’s likes and dislikes. Grammar Pick out a presentation positive and negative statement of the present tense of to be. As well as a positive and negative statement of the present tense of to like. Then teach the grammar structure using a notepad. Grammar Activity Look at a dialogue of two friends expressing their likes and dislikes for the course. Will write down her favorite hobbies. None Write down adjectives. Handout with pictures Read the text Letter handout Take notes on the Handout vocabulary words. Fill in the correct vocabulary words. Handout Work on making Handout two different columns for likes and dislikes. Take notes on the Notepad grammar presentation. Fill in the blanks of the dialogue. Handout 10 10 min 11 20 min 12 5 min as well as their qualities. She will need to fill in the blank with the correct verb tenses. Grammar activity Go back to the original letter and she must write a reply to the sender of the letter using the vocabulary and the present tenses of to be and to like. Produce activity Sultan and I will interview each other asking what our likes and dislikes are describe ourselves using the vocabulary. Wrap up Watch a short video clip of a girl describing herself and Sultan will need to write down one dislike and one thing she likes. Write a letter in response to the sender. Handout Interview me and None respond to my questions. Write down to sentences after the video. Video clip Lesson2 Phase 1 Duration 5 min Topic Warm up 2 10 min Vocabulary Presentation 3 5 min Vocabulary activity 4 10 min Grammar presentation Teacher Activity Have the student write down all the places they want to travel if money were not an issue. Have student look at a handout that shows a list of tourist places around the world and go through each one describing where and what they are. Look at a list of definitions describing the words and then the student must write the correct name of the place that matches the definition. Use example sentences to present the Student Activity Resources Students will write None down a list of places. Follow along and take notes. Handout Matches the definition with the correct vocabulary word. Handout Follow along and take notes. Notepad 5 5 min Grammar activity 6 5 min Grammar activity 7 15 min Produce activity 8 5 min Wrap up structure of the future simple. Give her a list of sentences she will need to unjumble using the future simple. Have the students fill in blanks with the correct use of the future simple describing places people want to go. Student will prepare an itinerary of all the places she wants to go and what she will do when she gets there. Listen to an audio of a traveler describing all the places they are going to and the activities they will do when they get there. Then discuss some of the places. Unscramble the sentences. Handout Fill in the blanks. Handout Prepare itinerary. None Listen to the audio and discuss the places the traveler went. Audio recording Lesson 3 Phase 1 Duration 5 min Topic Warm up 2 10 min Vocabulary Presentation 3 5 min Vocabulary Practice 4 10 min Grammar Presentation 5 5 min Grammar activity Teacher activity Talk with the student and how they arrived to meet me. Have a handout with pictures of different types of transportation with the correct verb phrase that goes with them. We will go through each and explain the meanings through synonyms. Student will unscramble the vocabulary words and then match them will the definition. Teach the student the prepositions followed by a noun including “by” and “at” and “on” using examples. Student will look at pictures of people traveling and she must write complete sentences using the correct preposition. Student Activity Will tell me what transportation they used to get to me. Follow along and take notes. Resources None Student will work on activity. Handout Student will follow along and take notes. Notepad Write sentences to complete the activity. Handout Handout 6 5 min Grammar activity 7 15 min Produce Activity 8 5 min Wrap Up Phase 1 Duration 5 min Topic Warm up 2 10 min Vocabulary Presentation 3 5 min Vocabulary Activity 4 10 min Grammar presentation 5 5 min Grammar activity 6 5 min Grammar activity 7 15 min Produce activity Student will unscramble sentences that describe traveling. For all the traveling she wants to down she will make a list of how and by what means of transportation she will use to get to all these destinations. Must use the prepositions learn. Watch a video of travelers and what transportation they travel around the world with. Discuss their travels. Unscramble sentences to complete activity. Handout Write sentences to complete the produce activity. Handout Watch the video and discuss their travels. Video clip Teacher Activity Using directions this time, I will ask the student how she arrived to class. Give the students pictures of typical destinations around a city and will go through each other and explain by definition and synonyms of what they are. Student will complete a word search of the new vocabulary words. Use another handout showing typical directions with visuals to describe the terms. Will go through each one to teach the vocabulary using the visual and definition. Give the students text of woman asking for directions. She will underline the words stating directions. Using the vocabulary and the directional phrases, the students will create a fivesentence text giving directions to a certain location. The student and I will work together. I will Student Activity Tell me how she arrived to class Resource None Follow along and take notes. Handout Work to complete the word search. Handout Follow along and take notes. Handout Underline directions identified in the text. Handout Create directions to arrive at a destination. None Work with me to complete the produce Handout Lesson 4 8 5 min Wrap up Phase 1 Duration 5 min Topic Warm up 2 5 min Pre reading 3 5 min Reading 4 10 min Vocabulary Presentation 5 5 min Vocabulary activity 6 5 min Vocabulary activity 6 5 min Post reading 7 5 min Grammar Presentation give us both two maps but with different tasks. We cannot look at each other’s map. We must ask the other how to get somewhere by what ever is asked on their paper. The other must look at their map and give them instructions on how to get there. I will tell the student where I live here in Madrid and she must give me specific directions on how to get home. activity Tell me directions on how to get home to Sol. None Student activity Student will discuss with me. Resources None Write down key words relating to menus. None Student will read text. Handout Follow along and take notes. Notepad and Ipad Complete the menu with the correct names of the items. Handout Complete a word search. Handout Discuss together. None Student will read the dialogue. Handout Lesson 5 Teacher activity Have the student discuss with me their favorite bars and places to go out here in Madrid. Have the student write down any words they think of when they when they think of what is on a menu. Student will read a menu from a popular bar in Germany. Within the menu, the vocabulary words were bolded. Teach these words through definitions, visuals, and synonyms. Look at a menu with all the things offered but student must fill in the blanks with the correct name of the menu item. Student will complete a word search of the vocabulary words Discuss together some cultural differences around the world and different types of food and drinks. Give the student of a dialogue of a customer and server and the process of ordering different types of food and drinks using the words some and any. 8 10 min Grammar Presentation 9 5 min Grammar practice 10 10 min Produce activity 11 10 min Review 12 5 min Wrap up Phase 1 Duration 5 min Topic Warm up 2 5 min Pre reading 3 5 min Reading 4 10 min Vocabulary Presentation 5 5 min Vocabulary Practice 6 10 min Post reading Pick sentences and describe the correct usages of some and any. Write a new dialogue between a customer and server. Will be promoted with what vocabulary words to use and she must use the correct phrases to order the food. Student and I will work together taking turns being server and customer at a local bar in Madrid. Must ask and respond to the orders/requests. Have a list of review exercises from what has already been learned from the past 5 exercises. Pick one of the destinations she plans to go to and what she plans to order out at one of the bars. Follow along and take notes. Notepad Write down sentences to complete the dialogue. Handout Work with me to practice ordering a drink herself in a bar. None Work on the review exercises. Handout Tell me what she wants to order at a foreign bar. None Teacher activity Discuss with the student a typical coffee shop in Madrid. At the top of the reading, there will be a list of discussion questions relating to coffee shops. Read an article that describes a typical coffee (Starbucks) in the United States. Give the student a handout with a list of vocabulary words from the text. Discuss together using guided discovery to come up with a definition of the word. Matching exercise with the words and definitions Discuss with me the differences from these coffee shops in America with the coffee shops in Madrid. Will Student activity Discuss a typical coffee shop. Resources None Write down answers to these discussion questions. None Read the article Handout Follow along and take notes. Handout Match the words with the correct definition. Handout Make a chart with similarities and differences of the different coffee shops. None Lesson 6 7 5 min Pre listening 8 5 min Listening 9 10 min Grammar Presentation 10 5 min Grammar Practice 11 15 min Produce activity 12 5 min Wrap up Phase 1 Duration 5 min Topic Warm up 2 5 min Pre reading 3 5 min Reading 4 10 min Vocabulary presentation make a chart with similarities and differences. Student will be given a very short text describing the people in the pictures. There will be few questions the student must answer before listening to their dialogue. Listen and read along to a dialogue between a waiter and a customer asking politely for orders. Pull out of the dialogue and teach the modal verbs can and could used in the text by teaching their uses and structures. Student will be given another blank dialogue and they must fill in the blanks with the correct modal verbs. The student and I will swop roles being the server and customer and she must use the correct modal verbs to order food and respond politely. Discuss past experiences at the different coffee shops she has attended Read and answer the questions on the dialogue sheet. Handout Listen and read along. Handout and audio Follow along and take notes. Notepad Fill in the blanks to complete the dialogue Handout Work with me to practice real life situation of ordering foods using modal verbs. None. Discuss in detail about past experiences. None Student activity Write down past places and cities. Resources None Discuss and match the cultural differences. Handout Read the story Handout Follow along and take notes. Handout Lesson 7 Teacher activity Have student write down some past places and cities they have been too. Match on a handout different cultural practices from different countries. The discuss which customs would be most difficult for them to become accustom too. Read a story about a guy traveling to Africa and the cultural differences he saw. Present the words bolded in the text through visuals and definitions 5 5 min Vocabulary activity 6 10 min Post reading 7 10 min Grammar presentation 8 5 min Grammar activity 9 5 min Grammar activity 10 20 min Produce activity 11 5 min Wrap up Phase 1 Duration 5 min Topic Warm up 2 5 min Pre reading 3 5 min Reading 4 10 min Vocabulary presentation 5 5 min Vocabulary Matching exercise matching the definitions/ picture with the word. Write and alternate ending to the text. Present the grammar by teaching the structures of comparatives and superlatives by explaining the meanings and structures. Go back to the reading exercises and create sentences using the comparatives and superlatives describing the cultural differences. Look at a handout of people and descriptions. Students must convert the descriptions into superlatives and comparatives. Using past experiences of places visited, the student and I will discuss together the places she has visited using comparisons and superlatives. Write down sentences using the grammar to describe Madrid. Complete matching exercise Handout Write another ending to the text. Follow along and take notes. None Write sentences using comparatives and superlatives Handout Convert sentences into comparatives and superlatives. Handout Compare past experiences using the grammar. None Describe Madrid using the grammar. None Teacher activity Watch a short clip of a mother giving her child some advice for schoolwork. Introduce the topic of friendly conversations with strangers. Use visuals to prompt their answers. Read a conversation between two people asking advice of what places to see in the city of Jacksonville, FL. Give students a handout with definitions and see if they can find the correct vocabulary word in the text. Give student a fill in the Student activity Discuss what she saw in the video. Resources Video clip Discuss their thoughts on friendly conversations and look at visuals. Handout Read the conversation. Handout Read definitions and find the correct word for each definition. Handout Fill in the blanks. Handout Notepad Lesson 8 activity blank of sentences and must use the correct vocabulary with the sentence. Student will complete a crossword puzzle with the definitions and the vocabulary words. Use examples from the text to teach the 1st conditional. Look at pictures of people not following rules and the student needs to write a sentence using the correct form of the 1st conditional to write a rule or give advice. Student will unscramble sentences of people giving advice. Look at the text and classify the rules, advice, and facts. Student and I will pretend we just met and I will ask for advice of what places I should visit and she will give me advice, the rules, and facts about the city. Have student give me some fun facts about their favorite cities abroad. 6 5 min Vocabulary activity 7 10 min Grammar presentation 8 5 min Grammar activity 9 5 min Grammar activity 10 5 min Post reading 11 15 min Produce activity 12 5 min Wrap up Phase 1 Duration 5 min Topic Warm up Teacher activity Ask the student what her weekend plans are. 2 5 min Pre listening 3 5 min Listening Tell the student she will be listening to a girl and her future plans for the weekend. Student will be given a list of questions she must read over and think about before listening to the story. Listen to the story. 4 10 min Vocabulary presentation 5 5 min Vocabulary activity Complete crossword puzzle. Handout Follow along and take notes. Handout Write sentences using the 1st conditional. Handout Unscramble sentences. Handout Classify rules, advice, and facts. Handout Work together with me to practice the grammar. None Give facts about cities. None Student activity Student will answer with her plans for the weekend. Read over pre questions. Resources None Listen to the story Read and follow along. Audio clip and handout Notepad Match the vocabulary Handout Lesson 9 Will teach the vocabulary words in the story through visuals and definitions. Give a matching exercise of the vocabulary words to Handout 6 5 min Post listening 7 5 min Pre reading 8 5 min Reading 9 10 min Grammar exercise 10 5 min Grammar activity 11 10 min Produce activity 12 10 min Test 13 5 min Wrap up their definitions and pictures. Have the student answer the questions from the pre listening. Give the student a list of activities and have them put them in order of which they would do first and so on. Read the passage about a students future plans abroad Pull out sentences from the text to break down the structure of the future continuous. Write 5 sentences of what other plans the student can do. Write her own story about what she plans to do in the future. Sultan will take a test similar to the review. Will have a wrap up of the entire course. Answer pre listening questions. Handout Place activities in order of preference. Handout Read the passage out loud. Handout Follow along and take notes. None Create sentences continuing on with the story. Write story of future plans. Handout Work on test. Test Discuss the entire course. None None Student details Name Sultan Akin Age Level 23 Intermediate Notes Sultan is a student attending a college in Germany. She is half German and half Turkish. She is studying Spanish in Madrid currently for the next 6 months. Sultan has learned English back home in Germany during her school years. She has never been able to practice real life situations and has only been told the formal structures. She wants to learn more “slang” and normal conversation. Her level is low intermediate to regular intermediate. She has a decent vocabulary but lacks in the correct usages of her grammar. Also, conversational talk is weak. During our interview, she emphasized to me that she wanted to travel more and do more study abroad. She feels that English is a common language found almost everywhere and by learning more English it will help her in her future travels. She wants to focus on more social settings topic but open to other ideas that I feel would benefit her.