Oedipus Rex Unit PowerPoint Notes: Greek Theater and Drama 1. What did Greek drama often reflect? 2. What were diathyrambs? 3. Which god was considered the “patron of the arts” and honored through theater festivals? 4. Where was the first formal Greek theater built? When? 5. What was the name of the famous theater built in Athens? 6. List and briefly describe the four parts of a Greek stage/theater: 1) 2) 3) 4) 7. What was the name of the festival of entertainment created in honor of Dionysus? 8. Who may be one of the most famous actor/playwright winners from the festivals? 9. The three essentials of a Greek drama: 1) 2) Oedipus Rex Unit 3) 10. The tragedies focused on what attributes of their characters? 11. Briefly describe the structure of a Greek tragedy: 1) 2) 3) 4) 12. Interspersed between the tragic trilogies were ___________ plays. 13. At what did these short plays poke fun? 14. What did comedies mock? 15. Describe the Greek actors: 16. Why did the actors wear masks? 17. Describe the functions of the chorus: 1) 2) Oedipus Rex Unit 3) 4) 5) 6) 18. Complete the chart below: Greek Both Modern • Maximum of 3 male actors, in addition to chorus • • Plays divided into prologue, parados, episodes, stasimons and exodus Few and very simple special effects and props Some religious significance • Playwright was responsible to write, direct, choreograph, design and sometimes act in a play • • • As many characters and of any gender as playwright deems necessary Plays divided into scenes and acts • Many complex special effects and props • Purely entertainment • Specific jobs are given to specialists. i.e. playwright writes script, director directs actors, etc.