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ENG 499
: M0605115
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
1. Project Definition…………………………………………………………………..….4
1.1 Project Objective……...………………………………………………………........4
1.2 Overall Objective…………………………………………………………………...4
1.3 Proposed Approach and Method to be employed….................................................8
1.4 Skill Review………………………………………………………………….11
1.4.1 Criteria and Targets for Accessing Targets………………………………..11
1.4.2 Skills needed to Achieve Targets…………………………………………..13
1.4.3 Strength & Weakness………………………………………………………13
1.4.3 Priorities for Improving Skills……………………………………………..14
2. LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………………...……....15
2.1 Reviews of UWB Technology…………………………………………………….15
2.2 History and Evolution of UWB……………………..…………………………….16
2.3 UWB Applications………………………………………………………………...21
2.4 UWB Hardware Components……………………………………………………..25
2.4.1 Plus Badge Tag..…………………………………………………………...25
2.4.2 Plus Asset Tag…...………………………………………………………....26
2.4.3 Plus OEM Tag………………………………………………………….......28
2.4.4 Plus Antenna………………………………………………………….........29
2.4.5 Plus Small Form Factor Antennas………………………............................31
2.4.6 Plus Reader …………………………………………………………..........33
2.4.7 Plus Synchronization Distribution Panel……………………......................34
2.4.8 Pulse Location Software…………………………………………………...35
2.5 UWB Software Tools……………………………………………………………..36
3. DESIGN MECHANISM…………………………………………………………….37
3.1 The Reference Antenna Design 1: UWB Disc Monopole Antenna….………...…37
3.2 The Reference Antenna Design 2: UWB “Y0” Antenna…….………….…....…...39
3.3 The Chosen Antenna Design 3: UWB “Y” Antenna………………………...……41
4.1 Design Fabrication……………………….………………………………………..43
4.2 Setup of Equipments………………………………………………………………45
4.3 Results Comparison: Simulated Results VS Actual Measured Results (|S11|)…....46
5. CONCLUSION…………………………………………...………………………….48
6. SUGGESTION FOR FUTURE WORK……………………………………………49
7. REFERENCE.………………………………………………………………………..50
8. APPENDIX……...……………………………………………………………………52
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
I would like to express my appreciation to Dr. Lum Kum Meng for his guidance and
encouragement during this period of time. He had always showed interest in every
progress that I had achieve, encouragement whenever a new obstacle occurs and patiently
feeding me the answers to all the queries that I had in this project. It has being a
beneficial experience to learn under his supervision and I am looking forward to any
opportunity to cooperate with him again.
Lastly, I would also live to thank my family, wife and friend for their understanding and
supports during this period of time.
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
This paper presents the transceiver system for wireless body-worn (WBAN)
applications using ultra-wide band (UWB) bandwidth. UWB has the ability
to use low energy levels and high bandwidth within a short-range. With
these abilities, we can implement this technology into the existing WBAN
applications to improve data collections, tracking of applications and
locating applications. UWB had a bandwidth range from 3.1 GHz ~ 10.6
GHz; we had chosen to design an antenna with two layers antenna structures
in order to achieve an omni-directionality and an operating frequency from
5.5 GHz with promising return loss (| S11 | < -10 dB) and gain.
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Project Definition
Project Objective
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
The main goal for this project is to design an antenna in an omni-directional radiation
pattern using Ultra-wide band (UWB) technology into wireless body area networks
(WBAN) and wireless persona area networks (WPAN) applications.
This project will include:
a) Evaluating existing applications using WBAN & WPAN technology
b) Evaluating and understand literature review on UWB technology
c) Evaluating existing designs antenna used in others UWB applications
d) Propose of numerical characteristics base on the literature review on UWB
e) Implementation of specification to design an antenna using omni-directional
f) Demonstrate a few designs using ADS software.
g) Demonstrate waveforms generated from the designed antennas
h) Demonstrate comparison betweens directional and omni-directional pattern
i) Reviewing the need for further modification / expansion to the completed project,
and offering recommendations of enhancements
Overall Objective
In recent years, Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) technology has received increasing attention in
the wireless world. Its main advantages over conventional (narrowband) wireless
communications systems are: high-data rates, low transmit power levels and simple
hardware configurations. Wireless personal area networks (WPAN) and wireless body
area networks (WBAN) are seen as one of the important area where such UWB
characteristics can fully maximize it potential [1] – [4]. An antenna plays a critical role in
UWB a communication system which acts as pulse-shaping filters [5]. In UWB systems,
impulse base (TH-UWB, DS-UWB), the pulse generator is dependant to the antenna’s
characteristics and performances. Whenever there are changes in the performance, it will
influence the pulse generator and provide difficulty in detection in the receiver [6]. With
any UWB antenna, the flat frequency response condition in a given band cannot be
obtained for all spatial directions [7]. In general, there can be only limited area/direction
in which the non-dispersive conditions are well approximated [8], with condition, the
impulse response of the antenna becomes an additional design parameter. The choice for
a specific UWB antenna design has to be based on the maim implementation
requirements. As we will show later in this paper, this aspect is especially important in
the UWB WBAN/WPAN applications. We require that antenna must have small form
factor (esp. in WBN), good efficiency, easy integration with circuitry and good transient
characteristic (short impulse response). There are several UWB antenna designs available,
which meet some of the obligatory condition [9] – [11]. Additional requirements exist for
UWB WBAN antennas, since the proximity of the human body significantly modify their
impedance bandwidth with radiation characteristics, thus modifying also the transient
characteristics of the antenna [13]. These main observations have led us to the conclusion
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
that for an efficient design the UWB antennas used in UWB WBAN/WPAN devices have
to be designed and tested in their normal operating scenarios. However, very few UWB
antenna design concerned with this issue were reported in open literature, both for
WPAN [12] and WBAN [13], [15] applications.
Most of the antenna designs presented so far for UWB WPAN/WBAN, present radiation
patterns similar to traditional monopole/dipole antennas. However, a directional radiation
pattern of an antenna would be desirable for body-worn devices (WBAN) in order to
minimize the effects of the human body proximity and body exposure to EM radiation.
To obtain this, the radiation towards the body needs either not to take place or to be
minimized. Generally, directivity can be obtained if the antenna us large in the direction
of interest, such as horn or Vivaldi antennas [16]. Other ways to achieve directional
antenna pattern include adding the cavity or shielding plane behind the antenna, or using
he absorbing materials [17]. However these techniques lead to either serious increase in a
size of an antenna, a more complicated manufacturing ors decreased efficiency. As it was
shown in [18], [19], another way to reduce the backward radiation is incorporation of
reflecting element. However this method has been used [18], [19] only to improve the
front-to-back ratio of antennas, which were already directional (with a front-to-back
ratio > 10dB). Introduction of a reflecting element had therefore negligible effect on the
input impedance of the antenna and the reflector could be safely incorporate into existing
design. The size of the antenna was also not an issue for the investigations presents in
[18], [19].
In this paper we propose a novel small size directional antenna for UWB systems, with
the main focus on the WBAN (body-worn) applications. It is based on the omnidirectional UWB slot antenna design (presented also in this paper) and utilizes the
reflecting patch element to achieve front-to-back ratio better than 10 dB across a wide
frequency range (in far field). By means of the full-wave electromagnetic (EM)
numerical FIT method (using commercial CST Microwave Studio), a systematic
parameter study of our new design was performed to investigate the influence of the
reflector and other antenna parameters on transient characteristics of the new antenna.
Further analysis incorporated the human body models in WBAN operating scenario.
Moreover, a true characterization of UWB antenna is presented based on the antenna
transfer function.
The parameters used for UWB antenna characterization and source pulse are presented.
Parameters used for UWB antennas (Characteristic):
A very wide operational bandwidth of UWB systems makes the design and evaluation of
antennas much more difficult. For the same reason traditional narrow band parameters
characterizing antenna, such as return loss, radiation pattern and polarization are
relatively less useful for UWB communication systems. Therefore UWB antennas should
be evaluated by means of different parameters, such as the antenna transfer function (TF).
Together with the waveform driving the antenna TF allows distortions introduced by the
UWB antenna to be calculated. In the following sections we will base the antenna design
and evaluation on the following parameters.
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Narrow band parameter
As it mentioned, even if not directly useful, parameters known from the traditional
(narrow band systems) antenna theory can be helpful. In our investigations we were
looked at the return loss parameter, as it also part in the antenna transfer function. In
further investigation the impedance bandwidth id defined as | S11 | < -10 dB. We were
also looking at the radiation pattern on different frequencies, by which we can
roughly estimate the behavior of the transfer functions in different propagation omnidirections. The 3-D radiation patterns were used to calculate the antenna front-to-back
ratio, defined as a ratio of total power radiated in the two half-spaces in the far field.
Source Pulse
As a source pulse we have used the Gaussian modulated pulse, which has the
following form:
st   e
 
 
 cos 2f r  t 
Where f r defines center frequency of the pulse,  (natural pulse width) defines its
bandwidth. Based on the amplitude characteristics of transfer functions of
investigated antennas, we have chosen f r  5GH z and   160 ps . Its gives the 10dB pulse bandwidth from approximately 3 to 7 GHz.
Frequency Domain Transfer Functions
During the design of the new antenna we have investigated transmit (Tx) transfer
function defined as [20]
H Tx ,  ,   
Erad ,  ,  
Vin  
It relates the radiated electric field intensity E rad and the pulse from the generator
Vin driving the antenna. This definition is very convenient for practical cases, because
it also includes the impedance match between the antenna and the time-domain
electromagnetic solvers, applying Fourier Transformation.
Spatially Averaged Transfer Functions
We introduce a new parameter for UWB antenna characterization – the spatially
averaged transfer function, express as:
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
H av ,  
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
 nN1  mM  1 H norm , ,  n , m 
N M
Where H norm are the transfer functions in a given directional, normalized to the
maximum value within the frequency band  . N and M are propagation directions
for the  and  coordinate, respectively. The choice for the  should be based on
the spectrum of the antenna input pulse. H av is a very useful parameter and can be
calculated for different solid angles    n , m  of the radiation sphere, depending
on the interest. Preferable directions of propagation with best performance in terms of
transient characteristics could be found for a given antenna as well. Concept of H av
parameter is similar to the mean effective gain (MEG) [20] or mean effective energy
gain [21], however it deals with the frequency-dependant transfer function which is
more appropriate to the characterize UWB antennas.
Pulse Distortion Parameter
Based on the transfer functions we are able to calculate pulse distortions introduced
by an antenna. For UWB systems, the commonly used receivers are based on the
pulse energy detection or correlation with the template waveform. Therefore we will
examine the pulse distortions by calculating fidelity factor and time spread of radiated
pulses with respect to the antenna input pulses. Fidelity between waveforms xt  and
yt  is generally defined as:
F  max
 xt   yt    dt
 xt 
dt  
y t  dt
The fidelity parameter F, is the maximum of the cross-correlation function and
compares only shapes of both waveforms, not amplitudes. Time spread is a ratio
between the lengths of the 99% energy window (E99) of the radiated pulse and the
antenna input pulse (source pulse). It discloses how much the energy of radiated pulse
is spread compared to the input pulse.
Later in this paper, we will show the special cable-less measurement setup, suitable for
electrically small antenna measurements. During this segment, we will also introduce
human body applications used during numerical electromagnetic simulations. We will
also presents an omni-directional UWB slot antenna designs, supported by a very small
ground plane size, and characterization comparing with a directional UWB slot antenna
design. Spatial UWB characteristics (average transfer functions and pulse distortions)
will be analyze, for two different directional antennas and omni-directional antenna,
when operating in the free space. Finally, we will also shows the influence of the human
body on different designs (examining radiation efficiency, impedance and average
transfer functions).
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Proposed approach and method to be employed
To ensure the development of the Ultra-wide band (UWB) technology a success, proper
planning is essential. Execution of task in to phases must be strictly followed.
The approach for this project is broken down into stages in order to achieve the project
1) Study and understand literature reviews of WBAN, WPAN & UWB technologies
2) Design and modeling of UWB antenna
3) UWB integration
4) Testing and debugging UWB antenna
5) Simulation of design
6) Project evaluation
7) Enhance revision of design
Elaboration of each stages details and discussion is listed below.
Stage 1: Study and understand all literature reviews of WBAN, WPAN and UWB
Understand the background of the wireless body and personal area networks (WBAN &
WPAN) technology has become an important step in this project. Knowing the pros and
cons of these applications can give to the industry, helps to give me a clearer view on
how to improve these application using the Ultra-wide band (UWB) technology into the
WBAN & WPAN applications application.
List of research to be done:
I. History and applications of WBAN, WPAN & UWB technology
II. WBAN, WPAN & UWB technology operating and performance specs
III. UWB software tools
With all these research, we will be able to have a clearer view on how the UWB
communication system operates and enhance the design methodology to maximize its
Stage 2: Design and modeling of UWB antenna
There are a few aspects we must look into in order to have a good omni-directional
radiation pattern antenna. I had listed the parameter and consideration we must take note
when designing and modeling of UWB antenna:
1. Bandwidth selection
2. Return loss parameter
3. Source pulse
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
4. Pulse distortion parameter
5. Signal Fading
6. Radiation pattern
All these above factor will play a significant role in determining the coverage area, zone,
accuracy and speed of the communication system. I had also come out with the design
process flow shown in figure (1).
Figure (1): Design Process Flow Chart
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Stage 3: UWB integration
The UWB technology will have to integrate into a WBAN application which enable the
application to fully maximize the UWB technology to receive and transmit data’s within
a certain range.
During this stage, the transceiver will be place, tested and simulated.
Stage 4: Testing and debugging UWB antenna
Simulation will be performed once the designed antenna clears all the testing and
debugging stages.
Stage 5: Simulation of design
Simulation of the omni-directional radiation pattern antenna will be tested on different
platform to show the results performance.
Stage 6: Project evaluation
During this stage of the project, we will be comparing the simulated and tested results of
directional and omni-directional radiation pattern antennas to view if we had met the
objective. Any discovery, limitation or improvement will be added into the “Enhance
revision of design” section.
Stage 7: Enhance revision of design
After comparing the results, we can view the parameters set for this project and evaluate
the project by changing the parameters to improve the antenna. Here is the list of areas
we could look into when modifying the antennas:
Try to improve the antenna’s gain
Try to maximize the radiation pattern
Try to minimize return loss
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Skills review
1.4.1 Criteria and Targets for accessing targets
Table 1.1 shows planning and check list for the project and table 1.2 shows the
Gantt chart schedule of the project.
1. Stage 1 : Study and understand all literature reviews of
WBAN, WPAN and UWB technologies
Aug 09
UWB, WBAN & WPAN Technology
History and Evolution of UWB, WBAN & WPAN
UWB, WBAN & WPAN Applications
UWB, WBAN & WPAN Hardware Components
UWB, WBAN & WPAN System Operating Range and
vi) UWB, WBAN & WPAN Software Tools
*some part of research is carry out throughout the project
2. TMA: Project Proposal
1. Stage 2 : Design and modeling of UWB antenna
Sep 09
– Nov
Dec 09
i) Have a good understanding on UWB directional pattern
antenna design
ii) Have a good understanding on UWB omni-directional
pattern antenna design
2. Familiarize of designing tools (ADS)
1. Stage 3 : UWB integration
2. Stage 4 : Testing and Debugging UWB antenna
1. Stage 5 : Simulation of Design
i) Simulation on the effect of the omni- directional pattern
antenna parameters.
ii) Perform simulation results and make comparison of
different omni-directional pattern antennas
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Jan 10
Feb 10
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
2. Stage 6: Project evaluation
i) Objective is met?
ii) Limitation?
iii) Proposed solution
3. Start on final report writing
1. Stage 7 : Enhance revision of design
i) Improve antenna gain;
ii) Return loss;
iii) Improve radiation parameter etc
2. Final report writing
1. Stage 7 : Enhance revision of design
2. Review and Amendment of Final Report
Submission of Final Report
Preparation of Oral Presentation
Oral Presentation
Mar 10
Apr 10
May 10
Jun 10
Table 1.1: Project Planning and Check List
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
1.4.2 Skills needed to achieve targets
I had listed out the skills needed to achieve the targets:
UWB technology
UWB design mechanism
Able to perform & understand Agilent Advance Design Software (ADS)
Time and Project management
Knowledge in Digital communication system (ENG 307)
Knowledge in Computer communication system (ENG 305)
Knowledge in Wireless communication system (ENG 315)
Knowledge in Optical communication system (ENG 317)
Knowledge in Advance Engineering Mathematics I & II (HESZ 2001 & 2002)
Knowledge in Digital signal processing (ENG 311)
Knowledge in Adaptive signal processing (ENG 313)
Knowledge in Micro mouse system (HESZ 331)
1.4.3 Strength and weaknesses
In this section, I had break down into two segments telling you on the strength and
1. Easy to understand the concept of UWB, WBAN & WPAN after finishing
subjects in UniSim. Example: Wireless communication, Digital and computer
communication systems.
2. ADS designing tool is an easy platform to use.
3. Found lots of thesis and literature reviews on WBAN, WPAN and UWB
applications linked to the project.
4. Have a lot of useful parameter specification given by project supervisor.
5. Have some demo design antennas found on internet and simple antenna design
given by supervisor.
1. Need to practice and play around with all the functions in the ADS designing tool
to fully understand how to operate the tools.
2. Need to find out more on the important parameters affecting the UWB.
3. Need to find out more on directional and omni-directional radiation pattern
affecting the design of the antenna.
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
1.4.4 Priorities for improving skills
I had listed out the below the priorities for improving my skills for this project:
Must understand every technical parameter that influence the antenna
Must understand and usage of different ADS design functions.
Must be able to produce simulated waveforms and antennas using ADS.
Must fully understand the concept of using UWB technology into
WBAN/WPAN applications
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Reviews of UWB Technology
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Ever since the allocation of spectrum, ranging from 3.1GHz – 10.6GHz by Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) for unlicensed usage, Ultra-wideband (UWB) has
become a potential solution to all promising applications used in wireless personal area
networks (WPAN) and wireless body area networks (WBAN). Figure (2) shows UWB
spectrum overlay by FCC.
UWB uses extremely low transmission energy/power (estimated less than 1 mW) with
this characteristic; it had actually benefits users by making designers extremely hard to
intercept the short pulses. Due to these shot pulses, it had actually enhanced the
transmission data and minimizes the interference. UWB also allows transmitting and
receiving transmission in very large bandwidth within close range. The transmission and
receiving speed can travel up to 200Mbps within 10 meter. As the transmitter and
receiver are closer to each other, the speed can even travel up to 500Mps.
One of the characteristic of using UWB is it has the ability to have excellent performance
in terms of multi-paths channels. As UWB uses shot pulses to communicate, the
narrowness of the shot pulses has given them a huge advantage of preventing the signal
from degrading. Another important characteristic is the signal penetration. UWB has
strong penetration which allows effectively penetrate through different materials such as
walls. This important characteristic property has made UWB feasible in communicating
through walls and ground using radars.
All this advantages had actually given wireless communication possible in body implant
and sealed space.
Figure (2): UWB spectrum overlay released by FCC
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
History and evolution of UWB
In earlier days when radio frequency was birth, the “Spark Gap” transmitter was the root
to the UWB technology. During 1898, Oliver Lodge came out with the “Syntony”
concept [21]. The concept of the transmitter and receiver should be tuned to the same
frequency in order to maximize the receiving data [22]. Oliver Lodge came out with
spherical dipoles, square plate dipoles, biconical dipoles, bow-tie/triangular dipoles.
Figure (3) shows the bow-tie/triangular elements. Soon after, he came out with monopole
antenna using earth as a ground. Figure (4) shows the biconical antenna used for
transmitting and receiving.
Figure (3): Bow-tie/triangular elements
Figure (4): Biconical Antennas used for Transmitting and Receiving
In 1939, Carter renews the interest in Lodge’s biconical antenna and conical monopole
shown in figure (5) and figure (6) [23]. Carter changed and improved Lodge’s original
concept by implementing a tapered feed shown in figure (7) [24]. Carter later
implemented broadband transition between radiating element and feed line
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Figure (5): Carter’s Biconical Antenna
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (6): Carter’s Conical monopole
Figure (7): Carter’s improved Biconical antenna
Even though Carter’s improvement was significant, Lindenblad came out with the most
important UWB antenna during that period [25-26]. Lindenblad change the design of the
sleeve dipole element simply by adding a steady impedance transformation to widen the
broadband. Lindenblad work was chosen for testing in television transmission shown in
figure (8).
Figure (8):Lindenblad’s work (Cross-Section)
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
The Turnstile Array of Lindenblad’s coaxial horn element was placed on the top of the
Empire State Building in New Yoke City for experimenting television transmitter shown
in figure (9). Soon after, Lindenblad’s coaxial element becomes the symbolic to the entire
television research. This was also the only antenna to have been highlighted significantly
on the cover of a conventional journal [27].
Figure (9): Turnstile Array of Lindenblad’s coaxial horn element
In 1948, another researcher Brillouin, also follows the idea of designing antennas from
the coaxial transition. Figure (10) shows the directional antenna and figure (11) shows an
omni-directional antenna using coaxial horns [28].
Figure (10): Brillion’s directional coaxial horns
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (11): Brillion’s omni-directional antenna using coaxial horns
As time flies, more and more complicated electric antennas were developed. Another
good example of these complicated electric antennas was proposed by Stohr in 1968.
Stohr had come out with the idea of using ellipsoidal monopoles shown in figure (12) and
dipoles in figure (13) [29].
Figure (12): Stohr ellipsoidal monopoles
Figure (13): Stohr ellipsoidal dipoles
In 1989, Lalezari et al came out with the broadband notch antenna shown in figure (14)
[30]. In 1994, Thomas et al offer, the planar circular element dipole shown in figure (15),
better performance antenna [31]. This antenna is small and easy to assemble.
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (14): Lalezari et al’s Broadband Notch Antenna
Figure (15): Thomas et al r’s Circular Element Dipole
In 2000, Barnes introduced a slot antenna shown in figure (16) preserves a continuous
taper. This antenna was then used in the first generation through-wall radar from The
Time Domain Corporation, product known as RadarVision 1000. Therefore, with proper
design of the slot taper, many more wonderful products will be built with brilliant
broadband corresponding and performance can be acquire.
Figure (16): Barne’s UWB Slot Antenna
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
UWB Application
UWB technology has provided convenience to many people especially to those who need
to know what is happening around you. There are many various ways to implement UWB
technology into many applications. There are a few existing product listed below had
already made an impact to many companies servicing as a tracking device. One of the
most efficient ways to use this technology is to improvise into a manufacturing factory.
You will be able to gather data’s of each individual manufacturing parts doings and
location. It will enable to identify problems occurring at every location within the
manufacturing factory which bring the level of control into another new level over all the
assets, people and process within working arena. Figure (17) & (18) had clearly show
how UWB technology was used as a tracking system to gather data’s of each every
individual parts in a manufacturing factory and super market [www.timedomain.com].
Figure (17): Improvising UWB technology as a tracking system in a manufacturing
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (18): Improvising UWB technology as a tracking system in a supermarket.
With these tracking devices functioning a
Another usage of this technology was implemented into the HDMI transmitter and a
receiver machine to eliminate the cables running around your home when connecting to
your high definition LCD TV. The HDMI transmitter allows you to have Blu-Ray DVD
player and video games console plug into it and the receiver will be connected to the high
definition LCD TV. Pulse Link Inc. was the fables semiconductor company offering
CWave Ultra wideband technology in both wireless and wired connectivity of
multimedia devices. These HDMI transmitter and receiver are one of their proud products
selling USA. The HDMI transmitter and receiver are shown below in figure (19) and
figure (20) illustrate of how these product works.
Figure (19): HDMI transmitter and Receiver used to eliminate usage of cables running
around your house. A product by Pulse Link
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (20): An illustration of how the HDMI transmitter & receiver work.
Another proud product introducing into the market is their UWB chipsets. These chipsets
enable user to have received high definition graphic transmitted from the desktop to their
respective high definition LCD TV in every room with all HDMI receiver and transmitter
installed. Below figures (21 ~ 23) show the block diagrams, final product and
specification of the chipset [www.pulselink.net].
Figure (21): UWB chipset block diagram
Figure (22): miniPCI card with UWB chipset installed
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (23): Chipset’s specification
Another UWB product launched recently captured some of the consumer on the ability to
switch and distribute 16 computers onto 16 displays with ease. Gefen Inc. has provided a
connectivity solution by introducing their product 16x16 DVI Matrix into the market. It
delivers one-to-one or one-to-many display distribution at one time. It is easy to access
simply by controlling the front panel, remote or using an IP LAN. The front panel will
then display the status of all 16 displays and switching information. The matrix switcher
switches fast with low distortion between adjacent channels and supports up to
1920x1200 resolutions. This device can be introduced into many varieties of applications
especially in the recording studios. It is also an ideal product for digital signage,
presentations in corporate companies, education, broadcasting facilities and medical area.
Figure (24) shows the 16x16 DVI matrixes switcher launched in 2009
Figure (24): 16x16 DVI matrix switcher
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
UWB Hardware Components
Precision Location Ultra Wideband System (PLUS®) from Time Domain is a highly
accurate Real-Time Location System that allows enterprises to have precise information
on all components parts, data and people within an indoor compound. This system serves
as a very good example of a how the UWB technology works and functioning with all
these devices integrated into a system.
The PLUS network system involves with some of the common hardware and software to
locate or gather data’s needed. Four main components for these UWB systems to work
are: Transmitting tag, antenna, reader and software to synchronies data’s received from
reader. The figure (25) below shows a simple layout of all the UWB hardware
components in an indoor work area.
Figure (25): UWB hardware components layout in an indoor work area.
The components below listed serves as an example on how these components operates
and functions together and create convenience to many enterprise world-wide.
2.4.1 PLUS Badge Tag
The PLUS Badge Tag is a compact UWB transmitter specially designed for locating
personnel or moving assets. As part of the PLUS system components, the badge tag
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
features a call button (provide notification or alarm with LED indicator) and a radiation
beam pattern around the tag shown in figure (26). The badge tag, shown in figure (27),
can easily attach a lanyard to provide convenience that can be worn by anyone and the
badge tag and is extremely light. The badge tag is designed to provide protection against
dust and waterproof. Specification table for the PLUS Badge Tag is shown in figure (28).
Figure (26): PLUS Badge Tag
Figure (27): PLUS Badge Tag beam pattern
Figure (28): PLUS Badge Tag specification
2.4.2 PLUS Asset Tag
The PLUS Asset Tag, shown in figure (29), is a transmitter designed for finest
performance when attached to any asset. The Tag will transmit its Tag ID and battery
status every second to the PLUS Antenna and Reader network. The data is received and
integrated into the PLUS Location Software to compute the asset’s location. There is an
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
in-built 4-Year battery life which does not require for any maintenance. The radiation
beams around the tag shown in figure (30). Specification is shown in figure (31).
Figure (29): PLUS Asset Tag
Figure (30): PLUS Asset Tag Beam Pattern
Figure (31): PLUS Asset Tag Specification
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
2.4.3 PLUS OEM Tag
The PLUS OEM Tag, shown in figure (32), is installed into multiple products and used to
provide precise location information for manufacturing, retail, and healthcare
applications. The OEM Tag features two LED indicators, powered by batteries,
automatically update data’s for a few times per minute to 100 times per second. The
OEM Tag comes with a 4-lead Micro-Fit Molex connector for connection to an external
power or LED cable. The radiation beam patterns beams around the tag shown in figure
(33) and the specification shown in figure (34).
Figure (32): PLUS OEM Tag
Figure (33): PLUS OEM Tag Beam pattern
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (34): PLUS OEM Tag Specification
2.4.4 PLUS Antennas
PLUS Omni Directional Antenna, shown in figure (35), provides a 360° coverage from
the receiving PLUS tag transmissions. The PLUS Antennas are designed to replace a
standard 2’ x 2’ drop-in ceiling tile and blend easily into ceiling tile structure. The PLUS
antenna radiation pattern beams around the product shown in figure (36) and
specification in figure (37).
Figure (35): PLUS Omni Directional Antenna
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (36): Antenna pattern
Figure (37): Antenna Specification
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
2.4.5 PLUS Small Form Factor Antennas
The PLUS Small Form Factor (SFF) Antennas, shown in figure (38), provides multiple
enclose areas and coverage pattern options for response of tag transmissions. The PLUS
Reader is installed inside the SFF Antennas, shown in figure (39), and the total weight is
not heavier than 1.4 kg. The SFF Antennas usually installed up to 10 meters tall and the
unique High Ceiling Omni SFF Antenna supports install up to 15 meters height. Figure
(40) shows the radiation beam pattern of the Small Forma Factor Antenna in omni and
180° Directional Antennas and figure (41) shows the specification.
Figure (38): Small Form factor Antenna - Omni and 180° Directional Antennas
Figure (39): PLUS Reader installed into the Small Form factor Antenna
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (40): Small Form factor Antenna - Omni and 180° Directional Antennas radiation
Figure (41): Small Form factor Antenna Specification
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
2.4.6 PLUS Reader
The PLUS Reader, shown in figure (42), will be receiving all PLUS tag demodulating
data and measuring the time of arrival for every individual tags. The PLUS Reader will
then transfer the data’s and TOA information using integrated 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port
into the PLUS Location Software. All the ports on the reader will be named and
identified it’s purpose and function in figure (43). Specification will also be shown in
figure (44).
Figure (42): PLUS Reader set
Figure (43): PLUS Reader’s port identification and functions.
Figure (44): PLUS Reader Specification
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
2.4.7 PLUS Synchronization Distribution Panel
The 24-Port Synchronization Distribution Panel (SDP), shown in figure (45), is a core
component providing timing and power synchronization the PLUS Readers. The SDP
will be transmitting the data’s from the readers to the Location Software server using
Ethernet Local Area Network (LAN). These 24-Port SDP includes 24 pairs of “SYNC
OUT” and “LAN IN” ports, and each “SYNC OUT” port can provide timing
synchronization for up to six readers (144 total) and power for up to three readers (72
total). Figure (46) shows the specification for the 24-Port Synchronization Distribution
Figure (45): 24-Port Synchronization Distribution Panel
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (46): 24-Port Synchronization Distribution Panel Specification
2.4.8 Location Software
The Time Domain Location Software, figure (47) shows the block diagram on how the
software works, is the software component to deliver highly accuracy and reliable
information from every tags using Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) technique. The
Location Software generates data information in the form of TOA packets using the
UWB sensor network and computes precision X and Y locations.
This Location Software comes with Visualizer installation and maintenance software
tools. All these tools can be used in initial setup, configurations, and calibration on the
PLUS Reader network. The Visualizer has the ability to display Reader’s layout using
graphic tools and positioning in real-time. There are also other precise tools to verify
overall UWB system performance.
This Location software has the ability to support using different modes: proximity mode
(0D), assembly/assembly line (1D), precise X & Y location (2D) and precise X & Y plus
floor/zone location (2.5D).
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
This software able to call out floor plans for 2D mapping display, status and alarm
information coming from the Reader network. Supporting high capacity of tags
(approximately 8000 tags) in the real-time system, able to diagnose and evaluate the tag
throughout and tag location statistics and Time Difference of Arrival statistics. Basic
systems requirement: Operating system: Microsoft Window XP & Vista, Intel Quad Core
2.4 GHz processor with minimum 3 GB RAM.
Figure (47): Location Software Block diagram
UWB Software Tools
Choosing a good and effective software tools for designing antenna is critical. Agilent
Advanced Design Software (ADS) was the only software that came into my mind after
evaluating other software tools. The ADS system is the world leading electronic design
automation tools for microwave, signal integrity and RF applications.
ADS has being the pioneer for the RF electronic design automation industry having the
most advanced and commercially successful technologies including many key features
like: Circuit Envelope, Harmonic Balance, Agilent Ptolemy, Transient Convolution, Xparameter, momentum and 3D EM simulators which also includes both FEM & FDTD
solvers. ADS provide full standard-based design and verification within one integrated
platform simply with the great assistants from the wireless libraries and circuit-systemEM co-simulation technology in the designing tools.
ADS become popular to many designers as it has a complete system to test every
individuals section. This designing tools is fast, accurate and user friendly which satisfy
many designers. With these benefits, this designing tool has being a leading industries
partner to all communication companies using this tooling.
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
The Reference Antenna Design 1: UWB disc monopole
There are many different kinds of monopole antennas often used in UWB applications
and we have therefore included results for a UWB monopole antenna as reference. I had
designed the UWB disc monopole, with criteria of an impedance bandwidth from 5 to 6
GHz (| S11 | < -10 dB) and with the size comparable to the slot antenna. The antenna
geometry is shown in figure (47a). Their diameters are: ground plane GW = G L =
20000  , disc diameter D = 16000  and lastly, the microstrip’s width = 600  .
Overall planar dimension of the antenna is 20000   20000  . It was realized on a
500  thick FR4 substrate (  r = 4.4) and is fed from a 50Ω microstrip line.
It is relatively easy to design a UWB monopole antenna when considering only the
impedance bandwidth. In order to achieve the same radiation pattern bandwidth is
difficult. This is due to the significant changes in the antenna pattern at higher
frequencies [26]. Plots of the return loss of the UWB disc monopole antenna are shown in
Figure (48b). As can be seen, the antenna is well matched in a much wider than 3 – 8
Figure (48): UWB disc monopole antenna geometry (a) geometry of the antenna and (b)
return loss plot.
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (49): Antenna Parameters Window
The | S11 | and the gain of this antenna design are -11.221dB and 4.64dB respectively from
the resonant frequency at 5.562GHz (Figures 48b & 49). The radiation pattern of this
UWB disc monopole antenna’s radiation patterns are shown below in figures (50).
Figure (50): Radiation pattern – Front Angle View (a), Back Angle View (b), Front View
(c), Side View (d) and Top View (e).
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
The Reference Antenna Design 2: UWB “Y0” antenna
Antenna Parameters
Slot Length ( S l )
Omni-directional antenna
27.2 mm
Slot width ( S w )
5 mm
Ground plane width ( G w )
32 mm
Ground plane length ( Gl )
29 mm
Microstrip feed line impedance
Tuning stubs spacing ( S t )
50 Ω (1.4mm)
18.2 mm
Tuning stubs length ( S tl1 )
6.15 mm
Tuning stubs length ( S tl 2 )
7.85 mm
Substrate material
Substrate material thickness (h)
Operating Frequency
= 2.2
1.58 mm (4003)
5.5 GHz
Table 1.3 – Design parameters of the antenna 3
Figure (51): UWB “Y0” antenna geometry (a) geometry of the antenna and (b) return loss
The above figure (51) shows the antenna geometry and the return loss plotted using ADS
software. The | S11 | of this antenna design are -17.054 dB & -48.883 dB and the gain is
4.73 dB respectively from the resonant frequency at 7.354 GHz. Even though it was able
to achieve a good return loss at -48.883 dB, but it does not meet the requirements that I
had set for my thesis and the material is also costly. Therefore this antenna was not
chosen. Return loss | S11 |, gain and radiation pattern could be seen in figure (52 & 53)
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (52): Antenna parameters
Figure (53): Radiation pattern – Front View (a), Side View (b), Top View (c), Front
Angle View (d) and Back Angle View (e).
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
The Chosen Antenna Design 3: UWB “Y” antenna
Antenna Parameters
Slot Length ( S l )
Omni-directional antenna
27.2 mm
Slot width ( S w )
5 mm
Ground plane width ( G w )
32 mm
Ground plane length ( Gl )
29 mm
Microstrip feed line impedance
Tuning stubs spacing ( S t )
50 Ω (1.4mm)
18.2 mm
Tuning stubs length ( S tl1 )
6.15 mm
Tuning stubs length ( S tl 2 )
7.85 mm
Substrate material
Substrate material thickness (h)
Operating Frequency
= 2.2
1.58 mm (FR4)
5.5 GHz
Table 1.4 – Design parameters of the antenna 3
Figure (54): UWB “Y” antenna geometry (a) geometry of the antenna and (b) return loss
The above antenna design was the same as the reference design 2. The only change was
the material type used for this design. FR4 was the chosen material as it is a common and
cheap material to be used for fabrication. With the implementation of this material, I was
able to achieve the return loss | S11 | -29.74 dB (Figure 54b) and gain of 1.65 dB (Figure
55) at the resonant frequency of 5.396 GHz. These simulated results were the closes to
the desired resonant frequency aim (5.5 GHz) for this thesis. Radiation pattern were
shown in figure (56).
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (55): Antenna parameters
Figure (56): Radiation pattern – Front Angle View (a), Back Angle View (b), Top View
(c), Front View (d) and Side View (e).
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Design Fabrication
Figure (57): First layer with border & orientation (a) and Second layer with border &
orientation (b)
Before fabrication, we need to implement borders and orientation on the layers before
converting the layers into Gerber format. For the first layer, simply delete the second
layer on the design and create a 1 cm border around the antenna shown in figure (57a).
Name on the bottom left acts as the orientation. Repeat the same step for the second layer
shown in figure (57b).
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (58): Gerber file for first layer (a), Gerber file for second layer (b) Fabricated
DUT board – First Layer (c) and Fabricated DUT board – Second Layer (d)
Configure the layers in figure (57) and convert the layer format to Gerber format in ADS.
After converting the format, list out the parameters and send the Gerber files together
with the parameters to the vendor for fabrication shown in figure (58a & b). Figure (58c
& d) shows the fabricated boards based on the specification sent to the vendor.
Prepare one surface mount RF connectors and one RF cable, shown in figure (59), for
communicating the antenna to the respective spectrum and network analyzer for
Figure (59): SMT RF connector and RF cable
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Setup of equipments
In order to obtain the return loss | S11 | plot and the radiation pattern, we are required to
have the following items:
DUT (Fabricated Antenna Design)
Network Analyzer
Horn Antenna
Spectrum Analyzer
Signal Generator
Connect using the RF connector to communicate from the antenna to the network
analyzer. Once the connection was done, configure the network analyzer in order to
obtain the required gain at the respective frequency shown in figure (61). Once the return
loss | S11 | plot was obtained, disconnect the RF cables and connect the antennas to the
spectrum analyzer. At the other end, connect the horn antenna onto the signal generator.
Horn antenna must face directly at the fabricated antenna before exciting the signal
generator. Once configuration was done, you will be able to obtain the radiated pattern at
the spectrum analyzer. Setup for the radiation pattern is shown in figure (60).
Figure (60): Connecting horn antenna onto signal generator and fabricated DUT onto
spectrum analyzer for radiation pattern.
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Results Comparison: Simulated Results VS Actual Measured
Results (|S11|)
The fabricated antenna was connected to the Agilent Network Analyzer to shown in
figure (61). The microstrip was connected using the RF cables connecting into the
Network analyzer port 1. Trigger the network analyzer and you will be able to measure
the return loss | S11 | -29.489 dB at resonant frequency 5.47 GHz.
Figure (61): Fabricated antenna connected to the Agilent Network Analyzer for
Simulated return loss | S11 | plot and actual measurements could be seen in figure (62)
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (62): ADS simulated return loss | S11 | plot (a) and Actual measured return loss
| S11 | plot.
Figure (63): Comparison of simulated VS actual returns loss measurements.
Even though there is a slight resonant frequency shift of 0.074Hz in the return loss | S11 |
plot and degraded gain of -0.251 dB, the measured results satisfy the requirements set for
aim of this project. The actual antenna managed to obtain the similar results simulated in
ADS shown in figure (63).
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
An Omni-directional UWB antenna for WBAN applications was proposed in this thesis.
It utilizes the small radiating patch element to achieve a front-to-back ratio above 10 dB
in the large specify frequency 5.5 GHz. The UWB “Y” antenna was chosen because the
material used was cheap and it enables me to fulfill the requirement for this project. It
was sad that I was not able to find any horn antenna to plot out the radiated pattern of this
antenna but fortunately I was able to achieve the network analyzer to obtain the return
loss | S11 | plot. The captured results were very promising as it almost matched with the
simulated results in ADS.
The return loss was obtained between -29 to -30 dB and gain obtained was 1.65 dB at the
resonant frequency of 5.5 GHz. Therefore, this prototype antenna was a success as it met
the aim of obtaining good return loss and gain within the UWB spectrum for WBAN
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Even though this project is a success, there are still rooms for more improvements. We
can look into cloth material for integrating antenna onto the cloths whereby the antenna
could not be destroyed during washing. Creating a small and flexible antenna could be
the next big thing in the next ten year. Costing will also be another issue that could be
discussed as small and flexible antennas usually comes costly.
Return loss | S11 | plot and gain could also be improved by modification of the antennas. I
was not able to produced the radiated pattern as I was not able to find a spectrum
analyzer and horn antenna for transmit onto the fabricated antenna. This is one area that I
could explore into.
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
1. www.timedomain.com
2. www.pulselink.net
Journal & Article
“European IST FP5 Project, Power Aware Communications for Wireless OptiMised
Personal Area Networks (PACWOMAN),” http://www.imec.be/pacwoman, Oct. 2003
“European IST FP6 Project MAGNET,” http://www.ist-magnet.org, Jan. 2004
“Human ++ Project,” www.imec.be.
T.Zasowski, F. Althaus, M. Staeger, A. Wittneban, and G. Troester, “UWB for
noninvasive wireless body area networks: Channel measurements and results,” Presented
at the IEEE Conf. Ultra WideBand Systems and Technologies, UWBST, Reston, VA,
Nov. 2003
Z. N. Chen, X. H. Wu, H. F. Li, N. Yang, and M. Y. W. Chia, “ Considerations for source
pulses and antennas in UWB radio systems,” IEEE Trans. Antennas PRopag., vol. 52, no.
7, pp. 1739 – 1748, Jul. 2004
X. H. Wu and Z. N. Chen, “Design and optimization of UWB antennas by a powerful
CAD tool: PULSE KIT,” presented at the IEEE Antennas and Proprag. Society Symp.,
Jun. 20 – 25, 2004
J. S. McLean, H. Foltz, and R. Sutton, “The effect of frequency-dependent radiation
pattern on UWB antenna performance,” presented at the Proc. IEEE Antennas and
Propagation Society Symp., Jun. 20 – 25. 2004
H. G. Schantz, “Dispersion and UWB antennas,” presented at the Proc. Joint Conf.
Center for TeleInFrastruktur, Department of Communication Technology Int. Workshop
Ultra Wideband Systems with Ultra wideband Systems and Technologies Conf., Kyoto,
Japan, May 18 - 21, 2004
H. G. Schantz and L. Fullerton, “The diamond dipole: a Gaussian impulse antenna,”
presented at the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Soc. Symp., Jul. 8 – 13, 2001
M. Klemm and G. Troester, “Characterization of an aperture-stacked patch antenna for
ultra-wideband wearable radio systems,” in Proc. 15th Int. Conf. Microwaves, Radar and
Wireless Communications-MIKON, vol. 2, Warsaw, Poland, May 17 – 19, 2004, pp. 395
– 398.
D. H. Kwon and Y. Kim, “A small ceramic antenna for ultra-wideband systems,”
presented at the Int. Workshop on Ultra Wideband Systems Joint with Conf. Ultra
Wideband Systems and Technologies, Kyoto, Japan, May. 18 – 21, 2004
D. Manteuffel, J. Kunish, W. Simmon, and M. Geissler, “Characterization of UWB
antenna by their spatio-temporal transfer function based on FDTD simulations,”
presented at the Proc. EUROEM Conf., Magdeburg, Germany, Jul. 12 – 16, 2004
M. Klemm and G. Troester, “Small patch antennas for ultra-wideband wireless body area
networks,” presented at the EUROEM 2004 Conf., Magdeburg, Germany, Jul. 12 – 16,
W. A. T. Kotterman, G. F. Pedersen, K. Olesen, and P. Eggers,, “Cableless measurement
setup for wireless handheld terminals,” in Proc. Symp. Personal, Indoor and Mobile
Radio Communications (PIMRC), vol. 1, Oct. 2001, pp. B112 – B116.
Future Adaptive communication environment (FACE), internal research project, Demark:
Center For PersonKommunicaKation Center for TeleInFrastruktur, Aalborg Univ., Mar.
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
X. Qing and Z. N. Chen, “ Antipodal vivaldi antenna for UWB applications,” presented
at the EUROEM 2004 Conf., Magdeburg, Germany, Jul. 12 – 16, 2004
A. G. Yarovoy, “Antenna development for UWB impulse radio,” presented at the Eur.
Microwave Week, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oct. 2004
W. S. T. Rowe and R. B. Waterhouse, “Reduction of backward radiation for CPW fed
aperture stacked patch antennas on small ground planes,” IEEE Trans. Antennas PRopag.,
vol. 51, no. 6, Jun. 2003
S. D. Targonski and D. M. Pozar, “Aperture-coupled microstrip antennas using reflector
elements for wireless communications,” in Proc. IEEE-APS Conf. Antennas and
Propagation for Wireless Communicatons, Nov. 1998, pp. 163 – 166
“Analysis for mean effective gain of mobile antennas in land mobile radio
environments,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 39, no. 2, May 1990
Hugh G.J. Aitken, Syntony and Spark: The Origins of Radio, (Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1985).
O. Lodge, “Electric Telegraphy,” U.S. Patent 609,154 (August 16, 1898).
P.S. Carter, “Short Wave Antenna,” U.S. Patent 2,175,252 (October 10, 1939).
P.S. Carter, “Wide Band, Short Wave Antenna and Transmission Line System,” U.S.
Patent 2,181,870 (December 5, 1939).
N.E. Lindenblad, “Wide Band Antenna,” U.S. Patent 2,239,724 (April 29, 1941).
N.E. Lindenblad et al, RCA Review, April 1939.
Forbes Magazine, “Television Looks to the Future,” January 15, 1945. The cover of this
issue prominently displays Lindenblad’s Horn Antenna.
L.N. Brillouin, “Broad Band Antenna,” U.S. Patent 2,454,766 (November 30, 1948).
W. Stohr, “Broadband Ellipsoidal Dipole Antenna,” U.S. Patent 3,364,491, (January 16,
F. Lalezari et al, “Broadband Notch Antenna,” U.S., Patent 4,843,403 (June 27, 1989).
M. Thomas et al, “Wideband Arrayable Planar Radiator,” U.S. Patent 5,319,377 (June 7,
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (64): LineCalc tools to design the microstrip
Figure (65): Chosen UWB “Y” antenna
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (66): Geometry of the antenna (a) and Antenna parameters layout – refer to Table
1.5 for parameters (b).
Figure (67): Defining substrate layer
Figure (68): Defining metallization layer
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Figure (69): Mesh Setup
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (70): Port setup
Figure (71): Simulation setup
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (72): Radiation pattern 3D setup
Figure (73): Antenna parameters
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (74): Radiation pattern – Front Angle View (a), Back Angle View (b), Front View
(c), Side View (d) and Top View (e).
Figure (75): Return loss | S11 | plot from the chosen UWB “Y” antenna
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (76): More | S11 | plot from the chosen UWB “Y” antenna (a & b)
Figure (77): Radiation pattern 2D setup
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (78): Radiation Pattern – 2D linear polarization plot
Figure (79): Radiation Pattern – 2D absolute fields plot
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (80): Radiation Pattern – 2D power plot
Figure (81): Radiation Pattern – 2D circular polarization plot
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (82): Antenna Measurements – starting point
Figure (83): Antenna Measurements – end point
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (84): Antenna Measurements – Microstrip width
Figure (85): Antenna Measurements – Microstrip width
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (86): Antenna Measurements – Port position
Figure (87): Antenna Measurements – Slot top left
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (88): Antenna Measurements – Slot bottom right
Figure (89): Antenna Measurements – Slot top right
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (90): Antenna Measurements – Slot bottom left
Figure (91): Antenna Measurements – Slot bottom right
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (92): Antenna Measurements – Microstrip top left
Figure (93): Antenna Measurements – Inner width
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (94): Antenna Measurements – Microstrip top right
Figure (95): Antenna Measurements – Microstrip inner top right
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Figure (96): Antenna Measurements – Microstrip inner bottom right
Figure (97): Antenna Measurements – Microstrip inner bottom right
Name: Tang Chee Hoe, Willy
ENG499 Capstone Project: Interim Report
Student PI: M0605115
NRIC: S7817097B
Project Title
Transceiver System for Wireless Body-Worn Application (WBAN)
Team Members
Tang Chee Hoe Willy
Project started
25 Aug 2008
Target date of
Task Description
AUG 09
SEP 09
OCT 09
NOV 09
1 JUN 2010
DEC 09
JAN 10
FEB 10
APR 10
25 AUG 2009
JUN 10
Stage 1: Study and understand
all literature reviews of WBAN,
WPAN and UWB technologies
(ii) History and Evolution of
(iii) UWB, WBAN & WPAN
Hardware Components
System Operating Range and
Software Tools
TMA: Project Proposal
TMA: Interim Report
Stage 2 : Design and modeling of
UWB antenna
(i) Have a good understanding on
UWB directional pattern antenna
(ii) Have a good understanding on
UWB omni-directional pattern
antenna design
Familiarize of designing Tools
Stage 3: UWB Integration
Stage 4: Testing & Debugging
UWB antenna
Stage 5: Simulation of Design
Stage 6: Project Evaluation
Stage 7: Enhance revision of
Final Report
Review & Amendment of Final
Presentation / Demo
Table 1.2: Gantt Chat