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Bibliographies: Ancient Religions
Including: Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Hebrew, Christianity, Graeco-Roman,
Celtic, Zoroastrian, Gnostic, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Manichaeism,
Gnosticism, and others....
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THIS IS NOT MEANT TO BE EXHAUSTIVE!!! I don't have the six lifetimes it
would take! But it is meant to be as thorough as I can make it and it should
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easily be split up into smaller or different categories (I swear I will get around
to it!!! It will have to be done soon, because the download is getting too long.),
but I want this stuff out there. Some citations may be "incomplete". For
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Additional Readings for your future edification. These are the subjectsections added thus far. Use the search function to find them, as it is
quicker than trying to scroll down and find a section.
Mesopotamian Religion
Egyptian Religion
Hittite Religion
Canaanite Religion
Aegean and Minoan Religions
Greek Religion
Mystery Religions
Hellenistic Religions
Roman Religion
Roman Imperial Cult
Text, Textual Criticism, Literature: Hebrew
Israel: History to Babylon Captivity and Restoration
Israelite Religion
Prophetic Judaism
Apocalyptic Judaism
Hellenistic Civilization and the Jews
Jewish Sects
"Minimalist" Critique
General Histories: Judaism
The Bible-"Old Testament": Various Texts
The Bible-"New Testament": Various Texts
General Histories: Christianity
Texts, Textual Criticism, the Canon: New Testament
The Gospels: Synoptics
The Gospels: John
The "Q" Source
Historical Jesus
Early Christianity
Early Christianity: Social and Ethical
The Patristic Age
Ancient Christianity
Apocalyptic Christianity
Medieval Christianity
Hinduism: Primary Sources
Hinduism: General Works
Buddhism: General Histories
The Buddha
Buddhist Canon: Text and Criticism
Buddhist Monasticism
Early Buddhist Sects
Theravada (Hinayana) Buddhism
Mayahana Buddhism
The Bodhisttva
Buddhism in Southeast Asia
Tibetan Buddhism
Tantric Buddhism
Buddhism in China
Chan Buddhism
Pure Land Buddhism
Zen Buddhism
Shin Buddhism
Sort of General Stuff
Barton, George A. The Paleolithic Beginnings of Religion – An Interpretation,
Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Mar. 22, 1940, vol. 82, no. 2, p.
Davies, Jon. Death, Burial, and Rebirth in the Religions of Antiquity, Routledge, 1999.
Mesopotamian Religion
Bottero, Jean. La religion babylonienne. Paris, 1952
Dhorme, Edouard. Les religions de Babylonie et d'Assyrie. Paris, 1945
Dijk, V. van. "Sumerische Religion." in Handbuch der Religionsgeschichte, vol.
I, ed. Jes Peter Asmussen, Jorge Laessoe, and Carsten Colpe, 431-496.
Gottingen, 1971.
Frankfort, Henri, et al. Before Philosophy. Harmondsworth, 1949. (Originally
published as the Intellectual History of Ancient Man, Chicago, 1946)
Hooke, S.H. Babylonian and Assyrian Religion. New York, 1953.
Jacobesen, Thorkild. The Treasures of Darkness: A History of Mesospotamian
Religion. New Haven, 1976
Laessoe, Jorgen. "Babylonische und assyrische Religion." in Handbuch der
Religionsgeschichte, vol. I, edited by Jes Peter Asmussen, Jorgen Laessoe, and
Carsten Colpe, 497-525. Gottingen, 1971.
Meissner, Bruno. Babylonien und Assyrien, vol. 2. Heidelberg, 1925.
Pritchard, J.B. ed. Ancient Near Eastern Texts relation to the Old Testament.
3rd. ed. Princeton, 1969.
Ringgren, Helmer. Religions of the Ancient Near East. trans. John Sturdy.
Philadelphia, 1973.
Egyptian Religion
Allen, Thomas George. The Book of the Dead or Going Forth by Day. Chicago,
Anthes, Rudolf. "Egyptian Theology in the Third Millennium B.C." Journal of
Near Eastern Studies 18 (1959), 170-212.
Assmann, Jan. Agyptische Hymnen und Gebete. Zurich, 1975.
Bell, H. Idris. Cults and Creeds of Graeco-Roman Egypt. Liverpool, 1953.
Breasted, James Henry. The Development of Religion and Thought of Ancient
Egypt. New York, 1912.
Cerny, Jaroslav. Ancient Egyptian Religion. London, 1952.
Englund, Gertie. Akh: Une notion religieuse dans l'Egypte pharaonique.
Uppsala, 1978.
Faulkner, Raymond. The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts. Oxford, 1969.
Faulkner, Raymond. The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts. 3 vols. Oxford, 19731978.
Frankfort, Henri. Kingship and the Gods. Chicago, 1948.
Frankfort, Henri. Before Philosophy. Baltimore, 1954.
Frankfort, Henri. Ancient Egyptian Religion. New York, 1961.
Greven, Liselotte. Der Ka in Theologie und Konigskult der Agypter des Alten
Reiches. Gluckstadt, 1952.
Hornung, Erik. Altagyptische Hollenworstellung. Leipzig, 1968.
Hornung, Erik. Agyptische Unterwelscbucher. Zurich, 1972.
Hornung, Erik. Conceptions of God in Ancient Egypt. Ithaca, N.Y., 1982.
Junker, Hermann. Die Gotterlehre von Memphis (Schabaka-Inschrift). Berlin,
Kees, Hermann. Das Priestertum in agyptischen Statt vom Neuen Reich bis zur
Spatzeit. Leiden, 1953.
Kees, Hermann. Der Gotterglaube im Alten Agypten. 2nd. ed. Berlin, 1956.
Kees, Hermann. Totenglauben und Jenseitsvorstellungen der alten Agypter.
2nd. ed. Berlin, 1956.
Lesko, Leonard H. "Some Observations on the Compositon of the Book of Two
Ways." Journal of the American Oriental Society 91 (1971), 30-43.
Lesko, Leonard H. "The field of Hetep in Egyptian Coffin Texts." Journal of the
American Research Center in Egypt. 9 (1971-1972), 89-101.
Morenz, Siegfried. Egyptian Religion. Ithaca, N.Y., 1973.
Morenz, Siegfried. Religion und Geschichte des alten Agypten: Gesammelte
Aufsatze. Weimar, 1975.
Morenz, Siegfried and Dieter Muller. Untersuchungen zur Rolle des Schicksals in
der agyptischen Religion. Berlin, 1960.
Moret, Alexandre. Le rituel du culte divin journalier en Egypte d'apres les
papyrus de Berlin et les textes du temple de Seti Premier a Abydos. Paris,
Mueller, Dieter. "An Early Egyptian guide to the Hereafter." Journal of Egyptian
Archaeololgy 58 (1972), 99-125.
Otto, Eberhard. Das Agypische Mundoffnungsritual. Wiesbaden, 1960.
Piankoff, Alexandre. Shrines of Tut-Ankh-Amon. Princeton, 1955.
Piankoff, Alexandre. The Wandering of the Soul. Princeton, 1974.
Poesner, Georges. De la divinite du Pharaon. Paris, 1960.
Sauneron, Serge. Les Pretres de l'ancienne Egypte. Paris, 1957.
Sauneron, Serge. Les fetes religieuses d'Esna. Cairo, 1962.
Schweitzer, Ursula. Das Wesen des Ka im Diesseits und Jenseits der alten
Agypter. Gluckstadt, 1956.
Sethe, Kurt H. Dramatische Texte zu den altagyptischen Mysterienspielen.
Leipzig, 1928.
Sethe, Kurt H. Amun und die acht Urgotter von Hermopolis. Berlin, 1929.
Sethe, Kurt H. Urgeschichte und alteste Religion der Agypter. Leipzig, 1930.
Spiegel, Joachim. "Das Auferstehungsritual der Unaspyramide." Annales du
Service des Anti
Vandier, Jacques. La religion egyptinne. Paris, 1944.
Vandier, Jacques. Le Papyuus Jumilhac. Paris, 1961.
Westendorf, Wolfhart, ed. Aspekte der spatagyptischen Religion. Wiesbaden,
Wilson, John A. The Burden of Egypt. Chicago, 1951.
Wolf, Walther. Das schone Fest von Opet. Leipzig, 1931.
Zabkar, Louis V. A Study of the Ba Concept in Ancient Egyptian Text. Chicago,
Zandee, Jan. Death as an Enemy. Leiden, 1960.
Hittite Religion
Bittel, Kurt. Hattusha: the Capital of the Hittites. New York, 1970.
Bittel, Kurt. "The Great Temple of Hattusha-Bogazkoy." American Journal of
Archaeology 80 (1976), 66-73.
Gurney, O. R. Some Aspects of Hittite Religion. London, 1977.
Guterbock, Hans G. "Hittite Religion." in Forgotten Religons ed. Vergilius Ferm,
83-109, New York, 1950.
Guterbock, Hans G. "The Song of Ullikummi." Journal of Cuneiform Studies 5
(1951), 135-161 and 6 (1952), 8-42.
Guterbock, Hans G. "Religion und Kultus der Hethiter." in Neuere
Hethiterforschung. ed. Gerold Walser, , 54-73. Wiesbaden, 1964.
Guterbock, Hans G. Les Hieroglyphes de Yazilikara: A propos d'un travail
recent. Paris, 1982.
Hoffner, Harry A. Jr. "Hittite Mythological Texts: A Survey." in Unity and
Diversity, ed. Hans Goedicke and J.J.M. Roberts, pp, 136-145. Baltimore, 1975.
Hoffner, Harry A. Jr. "A Prayer of Mursili II about his Stepmother." Journal of
the American Oriental Society 103 (1983), 187-192
Kammenhuber, Annelies. "Hethitische Rituale." in Kindlers Literatur-Lexikon,
ed. Gert Woerner, et. al., vol. 3. Zurich, 1965-1967.
Masson, Emila. Le Pantheon de Yazilikaya: Nouvelle lectures. Paris, 1981.
Moyer, James C. "The Concept of Ritual Purity among the Hittites." Ph.D. diss.,
Brandeis University, 1969.
Otten Heinrich. Hethitische Totenrituale. Berlin, 1958.
Otten Heinrich. "The Religion of the Hittites." in Historia Religionum ed. C.
Jouco Bleeker and Geo Widengren, vol. I, Religions of the Past, , 318-322.
Leiden, 1969.
Sturtevant, Edgar, H. and George, Bechtel. A Hitite Chrestomathy Philadelphia,
Surenhagen, Dietrich. "Zwei Gebete Hattusilis und der
Puduhepa."Altorientalsiche Forschungen 8(1981), 83-168.
Ten Cate Houwink, Ph. H.J. "Hittite Royal Prayers" Numen 16 (1969), 81-98.
Canaanite Religion
Day, J. God's Conflict with the Dragon and the Sea. Echoes of a Canaanite Myth
in the Old Testament Cambridge, 1985.
Driver, G.R. Canaanite Myths and Legends. Edinburgh, 1956.
Gese, Harmut. "Die Religioinen Altsyriens" in Die Religionen altsyriens,
altarabiens und der Mandaer Stuttgart, 1970, 3-181
Gray. "Sacral kingship in Ugarit" Ugaritica. Paris, 6 (1960), 289-302.
Gray, John. The Canaanites. London, 1964.
Lete, Gregorio del Olmo. Mitos y leyendas de Canaan segun la tradicion de
Ugarit, Madrid, 1981.
Lete, Gregorio del Olmo. Interpretacion de la mitologia cananea, Valencia,
Mullen, E.T. The Divine Council in Canaanite and Early Hebrew Literature.
Chico, California, 1980.
Oldenburg, U. The Conflict Between El and Ba'al in Canaanite Religion, Leiden,
1969. See Review by M.J. Mulder in Ugarit-Forschungen 2 (1970) 359-366.
Peterson, David L. and Mark Woodward. "Northwest Semitic Religion: A Study
in Relational Structures," Ugarit-Forschungen, 9 (1977), 232-248.
Pope, Marvin and Wolfgang Rollig. "Syrien" in Worterbuch der Mythologie, ed.
H.W. Haussig, vol. 1. Stuttgart, 1965.
Tarragon, Jean-Michel de. Le culte a Ugarit Paris, 1980.
Xella Paolo. I testi rituali de Ugarit, Rome 1981.
Redford, D. Egypt, Cannan, and Israel in Ancient Times,
Bailey, H.W. Zoroastrian Problems in the Ninth Century Books. Oxford, 1943.
Benveniste, Emile. The Persian Religion according to the Chief Greek Texts.
Paris, 1929.
Besant, Annie Wood. Zoroastrianism, Kessinger Publishing Company, 2005.
Bianchi, Ugo. Zaman i Ohrmazd: Lo zoroastrismo nelle sue origini e nella sua
essenza. Turin, 1958.
Boyce, Mary. A History of Zoroastrianism. 2 vols. Leiden, 1975,1982. (Excellent
recent study.)
Boyce, Mary. A Persian Stronghold of Zoroastrianism, Oxford, 1977. (Modern
Zoroastrianism in Islamic Iran.)
Boyce, Mary. Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices, London, 1979.
(Medieval Zoroastrianism in medival, Islamic Iran.)
Boyce, Mary. Textual Sources for the Study of Zoroastrianism. Manchester,
1984.(Texts from various periods.)
Boyce, Mary. History of Zoroastrianism: Zoroastrianism under Macedonian and
Roman Rule, vol. 3., Handbuch der Orientalistik Series, Brill, 1991.
Dhalla, M.N. Zoroastrian Theology. New York, 1914. (Old, a bit dated, but
Dhalla, M.N. History of Zoroastrianism. New York, 1938.(Old, a bit dated, but
Duchesne-Guillelmin, Jaques. La religion de l'Iran ancien. Paris, 1962.(Excellent
recent study.)
Duchesne-Guillelmin, Jaques. Zoroastre: Etude critique avec une traduction
commentee des Gathas. Paris, 1948. (Following Dumezil.)
Duchesne-Guillemin, Jacques. Symbolik des Parsismus. Stuttgart, 1961.
Duchesne-Guillemin, Jaques. The Western Response to Zoroaster. Oxford,
Duchesne-Guillemin, Jaques. "L'Iran antique et Zoroastre," Histoire des
Religions, vol.1 (Paris, 1970), 625-694.
Duchesne-Guillemin, Jaques. "L'eglise sassanide et le mazdeisme," Histoire des
Religions, vol.2 (Paris, 1970), 3-32.
Eliade, Micea. "Zarathustra and the Iranian Religion,"History of Religions Ideas,
vol. 1 (Chicago, 1982), 302-333.
Eliade, Micea. "New Iranian Syntheses," History of Religions, vol. 2 (Chicago
1982>, 306-329.
Gnoli, Gherardo. Zoroaster's Time and Homeland: A Study on the Origins of
Mazdeism and Related Problems. Naples, 1980.
Gray, Louis H. The Foundations of the Iranian Religions, Bombay, 1929.
Herzfeld, Ernst. Zoroaster and His World, 2 vols.(1947; reprintNew York,
Kingsley, P. "The Greek Origin of the sixth-century dating of Zoroaster,"
Bulletin of the Society of Oriental and African Studies, 53 (1990), 245-64.
Lommel, Herman. Die Religion Zarathustras nach dem Awesta dargestellt.
Tubingen, 1930.
Modi, J.J. The Religious Ceremonies and Customs of the Parsees, 2nd. ed.
Bombay, 1937.
Mole, Marijan. L'Iran ancien. Paris, 1965.
Moulton, J.H. Early Zoroastrianism. London, 1913.
Neusner, Jacob. Judaism and Zoroastrianism at the Dusk of Late Antiquity:
How Two Ancient Faiths Wrote Down Their Great Traditions, USF Studies in the
History of Judaism, #87, 1993.
Nyberg, H. S. Irans forntida religioner. Stockholm, 1937.
Nyberg, H.S. "Questions de cosmogonie et de cosmologie mazdeennes,"
Journal Asiatique, (1929), 193-139 and (1931), 1-134, 193-244.
Pavry, Jal Dastur Cursetji. The Zoroastrian Doctrine of a Future Life from Death
to the Individual Judgment. New York, 1926.
Pettazzoni, Raffaele. La religione di Zarathustra nella storia religiosa dell'Iran.
Bologna, 1920.
Waterhouse, John W. Zoroastrianism, Pierides Press, 2007.
Widengren, Geo. Die Religionen Irans. Stutgart, 1965. (Excellent recent study.)
Widengren, G. Hochgottglaube im alten Iran. Uppsala, 1938.
Widengren, G. "Leitende Ideen und Quellen der iranischen Apokalyptik,"
Apocalypticism in the Mediterranean World and the Near East, Tubingen, 1983,
Wikander, Stig. Feuerpriester in Lkeinasien und Iran. Lund, 1946.
Zaehner, R.C. Zurvan: A Zoroastrian Dilemma. Oxford, 1955.
Zaehner, R.C. The Dawn and Twilight of Zoroastrianism. London, 1961,
rept.London, 1976).
Aegean and Minoan Religions
Dietrich, B.C. The Origins of Greek Religion, Berlin and New York, 1974.
Evans, Arthur. The Mycenaean Tree and Pillar Cult and Its Mediterranean
Relations. London, 1901.
Evans, Arthur. The Palace of Minos. 4 vols. London, 1921-1936.
Hockmann, Olof. "Cycladic Religion," Art and Culture of the Cyclades in the
Third Millenium B.C. ed. Thimme, J. et. al., Chicago, 1970.
Marinatos, Nanno. Art and Religion in Thera, Athens, 1984.
Nilsson, Martin P. The Minoan-Mycenaean Religion and its Survival in Greek
Religion, 2nd ed., Lund, 1950.
Picard, Charles. Les religions prehelleniques Crete et Mycenes, Paris, 1948.
Wiengarten, Judith. The Transformation of Egyptian Tarawet:
Willetts, R.F. Cretan Cults and Festivals, New York, 1963.
Greek Religion
Adkins, Arthur W. H. " Greek Religion," in Historia Religionium, ed. Claas J.
Bleeker and Geo Widengren, vol. 1, 377-441, Leiden,1969.
Adkins, Arthur W. H. Merit and Responsibility, Oxford, 1960.
Angus, S. The Mystery Religions
Alcock, S. and Osborne, R. Placing the Gods: Sanctuaries and Sacred Space in
Ancient Greece, Oxford, 1994.
Alexiou, Margaret B. The Ritual Lament in Greek Tradition, Cambridge, 1974.
Bianchi, Ugo. La religione greca, Turin, 1975.
Bouche-Leclercq, Auguste. Histoire de la divination dans l'antiquite, (18791882) 4 vols. Brussels, 1963, New York, 1975.
Burkert, W. Greek Religion
Brelich, Angelo. Gil eroi greci, Rome, 1958.
Burkert, Walter. Griechische Religion der archaischen und Klassichen Epoche,
Stuttgart, 1977.
Burket, W. Ancient Mystery Religions
Burkert, Walter. Structure and History in Geek Mythology and Ritual, Berkeley,
Burkert, Walter F. Homo Necans: Interpretationen altgriechischer Opferriten
und Mythen, Berlin, 1972; translated by Peter Bing as, Homo Necans: the
Anthropology of Ancient Greek Sacrificial Ritual and Myth, Berkeley, 1983.
Casabona, Jean. Recherches sur le vocabulaire des sacrifices en grec, des
origines a la fin de l'epoque classique, Aix-en-Provence, 1966.
Cumont, F. The Mysteries of Mithra
Dodds, E.R. The Greeks and the Irrational, Berkeley, 1951
Detinne, Marcel. L'invention de la mythologie, Paris, 1981.
Deubner, Ludwig. Attische Feste, 1932, Hildesheim, 1966.
Dietrich, B.C. The Origins of Greek Religion, Berlin and New York, 1974.
Edelstein, E.J. and L. Asclepius: A Collection oand iInterpretation of the
Testimonies, 2 vols., Baltimore, 1945.
Farnell, Lewis, R. Greek Hero Cults and Ideas of Immortality, Oxford, 1970,
reprint of 1921 ed.
Farnell, Lewis R. The Cults of the Greek States, (1896-1909), 5 vols. New
Rochelle, Ny, 1977.
Farnell, Lewis Richard. Greek Hero Cults and Ideas of Immortlaity, Oxford,
Festugiere, A.-J. "La Grece: La religion," Histoire generale des religions, ed.
Gorce and Mortier, vol. 2, 27-147, Paris, 1944.
Festugiere, A.J. Personal Religion Among the Greeks, Berkeley, 1954.
Festugiere, A.J. Etudes de religion grecque et hellenistique, Paris, 1972.
Geffcken, J. The Last Days of Greco-Roman Paganism. London, 1978.
Gernet, Louis and Boulanger, Andre. Le genie grec dans la religion, Paris, 1932,
reprinted 1969, with additional bibliography.
Grant, . Hellenistic Religions, .
Guthrie, W.K.C. The Greeks and Their Gods, London, 1950.
Gutherie, W.K.C. Orpheus and Greek Religion: A Study of the Orphic
Movement, 2nd ed., rev, London, 1952.
Harrison, Thomas. Divinity and History: The Religion of Herodotus, Oxford,
Herzog, Rudolf. Die Wunderheilungen von Epidauros: Ein Beitrag zur Ceschichte
der Medizin und der Religion, Leipzig, 1931.
Holliday, W. The Pagan Background of Early Christian Religion,
Hoyle, Peter. Delphi, London, 1967.
Jeanmarie, Henri. Dionysos: Historie du culte de Bacchus, 2 vols. Paris, 1951.
Kerenyi, Karoly. The Heros of the Greeks, trans. H.J. Rose, London, 1959.
Kerenyi, Karoly. Dionysos: Archtypal Image of the Indestructible Life, trans. R.
Mannheim, Princeton, 1976.
Kirk, G.S. Myth: Its Meaning and Functions in Ancient and Other Cultures,
Berkeley, 1970.
Legge, Francis. Forerunners and Rivals of Christianity,
Lewis, Naphtali. The Interpretation of Dreams and Portents in Antiquity,
Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers, 1996, reprint of 1976 edition, by S.S. Hakket
and Company, Toronto.
Liebeschuetz, J.H.W.G. Continuity and Change in Roman Religion. Oxford,
Llyod, Alan B, Berkert, Walter, et. al. What is a God? Studies in the nature of
Greek Divinity, Classical Press of Wales, 1997.
Linforth, Ivan M. The Arts of Orpheus, New York, 1973.
Martin, Luther. Hellenistic Religion
Maass, Ernst. Orpheus: Untersuchungen zur griechischen, romischen,
altchristlichen Jenseitsdichtung und Religion, Munchen, 1895, reprinted, 1974
Meier, C.A. Healing Dream and Ritual, Daimon Verlag, 1989.
Mikalson, Jon D. Honor Thy Gods: Popular Religion in Greek Tragedy,
University of North Carolina Press, 1991.
Mikalson, Jon D. Athenian Popular Religion, The University of North Carolina
Press, 1983.
Mylonas, George E. Eleusis and the Eleusinian Mysteries, Princeton, 1961.
Nelson, Stephanie. God and the Land: the Metaphysics of Farmingin Hesiod and
Vergil, Oxford, 1998.
Nilsson, Martin P. Den grekiska religionens historia, 2 vols., Stockholm, 1921.
Nilsson, Martin P. Geschichte der griechischen Religion (1941-1957), 2 vols,
3rd. rev. ed., Munich, 1967-1974.
Nilsson, Martin P. Greek Piety, Oxford, 1948.
Nilsson, Martin P. "Early Orphism and Kindred Religious Movements, Harvard
Theological Review, 28 (1935), 181-230.
Nilsson, Martin P. Griechische Feste von religioser Bedeutung: Mit Ausschluss
der Attichen, 1906, reprinted Stuttgart, 1957.
Nilsson, Martin P. The Dionysiac Mysteries of the Hellenistic and Roman Age,
(1957), New York, 1975.
Otto, Walter F. Die Gotter Griechenlands: Das Bild des Gottlichen im Spiegal
des griechischen Geistes,3rd. Fraknfurt, 1947.
Otto, Walter F. Die Gotter Griechenlands: Das Bild des Gottlichen im Spiegel
des griechischen Geists, Bonn, 1929. Translated, Moses Hadas, The Homeric
Gods:The Spiritual Significance of Greek Religion, Boston, 1954.
Otto, Walter F. Dionysos: Myth and Cult, Bloomington, 1965.
Parke, H. Festivals of the Athenians, Ithaca, 1977.
Parke, H.W. and Wormell, D. E. The Delphic Oracle, 2 vols. Oxford, 1956.
Parker, H.W. The Oracles of Zeus: Dodona, Olympia, Ammon, Cambridge, MA.,
Parker, Robert. Athenian Religion, Oxford, 1996.
Pulleyn, Simon. Prayer in Greek Religion, Oxford, 1998.
Rouselle, John. The Roman Persecution of the Bacchic Cult, 186-190,
Dissertation, Ann Arbor, 1987.
Roux, Georges. Delphes: Son oracle et ses deux, Paris, 1976.
Roux, Georges. Delphes au IIe et au Ier siecle depuis l'abaissement de l'Etolie
jusqu'a la paiz romaine, 191-31 av. J.-C., Paris, 1936.
Rudhardt, Jean. Notiions fondamentales de la pensee religieuse et actes
constituifs du culte dans la Grece classique, Geneva, 1958.
Sechan, Louis and Leveque, Pierre. Les Grandes divinities de la Grece, Paris,
Seltzer, R.M. Religions of Antiquity
Sokolowski, Franciszek. Lois sacrees des cities grecques, Paris, 1969.
Ulansey, David. The Origins of the Mithraic Mysteries
Vernant, Jean-Pierre. Mythe et pensee chez les Grecs, 2 vols., 3rd ed., 1971;
translated as Myth and Society in Ancient Greece, London, 1983.
Vian, Francis. "La religion grecque a l'epoque archaique et classique," Histoire
des religiones, ed. H.-C. Puech, vol. 1, 489-577, Paris, 1970.
Wilamowitz-Mollendorf, Ulrich von. Der Glaube der Hellenen, Berlin, 19311932.
The Mystery Religions
Angus, S. The Mystery Religions
Angus, Samuel. The Mystery Religions and Christianity, 2nd ed. London, 1928;
reprinted as The Mystery Religions: A Study in the Religious Background of
Early Christianity, New York, 1975.
Athanassakis, Apostolos N. "Music and Ritual in Primitive Eleusis," Platon,
28,(1976), 86-105.
Bacall, Charles B. The Emergence of Christianity: Mystery Cults and syncretismin the
Roman Empire, Honors Thesis, Bowdin College, 1986.
Burket, Walter. Greek Religion, Cambridge, Mass., 1985.
Bianchi, Ugo. The Greek Mysteries, Leiden, 1976.
Bianchi, Ugo. Mysteria Mithrae, Leiden, 1979.
Bianchi, Ugo. and Vermaseren, Maarten J. La Soteriologia die culti orientali
nell'Impero Romano, Leiden, 1982.
Bornkamm, Gunther. "Musterion," Theological Dictionary of the New
Testament, ed. G. Kittel, vol. 4, Grand Rapids, 1967
Bowden, Hugh. Mystery Cults in the Ancient World, Thames and Hudson,
Campbell, Joseph. ed. Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks, vol.2, The Mysteries,
Princeton, 1955.
Carpenter, Thomas H. Dionysian Imagery in Fifth Century Athens, Oxford,
Carpenter, Thomas H. Masks of Dionysus, Cornell University Press, 1993.
Casadio, G. "Per un'indagie storico-religioso sui cilti di Dioniso in relazione all
fenomenologia dei misteri, I," studi storico-religiosi, 6 (1982), 2110-234, 7
(1983), 123-249.
Casadio, G.Mystic Cults in Magnia Graecia, Austin 2009.
Cole, Susan Guettel. "New Evidence for Mysteries of Dionysos," Greek, Roman,
and Byzantine Studies, 21 (1980), 223-238.
Colpe, Carsten. "Zur mythologischen Strukture der Adonis-, Attis- und OsirisUberlieferungen," Lisan mithurti: Festschrift Wolfram Freiherr von Soden, ed.
W. Rollig, 23-44, Neukirchen-Vluyn, 1969.
Cosmopolous, Michael B. Greek Mysteries: The Archaeology of ancient Greek
Secret Cults, Routledge, 2003.
Cumont, Franz. The Mysteries of Mithra (1903), New York, 1956.
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Not to be missed.)
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recall, a Baptist, but not a Southern Baptist.)
Koester, Helmut. History, Culture and Religion of the Hellenistic Age:
Introductin to the New Testament, New York and Berlin, 1982. (An excellent
book ! One you cannot aford to be without!!!)
Koester, Helmut. The History and Literature of Early Christianity, New York and
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Lietzmann, Hans. A History of the Early Church, 1937.
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Taylor, Vincent. The Formation of the Gospel Tradition, New York, 1935.
 Texts, the Canon, and Criticism: Christianity
See also, below: The Synoptic Gospels, The Gospel of John
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The "Q" Source
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The Historical Jesus
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Augustine, R. Jesus, Son of Man, Young, H. (trans.), New York, 1977.
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Bovon, Francois. Les derniers jours de Jesus, Neuchatel, 1974.
Brandon, S.F.G. The Trial of Jesus of Nazareth (An excellent look a the political
and social reasons for the arrest of Jesus and his trial, concluding that he was
executed for political violence and armed sedition...difficult to refute.)
Brandon, S.F.G. Jesus and the Zealots, Manchester, 1967.
Brandon, S.F.G. The Fall of Jerusalem and the Christian Church, 2nd. ed.,
London 1957.
Breech, James. The Silence of Jesus, Philadelphia, 1982.
Bultmann, Rudolf. Jesus and the Word, New York and London, 1934.
Bultmann, Rudolf. Das Verhaltnis der urchristlichen Christusbotschaft zum
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Blinzler, J. Der Prozess Jesus, Regensburg, 1968.
Braun, H. Jesus der Mann aus Nazareth und seine Zeit, Stutgart, 1969.
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Tradition and Life in the Church: Essays and Lectures in Church History,
Philadelphia, 1968.
Carmichael,J.D. The Birth of Christianity: Reality and Myth (A good summary
for the non-specialist.)
Carpenter,H. Jesus (A good, readable biography for the non-specialist.)
Catchpole, D.R. The Trial of Jesus, Leiden, 1971.
Catchpole, D.R. "The 'Triumphal' Entry," Jesus and the Politics of His Day,
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Chilton, Bruce D. (ed.) The Kingdom of God in te Teaching of Jesus,
Philadelphia, 1984.
Cohn, C. The Trial and death of Jesus, New York, 1971.
Conzelmann, H. Jesus (Lays out and discusses the major problems and
questions of Jesus-scholarship.)
Craveri, M. The Life of Jesus, Markman, C.L. (trans.), New York, 1967.
Crossan, J.D. The Historical Jesus: The Life of a Mediterranean Jewish Peasant
(A complex and complicated book. I would not recommend it first. Do it when
you have some background.)
Crossan, J.D. Jesus: A Revlolutionary Biography
Crossan, J.D. Who Killed Jesus
Cullman, Oscar. Jesus und die Revolutionare seiner Zeit, Tubingen, 1979.
Dautzenbert, G. Der Jesus Report und die neutestamentliche Forschung. Eine
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Doerff, F. Der Prozess Jesu in rechtgerichtlicher Betrachtung, Berlin, 1920.
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Dodd, C.H. Parables of the Kingdom, rev. ed. London, 1961.
Drews, Authur. Die Christusmythe, 2 vols., Jena, 1909-1911.
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Ehrman, Bart D. Jesus. Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium, Oxford,
Fisher, Karl Martin. Das Ostergeschehen, Berlin, 1980.
Flusser, D. Die letzten Tage Jesu in Jerusalem, Stuttgart, 1982.
Fredrikson,P. From Jesus to Christ: The Origins of the New Testament Images
of Jesus (If you are curious about the manner in which the Church's image of
Jesus came to be, then read this book. Excellent.)
Fricke,W. The Court-Martial of Jesus (An examination of the trial by a lawyer.
Sensible and well-written.)
Friedell, E. Der historische Jesus Christus, Salzburg, 1947.
Fuchs, Ernst. Studies of the Historical Jesus, London, 1964.
Fuller, R.H. the Formation of the Resurrection Narratives, 2nd ed. Philadelphia,
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trained in Graeco-Roman history, looks at Jesus-of-the-Gospels. An excellent
beginning place for the non-specialist)
Grant, M. St. Paul
Grass, Hans. Ostergeschehen und Osterbrichte, 2nd ed. Gottingen, 1962.
Hahn, Ferdinand. Christologische Hoheitstitel, Gottingen, 1963.
Harvey, A. Jesus and the Constraints of History, Philadelphia, 1982.
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Horsley, R.A. and J.S. Hanson. Bandits, Prophets, and Messiahs: Popular
Movements at the time of Jesus (If you want to understand the political, social,
and religious background of the time of Jesus, read this. There were a whole
bunch of people claiming to be Messiahs, prophets, and Kings of the Jews;
Jesus is not unique, just the most successful.)
Horsley, R.A. Jesus and the Cycle of Violence
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Keck, Leander E. A Future for the Historical Jesus, Nashville, 1971.
Kee, Howard Clark. Jesus in History: An Approach to the Study of the Gospels,
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Klausner, J. Jesus von Nazareth, Jerusalem, 1952.
Koch, W. Der Prozess Jesus, Munich, 1968.
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Ladd, George Eldon. Jesus and the Kingdom, New York, 1964.
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Mack, R. and Volpert, D. Der Mann aus Nazareth: Jesu Christus, Stuttgart,
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Manson, T.W. Only to the House of Israel? Jesus and Non-Jews, Philadelphia,
Meeks, W.F. The First Urban Christians
Meirs, J. A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus (Two volumes, so far.
Complex and not for the beginner; read it when you have some background.)
Painter,J. The Quest for the Messiah
Perrin,N. The Ressurection
Perrin, Norman. Rediscovering the Teachings of Jesus, London, 1967.
Perrin, N. The Kingdom of God in the Teaching of Jesus, Philadelphia, 1963.
Perrin, N. Jesus and the Language of the Kingdom: Symbol and Metapor in New
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Reumann,J. Jesus in the Church's Gospels
Robinson, James M. A New Quest of the Historical Jesus, London, 1959.
Russell, D.S. Between the Testaments, Phidelphia, 1960, 1965.
Sanders,E.P. The Historical Figure of Jesus (An excellent history of the
historical Jesus.)
Schmenann, A. The Historical Road to Eastern Orthodoxy
Schmidt, Karl Ludwig. Der Rahmen der Geschichte Jesu, Berlin, 1919.
Schweitzer, Albert. The Quest of the Historical Jesus, London, 1959.
Scobie, C.H. John the Baptist, Philadelphia, 1954.
Smith, Morton. Jesus, the Magician (Potentially disturbing and difficult to
Smith, Morton. "Prolegomena to a Discussion of Aretalogies, Divine Men, the
Gospels and Jesus," Journal of Biblical Literature, 90 (June 1971), 174-199.
Stanton, G.N. The Gospels and Jesus
Schillebeeckx, E. Jesus: Die geschichte von einen Lebenden, Freiburg, 1975.
Schlotheim, H.H.v. Der Prozess gegen Jesus von Nazareth, Hamburg, 1959.
Schweitzer, Albert. The Quest of the Historical Jesus, William Montgomery
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Schweitzer, Albert. Von Reimarus zu Wrede, 1906.
Schweitzer, Albert. The Mystery of the Kingdom of God, Walter Lowrie (trans.),
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Schweitzer, Albert. Reich Gottes und Christentum, Tubingen, 1967.
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Sharman, H.B. Son of Man and the Kingdom of God, New York, 1948.
Taylor, Vincent. The Names of Jesus, New York, 1953.
Theissen,G. Sociology of Early Palestinian Christianity
Vermes,G. Jesus, the Jew (If it somehow hasn't dawned on you that Jesus was
a Jew, or you would like to understand the background of Judaism and Galilee
at the time, read this.)
Vielhauer, Philip. "Gottesreich und Menschensohn in der Verkundigugn Jesu,"
Aufsatze zum Neuen Testament, Munich, 1965, 55-91.
Vermes, Geza. The Religion of Jesus the Jew
Wells, G.A. Who was Jesus?
Wells, G.A. The Jesus of the Early Christians
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Wells, G.A. Did Jesus Exist
Wilckens, Ulrich. Resurrection: Biblical Testimony to the Resurrection: An
Historical Examination and Explanation, Edinburgh, 1977, John Knox, 1978.
Wilder, Amos N. Eschatology and Ethics in the Teaching of Jesus, Cambridge,
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Wilson, A.N. Jesus. A Life
Winter, Paul. On the Trial of Jesus, 2nd ed. rev. Berlin, 1974.
Zahrnt, Heinz. The Historical Jesus, New York, 1963.
Early Christianity
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Bultmann, Rudolf. Primitive Christianity in Its Contemporary Setting, New York,
Cadbury, H.J. "The Hellenists," in The Beginnings of Christianity, 5.59-74,
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von Campenhausen, Hans. "Die Nachfolge des Jakobus," Aus der Fruhzeit des
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Return to index at top of page
Ancient and Medieval Christianity:
Aland, Kurt. "Das Verhaltnis von Kirchen und Staat in der Fruhzeit," Aufstieg
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Barton, S.C., and Horsley, G.H.R. "A Hellenistic Cult Group and the New
Testament Churches," Jahrbuch fur Antike und Christentum, 24.7-41, 1981.
Brown, Peter. Body and Society: Men, Women, and Sexual Renunciation in
Early Christianity (If you are curious about the way in which Christianity came
to have such an idiosyncratic view of sex and sexuality, read this. Brown is his
usual scholarly and brilliant self.)
Brown, Peter. Augustine of Hippo (The biography of Augustine in English.
Virtually all Christians are Augustianian in their dogma, either following his
system or reacting aganist it.)
Brown, Peter. Power and Persuasion in Late Antiquity: Towards A Christian
Brown, Peter. Religion and Society in the Age of St. Augustine, London, 1972.
Brown, Peter. The Cult of the Saints: Its Rise and Function in Latin Christianity,
Chicago, 1981.
H. Chadwick. Augustine (An excellent, short biography.)
Chesnut, R.C. Three Monophysite Christologies. Oxford, 1976.
Christie-Murray, David. A History of Heresy (Guess what? We are all heretics!!
An excellent survey of Christian dogma and theology.)
Danielou, Jean. The Origins of Latin Chritianity.
Davies, W.D. Paul and Rabbinic Judaism. London, 1948
Enslin,M.S. Christian Beginnings
Frend, W.H.C. Martyrdom and Persecution in the Early Church: A Study of the
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Freudenberger, Rudolf. Sas Verhalten der romischen Behorden gegen die
Christen im 2.Jahrhundret, Munchen, 1967.
Cadbury, Henry J. "Roman Law and the Trial of Paul," The Beginnings of
Christianity, eds. Foakes and Jackson, London 1920-1933, 5, 297-338.
Cregg, Robert C. and Groh, Dennis E. Early Arianism: A View of Salvation.
London, 1981.
Grillmeier, A. Christ in Christian Tradition: Apostolic Age to Chalcedon. New
York, 1965.
Guterman, Simeon L. Religious Toleration and Persecution in Ancient Rome,
London, 1951.
Humphries, Mark. Communities of the Blessed: Social Environment and
Religious Change in Northrn Italy, AD 200-400, oxford, 2000.
Kelly, J.N.D. Early Christian Creeds. London, 1950.
Keresztes, P. "The Imperial Roman Government and teh Christian Church, I:
From Nero to the Severi, Aufstieg und Niedergand der Romischen Welt II,
Klein, Richard. (ed.) Das fruch Christentum im romischen Staat, Wege der
Forschung 267, Darmstadt, 1971.
Knowles, D. O.S.B. Christian Monasticism
Lawerence, C.H. Medieval Monasticism
Leclercq, J. O.S.B. The Love of Learning and the Desire for God: A Study of
Monastic Culture
Louth, Andrew. Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition: From Plato to Denys.
Oxford, 1981.
MacMullen, R. Christianizing the Roman Empire
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who preface "Paul" with "the blessed apostle", perhaps you ought to take a
look at this one.)
Malherbe, A. The Social Aspects of Early Christianity
Meeks, Wayne A. The Moral World of the First Christians (A good study by a
recognized (and Baptist) scholar, of early Christian morality. He intended to be
a scholarly antidote to all the televangilists and conservative moralizers of the
late 20th century....and he says so...)
Meeks, Wayne A. Early Christian Morality (A bit more of the same.)
Meyerdorff, J. Byzantine Theology, Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes.
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Kee, H.C. Miracles in the Early Christian World
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Augustinian thought and the origins of Christian ideas about sex and sexuality.)
Payne, Robert. The Holy Fire: The Story of the Fathers of the Eastern Church.
Ranke-Heinemann, U. Putting Away Childish Things (A student of Bultmann.
For those of you who believe every word of the N.T. is literally true, someone
who takes the opposite opinion, and who will explain it to you.)
Ricciotti, G. The Age of Martyrs (A good, readable history b (, as I recall) a
Catholic cardinal, on martyrdom, with incidental info on why most
"persecutions" and "martyrs" simply did not exist.)
Russell, J.B. A History of Medieval Christianity: Prophecy and Order
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accurately informed about the Roman view of early Christians, as, say the
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Zoroastrianism,Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the relations between them.
Not to be missed.)
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to have such an idiosyncratic view of sex and sexuality, read this. Brown is his
usual scholarly and brilliant self.)
Brown, Peter. Augustine of Hippo (The biography of Augustine in English.
Virtually all Christians are Augustianian in their dogma, either following his
system or reacting aganist it.)
Cary, Phillip. Augustine's Invention of the Inner Self: The Legacy of A Christian
Platonist, Oxford, 2000.
Harrison, Carol. Augustine: Christian Truth and Fractured Humanity, Oxford,
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Coming soon.....
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 Buddhist Monasticism
coming soon....
 Early Buddhist Sects
Coming soon
Theravada (Hinayana) Buddhism
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The Bodhisattva
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Buddhism in Southeast Asia
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