Hazcom Training Manual-edited

Modern life would be impossible without chemicals. Plastics, drugs, and miracle
fibers are just a few of the things that use chemicals in their manufacture. Prior
to 1984 there was no guarantee that workers would be informed about the
chemical hazards they may encounter in the workplace. Even when container
labels and warning information were provided they did not always contain
enough information on the hazards or potential hazards, what to do in case of an
emergency, or whom to contact for help.
For this reason the federal government established a uniform hazard
communication standard: to provide you and your co-workers with information
needed to keep you safe. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) promulgated the Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200,
better known as the “Right to Know” law. It says you have a right to know what
chemical hazards you face on the job and how to protect yourself against them.
The Hazard Communication Standard is intended to comprehensively address
the issue of evaluating the potential hazards of chemicals, communicating
information concerning hazards, and appropriate protective measures to
An MSDS is required for all chemicals and is part of the employee’s
“right to know” within the Hazard Communication Standard. The
MSDS provides important information regarding the health effects of
the chemical, routes of entry into the body, appropriate personal
protective equipment to use, and first aid treatment if exposure
Unfortunately, there is no single mandatory form for an MSDS. Therefore, you
will probably see many different types of MSDS styles or formats on the job.
What is consistent for each MSDS, however, is the type of information included
on each form. Once you understand what this information is and how to use it,
you will be able to utilize the information regardless of the MSDS format.
Reading the MSDS
The MSDS is required by law. More importantly, the information
provided on the MSDS can keep you healthy and save your life.
Unless you know all the facts about the chemicals with which you work
you are putting the life, health, and safety of yourself and your coworkers in jeopardy. Check the MSDS before you start any job using
a chemical. By doing so you will know exactly what the risks are and
how to do the job more safely.
The MSDS contains a heading followed by nine to sixteen sections. It is critical
for you to understand the information found within the MSDS and where you can
locate the information you require from the MSDS.
The MSDS Heading
It is important to verify that the MSDS you are referencing represents the
chemical you are using. The heading of an MSDS will provide you with:
 the name, address, telephone number of the company that produced the
 the date the MSDS was issued
 the name of the chemical or material.
There are currently nine (9) sections required on the MSDS. Some MSDSs,
however, may have 16 sections.
Section 1 (I) Material Identification
Within section 1 of the MSDS you should find the chemical name and supplier.
Synonyms may also be listed here. If the material contains more than one
chemical, all chemicals must be listed. The chemical formula may be given.
Section 2 (II) Ingredients and Hazards
This section lists the product’s individual hazardous chemicals and their relative
percentage of concentration. The permissible exposure limit (PEL) and/or the
threshold limit value (TLV) will be shown if that data has been established.
Trade secrets can be kept confidential but the health hazard information must
still be provided on the MSDS.
Section 3 (III) Physical Data
All physical data that is applicable to the chemical will be found in section 3.
Physical data may include: appearance, boiling point, evaporation rate, melting
point, vapor pressure, vapor density, specific gravity, odor, solubility in water
and/or other solvents.
Section 4 (IV) Fire and Explosion Data
Fire and explosion data generally include flammability and flashpoint. The type
of extinguishing agent best suited for such a fire involving the chemical is listed,
in addition to information important to fire fighters.
Section 5 (V) Reactivity Data
The information provided in this section should guide you as to the type of
storage, container utilization, and incompatibilities for this chemical.
Section 6 (VI) Health Hazard Data
When you are exposed to a chemical it can enter your body through one of four
pathways. This section describes all the routes of entry pertinent to the
chemical. Acute and chronic symptoms and health effects must be listed in
section 6. If the chemical or material is carcinogenic (cancer causing) it must be
clearly stated within this section.
Section 7 (VII) Spill, Leak, and Disposal Procedures
Section 7 provides information and guidance on the safety procedures to follow
in the event of a spill or leak.
Section 8 (VIII) Special Protection
Section 8 provides you with the methods to reduce your exposure to a particular
chemical. It is then your responsibility to utilize the equipment properly.
Section 9 (IX) Special Precautions
The procedures for safe storing and handling of the chemical are described in
this section. The types of container labels and markings are also described.
Sixteen Section MSDS
The section headings for a sixteen section MSDS are as follows:
 Section 1
Chemical Product and Company Identification
 Section 2
Composition/Information on Ingredients
 Section 3
Hazards Identification
 Section 4
First Aid Measures
 Section 5
Fire Fighting Measures
 Section 6
Accidental Release Measures
 Section 7
Handling and Storage
 Section 8
Exposure Control/Personal Protection
 Section 9
Physical and Chemical Properties
 Section 10
Stability and Reactivity
 Section 11
Toxicological Information
 Section 12
Ecological Information
 Section 13
Disposal Considerations
 Section 14
Transport Information
 Section 15
Regulatory Information
 Section 16
Other Information
All chemicals are identified from the time they are received on the premises until
they are either utilized or the waste is processed in accordance with
environmental regulations.
The initial responsibility for receiving and labeling of chemical containers starts
with the person who receives or accepts delivery of a chemical. Upon receipt of
a chemical, the person responsible will classify the chemicals and attach the
hazard-rating label if one is not already placed on the container.
Hazard Rating Label
The hazard-rating label is a simple marking system consisting of colors,
numerals, and shapes. They identify the hazards of a material in three principle
categories: health, flammability, and reactivity, and also indicate the severity of
these hazards.
Hazard ratings have been developed in accordance with recommendations from
the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and are available to safeguard
the lives of employees in industrial plants or storage locations where fire hazards
of materials may not be readily apparent. This guide is being used worldwide.
Colors Identify Categories
From the diagram employees can recognize the
correct rating if all color positions are strictly
adhered to, even though they may be colorblind,
have poor visibility, or the reading distance is
Blue is the identification of the chemical health
hazard and its capacity to cause personal injury
from contact with, or absorption into the body.
Red is the identification of flammability and the
susceptibility of a material to burning.
Yellow is the identification of reactivity and the susceptibility of a material to
release energy by itself.
White is special hazards such as pressurized containers, or protective equipment
required in case of fire or other emergency.
Numerical Classification of Severity
A series of five (5) numerical levels ranging from zero (0) through four (4)
indicate the severity of each specific hazard. The numerals may either be
superimposed on a colored background or colored numbers may be used on a
white field in the designated positions.
Health Hazard
4 - Deadly
3 - Extreme Danger
2 - Dangerous
1 - Slight Hazard
0 - Minimal Hazard
Special Hazard
W - Water Reactive
OX - Oxidizer
- Radioactive
Fire Hazard (Flash Points)
4 - Below 73 °F
3 - Below 100 °F
2 - Below 200 °F
1 - Above 200 °F
0 -Will Not Burn
4 - May Detonate
3 - Explosive
2 - Unstable
1 - Normally Stable
0 - Stable
All containers used for chemicals must be appropriate and approved as well as
properly labeled. Employees have the following responsibilities:
Ensure that the integrity of chemical container labeling is maintained
(accurate, legible and prominently displayed on the container).
In the event of a chemical or chemical mixture being put into a container
resulting in labeling inconsistent with the actual identity and hazards
associated with the chemical, personnel mixing the chemical shall ensure that
the container is relabeled to accurately reflect the identity and hazards
associated with the new contents of the container.
The only exception to the labeling requirements outlined above is when a
transfer container used by one person is filled from a bulk source and
emptied on the same shift. Any transfer container filled with a chemical
material must not be left unattended unless it is properly labeled.
Because of the changing technology, hundreds of new chemicals are appearing
on the market daily. It is imperative that employees be aware of the hazards
associated with the use of all chemicals. If you have questions regarding
chemical properties, contact your supervisor. Don’t take chances with the
unknown. Know what it is before you use it.
Knowing how chemicals can get into your body and how your body may react is
critical to personal protection. Toxic chemicals can enter your body in any one or
combination of four pathways:
Absorption (eye/skin contact)
The route or routes of entry, for any given chemical, can be found on the MSDS.
You cannot protect yourself if you don’t know how you can be exposed.
Prevention of chemical exposure and resulting injury is the number one priority.
This can be accomplished by the following:
Engineering controls - ventilation or containment systems.
Administrative - work scheduling and task duration.
Personal habits/common sense - personal hygiene and housekeeping.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) - gloves, goggles, faceshields,
aprons, shoe coverings and respirators. PPE should be utilized only after
all reasonable avenues for protection have been exhausted.
For information on all of these protection methods contact your supervisor.
Acute or immediate effects can result from a short-term chemical exposure to
hazardous materials. Common acute effects may include:
Eye, skin, and respiratory irritation
Chronic exposures are delayed effects that may not develop until months or
years after the initial or repeated exposure. These delayed effects are frequently
not reversible. Common chronic effects are liver and kidney damage.
The effects of either acute or chronic exposure are dependent upon the dose an
individual receives and their response. A dose is simply defined as the amount
or quantity of chemical, per a person’s body weight (expressed in milligrams per
kilogram) for the length of time of the exposure. The greater the dose (amount
of chemical in a given period of time) the greater the potential reaction.
The physical hazards associated with chemicals are specific to the chemical and
may include any one or all of the following:
Combustible Liquid
Combustible liquids are those having a flash point at or above 140° F (37.8°C).
They do not ignite as easily as flammable liquids. However, combustible liquids
can be ignited under certain circumstances, and must be handled with caution.
Substances such as wood, paper, etc. are termed “Ordinary Combustibles.”
Compressed Gas
Some products are stored in a compressed state in containers that come in
many shapes and sizes. The reason for this can vary from ease of utilization, to
safety of handling. Whatever the reason for a material to be packaged as a
compressed gas, compressed gases all involve special handling challenges. An
example of this would be securing all cylinders properly to prevent them from
falling over. A primary danger here is breaking the valve off and turning the
cylinder into a rocket that is capable of easily going through a block wall. This
does not even take into account other potential hazards of the chemical inside
the cylinder.
Some compressed gasses include oxygen, acetylene, and
For our purposes, an explosive can be defined as any substance or article,
including a device, which is designed to function by explosion (i.e., an extremely
rapid release of energy) or which, by chemical reaction within itself, is able to
function in a similar manner even if not designed to function by explosion.
Flammable Liquid
According to the DOT (Department of Transportation) and NFPA (National Fire
Protection Association), a flammable liquid is one that has a flash point below
140°F (37.8°C). The flash point is the lowest temperature at which a liquid gives
off enough vapors to form an ignitable mixture in air that will burn.
Organic Peroxide
Organic compounds contain carbon atoms joined with hydrogen atoms. Organic
peroxides are organic compounds containing oxygen. These compounds can be
sensitive to heat, friction, impact, and light, as well as to strong oxidizing and
reducing agents.
An oxidizer is a substance that gives up oxygen to stimulate the oxidation of
organic materials. The introduction of an oxidizer to a fire will speed up the burn
rate or cause the fire to burn hotter.
A pyrophoric is commonly thought of as a material that has the potential to selfignite under the right conditions.
Unstable or Water Reactive
Water reactive materials will spontaneously combust or give off flammable or
toxic gas when exposed to water or water vapor. These materials are generally
identified by the symbol W.
While the physical hazards of a chemical can be measured, health
hazard definitions are less precise and more subjective. Health
hazards may cause measurable changes in the body. Some of
these signs and symptoms of change may also be caused by nonoccupational illness. Because of this the effects of exposure are
difficult to separate from normally occurring illnesses.
For our purposes any chemical that meets any of the following
definitions are health hazards. However, this is not intended to be an exclusive
categorization. If there is available scientific data that involves other animal
species or test methods, they must also be evaluated to determine the
applicability of the Hazard Communication Standard.
You do need to
understand that some chemicals may fall into more than one category.
Asphyxiants are chemicals that deprive the victim's body tissues of
oxygen. An asphyxiate interferes with the body's ability to transport
or use the oxygen carried by the blood stream. Any gas heavier
than air can easily displace oxygen and have the same effect.
Examples of chemical asphyxiates are carbon monoxide and
hydrogen cyanide.
Chemicals in this category are known to cause cancer in humans or in laboratory
test animals. This is a chronic effect as there is a time period that elapses
before a malignant tumor will appear. Examples of carcinogens are benzene,
asbestos fibers, and Silica. Also included is Methylene Chloride that may be
found in some paints or paint removers.
This group of chemicals will irritate various tissues causing redness, rashes,
swelling, coughing, or even hemorrhaging. Chlorine and ammonia are two
examples of irritants. Isopropyl alcohol is an irritant.
Another name for sensitizers is allergens. These chemicals cause an allergic
type of reaction due to sensitivity from prior exposure. An acute response may
be swelling of the breathing tubes, which causes breathing difficulty. Sensitizers
can cause chronic lung disease. Some common examples are epoxies,
aromatic amines, formaldehyde, and nickel metal.
Mutagens cause alterations in the genes of a person exposed. The result may
be malfunction of a specific organ or tissue, depending upon the type of cell the
mutation took place in. Gene damage can be passed on to children if the
mutation occurred in either the sperm or the egg of the parents. Examples of
mutagens are ethylene oxide, benzene, and hydrazine.
Teratogens cause damage or death to a developing fetus. This damage cannot
be passed on to further generations, as it does not affect the genetic code.
Examples of teratogens are thalidomide, dioxins, lead, and cadmium.
Target Organ Poisons
Many chemicals will target a particular tissue or organ and cause disease or
damage at that location. The following examples are listed according to the
tissue or organ affected.
Lungs - Asbestos fibers and silica dust may cause a fibrosis effect in the lung
tissue. Fibrosis is a condition in which the lung becomes scarred and inflexible,
making the lung unable to expand and contract.
Skin - A condition called chloracne may be caused by repeated exposures to
PCB's (polychlorinatedbiphenols) and other chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Eyes - Lacrimators are chemicals that can cause instant tearing at low
concentrations. Examples are tear gas and MACE. Other chemicals can cause
cataracts, optic nerve damage, and retinal damage by circulating through the
bloodstream and reaching the eye.
methanol, and thallium.
Examples of these are naphthalene,
Central Nervous System - Chemicals affecting this system containing the brain
and spinal cord are called neurotoxins. Neurotoxins affect the neurons that carry
electrical signals by inhibiting their function. This can cause behavior changes,
emotional changes, alterations in walking, and loss of hand-eye coordination. A
condition called anoxia may occur, because of lack of oxygen flow to the brain
cells. Lack of oxygen results in cell death. Examples of chemicals causing
central nervous system effects are tetraethyl lead, chlorinated hydrocarbon
pesticides (e.g., DDT), and Malathion.
Liver - Substances that are capable of damaging the liver are called
hepatotoxins. The liver is the main processing organ for toxins. It may convert
toxics into nontoxic forms; however, the liver may generate a more toxic
by-product, which can cause cellular and tissue damage.
Examples of
chemicals that cause cirrhosis (a fibrotic disease that results in liver dysfunction
and jaundice) are carbon tetrachloride, beverage alcohol, and aflotoxin. Other
effects can range from tumors to enlargement of the liver and fat accumulation.
Kidneys - the main function of the kidneys is to filter the blood and eliminate
wastes. Because the waste gets concentrated in the process, toxins can be at
much higher levels in the kidneys. Toxins that damage this organ are known as
nephrotoxins. Most heavy metals fall into this category, including, Lead and
Copper. Many halogenated (i.e., chlorinated) organic compounds are also
nephrotoxins such as tetrachloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, and chloroform.
Other chemicals that damage the kidneys include carbon disulfide, methanol,
toluene, and ethylene glycol.
Blood - Substances capable of producing blood disorders are called hematoxins.
Chemicals that affect the bone marrow, which is the source of most of the
components of blood, are arsenic, bromine, methyl chloride, and benzene.
Chemicals that affect platelets, which are cell fragments that help in the process
of blood clotting, are aspirin, benzene, and tetrachloroethane. Chemicals that
affect white blood cells, which help the body defend against infection, are
naphthalene and tetrachloroethane. Arsine, naphthalene, and warfarin can
affect red cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body.
Effects in the exposed individual may include (1) reduced red blood count, or
anemia; (2) reduced white blood cell count, which leaves the victim susceptible
to disease; and (3) reduced platelet count, which increases the possibility of
Reproductive Organs- Reproductive toxins can cause sterility, infertility, or
spontaneous abortions. They furthermore may affect an individual's hormone
levels and activity. Examples of male reproductive toxins are mercury, lead,
DDT, PCBs, dioxin, benzene, toluene, and xylene. Examples of female
reproductive toxins are DDT, PCBs, parathion, and diethylstilbestrol.
Highly Toxic
A chemical that has a LD50 (lethal dose 50%) of 50 milligrams of chemical per 1
kilogram of body weight administered orally; LD50 of 200 milligrams or less per
kilogram of body weight when administered by continuous skin contact for 24
hours; LC50 (lethal concentration 50%) in air of 200 ppm by volume or less when
administered by continuous inhalation for one hour or less; or 2 mg/kg per liter or
less of mist, dust, or fume when continuously inhaled for one hour or less.
A chemical that has a LD50 (lethal dose 50%) of more than 50 milligrams but less
than 500 mg/kg of chemical per 1 kilogram of body weight administered orally;
LD50 of more than 200 milligrams per kilogram of body weight but less than 1000
mg/kg when administered by continuous skin contact for 24 hours; LC 50 (lethal
concentration 50%) in air of more than 200 ppm by volume but less than 2000
when administered by continuous inhalation for one hour or less; or more than 2
mg/kg per liter but less than 20 mg/kg of mist, dust, or fume when continuously
inhaled for one hour or less.
The hazard class, corrosive, is probably the second-most commonly used and
transported group of hazardous materials. Corrosives can be defined as any
liquid that has a severe corrosion rate on steel. Therefore corrosives are
capable of destroying human tissue. Examples of corrosive material include
battery acid (sulfuric acid).
Personal protective equipment (PPE) for eyes,
face, head, hands, and feet, protective clothing,
respiratory protection, protective shields and
barriers will be provided to employees wherever
hazards are present that may cause injury or
disability to an exposed employee. PPE should
not be used as a substitute for engineering
controls, safe work practice, and/or administrative
Using PPE requires hazard awareness and training on the part of the user.
Employees must be aware that the equipment does not eliminate the hazard. If
the equipment fails, exposure can occur. To reduce the possibility of failure,
equipment must be properly fitted and maintained in a clean and serviceable
Selection of the proper PPE for a job is important. Employers and employees
must understand the equipment’s purpose and its limitations. The equipment
must not be altered or removed even though an employee may find it annoying.
This regulation requires employers to ensure that PPE be “provided, used, and
maintained in a sanitary and reliable condition wherever it is necessary...” to
prevent injury. This includes protection of any part of the body from hazards
through absorption or physical contact.
Before doing work requiring use of PPE:
employees must be trained to know when PPE is necessary
what type is necessary
how it is to be worn
what it’s limitations are
know it’s proper care, maintenance, useful life, and disposal
OSHA requires eye and face protective equipment where there is a reasonable
chance of eye or face injury. This applies to any individual while they are in
designated areas.
Suitable eye protectors must be worn where there is a
potential for injury to the eyes or face from flying particles,
dust, molten metal, liquid chemicals, acids or caustic
liquids, chemical gases or vapors, potentially injurious light
radiation or a combination of these.
Eye/face protectors must meet the following minimum
Provide adequate protection against the particular hazard.
Reasonably comfortable when worn under the designated conditions.
Fit snugly without interfering with the movements or vision of the wearer.
Be durable.
Be capable of being disinfected.
Be easily cleaned and kept clean and in good repair.
Using the MSDS for Isopropyl alcohol, answer the following questions.
Check the appropriate box to indicate the appropriate physical and health
hazards for isopropyl alcohol.
 Carcinogen
 Combustible liquid
 Irritant
 Compressed gas
 Corrosive
 Explosive
 Toxic
 Flammable solid
 Sensitizer
 Flammable liquid
 Flammable gas
 Organic peroxide
 Oxidizer
 Water reactive/Unstable
 Pyrophoric
What does the material look like? Check all that are appropriate.
 crystalline powder
 pellets
 clear liquid
 colored liquid
 colorless gas
 colored gas
 solid particles
 other: describe below
Does the chemical have an odor?  YES
 NO
If yes, describe odor.
Primary route of entry for this chemical?
 Inhalation
 Eye/skin contact
 Ingestion
List the signs and symptoms of over exposure.
List four methods of protection against potential exposure to chemicals
and where further instructions for your work area can be obtained.