MASTER COURSE OUTLINE Big Bend Community College Date: January 2009 DEPT: MATH NO: 120 COURSE TITLE: College Algebra CIP Code: 27.0102 Intent Code: 11 SIS Code: CREDITS: 5 Total Contact Hours Per Qtr: 55 Lecture Hours Per Qtr: 55 Lab Hours Per Qtr: Other Hours Per Qtr: Distribution Designation: Math/Science SQR _____________________________________________________________________________ PREPARED BY: Stephen Lane, Barbara Whitney, Salah Abed, Sonia Farag and Tyler Wallace COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will present the student with the basic concepts and applications of college level algebra, introduction to functions, graphing, introduction to probability, and right triangle trigonometry. This course is designed to be a college level, terminal, math course for the liberal arts major and also to prepare the science, engineering or business student for more advanced work. PREREQUISITE(S): Appropriate scores in the BBCC Mathematics Assessment or successful completion of MPC 099 or MPC 093. TEXT: Appropriate college level text as chosen by the math faculty. COURSE GOALS: 1. The student should demonstrate a mastery of college level algebra, probability and right triangle trigonometry. 2. Proceed to Math 141 - Elementary Functions or 3. Proceed to Math 147 - Finite Mathematics COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. Solve a variety of algebraic equations including polynomial, exponential, logarithmic equations; 2. Solve application problems using exponential and logarithmic forms; 3. Manipulate a variety of algebraic expressions including polynomial, exponential, logarithmic expressions; 4. Manipulate functional notation; 5. Graph functions using translations, symmetries, etc.; 6. Apply the fundamental concepts of probability; 7. Solve right-triangle trigonometric equations and application problems; 8. Apply the binomial theorem and expansion. COURSE CONTENT OUTLINE: FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS Sets of Real Numbers Integer Exponents. Scientific Notation Absolute Value equations and inequalities th n Roots Rational Exponents Polynomials Factoring Fractional Expressions Solving Equations (Review and Preview) 106746772 Page 1 of 2 COORDINATES AND GRAPHS Rectangular Coordinates Graphs and Equations Equations of Lines Translations and Transformations of Graphs Symmetry and Graphs EQUATIONS AND INEQUALITIES Quadratic Equations; Theory and Examples Other Types of Equations Applied Problems and Applications FUNCTIONS The Definition of a Function The Graph of a Function Methods of Combining Functions. Inverse Functions Variation (Optional) EXPONENTIAL AND LOGARITHMIC FUNCTIONS Exponential Functions x The Exponential Function y = e Logarithmic Functions Properties of Logarithms Equations with Logs and Exponents Compound Interest Exponential Growth and Decay ADDITIONAL TOPICS Trigonometric Functions of Acute Angles Right-Triangle Applications The Binomial Theorem Permutations and Combinations Introduction to Probability EVALUATION METHODS/GRADING PROCEDURES: In order to give the instructor the greatest flexibility in assigning a grade for the course, grades will be based on various instruments at the instructors' discretion. However, to maintain instructional integrity there must be four class exams or three class exams and a project. A final exam will be given if there are less than four exams or a project may be substituted for the final exam if there are four in-class exams. At least 60% of the grade will be based on quantifiable work (exams, homework, quizzes, etc.). The remaining portion of the grade may be based on quantifiable work, attendance, projects, journal work, etc., at the instructor's discretion. The following is a compilation of acceptable grading instruments: In class exams and a final, attendance, homework or quizzes, research paper, modeling projects on the calculator or computer. Other projects or assignments may be assigned as deemed appropriate at the instructor's discretion. PLANNED TEACHING METHODS/LEARNING STRATEGIES: x Lecture x Small Group Discussion Special Project Laboratory Audiovisual Other (List) Supervised Clinical Individual Instruction Division Chair Signature 106746772 Page 2 of 2 Date