FAITH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of Christ” ALL MEMBERS MINISTERS EASTER SUNDAY THIS WEEK AT FAITH (See insert for additional information) April 4, 2010 GATHERING *Prelude and Silent Meditation *Welcome and Announcements *Call to Worship Confession and Forgiveness Setting One, pages 94-96 Gathering Song Jesus Christ is Risen Today Hymn 365 Greeting Setting Four, page 147 Kyrie Setting Four, pages 147-148 Canticle of Praise This is the Feast Setting Four, pages 149-150 Prayer of the Day (See Today’s Readings insert) *Children’s Time (no Children’s Church today) WORD *First Reading (See Today’s Readings insert) *Psalm (See Today’s Readings insert) *Second Reading (See Today’s Readings insert) Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, Lord to whom… Setting Four, page 151 Gospel (See Today’s Readings insert) *Sermon He Is Risen Pastor Mitch Evans Hymn of the Day Now All the Vault of Heaven Resound Hymn 367 Nicene Creed Setting One, page 104 Prayers of Intercession Setting One, pages 105-106 Peace (Greet one another by saying, “Peace be with you,” or similar words.) MEAL *Offering *Anthem Offering Song Let the Vineyards Hymn 184 Offering Prayer Setting One, page 107 Great Thanksgiving Setting One, pages 107-109 Lord’s Prayer Setting One, page 112 Communion Setting One, pages 112-113 Post Communion Canticle Thankful Hearts and Voices Raise Hymn 207 SENDING Blessing Setting One, page 114 Sending Song Christ Is Risen! Alleluia Hymn 382 Dismissal Setting One, page 115 Postlude (*Congregation remains seated) Sunday, April 4 - Easter 8:00 a.m. - breakfast sponsored by Lutheran Men in Mission 9:00 a.m. - Early Worship Service with Holy Communion 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service with Holy Communion Monday, April 5 6:00 p.m. - Operation Reach Out meal sponsored by Olive Branch Church and hosted at Faith Tuesday, April 6 6:30 p.m. - Faith Awakes Team meeting Wednesday, April 7 - STARS luncheon cancelled 7:00 p.m. - Bible Study Friday, April 9 9:00 a.m. - STARS group to Mepkin Abbey in Monks Corner Saturday, April 10 6:00 p.m. - Movie night featuring the animated movie Planet 51 Finger foods will be served (Mexican dip with tortilla chips, popcorn, and sweets). FUTURE MEETINGS and FAITHFUL GATHERINGS Monday, April 12 7:00 p.m. - LMIM meeting with Jack Roof and Eddie Shealy hosting Tuesday, April 13 4:00 p.m. - LMIM sponsoring a meal for the B-L Football Team 7:00 p.m. - WELCA meeting with Kitty Warner as hostess Wednesday, April 14 6:00 p.m. - Stewardship Team meeting 7:00 p.m. - Bible Study Sunday, April 18 3:00 p.m. - Fish and Fry at Edwin McGee's pond for youth and families to catch fish and have a fish fry afterwards. If enough fish are not caught, then hamburgers will be grilled. Everyone needs to bring fishing poles and bait. Monday, April 19 6:00 p.m. - Operation Reach-out meal Wednesday, April 21 6:00 p.m.- Administration Team meeting 7:00 p.m. - Bible Study Monday, April 26 6:00 p.m. - Operation Reach-out meal sponsored by B-L Presbyterian Church and hosted at Faith 1 ALTAR FLOWERS KEEP IN PRAYER Everyone in our hearts and minds The altar flowers are given to the glory of God and his resurrection by Al and Kaaren Niver Members: Leland “Dank” Boozer, Jerry Koon, Lucille Price, *Lizzie Mae Waters, Hampton Taylor-away for six weeks with advance police training Family and Friends: *Sherry Eargle (sister-in-law of Watson Eargle), Vinson Wood (JoLee Hall’s Grandfather), Jack and Dorothy Caughman, Samuel Welsh, *Rosemary Metts, *John Collum, Sara McGee (sister-in-law of Edwin McGee), Jesse “Jug” Buzhardt, *Josh Caughman, Linda Asbill, Alan Washington (brother-in-law of Edwin McGee), *Janie Tucker, Eli Powell (six year old friend of Kaaren Niver), *Diane Spradley, *Greg Rollings, Al Jeffcoat (brother-in-law of Jackie Boozer), * Walt Bouknight (serving in the USMC), *Alan Parsons (serving in Afghanistan), *John Albert “Bert” Padget (serving in the USAF in Turkey) All military personnel–overseas and local, serving and protecting our freedom *extended prayer list Nursing Centers: *Ella C. Drafts-Agape Nursing and Rehab Center-300 Agape Dr., W. Columbia, SC 29169 *Frances Boozer-Saluda Nursing Center - Wise Wing, PO Box 398, Saluda, SC 29138 *Maude Boozer-Saluda Nursing Center - Riley Wing, PO Box 398, Saluda, SC 29138 *Adrian Hendrix- LMC Extended Care - 815 Old Cherokee Road, Lexington, SC 29072 SERVING SUNDAY – April 4, 2010 Easter Sunday Holy Communion Presiding: The Reverend Mitch Evans Organist: Becky Hughes Communion Assistant: Debbie Taylor Lector: Kitty Warner Acolyte: Mike Smith Crucifer: volunteer needed Nursery: Becky Smith and Rhea Hughes Flowers: Kaaren Niver Greeters: Sara and Eddie Holley Ushers: Brandon Roof, Rex Roof, Ben Ruff, William Smith Education Building Attendant: Lawrence Smith Temple Talk Speaker: Ray Hall - Mutual Ministry SERVING SUNDAY – April 11, 2010 Second Sunday of Easter Presiding: The Reverend Gerald Wallace Organist: Becky Hughes Lector: Tim Hall Acolyte: Mike Smith Crucifer: volunteer needed Nursery: Judy Davis and Katie Davis Flowers: Eddie and Sara Holley Greeters: Sara and Eddie Holley Ushers: Brandon Roof, Rex Roof, Ben Ruff, William Smith Education Building Attendant: Stan Hilton Temple Talk Speaker: Edwin McGee-Property ATTENDANCE LAST SUNDAY Early Service: not listed GENERAL FUND § Needed Weekly Received 3/28/10 Shortfall $3,463.63 Worship: 98 BIRTHDAYS Needed to Date $45,027.19 1,989.50 Received to Date 31,392.00 $1,474.13 Shortfall to Date $13,635.19 4-Erika Smith 5-Todd O’Dell 6-Bennie Matthews 7-Millie Davis 7-Kelly Lybrand 9-Jeff Davis 10-Matt Covington ANNIVERSARIES MAINTENANCE FUND Needed Weekly 396.15 Needed to Date 5,149.95 Received 3/28/10 112.00 Received to Date 4,051.00 $284.15 Shortfall to Date $1,098.95 Shortfall Sunday School: 58 4-Brad and Laurie Boozer 5-Edwin and Maxine McGee 5-Watson and Verta Eagle 7-David and Frances Bouknight 8-Bob and Mary Carole Bouknight Memorials listed on last page due to amount. 2 April 4, 2010 ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome to Worship! We are glad you are here with us today! If you are a visitor, please sign the guest register located in the front entrance of the church as you leave worship today. Again, we welcome you to our congregation and hope you will worship with us again. If you or someone you know is in need of a pastoral visit, please do not hesitate to call the pastor. He can be reached either at the office (532-4273) or at his house (532-5272). Worship Services: 9:00 a.m. - Faith Awakes (Non-traditional Service in the Fellowship Hall) 9:45 a.m. - Coffee and Conversation 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Traditional Lutheran Worship Service Faith Awakes Special Guest in April April 18 – The band Rescued Pastor Gerald Wallace will be the guest Pastor on April 11. Pastor Evans will be off the week of April 5-11. In case of an emergency, contact the office 532-4273 or Stan Hilton 532-9680. In accordance with a recommendation made by Council, on Fifth Sundays Faith Awakes will not be held, but Faith Awakes and the Traditional Worship Service will be combined and held at 10:45 in the sanctuary. (Everything will be backed up 15 minutes, with Sunday School beginning at 9:45.) May 30, 2010 will be the fifth Sunday Luncheon to honor the graduates. Service Team 1 is in charge of setting-up and cleaning-up for the lunch. Make sure to notify the office of your graduation from high school, college, or trade school. And please plan to attend so that we can celebrate your success and recognize your achievements! Leland Boozer would like to thank all his church family and friends for their thoughtfulness and prayers during his hospitalization and illness. He wants everyone to know he is on the road to recovery. Upcoming Events Presented by: Lutheran Retreat Centers and Lutheridge and Lutherock Ministries (llmi) Their web site is Women of the ELCA 22nd Annual Coastal Retreat – April 16-18, 2010 Create in Me: Spirit Rising April 8-11 (llmi) Fishing for Men: April 9-11 (llmi) Family Camp at Lutheridge: July 4-10 and August 8-11 or Family Adventure at Lutherock: July 4-10 The Wholeness Wheel MEMORIALS & GIFTS A gift in honor of Leland R. Boozer by, Betty U. Boozer Gifts given in memory of Mendel Boozer by, Marjorie Boozer, Margie Shealy (Organ Fund), Cheryl Paulling, Frances Fallaw, Wade Smith, Ralph and Jean Stapp Gifts given in memory of Linferd Koon by, C. Bruce and Martha Rose Shealy, Joseph T. Stubbs, Jr. A gift in memory of Ruth Fulmer by, Frances A. Davis Member Caller System The Witness and Outreach Team with the approval from the Congregation Council is setting up a Member Caller system which operates to call every member of the church (if they choose to participate) on their telephone to inform them of upcoming events in the life of the congregation. If you would like to participate in the program please fill out the information below. Name:______________________________________________ The web site for Faith is complete and working. Please check us out at The web site for South Carolina Lutheran Telephone number where you would like to be contacted:_________________________ (Please include area code) 3 CONGREGATIONAL DIRECTORY Resurrection of Our Lord Easter Day April 4, 2010 The Reverend D. Mitchell Evans; M.A., M. Div. Pastor CONGREGATIONAL COUNCIL (Year indicates rotation off council) 2010 Mr. Ray Hall Mr. Stan Hilton Mrs. Debbie Taylor Ms. Jennie Temple 2011 Ms. Martha Boozer Mr. Parker Hall Mr. Edwin McGee Mr. Hampton Taylor 2012 Mr. David Bouknight Mr. Jerry Koon Mrs. Tamra McCormack Mr. Kevin Wallace The Reverend D. Mitchell Evans….…………………..……Congregational President Ex-Officio Mr. Stan Hilton…….………………………………………...........Congregational Vice-President Mrs. Debbie Taylor…………………………………….............Congregational Council Secretary Mr. Jimmy Holley…….……………………………………...…………Congregational Treasurer Mr. David Bouknight…………………………………………….Congregational Parliamentarian Mr. John Dustman………………………………………………………Congregational Historian ORGANIST AND MUSIC DIRECTOR Mrs. Becky Hughes CHURCH OFFICE SECRETARY Mrs. Sara Shealy THE CHURCH SCHOOL Mrs. Tamra McCormack…………………………………Sunday Church School Superintendent Mrs. Maxine McGee……………………………………………….……Assistant Superintendent Mrs. Sabrina McGee and Mrs. Vickie McGee………………….…Youth and Learning Co-Chair Faith - Pastor Information: Reverend D. Mitch Evans 331 North Lee Street Leesville, SC 29070 Home No.: 803-532-5272 Email: Faith - Church Office Information: 119 North Oak Street, Batesburg, SC 29006 PO Box 2267, Leesville, SC 29070 Office No.: 803-532-4273 Fax No.: 532-4680 Email: Sara Shealy – Office Secretary Home No.: 803-532-6121 Cell No.: 803-360-4637 Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church “Living, Serving, Growing, Through God’s Amazing Grace” A Congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Established 1926 113 North Oak Street Batesburg-Leesville, South Carolina 4 5