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Running Head: The Hidden Messages
The Hidden Messages
Amal Ma’ayeh
American University of Beirut
The Hidden Messages
This paper aims to critique three advertisements that are publicized all around Lebanon.
The introduction paragraph starts off with general information about the importance of
advertising and marketing in general. In the body paragraphs, the three advertisements
will be evaluated and reviewed from different perspectives; the content, the headlines, the
mood, the photographs included and also both the intended and unintended messages.
The paper ends with a conclusion paragraph about growth of advertising in Lebanon and
who is responsible for these ads.
The Hidden Messages
The Hidden Messages
Advertising is the core of marketing; it is one of the significant methods to be used
in order to promote a company or a specific product. When it comes to advertising,
companies use it as a tool to make both their loyal consumers and even those who have
no previous information aware of the features and benefits of the products. Over long
period of time, Advertising can strengthen the positive brand image and even support the
companies’ reputation; it helps in manipulating the mind of the customer and become the
next purchase they make. Most of the firms do their best to publish commercials that
reflect only information and images that would appeal the customer’s attention and
satisfy their needs in an effective manner. However, some companies are not fully
cautious about the thoughts and ideas they share to the public and by that they harm their
own reputation.
The first advertisement that is attached in the appendix page shows a blonde woman,
who occupies most of the billboard image. The Ad shows partial features of the woman's
face, it focuses more on the parts that most Lebanese women nowadays are concerned
with. Many middle class or upper class Lebanese females whom are targeted in this
advertisement are being supportive to plastic surgeries and facial treatments. What is
appealing to the viewers is the model's perfect nose, full pretty lips, attractive cheeks and
charming eye, in other words her overall beauty. A very catchy headline is written on the
right side opposite to the model's face, that says; "Al-Jamal Nader wa Saab" and below it;
"Golden Caviar Cosmetic Cream Switzerland". The use of words is appealing as it
represents the name of the surgeon "Nader Saab" and is also used as a metaphor to relate
to the idea that caviar is unique and hard to find. However, once you want to analyze
The Hidden Messages
further the message and the concepts of the ad, it can be portrayed negatively because it
limits the definition of beauty, it claims that beauty is not an easy thing to have and
woman needs to use expensive cosmetic products or undergo plastic surgeries in order to
obtain an actual beauty. Moreover, the cosmetic products are not shown to the public
instead the model replaces the object. As mentioned in the "Sex and Relationships in the
Media; "Women become sexual objects when their bodies and their sexuality are linked
to products that are bought and sold." Advertisers' attempt ways in which they can attract
people's vision, and definitely a beautiful woman's face is more attractive than a cosmetic
cream box.
The second ad is promoting a watch targeting male consumers aging 35 and above.
This watch is considered a luxury good that is why it aims toward a certain class that can
afford to buy such an item. Simon Baker is a famous Australian actor and director, the ad
uses a handsome and successful male celebrity is more appealing than using an average
model. Baker is suited up, holding the horse with a smile of victory on his face; the
addition of the horse gives a greater depth to the meaning. The horse is looking straight
up in an alert position as if it is in a race aiming to win first place. This acts as a
symbolism of how life and social status is a race and a man who owns this watch would
be on top. On the bottom left side, Longinese slogan that states "Elegance is an attitude"
with Simon Baker's signature below it are written. Simon baker is a celebrity who is
known for his sophistication and classiness where the horse is also a symbol of majesty;
the movement of the horse is used as a reference to the mechanics of the watch.
Therefore, both elements give the significant meaning of the watch itself; strength,
elegance, and success.
The Hidden Messages
Massimo Dutti advertisement targets both men and women. The women in the ad is
looking straight into the camera, her facial expressions show that of superiority and
unapproachability. Her body language and the position she is sitting in shows selfawareness and confidence due to what she is wearing. On the other hand, the man is
laying down on his side, looking away from the camera. The overall appearance of the
man is focused on his jaw bone which may be appealing to the viewer especially women,
it also reflects the muscularity and strength of the man. All in all, I believe that ad is not
trying to send any hidden messages to the audiences neither trying to manipulate their
minds in a way or another.
Over the years, advertising has been growing further in Lebanon until it has become
one of the most important and most used medium; it includes visual, oral and even
written messages to the public for the purpose of influencing our societies. The power of
advertising is strong that it sometimes unwillingly embeds in our head an impression
about certain ideas and concepts. I believe it is the advertiser's responsibility to send their
messages in an ethical manner, but some "advertising executives say that while they
regret producing objectionable or distasteful material, it’s their duty to promote their
client’s vision"(Anderson, 2013).
The Hidden Messages
Sex and Relationships in the Media. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Anderson, B. (2013, October 9). Shock value, sexism and superficiality: Lebanon's
advertising problem. Retrieved from
The Hidden Messages
First Advertisement
The Hidden Messages
Second Advertisement
The Hidden Messages
Third advertisement: