Doug Holt L’Oreal Professor of Marketing Oxford University Topic Iconic Brands 6th May 1pm Douglas Holt is the L’Oréal Professor of Marketing at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford. His research applies a socio-cultural lens to key issues in branding, advertising, and consumption. Recently, Holt has conducted historical research on iconic brands to develop a new cultural approach to branding. This model is published in How Brands Become Icons: The Principles of Cultural Branding (Harvard Business School Press, 2004), as well as in related management and academic articles. He has also analyzed global branding from a novel cultural perspective ("How Global Brands Compete" Harvard Business Review, September 2004). He has published a Harvard teaching note and a number of teaching cases that develop a cultural point-of-view on branding. Holt has published extensively on sociological issues concerning consumption, including social class, masculinity, and consumer society. He co-edited (with Juliet Schor) The Consumer Society Reader (New Press 2000). He is guest editing a special issue on branding and consumer culture for the Journal of Consumer Culture. Before moving to Oxford in 2004 he was a professor at the Harvard Business School (2000-2004), University of Illinois (1997-2000), and Penn State University (1992-1997). He took his BA from Stanford University (economics and political science), MBA from the University of Chicago (marketing), and PhD from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University (marketing with a specialization in cultural anthropology). Prior to the PhD, Holt was a brand manager at The Clorox Company and at Dole Packaged Foods. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Consumer Research and a Director of the Advertising Educational Foundation. Research Interests & Publications Books Holt, D.B., How Brands Become Icons: The Principles of Cultural Branding, Harvard Business School Press, 2004. Schor, J. & Holt, D.B., editors, The Consumer Society Reader, The New Press, 2000. Journal Articles Thompson, J.C. & Holt, D.B., 'How Do Men Grab the Phallus? Gender Tourism in Everyday Consumption', Journal of Consumer Culture, 2004. Holt, D.B., Quelch, J.A., & Taylor, E., 'How Global Brands Compete', Harvard Business Review, Vol.September, 2004. Holt, D.B. & Thompson, J.C., 'Man-of-Action Heroes: The Pursuit of Heroic Masculinity in Everyday Consumption', Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.31:2, 2004. Holt, D.B., 'How to Build an Iconic Brand', Market Leader, Vol.June, 2003. Holt, D.B., 'What Becomes an Icon Most?', Harvard Business Review, Vol.March, 2003. Holt, D.B., 'Why Do Brands Cause Trouble? A Dialectical Theory of Consumer Culture and Branding', Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.29, 2002. Holt, D.B., 'Postmodern Markets', Boston Review, Vol.24:3-4, 1999, pp.15-16. Holt, D.B., 'Does Cultural Capital Structure American Consumption?', Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.25, 1998. Holt, D.B., 'Distinction in America? Recovering Bourdieu's Theory of Tastes from its Critics', Poetics, Vol.25, 1997, pp.1-25. Holt, D.B., 'Post-Structuralist Lifestyle Analysis: Conceptualizing the Social Patterning of Consumption in Postmodernity', Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.23, 1997, pp.326-350. Holt, D.B., 'How Consumers Consume: A Typology of Consumption Practices', Journal of Consumer Research, Vol.22, 1995, pp.1-16. Book Chapters Holt, D.B., 'How Societies Desire Brands: Using Cultural Theory to Explain Brand Symbolism', in: Mick, D. & Ratneshwar, S. (Ed.), Inside Consumption, Routledge, 2005. Holt, D.B., Quelch, J.A., & Taylor, E., 'Managing the Global Brand', in: Quelch, J.A., & Deshpande, R. (Ed.), The Global Market, Jossey-Bass, 2004. Holt, D.B. & Schor, J., 'Introduction', The Consumer Society Reader, The New Press, 2000. Eamonn Clerkin Account Planning Director Irish International BBDO Advertising Agency 13th May 1pm Topic Who makes the laws that the advertising stylepolice enforce? An insider’s ethnographic account of the social process of advertising development, and its effects on the texts it produces Marianne Lien 20th May 1pm Topic An Ethnographic Study of a Marketing Dept. Education: Nutrition, Univ.of Oslo, 1983; Fulbright scholar in Connecticut 1986 (with professors Gretel and Pertti Pelto), Mag. art. social anthropology. Univ. of Oslo, 1987; Dr. polit, social anthropology, Univ.of Oslo, 1995. Postions held: Researcher / research fellow at the National Institute for Consumer Research, Norway 1988-1998. Guest researcher at the Social Science Centre, Berlin (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung WZB) 1989, Associate Professor at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo since 1998- . Member of the National Nutrition Council 1999-2002. Marianne E. Lien has conducted research in the interface between consumption, production and marketing with a focus on food and nutrition since the late 1980’s. Recent publications are in the areas of economic anthropology, marketing, globalisation, methods in anthropology, food production and food policy, salmon farming and nature conceptions in Tasmania, and egalitarian ideals in Norway. Lien has done fieldwork in Norway (Finnmark, Northern Norway 1985 and 2000, Oslo 1992) and Tasmania, Australia (2002-). She currently coordinates the research program ‘Transnational Flows of Concepts and Substances’ (2001-2004) funded by the Norwegian National Research Council and located at the Department of Anthropology.. English publications include Marketing and Modernity (Berg, 1997) and Politics of Food (Berg, forthcoming 2004, coedited with Brigitte Nerlich). She is currently engaged in the following research projects: Transnational Flows in Food Production; Tasmanian Atlantic Salmon 1860-2002 Anthropological perspectives on politics of food Food habits, gift exchange and globalisation in a coastal community in Finnmark, Northern Norway Areas of research: Thematic: Consumption, economic anthropology, globalisation, food habits, nature conceptions, politics of food, nutritional anthropology. Regional: Norway, Nordic countries, Europe, Tasmania, Australia Receent Publications Brigitte Nerlich and Marianne Lien (2004) The Marianne Lien (1997) Marketing Politics of Food, Palgrave Macmillan and Modernity, Palgrave Macmillan