Integratated_Lesson_Plan_PREP - Cherry Creek School District

Robin Bleser
Jill Manning
Eric Nerwin
CTE Academic Integration Lesson Planner
CC PREP 11/12
Course: Personal Finance Lesson Length: 3 class periods
Lesson Title: Credit Card Comparison
What Do I Want Students To Learn?
Standards & Benchmarks
Standard 4-Community/Independent
Living Skills/Transition Planning:
Students demonstrate the skills necessary
to become a responsible member of the
community. Essential Outcome –
Demonstration of Financial Management
skills: Money Basics, Consumer Credit
Standard 6 – The components of personal
credit to manage credit and debt
Evidence Outcome – Demonstration of
analyzing various credit card sources
KNOW: (Content & Vocabulary)
APR – Annual Percentage Rate
Late Payment Fee
Cash Advance
Finance Charge
Over-the-Credit Limit Fee
Secured Credit
Credit Card Bonus Features
Standards & Benchmarks
Accuplacer Readiness Standards
Math 099-Basic operations
Math 030-Decimals
Math 060-Percentages
Math 090- Solve Equations
Reading 130-Information Analysis
Read 060-Vocabulary Development
DO: (Skills, Strategies, Processes and
Read and Analyze Credit Card
Applications with Specific Details Noted
and Associated Vocabulary.
Accuplacer Skills Addressed in:
Basic Operations
Solve Equations
Information Analysis
Enduring Understandings (BIG IDEAS)
Understanding self in relation to sound financial decisions.
Think critically and analyze financial options.
Essential Questions:
How does the use or misuse of credit cards impact your financial planning?
How am I going to assess student learning?
Recall of prior vocabulary, worksheet completion, written analysis and comparison,
discussion, observation
Instructional Plan
Prerequisite Skills: Students will have previously completed Units 1 -3(Financial Plan,
Budgeting, and Investing), additionally the concepts/vocabulary for Unit 4 – Good and
Bad Credit
What materials and resources are needed for this lesson? Describe the learning environment.
Student Workbook from NEFE High School Financial Planning Program –( free to teachers at (disposable student workbooks and teacher manual)
Introductory information covered with power point from Unit 4- first 17 slides - same site as above
Credit Card Comparison Worksheet attached
Sample of Double Bubble Thinking Map for use with Credit Card Comparison Summary question
Sample of above to model for students attached
The Cost of Credit Cards, Behind the Numbers – Worksheet attached and answer key
Sample of above to model for students attached
Cost of Credit Extension Exercise- Worksheet attached and answer key
Access to video clip on “You Tube “– James Cunningham Funny Money, The Credit Card Game
The learning environment will take place in a typical classroom setting. Projector and computer needed
for power point presentation, poster or projected sample for students to follow what is expected on the
credit card comparison worksheet, worksheets copied, and another sample needed to show the cost of
credit calculating finance charge. Students will need access to computers for internet research and access
to calculators.
Daily Lessons
Day One
Review Unit 4 vocabulary if necessary
Present Power Point information on credit
Model for students how to research the credit card comparison information
Students begin credit card comparison research and worksheet
Day Two
Students continue to work and finish credit card comparison worksheet
Discuss and analyze findings with students
Day Three
Show students the “You Tube” clip – The Credit Card Game
Discuss with students the points made in the video – difference in paying off credit,
minimum payment and rising interest with late fees.
Model for students calculating finance charge
Students complete The Cost of Credit Cards worksheet, worksheet can be modified for
special needs
The Cost of Credit Extension Exercise is provided for advanced students for
Academic Integration
What core academic topics are integrated? What Terminology is common? What
terminology is different? Include specific examples to be used to introduce, teach, or
review the topics.
Core topics that are integrated include: Vocabulary development, reading for
information and analysis, and basic math operations. Vocabulary is introduced in a
prior lesson and reviewed at the beginning of this lesson if necessary. The skill of
reading for information and analysis is assumed at this level of high school but is
modeled for students before they are asked to complete their worksheet. Basic math
operations are also assumed at this level. With all of the skills necessary for this lesson,
teacher observation will be used to differentiate the lesson, assist individuals, or group
students to work together. Topic and skills will be reviewed and used in other units.