V5 GEO TECH EXPLORERS. CONTACT PERSON- P.ANBALAGAN M.Sc, HYDROGEOLOGIST, V5 GEO TECH EXPLORERS, NO.36, LALITHAMBALNAGAR, VIBEESHNAPURAM, AMMAPETTAI, CHIDAMBARAM, CUDDALORE DISTRICT, TAMILNADU, PIN-608401. PHONE-LL: 04144228151, MOB-9443046154. E-MAIL-v5geotech@gmail.com -PROFILE- A PROFILE OF V5 GEO TECH EXPLORERS. SL NO DESCRIPTION 01 Name & address of the organization 02 03 The contact person The Geo7 team. 04 Expertise of the team DETAILS V5 GEO TECH EXPLORERS, No:36, Lalithambalnagar, Vibeeshnapuram, Ammapettai, Chidambaram-608401, Cuddalore district, Tamilnadu. Ph: 04144228151, Mob9443046154, E-mail-v5geotech@gmail.com P.ANBALAGAN M.Sc, HYDROGEOLOGIST V5 Geo Tech Explorers is a registered organization comprising seven Geoscientists, with expertise in different fields of Geology-Petrology, Mineralogy, Hydrogeology, Exploration Geophysics & Remote Sensing & GIS. 1.Dr.M.Arumugam M.Sc; P.hd – Petrologist, former Professor & Head of theDepartment of Earth Sciences & Dean, Faculty of Science, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar, Chidambaram-608002- Mob-8056151452. 2. L.Rangamannan M.Sc- Former Senior Hydrogeologist, TWAD BOARD- Mob9894338746. 3. R.Venkatesan M.Sc; M.Phil; PGDHG- Former Deputy Hydrogeologist, TWAD BOARD, SalemMob-9443220125, 9003829524. 4. S.Mohan M.Sc- Former Deputy Hydrogeologist, TWAD BOARD, Chennai- Mob-9444460268. 5. P.Anbalagan M.Sc Former Deputy Hydrogeologist, TWAD BOARD- Mob9443046154. 6. T.S.Badrinarayanan M.Sc; PGDHGConsultant Geoscientist, B2 Geo Tech Services, Kollidam- Mob-9443046102, 9786730567. 7. N.Sagadevan M.Sc Former Deputy Hydrogeologist, TWAD BOARD, ThanjavurMob-9443549138. The V5 Geo Tech is a conglomeration of Geologists, Petrologist, Hydrogeologists, Geophysicst with more than 35 years of experience. 2 Geology / Mineralogy- Hydrogeology- Ground water exploration. Remote Sensing & GIS Geotechnical investigations 05. Infra structure of the Organization. Mineral exploration, reserve estimation, mine planning & mineral evaluationsnonmetallic minerals like Limestone & granite, quartz prospecting- Perological, structural geological studies- geological mapping. Hydrogeological investigation for ground water & mining problems. Surface & subsurface geoelectric investigations- 1D resistivity soundings- IP soundings- Electrical well logging. Interpretation techniques using various 1D software for subsurface lithology delineation. Electromagnetic survey techniques- TDEMEM-30 & 34 Wadi instruments. Pumping tests- Pumping test data analysisevaluation of aquifer parameters. Bore well rejuvenation- Bore hole video scanning for Hydrofracturing & bore hole blasting. Ground water pollution - sea water intrusion studies- EIA studies. Ground water recharging techniques. RS & GIS studies for ground water & mineral resources prospecting- Geotechnical investigations for bridge & fly over constructions- subsurface lithology delineation. It is well established with a team of experts & a good office, staffs & vehicles. BTSK-WTS LTD, CHINA MAKE – MODEL-WDDS-2, New generation 1D DC Resistivity meter. Micro processor based signal stacking digital Resistivity Meter- SSR-MP-AT-S. Mini portable spot logger –IGIS, Hyderabad make. Bore well CCTV video camera for bore hole scanning for bore maintainence & rejuvenation. 3 07 V5 GEO TECH’S Speciality DC resistivity meters, Global Positioning Systems. Field Kits & Digital Pens for water quality testing. Panel of computer experts to interpret the data with Software. RS & GIS experts. Dedicated & devoted services, Promptness & punctuality in execution, honesty in advice & reasonableness in service charges. No compromise on quality. . 4 WE ARE EXPERTISE IN GROUND WATER EXPLORATION WITH 3 DECADES EXPERIENCE. SERVICES OFFERED BY V5 GEO TECH EXPLORERS. Ground water & mineral explorations using advanced microprocessor based digital 1D resistivity meters. Electrical Resistivity Tomography- 2D Resistivity imaging for various geological applications. Geoelectrical investigations- both surface & subsurface. Electrical well logging for well construction & well rejuvenation. Remote sensing & GIS techniques for water & mineral resources studies. Ground water pollution studies. Ground water recharging techniques. Computerized interpretation of geo electrical data for various geo scientific investigations. Ground water quality analysis using digital pens & field kits. Hydro geological & hydro geo electrical investigations for research & academic purposes. Environmental impact assessment studies. Pumping test data analysis & aquifer / well parameters evaluation. Suggestions/ Advice for bore well rejuvenation of hard rock bores by advanced video scanning techniques- both for hydrofracturing & blasting. Conducting Ground water exploration, recharging techniques training programs both theory & practicals for budding Geologists/ Engineers. V5 GEO TECH EXPLORERS.. 5