DRAFT ON CONSTITUTION AND FUNCTIONS OF TAKNIKI SHIKSHA SANSTHAN KALYAN SAMITI (TaSSKS ) CHAPTER -_I INTRODUCTION The Directorate of Training and Technical Education is running various ITIs and Polytechnics where different types of courses (Certificate/Diploma/Degree Level) in various NonEngineering and Engineering Trades/Branches are being imparted to the students. In an Institution the work pertaining to the maintenance of various Civil, Electrical and other types of work is attended by the PWD. However maintenance by the PWD involves a lengthy process including the completion of the tendering even for a small work due to which the Institute suffers a lot. Maintenance works of immediate nature can effectively be completed locally at institute level with oversight of such maintenance works through various stakeholders. The Institutional mechanism that provides for such local level maintenance is the Kalyan Samiti/Welfare Committee for each institution under the Directorate of Training & Technical Education. Therefore constitution of Takniki Shiksha Sansthan Kalyan Samiti in each Technical Institution has been envisaged to address various immediate needs of the Institution. ie, Polytechnic and ITIs . Existence of such a Committee in an Institution will facilitate various decision-making and execution of the minor work at Institute level with allocated funds in the Capital head of the Budget. The Committee also has the flexibility to project its good performance giving competitive edge. The Committee should be committed to achieve the listed objectives while functioning within the guidelines provided in this document. CHAPTER- II OBJECTIVES OF TaSSKS 2.1 The TaSSKS shall have the following objectives for the effective functioning at Government run Diploma Level Institutes, CSI, BTC and ITIs :- 2.1 Up keep and maintenance of Buildings, Equipment, Furniture, Environment etc.of the Institute. 2.2 To suggest restructuring of the curriculum in coordination with the Industry making it compatible with the requirement of the growing market of the country so as to transfer the latest technological developments enabling upgradation of skill and bring exposure to the new emerging areas. 2.3 To arrange for industrial Visits/Industrial Training for the trainees/ students. 2.4 To generate revenue for the Institute by obtaining job works, Services, Consultancy etc. from Industry/market. 2.5 To explore the possibilities of more gainful employment for the students/Trainees. 2.6 To conduct tailor made short-term courses/seminars/workshops for the employees of industry and the Entrepreneurs. 2.7 To associate the Alumni/Ex students in getting constructive feedback for the improvement of training standard. 2.8 To suggest special training to faculty and other staff in Industries for upgrading their knowledge and skill. 2.9 To organize Seminars, Workshops, Exhibitions, Competitions and Guest Lectures involving society and Industry. 2.2 2.2.1 MANNER OF ACHEVING THE OBJECTIVES: Up keep and Maintenance of Buildings & Equipments: An elaborate list of various minor works to be under taken by the TaSSKS has been listed in Para 4.1.The Principals of the concerned Institute shall ensure that the minor works are completed within the stipulated time frame and feedback on the progress of such works to be intimated to the Samiti during its meeting. 2.2.2 Restructuring of Curriculum: Continuous interaction with the industries and other organizations will be established in order to add latest developments in various fields and specific inputs will be taken to update the curriculum. Such feed backs will be duly forwarded to DGE&T for inclusion of relevant topics in the curriculum of DGE&T trades and to SCVT for revamping the curriculum of trades under its purview on the existing courses and for the introduction of new courses. Similar action will be taken by polytechnic to enable inclusion of topics of latest development in the curriculum of diploma courses under BTE. 2.2.3 Industrial Visits :Industrial Visits for all Engineering and Non-Engineering trades in I.T.I and Polytechnics will be organized at least two per unit in I.T.Is and two per year/discipline in Polytechnics during each academic session. Industries will be approached by the Training and Placement wings of Polytechnic and Training Co-ordinaters of I.T.Is to achieve this objective. Funds from the TaSSKS will be supplemented to the existing Budget Provisions under regular sub heads of plan/non-plan besides the pupils fund. The good offices of Industry Experts who are members of TaSSKS will also be utilized to achieve this objective. 2.2.4 Revenue Generation:This objective will be achieved by developing the institution as a production, Service and Consultancy provider. Core groups will be established in the institutions, which will explore and obtain job-works, projects, and surveys from the markets. The involved faculty members and skilled/supporting staff will be duly compensated, as a motivation, from the revenue generated. Surplus revenue will be retained in the institute for further development of the facilities and for strengthening industry-Institute relationships. 2.2.5 Gainful Employment: Good offices of the Industry representatives of the TaSSKS would be utilized to get more employment opportunities for I.T Is and Polytechnic Pass outs. It will be an endeavor of the TaSSKS to organize Job Fairs in one of the centrally located Institutions,. Such job fairs will be organized for polytechnics in Jan./Feb and for I.T.Is in May /June every year. This will enable the institutions to become more competitive and will provide the industry a common platform for identifying/selecting suitable technical man power under one umbrella. Funds to organize these Job Fair in the Institutions will be provided by Govt. / NonGovt. funds and from the corpus available with TaSSKS. 2.2.6 Short Terms courses for serving personnel and entrepreneurs: The TaSSKS will deliberate and identify such courses useful for industry personnel so as to update the knowledge skill and such short-term programme will be conducted by the Institutions. The revenue generated on this account will be utilized for compensating the faculties and development of facilities in the Institutes. 2.2.7 Alumni Associations: Every Institute will endeavour to form its Alumni association and the Institutions will extend facilities for the conduct of their meetings and interaction with faculty and students. Head of the Institutions will obtain feed back from the Alumni members and passed out students for further development and improvement of the Institution. 2.2.8 Special Training to faculty: Industries and Institutions will be identified for sponsoring the teachers/Instructors of polytechnics / I.T.Is to undergo special training in the areas of latest development of Technology and knowledge upgradation over and above the existing systems of sponsoring them. Funds for such activity will be provided from Govt./Non-Government funds besides the Corpus available with TaSSKS Funds 2.2.9 Organizing of Seminars, Workshops, Exhibitions etc. ;Workshops /Seminars will be organized by the Institutions by inviting experts from industries which will give needed exposure to the teachers and the trainees. Guest lecturers will be organized by the Institutions by inviting Experts from Industries and other organizations to give exposures on latest technological developments for supplementing knowledge and skill training imparted in the Institutions Product exhibitions will be organized by inviting Entrepreneurs who have passed out from the Institutions. Competitions will be organized to motivate the students to expose their skills and talents. Funds required for organizing these activities will be from Govt. and Non-Govt. funds besides funds from the Corpus of TaSSKS. Principals of the Institutions will ensure the reporting of achievements of these objectives to the TaSSKS cell ,HQ and circulate the same to other sister Institutions. CHAPTER -III CONSTITUTION OF TAKNIKI SHIKSHA SANSTHAN KALYAN SAMITI(TASSKS): Government run Diploma Level Institutes including the Commercial & Secretarial Institute, Basic Training Centre and ITI shall have a TaSSKS which shall comprise of the following:3.1 Chairperson : To be nominated by the Bhagidari Cell from among the CII /PHD Chamber of Commerce or nearby Industrial Area Welfare body/association. 3.2 Vice Chairperson: To be nominated either by CII /PHD Chamber of Commerce or nearby Industrial Area Welfare body/association. 3.3 Members: (a) One Prominent Senior Citizen, having technical background, from near by locality where the Institute is located, to be nominated by the area M.L.A.. (b) One retired Faculty member of a Technical Institute, to be nominated by the Directorate of Training and Technical Education. (c) Representative of the nearby RWA/MTA nominated by the Bhagidari Cell. ( d) One Govt. nominee, to be nominated by the Directorate of Training and Technical Education on the proposal of the Principal of the concerned Institute. (e) Two members, one from the faculty and one from the non-instructional staff, to be nominated by the Principal of the Institute. (f ) One representative of an NGO, actively engaged in the advancement of Vocational/Technical Training, to be nominated by the Bhagidari Cell of CM’s Office. (g) One representative of students, to be nominated by the Principal of the Institute.. (h) One Ex. Student of the Institute, to be nominated by the Principal of the Institute. 3.4 Convenor/Member Secratary: The Principal of the Institute shall be the ex-officio convenor/member secratary of the TaSSKS. 3.5 TERM: The term of the Samiti shall be initially for a period of two years, which may be extended by the Government from time to time. 3.6 FORMATION OF NEW TaSSKS:- The Principal of the concerned Government run Diploma Level Institutes and ITIs will initiate the process of formation of TaSSKS for the respective Institute and will contact respective organizations/Govt. agencies for nomination of Chairperson, Vice Chair person and members and subsequently obtain the approval from the Directorate of Training and Technical Education, Government of Delhi. 3.7 FILLING UP OF VACANCIES IN TaSSKS 3.7.1 SITUATIONS LEADING UP TO FILLING UP OF VACANCIES IN TaSSKS : (1) If any member including chairperson and Vice Chairperson shows his/her inability/unwillingness or resigns from the TaSSKS. (2) In the event of death of a member. (3) If any member, in spite of receiving meeting notices or being informed by any other communication, remains absent in three consecutive meetingof the TaSSKS without any valid reasons. (4) Change in the constitution of the nominating bodies like Industrial Association etc. due to election or any other reasons. (5) In the case of Government Nominee and Nominee from the staff, on his/her transfer, resignation or Suspension/removal/dismissal from service. 3.7.2 PROCEDURE FOR FILLING UP OF VACANCIES IN TaSSKS The procedure for filling up vacancies of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson or the members of the TaSSKS shall be the same as given in Para 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 under Chapter – III and the Convenor shall take immediate effective steps in close consultation with the TaSSKS Cell at the DTTE (HQ) to fill up a vacancy. CHAPTER –IV DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF TaSSKS The Samiti shall be involved in all the following activities and programmes of the Institute: 1. General up-keep and maintenance of the Institute building and improving & sustaining cleanliness and sanitation. 2. Ensure proper water supply, including potable water & Electricity in the Institute. 3. Advice the Government on steps to be taken for improvement in the academic performance of students. 4. Advice the Government for improvement in co-curricular activities of the students. 5. Suggest introduction of new courses and upgradation of existing courses. 6. Suggest improvement in the functioning of library, Labs. and workshops. 7. Ensure optimum maintenance of Workshop/Labs/Equipment/furniture. 8. Explore possibilities for more gainful employment and obtaining training slot for students/Trainees. 9. Monitoring of actions taken on its own suggestions /recommendations. 10. Any other function that the Govt. may entrust to the TaSSKS. 4. 1 WORKS AND FUNCTIONS TO BE UNDERTAKEN BY THE TaSSKS: 4.1 a. Minor civil works/repairs: i) Repairing and replacement of leaking taps and minor plumbing works. ii) Normal cleaning of toilet block and urinals iii) Repairing of WC/, Rain Water pipes/ sewer line, cleaning of manholes, leaking pipelines and related plumbing works. iv) Repairing/replacement of glass panes/FRP sheets in windows and doors v) Replacement of waste pipe in washbasin/sinks vi) Repair and Replacement of PVC water tanks/lids and related plumbing works involved. vii) Periodical cleaning of ceiling/roof of Buildings. viii) General cleanliness of Institute including Horticulture activities. ix) Removal of malwa and debris x) Maintenance of fire fighting equipments like fire extinguisher (refilling), providing fire bucket filled with sand. xi) Cleaning of sewers and rectification of blockages. xii) Other civil works of emergent nature not covered in the above items. 4.1 b. Minor Electrical Works/repairs i) Repair of electrical fittings and replacement Tubes, chokes, starters, and lamps switches/sockets. ii) Hylam sheet replacement iii) Repairing of CBs including replacement of MCB iv) Repair and maintenance of fans and its fittings. v) Repair and maintenance of security lights including replacement of security lamps. 4.1 c Other works i) Hiring of water tankers. ii) Repair of machines and furniture like dual desks, chairs, recaning, stools, drawing trestles, work benches etc. iii) Re painting of steel almariah and polishing of wooden furniture. iv) Repair and replacement of Bulletin Boards, Notice Boards and Lab/Class/Workshop Boards. v) Repair and maintenance of PA system. vi) Maintenance and Repair of electrical/electronic devices and AV aides like OHP, LCD projector, Screen, TV, VCR, VCP, VCD player, Tape recorder, 2 In 1, Audio CD player, Water cooler, Fridge, Aqua guard, Electric motor, Water pump, computer Printer, Photo copying machines, Duplicating machines, Type writers, etc. vii) Suggest measures for Waste management. viii) Suggest measures for Power conservation. ix) Plantation of trees and conservation of Environment. Note: The above list is only illustrative. Works of similar nature may also be undertaken by the TaSSKS. CHAPTER -V ROLE OF THE MEMBERS OF TaSSKS The following guidelines are formulated to enable with a view to have the smooth functioning of TaSSKS and to give overall face- lift to the Institution and to sustain the level of maintenance and upkeep. 5.1 CHAIRPERSON: 1. To accord approval for the date, time and agenda of monthly TaSSKS meetings. 2. Preside over TaSSKS meetings. 3. To ensure smooth proceedings of TaSSKS meetings as per prescribed agenda. 4. To solve the Institute problems in consultation with other members of the committee and the Government. 5. To provide support to the convenor in dealing with concerned outside agencies like Police, PWD, MCD, Horticulture, DISCOM, and DJB etc. 6. To make arrangements for preparation and timely submission of the Annual report. 7. To attend meetings called by the Department or the Bhagidhari Cell of C.M. office and to take part in discussion. 8. Any other responsibilities entrusted to him by the Govt. from time to time under the scheme. 5.2 VICE CHAIRPERSON: 1`. To perform all the functions of the chairperson in the absence or vacancy of the chairperson. 2. To perform other functions as a member of TaSSKS. 3. Any other responsibilities entrusted to him/her by the Chairperson. 4. To assist the chairperson in smooth proceedings of TaSSKS meetings as per agenda. 5.3 1. CONVENOR (MEMBER SECRETARY) To prepare agenda in consultation with the Chairperson and make all arrangement for monthly meetings of the TaSSKS. 2. To place problems of the Institute and action taken report before TaSSKS . 3. To provide the members with copies of Departmental TaSSKS circulars/orders/memoranda related to TaSSKS to the members. 4. To initiate follow up action with regard to the proposals passed/approved by TaSSKS 5. To assist the chairperson in smooth proceedings of TaSSKS meetings as per agenda. 6. To deal with concerned outside agencies like Police, PWD, MCD, Horticulture, DISCOM, DJB etc. 7. To make arrangements for getting the minutes approved and signed by the members. 8. To ensure timely submission of the copy of minutes of TaSSKS meetings to TaSSKS Cell, DTTE (HQ). 9. To prepare the Annual report and its timely submission to TaSSKS Cell, DTTE (HQ). 10. To attend the meetings called by Department or Bhagidhari Cell of C.M.office and take part in the discussions. 11. To perform other functions as a member of TaSSKS 12. To initiate action upon Govt. circulars, orders and memoranda issued by the Department related to TaSSKS 13. To exercise the financial powers delegated to him/her and execute other responsibilities given to him/her by the Government. 14. To make the records like vouchers, stock registers, purchase procedure file, minutes register, circular file etc. available to TaSSKS preferably and to Officers of TaSSKS Cell at DTTE (HQ) for inspection. 15. To include the problems/suggestions raised by members in agenda of TaSSKS meetings. 16. Any other responsibilities assigned to him/her by the Chairperson of the TaSSKS or the Govt. from time to time. 5.4 1. MEMBERS To attend all meetings of TaSSKS. Incase of inability/preoccupation may inform Chairperson/Convenor. 2. To participate actively in the proceedings of the meeting. 3. To co-operate in TaSSKS works while dealing with other agencies like Police, PWD, DJB, DISCOMs, Horticulture, MCD, etc. 4. Any other responsibilities assigned to him/her by the Chairperson/Convenor from time to time. 5.5 1. TaSSKS CELL, HQ,DTTE To inspect TaSSKS records and works executed out of TaSSKS funds at the Institute and to submit inspection reports to the Government. 2. To follow up and comply with references received from C.M./VIPs related to TaSSKS. 3. To provide support to TaSSKS in dealing with other agencies like Police, PWD, DISCOMs, Horticulture DJB, MCD etc. 4. To ensure implementation of departmental circulars/orders regarding TaSSKS in Institutes. 5. To monitor timely utilization of TaSSKS funds. 6. To attend meetings in respect of TaSSKS at higher level and, if necessary, at Institute level also. 5.6 7. Any other responsibilities assigned by the Government from time to time. 8. Execution of necessary policy changes related to TaSSKS . PROCEDURE FOR DECISION MAKING BY THE TaSSKS: 1. Principal shall prepare the priority list of works/activities to be undertaken, proposed from the grass root level by any members of the TaSSKS and include the same in the agenda of the TaSSKS meeting in consultation with the Chairperson. 2. All Financial proposals involving expenditure out of TaSSKS funds are to be processed and executed as per the GFR. 3. The decisions to approve the proposed minor works/repairs/other activities would be taken by the Samiti during the meeting. A decision on financial matters shall be taken in a meeting with the consent of 2/3 rd of the members. A decision on non-financial matters shall be taken by consensus. 4. The decisions taken /resolutions passed in the meetings are to be recorded in the Minutes Register and got signed by the members present in the meetings. However, the Convenor may execute capital works of minor nature, as per the details reflected in para 4.1, of emergent nature and get the same confirmed/ratified in the next TaSSKS meetings. 5. All approvals given by the TaSSKS are to be executed by the Convenor and status of progress of works shall be intimated to the Chairperson from time to time. Besides the proposal for new works, the progress of earlier sanctioned and completed works will be reviewed by the Samiti and a certificate about work satisfaction will be recorded during the meeting of the TaSSKS. CHAPTER-VI FINANCIAL POWERS OF TaSSKS Financial powers have been delegated to the Principals of all Polytechnics,ITI s ,BTC and CSI who are Head of Office and are functioning as Ex Officio Convenor/member Secratary of the TaSSKS vide Order No. F.DTTE (HQ)/TaSSKS/Misc./2006/178 dated 14.5.2007 CHAPTER –VII GUIDELINES FOR THE SMOOTH FUNCTIONING OF TaSSKS 7.1 REGARDING MEETINGS 1. The TaSSKS shall meet regularly at least once in a month. 2. The day will preferably be the first Friday of the month. The Samiti may decide to meet more than once in a month if necessary. 3. Notice for meeting would be issued by the Principal (Convenor, TaSSKS) in consultation with the Chairperson of the Samiti. The minutes of each meeting will be got recorded by the Principal acting, as Convenor and all the members present in the meeting shall append their signature in the minutes register only. 4. A copy of the minutes will be submitted to TaSSKS at D.T.T.E.(HQ) 5. The Principal will also furnish an Action Taken Report on each point/decision taken by the Samiti in the previous meeting and record it in the minutes of the meeting. 6. The Chairperson shall preside over the meetings. In his absence Vice Chairperson and in the absence of both members present shall elect a Chairperson from among them to preside over the said meetings. 7. The decision to undertake minor works/repairs would be taken by the Samiti. A decision on financial matters shall be taken in a meeting by 2/3 rd of the members present . A decision on non-financial matters will be taken by a consensus. 8. In the meeting, the planning/action to be taken in future will be discussed and finalized by majority of the members present in the meeting. 9. In every meeting the report of action taken in the light of decisions taken in the previous meetings) would be submitted by the Convenor /Principal to the Samiti members. 10. Report/Minutes of each meeting of TaSSKS must be sent immediately to TaSSKS Cell, DTTE. In the beginning of TaSSKS meetings, first of all, earlier sanctioned and completed works will be reviewed by the Samiti and the certificate about work satisfaction will be included in the minutes of TaSSKS meeting. The Samiti must satisfy itself that the work has been carried out as per need/ work order and that the quantity and quality are as per the work order. The Samiti would certify the same in writing and this certificate would form part of the records of TaSSKS and would be open to inspection to the inspecting officers. 7.2 REGARDING ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS 1. No member, including the chairperson, will use the name of TaSSKS on their visiting Cards/letter pads. 2. Minor and other repair work as listed in Chapter IV, para 4.1.a, 4.2.b, 4.3.c shall be got done out of TaSSKS funds. 3. All TaSSKS convenors shall submit the TaSSKS meeting’s minutes and Funds Utilization Report every quarter to TaSSKS cell at HQ. 4. Separate records in respect of TaSSKS funds will be maintained like voucher file, bills file, cashbook, quotation files, stock register etc. and will be made available to inspecting officers at the time of their visit of the Institute. 5. Proper follow up action at HQ Level for streamlining the functioning of TaSSKS in institutes, maintenance of records, proper supervision of work done through TaSSKS and utilization of funds should be reflected in inspection reports of TaSSKS Cell, DTTE. 6. Once in a quarter the TaSSKS Cell at DTTE will meet TaSSKS Chairpersons and listen to their problems and try to sort them out at HQ. level and should be directed for required follow up action at higher level and for providing support to the convenor in dealing with concerned outside agencies like Police, PWD,MCD Horticulture, DISCOM, DJB etc. Minutes of meetings should be circulated to all concerned of the meeting. CONSTITUTION OF TASSKS IN RESPECT OF GOVT. POLYTECHNICS/BTC/ITIS/ CSI 1 S.N o Name of ITI’s/ Polytechnic’s Composition of TaSSKS 2 ARYABHATT POLYTECHNIC G.T.K. Road, Delhi10033 Sh. C.M. Aggarwal, President, Patparganj Industrial Association, A16, Jhilmil Industrial Area, G.T.Road, Shahdara, Delhi – 110 095. Ph.:31030737 Sh. A.K. Kaul, CEO, Horizon Ind. Product Pvt. Ltd, Daryaganj Sh. D.P. Goyal, CMD, M/s Goyal Engg., 34, Transport Centre, Punjabi Bagh. Ph.:28314780 1 CHAIRMAN 2 VICECHAIRMAN 3 RWA MEMBER Sh. Kanchi Lal, President Preet Vihar RWA, G-226, Preet Vihar, Delhi – 110 092 Ph.:22420021 4 GOVERNMENT NOMINEE PROMINENT SENIOR CITIZEN NGO Dr. Anil Kumar, Dy. Secy.(Home) Sh. Shankar Chaturvedi H42 Vijay Chowk, Laxmi Nagar, Delhi Smt. Motia Garg, President, Women Welfare Self Employment Society 7. RETIRED FACULTY MEMBER Sh. R.M. Garg, H.No. 2/41, Roop Nagar, Delhi 8 FACULTY MEMBER/INSTR UCTIONAL STAFF NON INSTRUCTIONA L STAFF STUDENT REPRESENTATI VE EX.STUDENT REPRESENTATI VE Smt. Neeru Mehta, Lecturer (Electronics & Instrumentation) CONVENER/ MEMBER SECRETARY 5 6 9 10 11 12 3 AMBEDKAR POLYTECHNIC Patpar Ganj Road (Opp. Madhuban), Shakarpur, Delhi-92 Sh. Ashok Gupta, President, Dal & Besin Miller Association, C-42 A, Dr.Lohiya Industrial Area, Lawrence Road, Delhi – 110 035. Ph.:9810030614 Sh. Parmanand Sharma, President, Shakti Nagar Extn. RWA, C-53, Shakti Nagar Extn., Delhi – 110 052 Ph.: 27212937 Sh. Ajay Garg, Dy. Secy. (Finance) Sh. O.P. Soni, Convenor, Ashok Vihar Sr. Citizen Association Dr. Vinod Kathuria, Exe. Member, Navjyoti Educational Society, E2/480, Sultanpuri, Delhi41, Ph.31028263 Sh. Virender Kumar Sharma, 109, Sharda Apartments, West Enclave, Pitampura, Delhi-34 Sh. K.K. Chaudhary, Training & Placement Officer COMMERCIAL & SECRETARIAL INSTITUTE G.B. Pant Polytechnic Campus Hostel Building, Okhla, PhIII, New Delhi-20 Sg. Rajan Sharma, Gen. Secy. Okhla Industrial Estate Association, E34, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi-15. Ph.:9810068739 Sh. Kamal Chibba, Joint Secy., Okhla Industrial Estate Association, B-136, Mount Kailash Opp. DPS School, New Delhi Sh.Arun Sinha, Gen.Secy, RPS Colony, M.B.Road, New Delhi – 62. Ph.: 9810363440 Sh. Rajesh Chopra, Dy. Secy. (Vigilance) Sh. Rajesh Danwar, D1, Shyam Nagar, Okhla, New Delhi Sh. Rajesh Sharma, Ex. Member, SARJANA Sh. S.R. Vats, Retd. F.I. From ITI Jahangirpuri Sh. Arun Kumar Chaudhary, Lecturer Sh. Hemant Kishore, Junior Accounts Officer Sh. Ashok Kumar, PTI Sh. R.K. Thukral, Head Clerk Sh. Puneet Gupta, Student of Instrumentation & Control Deptt. Sh. Ritesh Mumgai, A-56, lane No.8, East Vinod Nagar, Delhi-91 Sh. Naveen Singh Bisht, Trainee of Mech. Engg. Dr. (Mrs.) Principal Sh. Vimal Principal Sh. Tarun Kumar Sharma, F/T B.O.A. Student Sh. Anand Krishnan, 285, Tilak Khand, Giri Nagar, Kalkaji, New Delhi Sh. Vimal Dimri, Principal Amita Dev, Sh. Deepak Kumar Jha, C-23, Nanhe Park, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-44 Dimri, 4 S.N o Name of ITI’s/ Polytechnic’s Composition of TaSSKS G.B. PANT POLYTECHNIC Okhla Industrial Estate, PhaseIII, New Delhi-110020 GURU NANAK DEV CO-ED POLYTECHNIC Rohini, Sector-15, Delhi85 Sh. Ish Mehra, President, Udyog Nagar Factory Owners Association, F-2, Udyog Nagar Indl.Complex, Rohtak Road, Delhi41.mPH.:25472448 / 25471581 Sh. Kamal Kiran Seth General Secretary, Udyog Nagar, Factory Owners Association, F-2, Udyog Nagar Indl.Complex, Rohtak Road, Delhi-41, PH.:9818908400 / 25473608 Sh. A.S. Chandhok, Gen. Secy. RWA BQ Block, Shalimar Bagh, BQ/160, 2nd floor, Shalimar bagh, Delhi- PH.;9811278705 / 27474120 Sh. Sanjiv Mittal, ADM (West) Sh. R.P. Beri, Secretary, Sr. Citizen Welfare Forum, Pitampura 1 CHAIRMAN Sh.D.K. Jain, President, Okhla Industrial Estate Association, Exhibition Block, Okhla Indl.Estate Ph-III, Okhla, N.Delhi- 20 PH.:26847457 / 26847602 2 VICECHAIRMAN Sh. M.S. Thakar Partner, Manufacturers Commercial Food Service Equipment, 158, Golf Links, N.DelhiPH.:9810078028 3 RWA MEMBER 4 5 GOVERNMENT NOMINEE PROMINENT SENIOR CITIZEN 6 NGO Sh. D.S. Chaudhary, President Kalkaji Bhagidari Coordination Committee, 9/7, Nehru Enclave, East Kalkaji Extn., N.Delhi-19 PH.9313704030 Sh. Sandip Kumar Mishra PS to CM Sh. Jalaluddin, Retd. Principal, 335/A, Batla House, P.O. Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-25 Sh. Rajender Dangwal, Secy. Navjyoti Development Society, 101B, 15816, Vishwakarma Colony, ND-44 7. RETIRED FACULTY MEMBER 8 FACULTY MEMBER/INSTR UCTIONAL STAFF NON INSTRUCTIONA L STAFF STUDENT REPRESENTATI VE EX.STUDENT REPRESENTATI VE CONVENER/ MEMBER SECRETARY 9 10 11 12 5 Sh. P.K. Sapra, Retd. Lecturer Mech. Engg., S-85, Ist Floor, G.K. Part-II, New Delhi Sh. Rajat Pardal, Lecturer (Mechanical Engg.) Sh. J. Dass Gupta, President, Baba Saheb Ambedkar Education Society, Bodhra, Plot No.13, Vikas Puri, New Delhi Sh. S.C. Sabharwal, C5/32, Saraswati Vihar, Delhi 6 KASTURBA POLYTECHNIC FOR WOMEN Prem Bari Pul, (Near T.V. Tower), Pitam Pura, Delhi-88 Sh. Sita Ram Bansal President of Wazirpur Small Industries Area, Pitam Pura, 24 block, FD, Pitampura, Delhi – 88 Ph.:9311160882 Sh. Naresh Bansal Joint Secretary of Small Industries Area, Preashant Vihar D-215, Prashant Vihar, Delhi85 Ph.9810112914 Dr. Anuradha Anand Jt. Secy. ND-Block Pitampura RWA, ND60, Visakha Enclave, Delhi-88 PH.:9810169233 Dr. Ajay Kumar Singla, DC (VAT) Sh. G.L. Marwah, DGM (Retd.) 166, Kapil Vihar, Pitampura, Delhi Smt. Abha Malhotra, President Quality Edu. & Trg. Society, 371 Neelkanth Aptt., Sec13, Rohini, Delhi Prof. N.L. Sachdeva, BW-52D, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi Dr. M.D. Joshi, Lecturer, GND Polytechnic Dr. (Mrs.) Sangita Passy, HOD, Kasturba Polytechnic Sh. Raj Pal Singh, Junior Accounts Officer Sh. Dhanesh Kumar, PTI, GND Polytechnic Sh. C.P. Tripathi, TPO, Kasturba Polytechnic Mr. Gaurav Chopra, Student Sh. Karan Dayal, Student, GND Polytechnic Mr. M.M. Sharma, A-738, Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi23 Mr. I.J. Garg, Principal Sh. Pradeep Kumar Yadav , RZ-43,Raghu Nagar, Post Office, Delhi Sh. L.S. Negi, Principal, GND Polytechnic Ms. Monika Singh, 2nd Year, Fashion Designing Ms. Bharti Gaur, Qu371, Vishakha Enclave, Pitampura, Delhi Smt. Aarti Kapoor, Principal, Kasturba Polytechnic 7 S.N o Name of ITI’s/ Polytechnic’s Composition of TaSSKS 8 9 MEERA BAI POLYTECHNIC Maharani Bagh, New Delhi PUSA POLYTECHNIC, Pusa New Delhi-110012 ITI ARAB KI SARAI, Arab Ki Sarai, Nizamuddin, New Delhi-110013 Sh. Jitender Verma, President, Flatted Factory Enter. Association, E-Block, Flatted factory complex, Okhla ,N.Delhi-20 Ph.:9810014434. Sh. Sunil Srivastava, GM(HR) with M/s Ansur Multitech India Ltd., B-123 Okhla Ph-I, N.Delhi-20 Ph.:9810896699 1 CHAIRMAN Sh. Mohan Gupta, MD, Precision Stampings, Member of PHD Chamber of Commerce, Friends Colony, 60A/3, Friends colony east, N.Delhi-65 Ph.: 41628713 2 VICE-CHAIRMAN Sh. Harish Arora, General Secretary, Okhla Industries Association PhI&II D-6/7, Lajpat Nagar, N.Delhi-24 Ph.:26822484 3 RWA MEMBER Sh. Surinder Kumar Bansal, Hony. Secy. RWA Maharani Bagh, D-7, Maharani Bagh, Ndelh-65 Ph.:26315803 /26315813 Sh. S.K. Narula, President, Naraina Industrial Association Ph.-I &II, C/o.Narula Udyog India Pvt. Ltd., A75, Naraina Indl.Area PhI, N.Delhi-28 Ph.: 25791561 Sh. V.K. Chawla, President, Naraina Small Industry Welfare Association, A/3, Plot.NO.15&16, Office cumshopping complex, Naraina Indl.Area Ph-I, N.Delhi-28 Ph.:9810160150 Sh. C.B. Budgujjar, Exe. Member, Federation of Naraina Vihar RWAs Ph.:25770311 / 9811933341 4 GOVERNMENT NOMINEE Sh. Kulanand Joshi, Dy. Secy. (Bhagidari) Sh. R.N. Sharma, Director (Finance) 5 PROMINENT SENIOR CITIZEN Smt.Geeta Bhargav, Hony.Secretary, Defence colony RWA PH.:9810442251 Sh. O.P. Gulati, Gen. Secy. West Patel Nagar Sr. Citizen Council 6 NGO Sh. U.N.V. Rai, President, Urvi Vikram Charitable Trust, Ramesh Nagar, ND-15 7. RETIRED FACULTY MEMBER FACULTY MEMBER/INSTRUC TIONAL STAFF NON INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Sh. B.C. Bhardwaj, Project Manager, Somdatt Foundation, BH-502, Abhimanyu Apptt., Vasundhara Enclave, DelhiMrs. R. Darbai, B-30, Pamposh Enclave, GK-I New Delhi Sh. Amrit Singh, Training & Placement Officer Sh. I.M. Kapoor, 7/1, South Patel Nagar, Ist Floor, New Delhi Sh. R.C. Bharani, ITLO Sh. R.I. Chhabra, Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi-24 Sh. K.K. Narwal, Group Instructor Sh. Praveen Kumar, UDC Ms. Lalita Singh, PTI Ms. Pallavi, Studying in ECE Deptt. Sh. Ajit Kumar, Student Electronic Comm. Sh. Sanjay Kumar Bhargava, Junior Accounts Officer Sh. Jugnu Panchal, Trainee of D/Man (Mech.) Sh. Onkar Nath, Gali No.1, H.No. 1, Molad Bunk Extn. Badarpur, New Delhi Sh. D.P.S. Verma, Principal 8 9 10 11 EX.STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Ms. Shilpi Vohra, P-15A, Sriniwaspuri, New Delhi Sh. Narender Kumar, 8/89, Ramesh Nagar, New Delhi 12 CONVENER/ MEMBER SECRETARY Mrs. N. Gupta, Principal Sh. R.L. Yadav, Principal Sh. Vidur Shroff, Exe. Mem. RWA Nizammuddin area, 20, Nizammuddin East, New Delhi Ph.:24359974 / 24355488 Ms. Sonika Singh, Dy. Director (Social Welfare) Mrs. Batra, Ex. Principal of Doon School and presently Social Worker, G-42, Nizammuddin West, New Delhi Mrs. Neelam, Working for little Children in Dewels, 86, Sarai Kale Khan, New Delhi 10 S.N o Name of ITI’s/ Polytechnic’s Composition of TaSSKS 11 12 VEER SAVARKAR BASIC TRAINING CENTRE, Pusa, New Delhi-110012 ITI MORI GATE (W) Gokhle Road, Delhi110006 ITI JAFFARPUR Ch. Brahm Parkash I.T.I., Jaffarpur, New Delhi73 Sh. R.N. Gupta, President, Federation of Delhi Small Industries Association, A-72, Naraina Industrial Area, Delhi Ph.:25795256 1 CHAIRMAN Sh. B.K. Jain, Chariman, Naraina Small Industry Welfare Association, Naraina, Delhi C-117, Naraina Indl.Area Ph-I, N.Delhi-28 PH.:25799610 2 VICECHAIRMAN 3 RWA MEMBER 4 GOVERNMENT NOMINEE PROMINENT SENIOR CITIZEN NGO Sh. Umesh Arora, Gen. Secy., Naraina Small Indsutries Welfare Association, Naraina, B-243, Naraina Industrial Area, Delhi – 28 Ph.:9810177220 Wg Cdr. S. Prakash, President, Federation of Naraina Vihar, RWAs, B162, Naraina Vihar, N.Delhi-28 Ph.:9899655382 Sh. Vinay Kumar, ADM (HQ) Sh. K.L. Sharma, STA (Retd.), 37/5, 3rd Floor, West Patel Nagar, ND-08 Sh. R.B. Prashant, President, Kalyanam, 41/1407, DDA Flats, Madangir, ND-44 Sh. R. Grover, President, Jhandewalan Flatted Factory Association, New Delhi , F&G Block, Flatted factory complex, Jhandewalan, N.Delhi – 55 Ph.:23524569 / 23542756 Sh. N.K. Nagpal, DGM (Marketing), Jullundar Motor Agency, Jhandewalan, New Delhi, 2E/5, Jhandewalan Extn., N.Delhi-55 PH.:23532985 Sh. Moti Lal Gupta, President, Tractor and Agri. Parts Merchants Association, Mori Gate, Delhi Ph.: 23929207 / 9810729207 Sh. Ajay Kumar Bisht, D.C. (VAT) Sh. Raj Narain, 3756/2, Kucha Mohatter Khan, Mori Gate, Delhi-6 Sh. Diganta Kumar, President, Rain Foundation Kush, 101, 66, I.P. Estn. Delhi-92 5 6 7. RETIRED FACULTY MEMBER Sh. N.K. Dhanwantri, B12/168, Dev Nagar, New Delhi Sh. S.R. Bansal, Retd. Supervisor from ITI Jahangirpuri 8 FACULTY MEMBER/INSTR UCTIONAL STAFF NON INSTRUCTIONA L STAFF STUDENT REPRESENTATI VE EX.STUDENT REPRESENTATI VE CONVENER/ MEMBER SECRETARY Sh. Anil Gupta, Craft Instructor,, 523, Pkt-I, Paschim Puri, New Delhi-63 Ms. Kanwaljeet Kaur, C.I. Steno Sh. A.K. Bhargava, Junior Accounts Officer Sh. Ashok Uppal, AAO Sh. Kuljeet Singh, Bonafide Trainee Ms. Indu, Trainee Electronics Sr. Sh. Raman Bakshi, 28/5, West Patel Nagar, New Delhi Sh. Ajay Vashisht, Principal Ms. Raj Bala, 3723 Kuncha Mohattter Khan, Mori Gate, Delhi-6 Ms. Kalpna Goyal, Principal 9 10 11 12 Sh. Hardeep Singh, President, Nangli Sukrawati Small Scale Industries Association, Plot No.46, Najafgarh, New Delhi Ph.:98120174740 Sh. Ved Prakash, Vice President, Adarsh Gramin Samaj, 70, Quazipur, New Delhi Ph.:9818091098 Sh. A.K. Kaushal, ADM (New Delhi) Sh. Harswaroop Sharma Sh. Christopher Bhatty, Christopher Career Institute, 14, Surya Kunj, Part-I, Kali Piao, Najafgarh, New Delhi43 Sh. Delel Singh, Vill & P.O. Goela Tajpur, Najafgarh, New Delhi73 Sh. Suresh Yadav, Group Instructor Sh. Mahesh Dhankhad, Junior Accounts Officer of Sh. Raj Kishore, Trainee of Plumber Trade Smt. Abhilasha, 763, G-III, Janta Flat, Hastsal, New Delhi Sh. Rajiva Malik, Principal 13 S.N o Name of ITI’s/ Polytechnic’s Composition of TaSSKS 14 ITI JAIL ROAD Jail Road, Hari Nagar, Delhi-110064 ITI JAHANGIRPURI Industrial Training Institute, ‘K’ Block, Jahangir Puri, Delhi-33 ITI KHICHRIPUR Khichri Pur, Mayur Vihar, Ph-I, Delhi110091 Sh. Roshan Lal Garg, President, DSIDC SFS Entrepreneurs Association, B-4, DSIDC, Engineer Complex, Mangol Puri Ph-I, Delhi Ph.:9810647695 Sh. Prabhat Jodhani, Secretary, SMA Mfrg. Welfare Asso., 118, SMA Co-op Indl. Estate, GT Karnal Road, Delhi Ph.:9811061565 Sh. Sushil Aggarwal, President Small Wire Drawers Association, Plot No.12, Gali No.4, Friends Colony, Shahdara, Delhi PH.:22283199 Sh. S.N. Mittal, VicePresident, Patparganj F.I.E. Enter. Association, 80, Functional Ind. Estate, Patparganj, Delhi-92 Ph.:22283199 Sh. H.D. Joshi, President, Pocket-IV Phase-I RWA, 149-D, Pocket-4, Mayur ViharI, Delhi Ph.:22718177 / 9350683670 1 CHAIRMAN Sh. O.P. Kapoor, President, Maya Puri Indsutrial Welfare Association, B-7, Mayapuri Ph-I,, N-Delhi64, Ph.:25141438 / 25192344 2 VICECHAIRMAN Sh. H.K. Chaudhary, Gen. Secy., Mayapuri Small Scale Ind. Welfare Association, B-21, Mayapuri Indl.Area Ph-II, N.Delhi-64 Ph.:28113205 3 RWA MEMBER Lt. Col. Mrs K. Bajaj Gen. Secy., WZ-276, G-Block, Hari Nagar, New Delhi PH.:9871051447 4 5 GOVERNMENT NOMINEE PROMINENT SENIOR CITIZEN Sh. Deepak Virmani, Dy. Secy. (IT) Sh. Shyam Lal Sharma, BE116, Gali No.2, Hari Nagar, New Delhi 6 NGO Mrs. Reeva Sood, Ex. Director, M/s Ind. Care Sh. Balbir Singh, President, Dr. Ambedkar Mission, Women & Child Programme, B-649, Jahangirpuri, Delhi 7. RETIRED FACULTY MEMBER FACULTY MEMBER/INSTR UCTIONAL STAFF NON INSTRUCTIONA L STAFF STUDENT REPRESENTATI VE EX.STUDENT REPRESENTATI VE CONVENER/ MEMBER SECRETARY Sh. S.N. Juneja, Principal (Retd.), D-36, Janakpuri, New Delhi Sh. Vijay Chaudhary, Foreman Instructor Sh. Piare Lal, H. No. 6, Block A1/3, Sector-5, Rohini, Delhi-110085 Sh. Jagdish Kumar, S.I. Sh. Babu Lal, Office Supdt. Smt. Vinod Officer Supdt. Sh. Trilok Chand, Trainee of D/Man (Civil) Sh. Sanjeev Sharma, Trainee of D/Man (Mech.) Sh. Inder Pal Singh, S1/102, Old Mahabir Nagar, New Delhi-18 Sh. Anil Kumar, Principal 8 9 10 11 12 15 Sh. Rajan Makol, JM-5, Beriwala Bagh, Suchash Nagar, New Delhi Sh. S.K. Vermani, Principal Sh. Kapil Kumar Aggarwal ,President Mangolpuri, Development Welfare Society, G-332, Mangolpuri, Delhi Ph.:9818127336 / 69522961 Sh. Vishwendra, SDM (Vasant Vihar) Sh. Jai Prakash, Exforeman (DJB), F-1/160161, Rohini, Delhi-85 Dhingra, Sh. G.L. Meena, Joint Commissioner (VAT) Sh. Vikram Singh Gautam, Social Worker, 9/141, Khichripur, Delhi-91 Sh. Beer Singh, President, Bhimrao Ambedkar & Siksha Samiti, B-153, Gali No.1, Rajvir Colony, Gharoli Sh. Ratan Singh, Village Khichripur, Delhi-91 Sh. Satveer Singh, Craft Instructor Electrician Sh. Pawan Office Supdt. Kumar, Sh. Amit Student Kumar, Sh. Viveknand, 84C, DII, Kondli Gharoli DDA Flat, M.V. Ph-III, Delhi Sh. J.K. Singh, Principal 16 S.N o Name of ITI’s/ Polytechnic’s Composition of TaSSKS 17 ITI MALVIYA NAGAR Malyviya Nagar, New Delhi-110017 ITI NAND NAGARI Industrial Training Institute, Nand Nagri, Delhi-110093 Sh. K.K. Chaku, President, Friends Colony Industrial Association, 26, Lane No.3, Friends Colony Indl.Area. G.Troad, Shahdara, Delhi – 95 Ph.: 22593287 / 9810126605 Sh. V.N. Sharma, Director, N.C. Components Pvt. Ltd. 481, Patparganj Industrial Area Ph.:32934456 1 CHAIRMAN Sh. A.K. Sood, President, Okhla Industrial Area (Phase-I-II) Asso., D-79, Okhla Industrial Area. Ph.:26812408 /9810022633 2 VICECHAIRMAN Sh. Tilak Raj, Vice President, Okhla Industrial Area (Phase-I-II) Asso., D79, Okhla Industrial Area. Ph.:26389212 3 RWA MEMBER Sh. R.K. Dhir, President, Sahyog, The Confederation of RWAs, H-5/10, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi Sh. Jagdish Prasad, General Secretary, Picket ‘A’ MIG Flats RWA, 56A, GTB Enclave, Nand Nagari, Delhi-93 Ph.:55286978 4 5 GOVERNMENT NOMINEE PROMINENT SENIOR CITIZEN Sh. Sanjeev Ahuja, D.C. (Excise) Sh. G.S. Baijal, C-27, Geeranjali Enclave, New Delhi-17 6 NGO 7. RETIRED FACULTY MEMBER Sh. Prashant Sharma, Exstudent of ITI Malviya Nagar, President of RKS Educational Society an active NGO Sh. Shubh Ram Bharti, M-2, Village Lado Sarai, P.O. Mehrauli, New Delhi 8 FACULTY MEMBER/INSTR UCTIONAL STAFF NON INSTRUCTIONA L STAFF STUDENT REPRESENTATI VE EX.STUDENT REPRESENTATI VE Sh. Anil Banka, Dy. Secy. (PWD) Sh. Prakash Chand, ABlock, H.No. 6/517, East of Loni Road, Shahdara, Delhi Sh. B.S. Gautam, Chairman, Omkari Siksha Samiti, 1449/1, Shiva Marg, Durga Puri, Shahdara, Delhi Sh. Radhey Shayam Sharma, 1/4521, Mondoli Marg Ram Kumar, Shahdara, Delhi-32 Sh. N.K. Bedi, Craft Instructor 9 10 11 12 CONVENER/ MEMBER SECRETARY Sh. Bhupinder Khatri, Craft Instructor 18 LALA HANS RAJGUPTA INDUSTRIAL TRAINING INSTITUTE DSIDC Complex, Narela, Delhi-110040 Sh. Basant Somani, President, Narela Industrial Comp. Welfare Asso., D-1638, DSIDC Indl. Area Narela, Delhi Ph.:27782608 / 9810126501 Sh. Naresh Kumar Mehra, Member FICCI, Exe. Member of SPM Indl. Park Welfare Asso., Sec-5, Bawana Indl. Area, Delhi Ph.:9312215310 Sh. K.D. Garg, President, Nai Basti Narela RWA 2100, Nai Basti, Narela Mandi, Delhi-40 Ph.: 27282856 / 20512625 / 9811167130 Sh. V.K. Harit, Secy. State Elect. Comm. Sh. Raghuni Mehto, 22A, Kureni Narela, Delhi-40 Sh. Jai Bhagwan G.S. Rural Dev. Org., J1225, Jahangirpuri, Delhi-33 Sh. H.P. Goel, Old Mandi Narela, Delhi Sh. Mahavir Singh, C.I. Electronics Sh. R. S. Bisht, Junior Accounts Officer Sh. R.K. Gaur, UDC Sh. Sanjay UDC Sharma, Sh. Ashok Kumar, Student of COPA Trade Sh. Tek Chand, Student of Inst. Mech. Trade Mr. Tonny, Junior Turner Sh. Devender, H.No. 1565/30, Vijay Nagar, Kakrol Road, Sonepat, Haryana-131001 Sh. B. S. Negi, Principal Sh. Santhosh Kumar Shukla, C-8/27, Dahal Pur Extn. Near Pusta Road, Delhi-94 Sh. Jewel Kujur, Principal Sh. Yogesh Kumar, Sec-15, Rohini, Delhi85 Sh. B. Mohd. Hussain,, Principal 20 S.N o Name of ITI’s/ Polytechnic’s Composition of TaSSKS 21 ITI PUSA Pusa Compus,New Delhi110002 ITI SHAHDARA Shahdara, Vivek Vihar, Delhi-110095 ITI SIRI FORT (W) Siri Fort, New Delhi110012 Sh. Kapil Chopra, President, Delhi Chamber of Commerce, MD, Bentax Poly, A/8, Naraina Indl. Area PH-II, N.Delhi-28 Ph.:9811792342 Sh. Y.N. Bhargava, President, Mohan Cooperative Industrial Estate Ltd., Sardar Mohan Singh Building, Connaught Lane, New Delhi Ph.:23412418 Sh. Mohd. Basir, President, Central Govt. Employees Welfare Association, 59/3, Havlook Square (Block-58 to 79), Kali Bari Marg, New Delhi Ph.:23364046 Dr. Subhash Chandra, GM, SC/ST/FDC Ltd. Sh. Harbhajan Singh, President, Jhilmil Industrial Area, G.T. Road, Shahdara, Delhi110095 Ph.:22291516 / 22290203 Sh. N.C. Garg, Ex. Member, Patparganj Enterprises Welfare Association, A-4, Preet Vihar, Delhi Ph.:9811417978 Sh. K. S. Verma, President, RWA RBlock, Dilshad Garden , 16 A, Dilshad Garden, Delhi – 95 Ph.:22599775 / 9871836753 Sh. Sanjeev Pandey, Deputy Excise Officer (Excise Deptt.) Sh. Vinay Jain, President, PHD Chamber of Commerce, PHD House, Siri Fort House, New Delhi. Ph.:9868238038 Sh. Surinder S. Khera, Chairman, M/s Snow Whilte Apparels Ltd., 604, Chiranjiv Tower, 43, Nehru Place Ph.:26388936 / 37 / 41 Sh. Vishnu Sinha, President, Federation of Triveni-II RWA’s, New Delhi PH.:9810564563 Sh. Umesh Arora, Gen. Secy., Industries Welfare Association, A-3, Plot No.15-16, Naraina Indl. Area, New Delhi-28 Sh. Azad Singh. Exe. Member, Ujala Welfare Society, T-591, Baljeet Nagar, New Delhi-8 Sh. O.P. Sehgal, President, Federation of Mayur Vihar Ph-I RWAs 1 CHAIRMAN 2 VICECHAIRMAN 3 RWA MEMBER 4 GOVERNMENT NOMINEE 5 PROMINENT SENIOR CITIZEN 6 NGO 7. RETIRED FACULTY MEMBER Sh. Raghubir Singh, Patel Nagar, Delhi 8 FACULTY MEMBER/INSTR UCTIONAL STAFF NON INSTRUCTIONA L STAFF STUDENT REPRESENTATI VE EX.STUDENT REPRESENTATI VE CONVENER/ MEMBER SECRETARY Sh. V.B. Instructor 9 10 11 12 22 Sh. S.K. Jain, Sr. G.M. Delhi Consumer Cooperative Wholesale Store Sh. G.M. Chopra, Sr. Citizen Welfare Forum, G.K. Smt. Aasha Srivastava, President, Mahila Uthan Jan Kalian & Vikas Sewa Samiti, G-1/1154-A. Mansarover Park, Shahdara, Delhi Sh. Jagmohan Singh, Craft Instructor (Retd.) H.No. 213, Bholanath Nagar, Shahdara, Delhi Sh. Rajinder Singh, Group Instructor Mrs. Sapna, Secretary, Society for advancement of village economy (SAVE) 249 A, J&K Pkt, Dilshad Garden Sh. A.N. Gangula, J-89, 1st Floor, Dilshad Colony, Delhi-95 Sh. Vinod Bakshi, Officer Supdt. Sh. Prem Kumar, Vice Principal Mrs. Pushpa Bora, Assistant Store Keeper Sh. Rahul Sharma, Trainee of Instrument Mechanic Sh. Ravinder Kumar, Trainee of Tractor Mechanic Sh. Parmanand Sharma, 1/1154-A, MS Park, Shahdara, Smt. Shashi Vasudeva, Principal Miss Bharti, Trainee Gaur, Group Sh. Pratik Sharma, Student of ITI, Pusa Ex Sh. Vijay Kumar, Principal Miss. Archna Sharma, Craft Instructor Miss. Saraswati Bisht, Qtr. No.1, ITI, Sirifort Campus Smt. Ratna Dass, Principal S.N o Name of ITI’s/ Polytechnic’s Composition of TaSSKS 1 CHAIRMAN 2 VICECHAIRMAN 3 RWA MEMBER 4 GOVERNMENT NOMINEE PROMINENT SENIOR CITIZEN NGO 5 6 7. 8 9 10 11 12 RETIRED FACULTY MEMBER FACULTY MEMBER/INSTR UCTIONAL STAFF NON INSTRUCTIONA L STAFF STUDENT REPRESENTATI VE EX.STUDENT REPRESENTATI VE CONVENER/ MEMBER SECRETARY 22 ITI DHEERPUR Sir C.V. Raman Industrial Training Institute, Dheerpur, Delho-110009 23 ITI TILAK NAGAR (W) Tilak Nagar, New Delhi110018 Sh. Surjit Singh, President, Manufacturer’s Association DSIDC Inds. Compelx, SFS 2nd Category, Shed No. 9, Rohtak Road, New Delhi Ph.:25478327 Sh. Paras Ram Sharma, VicePresident, BPIT Sh. Bal Krishan President, Kirti Nagar DSIDC Complex Association, C-36, DSIDC Packaging Complex, Kirti Nagar, New Delhi-110015 Smt. Surekha Malik, President, Saibaba Technical Educational Society, RZE-II/24, New Roshanpura, Najafgarh, New Delhi PH.:25015911 / 9810516527 Sh. Anil Khanna, President, Tilak Nagar East RWA, 7/38, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi-18 Ph.:9810959461 Sh. Hari Kumar Gupta, President, Brother-hood Society (Model Town) RWA, C-3/2, Hari Bhawan, Model-III, Town, Delhi Ph.:27218207 / 27425253 Sh. Sarvan Bagaria, SDM (Darya Ganj) Sh. R.K. Gupta, Retd. Principal, 2/49, Nirankari Colony, State Bank Wali Gali, Delhi Dr. Rajendra Ravi, Director, The Institute for Democracy and Sustainability IDS I-A, Goela lane, Underhill Road, Civil Lines, New Delhi Sh. D.L. Sharma, Retd. F.I. from DTTE, RV-293, Pitampura, Delhi88 Ms. Kavita Yada, Language Instructor Sh. Krishan Kumar, ADM (NW) Sh. Fakir Chand Dhal, 24/35, 1st Floor, Tilak Nagar, New Delhi18 Sh. A.P. Singh, Exe. Member, Shri Sai Baba Technical Educational Society, RZE-II/24, New Roshanpura, Najafgarh, New Delhi-43 Sh. M.L. Chandana, Lecturer in Electronics (Retd.) Smt. Gian Kaur, Craft Instructor (Cutting & Sewing) Sh. Arun Kumar, Store Keeper Sh. Wazir Chand, Working as Workshop Assistant Sh. Ravi Shankar Sharma, Student Trade Welder Miss Manpreet Kaur, Trainee of Dress Designing Trade Sh. Manjeet Singh, 2086/162, Ganesh Pura, Tri Nagar, Delhi Miss Babita, W-2, Village Keshopur, Near Vikaspuri, P.O. Tilak Nagar, N.D. Smt. Anita Christnina, D, Principal Sh. Lok Pal, Principal