General Meeting Minutes Friday, 12th October 2012 Minutes of the Apprenticeship & Traineeship TAFE Network (ATTN) meeting held at the Victorian TAFE Association, Level 3, 478 Albert St, East Melbourne. 1. WELCOME The Chair, Diana McGowan welcomed those present and opened the meeting at 10.00 am. 2. APOLOGIES Attendance Linda Mason Jim Box Kym Anderson Greg Pringle Anita Voutier Helen Poulos Megan Flahavin Trevor Munro Carol Curnow Geeta Jaswaal Laura Byers Jill Favero Stuart Hall Helen Byrne Diana McGowan Robert Wain Patricia Thompson Sarah McCormick Jayne Stapleton Carole MacPherson Allyson Dovaston John McLeod Mark Arden Liz Crawford Pat Jackaman Melanie McGrath Apologies Bendigo Regional Bendigo Regional Box Hill Institute Box Hill Institute Chisholm Institute DIISRTE GippsTAFE Gordon TAFE GO TAFE GO TAFE* GO TAFE* HESG HESG Holmesglen Kangan Institute NMIT RMIT RMIT SW TAFE SW TAFE Uni Ballarat* Victoria Univ Wodonga* Wodonga* Wodonga* DEECD Guusta Westra Clare Caldwell Lesley Lee Mike Callaghan Malcolm Macpherson Rowena Hamlett Bill Mollison Brain Goonan Chris Arnold Kevin Broomhall Jeanette Roxburgh Elise Toomey-Brown Giorgina Gallagher Trudy Cunningham Laurel Petch Nita Schultz Chris Logue Advance TAFE Box Hill Institute Chisholm Institute Chisholm Institute Chisholm Chisholm Institute DIISRTE Gordon TAFE Kangan Institute RMIT RMIT RMIT Swinburne Uni Ballarat Uni Ballarat VTA Wodonga * denotes attendance by teleconference facility 1 3. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: That the minutes from the meeting held on the 10th August 2012 which were distributed to all members in their papers prior to the meeting be approved. Moved: Carolyn Curnow Seconded: Carole Macpherson 4. BUSINESS ARISING a) Energy Safe Victoria discussed at April Meeting. HESG has been holding discussions with ESV regarding completion process. It was the recommendation of the ATTN members that it would be good practice to have a standard letter to sign off which covers all components of training completion. It was noted by HESG that for all Electrical apprentices, the completion process is as per the service agreement and that once completed Higher Education and Skills would forward a completion letter as per the normal apprenticeship process. b) DIISRTE Update – Clarification around the use of Training Program in documentation. This was tabled as part of DIISTRE update at October meeting. Action HESG to conduct further discussions with ESV. 5. CORRESPONDENCE The Secretary had received a memo from Service Skills Victoria discussing the future of this organisation in light of the funding changes to Victorian ITABs. This document was distributed to all members in attendance and a copy will be forwarded with minutes. 6. TREASURER’S REPORT Currently the Network has a Balance of $9900.11. These funds will be utilised to pay for the Christmas Lunch on the 7th December; Contribute to the 2013 ATTN Conference; ATTN Teleconference Costs up to meeting of 12th October; If members have any other suggestions for funds please advise the Treasurer. The Treasurer now has developed an Invoice to assist with membership payments so this will take effect for the 2013 membership renewals. 7. REVIEW OF CONTACT LIST All lists circulated and updated by members ATTN October ATTN AAC Contact ATTN DELTA Listing ATTN SBAT Contact Attendance List.pdf Listing October Meeting.pdf October Meeting.pdf List October Meeting.pdf 8. DIISRTE UPDATE – Helen Poulos, Contract Manager The transfer of learner files from AACs not proceeding from July is now complete, over 20,000 files across Victoria; There are still some enquiries relating to final payment claims, if a TAFE has an issue you can continue to contact Helen and she will provide the new AAC details who will be managing the contract; 2 1st July new incentives guidelines came into effect (see link below) Apprenticeship Incentives July 2012pdf.pdf In relation to the question raised at the August Meeting regarding the use of Training Program or Training Plan depending on the document, both wording variations are correct and interchangeable, you may utilise either Training Program or Training Plan. Q. In regards to expired AAC ‘G Force’ it appears that some active files have not been transferred. A. Please contact Helen and she will advise of the new managing AAC. 9. HIGHER EDUCATION & SKILLS GROUP / AAB UPDATE Jill Favero wished to introduce Melanie McGrath who was a member of the Apprentice & Trainee team at HESG. The Skills Victoria (now HESG) website will be merged into DEECD’s and the current Approved Training Schemes will be uploaded once complete. New website address: Jill provided some DEECD handouts relating to the Refocusing Vocational Training and these will be forwarded to members with minutes and placed on website under Resources. Question raised from HESG regarding notification by TAFEs when qualifications are ceasing to be offered. The TAFEs update SVTS as directed under the Service Agreement. Jill announced to the members that she will be leaving her role at HESG as of the 30th November. It was noted that the ATTN will miss Jill as she has been a member since the very early days of the network and has always provided advice to members. The ATTN wishes Jill all the best with her future endeavours and wish to extend an invitation to her to join us at the Christmas lunch. Commencements are well below 2009 levels with no sign of immediate recovery; Traineeship numbers have also largely decreased recently; (not sure if it directly correlates to the funding changes) On 1 October 2012 the VRQA assumed the regulatory functions for apprenticeships and traineeships in Victoria. The Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s (DEECD) Higher Education and Skills Group (HESG) will manage the day to day regulation until 31 December 2012. Further discussions to be held with HESG and VRQA regarding regulations and documentation. A note for all administration teams to watch the commencement dates on records being reported for Competency Based Completions. Victorian Skills Commission has ceased so please remove any reference to this in TAFE documentation. Questions from Members Handouts to be forwarded to members & website HESG & DIISRTE to look at national trends & provide next mtg. 3 Q Once DELTA has been completed how long until Employer & Apprentice receive notification? A HESG run a report twice a week and send correspondence accordingly. 10. Shakealeg – Apprentice Indigenous program Annette Gaulton Program Mgr The Shakealeg Indigenous Employment Program is a not for profit innovative Indigenous apprentice and trainee program; It commenced in the greater western suburbs and is now under the umbrella of the WPC (Work Place Connect) Group a not-for-profit Group Training Organisation; It exists to assist indigenous people to achieve their goals and dreams; The program offers a pre-employment program which aims at getting the individual comfortable in the work environment; Annette as the program mentor keeps in constant contact with the individuals to build trust over the initial period of 3-6 months; It is very important for the indigenous to maintain their Koori connections but leaving their community behind can bring its own set of issues; The Shakealeg program focuses on five main areas being: Construction, Hospitality, Administration, Horticulture and Automotive. For any member who would like to get in touch with Annette her details are: Annette Gaulton Program Manager or visit the website at 11. EE-Oz Managing Apprentice Progression Project Maurice Graham $20m contract granted to EE-Oz mid June from the Gillard Government; Funding provided to introduce vital reforms to electrical apprenticeships and improve retention of electrical apprentices; EE-Oz will develop 1st year resources by end of 2012 for this specific purpose and VETASSESS will develop a question bank for specific project and overview the exam process; E-profiling will continue to be linked to the competency progression. A pilot program (1000 apprentices) will take place from Jan 2013 and in Victoria eight RTOs being University of Ballarat, Bendigo, Box Hill, RMIT, Swinburne, Gordon, Kangan and NMIT are involved; MOUs are about to be sent to all RTOs involved. The Electrical regulators have been involved in process; In 2014 the 2nd intake for project will be 1500 apprentices; The project includes a ‘readiness assessment’ which is completed via a Moodle platform and covers numeracy & literacy via a one hour assessment; Once the learner has successfully completed this assessment they then proceed to registering their details and information on the Register which matches the apprentice with an employer and the sign up is completed as normal via the AAC; The projects works on the concept of 20 industry mentors (from QLD) with supervisors who will conduct 11 visits per year, per apprentice this will increase to 30 mentors in 2nd year; 4 Mentors are involved in the training and assessing of the program and there are established benchmarks for each phase of the learning; KPMG will audit the level and compliance within the project contract on behalf of the government; Discussion will be held on a monthly basis with Senior Federal Ministers to track and monitor progression of project; Confirmation of competency will be by mentor not the RTO but further discussions are to be held with HESG; employers would be asked to sign of units so an induction will need to be provided to employers outlining responsibilities; RPL is still being worked through; A National Training Plan is currently being developed with the intention to be able to go across all sectors and industries not just this project. For further information on this project please visit or email: An information pamphlet will be sent out with minutes. Send out pamphlet to members 12. Other Business There were a couple of questions regarding variation from RTO to RTO in a superseded qualification and dealing with new enrolments and ASQA regulations; and Part time traineeships and teaching out superseded courses (Is the trainee being disadvantaged?) The members felt that part time students seem to finish same time as full time students and they are normally set up as though they are full time. In most cases they are managed and dealt with as though full time. Australian Apprenticeships & Traineeships Information Service / Preapprenticeship Course Finder The ATTN Secretary and a couple of other members had attended a recent information session on the updates made to this website. It was felt that it may be beneficial to ask Ian Marrett to attend the December meeting to provide an overview of this site. Teleconference Costing – over the past three meetings, more than one institute has chosen to utilise the teleconference facility and in doing so the ATTN incurs a cost. A discussion was held around this issue and it was decided that from the October meeting moving forward the facility would be provided under a User Pay process. Therefore for institutes utilising the facility the Treasurer will forward an invoice to cover expense. Christmas Lunch – it was agreed that the lunch after the December meeting would be held at Zio’s Restaurant the 2011 venue. Cost to be incurred by the ATTN. Conference 2013 – a number of quotes had been collected for review by ATTN Committee members and a discussion to be held by committee to select final date Ian to be invited to Dec mtg. Secretary to email all members for final numbers. Committee to 5 and venue. Thank you to all members who had participated in the recent survey to acquire feedback on 2011 conference and to help with planning. meet and discuss options. 13. Meeting concluded at 12.30pm Next meeting is 7th December Proposed Meeting dates in 2013: Friday 8th February June TBC (Conference) Friday 11th October Friday 19th April (AGM) Friday 9th August Friday 6th December ` 6