the designation - Georgia Association of Business Brokers

The Georgia Association of Business Brokers shall award the professional designation BCB (Board Certified Broker)
to members who have successfully completed certain education, experience and other requirements to members
who hold a Broker or Associate Broker license from the Georgia Real Estate Commission.
The purpose and objective of the BCB designation is to demonstrate that the designee has achieved a superior
level of knowledge through the successful completion of prescribed courses; to ensure that throughout the
professional career of the designee that they maintain a level of competence by continued education; by
contributing to the body of knowledge of the business brokerage profession; and by following, promoting and
demonstrating the highest possible business ethics and moral character.
Applicant shall hold a current GA Real Estate Broker’s license.
Applicant shall be a member in good standing of GABB with no ethical complaints that resulted in GABB Board
action, be up-to-date on all GABB & BBMS dues, have no felony convictions, misdemeanor convictions for
business related matters or GREC reprimands, sanctions or license suspension or revocation.
The BCB applicant shall pledge to conduct business in accordance with the GABB Code of Ethics, to abide by GABB
By Laws and the BBMS Rules and Regulations.
Applicant will complete the application for the BCB designation along with a $ 100.00 application fee to the GABB
Applicant shall have a minimum of 24 months full time or 48 months part-time business brokerage experience and
have closed a minimum of 3 business transactions (not Real Estate) within the preceding 24 months.
Applicant shall have a minimum of 2 active listings at the time of making application.
Applicant shall complete the following requirements totaling 76 hours or equivalents:
a. Requirements and Hours of Study
1. Attend GABB orientation
2. Attend BBMS training
3. Attend a GABB or IBBA Conference within the last 12 months
4. Attend a minimum of 4 GABB meetings
5. Take and pass IBBA on-line course 101 Introduction to Business Brokerage
6. Take and pass IBBA on-line course 501 Standards of Care for Business Brokers
7. Take and pass IBBA Course 210 Recasting Financial Statements
8. Take and pass IBBA Course 220 Introduction to Business Evaluation
9. Take and pass IBBA Course 221 Business Valuation for Small and Medium Size Businesses
10. Take and pass any 200 or higher series IBBA course
11. Take and pass GREC class on Agency for real estate agents
Total hours of credit received
b. Comprehensive Exam
Take and pass a comprehensive exam administered by GABB with a minimum score of 75% of the questions
answered correctly. Those holding a current CBI or M&MAI designations may exempt the exam.
BCB applicants will fulfill requirements 1- 4 through GABB:
Attend GABB orientation*
Attend BBMS training*
Attend a GABB or IBBA Conference* within the last 12 months
Attend a minimum of 4 GABB meetings**
*GABB will provide the attendees to GABB orientation, BBMS training and GABB Conference with a certificate
of completion. Applicants will provide documentation for attendance to the IBBA Conference.
**GABB Membership Committee will provide the attendance verification at the time of application for the
BCB designation.
BCB requirements 5-10 can be fulfilled through IBBA:
Take and pass IBBA on-line course 101 Introduction to Business Brokerage*
Take and pass IBBA on-line course 501 Standards of Care for Business Brokers*
Take and pass IBBA Course 210 Recasting Financial Statements*
Take and pass IBBA Course 220 Introduction to Business Evaluation*
Take and pass IBBA Course 221 Business Valuation for Small and Medium Size Businesses*
Take and pass any 200 or higher series IBBA course*
*IBBA provides a record of attending and passing their courses which the applicant will provide copies.
BCB requirement 11 can be fulfilled through any Georgia Real Estate Commission approved school offering classes
on agency:
11. Take and pass GREC class on Agency for real estate agents**
**Classes through approved Georgia Real Estate Commission schools provide to the attendee a copy of
attending and passing all Georgia Real Estate Commission courses.
Closed Transactions
Applicant will provide copies of the closing statements to verify this requirement. For GABB members the
BBMS tracks and will provide a list of closed transactions.
Tenure in Business Brokerage
In the case that the applicant works for a firm the employer can provide a letter on their letterhead
stating the period of time that the applicant has worked for them as an employee or independent
contractor actively involved in business brokerage transactions.
In the case of a sole practitioner a copy of the listing of their business entity by the Georgia Secretary of
State Corporation Division showing the entity creation date. In the case of a sole proprietor a copy of the
business license issued from the city or county where they are located will serve as evidence of operation
as a business broker.
BCB applicants will submit proof of coursework completed along with the application fee to the
Professional Designation Committee (PDC) chair. The PDC chair shall forward a copy of the application and
the application fee to the GABB Treasurer.
The Professional Designation Committee chair or a member of the PDC designated by the PDC chair, will
post to the members only website a spreadsheet summarizing the BCB applicant’s fulfilled
requirements. Unfulfilled requirements will be left blank. Proof of completion of coursework will be
scanned and stored on the GABB website.
A blank BCB requirement spreadsheet will be posted to the website for download for any GABB
member who would like to track their progress prior to application.
For those GABB members who have been awarded the BCB designation a spreadsheet will be posted to
the members only website by the Professional Designation committee so that they can
review completed requirements and review the requirements that will be needed for renewal. The
spreadsheet will be posted at the time the applicant is awarded the designation. BCB awardees will
submit evidence of fulfilling the requirements for renewal to the PDC chair or their designee prior to
application for renewal.
A one-time $ 100.00 application fee.
A recurring $25.00 fee for renewals.
Cost for the IBBA courses and potential travel costs.
Cost for the Agency class approved by the Georgia Real Estate Commission.
Cost of GABB and IBBA Conference fees and potential travel costs.
BCB designations may be renewed every 4 years.
The requirements are:
Over a 4-year period each designee shall have attended no less than 30 GABB and/or IBBA meetings,
conferences and/or educational meetings.
Have taken and completed a minimum of 2 GABB sponsored classes and/or attended 2 GABB conferences
or 2 IBBA conferences or classes for a total of 4 classes and/or conferences during the 4-year renewal
Renewal fee of $ 25.00
Application for Admission to the
Board Certified Broker Designation
Be sure all information is complete, accurate, and legible.
Please type or print clearly. Sign and date in ink.
Arrange for verification of educational qualifications to be forwarded to the Professional Designation
Arrange for the two character Reference Forms to be forward directly to the Professional Designation
A separate examination registration for is required to register for the comprehensive examination.
A completed application must be on file with the Professional Designation Committee to be considered a
Candidate for BCB.
____ Mr. ____ Ms. ____ Mrs.
Name (as you wish it to appear on the certificate)
Last __________________ First ________________________ Middle _____________________
Home Address __________________________________________________________________
City __________________________________ State ___________________ Zip _____________
Phone____________________ Cell Phone _____________________ Fax __________________
Georgia Real Estate Broker License Number ___________________________________________
Georgia Real Estate License Broker Firm Number ______________________________________
Firm Name _____________________________________________________________________
Business Address ________________________________________________________________
City __________________________________ State ___________________ Zip _____________
Phone_________________________________ Fax_____________________________________
Professional Affiliations
Name of Organization
Continue on the back of this page if a list of additional Professional Affiliations is needed.
Other Information
Birth Date (Month/day/year)______________________________________________________
Have you previously applied for candidacy for BCB? ___________ If yes, when? _____________
Are you a member of GABB? Yes_____ No_______ Membership date _____________________
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? No_____ Yes_____ if yes provide a detailed explanation.
Two references are required. They cannot be from a person who is employed by your firm
or a member of your family. Please have your references make their comments on the
Character Reference Form and mail them directly to the Professional Designation
Personal (A)
Phone Number_________________________________________________________________
Personal (B)
Phone Number________________________________________________________________
Education Qualifications
College Graduates
College or University
Date Received
Undergraduate ____________________________________________________________
Business Brokerage Education and or Other Awarded Professional Designations that may fulfill some
BCB requirements are listed below. Please place an X by any that you have received and the date
_____ CBI _________________________________ Date received from IBBA
_____ M&AMI _______________________________ Date received from IBBA
_____ CBA ___________________________________ Date received from IBA
_____ ABAR _________________________________ Date received from IBA
_____ BVAL _________________________________ Date received from IBA
_____ MCBA _________________________________ Date received from IBA
_____ AIBA __________________________________ Date received from IBA
_____ CVA ___________________________________ Date received from NACVA
_____ AVA ___________________________________ Date received from NACVA
_____ CFFA __________________________________ Date received from NACVA
____ ASA ____________________________________ Date received from ASA
____ ABV
__________________________________Date received from AICPA
Metro Brokers
____ CBB ____________________________________ Date received from Metro Brokers
____ CCB ____________________________________ Date received from Metro Brokers
Murphy Business
____ CBC ____________________________________ Date received from Murphy Business
Completed Requirements for BCI Designation (76 total hours):
__________ Date attended GABB orientation
__________ Date attended BBMS training
__________ Date attended GABB or IBBA Conference within the previous 12 months
__________ Date passed a GABB or IBBA class within the last 12 months
__________ Dates attended a minimum of 4 GABB meetings
__________ Date passed IBBA on-line course 101 Introduction to Business Brokerage
__________ Date passed IBBA on-line course 501 Standards of Care for Business Brokers
_________ Date passed IBBA Course 210 Recasting Financial Statements
__________ Date passed IBBA Course 220 Introduction to Business Evaluation
__________ Date passed IBBA Course 221 Business Valuation for Small and Medium Size Businesses
__________ Date passed GREC class on Agency for real estate agents
__________ Date passed a 200 or higher series IBBA course or GREC approved course for Brokers*
Total Hours Completed
__________ Date passed the BCB Comprehensive Exam or date received CBI or M&AMI
See the BCB Professional Designation Requirements for any possible substitutions for some of the
courses of study. Please note and reference where applicable.
Experience in Business Brokerage
GABB will be contacting the employers listed below to verify the described brokerage
experience. Please identify, where possible, the specific person or department within the
organization who can attest to your experience. List most recent employment first. Identify
any employment that is part time. Minimum experience required 24 months full time or 48
months part-time business brokerage experience.
*In lieu of the 2 additional IBBA or GREC Broker courses an additional 12 months or more
of experience holding a Broker or Associate Broker’s license and having closed a minimum
of 3 business transactions within the prior 3 years.
Name, Address, Phone
Dates of Employment
Job Duties
1) ________________________________________________________________________
2) ________________________________________________________________________
3) ________________________________________________________________________
Documentation of Required Completed Transactions
The candidate shall furnish supporting documentation to evidence that they have been
personally involved as a broker/intermediary in a minimum of three transactions in the last
12 months. Copies of closing statements as well as related listing agreements and/or
cooperative brokerage agreements shall be provided to the Committee unless documented in
the BBMS.
Real Estate Broker’s License
Please attach a copy of a current valid Georgia real estate broker’s license.
Please attach a current black and white or color passport-size photograph of yourself to this
Press Contacts
List the names, fax numbers, and addressed of local publication you wish to receive press
releases about your certification.
Email Address
I agree to abide by the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Board Certified Brokers. I declare
and affirm the statements made in the foregoing application, including accompanying
statements and transcripts are true, complete and accurate. I authorize the investigation of
all statements contained in this application. I have received, read, and understand the rules
and regulations governing candidacy.
Signature of Applicant _________________________________________________________
Mail to: Professional Designations Committee
Georgia Association of Business Brokers
Professional Designation Committee Chair
Hank Tanner CBI, BCB
National Business Brokers, Inc.
958 McEver Road Extension
Suite B-2
Gainesville, Georgia 30504
Board Certified Broker
Character Reference
Applicant’s Name
Has submitted an application to the Georgia Association of Business Brokers to register as a
candidate for the Board Certified Broker Program, and asks you serve as a character
reference. Your answers should be related to the qualifications of the applicant to maintain
professional and ethical standards. Please complete and return this form to GABB at the
address shown below.
1) How long have you known the applicant? _______________________________________
2) Are you related to the applicant?
Yes ________
3) Is the applicant currently in your employ? Yes ________
No ________
No ________
Applicant’s current position:_____________________________________________________
4) If not a current employee, has the applicant ever been in your employ?
No _____
Yes ______
Dates of employment ____________________________________
If yes, what was the applicant’s position? ___________________________________________
5) If not as an employee, in what connection have you known the applicant?
6) Does the applicant have a good reputation with respect to character?
7) Please provide any comments that you would consider helpful in assessing the reputation
of the applicant
8) Is there any reason to question the applicant’s integrity? If yes, please give details.
9) Is there any reason to question the applicant’s conduct in the past that would reflect
unfavorably upon the applicant as a professional person? If yes, please provide comments.
10) Any other information that would be of assistance in evaluating this applicant may be
expressed on the reverse side of this form. Thank you for your assistance.
Please print:
Please mail the completed form to:
Georgia Association of Business Brokers
Professional Designation Committee Chair
Hank Tanner CBI, BCB
National Business Brokers, Inc.
958 McEver Road Extension
Suite B-2
Gainesville, Georgia 30504