The Cell Cycle - Mount Logan Middle School

The Cell Cycle
Directions: Please read pages 92 – 94 of your book and answer the questions below to get
more information on the cell cycle.
The Life of a Cell
1. As you _______ you pass through different _____________ in life. Similarly your cells pass
through different stages in their life _____________. The life cycle of a cell is known as the
__________ ______________.
2. When does a cell cycle begin and end?
3. Before a cell divides, it must make copies of its ____________.
4. Why is DNA important?
5. The DNA of a _________ is organized into structures called ________________________.
Eukaryotic Cells and Their DNA
6. Does the # of chromosomes in an organism have anything to do with its complexity? How
many chromosomes do fruit flies, humans and potatoes have?
7. Look at figure 12 of page 93. How many pairs of human chromosomes are there in every
body cell?
Making More Eukaryotic Cells
8. Briefly state what happens in each of the 3 stages of The Cell Cycle.
Stage 1: Interphase =
Stage 2: Mitosis =
Stage 3: Cytokinesis =
How many Mitoses occur in an adult human every 24 hours?
How many cells come from each mother cell in mitosis?
How much time does it take human body cells to go through the cell cycle?
The Cell Cycle
3 Stages
Before mitosis begins, the
chromosomes and other cell parts are copied.
PROPHASE (Mitosis 1)
Mitosis begins
Nuclear membrane dissolves
Chromosomes condense into visible structures
Centrioles move to opposite ends of the cell and fibers
METAPHASE (Mitosis 2)
Chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell.
ANAPHASE (Mitosis 3)
Chromosomes (chromatids) separate and are pulled to
opposite ends of the cell
TELOPHASE (Mitosis 4)
Nuclear Membrane forms around Nuclear
The two sets of chromosomes
Mitosis is completed
Cell splits
into two