Chapter 24: Speciation: The Origin of the Species Name AP Biology Date Mr. Mennecke 1. Most of biological diversity has probably arisen by a. anagenesis c. hybridization b. cladogenesis d. artificial selection 2. The largest unit in which gene flow is possible is between different a. populations c. genera b. species d. phyla 3. Bird guides once listed the myrtle warbler and Audubon’s warbler as distinct species, but applying the biological species concept, recent books show them as eastern and western forms of a single species, the yellow-rumped warbler. Experts must have found that the two kinds of warblers a. live in the same areas b. successfully interbreed in nature c. look enough alike to be considered one species d. are reproductively isolated from each other 4. Among allopatric species of Anopheles mosquito, some live in brackish H2O, some in running fresh water, and others in stagnant water. What type of barrier is most obviously separating these different species? a. habitat isolation c. gametic isolation b. temporal isolation d. behavioral barriers 5. According to advocates of the punctuated equilibrium model, a. natural selection is unimportant as a mechanism of evolution b. given enough time, most existing species will branch gradually into new species c. a new species accumulates most of its unique features as it comes into existence and changes little for the rest of its duration as a species d. most evolution is non-branching 6. A type of spontaneous reproductive isolation found usually in plants where a 4n individual becomes isolated from the 2n population. a. sympatric speciation c. allopatric speciation b. autopolyploid d. allopolyploid 7. A mode of speciation characterized by new species forming within a range of parent populations. a. A plant that results from a single species that doubles its chromosome number to the 4n state. b. Reproductive isolation evolves without geographical isolation (as in plants). c. The initial block to gene flow is a geographic barrier physically isolating a population. d. A polyploid hybrid resulting from contributions of two different species where sterile hybrids can propagate asexually, as in plants. 8. Anagenesis is a. branching evolution b. linear evolution c. dead end evolution d. budding evolution 9. Cladogenesis is a. branching evolution b. linear evolution c. dead end evolution d. phyletic evolution 10. Which is not an example of a prezygotic reproductive barrier? a. Habitat isolation c. Mechanical isolation b. Temporal isolation d. Hybrid sterility 11. Two animals are considered of different species if they a. look different. c. are members of different populations. b. cannot interbreed. d. are geographically isolated. I Chapter 24: Speciation: The Origin of the Species 12. Which of the following situations is not an example of a prezygotic reproductive barrier? a. A mule results from mating a horse & donkey; the mule cannot mate with either a horse or donkey. b. Two species of garter snakes live in the same area, one lives in trees, one lives near water c. Brown trout breed in the fall and rainbow trout breed in the spring. d. Moths of one species attract mates with pheromones unrecognizable to other moth species. 13. What is adaptive radiation? a. Branching evolution from ancestral species. b. Numerous species emerge from a common ancestor in environments providing new niches. c. A type of evolution. d. All of the above. 14. Which of the following is the first step in allopatric speciation? a. genetic drift c. hybridization b. geographical isolation d. formation of reproductive barrier 15. Most of the time, species are identified by their appearance. Why? a. If two organisms look alike, they must be the same species. b. This is the criterion used to define a biological species. c. If two organisms look different, they must always be different species. d. This is the most convenient way of identifying species. 16. A new species can arise in a single generation a. through geographical isolation. b. in a very large population that is spread over a large area. c. if a change in chromosome number creates a reproductive barrier. d. if allopatric speciation occurs. e. according to the gradualist model of speciation. 17. The evolution of numerous species, such as Darwin's finches, from a single ancestor is called a. adaptive radiation. c. gradualism b. sympatric speciation. d. geographical isolation. 18. According to the _________ model, evolution occurs in spurts; species evolve relatively rapidly, then remain unchanged for long periods. a. nondisjunction c. punctuated equilibrium b. gradualist d. geographical isolation 19. Sympatric speciation is a. the appearance of a new species in the same area as the parent population. b. the process by which most animal species have evolved. c. initiated by the appearance of a geographical barrier. d. the emergence of many species from a single ancestor. 20. Individuals of different species living in the same area may be prevented from interbreeding by responding to different mating dances. This is called a. habitat isolation. c. behavioral isolation. b. hybrid breakdown. d. temporal isolation. 21. Which reproductive barrier actually prevents individuals of different species from mating with each other? a. hybrid inviability c. hybrid breakdown b. hybrid sterility d. behavioral isolation 22. Bullock's oriole and the Baltimore oriole are closely related, but are they of the same species? To find out, you could see whether they a. sing similar songs. c. have the same number of chromosomes. b. look alike. d. successfully interbreed. I Chapter 24: Speciation: The Origin of the Species 23. Three species of frogs-Rana pipiens, Rana clamitans, and Rana sylvatica-all mate in the same pond, but pair off correctly because they have different calls. This is a specific example of a barrier, called . a. prezygotic barrier . . . behavioral isolation. b. postzygotic . . . hybrid breakdown c. prezygotic . . . temporal isolation d. postzygotic . . . behavioral isolation 24. Sometimes two quite different populations interbreed to a limited extent, so that it is difficult to say whether they are clearly separate species. This does not worry biologists much because it a. is quite rare. b. is true for almost every species. c. supports the theory of punctuated equilibrium. d. may illustrate the formation of new species in progress. 25. Two species of water lilies in the same pond do not interbreed because one blooms at night and the other during the day. The reproductive barrier between them is an example of a. temporal isolation. c. hybrid breakdown. b. gametic isolation. d. ecological isolation. 26. Comparison of fossils with living humans shows there have been few significant physical changes in Homo sapiens in 30,000 to 50,000 years. What might an advocate of punctuated equilibrium say about this? a. It is about time for humans to undergo a burst of change. b. That is about how long we have been reproductively isolated. c. You would expect lots of changes in the skeleton in that time period. d. Lack of change is consistent with the punctuated equilibrium model. 27. Which of the following is an example of a postzygotic reproductive barrier? a. One species of frog mates in April; another mates in May. b. Two fruit flies of different species produce offspring that are sterile. c. The sperm of a marine worm only penetrate eggs of the same species. d. One species of flower grows in forested areas, another in meadow. 28. Lake Malawi, in the African Rift Valley, is home to over a hundred species of cichlid fishes, each with slightly different diets & habits. All these fishes probably evolved from one ancestor, making this example: a. sympatric speciation. c. adaptive radiation. b. hybrid breakdown. d. punctuated equilibrium. 29. Biologists have found more than 500 species of fruit flies on the various Hawaiian Islands, all apparently descended from a single ancestor species. This example illustrates a. polyploidy. c. adaptive radiation. b. temporal isolation. d. meiotic failure. 30. Which of the following is an example of a postzygotic reproductive barrier? a. One Ceanothus shrub lives on acid soil, another on basic soil. b. Mallard and pintail ducks mate at different times of year. c. Two species of leopard frogs have different mating calls. d. Hybrid offspring of two species of jimsonweeds always die before reproducing. 31. Speciation is likely to occur in a population that has become allopatric if a. both gene pools are large and exhibit sufficient diversity of alleles. b. at least one gene pool is small. c. nonrandom mating does not occur. d. some individuals live in fresh water while others remain on land. I