Course Syllabus For Consumer Behavior


Course Syllabus For Consumer Behavior

Spring Term, 2003

Mark 383

Section 01

Section 02





11:00 - 12:15 Hiner G13

2:00 - 3:15

Dr. Linda Wright

Hiner 15-1

Hiner 101

Phone: 434-395-2777

Office Hours: M 2:00 - 4:00

T 4:00 - 5:00

W 2:00 - 4:00

R 4:00 - 5:00 and by appointment.

Text: Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy eighth edition, 2001 Hawkins, Best, and Coney

Course Description:

A study of consumer purchasing behavior and the environmental factors that affect that behavior. Cultural, social, and psychological dimensions of consumer behavior are examined. The implications of these determinants for market segmentation and marketing strategy are stressed.

Prerequisite: Mark 380

Course Objectives:

This course is a study of the nature and dynamics of consumer markets, and the significance of these markets to marketing executives. The main course objective is to introduce the student to the concepts and theories of consumer behavior in an applied way. Students will gain an understanding of how consumer behavior contributes to the implementation of the marketing concept, including segmentation decisions and marketing mix decisions.

In this class, we will explore the influences that shape consumer related decision making. Of special interest is the identification of the reasons for differences in consumer behavior. We will examine the impact of globalization, the impact of cultural diversity, and the impact of environmental forces on marketing decisions and consumer behavior. Specifically, we will examine the influence of demographic, technological, social, psychological, and cultural factors as well as the limits imposed by ethical, legal, and political considerations. As we explore these areas related to consumer behavior, we will work to develop analytic techniques, communication skills, and teamwork techniques.

Class Schedule



Part One

Tuesday 1/14

Thursday 1/16

Part Two

Tuesday 1 /21

Thursday 1 /23

Tuesday 1 /28

Thursday 1/30

Tuesday 2/4

Thursday 2/6

Tuesday 2/11

Thursday 2/13

Tuesday 2/18

Thursday 2/20

Part Three

Tuesday 2/25

Thursday 2/27

Tuesday 3/4

Readings and Assignments


Introduction to the Course

Chapter 1

Consumer Behavior and Marketing Strategy

Chapters 2 - 8 External Influences

Chapter 2

Cross-Cultural Variations in Consumer Behavior

Chapter 3

The Changing American Society: Values and Gender Roles

Chapter 4

The Changing American Society: Demographics and Social



Test 1

Chapters 1 - 4

Chapter 5

The Changing American Society: Subcultures

Chapter 6

The Changing American Society: Families and Households

Chapter 7

Group Influences on Consumer Behavior


Test 2

Chapters 5 - 7

Chapters 8 - 12 Internal Influences

Chapter 8


Chapter 9

Learning, Memory, and Product Positioning

Chapter 10

Motivation, Personality, and Emotion

Chapter 11


Thursday 3/6

Tuesday 3/11

Thursday 3/13

Tuesday 3/18

Thursday 3/20

Tuesday 3/25

Attitudes and Influencing Attitudes

Spring Break

Spring Break

Chapter 12

Self-Concept and Lifestyle


Test 3

Chapters 8 - 12

Part Four

Thursday 3/27

Tuesday 4/1

Thursday 4/3

Tuesday 4/8

Thursday 4/10

Chapters 13 - 18 Consumer Decision Process

Chapter 13

Situational Influences

Chapter 14

Consumer Decision Process and Problem Recognition

Chapter 15

Information Search

Chapter 16

Alternative Evaluation and Selection

Chapter 17

Outlet Selection and Purchase

Individual Project Due

Tuesday 4/15

Thursday 4/17

Tuesday 4/22

Chapter 18

Post Purchase Processes, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer


Chapter 20

Marketing Regulation and Consumer Behavior

Test 4

Chapters 13 - 18 and 20

Thursday 4/24

Final Exam

Section 1

Section 2


Tuesday, April 29 3:00 - 5:30

Thursday, May 1 11:30 - 2:00

This schedule should be used as a guide and is subject to change.



4 tests

1 final exam

1 individual project

20 class activity assignments


There will be four tests administered during the semester. They will be composed of multiple choice, true-false, and/or short answer questions.

A comprehensive final exam will be given during the scheduled exam period.

Each test will be worth 100 points.

There are no make-up tests. You may substitute your grade on the cumulative final for the first test that you miss. Any additional tests missed will receive a score of zero.

Testing Procedure: Bring a number 2 pencil and an eraser to each test. Hats or other headgear will not be allowed on your head during the test. Please make the necessary arrangements.


There will be a cumulative final exam. The final exam is worth 100 points.


One individual project is due. Details about the project will be posted on Blackboard.

The project will be worth 100 points


There will be 20 assignments due throughout the semester. There may be an individual component as well as a group component to each assignment. This work is intended to correspond directly with class work and discussion on a daily basis. You must attend the entire class to turn in the assignment and receive credit. Each assignment will be worth up to 5 points. Partial credit may be awarded if circumstances dictate.

These assignments can only be completed in class on the assigned day. No make up work will be allowed. If you are not in class, you are not in class and therefore cannot


complete an in-class assignment.

Homework: Students are expected to have all individual homework prepared prior to class. Only you can turn in your homework. All individual homework must be typed.

Assignments: 100 points

Class Participation : Class participation is part of your grade. You should be prepared to participate in class discussion. Prior to class you are expected to have read all assigned work. Points may be added to or subtracted from your in-class point total to reflect positive or negative class participation, at the Professor = s discretion.

Total Possible Points: 700

Grading: Final Grades will be assigned according to the following:

90% - 100% A

80% - 89% B

70% - 79% C

60% - 69% D

0 - 59% F

Grades are earned and therefore are seldom, if ever, curved.


Attendance: Students are expected to attend every class. There is a strong relationship between class attendance and class performance. The tests are written to correspond with the material presented in class. Students who attend class and pay attention perform better on tests. You are responsible for all material presented in class and for all announcements made during class, including any changes made to this syllabus.

A seating chart will be prepared. Attendance may be taken.

Students with Disabilities: Students with disabilities may receive appropriate accommodations. These accommodations will be coordinated by the Longwood

University Learning Center. Please keep me informed of your needs in this regard.

Appropriate Behavior: Attendance includes more than physical presence. You are expected to conduct yourself with appropriate Classroom Manners at all times. This includes paying attention to and being respectful of others. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Sleeping is disruptive to those seated around you. If you wish to talk during class, raise your hand and share your comments with the group. Failure to


conduct yourself appropriately may result in expulsion from class. A good short hand rule is: if you would not want a close relative to observe your behavior, don = t do it in my classroom.

Phones: Phones should not ring during class. Phones in violation will be confiscated.

Multiple offenses will be dealt with severely at the professor = s discretion.

Honor Code : Students are expected to live by the Longwood University Honor Code.

All work done for the class must be pledged. Unless prior permission has been granted, it will be considered a violation of the honor code to turn in work for another student.

Food or drink: No food or drinks are allowed

Use of Technology: In this class the syllabus, assignments and power point slides will be posted on Blackboard and E-mail will be used to exchange information.

Check the class site regularly.

Closing: If the university is closed, we will not have class. We will follow the university policy regarding all disasters.

Academic Dishonesty Policy: Cheating in any form will not be tolerated in the College of Business and Economics. If the instructor determines that a student has cheated on an assignment, the grade of F may be assigned for the entire course. Cheating is the use of unauthorized resources and/or work of another including but not limited to homework, tests, papers, presentations and exams. Unless specifically instructed otherwise, students are to assume that all course work is to be the work of the individual student alone. If a student is unsure as to whether collaboration is permitted, the professor should be contacted in advance of performing the work.

Academic honesty is expected at all times.

Written Papers: All papers must be typed, double spaced, 12 font, 1 inch margins - standard format (paragraphs, sentences). Points will be deducted if the format is not followed. Spelling, grammar, and appearance (use headings) are important and will be considered as part of your grade. Include a bibliography at the end of your paper.

Questions: If you have questions about anything please ask me. I am the best person to ask.

