Regular Meeting August 2, 2007
Attending: Hether Quillman, David Anspach, Kim Rosetti, Robert Ramsey
Diane Hollenbach, Township Manager, and Rita Agnetti, Recording Secretary
Guests: Joseph Rudderow III, David Tranquillo, Sr.
The meeting was called to order by Hether Quillman at 7:07 PM.
David Anspach motioned to approve the minutes of the July 5, 2007 meeting, seconded by Kim
Rosetti. All voted in favor. The motion passed unanimously.
Manager/Treasurer's Report
The Board reviewed the Manager/Treasurer's report. Diane Hollenbach informed the Board that the
road paving will begin on Monday, July 6th and the trails in the Community Park will probably be
done last. The Blandon Fire Company Concession Stand license was obtained after the
recommended improvements were completed and the Department of Agriculture's reinspection was
done. The bleachers would soon be installed at Ontelaunee Heights ball field. The shrubbery along
the fence at the Faith Drive Basketball Court should be trimmed and cut back. When the street trees
are installed for Golden Manor in September, the screening for the area in the Community Park will
be installed by the road crew. Mrs. Hollenbach had obtained pricing for the solar lighting
previously discussed by the Board and the cost for each light would be $4,000 not including the pole
and shipping. The Board of Supervisors, at their July 26th meeting, approved the recommendation
from the Park and Recreation Board to update the Wyatt Drive Tot Lot as per the plan prepared by
Mark Kitzmiller dated 6/26/07, as well as the Cornerstone Drive Recreation Area including changes
noted to the plan dated 6/26/07.
David Anspach motioned to approve the Manager/Treasurer's report for the month of July, seconded
by Kim Rosetti. All voted in favor. The motion passed unanimously.
The Board discussed sending a letter to residents near the Wyatt Drive Tot Lot informing them of
the updates to the area and inviting them to a meeting to receive their comments about the plan. The
project could be bid in December for the installation and preparation of the area, and the equipment
purchased through state contract. It should then be ready to install in the spring. Diane Hollenbach
indicated that DCNR grants may be available at that time.
Public Comment
David Tranquillo was disappointed that there weren't more members of the public present to
participate in the meeting.
Old Business
Community Days
The 2007 Community Day/Car Show is scheduled for Saturday, September 29th with a rain
date of September 30th between 1PM and 5PM. Cars will begin arriving at 10AM.
Vendors will begin setting up at 11AM. The Blandon Lions Club, Blandon Fire Company
and Boy Scouts Venture Crew will be selling a variety of food and drinks and should be
grouped together. Ozzy's will be bringing information about the rides into the Township
office. The YMCA is to supply a moonbounce. The Fire Police and Boy Scouts will help
with parking. The porta potties have been ordered. Advertising will be done in the
beginning of September. Trophy sponsors are needed as well as donations for the door
prizes and goody bags. David Anspach will check into the cost of trophies and dash
plaques. This is the first year there will be a “Best in Show” trophy awarded and the car
that is chosen will be engraved on the dash plaque for next year. The Board discussed how
the setup would best work for the car show and public parking areas, as well as where the
rides would be.
New Business
Review Jantz Subdivision Plan
Diane Hollenbach had explained that this was a three lot subdivision on Grove Road across from
Maier's Grove. There is one existing house where the owner resides. On the side of the existing
house is the access to Township open space that we received from the developer of Christopher
Estates which is along Guildin Road. The plan is for a duplex home to be built. There is no land
available for open space. The fee-in-lieu would be for two lots.
David Anspach motioned to accept fee-in-lieu of open space for the Jantz Subdivision because there
is not enough land for any open space, seconded by Robert Ramsey. All voted in favor. The
motion passed unanimously.
David Anspach motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Kim Rosetti. All voted in favor. The
motion passed unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 8:03 PM.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 6, 2007
Respectfully Submitted,
Rita Agnetti
Recording Secretary
Diane E. Hollenbach
Township Manager/Secretary
cc: Board of Supervisors
Eugene Orlando, Esq., Roland & Schlegel, Solicitor
Patrick Donovan, Maidencreek Township Authority General Manager
Thomas Unger, Systems Design Engineering, Inc.
JoAnn Schaeffer, Maidencreek Township Authority Secretary
Mark Kitzmiller, Systems Design Engineering, Inc.
Robert Hobaugh Jr., Esq., Stevens & Lee, MTA Solicitor
Planning Commission
Greg Unger, Systems Design Engineering, Inc., MTA Engineer
Park & Recreation Board
Barbara Hassler, Tax Collector
Diane Hollenbach, Township Manager Daniel Miller, Blandon Fire Company Chief
Zoning Hearing Board
Chief Scott W. Eaken, Northern Berks Regional Police
Paul Herbein, Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor