
SPAN 1110—W01: Elementary Spanish I
NOTE: Instructions on how to prepare for our first class follow the syllabus. Purchase (online
or in the campus bookstore) your Hoy día textbook and Student Access Code (SAC) for
MySpanishLab (MSL), the online learning program for the book. Hoy día, vol. 1 is also used
for the first month of S1120. Students who continue on to S1120 will also purchase and use
Hoy día, vol. 2.
Dr. Alexandra Bergmann
Office: Whitby Hall 3 (WH 3)
Office Hours: Sun., 12 PM – 1:00 PM (WH 3),
and by appointment.
SPAN 1110 Elementary Spanish I
W01: Sun., 1 – 4:30PM, WH
Classroom: Whitby 10
Course Description and Objectives
Elementary Spanish I, SPAN 1110, emphasizes the development of the student’s listening,
reading, speaking, and writing skills necessary to communicate in basic Spanish about
one’s self, family and daily life with near-native or native speakers who are familiar with the
speech of non-native Spanish speakers. This course also incorporates certain aspects of
Hispanic culture, history, geography and art.
Classes will be conducted mostly in Spanish and students will complete online vocabulary,
grammar, oral and writing activities designed to increase their proficiency in Spanish.
Course Materials
Hoy día: Spanish for Real Life. McMinn, J. and Alonso García, N.
Pearson, 2011:
1) *Hoy día textbook (vol. 1) (Available in SCU bookstore, or online at the Pearson Store:
2) *MySpanishLab Student Access Code (SAC) Card (6 months), for access to online
learning components of Hoy día, including Web-SAM [online student activities manual],
chapter pre- and post-tests, grammar tutorials, phonetic flashcards and/or dictionary,
games, and so on. (Available in SCU bookstore, or online at the Pearson Store:
3) Companion Website for Hoy día: (for completing
homework prior to the first day of class, since I am not requiring students to register for
and acclimate to MySpanishLab prior to our first class)
4) Online Resources: 1) SCU Blackboard (Bb) and 2) MySpanishLab (MSL)
( (To use throughout the trimester, after our first class.
*If you decide to purchase your textbook and Student Access Card for MySpanishLab (MSL)
online through the Pearson Store, and are planning to take S1110 and S1120, the most
economical option in the three choices below is #3. I have provided the other two options in
order to give you an idea of the price differential (significant) between buying online vs. in the
bookstore. URL for Pearson Store:
Hoy día: Spanish for Real Life, Volume 1, Books a la Carte Edition
ISBN-10: 0-205-81873-0
$42.67 | Add to Cart
Hoy día: Spanish for Real Life, Volume 1, Books a la Carte Plus MySpanishLab
ISBN-10: 0-205-00449-0
$66.67 | Add to Cart
Hoy día: Spanish for Real Life, Volumes 1 and 2, Books a la Carte Plus MySpanishLab (24-month access)
ISBN-10: 0-205-00050-9
$128.67 | Add to Cart
Course Content
Students will cover lessons one through four in the textbook and accompanying materials for Hoy
día (e.g., Web-SAM & grammar tutorials, dictionary and additional practice.)
*4 chapter tests
**Attendance, and active participation
***Online Homework
****Final Evaluation (oral) (Detailed Information in Blackboard)
*****Composition (Detailed Information in Blackboard)
10 %
*No make-up tests will be administered
**There will be no extra credit assignments.
A grade of C- or better on the final evaluation and a C- or better for the final class grade must
be earned in order to continue to the next language level, SPAN 1120.
Academic Integrity
All incidents of violation of the Code of Conduct will be reported to the office of the Dean and
grading will be suspended until an appropriate sanction is determined.
WEC Spanish courses meet every weekend.
Preparation for class and participation will be noted judiciously, including the first day of class;
therefore attendance is of utmost importance and it is required. All absences affect your
grade, and absences cannot be made up! Please note therefore that only one (1)
documented excused absence is allowed.
- What is a documented excused absence?
1. An absence due to your own illness, documented by a physician or clinic.
2. An absence due to participation in pre-programmed college activities, with advance notice
and duly documented by the supervising faculty/staff leader.
3. Documented extenuating circumstances related to family members.
- If a student must be absent, she must acquire assignments and notes from a fellow
classmate and check Blackboard for course announcements.
Grading Scale
93-100 A
90-92 A-
87-89 B+
83-86 B
80-82 B-
77-79 C+
73-76 C
70-72 C-
67-69 D+
63-66 D
60-62 D
0-59 F
Services for students
1. Spanish tutors are available in the Language Center (Whitby 03). Schedule will be posted.
2. If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a disability, please see the
Resources for Disabilities Center at the O’Neill Center for Academic Development, (Ground Floor,
Room 21 in Coeur de Catherine; telephone 651-690-6563).
General Guidelines
- It is generally known that weekend courses require a lot of independent work. This is especially true
regarding the study of languages. Your teacher can facilitate learning, but all memorization and
practice is up to and depends on the student herself. - Classroom time will be dedicated to paired
and group work for conversational and written activities. Q&A type evaluation and presentations will
often follow these activities. It is therefore necessary that you prepare and practice, on your own, for
every single one of our meetings.
The Hoy día program was selected because it provides excellent support for audio and visual input.
This dual input constantly puts you in contact with both aspects of the language. As previously
mentioned, this multi-media program relies on the use of the computer (i.e., it is imperative that you
have access to one and that you have internet access).
Usually students at this level already know what technique works best for memorization, given their
individual learning styles: some prefer lists, others work well with flash cards, and still others benefit
from writing words, phrases and expressions (in addition to working with these on flashcards. A
combination of reading, reciting and writing is strongly recommended because it is necessary to learn
to spell key vocabulary words and common expressions.
Preparation for the first day of class* –
*Attendance on the first day of class is mandatory: the Registar’s Office will automatically drop
those who do not attend.
1) Purchase your textbook and SAC (at the SCU Bookstore or online, through
the Pearson website; see “Course Materials” (above) for URL address. There
are optional charts available in the campus bookstore; buy them only if you know charts work for
you. Take time to acquaint yourself with the textbook, Volume 1, by doing the following: 1) Get
acquainted with your textbook, Hoy día, which also describes what you will be able to do with
MySpanishLab. Remember: you do not have to access MySpanishLab to prepare for the first
class; towards the end of this class, I will provide students with a handout that gives instructions
for how to enroll in and register for their section of MySpanishLab. Once this is done, you will
quickly see the wealth of study guides and tools at your disposal, including chapter-readiness prechecks, a mnemonic dictionary, tutorials on Spanish and English grammar, oral comprehensionand video activities; games and a practice test for each chapter.
2) Log on to the Companion Website for Hoy día: Once there, successively click on Companion Website,
then select Chapter 1 from the top navigation bar, then click on Audio Resources (on the left
side of the screen) and . . .
A. with your textbook open to p. 4, ‘Saludos y despedidas,’ click on Tema 1-Vocabulario (right
beneath In-Text Activities Audio heading, which is below the video streaming button) and
follow along in your book as you listen first to an informal conversation, then to a more
formal exchange, between two professors who don’t know each other.
B. Close your textbook, and listen to both conversations again by re-clicking on Tema 1Vocabulario. Can you hear the difference between the informal and the formal
conversations? How can you tell?
C. Re-open you textbook to p. 5 and quickly read “Una conversación” (green box), return to
the Companion Website and click on Tema 1-Una conversación to listen to the exchange
between Juan and Isabel, while following along in your book. Food for thought: Listen to
and read this part again and indicate what you see and hear in the conversation that
indicates it is between two people who know each other.
D. Complete ¡A escuchar!, p. 5 per the instructions in the lavender box. (Click on Tema 1-¡A
escuchar! on the Companion Website/play your Audio CD 1, Track 3 to learn the names of
the two people speaking, as well as where each is from.) Is the exchange between them
formal or informal? How can you tell?
E. Look at the textbook, p. 32, “Tema 1: Saludos” and, on the Companion Website,
sequentially click on the *Vocabulario—Tema 1: Saludos, -Presentaciones, -Despedidas
and –Otras palabras. *At the same time, look at Tema 1 vocabulary on p. 32 of your
F. Skim pp. 3 – 6 of the textbook, paying special attention to the highlighted boxes on pp. 4
and 6.
G. Read about the two verbs “to be” in Spanish: “ser” and “estar,” p. 8, then turn back to read
over the brief conversations on pp. 4 – 5 (4 total exchanges). Where, and why were forms
of “estar’” (estoy, estás) used? Where and for what reason(s) were forms of “ser” (soy,
eres, es) used?
H. 1) Read p. 10 of the textbook, “Tema 2: ¿Qué hay en el salón de clase?” Then return to the
Companion Website, but this time click on Tema 2-Vocabulario, to listen to a student first
say what is in the classroom, and then tell what there is in his bedroom (cuarto). 2) Listen
again, this time pointing to each thing mentioned.
I. Still looking at p. 10, click on Tema 2-Una conversación (or Audio Cd 1, Track 5) and listen
to the conversation between Marco and Luis, as you read what they are saying in (green
box). If “tienes” means “you have” or “do you have?” (if it is followed by a question mark),
then what does “tengo” mean? What does “No hay problema” mean? “Hay espacio”?
J. Skim p. 12, “Saying what there is.”
K. Look at the textbook, p. 32, “Tema 2” and listen to the classroom-related vocabulary by
successively clicking on Companion Website: *Vocabulario—Tema 2: En el salón de clase
& Otras palabras y expresiones. *At the same time, look at Tema 2 vocabulary on p. 32.
L. Look at p. 16, “Tema 3, Vocabulario: En el campus universitario” and follow along as you
listen to Tema 3—Vocabulario on the Companion Website (or Audio CD 1, Track 7). What
is the equivalent word in English of the following word: ‘moderno’? What are the equivalent
words in English of the 14 words in Spanish at the bottom of p. 16 that are not in boldface
type? (For the words ending in –s: “drop” this letter if it impedes identification of meaning.)
¡Buena suerte, diviértete y nos vemos pronto!
CALENDARIO – SPAN 1110, W01—Winter 2012
(1) 1/ 8
Communicative Goals
Supporting Grammar
Group work, including, choral
repetition; large group work and
work in pairs
Introduction to lang. learning
-Greetings for tú & Ud.
-Present tense: SER & ESTAR
- Nouns & indefinite articles (a/some)
Capítulo 1, En la universidad:
Tema 1, Vocab: Saludos y despedidas
-Pronunciation: alphabet & names (4 -5)
-Gramática 1.1: Greetings: formal & familiar (pp. 4,
-Gramática 1.2: Describing yourself & others (pp. 89)
-Pre-vista: Tema 2: -Gramática 2.1: Saying what
there is (p. 12): Gender & number of nouns
(2) 1/15
Capítulo 1:
Warm-up-Gramática 1.1: Greetings: formal & familiar (p. 5:
1-3 & 1-5; , pp. 6-7: 1-4, 1-5, 1-7)
-Gramática 1.2: Describing yourself & others (pp. 89, 1.8 – 1.10)
-Tema 2, Vocab: En clase (pp. 10-11)
-Gramática 2.1: Saying what there is: ¿Qué hay?
Hay ___. (pp. 12-13)
-Gramática 2.2: Saying how many: numbers 0 -100
(pp. 14 -15). ¿Cuántos pupitres hay? ¿Cuántas
estudiantes hay? ¿libros?
-Greetings for tú & Ud.
-Present tense: SER & ESTAR
- Nouns & indefinite articles (a/some)
-¿Qué hay?
-Nouns & definite articles (the)
- Numbers : 0 -100
(3) 1/22
Capítulo 1:
Warm-up-Tema 2: En clase
-Gramática 2.1: Saying what there is: ¿Qué hay?
Hay ___. (pp. 12-13)
-Gramática 2.2: Saying how many: numbers 0 -100
(pp. 14 -15). ¿Cuántos___ hay?
-Tema 3: En el campus universitario
(pp. 16 -17)
-Gramática 3.1: Specifying and describing people &
things (pp. 18 – 19)
- Gramática 3.2:Saying who it is (pp. 20-21)
Numbers : 0 -100
¿Cuántos(as) ______ hay?
-SER (in more detail)
-Subject pronouns
-Useful expressions
-Hoy día, Lectores de hoy: Estudiar en el
extranjero (pp. 28 -29)
-Tema 4, Vocab: Los cursos universitarios y frases
útiles(pp. 22-23): saying what you and others study
(4) 1/29
(5) 2/5
Test Cap. 1
*Review for Test 1, 10/01, Resumen de
gramática (grammar review) Temas 1 -3 (pp. 24
-25) & Web-SAM 1-50 – 1-53
En la vida real (26 – 27), Web-SAM : 1-54 – 158.
*If necessary: complete anything we weren’t
able to cover in class 9/24:
Hoy día: Lectores de hoy:Estudiar en el
extranjero (pp. 28 -29)
-Capítulo 2, Después de clase
(p. 35)
-Tema 1, Vocab: Mi horario (pp. 36 - 37)
-Gramática 1.1: Describing your schedule: Time &
days of the week(pp. 38 -39)
-Gramática 1.2: Saying where you are (estar) (pp.
40 -41)
-Tema 2, Vocab: Las actividades diarias
(pp. 42-43)
Pre-vista: Gramática 2.1: Talking about your
Regular –ar verbs (p. 44)
-Days of the week
-Regular –ar verbs
Capítulo 2, Después de clase
-Gramática 2.1: Talking about your activities:
Regular –ar verbs (p. 44)
-Gramática 2.2: Asking questions
(pp. 46 – 47)
-Tema 3, Vocab: Lugares cerca de la universidad
-Days of the week
-Regular –ar verbs
-Interrogative words
-Prepositions of place & the contraction with ‘de’
(pp. 48 -49)
-Gramática 3.1: Indicating location: prepositions of
place & the contraction with ‘de’ (pp. 50 – 51)’;
(6) 2/12
Test Cap. 2
Capítulo 2
‘- Gramática 3.2: Saying what you are going to do
(p. 52)
Capítulo 3: En familia (67)
-Tema 1, Vocab: Los familiares (pp. 68 -69)
-Gramática 1.1: Saying whose it is (pp. 70 -71)
-Gramática 1.2: Describing relationships: tener &
venir, (pp. 72-73)
-Tema 2, Vocab: Un día típico (pp. 74-75)
-Pre-vista: Gramática 2.1: Describing your daily
activities: regular –er & ir verbs
(pp. 76 – 77)
Review for Test 2, 10/16:
Resumen de gramática (pp. 56 – 57) & WebSAM 2-41 – 2-46; En la vida real (pp. 58 – 59):
Web-SAM: 2-47 – 2-52.
-‘Saying what you’re going to do: ir + a ____(
place); ir + a+ infinitive
-Possessive adjectives
-Tener & venir
- Regular –er & -ir verb
-idioms with tener
(7) 2/19
Cap. 3:
-Gramática 1.2: Describing relationships: tener &
venir, (pp. 72-73)
-Tema 2, Vocab: Un día típico (pp. 74-75)
-Gramática 2.1: Describing your daily activities:
regular –er & ir verbs
(pp. 76 – 77)
- Gramática 2.2: Describing people: idioms w/ tener
(pp. 78 -79)
-Tema 3, Vocab: Más pasatiempos (pp. 80 – 81)
-Pre-vista: -Gramática 3.1: Talking about your
activities: hacer, salir, poner, traer & oír; personal ‘a’
(pp. 82 - 83)
-Possessive adjectives
-Tener & venir
- Regular –er & -ir verbs
-idioms with tener
(8) 2/26
Capítulo 3: En familia
-Gramática 3.1: Talking about your activities: hacer,
salir, poner, traer & oír; personal ‘a’
(pp. 82 - 83)
Pre-vista:Gramática 3.2: Talking about what you do
with friends and family: Pronouns used after
prepositions (p. 84)
-Idioms with tener
- hacer, salir, poner, traer & oír; personal ‘a’
- Pronouns used after prepositions
-Hoy día, Lectores de hoy : Publicidad en español
(pp. 92 – 93)
Review for Test 3, 11/06: Practice Test 3,
online; Web-SAM, through 3-31.
(9) 3/11
Test Cap. 3,
(10) 3/18
(11) 3/25
Capítulo 4: En casa (99)
-Tema 1, Vocab:La casa y los muebles
(pp. 100 - 101)
-Gramática 1.1: Giving your address & other
information (pp. 102 -103)
-Gramática 1.2: Negating: Indefinite & negative
words (pp. 104 -105)
-Tema 2, Vocab: Los muebles y los colores (pp.
106 – 107)
- Pre-vista: Gramática 2.1: Describing: Using ‘ser’
& ‘estar’ (pp. 108 –109)
-Numbers greater than 100
-Indefinite & negative words
-Ser & estar
Cap. 4:
-Tema 2 (los muebles y los colores)
- Gramática 2.1: Describing: Using ‘ser’ &
‘estar’ (pp. 108 –109)
-Gramática 2.2: Making comparisons: comparatives
of equality & inequality (pp.
110 – 111)
-Tema 3, Vocab: Más actividades diarias (pp.112 –
Gramática 3.1: Talking about daily activities: stemchanging verbs
(pp. 114 – 115)
-Numbers greater than 100
-Indefinite & negative words
-Ser & estar
-Comparisons of equality & inequality
-stem-changing verbs (present tense)
Capítulo 4:
Warm-up-Gramática 3.1: Talking about daily activities: stemchanging verbs
(pp. 114 – 115)
-Gramática 3.2: Describing how you do things:
adveReview and Practice in pairs for Final Oral
Evaluation rbs (pp. 116 -117)
-Ser & estar
-Comparisons of equality & inequality
-stem-changing verbs (present tense)
Sign up for Final Oral Interview (in pairs)
Review for Test 4, 12/04: Resumen de
gramática (pp. 120 – 121) & Web-SAM:
4.16 & 4.24 (in addition to prev. assignments for
chap. 4).
Practice for Final Oral Evaluation
(12) 4/1
Test Cap. 4