1. In what term from the beginning of illness does the typical rentgenological| picture of miliary tuberculosis appear ? A. On the first days B. On 7th days C. Through 3-4 weeks D. Through 2-3 months E. Through 5-6 months. ANSWER B 2. What kind of rentgenological| picture is most typical for miliary tuberculosis? A. Flakes of snow". B. Snow-storm". C. Bat’s wings| D. Weeping willow". E. Looks like millet dissemination ANSWER E 3. By what method does selection of bacteriae| usually appear at miliary tuberculosis? A. Bakterioskopy. B. Bakterioskopy after the using method of flotation. C. Bacteriological. D. Biological. E. Usually doesn’t appear by any method. ANSWER E 4. What sputum in patients with miliary tuberculosis? A. Mucous. B. Mucous and purulent. C. Purulent. D. Mucous| with bloodstreaks. E. Sputum is absent. ANSWER E 5. How does usually miliary tuberculosis finish without treatment? A. Spontaneous curing. B. By death in 4-5 weeks. C. By death in 5-7 months. D. Passing to infiltration tuberculosis. E. Passing to chronic tuberculosis. ANSWER B 6. What character usually has temperature reaction for a patient on miliary tuberculosis? A. Subfebrility| during the first 3-5 days of illness. B. Protracted inconstant subfebrility|. C. Fever during the first 3-5 days of illness. D. The Wrong fever E. Normal temperature. ANSWER D 7. What is the most characteristic investigation, if miliary tuberculosis does not end with death of patient? A. Convalescence with development of diffuse pneumofibrosis. B. Convalescence with forming the hearths of Gon. C. Passing into subsharp disseminated tuberculosis. D. Passing into fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis. E. Development the cirrhosis of lungs. ANSWER A 8. What complication is not typical |for miliary tuberculosis? A. Sharp insufficiency of kidney. B. Cerebral comma. C. Sharp hepatic insufficiency. D. Amyloidosis. E. Endotoxicosis. ANSWER A 9. What is correct continuation of suggestion? Miliary tuberculosis.... A. Is the most frequent form of tuberculosis. B. Takes the second place (after the infiltration tuberculosis) in the structure of morbidity on secondary tuberculosis. C. Nowadays meets rarely. D. Takes the second place (after the tuberculosis of intrathoracic nodes) in the structure of morbidity on primary tuberculosis. E. Nowadays meets in casuistic cases. ANSWER C 10. What thesis is faithful? A. Miliary tuberculosis is one of the most unfavourable| form of tuberculosis. B. Miliary tuberculosis is a favourable form of tuberculosis. C. Miliary tuberculosis is a torpid| form of tuberculosis. D. Miliary tuberculosis is a subclinical form of tuberculosis. E. Miliary tuberculosis is a | form of tuberculosis without symptome. ANSWER A 11. What thesis is faithful? A. Miliary tuberculosis is a local form of tuberculosis. B. Miliary tuberculosis is a general |form of tuberculosis. C. Miliary tuberculosis is characterized by migrant defeats of different organs. D. Only the lungs are struck at miliary tuberculosis . E. The defeat takes place in 1-2 parenchymal |organs at miliary tuberculosis. ANSWER B 12. What is the method of provocation of wheezes for patients with tuberculosis? A. deep breathing B. breathing through the mouth. C. deep inhalation after the easy coughing. D. breathing through the nose. E. quiet breathing ANSWER C 13. Patient of 35 at a reception to tuberculosis dispensary complains about a weakness, promoted sweating, cough with sputum of mucus character. Roentgenological: in S1,2 of left lung darkening of weak intensity with unclear contours was found. What kind of research should be done to confirm diagnosis tuberculosis? A. General blood test. B. Biochemical blood test. C. Sputum’s test on MBT. D. Immunological research of blood. E. Sputum’s test on the second flora. ANSWER C 14. Patient of 43 undergo a coursus-cav of anmycobacterial medication treatment concerning FDT (12.12.1998) of left lung’s upper part (fibrocavernous, phase of infiltration and dissemination), Destr-+ Mbt+ M+ K+ resist 0, ISTO, Cat4 Cog4(2004).What research above all should be done to a patient to set an optimum combination of chemo medication? A. Determine a type of MBT. B. Determine presence of the second flora. C. Determine sensitiveness of MBT to antimycobacterial medication. D. To define massiveness of bacterioexcretion E. To define virulence of MBT. ANSWER C 15. Indicate the incorrect formulation of clinical diagnosis of lung tuberculosis A. FDTB (16.06.2003) of the lungs upper sections (disseminated), Destr +, (infiltration ), MBT +M+C+, Resist -, Hist 0, Cat1 Coh2(2003). B. CTB (12.01.2000) the upper section of the right lung (fibrous-cavernous), Destr +, (infiltration), MBT +M-C+ Resist I (S, H) Hist0. Lung haemoptysis. RI II, Cat 4 Coh1(2000). C. FDTB (20.03.2001) of the lower part of the right lung (tuberculoma), Destr +, MBT- MC-, Hist 0, Cat1 Coh1(2001). D. FDTB (20.09.2003), (nidus tuberculosis), (infiltration), MBT-M-C-, Hist 0, Cat3 Coh3(2003). E. RTB (20.06.2003) of the upper part of the right lung (infiltrative), Destr -, MBT- M-C-, Hist 0, Cat2 Coh2(2003). ANSWER D 16. How is tuberculous etiology of pleurisy confirmed? A. By the presence of tuberculous changes in lungs or other organs. B. Finding of MBT| in a pleural exudate or in sputum|. C. Mantouex test reaction is positive or recent tuberculin intensifier|. D. Puncture biopsy of pleura. E. All indicated are correct. ANSWER E 17. What is the mechanism of development of pleural inflammation by MBT| ? A. Sputogenic. B. Only lymphogenic|. C. Lympho-hematogenic. D. Bronchogenic|. E. Only hematogenic |. ANSWER C 18. What is the reason of appearance of exsudate in a pleural cavity at different clinical forms of tuberculosis? A. The anatomic and functional connection between the sheets of pleura, lymphatic nodes and lymphatic system of lungs. B. The inflammation of pleura that caused by MBT|, that penetrate into pleura by lymphogenic way from the hearths or infiltrations| in lungs. C. Pleura hypersensibilization by MBT decay products |. D. The inflammation of pleura that caused by MBT|, that penetrate into pleura because of bacteriemia||. E. All indicated assertions are faithful. ANSWER E 19. At what type of exsudate is a small amount of free liquid in a pleural cavity , an exsudate is organized quickly|? A. Purulent. B. Serous. C. Fibrinous and serous-fibrinous D. Haemorrhagic and serous-haemorrhagic. E. Serous-purulent|. ANSWER C 20. What of tubercular pleurisy is the most widespread ? A. Exudative (serous or serous-haemorrhagic liquid). B. Armourclad. C. Chillous. D. Haemorrhagic. E. Purulent. ANSWER A 21. What is the character of exsudate at the tuberculous empyema ? A. Serous-fibrinous| and fibrinous |. B. Haemorrhagic C. Serous-purulent| and purulent. D. Serous-haemorrhagic. E. Chillous. ANSWER C 22. For what disease or state transudate into pleural cavity is not typical |? A. Myxedema|. B. Cirrhosis of liver. C. Tuberculosis. D. Stagnant cardiac insufficiency. E. Nefrotic syndrome. ANSWER B 23. What composition of pleural liquid is typical for an exsudate? A. All indicated is an exsudate. B. Relative density - 1025, protein content- 45 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of blood)-0,8, activity of LDG| -2,1 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -2,1?109/l. C. Relative density - 1010, protein content - 20 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of blood)-0,2, activity of LDG| - 1,1 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells- 0,8?109/l. D. Relative density - 1005, protein content- 15 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of blood)-0,3, activity of LDG| -0,9 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -0,5?109/l. E. Relative density - 1000, protein content- 10 g/l, protein (in effusion/ in the serum of blood)-0,4, activity of LDG| -1,3 mmol/(l/hour), content of cells -0,6?109/l. ANSWER B 24. What method of research is decisive in diagnostics of pleurisy of any etiology? A. Pleural puncture B. Roentgenologic examination|. C. Ultrasound examination. D. Clinic and information of physical| methods. E. Tuberculin tests. ANSWER A 25. Complication of what form of tuberculosis can be an allergic pleurisy? A. Lung infiltrative tuberculosis|. B. Nidus lung tuberculosis. C. Subacute disseminated lung tuberculosis|. D. Lung tuberculoma. E. Tuberculosis of intrathoracic |lymphatic nodes. ANSWER E 26. What method help to find MBT in pleural liquid at an allergic tubercular pleurisy||? A. It is impossible to find . B. By an ordinary bacterioscopy|. C. By flotation method. D. By cultural method. E. By luminescent microscopy. ANSWER A 27. Complication of what form of tuberculosis can be development of perifocal pleurisy? A. Fibrous-cavernous lung tuberculosis. B. Lung infiltrative tuberculosis|. C. Subacute disseminated lung tuberculosis|. D. Chronic disseminated lung tuberculosis|. E. All noted forms. ANSWER E 28. What measures are the most important in treatment at the purulent (exudative) tuberculous pleurisy? A. To increase the amount of antimycobacterial drugs. B. Repeated aspirations of exsudate with creation of negative pressure in a pleural cavity. C. Setting of corticosteroids|. D. Desintoxication| therapy. E. All marked. ANSWER B 29. What complications can accompany a tuberculous empyema?. A. Broncho-pleural fistula||. B. Toracic fistula|. C. Amyloidosis of internal organs. D. Pneumopleurisy|. E. All marked. ANSWER E 30. What is the exsudate at tuberculous pleurisy? A. Mainly lymphocytic B. Mainly neutrophilic. C. Chillous. D. Monocytic|. E. Macrophagic. ANSWER A 31. What tuberculin and at dose is used at mass tuberculinization? A. 100 % Koch alt tuberculin B. PPD-L in standard dilution in 2TU dose C. PPD-L in standard dilution in 5TU dose D. PPD-L in standard dilution in 10TU dose E. 25 % dilution of purified dry tuberculin ANSWER B 32. The sensitivity of organism to tuberculin may be intensified with: A. Senile age B. Lymphogranulomatosis C. Lymphosarcoma D. Treatment with immunodepressants E. Bronchial asthma ANSWER E 33. Koch’s testing is used for: A. Prophylaxis of tuberculosis B. Early tuberculosis revealing C. Determination of infection index of population with tuberculosis D. Differential diagnostics of infectious and postvaccinal allergy E. Revealing the persons with the increased risk of tuberculosis illness ANSWER D 34. A 2-years old child reaction to Mantoux test with 2 TU – 7 mm infiltration, at the age of 4 – 3 mm. Postvaccinal seam of 4 mm. Define the character of tuberculin reaction. A. Infectious allergy B. A “range” of tuberculin testing C. The child is ill with tuberculosis D. Postvaccinal allergy E. Doubtful Mantoux reaction ANSWER D 35. From what age and in what terms is mass tuberculinization performed: A. From 12-months age, annually B. At 7 and 14 years of age only C. From 12-months age, once in 2-3 years D. From 7 up to 14 years annually E. From 7 and each 5 years up to 30-years old age ANSWER A 36. What is the “range” of tuberculin reactions? A. Transition of negative reaction to tuberculin to a positive one after BCG vaccination B. Transition of negative reaction to tuberculin to a positive one after BCG revaccination C. Sensitivity change to tuberculin due to the primary infection with tuberculosis mycobacteria D. Appearance of hyperergy reaction to tuberculin in patients infected with tuberculosis E. Negative reaction to tuberculin in seriously ill tuberculosis patients ANSWER C 37. What is the aim of mass tuberculinization: A. For prophylaxis of MBT infection B. For prophylaxis of tuberculosis illness C. For early tuberculosis revealing among children D. For early tuberculosis revealing among adults E. For revealing the persons with the increased risk of tuberculosis illness ANSWER C 38. A 6 years old boy K., had a “range” of tuberculin reaction. What examinations should be done? A. General clinical examination, inspection roentgenogram of the thoracic cage organs, general blood and urine test B. Koch’s testing, general blood and urine test C. Fluorography, general blood and urine test D. Tomography, smear examination from pharynx for MBT E. Fibrobronchoscopy, examination of contents from bronchi for MBT ANSWER A 39. While carrying out the differential diagnostics between infectious postvaccinal reactions on the tuberculin is not taken into account: A. The contact with the tuberculosis patients B. The intensiveness of the reaction on the Mantoux test of previous years C. A presence of postvaccinal scar D. The time of the carrying out of the vaccibation BCG E. The poisoning by the carbon oxide some yars ago ANSWER E 40. If there is the positive reaction on the tuberculin with 2 TU on the skin of antebrachium there can be visible: A. Infiltrate by the size of 5 –16 mm B. Infiltrate with a vesicle in the centre C. Hyperemia more than 5 mm D. Infiltrate by the size more than 16 mm E. Infiltrate by the size of 2-4 mm ANSWER A 41. Which one from the mentioned diseases can decrease the sensibility of an organism to tuberculin? A. Cataral otitis B. Allergic rhinitis C. Bronchial asthma D. Hypertonic disease E. Measles ANSWER E 42. Primary forms of tuberculosis comprise: A. Nidus B. Disseminated C. Tuberculosis intoxication D. Caseous pneumonia E. Infiltrative ANSWER C 43. Specific complications comprise: A. Haemophthisis B. Chronic lung heart C. Lung atelectasis D. Larynx tuberculosis E. Amyloidosis disease ANSWER D 44. The characteristic phase of tuberculous process progression is: A. Suction B. Condensation C. Sowing D. Scarring E. Calcination ANSWER C 45. Formulating the clinical diagnosis of lung tuberculosis, first of all should be defined: A. The process phase B. The clinical form C. Bacterial secretion D. Localisation process E. Type of tuberculuos process ANSWER E 46. Single nidal shades of small intensity with vague contours were revealed on the apex of both lungs of a 19-years old woman patient during the prophylactic fluorographyc examination. What is the clinical form of tuberculosis? A. Infiltrative B. Lung tuberculoma C. Nidus D. Caseous pneumonia E. Disseminated ANSWER C 47. A 25-year-old patient fell ill acutely. Complaints for headache, dry cough, dyspnea, temperature rise up to 39,0? C. Objectively: general condition is grave, lips cyanosis, rales are not heard. Blood analysis: leuk. – 12x109/l, ESR – 16 mm/hour. Plain roengenogram: the whole length of both lungs is full with multiple, small focal shadows of low intensity. Mantoux test – 5mm infiltrate. What clinical form of lungs tuberculosis does this patient have? A. Nidus B. Infiltrative C. Disseminated D. Miliary tuberculosis E. Caseous pneumonia ANSWER D 48. Patient N., 26. Roentgenologic examination showed multiple focal shadows in upper and medial lungs segments of low and medium intensity. Sputum contains MBT. Blood analysis: ESR – 38 mm/hour. What diagnosis is the most probable one? A. Infiltrative lung tuberculosis B. Nidus lung tuberculosis C. Disseminated lung tuberculosis D. Caseous pneumonia E. Lung fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis ANSWER C 49. To the primary forms of tuberculosis belong: A. Disseminated B. Nidus C. Infiltrative D. Tuberculoma E. Tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymphatic nodes ANSWER E 50. The most informative method of roentgenologic examination at the diagnostics of a small form of tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymphatic nodes: A. A target roentgenogram B. A fluorogram C. A tomogram on the level of trachea bifurcation D. Observation roentgenogram of the thoracic cage E. Bronchogram ANSWER C 51. The patient of 52 years old, during 9 months was treated because of the infiltrative tuberculosis of the upper part of the right lung, decay phase, MBT (+). At X-ray examination: the upper part of the right lung became smaller in volume, under the clavicle there’s a decay cavity 3 cm in diameter, the trachea is moved to the right, MBT (-). Define the form of tuberculosis. A. Cyrrhotic B. Caseuos pneumonia C. Fibrous-cavernous D. Infiltrative E. Nidus ANSWER C 52. What is meant by the diagnosis “tuberculous intoxication in children”? A. An intoxication syndrome at a small form of tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymphatic nodes. B. A symptom complex of functional and objective signs of intoxication as a result of primary infestation with tuberculosis mycobacteria with unestablished localization. C. An intoxication syndrome at a primary tuberculous complex. D. An intoxication syndrome at a primary tuberculous complex of ileocecal section of intestine. E. Subfebrile body temperature, perspiration appeared, cough, voice hoarseness. ANSWER B 53. Paraspecific manifestations of primary tuberculosis: A. Micropolyadenitis, nodual erythema, phlyctenuar keratoconjunctivitis B. Tuberculosis of skin and tonsils C. Amiloidosis of internal organs, pleural empyema D. Tuberculosis pleurisy and pericarditis E. Tuberculous peritonitis and tuberculosis of intestine ANSWER A 54. What is the primary tuberculosis? A. First diagnosed tuberculosis B. Tuberculosis that develops in firstly infected persons. C. Tuberculosis what has developed after the primary tuberculous complex. D. Tuberculosis revealed during the prophylactic examination. E. Tuberculosis caused by mycobacteria of beef type. ANSWER E 55. Phtisiologist tactics to a 7-year-old child with a diagnosis of tuberculous intoxication. A. To observe in a tuberculous dispensary for 2 years. B. To undergo treatment with 3 antimycobacterial preparations within 4-6 months assuming the follow of sanatoric-hygiene regime. C. To improve the health in a recreation camp. D. To observe in a children’s out-patient department up to the age of 14. E. To make chemioprophylaxis with isoniazide within 3 months. ANSWER D 56. The most common complication for the primary tuberculous complex. A. Chronic lung tuberculosis B. Lung haemophtisis C. Spontaneous pneumothorax D. Pleurisy E. Amiloidosis of intestinal organs ANSWER D 57. To detect the “small” form of tuberculous bronchoadenitis, it’s necessary to perform: A. Inspection roentgenography B. Target roentgenography C. Fibrobronchoscopy D. Tomography on bifurcation trachea E. USE ANSWER D 58. The most frequent segmental localization of the primary lung affect: A. I, II, III, IV segments B. I, II, IV, VII segments C. I, II, IV, VI segments D. II, III, VIII, IX segments E. I, II, VI, VII segments ANSWER D 59. Patients with firstly diagnosed tuberculosis of lungs may receive sick leaves with the term up to: A. 1 month B. 4 months C. 6 months D. 10 months E. 14 months ANSWER D 60. Particularly risk for the human comes from ill with tuberculosis: A. Cows B. Horses C. Hens D. Goats E. Dogs ANSWER A 61. What is BCG and BCG-M vaccine? A. Killed mycobacteria culture B. Mycobacteria vital activity products C. Mycobacteria live weakened culture D. Compound of purified tuberculin and killed mycobacteria E. Insufficient by purified dry tuberculin ANSWER C 62. What is the value of BCG vaccine? A. Tuberculosis lighter course B. Prevents infestation C. Guarantee from an illness D. Less chance of catching tuberculosis E. Prevents tuberculosis relapse ANSWER D 63. In what time after BCG-vaccination does the immunity develop? A. In 6-8 days B. In 6-8 weeks C. In 6-8 months D. In 9-12 months E. In 5-7 years ANSWER B 64. In what cases is revaccination with BCG vaccine done? A. To infestated persons B. To noninfected persons C. To contractual persons with doubtful reaction on Mantoux test with 2 TU D. To tuberculosis patients E. To persons who had previously been ill with tuberculosis ANSWER B 65. The terms of BCG revaccination performance in Ukraine. A. On 3-5th day after birth B. On 3-5th week after birth C. At 3, 5 years of age D. At 7,14 years of age E. At 17, 30 years of age ANSWER D 66. A healthy child was born weighing 3200 g. On what day after the birth is the BCG vaccination done? A. 1-2 B. 2-5 C. 7-11 D. 13-15 E. 25-30 ANSWER B 67. Vaccination and revaccination with BCG vaccine is done: A. Cutaneously B. Intracutaneously C. Subcutaneously D. Intramuscularly E. Perorally ANSWER B 68. What does a 5 mm seam formed in 4 months after BCG vaccination testify? A. To high reaction of vaccine B. To complication - keloid seam C. To violation of vaccine injection techniques D. To the lack of antituberculous immunity E. To the presence of postvaccinal immunity ANSWER E 69. What antimycobacterial preparation is prevalently used to make the chemoprophylaxis? A. Streptomycinum B. Rifampicinum C. Pyrazinamidum D. Isoniazidum E. Ethambutolum ANSWER D 70. The chemoprophylaxis is performed during: A. 3 days B. 3 weeks C. 6 months D. 1 months E. 9 months ANSWER C 71. After realized BCG vaccine inoculation some not used vaccine remained. What is to be done with it? A. In 2-3 hours after dilution the not used vaccine has to be destroyed by boiling B. In 24 hours the not used vaccine has to be destroyed C. To preserve 2-3 days. Then to destroy D. To preserve during one week in a refrigerator E. To preserve during one year in a refrigerator ANSWER A 72. Principal method of revealing tuberculosis among children. A. Bacterioscopy of sputum B. Fluorography C. Tuberculinodiagnostics (Mantoux test with 2 TU) D. Bronhoscopy E. Tomography on bifurcation level ANSWER C 73. What organs are more frequent struck at miliary tuberculosis? A. Lungs. B. B. Kidneys. C. Brain-tunics. D. Overhead respiratory tracts. E. Lymphatic nodes. ANSWER A 74. What kind are the hearths at miliary tuberculosis? A. They are small, exsudative, without a tendency to confluence and disintegration. B. They are large exsudative with a tendency to confluence and disintegration. C. They are small, productive, compact and calcinated. D. They are polymorphic. E. They are large calcinates |. ANSWER A 75. What form have cavities of disintegration at miliary tuberculosis? A. Bilateral symmetric thin-walled cavities. B. Bilateral asymmetric thick-walled cavities. C. One-sided plural cavities of different form. D. One thick-walled cavity and plural thin-walled "daughters's" cavities . E. There aren’t cavities ANSWER E 76. What result of Mantoux text is typical for clinical picture of miliary tuberculosis? A. Negative B. Doubtful C. Positive D. Giperergichny E. Results are different ANSWER A 77. What reason for evolving of cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis? A. Resistance to antimicrobial medication. B. Not timely process definition. C. Medical mistakes. D. Injurious clinical course. E. Any with above possible to be a reason for evolution of cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. ANSWER E 78. What is the main characteristic of fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis? A. Disposition to forming acinar, acinar-nodes and lobular centers. B. Disposition for creation infiltrations and caverns. C. Old fibrous cavity and fibrosis in abutting pulmonary tissue. D. Polychemoresistance. E. Periodical or permanent bacterioexcretion. ANSWER C 79. What is clinic category for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patient with long term? A. Fourth. B. First. C. Second. D. Third. E. Fifth ANSWER A 80. What are typical complications for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis? A. Tuberculosis bronchus. B. Bronchogenic dissemination. C. Tuberculosis larynx. D. Tuberculosis colitis. E. All with above. ANSWER E 81. What need take into account for prescription of medicine for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patient? A. Symptoms of intoxication. B. Attendant pathology. C. Sensitivity to anti-tuberculosis medications. D. Bronchial-lung syndrome. E. Quantity and size of caverns. ANSWER C 82. What clinical course is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis? A. Wavy, with remission and exacerbation. B. Acute, progressive. C. Near acute. D. Without symptoms or with few symptoms. E. Quick feedback. ANSWER A 83. What clinical presentation is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis? A. No complaints or cough with minor spew. Sometime local humid wheeze. B. Cough with spew, breathlessness, sometime spew with blood Time to time high temperature, hyper hydrosis. Local humid wheezing during remission – good state of health. C. Cough, spew with objectionable odor. During worsening – high temperature, hyper hydrosis, sometime spew with blood moist and dry wheezing “Drumsticks”. D. Pain in thorax, often sputum with blood and smell, breathlessness, diminished breath sounds, sometime humid or dry local wheeze. E. No complaints. Time to time dry cough. Temperature is normal (inflammation is able to raise temperature). Auscultatory data are small. ANSWER B 84. What rontgenological changes describe availability of fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis? A. One insulated or plural thin-walled cavern . Pulmonary tissue is a little bit change Focal shadows are absent. B. Cavity with coiled internal contour, irregular walls, knotty external contour, more frequent in front segments. C. Cavity with wide sides and fluid level, more frequent in the inferior segments on lungs. Around – fibrosis. Focal shadows are absent. D. Cavity with thick walls, more frequent in the upper segments of lungs. Around – fibrosis. Sometimes mediastinal displacement. Below – focal bronchogenic dissemination. E. Insulated cavity without perifocal seepage, without fibrosis, without bronchogenic dissemination. ANSWER D 85. What feature is typical for fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis in our time? A. Complications by not specific inflammatory processes. B. Frequent evolution of internal amyloidosis. C. Profuse bleeding in lungs. D. Frequent aspergillosis. E. Evolution of tuberculous meningoencephalitis. ANSWER A 86. What contraindication to surgery for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patient? A. Wide distribution of the focus of disease. B. Bronchiectasis is present. C. Bleeding in lungs. D. Resistivity to 2 antituberculous medications. E. Wide bacterioexcretion. ANSWER A 87. What tests need to do when available cavity dissociation for potentially tuberculosis patient? A. Multiphase exploration spew concerning mycobacteriums tuberculosis. B. Tomography of the thorax organs. C. Bronchoscopy with take a samples for cytodiagnosis and histologic study. D. Bronchography. E. Need to complete all above explorations. ANSWER E 88. What variant of clinical course is typical for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis? A. Limited and relatively stable. B. Slowly progressive. C. Quickly progressive. D. Course with complications. E. All above variants are possible. ANSWER E 89. What medications suitable for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patiens in addition to classic antituberculosis medications? A. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, (NSAID). B. Glucocorticoid. C. Guinolone. D. Cephalosporin. E. Sulfanilamide ANSWER C 90. What morphological changes evolve in the lungs in fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patiens? A. Bronchogenic dissemination. B. Pneumosclerosis. C. Emphysema. D. Bronchiectasis. E. All above. ANSWER E 91. From wich clinic form of tuberculosis most often forms fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis? A. Tuberculoma. B. Tuberculous primary complex C. Infiltrative form. D. Focal form. E. Cirrotic form. ANSWER C 92. Which most often not specific complication for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis? A. Chronical cor pulmonale. B. Larynx tuberculosis. C. Spontaneous pneumothorax. D. Pulmonary atelectasis. E. Internal amyloidosis. ANSWER A 93. Which most often specific complication for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis? A. Larynx tuberculosis. B. Colorectal tuberculosis. C. Tuberculous pleurisy. D. Genitals tuberculous. E. Renal tuberculosis. ANSWER A 94. Which is the most often reason for death of fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis patients? A. Pulmonary atelectasis. B. Chronical cor pulmonale. C. Pulmonary hemorrhage. D. Renal amyloidosis. E. Progressive tuberculosis. ANSWER B 95. Which disease needs to be distinguish fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis from? A. Eosinophylic infiltration. B. Chronic bronchitis. C. Chronic abscess. D. Pleuropneumonia. E. Lung infarction. ANSWER C 96. Which disease least advisable to be distinguish fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis from? A. Chronic abscess. B. Central cancer. C. Cystic disease. D. Chronic bronchitis. E. Multiple bronchiectasis. ANSWER D 97. Patient age 48 years. He is sick by fibrous-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis of the high part of left lung during 6 years. Mycobacteriums tuberculosis+. Worsening state of health after supercooling. What complains of patient are typical for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis of the lungs? A. Cough with sputum with blood streaks, hyper hydrosis, worsening of the appetite, decreasing of the body weight. B. Cough, increasing of the body temperature, hyper hydrosis, general weakness, decreasing of the body weight. C. Increasing of the body temperature, hyper hydrosis, general weakness, decreasing of the body weight. D. Headache, hyper hydrosis, general weakness, decreasing of the bode weight. E. Cough wit sputum, breathlessness, pain in thorax, increasing of the body temperature, hyper hydrosis, general weakness, decreasing of the body weight. ANSWER E 98. What clinical presentation is the most typical for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis? A. Long remissions. B. Chronic clinical course. C. Absent any remissions. D. Periods of remissions alternate with acute conditions. E. Permanent progress of process. ANSWER B 99. Which what diseases do not need to do differential diagnosis for fibrous cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis? A. Chronic abscess. B. Cancer in degradation stage. C. Multiple bronchiectasis. D. Pneumonia complicated by an abscess. E. Lung tuberculoma. ANSWER E 100. Patient at the age of 43 years admitted to hospital with complains about weakness, decreasing of the appetite, hyper hydrosis, subfebrile temperature, cough with spew. Tuberculosis of the left lung was revealed 8 years ago. Three year ago patient had relapse of diseaseRadiographic data:both lungs fibrous changeUpper part of left lung has cavity with diameter 10 centimeters with area of perifocal inflammation.Upper part of right lung has some cavities of disintegration.Sputum has mycobacterium tuberculosis+. What clinic form of pulmonary tuberculosis is present in the patient? A. Caseous pneumonia. B. Tuberculoma. C. Infiltrative form. D. Fibrous-cavernous form. E. Cirrhosis form. ANSWER D