Department of Mathematics ♠ Homepage : Office : 5N211 Tel : +82-32-860-7620 Fax : +82-32-874-5615 1. Introduction : The graduate program in Mathematics at Inha University is designed for education and research in pure and applied mathematics. The department of mathematics offers various courses on algebra, analysis, geometry and topology. It also offers courses on applied mathematics including scientific computing, mathematical biology, combinatorics, inverse problems, etc. The major research areas of our faculty members include algebra, number theory, differential geometry, topology, functional analysis, partial differential equation, mathematical biology, numerical analysis, and inverse problems. After achieving master or Ph.D. degrees, students enter academics or industry including finance, for which their mathematical backgrounds play a significant role. have wellprepared them. Some others pursue further work in other fields including business, economics, computer science, engineering, and statistics. 2. Major : Mathematics 3. Faculty Members 1) CHOE, Kwangseok (최광석) * Office : 5N217 * Tel : +82-32-860-7627 * E-mail : * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Mathematics / Seoul National University / Korea - B.S. : Mathematics / Seoul National University / Korea Mathematics - 1 * Research Area : Semilinear elliptic PDEs * Publications : - Uniqueness and solution structure of nonlinear equations arising from the Chern-Simons gauged O(3) sigma models, J. Differential Equations 255 (2013) 2136-2166 (with Jongmin Han, Chang-Shou Lin and Tai-Chia Lin) - Existence of self-dual non-topological solutions in the Chern-Simons Higgs model, Existence of self-dual non-topological solutions in the Chern-Simons Higgs model, Chang-Shou Lin) - Blow-up solutions of the self-dual Chern-Simons-Higgs vortex equation, Ann. Inst. H. Poincare Anal. Non Lineaire 25 (2008), no. 2, 313--338 (with Namkwon Kim). 2) JEONG, Sang Tae (정상태) * Office : 5N109 * Tel : +82-32-860-7637 * E-mail : * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Number theory/ University of Texas at Austin/ USA - B.S. : Mathematics / Korea University / Korea * Research Area : Arithmetic of Function Fields, Applied Algebraic Dynamics * Publications : -Sangtae Jeong, Two generalized abc theorems for F_q[t], JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY, 139 (2014) no.6, 80~90. - Sangtae Jeong, Shift operators and two applications to F_q[[T]], JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY, 139 (2014) no. 6, 112~137. - Sangtae Jeong and Chunlan Li, Remarks on Fermat quotient operators over function fields, FINITE FIELDS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS, 23 (2013) no.9, 60~69. 3) JO, Tae-Chang (조태창) * Office : 5S462 * Tel : +82-32-860-7630 * E-mail : * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Mathematics / Arizona State Univ. / USA - B.S. : Mathematics / Seoul National University / Korea Mathematics - 2 * Research Area : Applied Mathematics - Fluid Dynamics, Industrial Mathematics, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Modeling, Differential Equations, Numerical Methods * Publications : - Tae-Chang Jo and Wooyoung Choi, On Stabilizing the Strongly Nonlinear Internal Wave Model, - Stud. in Appl. Math. 120 (2008), no. 1, 65—85. Dieter Armbruster, Daniel E. Marthaler, Christian Ringhofer, Karl Kempf, and TaeChang Jo, A Continuum Model for a Re-entrant Factory, (2006), no. 5, Operations Research 54 933—950. - Tae-Chang Jo and Wooyoung Choi, Dynamics of Strongly Nonlinear Internal Solitary Waves in Shallow Water, Stud. in Appl. Math. 109 (2002), 205—227. 4) JOUNG, Haewon (정해원) * Office : 5N106 * Tel : +82-32-860-7636 * E-mail : * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Math./ The Ohio State Univ./ USA - B.S. : Mathematics / Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area : Approximation Theory * Publications : - Asymptotic expansions of recursion coefficients of orthogonal polynomials truncated exponential weights, with Nagoya Math. J. 165 (2002). 5) KANG, Hyeonbae (강현배) * Office : 5S436A * Tel : +82-32-860-7622 * E-mail : * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Mathematics/University of Wisconsin-Madison/ USA - B.S. : Mathematics / Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area : Inverse Problems, Partial Differential Equation * Publications : - H. Ammari, H. Kang, H. Lee, and M. Lim, Enhancement of Near Cloaking Using Generalized Polarization Tensors Vanishing Structures. Part I: The Conductivity Problem, Mathematics - 3 Comm Math. Phys., 317 (2013), 253-266. H. Ammari, H. Kang, H. Lee, and M. Lim, Enhancement of near-cloaking. Part II: the Helmholtz equation, Comm Math. Phys., 317 (2013), 485--502. - H. Ammri, J. Garnier, W. Jing, H. Kang, M. Lim, K. Solna, and H. Wang, Mathematical and statistical methods for multistatic imaging, Lecture Notes in Math. 2098, Springer, 2013. 6) KIM, Do Wan (김도완) * Office : 5S435C * Tel : +82-32-860-7639 * E-mail : * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Mathematics / KAIST / Korea - B.S. : Mathematics/ Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area : Numerical Analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Numerical PDE * Publications: - W. Lee and D.W. Kim, Localized Axial Green's Function Method for the ConvectionDiffusion Equations in Arbitrary Domains, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 275, 390-414 (2014) - S. Jun and D.W. Kim, Axial Green's Function Method for Steady Stokes Flow in Geometrically Complex Domains, Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 230, 20952124 (2011) - D. W. Kim, S.-K. Park, and S. Jun, Axial Green's function method for multi-dimensional elliptic boundary value problems, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 76, 697-726 (2008) 7) KIM, Jaemoon (김재문) * Office : 5N104 * Tel : +82-32-860-7629 * E-mail : * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Number theory/ Ohio State university/ USA - B.S. : Mathematics / Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area : number theory, Iwasawa theory * Publications : Mathematics - 4 - Class numbers of real quadratic fields, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 57 (1998), 261—274. - Circular Units in the Z_p - extensions of real abelian fields of prime conductor, Tohoku Math. J. 51 (1999), 305—313. - On the Iwasawa λ-invariants of real quadratic fields, Acta Arithmetica, XCV1.2 (2000), 167--174. 8) KIM, Mi-Young (김미영) * Office : 5N220 * Tel : +82-32-860-7633 * E-mail : * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Applied Mathematics / Purdue University/ USA - B.S. : Mathematics / Yonsei university / Korea * Research Area : Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Biology * Publications : - Discontinuous Galerkin methods for a model of population dynamics with unbounded mortality, SIAM J. Sci. Comp. 27 (2006), 1371—1393. - A collocation method for the Gurtin--MacCamy equation with finite life-span, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 39 (2003), no. 6, 1914--1937. - Optimal Harvesting for periodic age-dependent population dynamics, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 58 (1998), no. 5, 1648--1666. 9) KO, Kwan Seok (고관석) * Office : 5N210 * Tel : +82-32-860-7628 * E-mail : * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Differential Geometry/ University of Southern California/ USA - B.S. : Mathematics / Yonsei university / Korea * Research Area : Differential Geometry * Publications : - Compact Riemannian manifolds with positive sectional curvature, Comm. Korean Math. Soc. 20 (2005), no. 2, 195—207. - On the life and mathematical works of H. Hopf, Korean Soc. History of Math. (2005) Mathematics - 5 10) KWON, Hee-Dae (권희대) * Office : 5N107 * Tel : +82-32-860-7621 * E-mail : * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Applied Mathematics / Iowa State University / USA - B.S. : Mathematics / Pusan National University / Korea. * Research Area : Mathematical Biology, Optimal Control Theory, Numerical Analysis * Publications : - Analysis and approximations of a terminal-state optimal control problem constrained by semilinear parabolic PDEs, Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model. 4 (2007), no. 3-4, 713--728. - A state-dependent Riccati equation-based estimator approach for HIV feedback control, Optimal Control Appl. Methods 27 (2006), no. 2, 93--121. - HIV dynamics: modeling, data analysis, and optimal treatment protocols, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 184 (2005), no. 1, 10--49. 11) LEE, Hyundae (이현대) * Office : 5S435D * Tel : +82-32-860-7623 * E-mail : * Homepage : None * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Applied mathematics / Seoul National University / Korea - B.S. : Mathematics / Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area : Inverse problems, Spectral analysis * Publications : - H. Ammari, H. Kang, H. Lee, J. Lee, and M. Lim, Optimal Estimates for the Electrical Field in Two Dimensions, J. Math. Pures Appl. 88(2007), 307-324 - H. Ammari, H. Kang, and H. Lee, Asymptotic Expansions for Eigenvalues of the Lam\'{e} System in the Presence of Small Inclusions, Comm. Part. Diff. Eq. 32(2007), 1715-1736. - H. Ammari, P. Garapon, H. Kang, and H. Lee, A Method of Biological Tissues Elasticity Reconstruction Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography Measurements, Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 66 (2008), 139-175. Mathematics - 6 12) LEE, Yoonweon (이윤원) * Office : 5S468 * Tel : +82-32-860-7635 * E-mail : * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Spectral Geometry / The Ohio State University / USA - B.S. : Mathematics / Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area : Differential Geometry, Spectral Geometry * Publications : - Burghelea-Friedlander-Kappeler's gluing formula for the zeta-determinant and its applications to the adiabatic decompositions of the zeta-determinant and the analytic torsion, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 355 (2003), no. 10, 4093— 4110. - Asymptotic expansion of the zeta-determinants of Dirac Laplacians on a compact manifold with boundary, J. Geom. Anal. 16 (2006), no. 4, 633—660. - The zeta-determinants of Dirac Laplacians with boundary conditions on the smooth, selfadjoint Grassmannian, J. Geom. Phys. 57 (2007), 1951—1976. 13) NAKAMURA, Gen (나까무라 겐) * Office : 5N300 * Tel : +82-32-860-7638 * E-mail : * Homepage : None * Educational Background : - Dr. Sci.: Analysis / Tokyo Metropolitan University/ Japan - M.S. : Analysis / Tokyo Metropolitan University/ Japan - B.S. : Natural Science/International Christian University/Japan * Research Area : Inverse problems, Partial differential equations * Publications : - Honda, Naofumi; Nakamura, Gen; Sini, Mourad; Analytic extension and reconstruction of obstacles from few measurements for elliptic second order operators. Mathematische Annalen (2012), DOI: 10.1007/s00208-012-0786-0. - Kim, Kyoungsun; Nakamura, Gen; Sini, Mourad; The Green function of the interior transmission problem and its applications, Inverse Problems and Imaging, 6 (2012), 487- Mathematics - 7 521. - Heck, Horst; Nakamura, Gen; Wang, Haibing; Linear sampling method for identifying cavities in a heat conductor, Inverse Problems, 28 (2012), No. 7, 075014. - Ching-Lung Lin and Gen Nakamura, Unique continuation property for the anomalous diffusion and its application, Journal of Differential Equations, Online publication complete: 7-FEB-2013, DOI information: 10.1016/j.jde.2013.01.039 14) SHIN, Heesung (신희성) * Office : 5S168 * Tel : +82-32-860-7625 * E-mail : * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Ph.D. : Mathematical Sciences (Combinatorics) / KAIST / Korea - B.S. : Mathematics / KAIST / Korea * Research Area : Combinatorics, q-series and special functions * Publications : - (with Seunghyun Seo) A refinement for p-ary labeled trees, Korean Journal of Mathematics, 21(4), 495-502, 2013. - (with Jiang Zeng) The symmetric and unimodal expansion of Eulerian polynomials via continued fractions, European Journal of Combinatorics, 33(2), 111-127, 2012. - (with Seunghyun Seo) On the enumeration of rooted trees with fixed size of maximal decreasing trees, Discrete Mathematics, 312(2), 419-426, 2012. 15) SONG, Yongjin (송용진) * Office : 5N221 * Tel : +82-32-860-7631 * E-mail : * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Topology / Ohio State University/ USA - B.S. : Mathematics / Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area : Algebraic K-Theory, Loop spaces, Mapping class group, Braid group, Category theory * Publications : - Braids, mapping class groups, and categorical delooping, Math. Ann. (2007), 377--393. Mathematics - 8 - Splitting for the braid-permutation group, J. Korean Math. Soc. (2003), 179--193. - The braidings of mapping class group and loop spaces, Tohoku Math. J. (2000), 309--319. 16) YANG, Jae-Hyun (양재현) * Office : 5N218 * Tel : +82-32-860-7626 * E-mail : * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Geometry and Automorphic Forms / University of California, Berkeley / USA - B.S. : Mathematics / Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area : Automorphic Forms, Representation Theory, Algebraic Geometry * Publications : - Singular Jacobi Forms, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 347 (1995), no. 6, 2041--2049. - Lattice representations of Heisenberg groups, Math. Ann. 317 (2000), 309--323. - Invariant metrics and Laplacians on Siegel-Jacobi space, J. Number Theory 127 (2007), 83--102. 17) YIE, Ik Kwon (이익권) * Office : 5N214 * Tel : +82-32-860-7634 * E-mail : * Homepage : * Educational Background : - Ph. D : Galois theory/ Purdue University/ USA - B.S. : Mathematics / Seoul National University / Korea * Research Area : Galois theory, Cryptography * Publications : - Galois theory of Mathieu groups in characteristic two, J. Korean Math. Soc. 44 (2007), no. 1, 199—210. - Small mathieu group coverings of the affine line in characteristic two, with Abhyankar, Proc. of AMS 123 (1995). - A correspondece of certain irreducible polynomials over finite fields, with Kitae Kim, Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2012 Mathematics - 9 4. Course List Major Course Code Credit Taught in English Mathematics MTH5101 Complex Analysis Ⅰ 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH5002 Real Analysis Ⅰ 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH5003 Ordinary Differential equations 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH5004 Linear Algebra 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH5005 General Topology 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH5006 Numerical Analysis 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH6001 Numerical Linear Algebra 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH6002 Methods of Applied Mathematics Ⅰ 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH6003 Methods of Applied Mathematics Ⅱ 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH6004 Algebraic Topology Ⅰ 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH6006 Differential Geometry Ⅰ 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH6007 Algebra Ⅰ 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH6009 Commutative Algebra Ⅰ 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH6011 Complex Analysis Ⅱ 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH6012 Real Analysis Ⅱ 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH6013 Partial Differential equations Ⅰ 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH6014 Functional Analysis 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH6018 Geometric topology 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH6019 Generatingfunctionology 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH7001 Partial Differential equations Ⅱ 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH7002 Topics in Analysis 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH7004 Number Theory Ⅱ 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH7005 Commutative Algebra Ⅱ 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH7014 Lie Algebra 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH7015 Topics in Differential Geometry 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH7019 Numerical Methods for Partial 3 Flexible 3 Flexible Course Differential equations Ⅰ Mathematics MTH7020 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential equations Ⅱ Mathematics MTH7021 Mathematical Biology 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH7023 Topics in Numerical Analysis 3 Flexible Mathematics MTH7025 Enumerative Combinatorics 3 Flexible Mathematics - 10 5. Others * * 3 Laboratories in Mathematics Department 1) Applied Mathematics Lab. * Lab address : 5N202A * Tel : +82-32-860-8820 2) Applied Mathematics Lab. * Lab address : 5N202B * Tel : +82-32-860-8819 3) Numerical Analysis Lab. * Lab address : 5N216A * Tel : +82-32-860-8648 Mathematics - 11