Name: Chloe Mihalcheon Biome Basics Biome Tropical Rainforest 3 plant examples and adaptations 3 animal examples and adaptations Some plant examples are Some examples are the the Bengal Bamboo, Monkeys, Panthers, and Jambu, and the Kapok the Margay. The tree. Special adaptions animals that live in the are that they grow faster, rainforest have strong they adapt to salt water, limbs, so they can climb and some species are taller trees, escape from starting to adapt to predators, and get to warmer/colder climates. their food source. Climate Human Influences The temperature in the rainforest is averaged at about 77 degrees F. The climate is warm/hot, and damp/humid. There is normally, no dry period in the rainforest, and if there is, then it dosn’t last for to long. Some people are cutting down lots of the trees in the rainforest, Which is killing thousands and Thousands of species that we havnt even discoverd yet. Some tribes were exterminated because their sources of food Were demolished. Location There are rainforests in Africa, Australia, Central America, Southern Asia, and the Amazon. Name: Chloe Mihalcheon Biome Basics Temperate Deciduous Forest Some examples are The ginkgo leaf tree, The primrose plant,and the Lady fern. Some adaptations include the plants can live with little to a lot of shade, tolerating droughts, and poor soil. 3 Plant Examples Some examples are The Box Turtle, The Eastern Chipmunk,and The Duckbill Platypus. Adaptations include having strong teeth and clawed feet. 3 Animal Examples The temperature in this biome is averaged at about 15-80 degrees F. The climate is cold and dry to wet and warm. It depends on the season, Summer, Winter, Spring or Fall. Influences are destroying This type of forest is in this biome. Some of the east side of the USA, those include in south America, down deforestation, logging, south at urbanization, Bulding the tip of the continent. farms, Roads, Factorys It is also found in a big and citys. part of Europe, Japan and on the east side of Asia. also There is some on the east side of Australia. Climate Human Influences Location Name: Chloe Mihalcheon Biome Basics Tundra Some examples are the Bearberry, Arctic Willow, and the Diamond – leaf willow. Adaptations include surviving cold weather, living older in their environment, and mass growing. Lemmings, Polar bears, The average temperature Humans are destroying and Arctic foxes. An in this biome ranges this environment mainly adaptation these animals from because of global have made include being -40 F – 45 F. The actual warming. Humans also able to live in this biome climate is cold, every are building and because of thick coats. month of the year. In the manufacturing more summer, the temperature things which is also a gets a tiny bit warmer. cause of the tundra slowly melting away. Desert Barrel Cactus, Mojave Desert Tortoise, Thorny aster, Ocotillo. An Devil, Cactus wren. An adaptation these plants adaptation these animals have made include have made include the surviving in the warmth fact that they have with very little water. learned how to get water They can do this because from plants, particularly they have learned to cacti. absorb all the water they can get during a heavy rainfall. This biome is located at the top of the world, near the north pole (the arctic tundra). The alpine tundra is located on the top of some tall mountains. The desert is very hot Some human influences Deserts are actually and dry. It barely has that impact this biome found all over the world. any rainfall, and has include military You could be in one and strong winds sometimes. practices, and running not even know it. A few Since there is not a lot of underground pipes. This examples of places rainfall, the humidity is is because if military include Australia, the very low as well. practices test bombs and U.S., Iran, China, and other equipment, then it Mongolia. There are a can really hurt this lot more but those are biome. Underground just a few. pipes are bad because they can possibly cause a sinkhole that can end civilization and other things. Name: Chloe Mihalcheon Biome Basics 3 Plant Examples 3 Animal Examples Climate Human Influences Location Grasslands Savanna Three plants are the Baobab, manketti tree,and the elephant grass. Some special adaptations include having sturdy stems, storing water in their stems/trunks, and Being able to rowing in poor soils. Animal Examples are the In the winter, this biome Human influences Masai giraffe, African is normally dry, and include tree loss, and elephant, and colder than usual. Spring tourism. Tree loss is an thevAfrican is when the precipitation impact from Lumber Lions.adaptations these normally starts. The harvesting. Eco tourism animals have made summer is warm and is making people more include eating a lot per humid, and the fall is a aware of the fact that day so they get a lot of violent changing month they are harming their food AND water, some just like spring, when the environment. animals have adapted to biome is becoming drier. have Longer necks etc. and eating almost anything if the animal is hungry. Different types of savannas can be found around the world, but one of the most important Savanna’s is the African Savanna. The African Savanna is Located in Africa. Grasslands Prairies Big Bluestem, Indian grass, Koeleria. Many adaptations include having growing points underground so the plants can survive fires, having narrow leaving that don’t let as much water evaporate, and brightly colored flowers that attract pollinators. The White tailed deer,the coyote,and the red fox. adaptations include Learning to run faster to run away from predators, grazing, and some animals live underground. This biome is found all over the world. Larger parts of the prairies can be located in north America, South America, Africa, and Asia. The climate in the prairie A human influence that is Extremely cold in the is affecting the prairie is winter and fairly warm building roads and in the summer. Most of buildings. As a result to the time there is a to this, the animals don’t roam free. Long Dry have the freedom they season in the summer used to when there was (Along with accasional very little human droughts), and rarely, habitation. there can be droughts that last up to about thirty years. Name: Chloe Mihalcheon Biome Basics 3 Plant Examples Taiga 3 Animal Examples Black Spruce, Myrica Lynx, Moose, Eagle. Gale, Siberian Spruce. Some adaptations these Some Adaptations these animals have made plants have made include include having thick fur having protection coats to survive the against the cold and winters and having a predators, and being able special way of walking to get snow off so the ontop of the snow. weight will not affect the tree branches. Climate Human Influences Location The Taiga Has Long Humans use the Taiga The Taiga is located in Winters, Short summers, biome as a hunting the northern part of and even shorter spring’s ground, and For Lumber North America, Europe, and Fall’s.The lowest because of its abundance and the middle of Asia. tempature ever recorded of trees. Humans Are was -90 Degrees, And also apart of global there is an ‘average of warming which is 15-30 inches of rainfall causing the Tempature annually. and the Climate to be all wrong.